Quarantine Cooking: Deviled Eggs Recipe

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hey friends if your family is like mine they adore deviled eggs but you know they come a little frustrating to make aren't they because sometimes if the eggs are real real fresh the peeling won't come off of them and then they're jacked up mess and you have to wind up just make an egg salad from but there's a couple of ways that you can boil your eggs and they'll slip right out of that she'll Teresa cooks her dip her bald eggs in a pressure cooker and I cook mine in a steamer I have a double ball with the insert that has holes in it so I fill up at the bottom with water not not where it's touching and then I put my eggs in that and they just cook perfectly and if you find that your eggs are brown when you slice them open and they've got a brown circle on the outside that means they're overcooked so you can take your chances on peeling your eggs and just put them in boiling salted water bring them to a ball cut it off put the lid on and let them sit for 20 minutes so there's quite a few ways to to get to the end result of a bald egg so I want to tell you what I do when I'm doing deviled eggs I can't stand the thoughts of not having enough stuffing for the inside I don't like a Skippy stuffed doubleday so what I do is after I have cut my eggs in two and got my yolks I add one whole egg white and all and I'm gonna be putting mine in my little tiny food processor this little processor is so good for like tartar sauces and you know small amounts you wouldn't want to try to make coleslaw in this one but okay I'm gonna put my eggs in and you'll never see that yolk when I get through mixing them up so I think I'm gonna go ahead at this point and add a little salt and a little pepper and let that just get mixed up real good and I'm gonna check on something that I've got here in the oven that smells mighty good Theresa if you want I think those are about done if you want to take a look at those thank you all right oh that's just great look in that pretty so much easier than standing up there with a fork and mashing them see them you don't see any any of that white part that are barred they're making up stuff like tomatoes by Bhagat double bass all right so we've got one more thing I'm gonna put in there and that is our sweet crunchy bread and butter pickles now some people like to use dill pickle some people like to use sweet pickles so it all just depends on your taste and I think that I'm gonna go ahead and put some sharp cheese in them I'm just doing these a little different you know that's a grand thing about deviled eggs you can make them any dadgum way you want to so I decided to add a little cheese two hours and I'll give them to my family and they might like and then they may not like them so we'll just see so in go our pickles and our cheese and I just I just could just amount of cheese that I wanted so there you go and I'm gonna add something mustard now you can either use Dijon mustard or yellow mustard but I've always been a yellow mustard girl so in goes our mayonnaise and you want to be careful you want to be careful that you don't add too much mayonnaise at one time because you don't want your deviled egg soup [Music] because you know you can always add to but once you put it in there you can't get it out so just another little scoop [Music] this is a great day to be in the kitchen when it's raining or bad weather I love being in my kitchen cooking or in my bed taking a nap even and I'm so sleepy right Nick and can y'all tell I'm sleepy I am so sleepy I had a great big old bowl of chicken and dumplings and they all landed right here my eyelids have an apple all right y'all and I think you might like this combo like I said we just do deviled eggs all kind of ways there you go I like a lot of stuff and a lot of stuffing and you know what else we like in our daily bigs is shrimp cuz it's just like having egg salad with shrimp in it but by adding that cheese and that one extra whole egg that just assures me that we're gonna have plenty of stuffing we're gonna have so much we might can even have us an egg salad sandwich as a treat [Music] now quite often I'll put onions in mine too and I actually like the Dietrich dehydrated onion in salads like this okay how's that looking I don't want anybody to be shine yeah cheated don't want nobody to feel cheated it's definitely a to buy it or it's not uh-huh yeah this is not a one biter all right where do y'all see something needs it oh you think they are so ankle okay we can almost make this an egg salad sandwich y'all I'm gonna child to sample it and see how you like it huh if you like sweet pickles I think I love it but you may be a deal fine so by all means use whatever whatever you like your favorite so now I'm just gonna sprinkle it with a little paprika very little cuz I can't get it to come out they're not starting to come out a little bit whoa okay that's a pretty good all right so we are ready now if I were going on a picnic I would and this is when it really gets messy when you're like me and have so much stuffing in it this is how I do them when we're going on a picnic a picnic I put them together like that and I wrap them in a plastic wrap so you get two of them and it's messy it's so good on that picnic but these are not going on a picnic so I'm gonna fix that right back nobody wants Evernote then I showed y'all that little tree so there you does everybody loves them everybody loving best dishes till next time y'all hey y'all it's Paula Dean now if you enjoyed this video be sure to like it and click the subscribe button as well it's a notification bell to be alerted when I post a video love and best dishes y'all
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 195,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, southern comfort food, southern cooking, deviled eggs recipe, southern deviled eggs, easy appetizers, quarantine cooking, deviled eggs
Id: v0U9ahuFme8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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