Weekend Update Rewind: Pete Davidson (Part 1 of 2) - SNL

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-I have a doctor's note. -Oh, good. I'll read it. -For the airtime? -Yes. [ Laughter ] [ Clears throat loudly ] "To whom it may concern, please use Pete in more sketches where he gets to kiss the host. And use more of his rap videos, which I hear are actually really good." [ Laughter ] ♪♪ -Last week, voters rejected the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, which would have required businesses to allow transgender people access to the bathroom of their gender identity. Here with more on this is Pete Davidson. [ Cheers and applause ] -Hey, how you doing, Colin? Yeah, so apparently, this anti-discrimination law was voted down because some people claim it's just an excuse to allow guys in the women's restrooms, you know? The theory is that men, in their relentless quest to watch women go to the bathroom, are going through years of hormones, surgery, changing their name, their wardrobe, coming out to their family, all for that big payoff of peeing in a room without urinals. [ Laughter ] What is this fantasy that they think is going on in there? There's no shirtless pillow fights. There's no disco ball. I grew up with a mom and sister, so, like, I know a little something about sharing a room -- like, a bathroom with women. It sucks. Nobody wants to hang out in there. Last week, I accidentally walked in on my mom on the toilet, and I don't think we're ever gonna speak again. [ Laughter ] Even if, for some reason, you're desperate to use women's bathrooms, you don't need a sex change to do it. You can just walk in. There's no bouncer. [ Laughter ] The door's right there. Seriously, I've been using the ladies' room here to poop for like the last two months. -Yeah, we've actually gotten a lot of complaints. -Yeah, from me. It's filthy in there. [ Laughter ] I thought girls were supposed to be the clean ones. It looks like a man made out of toilet paper was murdered in there. [ Laughter ] -Then why do you keep using it? -Because it's the only bathroom that has wi-fi, and Cecily has a beautiful singing voice. [ Laughter ] That was my favorite line. [ Laughter ] Look, you know why I'm not worried about a woman in the men's room? 'Cause every sporting event I've ever been to, a girl has bursted in and said, "Line's too long. I'm peeing in here." And guess what. It didn't ruin my pooping experience. If anything, it's the only reason I washed my hands. -Pete Davidson, everyone. [ Cheers and applause ] -Earlier this month, courts ordered the website Gawker to pay Hulk Hogan $140 million for releasing the sex tape of the pro wrestler without his consent. With more on this is Pete Davidson. -Yay, thank you. [ Cheers and applause ] -Thanks, Mike. -You're welcome, Pete. -So, I understand that this was, like, an invasion of Hulk's privacy and he deserved compensation. But $140 million? Do you realize that makes Hulk Hogan the world's highest paid porn star... by $139 million? [ Laughter ] That means, like, the court thinks he lost $140 million in future earnings because of the damage this caused to his reputation. He's a senior citizen who used to oil himself up and pretend to fight immigrants in his undies. [ Laughter ] What job opportunities has he lost? Like, plus he even admitted that he knew he was being recorded, which I find hard to believe, because he's not that good an actor. There's no way he does a whole sex scene without pretending once that his junk is knocked out and he has to Hulk it up to finish the job. You're telling me that that tape is more embarrassing than him playing Thunderlips in "Rocky III"? I think he's just mad 'cause this tape proved that he was lying when he said he had a 10-inch penis. Yeah, it turns out it's a mere seven, which, in my experiences, is a good four inches more than anyone needs. [ Laughter ] -[ Laughs ] -That's good. -What? It's how you use it. [ Laughter ] Hey, I do okay! Right, Che? Well, you wouldn't know. [ Laughter ] Colin, right? [ Laughter ] Look, at the end of the day, it's just a tape of two, you know, adults having consensual sex. So why are we slut-shaming Hulk Hogan? Like, why do we slut-shame anyone? 