Five memorable Natural 20s | Critical Role

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here's a question [Music] could brainiac caleb with this book which is her own coded cipher and comprehend languages with enough time try to study the recurrence of vowel sounds consonant sounds and try to create a um a key to this book you get the sense that this written cipher is not a verbal language it is specifically written for her own notes and own purpose yeah um so if you wanted to so you couldn't speak it but if you wanted to go ahead and decode it right like people break codes i do yeah i'm saying you could you couldn't it wouldn't be able to sorry i misunderstood i thought you speak it you couldn't speak no um go ahead and make an intelligence check it would be amazing if you pull this off i've rolled [ __ ] all night everywhere you do one everywhere this one's kind of true [Music] [Laughter] so what does that what does that put you at a total oh pretty good pretty good uh straight intelligence right correct uh 28. uh the intelligence modifier is eight yeah i bumped up to 20 when i leveled up well maybe plus five then is a modifier not your saving throw are you shaving through saving throw sorry looking in the wrong place that's correct 25. that is exactly the dc you would have needed to do this it is a very hard dc you only could have done this with the 20. you [ __ ] maxed out intelligence god damn it okay all right no here we go yeah it'll take you the night to complete it you will not be able to sleep which means you won't get your spells back and you will suffer a point of exhaustion that's fine in this book wow holy the rest of you take 65 points of fire damage nice nice is she actually she actually been hit by the hex by the way uh the hex is still around but meaning you cast the spell on this concentration spell actually i need you to rule concentration that's fine that's fine i'll run that concentrate what what is what do i roll for concentration oh you gotta roll natural 20. that was a lot above your damage or have half the damage there oh my god shut the [ __ ] up it's a different dice too oh jesus christ allison what the hell you somehow in the blast as your eyes flicker too and you immediately shoot up from the ground your eyes immediately focus on really appearing from across the way across the crevasse and that little little lingering scar of orthx in the back of your head maintains the anger of your hex you would have to designate it onto her next turn but you still mean man all right uh my my hate lives my hate lives together each fate hate whichever you know same six or one half a dozen of these oh man that felt good was hurting real bad the dragons hurt real bad um all right that's gonna end its turn everyone else goes by twig you're up am i or is it the elemental who goes first you gotta go first all right i'm going to come out of hiding i'm going to fire an arrow with advantage yeah last night standing [Music] nine plus four for the hit okay so nine plus four thirteen i doubled the dice for the hit so that was 2d6 before so that's the hit but i get 86 on my sneak double dance yep you can either just roll the sneak attack and then double the number or roll twice the main dice up to you oh my god that's nine that's another ten is nineteen oh my [ __ ] double that come on come on double that to [Applause] thirty-eight um i step out and i and i i put on my meanest face that i learned from sir cadigan and still in the forum 100 as hell us and i say um and i say this is for my my only friends um come straight forward and and and um yeah i want to hit him like in the heart because he broke my heart it stumbles forward towards you now that you're visible it's eyes kind of blinking in and out looking confused still the shape now i drop it and it falls to the ground and collapses exhaling bits of energy shark out of its snout and dissipating the stone around all right i'm gonna i'm gonna poke bald [Laughter] and i am willing all right aren't you at death's door i'll say essentially because you held your action last turn if you wanted to go ahead and take your action to do a drop attack on this point here so grog you were released falling down to land at like on top of kevdak with the blood axe and a downward arc big wind up as we're coming down go ahead and roll and attack any chance i can make this reckless no no way let me all get attacked advantage is against you again up to you thank god for that natural 20. look at it the first one was a [ __ ] one what's the 20s man you can't you got to stop this all right so go ahead and roll damage on this oh my god and then double that uh and then double the first roll yeah the double the first uh all right which was ten so twenty so four forty two forty two is it twenty one damage how do you wanna do that as the shadow fires from the necklace as she holds it aloft bleeding and shaking you appear and dive down in silence oh my gosh square coming towards you as kevdak clutching in the one nearly ruined arm the other arm that you bisected is turning the corner about to open the door to dive into the house to avoid it looks up just in time to see you streaking down what do you do i say four strong jaw and i sink the act right into his necks and pot him perfectly down the middle with the sheer force of the blow the weight behind it and the intent the axe hits him right in the side of the neck cleaves off part of his ear shaves off part of his skin here exposing the jawbone hits here breaks the clavicle tears through it and every single rib is destroyed it cuts right through the center of this giant body until it gets to about the midsection where it catches finally the upper torso just splits open and just covers you with gore however you still impact yep um not raging nope you take it's gonna die it's okay oh his [ __ ] he's got his trick 25 points of fall damage from the impact that will put me unconscious and 21 points under and 21 points under you have that barbarian ability would that be part of this relentless rage if you dropped your hit points while raging you're not raging so yeah as you shout the blow in a very superman versus doomsday way cleaves him in half and as you slam into the ground you pull the axe free as your shattered leg bones give under and you fall to the ground smile as you see his form crumple and then you face first in the ground that's fine you're already pretty big you get the idea that's raw uh i'll make the first attack against him with my blood axe go for it not reckless okay just give it a minute natural 20. oh if only leah could have seen this that's three brutal criticals 5 61 plus 66 points of damage okay on one strike all right next attack next attack [Applause] no look at that [ __ ] get some footage of that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh 2829 so 58 58. oh my god that is a lot of make-believe damage 58-77 oh my god 77 and 9 is 86. how do you want to do this oh as i watch as i watch my comrades dealing incredible amounts of damage to this i pull out my grey axe and i swing just below his kneecap cutting him down to one i see his face come low and i'm like no one [ __ ] with vox machina [Music] [Applause] as you kind of jump up then i mean your forms as big as it is you're about half his size after the first hit slams down it kind of doubles over and grabs its chest looks at you it's teeth clenching once pearly whites are now covered in black icker and as your axe swings up one more with the single you watch is the head and the winds just carry it away
Channel: SpeckoGirl
Views: 432,218
Rating: 4.9758515 out of 5
Keywords: critical role, natural 20, memorable, kevdak, matthew mercer, liam obrien, travis willingham, sam rigel, taliesin jaffe, marisha ray, laura bailey, ashley johnson, deborah ann woll, grog, twiggy, vex, percy, caleb, vox machina, mighty nein
Id: 4yGZJQW7lkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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