Weight Loss Channel Review | April Lauren and Losing 200 Pounds in a Healthy Way

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hello welcome to my channel wake up right i'm april lauren this video is about my new series all about my weight loss and my weight loss journey i'm going to talk about who i am and my weight loss then i'm going to talk about my y's my measurements my current measurements and i'm going to take some before picture and then we're going to talk about my plan weight loss channel review april lauren you gotta be so good that they can't ignore especially the ones that ain't done [ __ ] for you [Music] [Music] my name is alan robertson this is every damn day fitness thank you for tuning in please do share this video as well as all my other [ __ ] videos on whatever platform you're watching it on thank you very much and when we're done here please go to damn collective.com that's where you can find damn collective coaching that's where my wife myself and or our team are in daily contact with individual vr app weekly video conference calls we help take a person's lifestyle and morph it to a healthier one teaching them good accountability skills and healthy habits good decision-making skills those sorts of things so if we say take a morbidly obese person we alter their life bit by bit by bit through daily communication weekly video conference calls adjustments constant uh individualizing of their program to them bit by bit by bit by bit by bit until they reach a good healthy homeostasis weight and they have the skills to stay there for the rest of their life so that's what we do at dance coaching please do check it out now so this is the first in a video series i'm going to be doing on weight loss channel reviews whether it be instagram youtube facebook not tick tock i'm not [ __ ] doing tech talk but any of those other platforms there's tons of weight loss channels if you know of any that you would like me to review please do put in the comment section below and i'll try to get to it we are going to start this off with miss april lauren she's also wake up bright i believe on instagram she seems like an incredibly pleasant person i do believe she's a military wife and she is trying to lose 200 pounds this video was sent to me a couple weeks ago and i decided i'm going to start doing this review so she seemed like the perfect person to start this with i'm going to go over her reasons why she wants to lose 200 pounds and i'm also going to go over her methodology of how she's going to lose 200 pounds and i'm possibly going to add this is going to be the same for all of them and my thoughts on each one of those and any possible advice i have not necessarily critique but advice i have the only thing i can say for anybody that needs to lose 200 pounds right off the bat if you need to lose a lot of weight if you've eaten yourself to the point where you are seriously morbidly obese maybe you should get some counseling also to go along with it to find out why you got yourself aware teaching somebody the accountability skills and the methodology and the knowledge they need to lose the weight and keep it off is very very very productive that's what my wife and i do however each person that reaches that type of weight should get some counseling to find out how they got themselves to that spot that is just my personal opinion we do have uh dr kelly bushy she is somebody that we refer to from damn collective coaching all the time she is a phd psychologist and is licensed for uh you know internet counseling so she's one of the very few people in the country that is if you need that it will also be in the description box below or it is also at dampcollector.com you can check that out depending on the platform you're on there might not even be the description box below like i said we're starting this series up with miss april lauren she goes my wake up right please go follow her on youtube and on instagram she seems like a very [ __ ] pleasant person i'm not gonna do her whole video i highly suggest you go to her youtube and watch this whole video uh as well as all of her videos but i'm not gonna go through the whole one just the whys and the methodology so here we go so i want to lose weight because we want to have babies and that's my number one reason is so that we can have children i went to the fertility doctor before i was furloughed or corona kind of took over everything i do have pcos but we ran some tests he said that i had eggs that we would be able to work to get me pregnant so i need to reach a certain bmi in order to get the fertility stuff the very first one probably the best [ __ ] reason there is kids probably the best [ __ ] reason there is two get healthy and [ __ ] stay healthy that's the thing like once she gets there once she loses this weight which i have all the highest hopes in the world she will um once she gets there to maintain that weight for as an example for your children so you know play with your children so you play with the grandchildren i talk about all the time it is life overlooks life overlooks the long healthy happy life that you can enjoy with your family your friends your children your grandchildren that should be way more important to people than that pizza my second why why i want to lose weight is so that i can move my body the way that i want to move so that i can dance and i can hike and i can work out intensely the way i want to work out and i can do yoga and reach around my body so that i can do just a sun salutation both super brave and realistic and the reason why it's brave is because to say you're morbidly obese and it does actually affect you in a negative way in today's world is super [ __ ] taboo that is technically fat phobic and i'm sure there's a bunch of fat acceptance advocates