Perfect Easy To Peel Hard Boiled Eggs - Egg Shells Practically Fall Off!

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do you like hard-boiled eggs but you're unsure of the best way to cook them or you struggle with peeling them well in this video i'm going to show you how to make perfect hard-boiled eggs that are easy to peel and taste great so stay tuned [Music] i'm zach from scenic sites and bites if this is your first time watching welcome to our channel where we give valuable information on cooking travel and the ketogenic diet including free recipes for you to download hard-boiled eggs are great day or night they're the perfect go-to snack they're great on their own as a meal and they're great when you add them into other meals a couple of my favorite hard-boiled egg recipes came from my grandma who made the most amazing potato salad and deviled eggs if you want to know how to make great tasting deviled eggs i'm going to be releasing a video in the next few days that it's going to show you four different deviled egg recipes that you're going to want to try so with that said let's get started so you'd think a hard-boiled egg would be easy right you take an egg you boil it until it's hard there's actually a lot more to it and there's a lot of different opinions on the best way to make it so after years of trying different methods and combining different tips and tricks that i've i've heard about i'm going to show you the method that works the best for me and i think it's going to work best for you and it might just surprise you how to do it okay so you're going to need a large pot and you want it to be large enough so when the eggs are in there single file they're not crowded okay you're gonna need some water obviously we're boiling them some white vinegar some table salt or any kind of salt really should be fine a large bowl for an ice bath ice water again when it comes time and some kind of a slotted spoon so first things first we're going to boil the water first and then put the eggs in the boiling water so let's let's do that okay so we've got our water now how much water do you put in well you want to put in about four inches if you're not sure how much four inches is just look at the egg and with the egg standing up you know you want the water to be about an inch above the egg okay and i guess the important thing is you want to decide how many eggs you're going to cook that's going to decide the size of the pot right i'm going to be cooking a dozen eggs here for the purpose of this and because i typically cook a dozen at a time with the pot on the stove we're going to turn it up to high okay so you're going to want to add about a quarter of a teaspoon of salt or you know what you can even just give it a bit of a sprinkle that'll be fine too we're going to add a tablespoon of vinegar it doesn't have to be exact but you know roughly if you've got a bigger pot add more smaller pot you can add less and just to help bring this to a boil faster i'm going to throw the lid on it so why are we adding salt and vinegar well two reasons one by having the salt and vinegar in there if an egg does happen to crack while it's cooking it's going to prevent the egg from kind of spewing out and contaminating the water two it helps to soften the shell so when the shell is slightly softened then it makes it a lot easier for peeling so we're just going to let it do its thing once the water starts to boil we'll come back and carry on from there okay so i can hear the water is starting to sound like it's about to start boiling see a little bit of steam coming out when the water just begins to boil we're going to lower the eggs into the water and that's where the slotted spoon comes in handy and you want to do it fairly quick because you want them all to cook about the same time okay okay we're going to put the lid on set our timer and you cook them for 12 to 14 minutes depending on your altitude there's a bunch of different factors i find 13 minutes works great for me okay so the water came to a boil we lowered the eggs in there covered it up we reduced the heat and we set the timer for 13 minutes in this case but you can pick somewhere between 12 and 14 and see what works best for you you don't want to overcook the eggs if you overcook them you're going to get that kind of grayish green looking ring around the yolk now that's not going to hurt you but it's just not pretty okay so while the eggs are cooking rather than wasting time what we want to do is get our ice bath ready so we're going to get a couple of cups of ice okay so you can see i've got about two two and a half cups of ice here if i went three in a bowl this size that'd be fine there's lots of room so now i'm going to run the tap get that water nice and cold add it to this until it's about a third or half of the way full still leaving enough room for the eggs and we're just going to let that sit and let that water get even colder so once the eggs come out of the pot they go in here and they're gonna instantly be shocked instantly stop cooking and that's also gonna help with peeling the eggs okay so we've got about six seconds left just give that icy water a stir make sure it's nice and evenly cool timer goes off heat goes off lid comes off and immediately we're going to pull these eggs out because they're still cooking so how long are we going to leave the eggs in the ice bath 15 to 20 minutes minimum okay you want to really make sure