The Berenstain Bears and the Truth

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] well how about it want to come out and practice a little soccer [Music] come on you want to see the soccer ball i made out of sticks and chicken wire well we can take turns practicing shots and blocks come on you like soccer and you're pretty good for a girl pretty good for a girl what's that supposed to mean oh jesus all i meant was how do you like that smartie hey i wasn't ready but now i am so look out brother sister you stop that this instant but mama don't you but mama me you know the rules no ball playing in the house but mama we weren't playing ball we were just fooling around that's right mama just fooling around huh well just fooling around my dears is how precious possessions get broken things like fancy brick-a-brack antique clocks valuable lamps so if you're gonna fool around with a soccer ball do it outside that's what i was telling sister that we should practice at my new soccer ball well come on then last one there is a student proof oh yeah i'm headed for the mall to do some shopping so behave yourselves your papa is in his workshop if you need anything and there's milk and cookies in the kitchen if you get hungry those cubs what do you think of my soccer goal pretty good for homemade [Music] okay let her rip goldie prepare to meet your dude [Music] just call me stonewall okay stonewall let's see you stop this and this and this and this [Music] okay get ready because sakura is how i get my kicks [Applause] [Music] well what do you think what do i think about what about doing something besides soccer but or at least going home for that milk and cookies well okay you know there's a lot more things to do in life than practice soccer like what for instance like pick wildflowers pick wild flowers i don't know if i could stand the excitement [Music] well we could do some bird watching bird watching we're watching why sure i've already identified 17 kinds of birds this week hey sis give me a break while i'm picking all those wild flowers and watching all those birds my soccer skills go down the drain and i lose my starting spot on the soccer team boy you are something [Music] well have you got any more bright ideas i know what let's go out and take turns twisting each other up on the swing and see who gets the dizziest that's a dizzy idea [Music] besides i just get sick and throw up okay then let's go out to berry island and pick wild blackberries hmm no blackberry picking i just get stuck on this orange besides the seeds get stuck in your teeth oh you you're nothing but a stick in the mud you don't want to do anything all you want to do is sit and hug that dopey soccer ball you must be in love with that soccer ball i am not but i'll tell you something smart mouth i bet you i can dribble this dopey ball past you oh yeah you couldn't get it past me before and you can't get it past me now well we'll just see about that [Music] mama's favorite lamp smashed all the bits what are we going to do well i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to get the heck out of here [Music] uh [Music] oh my gosh here comes mama oh no what do we do we could hide the lamp there's no time well we could at least hide the soccer ball [Music] hurry here she comes hide it quick [Music] well i'm back from my shopping did you have your milk and cook my lamp my very best lamp what happened to it well um you see it it got broken i know it got broken how did it get broken well it was a bird a bird yes a bird that's right a big purple bird with yellow feet yes and a red head and green wing tips and funny little red feathers sticking out of its head [Music] this bird did it make any kind of sound it's squat it whistled that's right it squawked and whistled then it flew in the window zoomed around the room and broke the lamp [Music] well that was quite an experience yeah well hello group how's every little holy catfish what happened to mama's best lamp it's quite a story why don't you tell it to your papa well there was this big green-headed yellow bird with purple feet no a red-headed purple bird with yellow feet yeah yeah a purple-headed green bird with red feet and yellow wingtips and green feathers growing out of it no no no a yellow headed green bird with red feet and purple wingtips in just a minute please you got me confused now what was it a yellow bird with green wingtips and purple feet or a purple bird with green wingtips and yellow feet or was it a white bird with black spots [Music] like that soccer ball behind my easy chair well what have you got to say for yourselves now papa don't be too hard on them you see i'm not so worried about the lamp we can always get another lamp or we can glue this one back together what i'm sad about is the thought that maybe just maybe my cubs whom i've always trusted aren't telling me the truth and trust is not something you can put back together again once it's broken it wasn't a bird it was a soccer ball and it was all my fault it was just as much my fault hello graham oh everything is fine here in the tree house sunday dinner how nice we'd love to gran we'll see you then regards to gramps bye isn't that nice graham just invited mama you didn't tell graham the truth oh sister's right you told gran everything is fine here in the treehouse and it isn't true oh but it is true papa and i have two fine cubs who have just learned a very important lesson about telling the truth and what could be finer than that but what about your lamp oh papa's gonna glue it back together why don't you two help oh boy can we come on brother [Music] well what do you think i think you've done a very good job of gluing it back together well i certainly hope it'll be a very long time before you're tempted to tell a lie count on it papa count on it absolutely well i'm very glad to hear that because trust is one thing you can't put back together again once it's broken
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 516,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, Berenstain, The Truth, Truth, Honesty, 80s TV, Retro TV, Cartoons, berenstain bears full episodes, bear, cute bears, classic cartoons 90s, 90's classics, berenstain, berenstain bears, jan and stan berenstain, original illustrations berenstain bears, cartoon illustrations, The Berenstain Bears and the Truth, the truth, leaning cartoon, learning cartoons, learning cartoons for 2 year olds
Id: FNKEo7_lHj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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