THE BATTLE FOR THE $500 CHIP! High Stakes Coin Pusher Adventures!

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what is up everybody i'm back with another high-risk coin pusher video for y'all today and as you can see here two towers of chips three 500 chips in here there's two in the back i don't think we're gonna be able to get those off the back i mean there is towers of quarters in the back they're stacked up on towers of quarters so that might make a difference i don't know and i see three bitcoins and so yeah let's get right into it and today's buying is a 500 buy-in we should be able to make our money back because that 500 chip in the middle more than likely we'll probably win that easily it's those towers that it's going to have a hard time falling out of there so anyway hope you all enjoyed today's video let's get right into it here we go all right so i started off with about two or three dollars at one time let's see what happens okay that tower moved a little bit good second wave yeah i knew those 500 chips on the back wasn't going to fall off like immediately well the camera cut out on me again for some reason let's just keep on playing see what we can win i'm pretty sure i was saying those 500 chips are not going to be falling off anytime soon because if y'all have seen my previous videos uh like here lately the chips on the back hasn't been falling off so i don't think those are going to be falling off today once i get that 500 chip right there in the middle i'm even so that's good news all right let's see what happens come on yeah i feel like those towers those towers are going to be tough to win today so how's everybody been doing hope you all have been doing good the reason why i haven't uploaded i've just been busy with school and stuff all right that was a good one come on that tower of coins and that bitcoin right there just moved a little bit doing good on quarters i'm going to use the skill stop this time see if that makes a difference all right that was a good one come on get them off there yeah that 500 chip in the middle that's going to be falling off of there very soon i think there goes that bitcoin fell backwards well looks like that was all the quarters that i had from the buy-in so i'm gonna go check and see how much is down in the hopper i'll be right back so it's not as much as i started with but it's close i should be able to play on that for a while i don't think we're going to have to do another buy-in today so that's the good thing yeah that 500 chip it's close if i win that that's gonna be good that's our money back right there then i'll probably go for one of those towers i'll probably just play both sides until i run out of coins then we'll see how much money we got oh no it fell backwards that's all right there we go i don't know if y'all can hear it but it is raining and thunderstorming outside today yeah if i could get one of those 500 chips off of the back that would be over 500 profit that'd be good but like i said the odds of those falling off are very slim not likely to fall off of there all right we're still doing pretty good on quarters so that's how much i got back so all right good one come on get them that tower's about to slide backwards all right good one come on uh-oh guess who dropped quarters again like i do in every single video every single video i always drop my quarters for some reason that might be a sign of good luck i don't know somebody commented and said dropping quarters might might be a sign of good luck oh there goes that tower of ten dollar chips all right so i'm gonna say there's about a hundred and fifty dollars there maybe a little bit more probably 200 at most so i'm going to pick up all these quarters i've dropped here we got a wow about five or six seven or eight ten dollar chips fell nice so if i win that 500 chip that's definitely a profit so i'll be right back let me pick up these coins real quick all right so it looks like 80 dollars spell out of there nice we got a bunch of those ten dollar chips so let's keep on going there's only 75 cents left in the bag up here then i'll have to go collect the coins again yeah there's still a good amount down here there's still more all right see so many coins fell off of the back but that wasn't really that good so i bet you all heard that one that thunder out there did you all hear that it's storming very bad here today got plenty of quarters back so that's good all right so i have a challenge for you all let's see if this video can get 500 likes to do 500 likes can we do it 500 blocks i think the most blocks i've ever got was like 2 300 2 500 something like that it was one of the popular videos i think my most popular video has about 2600 blocks i think i'm not sure all right come on that tower is awful close it's hanging more than halfway off of the edge though that ten dollar chip how is that still hanging on there all right that has to get it right there there we go ten bucks all right well the bad news is that 500 chip it's not moving very good anymore it is raining very hard out there tell me you often hear that it's very very loud so i'm going to stop talking and i will let you all listen to the rain and the coins falling and just relax so so all right we've got a bitcoin good so that tower fell against the glass i think i can claim that now yeah i can claim that tower that's about 200 dollars maybe 150 200 something like that all right yeah i don't know about that 500 chip right there i mean it's it's moved a little bit but i don't know if it's going to fall off all right i have another challenge for you all the first challenge is for this video to get 500 blocks and the next challenge is seven thousand seven thousand subscribers by april the 12th can we do that so if you're new and watching this be sure to hit that subscribe button if you like the coin pressure videos iris professor videos so yeah if you like the cornbread videos be sure to subscribe so so all right i'm gonna go ask them if i can claim that tower that fell right here so if y'all are new and don't know anything that's touching the glass that does not fall off you can claim