Valheim - How To Flatten Land Tutorial. EASY + FAST!

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so today i'm going to show you how to flatten land in valheim and give you some tips and tricks on that if you guys ever want to see me doing this kind of stuff live or just ask me questions in real time then come and visit me on twitch there's a link in the video description it's just kaizen twitch i'm on there quite a lot and it'd be great to hang out with you guys but let's get into today's video so first let's talk about the tools you're going to need there's two main tools which are a pick and you can use any pick for that and also the hoe and that's to basically like take down these big hills and then flatten the land when it's almost flat and i'll show you all this later on in the video the other thing you can use is a cultivator one of these things right here this is more about aesthetics like placing grass and stuff but technically is used for landscaping so i'll show you that as well and finally we have an axe on us because we're going to need to take down this log and you guys might need to take down logs or clear trees as well so the first thing to do is take out all of the big objects right so this log and the rocks that are in the area we want to flatten so we'll go ahead and do that and then we'll look at how to flatten the land from there okay so i've cleared all the big items the log and the big rocks and stuff like that uh we're not clearing this land right here because we're not gonna be flattening there for the sake of this tutorial but uh yeah everything that's in the way of this area has been done so the next thing to talk about is when you get these sort of mounds like this these big hills and obviously the way to flatten them is to just hack away at them uh with your pickaxe so that's pretty obvious uh but what you wanna do obviously is look at what level you're eventually going to be building at um so for example like around here if we were looking to pick a bit of an area then i know that i'm flattening it down to like maybe here-ish right so that i know when to stop like taking this down because if you go down too far you're just going to waste a load of stone and stuff like that so make sure you have that like rough idea in mind what you can do then is just sort of mine from the outskirts here because what i can do is line this up and i can see this is roughly level obviously it doesn't have to be exactly this stage just roughly but then i can mine into the center of this mound like this and what this will do and if you stand just in the right place by the way when you're mining if you go too close to my mind you'll see that it sort of goes up a bit um so then you have to come back and like dig down and it can be a bit like odd and similarly if i stood too far back i would just mine down into the ground right so i'm gonna have to raise that in a second uh but if you do it just right then you can make the trench at the right height and if you do that all the way into the center of this build right here then eventually what you'll have is a good level that you know you need to take the mound down to so for example i think we need to go down a little bit more here uh yeah so like about here right is roughly again it's all rough at this stage but then i know that i need to take the rest of the mount down to this level so i'm gonna go ahead and do that with this mound right here and uh the ones like a couple more over here a couple bumpy areas we're gonna take them all down and get them roughly level and then i'll show you the finer details of how to flatten land if you're watching this in the first few hours of it going out it's a very good chance i'm live on twitch right now doing ravenheim which is a valheim server with other valheim content creators some really big names i'm really excited about this so i just thought i'd mention that there's a link description to my twitch kaizen twitch hopefully if you over there let's get back to the video okay so we've taken out the big mound and done a bit of digging with the pickaxe around the area here to get it to like this rough state that it's in right now so now to do the sort of finer points of flattening the ground what you want to do is have an idea of where exactly you want it flattened to now one way you can actually do this is to place down a bit of floor and just see exactly what level you want your floor to be at so right here if this is the level that i want my floor to be at it gives me a good gauge that everything else needs to come down to this level at that point we can use our hoe so if i grab the hoe right here and we zoom in what you'll see is the home will try and flatten the land that you're looking at to the same level that you're currently stood at so if i'm stood here you can see the circles right there there's no real bar in the middle if i move this way up to like say here like this you can see there's like a rectangular bar in the middle and it gets bigger and bigger like that that means it's trying to increase it up to that point because what we're trying to do here is get that little bit there up to the bit here that we are currently stood on so you need to be stood at the level that you want to be when you're flattening your land so right here we can stand here like this and try to flatten it all around this area in order to get it to the same height as this floor right here and you can for the most part this will work you know and it will even dig into the mountains and things here a little bit as you can see but eventually it will not like you won't be able to do if it's too much of a gap and that's where things like the pickaxe will come in but you see here this has flattened all of this land right now and so it's all flat enough for us to place this stuff down onto but when we get to here it's no longer flattened so we can again use our hoe and we can stand on the wood and try to sort of uncover it almost digging away at the dirt there to flatten it down like this as you just go around your whole thing like this flattening the land uh in this fashion so when you come to an area like this you can see from where i've been doing the wood there we've been flattening this land and it's all now pretty flat up until this point right here and we can go into this mound and try to flatten it and stuff but it's not quite gonna work it's gonna be a little bit up