they're nice and cold okay so once they come out of the ice bath if you're not eating them right away then you're going to want to store them in the fridge now if i get my eggs by the dozen which i usually do i'll take the container and i'll mark hb on it throw the hard-boiled eggs back in that put in the fridge that way i don't accidentally grab the wrong one i know which ones are the hard-boiled hard-boiled eggs can sometimes stink up the fridge a little bit you can either put them in a sealed tupperware container you can put them in a bowl cover them with plastic wrap they're going to last you several days a week so you don't have to worry too much about spoilage unless you don't eat very many and if that's the case don't make very many okay so from time to time you're just going to want to move those eggs around okay so the egg sat in the ice bath about 20 minutes i've drained the water and i've got a storage container here now i stir them with shells on just give each one a kind of a quick dry and put it in there all right it just sometimes it comes off in one big piece oh look at that that egg just practically look at how much of that shell one giant piece came off i bet half use or more are here because you hate peeling your eggs you want to know how can i get this peel off nice and easy so a couple of tricks start with eggs that are about a week old or maybe a little bit older but this will work with newer eggs just not all of them okay so let's take our egg out here we go grab one egg okay so what is the trick to peeling a hard-boiled egg first thing you're going to want to do tap the wide end a couple of times don't tap it too hard you're not trying to break the egg inside you just want to crack it and then flip it around crack the point a few times and then take it and you can try rolling it between your hands i find it easier if you roll it on a hard surface like a cutting board or table i've got the napkin on here because it makes for easier clean up but just gently okay gently roll it back and forth on there again you're not trying to damage anything give it a couple of spins you don't need very much time it's usually easier to start at the big end and just start peeling you're going to see the membrane there get your finger under the membrane and once you get it going it just sometimes it comes off in one big piece oh look at that that egg just practically look at how much of that shell one giant piece came off now before i do anything with this egg i like to give it a quick rinse just get any little bits of shell that are on there now if you're having a hard time if you've done all these things and you're having a hard time and the the egg shell still wants to stick to the egg try taking that one egg and it's usually just one out of a batch go around it under cold water while you peel it and the cold water just helps to come off real easy but there we have one perfect egg nice and smooth try and show the camera how pretty that is look at that nice and smooth no damage anywhere that is a beautiful egg what does it look like inside let's find out look at that the only damage to the egg was from my egg slicer look at how perfect that is it's a nice color take the white off it's yellow around the edges not gray not green yeah no this egg tastes good super easy to peel it took me way longer to peel it on camera if i was just doing this for myself it would have been super fast in the description down below you're going to find a link to the recipe go ahead and click on that that'll take you to the recipe page on our website where you can view the recipe download the recipe print the recipe and there's other recipes feel free to explore them and do the same thing now go make some hard-boiled eggs and come back in the comments below tell me how well this worked for you or if you have a different method that works better for you love to hear from you smash that like button and feel free to share with anybody you know is going to get value from this video as well and for more scenic sites and bites content cooking tips travel tips keto recipes and more hit the red subscribe button right beside us that bell click on the bell click the all button so you get notified every time we release a new video now if you're wanting to lose weight on the keto diet and you don't know much about it or you're afraid that you're going to miss out on all the good foods the favorite foods that you love so much i want you to go ahead and click on that link up here for other great seeing excited bites content go ahead and click on the link down here that'll take you to something else and it's going to be just as good on behalf of kelly myself zach and hey the steam excites embrace brand thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Scenic Sites and Bites
Views: 720,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy peel hard boiled eggs, hard boiled eggs, hard boiled eggs time, how to make hard boiled eggs, perfect hard boiled eggs, boil eggs, how to, kitchen tips, cooking, how to cook eggs, how to hard boil eggs, eggs, boiled eggs, cooking tip, life hacks, keto recipes, scenicsitesandbites, easy egg recipes, cooking videos, cooking tips for beginners, how to easily peel hard boiled eggs, how to do hard boiled eggs so they peel easily, how long to boil eggs, hard boiled egg tips
Id: 2T15zBDiRTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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