it basically so i'm gonna go ask them if i can claim that i'll be right back all right so they got those ten dollar chips out for me uh turns out i have won back three hundred and ten dollars in uh ten dollar chips and i have won one bitcoin so that is an entry into a 500 buy-in giveaway so yeah most y'all already know that because i've said it a dozen times but uh for y'all who don't know that's an entry into a 500 buying giveaway so yeah um this is how many quarters i've got left i still have to make back 190 dollars before i'm even i mean i'd say that 10 chip is about ready to fall but i'm going for that 500 but the bad news is this is all the coins i have left i could do another buy-in but i don't know let's just see what happens i'm going to try to put most of them in on the left side that way that way i can get a bunch of quarters back because see that's where all the coins are is on the left side there we go see that 500 chip is falling backwards for some reason that's weird there we go we've got a few of them off of there yeah i don't know do you all think i'm gonna make a profit or win that 500 chip it fell like all the way backwards so i don't know i keep dropping coins i don't know why all right well it looks like that's it now there goes two more oh those are so close i dropped the coin i don't know where it went let's see there it is i found it all right where should i put the last quarter right there pretty sure that was a good spot see what happens all right at least one fell off there one dollar back so i don't know two on the right side and then uh two on the left all right let's see oh no all right the right side might make up for it though pretty sure i got the dollar back yeah so one dollar back are you kidding me both of those quarters just fell in the front there so that that's useless now all we're right in the game now dollar we got 350 or 325 i think oh no that has never happened before my quarter got stuck in this in the coin slot where you put the coins in the quarter got stuck no that was on the left side so i can't play the left side anymore i'll have to go get them to fix that here in a second wow that's not good that's never happened to me before hmm well all i have left is a dollar twenty-five yeah my quarter got stuck on the left slot over there that is so weird that has not happened before all right that was a good one come on all right we got about the same thing back so i'm gonna go ask them to fix the left side i'll be right back all right good news they fixed it so let's see what we can win i have four dollars four dollars that's all i keep dropping these quarters like crazy every single video i drop them i don't know why it gets so annoying when that happens so so all right very good come on yeah not that many quarters have fallen off this time do yep that's it right there 75 cents let's see what happens look at that 500 chip getting ready to fall off in the back there wow i know that looks too good to be true but you never know oh my goodness look at that i'm gonna have to go do another buy-in like very fast i'm gonna do a uh let's see another hundred dollar buy and then i'll be right back all right so that is everything from the hundred dollar buy-in and i knew it i knew it i knew that that 500 chip was gonna slide backwards i just knew well let's see if i can get that five hundred dollars here all right two ten dollar chips fell out of there well at least i've got plenty of quarters back now so so yeah i'm not i don't think that 500 chip is gonna fall off of there in the middle i might be wrong i don't know so so so yeah that 500 chip just keeps sliding backwards i have no idea why i don't usually have that much trouble winning those all right that was a good one right there we got a bunch of quarters back so so i don't know it's moving a little bit now but i don't know if it's gonna be falling off of there or not so so so so so that 500 is getting really really close now and then it falls backwards that's just how it works so yeah i don't know what do y'all think do y'all think it's going to fall off of there or not so so all right there we go we're getting a bunch of coins back but the 500 chip is just having a very hard time falling out of there so so so so so yeah that 500 is not moving anymore i don't know why it's barely moving well i'm gonna try a little bit more but if it don't fall off of there i think i'm gonna go ahead and cash out as of right now i i'm pretty sure i'm down about 200 and i think it's above 200 so it'll be about a 200 loss if i quit all right come on i don't think i'm gonna give up yet if it falls back one more time i'll i'm gonna quit though so so so so so so do so yeah it's starting to slide backwards again i don't know why see it's starting to go back again well i'm pretty sure i'm just going to go ahead and cash out because that 500 chip i've been playing for a very long time and it's still not fell off of there yet so i think i'm done right here i'm gonna count up everything i've won and i will let you all know how much i have lost well i've definitely lost might as well not even say profited because i have not profited at all i'd have at least lost 200 so let me count up everything and then i will get back with you all i'll be right back all right so i have won 330 dollars in 10 chips right here and i got one bitcoin so one entry into a 500 buying giveaway so that means i have lost 270 dollars because i started with 500 did that extra 100 buy-in so that makes 600 bucks spent in total and i only got 330 back soon so i have lost 270 dollars so not too good today but next time i'm gonna get my revenge let's say that so anyway if y'all enjoyed today's video leave a like subscribe turn on the notifications that way you get notified every time i upload a video and also the coin got stuck in the coin slot that's never happened before so yeah i will see you all in the next one
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 5,876
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Id: -uHqJTgRr2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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