The Beauty Standards of Tess Holliday | Pretty Effing Standard

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hey Tess if your beauty standards my name is Alan Roberts this is every damn day fitness like subscribe to the kids world over there so my videos subscribe to my second channel Alan Roberts in my opinion of course make the Bombo at the end thank you very much and yes Tess holiday is on the channel again I know people like oh my god just holidays want to channel again and yes the reason being is when you have a huge following like technology does a lot of people listen to you like just do they do a test holiday and you say a lot of idiotic illogical and dangerous [ __ ] I'm going to talk about it absolutely Tess holiday is on record talking about how transformation photos aren't toxic they are absolutely toxic when somebody is obese and they go to a healthier weight or they're underweight and they go to a healthier weight or they just change their body composition they show us side by side that's somehow toxic but this right so my best friend turns 40 next month so I brought her to my fav Cavani and what are we gonna do today so we are just gonna rejuvenate and kind of preventative ly do some wrinkle Botox treatment here we're gonna have a game plan in the future we've talked about so stay tuned we're gonna keep them guessing though so I don't know if I'm going to tell you all of what I think they're doing but we're gonna basically rearrange some of the geometry and face sculptor but to the point where her grandmas will recognize where her friend gets actual toxins Botox injected into her face so let me get just just for the sake of argument pictures showing that a person has realized that they love themselves enough to want to have a better quality of life live longer change their body composition in whatever way is healthiest so that they could be around longer and have a better quality of life for their loved ones for their children for their parents for the people in their life for their spouses for their friends who you do owe health to the people that love you you are going to hurt them if you hurt your health so you do owe them health [ __ ] just be [ __ ] real so they that those pictures where that person loves themselves enough to get healthy that is somehow toxic but having actual toxins objected your face with Botox not toxic the this woman is so illogical and it's such [ __ ] I can't even get over most of time I really can't she's full of [ __ ] in my opinion she really really is she could first of all she could have just taken her friend to get it because I don't have any problem their friend getting Botox but that's almost a [ __ ] advertisement for the dude just let's just be real that's almost a [ __ ] advertisement for the dude if it's not an actual advertisement I don't know it is I'm not saying it is but it's it's damn near an advertisement for the guy so just to just to get this right she is the owner of the F your beauty standards hashtag pretty much but what beauty standards does she eff Botox on the table lip injections on the table hair always done [ __ ] tattoos are pretty accepted in the modeling industry in it right now and pretty accepted as a beauty standard because you know in around around the world so that's pretty standard now too you know the dress is I realize that all all the other standards as she says are okay or a pretty [ __ ] standard the only one that if she you know says F basically is obesity because she doesn't even talk about underweight models she actually says you said she's actually brought up but that's a negative thing a couple times so f your obesity standards should really be her hashtag it really [ __ ] should here's the [ __ ] lowdown people stop worrying about what you [ __ ] look like we're in a very inherently unhealthy sick society physically stop it so who gives a [ __ ] what you look like stop listen to people that tell you what dresses to buy what makeup to wear what funding to stop it who [ __ ] cares if you want to get Botox get it if you want to fund get lip injections get it but don't [ __ ] you know be healthy though to like try to [ __ ] be healthy people do whatever you want with your body just understand it's probably consequences you know for a long time I [ __ ] tried to be the strongest person I could the strongest version of me and I threw [ __ ] caution to the wind and very [ __ ] realistically my body's probably to pay the price in a couple years I'm still in very very good shape and I take very very good care of myself but the sins of the [ __ ] past will come catch me trust on that my lower back is probably [ __ ] up my knees are already [ __ ] up because from previous injuries before I even started weightlifting so I'm probably to pay the price for this later on that's the reason why I worry so much about being healthy because I who still want to be 90 years old holding hands with my wife watching the Sun go down over the dolphin dolphin Mexico that's what I want to [ __ ] do so trust on this [ __ ] what you look like who gives a [ __ ] f all beauty standards that's me the half that hashtag f all beauty standards because somebody is going to find you attractive somebody is going to love you for you somebody's going to love you for your personality if you start loving yourself enough to want to be healthy if you will start loving yourself enough to put in work to better yourself physically in a way that is going to increase your quality of life longevity I'm not talking about [ __ ] running marathons and show like that I'm talking like try to be a healthier version of you to lived as long as you can for the people in your life if you start loving yourself like that somebody will [ __ ] love you I can guarantee that [ __ ] somebody will [ __ ] love you that is the standard we should [ __ ] set we should set a standard of taking care of each other and try to get the [ __ ] healthy so f all beauty standards [ __ ] and tests definitely f your logic standards and that's just my two cents no matter my name is Alan Roberts hit me up on instagram @ Alan Roberts e to the F hit me up on Twitter every fit I'm also on Facebook at every David Fitness I'm internet and every damn day fitness net see I'm getting the speed back up on that thing god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 57,736
Rating: 4.964406 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, tess holliday, body positivity, plus size, fat acceptance, plus size model, tess holliday cosmopolitan, tess holliday model, body positive, eff your beauty standards, amberlynn reid, body acceptance, body-positive model, weight loss, plus-size model, fat positive, body positive advocate, brittany dawn fitness, alan roberts, eddf
Id: o2nzhkw01HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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