'Cause that's a real problem. I mean, like, why do guys make fun of women for doing something we spend every night praying that they'll do to us? [ Laughter ] Like, we got to stop making girls feel bad about having sex with random guys, or they'll stop having sex with random guys. [ Laughter ] What are you? Idiots? Is that the world you want to live in?! [ Laughter ] Millions of repressed horny dudes desperate for physical contact, never growing out of their childhood, wearing costumes into their 30s, and play-fighting each oth-- Oh, my God. That's where wrestling fans come from. [ Laughter ] -But [chuckles] why does Hogan's settlement bother you so much? -'Cause, like, I've had my own sex tape out for months and, like, I can't even afford to, like, park my car in Manhattan. [ Laughter ] -You put out a sex tape? -Yeah, and I can't get a single website, like, to post -- I'm not even asking for $100 million. I'll take, like, 4 grand, like... I just -- I don't want to have to leave my mom -- you know, my car at my mom's house anymore. Hook me up, Gawker. Like... -But, Pete, wouldn't that be unfair to the other person in the video with you? -Other person. [ Laughter ] Oh,<i> that's</i> why they're not posting it. -Pete Davidson, everybody. [ Cheers and applause ] -Google it! -It's a good tape. -It's a good tape. -It's a good tape. -All this week, confirmation hearings are taking place for Donald Trump's cabinet nominees, and here to quickly sort them out in a new segment called "First Impressions" is Pete Davidson! [ Cheers and applause ] -Hey, Che. How you doing? All right, so, Donald Trump has made about 20 different picks for his cabinet, and Democrats don't like any of them. You knew we were in trouble when every liberal in America was like, "Come on, Mitt Romney!" [ Laughter ] Look, I don't know everything about politics, or anything, for that matter, but I'm a pretty good judge of people based on my first impression. So here we go. For Attorney General, Trump picked Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, a man who looks like Dobby from Harry Potter wished to be a real boy. [ Laughter ] Next, we've got the nominee for Treasury -- metrosexual Apple Genius Bar worker Steven Mnuchin. [ Laughter ] He's a Goldman Sachs guy worth over $1 billion. A long time ago, he was like, "When I have $1 billion, women will have sex with me." And now he's like, "Maybe a trillion." [ Laughter ] Next is Trump's nominee for Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson. Trump thinks Carson should be in charge of Housing because he lived in the projects as a child. Really? If you're an expert on wherever you were born, does that mean I could be Secretary of the Honda Civic? [ Laughter ] Sorry, Mom. For Secretary of Commerce, the pick is Wilbur Ross. I've heard this guy's a billionaire investor, but I'm pretty sure I've seen him sitting on Jeff Dunham's lap. [ Laughter ] I knew I recognized him. -He looks just like him. -Yeah. Trump's pick for Secretary of Labor is a guy named Andrew Puzder. If you've ever wondered what Michael Fassbender would look like if he played Lex Luthor, wonder no more. [ Laughter ] Puzder was the C.E.O. of Hardee's, and now he's gonna be in charge of all the workers in America. You know how I know that's a bad idea? Because this is the first time you've heard the word "Hardee's" in 15 years. [ Laughter ] And then, there's Eric Trump. You know, this guy's not in Trump's cabinet, but I couldn't resist. [ Laughter ] His hair says 1985, but his face screams, "Put the lotion in the basket!" [ Laughter and applause ] -Pete Davidson's "First Impressions," everybody! -Put the lotion in the basket! [ Cheers and applause ] -Each week brings a new controversy for President Trump as well as another person who has to defend him to the media. Here to sort them out is Pete Davidson with his "First Impressions." -Yeah! [ Cheers and applause ] -What up, y'all? Defending President Trump is a really tough job, and a couple of weeks ago, they brought out this guy -- Trump spokesman and James Bond villain Stephen Miller. [ Laughter ] Poor Steve. He tries to project strength, but he looks like Fredo Corleone had been even sicker as a child. Still, you have to give him credit. He's made it pretty far for a guy who was in high school voted "Most likely to have a cigar box full of missing girls' driver's licenses." He lasted about a week. Then they got to Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who's one of those sweet Southern girls that you marry if you're gay. [ Laughter ] I like that one. -[ Laughs ] -So now members of Congress try to defend Trump, like the head of the House Committee on Oversight, Jason Chaffetz. You probably remember when he played Simple Jack from the movie "Tropic Thunder." [ Laughter ] Another person forced to defend Trump is Paul Ryan, who got to be the House Speaker after someone waved a magic wand over a ventriloquist dummy. [ Laughter ] All the Republicans wanted Paul Ryan to come up with something to replace Obamacare. And now that he did, everybody hates it. And I know what this is like, because for