Five memorable natural 1s | Critical Role

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conversation's finished you find yourself to breakfast a delightful spread of breakfast chickens prepared for you i pick one up off the table and i say hey vex oh [ __ ] i'm not even on my do you want some more broom target practice i need to practice you do need to practice i need but i mean we have more chickens we've got stuff to do yeah we have stuff to do and i'm still eating i would love to see you for five minutes get up on that broom and fly around and and [ __ ] put some arrows and sometimes fine if i can practice sometimes does it help me at all to practice on this room uh it helps me will i will command seven servants to each have a loaded pigeon a chicken at the red all right i start i start flying max you can you can do the honors and say the polls i clench really hard with my thighs to try to hold on to this room as as the rest of you enjoy what is the strangest of medieval times experiences that you've had let's call the green knife the raised ceiling of this dining room area you watch vex spiral around on her broom before skelin max is saying pull pull [ __ ] oh god disadvantage oh jesus okay say it say it one the easiest number to count to so as the first chicken goes in the air she reaches and goes to aim however she catches herself the broom kind of throws her off and she stops just in time and haphazardly focuses on just the chicken not realizing where the chicken had now fallen past releases it uh oh [ __ ] skin i want you to make a dexterity savings bro duck [Laughter] okay okay that's not that bad damage yes oh it's automatic hit yeah okay oh no oh nice a full folder naturally oh my gosh so scanlin as you're watching this chewing suddenly [Applause] like cast your wounds on him i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry the old chicken just dangling at the end of the airplane everywhere does this mean when the night's over there's gonna be a little pool of blood [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] it manages to heal some of your wounds oh good that's good do is it's just one d8 does it do i add anything 28 plus your wisdom modifier that's my wisdom modified uh 11. so you heal 11 hit points oh can i pull out the arrow sure i'll get out of blood for the sprays i just hold my hand there can you help me really bad okay um i will use like that wasn't her last belt by the way she's got three uh who's yeah who's really close to who's like one away who's like really bad close to death yeah he's closer to death than me i'm two failures pipe down oh like unconscious oh [ __ ] just get picked up i'll get points i'm one fail he's two fails scanlon's done who's got who's got who's got healing spells wake up whoever can help you okay it doesn't matter can i kind of jump and make my way over like this kind of this can i cross this tinier lava right there kind of like or is that like a pretty fart i mean you have to still jump so i have to make an athletics check how far the jump is at uh it's about six seven feet so make an athletics check sure why not why not at this point no no well that was a natural on one on what just moving just trying to jump across trying to shoot literally anything else how many hit points you have [Music] how many hit points do you guys doesn't matter she's not even gonna get over to anyone to heal them oh well i don't know man one six or six zero six six zero but no she's not necessarily fine lava has a new rule now well not a new rule the actual rule not the actual rule that we didn't use the very very first time oh god we felt it last time so as you rush over trying to help you go to leap but your foot catches what you thought was solid volcanic rock unfortunately it's brittle and broken and it slips beneath your foot in doing so you only get about three feet before you plant the lower half of your body straight into the lava um oh my god that's 53 points in fire damage you're alive get out get off you can get out of it you've got some points you died as you lived a [ __ ] dumbass you're gonna go through that great show across on the sky or am i going to die no essentially you're essentially prone in the lava you roll the one to jump and you like basically belly flopped into lava well this does not mean she's going to take damage trying to get out can i get out i'm going to take damage every time you're you're trying to be prone the rest of your movement will get you up and out but the like it'll just get you out of the lobby but you're out get out get out so you'll get out and you'll be just on the edge there oh my god this is the worst this is wow as long as i don't roll a one that shouldn't be that hard okay oh look someone left a metaphor on the ground don't step in it or anything oh god it's everywhere [Music] well this could have gone worse wow yeah okay okay this whole thing is a metaphor for 2017. okay so now first you've squared off in a corner there's vex in the other corner grog's kind of standing in between the two with the back against vex the rest of the three of you are right there at the front pike has stepped up to grog now and is beseeching him um that's percy uh grog you're up i look at pike i turn around i look at vex you'll thank me and i'd like to try and pull the skull out of her hands okay uh go ahead and make a con uh strength check against here oh come on there's no way even if i roll like unless i get a 21 no that's uh 14. all right as grog turns around and gives you almost an apologetic look his face steals over with intensity as lightning fast his muscular arms rush out in front grasp the skull and like like tearing a toy from a child's grasp it is just removed from you with barely any uh any sort of resistance can i get a spell off on them not yet so grog that's your action you've grabbed and you have now the skull um which i mean you left her with the tapestry like you stored the bare skull in front of you um what would i like to do with it uh you have a bonus action so it depends on what you're trying to accomplish can i spike it you can yeah i see yeah that's a bonus action uh i'd say this would be the like your movement and your bonus i'll let you do that just the whole