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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're going to be playing in the muck i'd rather lose all my souls in dark souls rather than losing whole inventory and muck pretty sure storming normandy beach is easier than muck peepee that goes perfectly well with the next review too hard oh and that's an interesting fact okay i'm learning that's enough for reading let's get started stick around to see how i do and uh subscribe if you want to see me get mucky even more i like how the difficulty is easy normal and gamer i know i'm like playing games literally every day but i'm going to put that down to normal and the character even looks like me i wonder do they like scan your camera or something like those old ps2 games okay objective so far seems pretty easy find and pick up a rock i'm winning and now i'm beating a tree i am good at this game i'm a little bit intimidated by my neighbors i don't know what those things are but they look a bit scary timber oh never mind just nearly hurt myself as usual all right i guess i'll try and build a house is that a good idea do i want to live here it looks kind of well deserted i'll just pick up my workbench and move elsewhere there we go now there are cows there this might be a good spot to build it still looks kind of crappy but there are cows i knew moving it was a good idea it's becoming nighttime and my house isn't that protective even the two walls i raised have holes in them one's a doorway and one's a window oh no what the hell is that what the hell are you no no no no no no no no what the [ __ ] dude i just built this is ridiculous i don't think me continuing to build my house is helping go away [ __ ] off i'm new here is this like a welcoming party or something oh jesus christ almighty all i have is a rock oh you're killing me i don't think you understand in my culture this is considered rude ah i'm collecting coins but that's not what i need i don't need currency right now oh jesus there's more of them swanning everywhere what the hell are you you just google [ __ ] off i don't care if you're like a dog in your culture or whatever i'm killing you the cows will help me they're the good neighbors help help neighbors help oh no help me help help wait it's daytime do you fear the sun like me honestly i'd burn to a crisp in the sun like that even kind of looking at the screen it's kind of burning me up a little bit but at least it looks effect i'm dead okay never mind at least it looks like i'm [ __ ] dead that's what i was gonna say survive for one day okay i understand now why they say it's so difficult thank god i wasn't playing on gamer okay no to self smaller house that was the problem they needed a smaller house this time start battling i was oh no oh [ __ ] why would i do that i just died no no no no don't drop it no [ __ ] off hold on i can kill these i mean it's at the start so i don't really have anything to lose i may as well try is this one your baby he seems smaller than all of the others i okay i can't even kill a baby what has the world come to when a grown man can't kill a baby okay second note to self i'm weak and useless i should go hide and not fight lots of iron here that's a good sign right okay last time when i was building i was thinking it was all about location location location but actually it's all about hiding hiding hiding i need to build a house fast why can't i break this one oh you birch okay three o'clock got a build house now just so scared okay i got a lot of wood one square floor should do can i put it underneath okay that works and all this nonsense about windows and doors and all that it's an absolute joke honestly waste the time there we go now i'm safe but also trapped um uh can i okay this is bad this is gonna take a while remember earlier when i was saying like it's all about doing it quick this is not that oh how did i break that first okay that works and now i've weakened a wall for them great slur bunch room what the hell is a slur bunch room hey we're about to find out eat up i'm just kind of assuming they can't come over the threshold because i can't seem to build an actual door but i got to build some tools that's important maybe if i really rush i can build like a pickaxe and then i can mine some stuff you know it looks like night is coming this reminds me of alpha minecraft and just being terrified because i don't know what's coming i'll tell you what is coming though night time i gotta get back to the house and just hide uh you ready for a good old bit of cowering that's the content you're here for isn't it just i want to pace the irishman hide in a virtual house oh there's the moon oh no i hear footsteps will you [ __ ] off are you serious yeah go [ __ ] yourself okay i guess it is just like a battle royale at night there's no way you can really avoid it the pickaxe is helping a lot i'm glad i picked pickaxe and i didn't pick axe because if i picked axe who knows what would have happened but with the pickaxe it seems to be doing a ton of damage i'm collecting coins is that to open these random chests 80 gold oh sweet jesus i have 35 day one you hear that buddies it's day you leave now i got a lot of coins i got 59 coins oh i can open this oh a sneaker perfect for sneaking i'm trying to make light of a good situation because