asking her why she has such internalized fat [ __ ] phobia that stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] great great great great reason why here's another reason why mobility should be super [ __ ] important right see the difference between a 65 year old that needs somebody to wipe their ass for them in a long-term care facility and a 65-year-old that goes hiking all the [ __ ] time is taking care of themselves that's the [ __ ] reality if your posture your chain is weak chances are you might need somebody to help you get up and down as you get older and [ __ ] like that that's actually the difference that's how people that maintain a healthy lifestyle can have a happy healthy active lifestyle well into their elderly years whereas somebody that treats their body like [ __ ] oftentimes does not make it to those elderly years my third reason and this is embarrassing i i have to like get creative with putting on my underwear my pants and my shoes very embarrassing but i don't want to struggle to put my clothes on if you're as heavy as i am then you know what i mean and if you're not then you probably don't so don't judge me again super [ __ ] self-actualized this woman does seem to me like she is a person so far that has sat down and had a long ass [ __ ] conversation with herself about her station where she's actually [ __ ] at you can actually assess yourself you can say do i have a hard time doing normal everyday [ __ ] like tying my shoes do i have a hard time walking from place to place minimal you know minimal walking if you have a hard time getting upstairs if you have a hard time with mobility if you have a hard time putting on your shoes you need to address this you right [ __ ] now you need the [ __ ] pressure you need to go to the mirror and have a long [ __ ] talk with yourself put down all the rhetoric that you may think like well i just have a few extra pounds and it's not if you have a hard time tying your shoes putting your socks on [ __ ] like that if you have to get creative as she said which is a [ __ ] reality if you have to do that you abso [ __ ] lutely should do something about it because if you don't address that now the chances of you not being able to put on your shoes and not being able to put on your socks and not being able to ambulate not be able to get around those are very [ __ ] high as you get older and as you possibly get heavier if you have reached a stage where you are so heavy that that is a [ __ ] issue get a hold of it right [ __ ] now because it's not all of a sudden you're just gonna not gonna poof they'll magically lose the [ __ ] weight it's gonna keep getting worse you're gonna keep eating more you're gonna keep filling yourself and you're gonna not be able to do [ __ ] number four i want to be able to walk without pain so i don't know when exactly this happened and i'll be honest like since i've been working out so regularly i've had a lot of the non-skill victories with this specific thing i can walk further and do more now but still there comes a point where i'm walking like a quarter of a mile straight or i'm standing and i'm doing the dishes and then i start vacuuming the house and then i move on to something else or muscles that wrap around your back they just start pulling and hurting and then i just need to sit down for a second i want to be able to work out without having to do that i want to be able to clean my house without having to take a break so i am so heavy that it hurts my body to move and that is a [ __ ] huge one it's [ __ ] huge not to be in chronic pain daily [ __ ] chronic pain the thing is if we hooked people up that needed to lose 100 pounds plus 200 pounds if we hooked all these people up to a polygraph and asked them are you think you're in daily pain from your weight if all if anybody said no that [ __ ] thing would [ __ ] flash like [ __ ] crazy no [ __ ] reality if you were 100 to 200 pounds overweight you're in daily [ __ ] pain you may not even realize it because you've gotten to be so normalized to it but if you would lose 100 pounds you would be [ __ ] shocked at how differently you [ __ ] felt [ __ ] i lost [ __ ] 60 pounds at one point in time uh and i was like holy [ __ ] i feel amazing it's so different there's walking around feels different it lowers inflammation there's so many things when you need to lose that much weight you're in a chronic inflammatory state there's so many things that are negative about it including being in constant pain if you are a person who's in constant pain and you're in your 30s or 40s from being morbidly obese that shit's not gonna get better unless you [ __ ] make it better that shit's not gonna [ __ ] go away you're not gonna get used to the pain it's not it's not gonna [ __ ] be better the more you pound on your body the more you have that extra weight on you that extra inflammatory state on you that's [ __ ] up your hormones that's [ __ ] up your your sleep it's [ __ ] up your health that pain is gonna [ __ ] just intensify and get worse so if you are in pain right now here's some real [ __ ] words do something about it number five i want my husband to be able to pick me up he likes to pick me up i hate to be picked up i actually don't like it at all but it's still my number five because i want him to be able to this is one of the most important ones that so many people are like do [ __ ] for you you should you shouldn't do [ __ ] for other people [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up first of all you should do it for you you should love yourself enough to do it for you you should love yourself enough to want to be able to [ __ ] live a long [ __ ] life and you should want to do it for you to not be in chronic pain and she's talking about all sorts of [ __ ] but to do it for your family and