thing i would like to spike okay uh go and make strengths check you're just gonna no oh what are the [ __ ] chances for one yes [Laughter] as you reach up at the at the apex of your throw you look down i don't i don't believe it your eyes catch pike your eyes catch pike and they're in that brief moment of slow motion as you reach up you see her face this look of complete heartbreaking disappointment and just like that it [ __ ] it shakes you in a way that you didn't expect and as you go through the motion you'd already anticipated your brain's already wandered and in doing so you slam it half-heartedly and it just kind of bounces and skids across the ground over by where keyless is uh one of the guards turns is you guys begin to approach and shout out the crowd so trebuchet you wanna wish to play yes most definitely yeah all right all right uh five copper for three throws yeah yeah here's ten copper for molly me yep that all right snipes and the uh the other guy goes all right pulls up uh three of the sandbags and hands them to you so that basket there and that line there and you see that they kind of were in between for the kids reach but there's about a 10 foot distance a small thin carpet that's placed behind the line leading to this open kind of wicker basket it's about a foot and a half wide but you have to throw overhead facing away oh [ __ ] [Music] do we need to to pick them up and do the thing like you did with the child you're more than welcome to i'd love to see that happen but that is not the same it's all right let me let me turn on my own first for dignity site all right so as you stand there you take the the the sandbag and kind of in a trebuchet like motion lob it overhead without quite looking assuming the direction go ahead and make a uh dexterity check with a disadvantage please oh i didn't need that that's a natural one [Laughter] you love it here and everyone goes like oh you turn around yeah that's a purple heart sorry man you can see the mother of the small kid that was first running it's just like rubbing the side of her face come on and grabs your kid's arm and they both kind of leave deeper into the crowd you shouldn't let me and yasha pick you up no i've got this resituate a little bit of a glance all right try again that's another natural one you go to heave the sack and as it does it gets caught on part of your your your breastplate and as you pull upward there's a sound as sand just goes scattering into the sky around emptying the bag and just pouring over you into your eyes laughter starts to gather in the crowd around some small clapping again and again i can't i can't believe i'm about to say this but let's let's give it a try okay that's fine that's all right so that's well yeah one more throw that's what i mean they're going all right which one of you is taking the other throw oh no no we're going to pick ford up the way that you did the little child all right there you go two [ __ ] throws in a row can't get any [ __ ] worse all right so oh yes yes yes that's ridiculous later all those ones are gone jester yasha how do you want to do this girl born yeah we i don't think we help him we just they literally shock put ford about three or four feet did we get him in no he gets about four feet before he goes face first into the carpet grinding it the carpet kind of balls up in front of him as he skids for another foot and a half the music kind of plays in the distance i think i'm gonna get a drink you guys can carry on all my pride all right you rush up alongside grog at three skeletons that are there oh yeah blood blister all mine and you add uh the attack bonus great sword which is [Laughter] all right so that hits then then roll the second attack no no strong don't bother he's raging dude and he's had a really great sleep in the stand so strong and powerful are you getting turned on you're like you're honing vin diesel right now with this crit power well he's finally he likes these guys he wants to like finally show off and do something cool okay all four of those yeah okay so 12 18 plus person take your hand off so the first egg as you as you rush forward with your great sword did you rush forward the great sword big smile on your face next to grog whack you just shatter one skeleton with the first attack roll damage for the second attack all four all four again six no it's not re-roll it [Laughter] look at this this is awesome i think i'm channeling you can you just you just one skeleton the other one comes jumping at you and you just kind of grab it in your hand and just crush the skull in your hand there you go i'm a gymnast [Laughter] did you see that display i mean like i need your help reckless great weapon master go for it grug squeeze a one yes [Applause] [Laughter] is going on as you look at the one skeleton just just feeling this embarrassment you swing with your axe and the skeleton stops it with its own blade and parries back to the side and goes the one that just didn't barely dent his arm and then i say it's okay grog everybody messes up sometimes let me get this one you finish it off you destroy the other skeleton in two hits [Applause] that was kind of a tough one i get it it's okay that was a really hard skeleton but he's dead now let's go uh we had it we just we had it can we eat these skeletons because that breakfast is still blowing give it a bite give it a bite challenge is there any meat left on that was amazing you slew those skeletons like there were nothing incredible oh i just do whatever i can for my friends you guys are all awesome and i was just glad i could be of service and help yes it's good to have someone like you by our side awesome i walk back inside of the mansion i take out the giant cash conveyor and i'll just just chug it are you drinking it or just pouring it all over here's both
Channel: SpeckoVids
Views: 426,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical role, natural 1, natural one, vox machina, mighty nein, grog, keyleth, scanlan, vex, lava, fjord, travis willingham, laura bailey, skull, dungeons and dragons, matthew mercer, marisha ray, chod, lionel, jon heder
Id: 0JDY-OdMi2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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