Morning Coffee Live

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coffee i've gotten a lot of work done so far this morning already and just wanted to go live on one of the very few mediums it's a lot that actually allows me to speak like what i find funny about america right now or just the world right now is that like you [ __ ] some of you [ __ ] are so soft you can't even hear people speak it's crazy anyway i'll do q a i uh right now if we want to talk about what i've been doing i'm testing out a product i'm coming out with for uh it's a non-stimulant natural appetite suppressant and i'm testing that with your hembine hcl at about uh what about 17 and a half uh 75 milligrams a day for the hcl uh yohembine just to see if it just to see if it actually does anything or if it mobilizes fat differently so so far pretty happy like visceral fat's gone gone um and then i'm working out about an hour a day nothing [ __ ] crazy just some circuit work just trying to get my health done i'm trying still trying to bring my uh my body weight down i'm i'm still downsizing i'm hoping i end up somewhere around uh lean like 180 pounds um uh lean comfortable 180 pounds you know uh down from like 270 in my biggest i think that would be very good do you do any cardio almost all my workout is cardio just to be real i don't take i don't rest much like yesterday our circuit was a full body circuit and we started with uh dips pull-ups leg press uh plank so i did 20 dips uh and it's we i did assist it i did assist with like 20 with 20 pounds of resistance but 20 dips 15 pull-ups uh about a minute worth of planking and then with like just like two or three plates on the on the leg press we did very slow like three second eccentric cadence two second concentric cadence with a second full squeeze on the muscle at the top so it's a 15 to 20 uh leg press so and there's no rest between you go from one to one to one to one one and then you take 30 seconds then one one one and then we did another circuit after that too we do a lot of circuit work so most in my volume training program which you can find a damn collective my volume training program is pretty much cardio with weights it's uh the progressive overload on it is done by adding time under tension adding other resistance exercise exercises and shortening the rest times so it's a very very very very good cardiovascular workout but i i'm a big believer that cardio should also be fun for you like you should do things that you like i'm not a big runner i just i i don't like it it bangs it bangs me up and i've got some like lower back stuff like like some disc generation from probably squatting [ __ ] really heavy for all those years and uh just genetic you know which just means i shouldn't have [ __ ] squatted heavy all those [ __ ] years it was stupid [ __ ] dumb but um i'm a male so therefore i'm [ __ ] stupid but uh i got some disgeneration my lower two vertebrae and the bouncing up and down can tend like after a while it hurts hurts my back uh i'd much much much more prefer to do circuit work like i'll do just around our pool just for a half an hour i'll do uh i'll do lunges walking around the pool straight legged deadlift with dumbbells lunges walking around the pool feeling like dead dumbbells i [ __ ] try to make sure i incorporate some stuff in it like i use these box jumps where i'll do burpee box jumps up jump up on the box jump down burpee jump up on the box jump down burpee um and i just do those in circuit i also will sometimes train uh rowing i'm not a big grower but i do like to i'm not a big row were but i've thought about getting a rover for home just in case uh greens for japan which has 39 of the us population uh less than but less than two percent number of coveted deaths one reason probably it's obesity rates i mean people generally generally take better care of their health there it's not just obesity that's the thing people that lifestyle it's lifestyle like when you eat tons of [ __ ] sugar every single [ __ ] day you're an inflammatory state it's not even a [ __ ] argument you know what i mean and it's just you know lack of sleep lack of hydration like i personally believe that if we would have been in better shape as a world like if we would if we would have had almost no obesity because obesity is just like very bad i've been there it's very bad on natural state i'm still technically i'm probably at somewhere around like a 27 and a half bmi or something like that right now and um i'm still overweight you know now i'm athletic my waist is very very small and i genetically i'm probably one of those people that's in the [ __ ] realm but i have no problem trying to get down to 180 for my health and longevity i don't like i will gladly set my ego [ __ ] down but it's not just weight it's how much are you sleeping how much you hydrating how much you um how much stress reliever you get and how much stress do you have in your life uh how are your social bonds how is you know how's your life like that but dehydration like we are chronically dehydrated i think if people uh most people could double their water almost and eat less food and it would be a [ __ ] great world let's see so uh let's see uh so true enjoying my cardio sessions has been a big game changer in my training you have to like it like that's the thing for certain things when it comes to like a caloric load and all of that don't think of it as training think of it as general physical physical preparedness you know i eat the same exact thing every day are there disadvantages to this there's only disadvantages to that if you get feel have a feeling of restriction if you do it by choice it's normally not a problem like i eat fairly much the same thing every day like uh we do taco salads chili uh i do steak on steak like to a certain degree almost every day fish when it's not steak you know every single day uh it's it's it's you know it depends like i personally like to make sure that i get to have like something sweet occasionally like in the evening even if it's just a sweet potato and on the weekend one meal one meal one like one meal a week crystal like eat whatever [ __ ] we want like french fries blah blah blah you know i still gravitate towards healthy [ __ ] though it just seems uh depends on the foods you eat i know seventh represent the popular uh the population drinks two liters of water per day i would i would bet you're right now if you look at total fluid even including the coffee soda and like that i still think it's like we're radically dehydrated like radically radically dehydrated you know when do when do the rolex cardio uh sessions on center i think uh the pirate spinner torture but it's been awesome that's good uh we should at least drink 20 ounces of water as soon as we wake up i i personally like that i think you've got a very good [ __ ] aspect the meditation if people can't do it like if people aren't into it it's not really a thing but some stressfully first thing of the day like wake up ease in have a cup of coffee i'd wake up 15 minutes ahead of time anytime i normally need to just to do that me and the wife only have coffee together every single day morning angry bald man what's up [ __ ] betty blue i have i have a question on how to deal with people on this i'm about 20 pounds for my over from my overweight but everyone keeps saying i'm thin and don't need to change it how should i respond well i don't like it depends on what your weight is now it may be their concern for you i do honestly say that normally when people are losing weight and somebody says hey you're thin enough you're good normally it is out of honestly genuine concern because some people have in their head that healthy is actually