that's a terrible item as far as i'm concerned like i need some defense not flashy nikes but it's even like minecraft music oh i feel at home well i am at home but this doesn't really feel like home like the game feels like home the house doesn't feel like home the house feels like [ __ ] to be honest with you like it's already like halfway through the day i'm already panicking you know i need to build my furnace and try and get some better weapons or something okay fuel i guess this and metal or wait can i use coal actually coal that good yes good very nice okay i got iron bars now now what what do i do now do i unlock to anvil okay stations do i get anvil five iron baron rocks do i i have enough i i need rock rock rock rock rock rock oh now this is efficient i'm breaking two at the same time oh no it's become a night time it's becoming night time nervous oh wait i need to eat oh [ __ ] oh no oh no no no son stay up stay up go on my son stay in the sky i can't even jump oh no no no i have made a grave mistake and that mistake might make my grave hey i know you're my neighbors and all i was psyched to see you there i love wildlife but please let me eat you oh [ __ ] [ __ ] raw meat i i don't mind i like a bit of blue steak that's fine yummy yummy what the hell is that thing creepy as [ __ ] that's what it is this is the statue of a man i hope that's a statue of me i do tend to t-pose a lot orange juice oh yes why the hell would you lock that up in a [ __ ] chest you know to be fair i'm a huge fan of orange juice good for you i can hear the little pitter patter of footsteps and it's triggering my fight or flight response probably because it reminds me of children get away it resulted in the fight wait is it returning to the water you wouldn't just drown yourself would you that would help me out a lot no of course you wouldn't god forbid you help me out you know at a slight inconvenience for yourself no you [ __ ] off now you [ __ ] off throwing [ __ ] rude okay hopefully that should give me the day to get a bit ready oh jesus this is nerve wrecking dude this is so much harder than i thought it would be get away from my house for effects sake i think i'm the baddie though like i'm taking their land i'm killing their wildlife i can't really complain if he's throwing [ __ ] at me i'd probably be upset too the cows are probably their best friend and i'm here just eating him in front of him okay thank god what did i get off you unlocked gold ore i can't eat that i think of it this way a rolex is nice but when you wanted trapped on a desert island like you can't eat a rolex well you probably can but it won't do you any favors what it said it's nine carat gold carrot joke okay anvil perfect drop that oops sorry i'm getting violent uh weapons yes that's what i need iron baron birchwood i can't knock down that birch tree though it's a birch steel axe iron bear bark birch i can't i've already explained this to you maybe i need the wooden axe how do i make that at tools wood bark uh there we go there's some bark there's wood axe i get birch now i'm freaking out because i need food too thing is i can't even like stop to gather my bearings like i'd like to make a fire or something to cook all this meat but i just don't have the time also i might have to start thinking about the fact that cows are a finite resource and well i've just made them go extinct like i'm gonna have to eat something else cauldron maybe i need wood and rocks [Music] scary i need i i don't even know what's happening to me i think i'm having a mental breakdown i need some wood to make a campfire oh no here comes night cauldron and just [ __ ] burn anything i don't care just cook cook yes yes mmm extinct me likey [Laughter] it's just constant panic stay back i've got orange juice oh no no there's wolfies uh can you swim can i swim no [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off okay i killed noah you go [ __ ] yourself oh god i'm gonna need a fat counter at this point oh the cows are back great i must have left two alive look at him he's running back to my house to cause terror oh lads i came up with an idea right i live over here and you all just go [ __ ] yourselves all right just go somewhere else oh sweet jesus they didn't like that idea at all what's this increased shield capacity i have a shield okay now i do ow oh no no no no they're killing me again cows you need to make a noble sacrifice oh no no no they're coming okay your sacrifice will come later the thing is the fact that like the sun doesn't burn them or anything like i'm spending all of today just trying to deal with last night's visitors it's gonna be night again soon and more are gonna come and it seems to be getting tougher with every night look at them hacking away at my house the feckers there you go yeah you can go [ __ ] yourself wait where did you get that wood from was that from my house okay i'm getting good at this combat thing now maybe i should be playing on gamer mode no no no hear me oh god oh god he's almost killed me oh sweet jesus oh that was too close i didn't like that okay murder the cow are you extinct yep all right i'm gonna cook up the last year family tree okay what do i need what do i need a seven iron bar five birch wood i need that weapon so badly okay i need iron iron iron iron let's go let's go let's go this game is