years, people have been asking me to quit drugs and get sober. And now that I have, everyone thinks I'm unfunny and boring. And hey, at least I have dreams now and I've started waking up with boners again. [ Cheers and applause ] Thank you. Thank you very much. Hard as a rock. -All right, man. -But now no one -- Well, maybe not as great as yours, but whatever. [ Laughter ] Sorry. But, you know -- [ Laughter ] Sorry. But no one defends Trump better than Fox News, and it starts every morning with "Fox & Friends." This is Donald Trump's favorite show, because they trade in for a new blonde every two years. And this year's model is Ainsley Earhardt, who looks like she's with her dad's friends who keep talking about how much she's grown. [ Laughter ] Of course, the king of Trump supporters is Sean Hannity. He looks like a thumb, which explains why he's so far up Trump's ass. [ Cheers and applause ] You know -- Thank you. I hate him, too. I guess he likes Trump because his hair is also really weird. And, like, the top of his head looks like two eyebrows got to live their dream of, like, being hair. -Ah, so that's what it is! Pete Davidson, everybody! -I wake up with boners again! [ Cheers and applause ] -For "Weekend Update," I'm Colin Jost! -I'm Michael Che. Good night! -Good night. [ Cheers and applause ] Well, there's also been a national conversation this week about mental health. Here to share his thoughts on this topic is Pete Davidson. [ Cheers and applause ] -Hey! Thank you! Thanks, guys. Oh, thanks. [ Cheers and applause ] Well, as some of you may know, I was recently diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, a form of depression, and depression affects more than like 16 million people in this country, and there's no, like, cure, per se, but for anyone dealing with it, there are treatments that can help. First of all, if you think you're depressed, you know, see a doctor and talk to them about medication, and, also, be healthy. Eating right and exercise can make a huge difference. And, finally, if you're in the cast of a late-night comedy show, it might help if they, you know, do more of your sketches. [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] -I'm sorry. Wait. Are you saying that you're depressed because you're not getting enough airtime? -Oh, no, no, no. I was born depressed. But it might make me feel better if I was on TV more. [ Laughter ] -I-I don't know if this is maybe the best solution, Pete. -I mean, it's worth a shot. I mean, come on. This show is like 8 hours long, and there's like 50 sketches a week. It seems weird you wouldn't use one them to fight mental illness, but I guess that's not your style. -Okay. All right. Well, maybe one approach might be to write more sketches for yourself, Pete. -That won't work. My sketches suck because they're all written by a depressed person. [ Laughter ] Lorne said that. -Okay. -Okay. So it's sort of like a chicken-and-the-egg thing. -Exactly. In fact "Chicken and the Egg" was also one of my sketch ideas that got rejected. It was about a chicken that ate eggs, but it was also about Black Lives Matter. [ Laughter ] -That sounds terrible. -It is. So I need you to, like, write it for me. -Wait. You haven't even written yet? -No! I'm, like, depressed! Look. Here. I have a doctor's note. -Oh, good. -I'll read it. -For the airtime? -Yes. -[ Chuckles ] -[ Clears throat loudly ] "To whom it may concern, please use Pete in more sketches where he gets to kiss the host. And use more of his rap videos, which I hear are actually really good." [ Laughter ] "Also" -- [ Laughter ] This doctor's good, man. -Yeah. Sounds like a real doctor. -"Also, he should play Rex Tillerson a lot. Signed, Pete Davidson's doctor." And there you have it. -That sounds legit. That sounds like a legit... [ Cheers and applause ] ...doctor's note, Pete. Also, I'd just -- I would like to point out, Pete, that you look nothing like Rex Tillerson. -So, give me a mask! Like, what? He looks like a Muppet fell in a lake. [ Laughter ] And that's just one of the many jokes you'll see next week on Pete Davidson's "First Impressions" segment. -Pete Davidson, everyone. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪
Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 7,191,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, snl, saturday night live, snl 45, season 45, supercut, pete davidson, snl pete davidson, weekend update, colin jost, michael che, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, host, music, guest, laugh, impersonation
Id: bm_a2LXwPG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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