overweight like we have totally skewed our perception of what is healthy and overweight and stuff like that in society we look at people that are obese and think they're just kind of overweight and we look at people that are morally obese and think that things are just obese and we look at people of average height of average weight uh people with normal waistlines like in normal waistlines means you don't like it's just your waist i'm not expecting you to have abs but you should have a decently flat stomach uh and if you don't you have stored more energy than you need if you have like if you don't have a lot of fat on your stomach but it looks like your stomach's distended that's actually possibly more dangerous you could have a lot of visceral fat inside of you you know like it's not something to [ __ ] around with we just have this skewed perception in society of what health looks like like technically i'm getting healthier i'm still kind of big you know like uh and no [ __ ] i train my body athletically which is not optimal for longevity but if i just try to do general physical preparedness i get way too bored and then i don't do it so i know that i need to have some you know some intensity to my workouts because of just i've worked out for 35 [ __ ] years like i would be mind-numbingly bored now i do like 15 minutes worth of general physical preparedness every single day twist my spine in every direction transversely front back side to side stuff like that i make sure that i have good spine health because i you know that's good for longevity i do 15 minutes of general physical preparedness every single day and i'll do on any given day just bust out and do some pull-ups they're the push-ups excuse me when i'm uh when i'm bored or whatever like because i try to incorporate that [ __ ] in my life but you know we just we have a very skewed sense of what health is um betty blue i'm 170 pounds five five and i'm overweight the thing is people like i've heard a lot of women argue about the bmi scale and of course the bmi scale does have its flaws again uh it doesn't account for highly athletic people like myself but even what i'm saying i'm still trying to try to get down to a health would be considered a healthy bmi that's because i'm doing my part and i want to be around a long [ __ ] time the the extra extra muscle and [ __ ] like that that does that just gets in the [ __ ] way of longevity truly like when you're if i'm carrying like enough lean mass where i'm actually technically if i stripped off all my all my body fat my lean mass is still technically uh in the overweight category that's too much [ __ ] weight for my frame in my opinion so i have friends that hold that still hold a lot of muscle in their frame but i'm gonna be 50 this [ __ ] summer i want to live for at least another 40 [ __ ] years having a good [ __ ] time like really good time not just surviving not just [ __ ] existing you know so you could be overweight uh in fact i would suggest you are for women uh women that say the bmi scale is made for men you're actually that's actually a self-defeating like argument because men naturally have a higher percentage of lean mass than women due to biological differences which we actually [ __ ] have and exist so men will carry more lean mass and have denser bone structure that sort of thing you know uh especially after going through puberty so for a woman to be at a high bmi it's actually probably worse than a male because men tend to carry more lean body mass so their actual fat content is higher now however women should be at a natural higher body fat percentage so it kind of does wash but a 200 pound woman or like is is an obese woman almost 100 of the time unless they're very very very tall and or very athletic unless their extreme genetic anomaly most of the time when a male weighs 200 pounds they're overweight or obese most times male frames are not made to carry 200 pounds or more i mean this whole gym fitness [ __ ] [ __ ] that if you don't weigh 200 pounds i used to [ __ ] think that thing too if you don't wait to 200 pounds do you really even [ __ ] lift yeah you [ __ ] left well you know like i mean you're being healthy it's [ __ ] dumb men are [ __ ] stupid we really are uh humble and strong man i'm just [ __ ] realistic like i'm just some [ __ ] dude you know like i like for real like a lot of people have this misconception like i'm not like greg guzette i don't play a [ __ ] character i'm not like that little [ __ ] lion [ __ ] you know this unfortunately sometimes is me you know like all the [ __ ] time i feel for crystal i feel for my wife all the [ __ ] time like because i'm a [ __ ] lot like you [ __ ] don't even see i'm a [ __ ] lot to take this is who i am all the goddamn time you know and i love myself i do but i'm very self-actually one of the reasons why i love myself i'm very self-actualized and i'm a [ __ ] lot to take like i'm [ __ ] not easy to be around sometimes you know like uh since me and me and mark have got to be good friends again like our conversations i there's not a [ __ ] chance in hell that like we're a lot to take i us in person together for people is gonna be a [ __ ] lot you know uh because we're both so [ __ ] you know and this is just me so i just try to be as self-actualized as possible like recently with the with the fat acceptance losers uh being really really really upset that i went after one of their icons she's a morbidly obese woman who [ __ ] talks about staying morbidly obese and loving her body blah blah blah all the time she's liz is a [ __ ] idiot i mean why we why we listen to this woman like why i don't i don't understand how these people all of a sudden gain a voice when it comes to their [ __ ] health and fitness and [ __ ] like that like this woman's clearly train wrecked her [ __ ] fitness and is trying to recover from it and all the power to her but her making a statement after eating herself into a [ __ ] seriously [ __ ] poor compromised state her trying to get out of it good for her that's good for her but her stating that don't the whole don't judge you judge people in their body listen i don't want anybody to be shamed but we got to put that [ __ ] away it's time to [ __ ] adult about this [ __ ] if we would have given out vitamin d for free and encourage people to [ __ ] lose weight at the beginning of this [ __ ] pandemic [ __ ] like that the world would have been like a lot less people would [ __ ] have died a lot less people would have died period this is not even an argument this is fact this is statistical truth you know and we just let it [ __ ] happen so you know i i mean we've got got to get to the stage where it's like okay like you we don't want to shame you folks for being fat or obese and the lifestyle choices you made to get there because that's what the [ __ ] truth is when i was obese i made those [ __ ] lifestyle choices nobody was [ __ ] forcing me and yes i'm a binge eater and yes i got [ __ ] problems but guess what that means that's on me to [ __ ] fix it because i don't want to [ __ ] use hospital resources or you know i don't use hospital resources it should be for other people but i also want to i'm like super i'm almost 50 years old i'm super [ __ ] happy super [ __ ] mobile you know i feel very [ __ ] good i'm living like i don't have many friends my age that aren't into fitness but that way you know why i have nothing in [ __ ] common with them if you're almost a 50 year old male and you are [ __ ] drinking like six beers a [ __ ] day and you've got a big beer beer gut and you get almost no activity besides walking to your car to go to work and walking back into the [ __ ] sit down in your chair and you eat a lot of [ __ ] food