and a little bit elevated right so when you get to bits like that what you're going to have to do is just simply use your pickaxe and chop away at it now at this point you can then go back to your hoe and again make sure you're still at the right level and try to sort of flatten around it and see if that's going to work the way to sort of test it is going to be when you're building so if we get a load of these over here you see they're all perfect right now uh okay so then here's the area where it stops to be that's perfect so then you can just sort of build them around like this and this is a good guide and then using your hoe if we stand on the bit that we do want so this here's the level right uh then we can just flatten these areas if we if we can get nearest them okay i was accidentally on raised ground there i was wondering what happened so yeah when you're on flying ground you just stand here and start to like uncover these uh wood platform bits again these wood floors just by flattening the ground and there you go you know you're good once you come to a bit like this again though so if we go ahead and place some more flooring going into here sometimes you'll get to a bit like this so what will happen is when i'm stood on these areas i can flatten up to a point but then it just gets to the point where it's not quite going to work so when that happens what you're going to need to do is let's destroy these right here once again you're going to use your pickaxe and just have to chop them down and probably over here as well we have to chop down and then we can go ahead and use the the hoe again to smooth things out but sometimes you might even get to this sort of stage where you've like taken a bit off there and right now if i were to place down a bit of floor right here uh there'd be a gap right so there's this is now like flat it's uh sort of lower so what you can do in that stage is uh you can raise the ground so you're going to need stone when you're doing this in order to raise the ground but here we can raise the ground up like this and then flatten it once again and boom there we go now it is going to be flat and just to prove that if i go ahead and place down this you'll see that that is now flat with the floor so these are the sort of finer details of how you're going to flatten that there's going to be a lot of like little bits of digging little bits of raising and that sort of thing but if you're looking to get something perfectly flat that is like you've got right here the whole way through that is how you're going to have to do that so sometimes you're gonna get to a situation like this where you're trying to flatten land at the level wrap right now and you get to a bit of like an overhang like this now of course using your hoe you can set the raised ground and if you're stood somewhere you can click to raise ground but every time i do this i'm using up stone so this is not the most efficient way to do it when you're trying to get up to a level like this because let's say that's roughly the same height and that was what three clicks that's three times the four stone we can actually do that in just one what you need to do is look and let me zoom in a little bit over here so we can look like the edge right here if you just come down a bit like to about there if we left click you'll see that there has taken it to about the same level but only using four stone right so at this point what you can do is just start to make a bit of a wall as i'm doing right here and we're only using four stone each time we do it now this is the same no matter the height of this wall it's worth mentioning so you could have like a really tall high wall and still do the same and then you can simply come along like this and just make your border like this if you are running backwards and you come to a hill just make sure you're still looking at the same area because like obviously like if i'm looking here and i come back as i go to the hill this raises so like when you're doing this quickly you might make that mistake so you just come along like here like this there we go and there we have our little like infill and then obviously it works the same way if we want to just do the infill bit we just come along here like this do all the infills until the whole thing is done so this will save you a lot of stone which is like definitely useful especially early game and when we come up to the top here if we have a look at this it's certainly not perfect but then all we're going to do is select to level the ground again go around level the ground and repeat the process that we did on the floor earlier where you simply dig out bits that need to be dug out raised bits that need to be raised until you have it perfectly flat so there you have it guys some terraforming tips particularly around flattening land and also raising land to a flat level as you see that we have done here if you want to see this sort of stuff in real time again do check out my twitch link in description but for now i just want to say thank you so much for watching and of course here come the dad jokes you know what you get if you throw a piano down on mine shaft a flat minor and of course you could also drop a piano onto an army base and get yourself a flat major i used to live alone but i was walking with my best friend one day across a busy road and uh unfortunately he got hit by a truck so now i've got a flatmate you know why my good friend richard likes to play in the mud because then he becomes filthy rich a good friend of mine likes to go out doing all that motocross stuff in the mud you know and i told him that's a really dirty habit i gotta apologize for a lot of these uh jokes today they're pretty old we've had a lot of them come from the stone age
Channel: Kysen
Views: 97,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, valheim flatten land, valheim terraform, how to flatten land valheim, valheim terraforming tips, valheim building tips, valheim clearing land, how to make flat ground in valheim, how to flatten ground, how to flatten ground valheim, how to level ground valheim, how to make flat foundation valheim, valheim flat, valheim flat foundation, valheim flat foundations, valheim building, valheim foundation, valheim foundation guide, valheim hoe, valheim hoe guide, kysen
Id: VeqxbeGFd3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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