friends and loved ones that's very [ __ ] important they need to support you they need to be very [ __ ] supportive but to do something like your life affects the people around you if people see you in chronic pain they [ __ ] don't like it it stresses them the [ __ ] out you're [ __ ] negatively affecting them number six i just looked down for number six and it kind of hit me it was i don't like i wrote this list out it was just my 10 reasons and i might bless my heart i just wrote so i don't have to be scared all the time and i know what i meant when i wrote that at first i didn't i was like what was i i'm scared all the time i am i am so scared of getting hurt again just a constant anxiety and fear that i'm gonna step wrong that something's too high um that i'm gonna get injured like i was joking with but i wasn't really joking about the whole medevac out like even last weekend my husband and i went down by this little creek um down by the river sounds better huh and to get to the spot that we wanted you had to go through this narrow little pass and the ground is very like crumbly and it like took some it took some time for me to get my mind right but it's just i want to not be so scared maybe i need some therapy first to her and anybody else that says it uh if you say to yourself maybe i need some therapy you probably need some [ __ ] therapy you should [ __ ] do it we should make it so it's much easier in our [ __ ] society for people to get therapy i'm on the firm understanding that if you think you need it you probably [ __ ] need it there's no [ __ ] shame in getting therapy in today's [ __ ] up world i'm assuming that almost everybody should you know could possibly benefit from a little bit of [ __ ] therapy now the being scared thing she has every right to [ __ ] be scared she could step wrong and shatter her ankle she just very well could she's a she's 200 pounds loose she's that big that is a lot of force coming down the 200 pounds it's magnified by gravity and the stepping and it's a lot of force going into her load-bearing joint she could snap her [ __ ] ankle she could snap her [ __ ] she could crunch some bones in her [ __ ] foot pretty [ __ ] easily and any type of injury like that any load-bearing injury to a morbidly obese person comes with its very realistic set of dangers that could be life-threatening you see when a morbidly obese person somebody that needs to lose 200 pounds gets injured where they can't ambulate they can't walk around that means that they're gonna be immobile they're sitting so they're not burning calories the rate they should they're really not burning the calories at the rate that they should in order to try to get to a healthier homeostasis weight they are you know sedentary again now oftentimes when a person gets to 200 pounds i'm not going to speak for everybody gets 200 pounds but most of the [ __ ] time that person is a very disordered relationship with food possibly an eating disorder they should get that [ __ ] checked out too but in reality the depression of being just sedentary hurts in pain even in more pain the almost defeated thought process of i've injured myself possibly will cause them to eat even more than what they've been eating and it could cause them to even gain more weight and their health spiral even farther out of control that's why morbidly obese people need to train in a very safe thought out fashion they need to be very methodical very consistent very safe in their approach because if they do get injured the chances of a person that is 200 pounds 100 pounds 200 pounds 300 pounds overweight if they injure themselves it's going to take a long time to heal just for the condition of their body possibly their hormones also depending on if they have diabetes that sort of thing but it is going to take them longer to heal and during that time they could possibly gain even more weight that makes it even harder for them to ambulate which makes it harder for me to recover from a load-bearing injury these are very [ __ ] realistic things this is how a lot of people end up failing and gaining more weight is that they injure themselves from not thought out workout plans very [ __ ] realistically so she has every right to be afraid i would be able to check myself everywhere for ticks what i mean i've i've gotten creative with ways to check myself but i want to be able to check myself and if you are as heavy as i am then you know what i mean checking myself for texas hard and missouri is not a place to live if you can't check yourself for ticks ticks are so bad here okay i do see it it also does point out uh for morbidly obese people that hygiene is massively important it's much harder to actually physically care for your body when you can reach places when you have a harder time reaching places but also in between skin folds is a very dangerous place the many types of skin infections including like necrotizing fasciitis it's like bacteria that eats your skin away it's very [ __ ] dangerous um it happens a lot a lot more often people think i broke so i can fit in booths and i fit in most booths but like you know like the it's always like a back and forth i have to have in my head like is am i gonna fit this reason why it makes me respect her a lot and have high hopes for her actual loss you see she's not complaining that the booth is too small she is understanding that she has gotten too big to fit into the [ __ ] booth it is this thing i don't understand like uh the fat acceptance community a lot of times will be like the boosts are too small the chairs are too small no you're just too big you've gotten yourself too big in very [ __ ] realistic terms she is self-actualized she realizes that she ate herself to the state and she's trying to do something about it that is very much a positive