actually really fun like i'm surprised by how good this is i'm so into it oh [ __ ] okay i'm running out of stuff um iron in there and i'll go murder some more cows try and get food and hopefully i'll have enough stuff to survive the night even the cows seem like they're getting tougher to kill oh no they're affected spawning next to me now to get to me you gotta go through this cow pick up the meat pick up the meat there you go okay i'm gonna run ahead put the meat on the fire and then just run away for the entire night i guess there you go bye please don't kill my house what's this what's that the hunger drain slower i guess that's good more sneezes oh no no no no no no no no this isn't what i need at all actually i hate this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i gotta get that meat no no no no no no no i'm in my house it would be rude to come in oh it would also be rude to break it down i think i'm about to die i think i'm about to die and there's nothing i can do about it i'm dead oh oh my inventory oh i felt like i was doing good enough there i just needed like another day and i would have been able to make that weapon all right let's go again i can do this honestly i'm starting to think the house was completely pointless i might just avoid that section entirely like really ugh what was it good for absolutely nothing say it again all i did was waste my [ __ ] time the cows were a fabulous resource so if i could get somewhere with cows that would be good oh cows and little green men all right why are you spawned in in the day wait are those ready-built houses oh that looks good a chest i can just open oh this is my lucky seed another one sneakers and orange juice already i'm flying kind of pissed i paid for them in the last one though if i could just find them for free a boat map the hell is that bread great wood axe fantastic and birchwood jesus i'm flying a gold pickaxe okay okay this is the one look at all these too oh i just hit them with the shoes it's steel helmet how do i put these on wait why is that up oh no do they know i'm after breaking into their houses i need rocks but luckily i have a gold pickaxe this is what i'm talking about look at that all right cows you know the drill it's getting to night time and me hunger i don't like that that big exclamation mark appears to be getting bigger i do like that i have a gold pickaxe to beat them up with on the first night that's solid look at this i can two shot these this is just going fantastic like i don't mean to jinx this but i'm gonna win 100 i'm not sure winning entails to be honest gathering a lot of food this time so i'm a bit more prepared and then i'm gonna try and get coal and and stone and stuff like that so that i can get good weapons very tempted to try and rob whatever that place is just because stealing seems to be going really well for me so far look at this the sweet spot getting them both god i'm good at this game says the guy who just got really good orangey and get got all these good items just given to him oh this map is the exclamation mark i think okay so i need to actually go there i just realized i can just drag these up here for a bit of protection that's lovely you love to see it and now i'm just going to continue murdering cows like honestly no wonder they want to kill me those little green men like i stole all their [ __ ] i start building on their land and i start killing all their wildlife and they seem to be vegetarians other than you know me they seem to want to eat me but that's understandable like i can be sort of a bad dude sometimes i get it you know an anvil tools can i i can do the mithral stuff oh jesus yeah i found a load of the mitteralore i hope that's how you pronounce it i'm not actually sure but i should be able to make something good i'm just wondering could i make a really good weapon out of that i have enough gold to open a 200 chest to oh god this is a good run through sheer luck alone i seem to be doing quite well weapons mithral sore i need fur wood what the hell is fur wood i'm assuming i need a better axe to do that maybe i could make a mithril axe first also need fur wood okay maybe i can make a gold axe okay that just needs normal wood okay i can do that i just need 10 wood okay nice gold axe yes ballin this will show him i'm actually kind of a cool guy with lots of money that's what i need to boost my confidence oh no don't need that need fur fur if only i knew what that looked like oh blue trees okay this has got to be it surely this is the only one i haven't seen yet darko a [ __ ] off oh there's a gold chest though i might try that 200 gold oh a flannel shirt wow okay i'll take it i guess i mean i don't really have a choice oh that's got to be a fur okay that lumberjack outfit might actually come in handy to be fair i think i need more than that though ooh something to rob this is how i've been doing so well so let me take it a bowl okay not as exciting a fur tree two fur trees okay that'll get me enough to make my weapon but i just hope i can live through the night and here come the footsteps okay slight problem it's night time i'm being attacked i'm trying to get home but i can't remember exactly where my home is ah i think i've gone pretty far here are they just gonna chase me to the end of the earth because i wasn't near my house so maybe