The Basic Terraforming Practices - Valheim Mistlands - Beginners Guide

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hey everyone welcome back to valheim this is bibblebum we are at the B-side and today I want to talk about terrain manipulation in valheim now terrain manipulation is a really handy mechanic if you want to build yourself some support pillars if you want to build yourself impenetrable walls or even if you want to build yourself just an island in the middle of the sea that is totally is safe from Rage or any attacks at least from land now before we jump into the tips and tricks I do want to talk a bit about some things you should know before we do that now first of all there are three tools that will allow you to do terrain manipulation which is the pickaxe the hoe and the cultivator another basic knowledge you should know terrain manipulation has a hard limit which means you cannot dig lower than a certain point or you won't be able to rise higher than a certain point now the hard limit is 8 meter down and eight meter up so if you wish to you will be able to make a difference of 16 meters now this heart limit follows the terrain that is existing the native terrain that means if you would be digging or raising the mountain that you will see that once you reach that limit it will follow the same curve of that mountain that means if you want to level this out you will have to find either the lowest or the highest point depending a bit if you were raising or lowering the terrain now if you're looking into building walls with short edges you also need to be aware of the direction where terrain is forming there is only six directions where the terrain will create a sharp edge that is north east south west and then two directions which is north west and south east let's just dig a hole here so you can see what I mean as you can see I have my character aiming to the north so that when I'm mining down we will see I'm gonna start creating four sharp edges like this and as you can see I'm starting to create these four sides in the cardinal directions but let me just open up the area a little bit more make a bigger hole so you can also see the diagonal lines there you go so now you can see all of the directions where you will line up so you can see here we have North this is the north west south east line and of course then the four cardinal directions so let's start with building a little terrain upwards and make sharp edges there and do the same on the bottom so we can just understand how you can create these sharp edges so let's just go to our hoe and the hole right here will have four options so if you right click on your mouse you will get four options here which is level Terrain race ground pattern and paved road now this is something you only would get later on if you have the stone cutter before that you won't be able to do that alright so this means now let's start building a little erased floor so we're going to select a race ground and we're just going to locate the you can see the animation there it looks as if it's raising the terrain the circles going up we're gonna locate that right below us so you can actually just raise the terrain where you stand and you can see that it's now starting to raise the terrain underneath you now it will start making these edges which is going to make you fall off if that happens you can always quickly level like that and then raise ground so you have a little bit more of a flat area to stand on I'm just gonna make a little bit of a Terrain here let's just raise the terrain now raising terrain is gonna cost you two Stone per race that means that if you would for example race 8 meters that means 16 Stones also of course it uses stamina which is also a bit of a pain but so we have kind of created a rock let's um see if I can raise this a little bit here so we want to make a Terrain a little bit level so uh there's a little bit of a pit here you can see I'm just gonna add a little bit in there and we're gonna go to a leveler and we're gonna look for the lowest points or the point you want to level on and now you can see there's like this animation again very similar as we would raise the float but now it's just like leveling it's flat I can't just level this Terrain on the point where I'm standing so when I'm standing right here this is that the level I'm going for so you can see I'm starting to flatten this terrain pretty well this will probably not work 100 so we'll have to do some adjustments later on but let's see if we can keep on flattening this so we have a bit of a bump there let's see if I can walk to the other side and level it a little bit more so we're getting nice and flat you can see we do have a bump there we have a bump here so I'm gonna go to my pickaxe we're gonna ax this away just a little tap that should be able to flatten and this has to go as well but making sure that we don't have too much extractor range sticking out [Music] there we go so now we go back to our home [Music] and now we can flatten it again and that should normally flatten the terrain completely there we go so this is pretty nice and level now what you might have noticed is if you level the terrain on the edge for example you'll see it's gonna start forming some terrain on the side here as well and that kind of ruins the sharp edge you want to have so what we're going to be doing we're going to clean up the edge now so let's take our pickaxe let's go down and let's say we want to have a sharp edge here this Edge we want to keep this Edge so this has to go now you will kind of notice that uh the terrain is forming in a grit so that means if I want to have keep this sharp edge I shoot mine here somewhere just on you see this line I should mine this line away so I'm just gonna mine and then it's gonna delete terrain and it's gonna create this sharp edge so I'm gonna go a little bit lower like that and we're just going to keep on mining this whole area away be careful don't mind here otherwise you're gonna make a gap in the wall so we just wanna remove that piece on the corner [Music] like that so we have one sharp edge we can do the same here that's the edge here you can see we have this little bump a little bit of a line we're gonna mine this away so I'm gonna mine this line again we have one more this seems to be a little bit too sharp we wanted to have a little bit down so I think if you mine here that should normally clean the edge up see so we're just gonna follow this line here and clean up the edge of that Terrain now if you make a mistake if you have like a gap in your wall you just jump up again fill up the terrain again and then just clean up the edge once again so now we have a nice looking Cube which is nice and high that means that if we build on here nothing is going to really be able to attack us except for of course trolls if you have a