The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] a dollop of honey two dollars [Music] good morning Mama [Music] for breakfast [Applause] your favorite honey cinnamon porridge hey great careful it's hot [Music] good morning Papa guess what's for breakfast Papa your favorite honey cinnamon porridge there's a paper foreign [Music] have a nice day wow what's with him yeah what's eating Papa oh nothing really I just think he got out of the wrong side of bed this morning hmm see you tomorrow so long gang hi Mama Hi Cubs milk and cookies waiting on the kitchen table [Music] morning when Papa was grouchy and you said it was because you got out of the wrong side of the bed I remember well what side of the bed is the wrong side there's no special side really it's just an expression that means starting off the day grouchy that's all oh okay into bed with you and I Cubs good night Papa Mama Yes dear remember what you said about getting out of the wrong side of the bed well how about you how about me what have you ever gotten out of the wrong side of the bed oh of course I have everybody gets out of the wrong side of the bed occasionally well good night dears Mama suppose you both got out of the wrong side of the bed on the same morning what would happen then there's no telling what would happen then that could mean more much [Music] sister get your Dopey feet out of my face my feet are Dopey Grouch puss and they're not in your face now hear this get your Dopey face out of my face oh yeah well you're the one that's Dopey Brother Bear because while you're sitting there like a clod I'm getting into the bathroom ahead of you unlocking the door hey you can't do that you little twerp you unlock this door you little nerd if you don't unlock this door she's singing early in the morning [Music] hi Papa what in the name of bear country is going on here well you see papa what possible excuse could you have for banging on doors and calling your sister names well see she put her feet in my face scene then when I told him not to she called me Grouch puss and sneaked into the bathroom ahead of me and locked the door and when I asked her to come out she started the singing none of which is any kind of excuse for pounding on doors and calling names good morning Papa deer it certainly is a lovely day good morning sweetie now why can't you be sweet and Cooperative like your sister I'll never speak to her again as long as I live you gotta do buster Papa deer will you ask that person beside you for the honey [Music] not speaking Papa would you ask that person beside you for the butter [Music] hi brother hi sister saved your regular seat for you I wouldn't sit beside her if she was the last Cub on Earth because double for me [Music] hi Mama hello dear where's your brother brother I don't know anybody by that name foreign cookies on the kitchen table and afterward why don't you come outside and play in that nice backyard tree house you've been working on together I want to say just one thing is that other person who shall be nameless thinks for one minute he's going to take over my half of this tree house he's sadly mistaken well if a certain little twit thinks she's gonna take my half of the tree house she's even more mistaken [Music] foreign [Music] is my hat and if a certain loudmouth so much as puts one toe over this line and this is my hat and if a certain Dopey bathroom hogging twerps so much as that certain person thinks I'm Gonna Leave just because it's raining and leave the whole tree house to him he's even dumber than he looks [Music] oh dear those Cubs brother sister don't you know enough to come in out of the rain come in here this instant go up to your room and dry off before you catch your deck of cold [Music] well I like that some unauthorized person has been using my modeling clay oh it took me a week to make those well what about my jigsaw puzzle that some little twerp has been putting together [Music] you no good rat I've been working on that puzzle for two whole weeks my clay dinosaurs I was working on them for a school project oh yeah well my clay is my clay and you have absolutely no right I have every right you're always using my stuff my skateboard my hockey stick my never mind about yourself [Music] what in the world is going on up there I want that shouting stop this instant understand it's all his fault he called me names all my fault it's all her fault I don't care whose fault it is I want this fighting and bickering stopped stop stop you here why do you think I want a noise I didn't know you could whistle that loud Mama well I can and I can also tell you that I've had quite enough of this foolish fighting why I don't think you two even remember what you're fighting about all right YouTube onto my lap now let's settle down and talk about the situation calmly and quietly to talk about how folks get into bad moods once in a while and how one thing leads to another and they get into big nasty noisy arguments even folks who love each other very much you and I don't have arguments my dear oh yes we do no we don't we're having one right now about whether or not we have arguments they get angry they begin to Stomp and Shout say all sorts of things they really don't mean even call each other bad names then after a while they come to their senses and realize how silly they've been and the whole thing blows away you mean it all sort of blows away like the storm yes my dear like the storm hey gang look a rainbow yes a rainbow you see a rainbow is something very beautiful that happens after a big storm you mean like making up after a fight yes that's exactly what I mean now why don't you two kiss and make up kill ripen shake hands and make up [Music]
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 1,376,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, Kidlit, kids cartoons, 80s cartoons, kids tv, cartoons, berenstain, berenstain bears full episodes, bear, cute bears, berenstain bears, jan and stan berenstain, original illustrations berenstain bears, cartoon illustrations, 80s classics, 80's cartoons, cartoons for kids, berenstain bears get in a fight, berenstain bears get in a fight living books, the berenstain bears, living books, sister bear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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