and you got a big ass [ __ ] beer gut you're shortening your life you're shortening your time with your [ __ ] family you're probably gonna miss a lot of [ __ ] experiences because you're sitting on your [ __ ] couch watching the [ __ ] news all goddamn day instead of doing [ __ ] with your [ __ ] family it's time to fix that [ __ ] you know we gotta [ __ ] we've got an adult like we've got to start adulting you the [ __ ] people out there that expect people to do all sorts of [ __ ] for their health like mass vaccines all that [ __ ] most of which are [ __ ] overweight or obese like because most people are overweight and obese most people we have to be over 50 obesity after this after 2020 with so many people gaining weight we're probably close to 60 just to [ __ ] be real we're probably close to 60 obesity and we're probably in the upwards of 80 like towards 80 overweight like the average person is [ __ ] you know the average person is dramatically out of shape and unhealthy in america we have to change that we can't like when just average when just being average is like a train wreck of a [ __ ] physical experience we've got to change that you know like it's not sustainable uh does the thickest of your waist determine your body frame and how much muscle you can put on not necessarily there is a lot of research into joint size and uh a natural natural potential that is something you should actually address with steve shaw steve shaw's done a lot of research on that [ __ ] i mean who have talked to length on it he [ __ ] gets it he's also got excellent statistics it's a massive iron he's a the first youtuber i met he's one of my best friends um but uh usually i mean that that that's it's kind of determinate now my waist is very like and people people aren't used to seeing it because they haven't like i really don't show myself but my waist is very very small like i have i have no visceral fat left and my mice is very very small um i can like it's like this like i can put my hands on my hips and it's kind of like that um but it's not a brag thing that's [ __ ] genetics and just not being [ __ ] fat like like uh me having a thin waist like me having a small waist i don't know what it's going to say thin because i've got a little bit of still i still got the lower lower body fat like lower belly fat that we're hoping to eat the your body hcl takes away if not i don't [ __ ] care if it doesn't take it away i'm good i can still see my [ __ ] penis uh and i'm at pretty i'm a pretty lean state like i'm at a healthy i'm in a healthy body fat range right now i'm just gonna float in here you know now that you have hcl along with the uh along with no morbidity it i'm only eating like once a day i'm not even hungry for that meal and i'm just trying to fill what i can with healthy food to my minimum protein and fatty acids for the day and then uh fiber uh but i'm just not hungry and we're just hoping that that takes care of that but i'm just trying to be self-actualized like i'm almost 50 year old [ __ ] man who can't control his swearing most of god like i can control my swearing but it [ __ ] sucks i hate it i i don't i i can tell the difference like when i'm talking technical i can tell the difference in in how i speak because i'm making sure i don't swear because that's like falling back into the executive mode and i can tell the difference you know but when i'm just [ __ ] rambling [ __ ] off and swearing it's just like a random access memory that's why that's why i like live because i can answer questions live and i can debate live that's what that's why greg you said would never come live with me greg ducette would lose a debate to me he's lost debates before greg you said would get smashed both training nutrition training nutrition and supplementation scrappy mark loveliner would destroy greg you said he would make him look like a [ __ ] fool period i saw i saw uh joffrey verdi uh shelfeld's video on on craig i [ __ ] told you so this is the year i've i told you so greg ducette is nothing but a [ __ ] con artist lying sack of [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] human dung i mean that's that's what he is he is a hoe he is a [ __ ] [ __ ] hi greg um i don't know how people still follow his [ __ ] lion ass if you still follow greg you said at this point you're [ __ ] stupid his fans base is the [ __ ] pathetic thing i wanted to talk about this real quick i saw his videos yesterday and um i find it funny how greg you said still i mean i know i look like voldemort but he treats me like it like he won't say my name this [ __ ] acts like acts like he doesn't need to say anybody's name when they have legit criticisms about him my videos about his nutrition advice make him look unqualified he is disqualifyingly [ __ ] stupid about nutrition supplementation to be speaking on it period and anybody that argues that he can come on an art until he can come on and argue that with me himself he's a coward [ __ ] lying sack of [ __ ] he does he faces no he he will address no criticism that [ __ ] will comment on a hundred subscriber youtube channel that talks about his book and he's gonna avoid talking about me and this guy and [ __ ] it's it's pathetic he's a [ __ ] i would love to meet greg just live have everybody video it like everybody everybody can video it from every [ __ ] angle and him and i can have a discussion about how stupid he [ __ ] is live in front of everybody on any social media platform i'd make him look like a [ __ ] fool i'd embarrass him greg you set is openly invited to rumble in the borough he can sit next to me i'll give him a booster chair [ __ ] anyway um i'm not sure if anyone is brought up to you can i tie this little this minimum advancement money for bc is between starving yourself yeah we need people to take control of their [ __ ] nutrition dude i'm overweight considering uh considering my body frame i should be 150 pounds i do engage in self-defense and tactical attacks and control tactics but uh but definitely too fat if you are very if you are active it sounds to me like you're very very active it's then you are definitely overeating the way you think about it if you weigh if you should weigh 150 pounds and you're very very active you're likely going to be stuck on between 1650 and 800 calories people radically overestimate that because while you may be very active for those things what do you do the rest of the day if you sit most the rest of the day that's just kind of moderate activity so moderate activity means you should take what your ideal weight is times it by 11 or 12 and that's what the number of calories you should around roundabout come up with because that's all huge guesstimates you should feel that out and individualize it to yourself personally but people just radically overestimate the number of calories that they need to maintain a healthy body fat range because they radically overestimate their activity level radically radically i work out for about an hour and a half a day but the rest of the time i'm doing this [ __ ] so therefore i'm not [ __ ] actually very active i'm moderately active at best people like to hear what they want to hear hey allen what do you think about demi lovato froyo shopping situation i made a couple videos about that i think she's a [ __ ] uh uh [ __ ] lunatic sorry i used to be big myself but there's nothing attractive about liz's body now i don't just to be real people can find her attractive people and find her body attractive i personally do not find uh obesity attracted because in my mind i know what it does to people like uh there's a lot of argument for biologically hardwired attraction like you know because we look for the healthiest of our of our