Deviled Eggs With Bacon

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[Music] hey y'all hey what's up y'all I hit come brag a little some quick stuff of the day out just so you know just to set the week off Kentucky something else you know what I'm saying so hey I don't know what I'm gonna do if some deviled eggs with my bacon pieces yeah yes mmm okay also what I got is a water I got to my water I'm gonna ask Miss Holly and some vinegar some salt and you want to add some vinegar to your water just to keep your up to speak okay then we're gonna pour these body aged to get a perfect 8 you want one for like 10 minutes but that's from the time and start boiling you get the water hero one stop boiling your time you time it for 10 minutes that's going to use a perfect egg down so nobody's when it's come to a ball ten minutes then I'm gonna turn them off for shopping with some cold water I'll be back with you okay yeah I'm fine I love all of my eggs from ten minutes from when it started but not when you first put it on a hat when a cyberbully time it for ten minutes so my aunt's been bought for ten minutes up and take it off the end called a hot water [Music] and then you want to let you call water line on it it's gonna shock and cooling down that way you can peel them okay cold water run on the manchild and took cool now okay then we're gonna peel them slice them in half dump their yokai and mix up you so mouth double is y'all hear me yeah baby and I want to thank everybody who's new to watch my Q and a last week me and my cousin Z have a bomb is tea cake today yes baby we had a ball so we're gonna be doing another Q&A this week out so y'all go ahead and tell a friend and tell a friend the light coming and subscribe to cooking with tilt and tea cake tane out and keep them questions rolling baby because we had a bobby was gonna try to get one sweet for y'all okay so I'll be right by which our the air cool down then we're going on pillows slice and then mix them up baby I'll be right back with shop boom alright child I'm back and when I'm going down I'm just peeling the egg by tapping on the body check it on the top rolling in hand like this real lightning and then we start putting off the shell Hills and as you can see using that stock and that ventricle is taking that share right on I'll kill without breaking not gonna be stinking and stuff y'all that's why I put that salt in that benefit in my water so that your shell just pillow now in the donor stick and like I said we gave these the cold water bath to go ahead and pull them but as y'all can see a perfect aid and like I say I'm just making these up today these ain't nothing but old for those in the age but some old good old good old devil a shop and if y'all haven't seen my Q&A go ahead and look and go to my Q&A and get your layouts off with me and my cousins he can't tonight y'all and we're gonna do another Q&A sometime this week yeah so we're just gonna peel these eggs then we're gonna slice them and get it right and keep it tight for the deviled eggs baby yeah and also always go back and review some of my earlier videos y'all because I was starting out with a sudden this fresh out so I be having more than one dish I have a big old Sunday spreads like with my own meatloaf my pot roast Oh what else like I don't know it's just a lie y'all check out the one idea with all my nice Lexus until we did a bit of what it was the collard greens and cabbage mix with some beets Nate my child check out all my videos and like I say all the time tell a friend to tell a friend to tell her friends are like coming and subscribe on my page because I'm trying to get to that 100k y'all yes yes baby and I got a couple of more eggs in hand and gonna get these things poppin and again drop down in my comments give me any question anything I want to know about people until and I'll be answering those questions on the Q&A ok also give me some ideals of what you want to see me cook and we go from now baby baby back yes cut took what nothing wrong enough string wrong so I'll be right back with y'all soon I get the eggs peeled and sliced up okay boom okay out so we right and what I'm doing now it's just slicing my eyes open getting a yo guy so that we can make the UH devil lady built to go back into the egg shell and be careful when you're doing this you got to find right angle how you want to cut these cuz I will split on you so y'all see how golden and pretty dat of yolk is that's when you got a perfectly for a ten minutes from the time and stop boiling y'all yeah we just scooped up this yo kill and what these are baby and that's all I got for you today guys I'm wanting some dead legs some quick is jumping so I said I won't make them let me show you how high the what to do with them and next what Emile's that's wouldn't be a John this is good for any event Wayans party Oh gang inve anytime you want help with a pretty much help and you play with him to pose I got one I do it shrimp fried shrimp