i'll be okay no they seem pretty determined unfortunately the golden axe safe that's what i needed earlier all right keep going wait that's one of those hill things and there was a hill near where their cave was at my house so maybe this is it i'm just looking in relation to the boat because i remember it was like that direction when i was at my house yeah there's my house perfect and you know what i just realized there's fur trees right [ __ ] next to it i went all that way for nothing you know what it doesn't matter because i am making myself a really really nice sword and you who followed me yeah no you want to run now now you get to test it yes that's really good okay what next i hadn't thought i'd get this far do i make some some oh i don't know i don't know what to do trying to arrange my inventory a bit in the brief moments that i have some time uh i could try and i'll [ __ ] you you really followed me all the way across the map didn't you well i've got a [ __ ] good weapon now so screw you oh come on dude i know i just killed like your lead or whatever but don't need to take it out on the table they're literally all over my base and i just walked away from them god someone must have been screaming at the screen they're literally everywhere i just didn't know what i was looking for even though now in hindsight fur tree this makes sense it's just hard when you're panicking all the time and i'm generally panicking all the time not in mind when there's added panic from this game and stuff okay i need some back and i want to get one of these pickaxes if i can i think it'll be a good purchase so now i have that that and that uh i need some more food if i can oh no this isn't cooking oh no oh no oh dear at least my weapon is sick now this is great like honestly beating up children with this thing is so easy i assume the little ones are children anyway she's just getting intense now there's lots of things coming at me i have 200 coins again this is great i'm gonna head off to the boat in the morning sound like i've retired oh i'll head off to the boat and hit the ocean tomorrow i just want to know what that exclamation mark is i gotta know before i die and well i feel like i'm doing well but my debt is inevitable isn't it there you go your whole family is dead congratulations next time just leave me alone like i'm not seeking you out you can avoid fighting me if you want what's this shroom i like the sound of that eat that yummy and this one actually does say yummy on it so i can eat that too i'm right what do i need before i go uh what do i need what do i need um fuel i guess yes okay let's go just uh time pressure here i'd be tempted to do one of these trials to considering my weapons and stuff seem pretty op but i'm also like kind of nervous because i don't want to die to that like an optional battle but i think the greatest thing about getting new tools is just the speed at which you can do things because obviously time seems of the essence in this game like if i need this coal how fast can i get it look at that okay this has improved a lot with the really good tools and the lumberjack outfit combined it's actually really good i i feel bad for [ __ ] on that lumberjack outfit it's working out great what the hell was that a jet pack oh ooh i can do a little jump now and it gives me a little boost that's handy i mean i think i don't know if it's actually that useful to be honest would have probably preferred just some nice pants another one of these chests let's go what's this nut's hammer and his hammer was electric okay i i hope that's good oh there's the ship this game is awesome it has everything oh so you can fix the ship and i guess you can escape supply crate oh my god that would be so difficult but i guess that's probably the goal right i'm gonna start [ __ ] building it like i know i probably won't get it done but i'm gonna try my darndest sorry for getting uh sweary that's just my passion coming out you know oh jesus christ what the hell was that was that my thor thing i didn't like it it scared the bejesus out of me oh no oh no oh no what the hell are you no no no no no why are you a guardian what what are you guarding what how was i supposed to i was doing so well and then the game was just like i have spawned something that's going to insta-kill you now i have decided your fun is over oh my god what was that i felt like i was doing so well i guess i did get very lucky there so i guess easy come easy go there they were like you are really lucky now you're gonna get really unlucky oh maybe i should have had some like a ranged weapon or something i genuinely thought i might have had an even chance of fixing the ship all right but we are going to leave it there if you want more muk let me know because this game is actually really good it's free as well check it out on steam no my voice is breaking i've been through a lot now but i hope you enjoyed subscribe if you're new we'd love to have you around and i hope to see you all next time bye for now [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 639,812
Rating: 4.9815969 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, muck, dani muck, callmekevin muck, free game, new, new game, new muck
Id: 7REh0funjJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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