species to try to mate with i mean i don't know uh i've been called ugly a lot so and i'm pretty i'm in pretty pretty good shape but uh i get called ugly oh the goddamn time i love it [ __ ] hilarious like [ __ ] might as long as my wife thanks for bang me and use the sex swing i don't give a [ __ ] but um uh what was i i don't forget what i'm saying cause i talked about the sex swing um let's see but you know finding people attractive that's a matter of like opinion you know so i'm not saying she's ugly i'm not i think she's got a very pretty face i just think she's a horrible human being for [ __ ] telling her [ __ ] fans for even thinking like why does lizzo even think she should be talking about health like why does she even think this what like what make this person has eaten themselves into a state of complete obliteration of their health and i don't give a [ __ ] what anybody says about that well she can dance and do this on stage she's [ __ ] her legs up and her knees up every time she does that [ __ ] like fast forward 30 years lizzo will be openly regretting this [ __ ] i can almost guarantee you if she makes it and i hate to even say it that way but if she makes it obese people have tried to justify well but i'm in shape because i can do this this this this if you are obese if you have extra energy if you eat next energy to the point where it starts collecting on you and hangs off in rolls you are not healthy you need to get there you know i work nights never seen light what's up alan loved your last video about the bodybuilder she's a [ __ ] loon bag uh hey ellen what do you think oh somebody already asked me that i think that was crazy i tried i i have been tired for some time usually in the mornings i upped my sugar intake and i got better thoughts i drank six energy drinks thoughts you should [ __ ] stop that [ __ ] and talk to your [ __ ] doctor you sound like a [ __ ] loon bag 300 grams of sugar in a day is a [ __ ] death sentence at age 50 i view my workouts and dieting as therapy i feel better now i feel much better than i did [ __ ] years ago hey have you heard about the meadow law in japan people are 45 years old have to have their waste measured yearly and their employers are fined if they're overweight then offered help with a dietitian can you please send me any information dm that uh the the mfing c-o-o or alan roberts adf on instagram in any way possible please i'd love that information before lockdown uh was the tip before lockdown was a typical wannabe power lifter eating junk food too much chasing numbers during first and second lockdown i went from being 242 down to 205 much happier now uh giannis great [ __ ] job great [ __ ] job hey allen what are you somebody please don't do that okay uh i have some mental problems sleep problems so i need uh to work out where i fall apart workouts a good therapy no filter i don't i don't i i i checked with what the young kids call i have no chill they're like no chill on lizzo that's because nobody needs to like what i say they just can't refute it somebody some people need to actually start telling society what they need to hear we don't you know not i'll tell you this ladies right now none of you need to do a [ __ ] booty blast workout you know most women shouldn't worry about the size of their ass they should worry about the size of their [ __ ] body you know let that [ __ ] like aesthetics should come very very very secondary and if you take good care of your health aesthetics happen almost by accident at least aesthetics that make you look good in clothes for the most part now you can love how you look obese but you don't love how you feel obese we we need to get past this [ __ ] we really do it's like we are the most childish nation in the [ __ ] world we're the youngest and most childish nation world we are literally acting like we should not tell people if they're obese that they're that they're not healthy what the [ __ ] people like how do you suspend reality that much for real like i mean you this is people that get there where are the type of people that walk in on their spouse banging somebody else and act like it never happened it's [ __ ] crazy uh now they've shreds i love the [ __ ] talk to vince i'd love vince is a [ __ ] i i'd love to talk to vince live i'd like to have live conversations with him i don't like that live conversation with tyrone greg tyrone vince vince chris heria i'd love to i would love to have a live conversation with chris heria could you imagine that conversation could you imagine a conversation between me and chris heria i'd have to spend half the time explaining the words i [ __ ] say i'd have to have spent half the time explaining the actual [ __ ] definition to the fitness terminologies and nutrition terminologies i'd be using to that stupid [ __ ] like i mean talk about somebody that's famous for [ __ ] being pretty like i mean he and everybody's like oh he's a great athlete that dude's great on a bar he really is he is mediocre at best mediocre at best at anything else fitness related mediocre at best after years and years and years he's mediocre best he's pathetic i'd love to have a live conversation with him too i'd [ __ ] make him look like a [ __ ] fool you know that's the thing most these [ __ ] that know very little about what they're talking about they're just very pretty by the way greg ducett's one of them he knows very [ __ ] little he knows very [ __ ] little about how it's about anything except for how to train his own self that's it um at the second that [ __ ] started really talking somatotypes like i understand somatotypes where like hey like right now i would probably look like a mesomorph um about six months ago i'd look like an endomorph here in a little bit i'll probably look like an ectomorph i'll i'll probably be all three uh body types in like a year and a half period of time you stupid [ __ ] it's the dumbest [ __ ] ever somatotypes were originally uh even thought of as a [ __ ] hypothesis about personal behavior you know um they they hold no basis like like you think that all human beings are three types of bodies and somebody and then we always get the [ __ ] dumbass morons like you said like it's a combination so therefore it's not a type you know i mean if you want to look at somebody and say they look like a mesomorph right now i understand because it's such a well-known it's such a well-versed terminology right like mesomorph endomorph ectomorph blah blah blah xenomorph all that whatever you know um but it's just a descriptor but if you think you should actually do different training or different supplementation or different like [ __ ] like that for different body types you are stupid as [ __ ] and greg just said as stupid as [ __ ] so he knows how to train himself he doesn't know how to really [ __ ] give anybody else advice his nutritional advice laughable not only laughable his nutrition advice frankly is [ __ ] actionable almost it is [ __ ] negligent youtube should not allow it to stay up it is [ __ ] dangerous his training information is ridiculous stupid foolish [ __ ] greg just sets a [ __ ] greg ducette is literally a sham he is like a [ __ ] just it's just a piece of paper with his picture on it that's how thin that [ __ ] is you know same with vince same with tyrone a video of a guy making a protein shake in his mom's living room gave me one of the biggest laughs of my life i [ __ ] love tyron bro you're too real love you thank you okay big guy got it driving uh drive my desk into standing position drop standing desk standing desk getting desk i can't wait to get one i'm thinking i'm waiting to get a new desk until we [ __ ] buy it in the house um let's see alan do you consume much