on top damn good I'm hot brain that to Yahoo you know I'm talking about but yes right now we're gonna do once with my little bacon pieces in call it a day baby yes and then you got to be on eco we're gonna read stuff from anyway so that's okay when they like that okay don't worry about trying to be out perfect with them cuz we're gonna be stuff them anyway go my last one right okay so now that I got all the yolk in here I'm gonna take a fork and we're just gonna mash this yolk up mash it up baby just like so get a mild mash down and then ingredients for this is real simple y'all make sure you match real good see there you go I'm just getting all the old mansion I'm real good like this y'all now if you want to use your mixer you can save a little time but I like to do mine by hand cuz that's how I was taught you heard me y'all know tipping up staring wrong baby yeah okay so real something y'all I'm at three take three teaspoons male 2 this at first and one teaspoon a muscle remember that was 12 eggs okay reason why we added a little bit by a little bit cuz you know I don't wanna age so like I said it was 12 eggs and I put three tablespoons of mayo 1 tablespoon my muscles mix it and we might use one more teaspoon of mayo to this but I'm gonna add my own sweet relish first because again you don't want piston already aged some people add too much liquid to the egg yolks and then get rid of winery out and that is just not what's up so we got us some sweet radish right hell yeah I don't know me my hands new job 3 teaspoons other sweet rose by actually fun I ain't trying to juice and nothing out and that's why I say slowly but surely but you want to come look yesterday YUM Oh me yes baby we're gonna add us a little black pepper little bit of salt [Music] and y'all know what else baby the tone of the tone of the Tonys yes baby I put Toni's on there bang out better no it just boom but I like with a tone of flavor in my damn legs I give that kick yes ma'am yes indeed it I never stay wrong baby ok and then I got some real bacon pieces or you can try fresh bacon oozing or two but uh I got me fired one the day y'all damnit I'm fighting with it anyway my hand snickering wait Pole we're gonna put some new fake piece of man you'd be good how much you put enough you put a little bit like that right now mix that all up in no y'all and the bacon pieces give it a different look kick and look not chump just so just not to have no ordinary egg yeah but if you don't want you don't eat the pork so you don't have to put the bacon enough like I said you can use the same recipe in you shrimp or chicken hobby for fun yes and it'd still be good now what I'm gonna do one teaspoon of mayo just smooth it a little bit motion so edit the baking y'all y'all see that mmm-hmm now if you got a piping bag you can put this in the bag I'm gonna do just high and that's what this foam here y'all [Music] okay then you just get your exhale and we're gonna fill them back with this uh with the mixture y'all but this is all you do good oh yeah oh baby baby yeah put me however you want some piping bag for spoon have you two lungs are getting now yes baby yeast yes yeah looking simple to seal so if y'all having a gathering and you don't want to do too much nothing say I do double a baby know what you do but remember nine that was that pillar and slicing the good and say on the head twelve today but when you gonna do on four to eight and then it double cuz you got sliced in half you'll think twice on you double baby while I'm doing them oh let's say I got nothing but a little bit you do I don't feel like a big shot I guess what yeah my a split when I cut it you don't matter hold it together like that and on the side they're splitting on breath the spoon now can't even tell y'all boom tryin to tell you they're gonna knows me ripped off in the like that put you're also feeling in it it's a stick you can't even tell you have to tell I pitched it no oh no my bin the tone is baby okay y'all I'm Mike I'm gonna start on the Oh help me filling in a out so now what we're gonna do we're gonna top it off with a little paprika just to make them look pretty I'll look paprika yes indeedy make them look colorful y'all just all you won't do when you serve up your Delta Asia and I got a little bit of how to drop hot stuff cooler dry tonight when I'm talking on the pepper reaching out just to make them look a little fancy yeah there we go bill y'all see this these just some quick simple devil days that's gonna fulfill your soul make it feel good and if you have it for a party a reception or anything y'all this is all you need this is cooking with tilt and I'm hot let your baby young that's one money y'all until next time it's been real it's been fun once again my day is doing you
Channel: Cooking Wit Tip
Views: 58,464
Rating: 4.9270868 out of 5
Keywords: devil eggs
Id: cIZiYtU9tII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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