mental outlook that she is going to need in order to be able to get to a healthier weight number nine i don't want to have to worry about weight limit when i bought my treadmill i had to make sure that the weight limit worked even like crutches there's a weight limit on crutches so if you're really heavy like ask them for crutches that will actually support you when i discourages me from doing activities like canoeing or we want to go tubing like where you buy the inner tubes and like you just float the river and stuff it's such an inexpensive awesome summertime activity and i'm like well am i going to be able to float in the tube again mad respect for her for being so self-actualized this is one of the topics when it comes to like fatigue substantially like that drives me [ __ ] crazy because the discussion of weight limits for things like canoes or like that it drives them [ __ ] gravity is not trying to shame anybody gravity is just [ __ ] gravity there's just like physics involved like if you weigh 400 pounds and you go to get in a canoe you're probably not going to fit in that [ __ ] canoe it's not the canoes fault it's not gravity's fault it is that you weigh 400 [ __ ] pounds and the canoe is not made for you that may suck for you but the reality is the problem isn't gravity the problem is that you weigh 400 [ __ ] pounds when you're unhealthy get there faster i'm again mad respect to her my number 10 reason why is so that shoes fit this is so embarrassing i'm telling you guys all my deepest darkest um but tennis shoes like i order i size up for tennis shoes and they're still not wide enough to fit my feet and all shoes look terrible no matter how cute they are this last one we kind of 50 50 on because life overlooks who cares what the [ __ ] you look like if you think you look cute great wear that [ __ ] i don't understand why other people [ __ ] give a [ __ ] this woman a man a person anybody should be aware what the [ __ ] they want if they [ __ ] like how they look it doesn't impact anybody else i don't understand the [ __ ] why it's such a big thing however the first portion of that points out something that really [ __ ] pisses me off i hear this a lot i work with morbidly obese people almost exclusively you know some people that are underweight some people just have poor elections with food but almost exclusively i work with morbidly obese people and finding shoes for them to walk in even that fit them correctly that are safe for them is a huge [ __ ] thing normally they have to go up in size just to be able to get the width for their foot because they are morbidly obese and their foot has fat on it too it's just [ __ ] real it's a real [ __ ] thing but they have to go up inside so that means the shoe does not fit very [ __ ] well and that could lead to either injury or problems or discomfort and for a morbidly obese person to have bad footwear is very [ __ ] dangerous because if they happen to be diabetic and don't know it or pre-diabetic and don't know it and it causes them to get blisters on their [ __ ] feet that's how people lose their [ __ ] feet it's disgusting to me that we will [ __ ] argue this is another thing that the fatigue service community just gets all [ __ ] up we will argue so much to make sure you have dresses that you think are cute but actual footwear to maintain your [ __ ] health in nobody says [ __ ] about and it is probably the most important [ __ ] thing for a morbidly obese person that is starting to try to get healthy again is to have proper equipment proper clothing proper guidance in order to get healthy safely my first thing is to track everything that i eat this next month i'm gonna bounce between 2 000 and 2500 calories i want to get the most amount of calories that i can and still lose about two pounds a week um so that way i can always play with food and cut things back my thoughts on what you said in calorie counters what she said is very very good she's giving herself a caloric range she's not trying to lose too much weight too fast she's trying to steady slow wins the [ __ ] pace very [ __ ] smart very [ __ ] good you can tell she has some uh some fitness knowledge my biggest worry about chronometer fat secret with that my fat secret chronometer my fitness pal those sorts of things that people track their calories on they're great tools for when somebody just starts out to lose weight they teach the person what's in the food what's in calories for different macros they're very good learning tools and they do start building uh accountability however they are just kind of guesstimates and people tend to [ __ ] those things up too they tend to start lying to them they don't input all the [ __ ] or they get so hung up on it that if they don't do it then they don't watch what they [ __ ] eat the idea is use it to teach yourself about food teach yourself about accountability those sorts of things and then wean yourself off of that into a healthier lifestyle where you're not actually counting calories that much you're aware of what you're eating you're mindfully eating but you're not being so strict that you have to record every little [ __ ] thing because that's sometimes its own kind of [ __ ] problem too the idea is is you want to build a healthy lifestyle not live a lifelong diet the second thing is i'm going to continue to strength train four to six times a week i wrote that because i am adding cardio in so right now we've been working out six times a week and i'm still gonna work out six times but in addition to any strength training that i do i'm gonna do at least 30 minutes of cardio six times a week the other thing i'm going to do is i am going to add a daily yoga so i don't know what this is gonna look like i'm gonna just do it every day it might be like five minutes of yoga or it might be