alcohol throughout the week i used to consume alcohol every couple days and i do not anymore maybe one maybe once a month once every two months i'll probably this this coming up week next weekend maybe i will because i want to be at carbon culture for the rumble in the borough it's in murfreesboro tennessee if you would like to come meet me with the i think there's no tickets available i'm going to be around all weekend i'll probably be there friday night watching the fights and then saturday i'll be around all day i'm going to catch a workout and then uh leaving sunday so check that [ __ ] out so stop the sugar uh made me feel better stopping sugar makes everybody feel better all right eliza too many people think their five minutes of googling equals uh well she just she's just speaking from emotion she just doesn't want anything doesn't want to be made fun of and i totally get that but telling people that you love your body oh i love you i love you belly you should not love your belly um for real if your belly is distended if it sticks out if your waist as a woman is above 35 inches or if your waist is a male is about 40 you're probably in a very serious physical jeopardy i mean you have a ton when you when you're when your abdomen abdominal cavity is filled with that much visceral fat you're probably a very serious [ __ ] physical jeopardy just so you know you know it's not it's not really deniable i'm skinny that what advice uh do you have for somebody like me keep working out consistently do activities you like and keep going step in the uk this summer uh they plan to use vaccine passports you don't have to get it but but if you want to do anything they're going to be illegal in florida so they mean nothing to me i still have yet to find anybody that gives me a compelling argument why i should take a vaccine that won't stop me from getting it and or spreading it just stopping me from getting very very very bad uh you know very very bad outcomes for it um if i take vitamin d and i'm not obese i'm not gonna very bad outcomes for it anyway uh the statistics show that that it's you're good so i still have not heard a compelling argument if i can still pass it on along to people i've not heard a compelling argument why i should have to take it when i don't want to you know if it doesn't affect anybody if if i can still infect other people i don't understand why i should have to take it uh my ignorance and five minutes of googling should be should be giving the same level of respect as your years of expertise like i [ __ ] love it like you guys should go over uh and follow me at uh at the mfing c-o-o on tick-tock the like if you think instagram's bad or youtube's bad the tick tock people are the [ __ ] like there's i i like it but i hate it because it is the biggest collection of soft weak uh in their feels people i've ever [ __ ] seen i have a backup account at the angry bald man too which that's the one i'm posting on right now because in three days i managed to go viral on tick tock uh millions of views for saying the truth because i wasn't being repressed how the [ __ ] you doing youtube facebook instagram and twitter um [ __ ] hoes um but i was since i wasn't being repressed i went viral on [ __ ] tick tock uh and they immediately uh they immediately immediately immediately uh made it so i couldn't post comment do anything go live until the 2nd of uh of may so the the the mfing c-o-o on uh tick-tock and the angry bald man will take talk follow both of those [ __ ] uh and i'm gonna have a lot of fun content because they are fun to [ __ ] with and i understand the rules now so i'm going to watch i'm going to change the content just a little bit uh just on the sarcasm just a little bit and try to make it so they can't actually [ __ ] do much to me but still [ __ ] upset the [ __ ] out of them watching look in the comment sections of the video the video i did with i did about lizzo on tick tock it on the mfaco the collection of like blue haired mask wearing lunatics that say mind your own business liz lizzo's awesome lizzo lizzo's awesome and their music is really [ __ ] catchy the people that write lizzo's music for her are really [ __ ] good um but she's delusional you know she's delusional uh the truth hurts lizzo you're obese stop being that way i know you're trying but i don't believe she's actually trying to escape obesity i believe she's trying to show workouts for the [ __ ] popularity and to get all the [ __ ] fan base there here's reality people that woman is over 300 pounds that means for how much she works out she's eating well over 3000 calories it's unless she's breaking the law of thermodynamics if she's working out as much as she claims and still over 300 pounds she is clearly and i mean clearly eating about three thousand or more calories this is just knowledge she's not i mean that is most people most of you out there most of you will never ever ever ever ever be big enough have enough lean mass or work out enough to justify 3 000 [ __ ] calories you just won't most of you most of you do your lives are not conducive to that because you have kids family job uh [ __ ] to do relationships like that's a lot of [ __ ] caloric burn even for a big person and it's dane to work out as much as she claims to work out uh and do the [ __ ] she claims to do for a woman that size is very dangerous she's probably wearing the [ __ ] out of her lower back knees ankles hips um it's it's probably very bad it really is i'm not her doctor and that's what they always point out but you do not need to be a doctor to look at somebody and tell if they are healthy or not if they are morbidly obese if they have a normalized weight they can have cancer they could do all sorts of [ __ ] they could be treating their body like [ __ ] they could be like that [ __ ] idiot in the [ __ ] comment section earlier eating 300 grams of sugar they they could be doing all sorts of [ __ ] is unhealthy for them being of a healthy weight does not mean you are [ __ ] healthy but when you are when you are obese you are unhealthy it is not a [ __ ] question it's not a [ __ ] asterisk there's not anything you are unhealthy when you are obese good morning coffee what's up [ __ ] uh your stuff is great since starting listening to you i've lost 40 pounds 9 inches off my waist that's uh alexander wilson that's [ __ ] amazing great [ __ ] job how am i i'm [ __ ] awesome have you heard doug haven't you heard of doug bring home his information of uh the physics of exercise look like it's uh some harsh truth but it goes against common understanding um i have not um would you talk to kina body i'd have to explain all the words i'm saying to him uh for for real he's he's a [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] too i'd have to literally explain what i say to [ __ ] kino body why would i he's a [ __ ] that's i mean i just i don't even understand how people [ __ ] follow that [ __ ] besides him being super [ __ ] pretty like i mean it's a good thing he's pre it is a good thing i mean he's rich too i think i think his parents have money so good for him but if he wasn't pretty nobody'd know who the [ __ ] he was nobody uh what are you what are you banned on tick tock for telling people the truth harshly haley what are your thoughts on heart attack grill in vegas uh allowing people over 450 pounds 450 pounds to eat for free um they're legally allowed to i think it's a disgusting statement on our society that people actually take up on that um i i believe there's a heart attack grill here or [ __ ] your health grill here i might go in and [ __ ] film you know it's they should be able to do it just because business like a business could could literally serve like a