throw Rage or if you have flying creatures or whatever these will be able to reach you as well but here you are pretty safe as well you could of course make yourself a wall like that then even trolls won't be able to reach the center point then you only need to worry about flying creatures alright so the same can be done in the ground so if I want to dig a hole in the ground I'm just gonna go all the way down let's go down until we have a good decent amount of wall like that you can see we have our edges so if I would if I would chop here on this line you will see that the terrain is going to move inwards see it just made that Gap so you have to be careful if you want to remove the line if you want to move this piece we need to chop on this line don't jump here don't chop here you have to chop on this line right here all right so just jump here and that is going to create a nice sharp edge all right we're gonna go a little bit forward let's make a little bit the same size of terrain here like that [Music] there we go so now we have a nice straight pit that is now nice and sharp that means if you would throw creatures in here if you want to push your wolves or whatever in here they won't be able to get out because they don't have the uh they cannot pathfind themselves out of that um so this is a the sharp edges really protect or help you uh keeping breaches inside a location okay so the next thing I would like to show you is how to create smooth paths let's go to the hoe again and let's make a raised ground I'm gonna make two lines so let's uh one here let's go to here let's go three here and let's go four here all right so we have this uh nice step terrain we're gonna do the same here one two three four so we have the same kind of terrain here I might actually have to fill up this uh this Gap a bit there all right all right so if I now go to level terrain level ground you will see that if I now want to level this if I go on here and I leveled that you will see you will kind of flatten everything see it doesn't make that nice smooth ramp you would like to do it just kind of flattens everything and it doesn't really make a nice line now there is a little trick you can do and that is by pressing shift now if you look at the animation right here I'm trying to find a position where we can actually see the difference there we go now if you look at the animation right here and I press shift you will notice that the animation changes you see you see here the animation completely levels with terrain now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna stand here and I'm gonna press shift and I'm going to aim my cursor at the piece on top not here here so I'm gonna level it like that while I'm pressing shift and we're gonna move forward do this again and move forward do this again now as you can see I'm creating a very nice smooth area so now I can do this over and just walk and you can see how nice and smooth this is now finally we're just going to talk about the cultivated and the hope now these also have a few extra options you will see that you have a paved Road this is only once you unlock the stone cutter that you will be able to do this so the paste wrote what it's going to do is gonna actually replace the terrain with a paved looking road now if you're not careful and I'll show you what happens so this is similar as you would be doing a level leveling so if I place that it now brings Like a Stone paved Road like that now if you're not careful and you do this on the side here you will see that this is going to round up this aside if you place it here see what happens so if you're doing this too close to the terrain of a sharp edge it will cut off this corner and level this with it so you have to be careful if you do this too closely that is going to happen or what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to prepare the first shift terrain and then sharpen up everything once you're done and happy with it and the same is going to happen here if I place it here you'll see it starts rounding the corners off so you will have the sharp edge will be disappearing so this is the paste load which is very clean very nice I like the design of this I hope they bring some new designs in the future you know like a brick floor or whatever we'll see um anyway the next one is Pat pattern which is actually the same as you would be leveling the ground this is going to allow you to create a pad and what it's going to do this is just gonna follow the terrain so it's just creating a small path way between builds or whatever all right now the next thing I want to show you is the cultivator and the cultivator allows you to change the look of the terrain in two ways you can either use cult fate which is going to make the terrain darker and normally you use this for planting so only in this ground you will be able to plant your seeds but on the other hand you can use this as a you know terrain color if you want to change something in a certain color you can do that you can control the color of your stone if you want to pretty handy as well the next one we have grass which is going to allow you to regrow the grass you see here so it's gonna restore the vegetation where you're at so if you for example are at The Meadows it will restore the grass if you're in the mountains it will restore snow and so on also if you for example are in the water you will be able to restore lily pads or even grow some lily pads if you raise it to rain that's all possible you can apply the grass also on your created hills and mountains and it will not change your terrain at all so it's not going to cut away the sharp edges it's going to leave everything as it was the cultivator however will damage your sharp edges and your Corners so you will have to be careful with that but that's going to tribute for me today this is how I use terrain manipulation in valheim I hope this was helpful I hope it was informative and gives you a bit of an idea of how things work and how you can manipulate the terrain to your advantage if you like this video then don't forget to hit that thumbs up on your way out and I will see you again next time this was bibo bum goodbye for now
Channel: The Bee Side
Views: 207,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beeblebum, Bee side, valheim, valheim mistlands, valheim terrain manipulation, valheim terraforming tips, valheim terrain, Terraforming in Valheim, flat terrain, valheim update, valheim mistlands update, mistlands valheim, mistlands, valheim mistlands gameplay, valheim new update, valheim guide, valheim terrain tools, valheim pickaxe, Valheim hoe, Valheim terrain slope, valheim smooth terrain, valheim tips and tricks, valheim tips, valheim tutorial, valheim beginners guide
Id: GzshydsyIJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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