an hour of yoga like we'll figure that out that's very good with some caveats the idea is she has obviously worked out before so she knows what she's doing um four to six times a week can be extensive especially when she adds cardio onto it i don't know how long her workouts are but that is good activity as long as it is safe as long as she is recovering as long as uh she is not pushing her limits too far and possibly risking injury or uh under recovery that sort of thing she needs to very much listen to her body but also run that line of i'm going to get consistent daily activity but i'm also not going to try to overdo it and possibly injure myself you see i we much prefer when somebody's just starting out to just get some consistent activity uh the yoga that you talked about the daily yoga is amazing yoga is not just for super flexible people yoga is not for the bendy people or anything like that [ __ ] all those people that you see on instagram putting themselves in all sorts of weird [ __ ] positions and [ __ ] like that yoga is about movement of the body and especially very very good for the spinal health because it does in every yoga class you twist your spine you know transversely back forward side to side so it's very important that people have good mobility and when people are morbidly obese anything that moves your body can burn a decent amount of calories so yoga especially taking care of your mobility and there's tons of different types of yoga you can even do seated chair yoga my wife actually has a couple classes on that on our website you can do all sorts of different types of yoga that are suited to the person the best thing about yoga is a good yoga instructor will give modifications to anybody like if you can do this okay if not try this if not try this a good yoga instructor will do that and that i believe is what you probably get and that is out [ __ ] standing my only caveats are make sure you don't push it too hard while running the balance of actually pushing yourself a little bit the third thing i'm gonna do to make sure i'm successful is drink a gallon of water every day hydration is such a underspoken topic when it comes to weight loss for so many [ __ ] reasons we are kind of like a chronically dehydrated you know society to begin with which is a [ __ ] problem uh but even a gallon a day for somebody her size a good rule of thumb take your body weight in pounds divide it in two and those are the ounces of water you should start with and if you're very physically active you should add on uh eight to ten eight to twelve ounces of water i believe it is for every half hour of activity and i know people like oh my god for her that could be like 150 ounces of water yes absolutely it could be about 150 ounces of water and she is a large person that should not seem ridiculous to anybody that that drink that water first and then eat what you can after that i've even had people be like well it'll ruin my dinner if you weigh 400 pounds it's not actually ruining your dinner you can eat a smaller portion of dinner if you have more fluid in you um it helps with hunger often times when people wake up they're not actually hungry they are just very thirsty because they've lost a ton of fluid through their body processing it and expire you know perspiration and expiration so that's why people should drink water in the morning before they really do anything 20 to 30 ounces of water when you first wake up is great and then for this person like i said take your weight divide it in half and shoot for that as the ounces of water but a gallon a day if that's what you can get in that's a great [ __ ] start and hats off to her for that [ __ ] the fourth thing i'm gonna do to make sure that i'm successful is give you guys weekly updates so every wednesday i'm gonna post an update video i'll tell you how many pounds i lost that week um and we'll just do kind of a daily vlog and i'm gonna share my feelings social media accountability i've talked about this many times i've used this before very honestly when i first lost my weight when i went from like 265 270 down to into the 180s i posted everything i ate every single day weekly [ __ ] uh scale pictures all that [ __ ] it's on the instagram that got deleted by fat acceptance but i did do that for a while for about five or six months um and it is a very positive and very negative thing both like it's very positive and that it keeps you accountable every like that the second you stop doing it is when you got to worry about it because then the account of it there's a level of accountability that's all of a sudden not there so when again just like the chronometer thing when people do wean themselves off of that they need to make sure that they're still not letting it i mean they're still holding on to what they were doing you see you don't want to set it up where you're only really really really accountable on social media and then when you stop you change your habits because that is actually just a [ __ ] diet you're just using social media as a [ __ ] diet and you want to avoid that [ __ ] the idea is is the accountability and the positive reinforcement that this woman will hopefully [ __ ] get from it from social media um that should help her out but when people rely on it too much and then all of a sudden it disappears it can cause kind of like bad reactions spirals especially the person has an eating disorder or needs some counseling as this young lady actually kind of alluded that she possibly does but hey again i will say anybody that is 200 pounds overweight should possibly get some counseling for that [ __ ] so social media is kind of a double-edged sword you just need to make sure that you are prepared for when social media is not gonna [ __ ] be there fifth thing that i'm gonna do to