The Messy Room | Berenstain Bears

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[Music] this way to bear country as soon as you like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning mrs. Baer the Sameach for you Thank You mr. mayor good my tree housekeeping magazine those Cubs with that kind of energy you'd think they could take better care of their room speaking of rooms aren't these lovely dear just look at these lovely rooms [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these model treehouse rooms entry housekeeping magazine aren't they lovely they're iced enough I suppose but certainly no lovelier than the rooms in our very old tree house this lovely gracious neat as a pin living room cozy warm comfortable in the extreme oh it's all right I suppose and our delightful dining room a room to be proud of floor clean enough to eat off not to mention the table yes and of course your wonderful spick-and-span perfectly delicious kitchen a model room if ever there was one yes yes but what yes but there's one place in this treehouse I'm not proud of Bronwyn sister's room is a mess a perfectly dreadful knot down drag out wall-to-wall mess and I'm not going to stand for any longer I put up with that messy room long enough well directly I've got some urgent work to do in my shop for pete's sake sister will you take your shot fine tiddlywinks nuts yes just hold your horses I didn't get to be tiddlywink stamp of fair country school by rushing my shop it's [Music] [Music] hi mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty nice collection of spiders you've got up here yes they're very useful they eat the ants that come in for food crumbs very clever isn't it hard to get around I mean in all this mess not really watch very impressive how do you get this closet door open to turn off your clothes I mean well we don't bother we just sort of hang them in different places around the most impressive in fact this is the most impressive mess I personally have ever seen dirtiest disgusting dirty and I am just not going to take it any longer I've had it no more mrs. nice guy but time has definitely come for me too [Music] yeah mama you had a perfect right to put your foot down but when you did it you put it down right on my airplane cement that does it that does it not you this I want this entire route leaned and for starters I want this entire four picked up clean and I want exactly minutes [Music] anyway that stuff she picked up with their foot is a start look we don't have time for smart remarks you've got some heavy picking up to do I've got some heavy picking up to do how do you figure that most of this mess is yours oh yeah what about these your oh yeah well what about these your farm animals your stuffed bunny well if you're so smart how am I supposed to sleep with your dumb dinosaur toys buddy you know something what this isn't getting the job done and the minutes are ticking by we better get to work well what do you think what do I think I think we're in big trouble and the 15 minutes are almost up what are we do I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking I have a creative idea we sure could use one mom is gonna have a fit if we don't get this whole mess off the floor and out of sight precisely [Music] fifteen minutes times [Music] this is wonderful I can actually see the floor yeah you can get around the Rue and now to pogo stick Hey look with the four clean you can actually open the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what are you going to do mama what's the box for it's for this brush this good-for-nothing white trash [Music] well the mess certainly has built up in this room in fact it's the worst case of messy building I've ever seen now let's sit down and talk this over calmly so you see this messy room isn't fair it isn't fair to your mama and me we have a lot of other things to take care of but it isn't fair to you cups because you really can't have fun or relax in a rule of such a terrible mess what you need is a little organization and maybe a box not a trash box know what toy box I'll make you one and maybe a lot of other little boxes for your games and collections and how about one of those boards with all the holes in it like you have in your shop a pegboard good idea [Music] well what do you think what about the closet go ahead I'm not sure I dare go ahead [Music] yes indeed and a closet to be proud of yeah are you proud of us too absotively posilutely hey what about yours truly Papa Q bear what do you think ups should be keep on topic you [Music]
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 391,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Berenstain Bears, Berenstain, Messy Room, 80s TV, Retro TV, berenstain bears full episodes, bear, cute bears, berenstain, berenstain bears, jan and stan berenstain, original illustrations berenstain bears, cartoon illustrations, 80s classics, 80's cartoons, messy, messy room cleaning, messy room berenstain bears, cartoons for kids, berenstain bears messy room
Id: h2XZdAcSdLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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