The Berenstain Bears in the Dark

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[Music] so [Music] this way to bear country you'll know when you're there as soon as you enter you will feel like a bear a great grizzly bear a berenstain bear [Music] [Music] galore you may think that this starts for so well it does [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you going to take out of the library today same thing i took out last time mysteries spooky mysteries the spookier the better mr macho what are you taking out more storybooks once upon a time there was a happy little dandelion you'll give me that book she was as yellow as the sun and twice as happy then one day brother you give me that book take it i'm not sure i could have stood the excitement good afternoon cubs how did you like your book sister they were very nice miss bearson and how were yours brother they were lean mean and really keen the case of the weird woodpecker nah the case of the dancing donuts haven't you found anything yet hold your horses hold your horses the case of the crying cave hmm it all happened on an overnight camping trip a strange terrifying overnight camping trip [Music] it's a good thing i didn't say boo [Music] been to the library wonderful fine activity reading broadens your horizons nourishes the brain and what are these books about huh i think i'll watch a little news have to keep up on world events you know from the oceans to the seas to the forest back to me today's news today and it's about mine's a mystery a spooky mystery it's called shh we mustn't disturb papa while he's watching the news once upon a time there were three pretty kittens i am the prettiest without a doubt said the first little kitten i have the longest whiskers and the pinkest nose not so said the second kitten surely i'm the prettiest my coat is as smooth as the finest silk step aside please because i'm the prettiest said the third little pretty all right pretty boring wow golly how's your book terrific what's it about well it's about these guys who go on an overnight camping trip their names are eddie teddy and tom and they're speed lunkers see that's guys who explore caves and anyway say would you like me to read it to you okay that sure is a spooky looking cave said eddie as he and his two friends stared up at the strange-looking cave in the side of an old craggy mountain yeah said teddy it sort of looks like a mouth with teeth come on said tom can't let a few crooked teeth scare us they climb toward the gaping mouth of rock the weird cave was even spookier inside than out i don't like the looks of this place said eddie not one little bit it looks like it's full of monsters cave monsters well said teddy at least let's get these backpacks off and rest a minute then it happened the cave began to cry with a terrible blood curdly wailing sound [Music] help scream the free prince hey stop stop stop reading stop stop i don't want to hear anymore sister is a scaredy bear sister is a scaredy now now that'll be enough of that now sweetie you mustn't let your imagination run away with you like that it's only a book yeah it's only a book a stupid dopey scary book it says what your book's upside down [Music] all right now into bed let's settle down good night sleep tight good night night mama night papa [Music] good night good night it sure is dark no darker than usual and i think i hear the crying cave ah that's just an old hoodie owl it's like papa says you're just letting your imagination run away with you next thing you'll be seeing cave monsters i i am seeing cave monsters great big horrible cave monsters [Music] [Applause] and there were cave monsters great big awful cave monsters right over there i saw them i did now sweetie you're letting your imagination run away with you there's nothing over there but the closed tree and the old chest of drawers cave monsters i saw them and i know they're not cave monsters because i made them myself and i heard them i know i heard them they went [Music] do you know anything about this young fellow it's like papa said she just let her imagination run away with her uh-huh well let's just put it this way if there's any more ooh it's gonna be followed by a little ow ow ow all right let's settle down and get some sleep your papa and i are going to bed now so we'll be nearby and oh yes we'll leave the light on for the time being thank you mama leave the lights on what about me i can't sleep with the lights on they keep me awake well that's just too bad [Music] oh thank you mama thank you gee whiz well you'll just have to [Music] and sleep help sleep help can't sleep help can't sleep [Music] i don't ever want to go through a night like that again see i think i have an idea sister come with me where are we going papa up to the attic the attic but it's dark up there even in the daytime i know sweetie but there's something i want to show you and anyway there's nothing so special about the dark it's just part of nature like the light it's that imagination of yours that makes the dark seem spooky sometimes i wish i didn't have an imagination don't say that a lively imagination is one of the best things a cub can have it's imagination that lets us make paintings create beautiful music invent inventions the trick is to take charge of your imagination not let it take charge of you imagination behave yourself last warning imagination here it is my old nightlight the one i used when i was a cub and had a little trouble falling asleep in the dark you mean you were afraid of the dark too oh sure most of us are at one time or another brother how did that book turn out are you sure you want me to tell you yes well they got out of that cave so fast they forgot their backpacks and had to go back and when they got back they figured out the mystery there was a hole in the top of the cave and the crying was the sound of the wind blowing across the hole like when you blow across the top of a bottle like this you know i was pretty disappointed by the way the case of the crying cave ended oh why is that because i was hoping that the whaling would be a really scary monster [Music] hey what are you trying to do scare a guy brother you're just going to have to do something about that imagination of yours [Music]
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 543,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, Berenstain, kidlit, kids tv, cartoons
Id: TQjm_6oT0Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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