make sure that i'm successful is i am not going to allow myself to make mid month or spur of the moment changes so i have set my caloric goals i've set my intentions i'm not gonna get a weekend and be like okay well i didn't lose any weight this week so next week i'm doing keto or next week i'm gonna eat 1200 calories also i'm gonna plan out my workouts and then unless i'm injured or something i'm not gonna deviate from those workouts so that it's all just very intentional i'm gonna eat intentionally i am gonna work out intentionally and and she ends up on a fabulous [ __ ] note [ __ ] fabulous just a few [ __ ] thoughts but the intentionally eating the mindful eating and not [ __ ] up your plan not you know deviating from your plan are [ __ ] awesome truly [ __ ] awesome put a plan together if you're a person that needs to lose 100 or 200 pounds put a plan together but the day before you go grocery shopping plan out what you're gonna eat for breakfast for lunch for dinner when you're gonna eat it how you're gonna eat it when you're gonna cook it what ingredients you need go get those ingredients plan that [ __ ] out then try to stick to the [ __ ] plan it helps avoid spontaneous trips to you know the uh the drive-through or called doordash it helps avoid spontaneity it helps avoid stress of where am i gonna eat it helps avoid a lot of [ __ ] so planning your food out is very [ __ ] important even if you want to plan one meal a week where it's like i'm just gonna eat to eat whatever i [ __ ] want to eat and then the rest of them you plan out that works too as long as you're staying within your uh within your calorie range as she talked about earlier which is also [ __ ] awesome it is out [ __ ] standing now uh did not deviate from the plan also [ __ ] genius make sure you're listening to your body though if the workouts are a little too strenuous if you feel like you're under recovering if you're not sleeping well those sorts of things be mindful because the idea is consistency you don't want to get injured the biggest thing i didn't want to point out to her and other people especially females but everybody when you step on a scale that is an important number but it is just [ __ ] data the important [ __ ] is what you're eating is the habits is the consistency of what you're ingesting and what you're burning those are the important things that number that [ __ ] number is just a [ __ ] representation of what you're actually [ __ ] doing it's just a representation of the work you've put in it is not who you are is not what you are it is [ __ ] data that is it especially for women the idea of weighing yourself all the time is not good women have a lot more adipose tissue than it's fat tissue they have a lot more adipose tissue than men and that is subject to different hydration than than the male body too so a woman especially around their cycle or something like that can gain a lot of fluid weight whereas a man wouldn't so if a woman steps on a scale has done everything right for you know the entire [ __ ] week is about to have her cycle and steps on a scale she thinks she should have lost x amount of weight but she actually has gained two or three pounds that is just weight that is not fat that is just weight that her body might even be retaining in water so the idea is i would personally say this young lady weigh yourself once every two weeks if you're not on your cycle every month even because then you'll see a nice good loss that is consistent if you are consistent throughout the month that number weighing yourself weekly is not important if you are not going to adjust your plan throughout the month the month is when you should weigh yourself adjustment that number that data is good to make possible adjustments with to see if you're going in the right direction to see maybe where you could make some modifications but if you are not going to deviate from that plan no matter what for a month that is when you should weigh yourself one [ __ ] month that is it the weight will take care of itself if you are having healthy habits and you are having healthy nutrition the weight will take care of itself and then you can make adjustments at the end i thought this young lady did a very very good job now i did see today i didn't want to talk about this i did see today where she has a video that she released yesterday with her skipping rope and april i really do mean this you should probably not be doing that right now you should probably not be doing that you should just very very very much stick to much lower impact activities until you lose a decent amount of weight that is my personal advice to this young lady i think she is amazing i'm gonna watch her entire [ __ ] journey uh and i hope you do too go check her out her name is april lauren she's also known as wake up right you should check her out my name is alan roberts this is every damn day fitness you can hit me up on my instagram now on tvf you can hit me up on twitter to be fit also on facebook and everybody fitness and i'm on the internet at damn collective.com and soon to be a lot of other [ __ ] places god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 123,354
Rating: 4.9176412 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, alan roberts, weight loss, fitness, eddf, fat loss, how to lose weight, watch me shrink, weight loss meals, fat loss extreme, fitness addict, weight loss motivation, fitness journey, fat loss meal prep, weight loss journey, losing 200 lbs, April Lauren, wakeupbright, how to lose weight fast, lose weight, fat loss diet, diet plan for fat loss, how to lose fat, collab with april lauren, lose weight with me, my fitness journey, how to get fit
Id: fKFdBLgV0T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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