cup of [ __ ] crisco uh you know mixed with chocolate for all i give a [ __ ] the person still is responsible for [ __ ] buying it like personal responsibility needs to enter the personal responsibility is the thing that's missing from america it really is personal responsibility tyron that guy makes the protein ah tyrone hey man i wanted to say i owe you one what do you owe me for it uh ziya uh first time you see me live i do lots of live i [ __ ] like live alan is that is a transmorpher did you see that we need to uh stop v strength documentary yeah i did i i loved it i i commented on it it was very well done and i appreciate the mention i find it amazing though that like like that's what i find funny yeah greg you said back to this little [ __ ] because joffrey [ __ ] anyway uh greg you said acts like he can't say my name but talks about b shreds all the time like i'm sorry but pretending like my name is not valid in a conversation about fitness with the people that that i that i've addressed you're a coward greg but gregory said greg you said is afraid of me like a [ __ ] he's afraid of me he knows he cannot intellectually match me and he knows i do not give a [ __ ] about his little [ __ ] fuckboy fan base gregory said is afraid of me period there's nothing i mean prove me wrong prove me wrong he won't even mention my [ __ ] name he had no problem when i when i wasn't disagreeing with him no problem commenting on my [ __ ] videos whenever i would do a video about v stretch or somebody else he would comment on my [ __ ] videos but now he can't mention my name because i point out the fact that he's a stupid [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] coward he's afraid of me period he's afraid of chris jones he would never debate me he would never debate mark lobladder not after he got [ __ ] destroyed by that other [ __ ] dude he would never debate me he could not [ __ ] keep up with me he's beneath me hi greg how the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] anyway uh yeah he still they still use some out of types in universities though and i don't know why they still tell you that [ __ ] wheat's good for you in universities and i don't know [ __ ] why they still tell i mean they they they still still tell people that grains are a [ __ ] food group let's just be real this keto body is a sham i don't watch enough of his stuff to know if he's a sham i just know he's only popular because he's pretty his [ __ ] information is [ __ ] ridiculous um he's one of like we're gonna do a natty verified thing like nobody gives a [ __ ] about you [ __ ] like and i'll point this out again if you're worried about somebody's natty status you're [ __ ] you are you are less than a male i gotta be real if you're a man and you're like i need to know before i buy this supplement if this man is taking steroids or not you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know you really are first of all you're an idiot for thinking that that supplement had anything to do with how that person actually looks at their big beefy and [ __ ] shredded literally unless if it is a weight gain some supplement or what like blah blah blah like no pre-workout is going to make this person [ __ ] look amazing they still gotta [ __ ] put the work in you stupid [ __ ] so do your research on the [ __ ] actual ingredients like uh the product i'm coming out with has all packed and natural ingredients with human testing it's it's it's like we are going to legally be able to make the claims that it helps suppress appetite helps with cortisol levels help with stress levels legally make the claim to it if you're buying a supplement and it doesn't have patented ingredients in it and you can't go to that patent ingredient and read the [ __ ] human studies on it don't buy that [ __ ] it's easy it's called personal responsibility it's the thing that's [ __ ] missing people are worried about whether some dude whose body they [ __ ] look at is on something [ __ ] if you're worried if somebody else is on something you are never gonna you even if you're on the same [ __ ] is that [ __ ] you're never gonna look like them because you won't [ __ ] put in the work you're looking for a [ __ ] excuse it's [ __ ] less than a man [ __ ] um i wish my university had standing desks in the dorms dude they should [ __ ] put standing desks everywhere nice work uh on cutting back on alcohol yeah the thing was i mean because i'm a redneck as [ __ ] too and don't get me wrong i like once a week i puff on a blunt and i use an atomizer for thc to help with my uh top of my adhd damn near daily but when it comes to like recreational stuff like the blunt once a week and i'll do that more than more than alcohol um it's still not good for me i know so i know and i can hear people right that's not good for you right but i know it's not i'm doing it only for enjoyment only i'll hit the atomizer to help calm my adhd down because i'm not ingesting any carcinogens it's just the uh atomized thc but when it comes to alcohol i just really started paying good attention to my body in the days after i would have even got a beer or two i wouldn't feel as good perform as well and i would bloat so i just i just got away from it you know i really did i'll still sip on a whiskey occasionally maybe like once every three weeks four weeks um or if we go out i'll sip on a whiskey uh jim beam doubles cut preferably but i really don't i just don't have that much flavor for it anymore i'm very into uh self-analysis of how i'm feeling and i want to make sure that i'm as healthy as humanly [ __ ] possible like i'm gonna set the example as much as i can personally about my own physical health at the nearly the age of 50 to make sure that i try to help as many people as possible and i'm not going to do that by [ __ ] slamming three beers every [ __ ] other night so i had i had to take personal responsibility for my own health in the fact that i was at the beginning of the pandemic i was probably about 210 pounds you know not not not super lean but not but definitely a healthy body fat range the pandemic hit and in helping out like i was working like [ __ ] 16 hour days you know because the [ __ ] 1600 days plus trying to work out plus trying to [ __ ] spend time with my wife plus trying to [ __ ] spend time with my kid plus trying to [ __ ] sleep uh because we had so many clients that and by the way we are go to we are still taking clients we just had some cycle out so we have some openings as a matter of fact um if you are interested in coaching uh dm me at facebook or on some place and i'll send you today if you dm me today i'll send you a sales link for our coaching we had quite a few people uh process out i'm very proud to say we have quite a few we have quite a few openings come up because we've had quite a few people uh set their you know set their habits but we had some people that just joined us through the pandemic while they were locked down to make sure that they didn't gain too much weight we had some people join us because they got terrified like i did um like i said it was 210 pounds and then when the pandemic hit very stressed started binging i could not control my binging i mean i was drinking too much alcohol and i got very very very out of shape we took a weight on me it was also i gained like 12 or 12 pounds in like a month because i couldn't control my binges the way i would hope to like i have very good willpower but once the stress level reached peak stress level i just [ __ ] was binging daily so we started taking the approach of what i can eat to make sure that i stay completely satiated because the problem was my stress and increased cortisol levels was causing serious hunger like like hungry hungry so i just lowered my glycemic response as much as i could like i started eating just protein for my first meal um really focusing on water which i'm actually going to try to double my focus on water i'm going to try to set my minimum a gallon a half a day and see where that takes me along with being on no morbidity and on uh uh and by hcl and i'm getting i'm gonna have like a whole uh i'm gonna be doing a whole like healthy healthy basically stack of stuff for performance level athletes most people do not need performance supplements most people need dietary age nutrition supplements most people need vitamin d a good multivitamin immortal by mts is a complete multivitamin with probiotics greens and it all it's amazing i'm going to start taking some greens everything like that i'm going to try to optimize my physical health through supplementation and how i eat and by the time i'm 50 which is in july i'm hoping to be in the best physical condition of my entire lifetime barring injuries that i've had in the past that i got to deal with you know so that's my goal and i'm going to do i'm doing that literally to set the example now i will say this while i'm on no no morbidity in hcl the fat's just kind of falling off me i'm not hungry i don't feel stressed about food i don't even like i used to be very food focused and i'm not now it's it's not a big thing you know so what i'm trying to do is make sure that i uh i gotta look at how to put that in this oh i gotta be leaving very shortly i'm gonna go pick my kid up uh let's see i i don't like caffeine to think it's bad for you in the long run uh for me at least caffeine is actually shown to have pretty uh pretty clinical uh benefits for some people uh i don't think that a morbidly obese person should be taking in too much caffeine i definitely don't think morbidly obese people should be doing pre-workouts pre-workouts and somebody actually just asked about pre-workouts what are your opinion on pre-workouts i occasionally take a pre-workout maybe like uh when i'm having pictures taken especially if it has a really good vasodilator in it and stuff like that uh but i have tried lately not to depend upon my intensive level being connected to all sorts of stims um i do drink coffee still a lot of times before and if i want to have like a really [ __ ] crazy ass workout where i sweat a lot i will stay i'll still take a full dose of something if i don't have coffee that morning like i won't take a pre-workout today i'll probably have a celsius celsius isn't really pre-workout it's kind of like a vitamin vitamin b [ __ ] shot you know uh but pre-workouts pre-workouts for um pre-workouts for if you're at an athletic level not even for the average thin person like if you're an athlete and you need to have a little bit extra boost great if you're just starting out don't [ __ ] pre-workout just [ __ ] get in there let's see a 40 inch waist is average where i live that's not good that's not good uh vaccines are not dangerous but they're also that they are also soon effectless um they can be dangerous um uh what do you think the normal person should be able to do physically in order to be considered fit walk three miles welcome a flight of stairs without [ __ ] getting winded like you don't need to be super [ __ ] fit but you need to be able to [ __ ] function on a daily [ __ ] capacity you know could you if you had to could you walk all day right now no uh no you couldn't you know uh if you're obese like if you here's here's reality if you have fat hanging off of you start walking the power of unrelenting adhd it's amazing sometimes like it's like alan where should i look for a beginner's guide to workout and nutrition assume i know next to nothing for nutrition a good beginner's guide is don't eat anything processed you'll do great uh focus on uh getting you focus on lean meats vegetables you'll do [ __ ] phenomenal start there that's basic teach yourself other [ __ ] read every study you [ __ ] can and as for your basics for working out if you've never worked out before start by walking and then go from there this might be the dumbest question but are vitamin d supplements as effective as vitamin d from sunshine i asked because even though i'm only 30 i've already uh had uh melanoma um there's different varieties uh i think scrappy i think love liner so i call this still calm scrappy because he's scrappy i think it's a [ __ ] compliment um mark uh has one that's made it's a vegan source for for some people in case you in case you're looking for that um i personally take about six thousand uh six thousand units a day of vitamin d just to make sure and i i'm in this i'm in the sun decently however i do wear spf because i don't want to i want to watch my skin but being being you know for you since you've already been exposed to it i would ask your doctor about vitamin d i'd ask your doctor about it the vitamin d supplementation because they can do other things besides like they can supplement in different ways i know i know people that get by their shots or whatever nope i like your content a lot but not enough to do a tick-tock account i hear you can just watch it though you can just watch it hey i'm a big fan from beirut i don't know why uh this is the case but no one here hears about obesity being a comorbidity for kovid we've had high rates of young deaths and we don't know why it's sad i mean they're keeping [ __ ] from it messaging on vaccines is horrible and narrative driven you are extremely less likely to catch it uh i mean it's [ __ ] you're extremely less likely to catch it 58 000 cases of most 80 ml vaccinated yes but you can still catch it so why should i take it i i'm not to be real if i have not had covid which by the way it's a statistical anomaly that i wasn't at least exposed to it in in early 2020 like i was i traveled in like seven different states six different airlines a cruise you know like mexico different countries it's a statistical anomaly that i didn't [ __ ] expose but if i haven't been i'd like to get coveted and get over it so i have the antibodies please and thank you instead of taking a vaccine i'll opt for that one you guys can inject me with covet and let it do nothing to me because i supplement vitamin d and i'm healthy like you guys i i would gladly get injected with coving before i would get injected with the [ __ ] uh vaccine gladly and let my immune system do the work tic toc is the angry cancer culture of the left the vapid superficial who can't be bothered to read past the headline before i i i [ __ ] i've i enjoyed like they got they are you should check it out the i'm telling you the mf-ing c-o-o check the comments they're so upset they're so [ __ ] radically upset with me the tick tock is full of young people so is uh likely youngsters themselves self-centered overly self-conscious nevertheless hey alan what's an antagonist muscle dude go look up what antagonist and agonist is and then [ __ ] come back it's called personal responsibility jesus christ i tell you all the time to [ __ ] literally look [ __ ] up that i say uh i haven't caught a while but i'm down 30 pounds in about 18 months great [ __ ] job uh the quickest but i got about 15 to 20 to go as long as it's staying off sustainable you feel satiated satisfied happy you're [ __ ] killing it it doesn't doesn't matter how long it takes to come off as long as it's coming off now if you were 400 pounds we need to get 100 pounds off you're pretty [ __ ] quick greg's programs only cost 997 dollars he's basically a new v street he's been the new v straights i was tr i [ __ ] told you so he's been the new v shreds i've said it for [ __ ] ever he is a [ __ ] sham greg gusette plays a [ __ ] character because his ass was so [ __ ] boring nobody would watch before he plays a [ __ ] character where he sits in front of a camera and screams and yells at people wonder where he got the [ __ ] idea it's [ __ ] pathetic you know like again greg you said is a cowardly [ __ ] and a liar period he is afraid of me and many people that he knows he cannot [ __ ] intellectually keep up with he knows i would [ __ ] embarrass the [ __ ] out of that little [ __ ] he knows that mark would embarrass him he knows that chris jones would have chris jones's training knowledge and nutrition knowledge is vastly superior to gregory said chris jones just doesn't show it all the time it's vastly superior to greg new sets greg ducett knows how to train himself and take peds cheat steal lie and sell drugs that's what gregory said is good at he should [ __ ] stick to that [ __ ] he is a [ __ ] sham he's a clown he's a bitch-ass coward that is afraid of me so to the gregory said fans that watch this [ __ ] you all very much uh did you see that there is research that internet fasting and high fat diets don't work for women i did not but i'd love to see it um although intermittent fasting by the way skipping a [ __ ] meal it's physics it's thermodynamics i'll just point that out if you don't eat me your opinion on cage performance labs well cash cash patrick is it is who people should look at the way they look at v-shreds kaz hatch speaks like six [ __ ] languages an incredible physical [ __ ] athlete damn near got a phd in nutrition that's who people should look at you know i mean it's amazing okay cash is the [ __ ] future your cat is hysterical thank you uh do you think the main problem with people nowadays is the lack of self responsibility absolutely self accountability is a non factor to the woke folk uh like they get obese and they want everybody to wear a mask to protect them [ __ ] you [ __ ] like i'll help you get [ __ ] i'll help i'll help you lose the [ __ ] weight gladly i have no problem with that come here dog how do you get caught in there i'll help you lose the weight i'll give you advice i'll you know i'll provide products that will help you control your hunger because the the appetite the appetite suppress we're coming out with is the [ __ ] bomb it's gonna change the [ __ ] world if you ask me like it's non-stimulant appetite suppressant that when especially if you eat low processed cup low processed foods almost erases your [ __ ] hunger it's gonna [ __ ] change the world i thought my dog was really interesting in the video in the video then realized that it was a cat sound i love your videos thanks for the content appreciate it where's the cat he was he went inside crystal took him inside and that was mr kitty so uh lots of [ __ ] does cardio hurt muscle mass muscle mass most people if you don't know if cardio hurts muscle mass you don't know enough to worry about it i'm just saying that like it's a that depends on how much you eat the person everything like that but most of you most dudes that are worried about their muscle mass should be worried about the [ __ ] gut size for real most dude and i was one of them when i when i was [ __ ] big and strong and so manly i should have worried about my [ __ ] gut size it was [ __ ] killing me what are your thoughts on more plates more dates i love his scientific approach i don't watch a lot of his content though i but i think he's sound you know i don't but i honestly don't watch a lot of it um he puts out good well-researched content as far as i know i may not agree with everything he says based off of the based off of my opinion off the research but i think he's a [ __ ] anybody that actually tries to [ __ ] decipher the science i'm all for even if i disagree even if it's a dissenting opinion to mine against the science science is done we actually turned off science in 2020 science is done by presenting the data and then dissenting scientific opinions you know talk about it we shut off anybody that disagreed with some of the with some opinions with scientists that's not how science works we didn't actually do science in 2020. that's why all of a sudden it's coming out like oh my god obesity is a thing yeah we knew that last year at this time i made videos last year at this time you can check this channel last year at this time saying the obesity epidemic was going to destroy the country because it made people much more highly susceptible to kova 19. i said it in multiple videos this time last year before this time last year like and nobody wanted to believe me but i [ __ ] told you so just like i told you so that greg who sets a [ __ ] lioness snitch just like i told you that [ __ ] research is a [ __ ] idiot just like i told you that [ __ ] tyrone's a [ __ ] idiot just like i told you chris harry doesn't know [ __ ] [ __ ] just like i told you all those things about all those people but for some reason nobody wants to understand that science says that obese people have a harder time with this spread the virus more spread the virus longer and have much more and much worse outcomes that they are straining the hospital systems they are the ones that put the strain on the hospital systems last year it's fact you know but everybody wants to believe me when i say it when i rip on the person they dislike or i say the thing that they like to hear but when also i apply the same logic critical thinking skills and data collection to this [ __ ] nobody wants to [ __ ] hear that obesity is actually [ __ ] killing you and a main driver of the death rates for [ __ ] covet 19. they don't want to hear that [ __ ] they ignore that [ __ ] but wear your mask and stay the [ __ ] inside it's [ __ ] pathetic it's it's like it's like the weaklings have taken over the [ __ ] country it's [ __ ] sad do you know how much to say uh or say much about adhd medications i do not because i don't take medication for my adhd and i never have i just learned to deal with it adhd can almost be like a [ __ ] superpower when you learn to harness it uh hey sorry we've seen joe rogan into i think so i i i try to watch rogue as much as possible but that's a long that's a lot that's a lot of time in a day to watch rogan uh let's see i'm gonna scoot down to the bottom and i'm gonna get off here what's wrong with chris harry he's a [ __ ] uh i want to try calisthenics because of him listen to him for calisthenics on the bar he's a [ __ ] god on the ground he's an idiot doesn't know anything about nutrition don't follow his nutrition advice don't follow his squad advice don't follow his dumbbell curl advice don't if he's hanging from a bar actively hanging from bar or doing a handstand listen to that [ __ ] but when it comes to him doing anything else dumb chris chris heria is intermediate the mid-intermediate at best when it comes to anything with a barbell in his hand period i'd embarrass him andy's a [ __ ] um anyway anyway i'm gonna read one more question i got it science has a price tag on it that's the [ __ ] truth and that's the [ __ ] sad sign of [ __ ] 20 20. but anyway guys thank you almost an hour talking to [ __ ] thank you very much i appreciate it i hope you enjoy this i'm probably going to post up a video or two later do go follow me at uh the mfa co twitter uh tiktok instagram those are kind of like my backup [ __ ] and follow that [ __ ] i'm looking forward to [ __ ] uh really pissing people off here in the next couple months god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 2,495
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: everydamndayfitness, alan roberts, weight loss, fitness, fat loss
Id: YBcXqbPswXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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