The Bronze Age - The Complete Beginner's Guide To VALHEIM

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Darkness has fallen across the land Odin has called upon you once again Warrior you are tasked with freeing the black forest from the clutches of the Elder and restore honor to the land but first we must improve your skills and gear come I'm gonna show you the way let us prepare you for the Bronze Age what's up Gamers welcome to gamestart Nation my name is Rob and in this video I'm going to show you how to get to and through the Bronze Age in valheim now this video is actually the second video in a tutorial series I have uh the first one covering the first biome The Meadows that's basically an overall starter guide that leaves you all the way through the boss fight with ikether the boss of The Meadows which unlocks the antler pick the first pick in the game that allows you to mine even if you haven't seen that video this video assumes that you have a full set of leather armor close to a full set cloak isn't necessary a wooden Shield and preferably at least a flint ax but a stone ax at the very least if you found other weapons you prefer that's perfectly fine but in order to get to the Bronze Age we have to get two the black forest the Black Forest is the second biome it's which is the second level up in valheim there are monsters in it that are significantly stronger than the monsters found in the Meadows so having a full set of leather armor just even tier one other armor will get you much further now for those who saw the first video uh this is the same house actually the same property but I have to start a little bit of mild upgrading to the house give us a little more room in here it was really tight with the camera before trying to get around and get angles for those who didn't see the first video well Welcome to our home for this video now I actually also spent a little time getting around the area um looking for a black forest and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any close by so I figured we can kind of kill two birds with one stone and we can go looking for a black forest out there in the deep blue we're going to teach you how to sail while we teach you how to get to the Bronze Age so the very first boat that you can craft in valheim much like the bow this boat sucks the second boat just like the second bow is significantly better and a lot more fun uh the very first one is the raft and it is basic it has very few hit points take very little damage uh it is slow and it's not agile when you steer but it's what we got all right so in order to build will it vote of any kind but especially the raft one we're going to use uh you need first of all to have a hammer so let's go ahead and pull up our interface here and we'll grab our hammer and then you're gonna need a workbench most things in this game you can't build anything without a workbench nearby it doesn't really matter which is temporary we're just going to slap one down right there and now under the miscellaneous tab in building we have the raft now there's at the bottom of the screen it shows us we need 20 wood uh six leather scraps and six resin and then of course it's the workbench to create it we have what we need so we can go ahead and get close to water and you'll see the raft kind of appear floating above the ocean there I'm just using the mouse we can rotate the direction you want uh the ore on the back there well that's the back of the boat just so you know as well as a ladder just you know which way you want to face it now I really have no Direction which way to sail and the raft is not a good vessel to take into deep water like you kind of want to avoid actual ocean biomes because there's sea serpents out there which later in the game are great fun to hunt for and and battle but early on in the raft we stay in zero chance and if the raft breaks or we're out in the middle of the ocean we have no choice but to drown so we're gonna drop that in there when you're on a boat of any kind uh in the back where the ore is you'll see a rudder uh you just interact with it in order to take control of the vessel and then using your directional Keys you can control what direction you're going and how fast so if I press up oh you'll see that yellow error appear down there near the steering wheel uh that's paddling that's manually sailing and you can do that no matter which way the wind is facing so if we look over here to the right hand side of the screen you'll see the gust of wind coming kind of up to the Northwest we do not want the wind push it against the front of the ship but sometimes you just can't avoid it whenever possible you want the wind to be uh in the gold area of the ship with the back of the ship being the best place if you want to go fast now with the ore manually rowing as we are now this is going to be the slowest uh you could go with most of the boats uh but you can sail Against the Wind this way uh with your sail down you can't go anywhere Against the Wind so if I press up again you'll see a second Arrow up here and the sail drops and the sail spins the direction the wind is pushing it generally depending on how fast the wind is blowing this is going to be faster than rowing but you do need the wind in your favor if you want to do it pressing forward one more time gets this Full Sail ahead that is full speed this is relying entirely on the Wind to get a swimming where we want to go so again you can only use this and go places if the wind is to your side or behind you not pushing against the front of you there we go see those Tall Pine trees that is the black forest you'll only find those Tall Pines in the black forest Black Forest is a it's a dark kind of mystical Forest you'll encounter several monsters there uh the most common is gonna be the gray dwarfs and there's several different versions of them um all the way from the basic gray dwarf uh up to the shaman which casts a poison a damage over time poison spell on you essentially and can heal uh themselves and other gray dwarfs uh there's the brutes which are big hulking ones that can actually do significant amount of damage and take quite a bit of damage themselves uh there's skeletons uh which are definitely a threat more offensively and defensively they don't move very much they're easy to hit but they can kind of pack a punch at this level but the most dangerous of monsters in the Black Forest are trolls and while they're not incredibly common you're guaranteed to run across at least one in your adventures well holy crap speaking of trolls there is one right there okay well we are not really up to that task right now so we'll see if we can sneak around him look like you to get a closer look though so while these guys are really tough to take down at this level uh if you can kill them their skin is used to make troll armor which is awesome uh troll armor is strong enough to get you all the way through the swamp which is the third level and honestly I think you could do further along the mountains with the upgraded control armor and every piece of troll armor at least initially requires five troll skins which is the amount that every troll drops when it dies so if you can kill a troll you're guaranteed to get a piece of troll armor and that would give us a major advantage but I don't think we have the gear for it it would take us all day to pluck away at him with this bow just in case we have to engage and we're gonna use better arrows I mean we can sneak up on it do you do sneak attack if that's like three times the amount of damage so your first attack do significant damage especially if you have like a dagger which I do not have but I can't help it we're gonna try it good luck to us we're ill-equipped for this but if we can get some troll armor that would be great so the key to any battle is your stamina you really got to keep an eye on your stamina but in battles like this it really helps to have some health too because if you screw up and get hit obviously you can take more damage but beyond that you can get staggered in this game if you're hit significantly hard um compared to the amount of Health you have so your max hit points is kind of a defense against getting stunned the more you have even if you you didn't take a damage as long as you have a max amount of hit points uh over a certain threshold you won't get staggered by enemies and we are definitely get staggered by him if he hits us and staggering you kind of lose control of your player for a couple seconds which is oftentimes enough to get killed keep an eye on my food Buffs because they're running out but basically whenever you fight these guys you need to weave through trees and rocks because for the most part they have to go around them [Music] blueberries are one of the fruits you want to look out for when you're in the black forest it's native to the black forest and it's a bit better than raspberries but also uh is in combination it's used in combination with raspberries and a lot of recipes now I just dropped in the water that's really bad because it's gonna drain my stamina or it's gonna not allow much damage to go um up as fast I won't regenerate stamina as fast as I would have otherwise and it slowed me down for a bit though which could have got me killed now Monsters of the same biome are allies so we just ran into some great works it's just only gonna make this more challenging gray dwarfs um would not fight the troll in fact to help the troll even heal the trolls a greater Shaman will be able to troll up so we are actually fighting multiple mobs now but we have a bit of damage to the throttle more than I expect to be able to this part of the fight so again just keep it on your stomach do not let it drain to zero if that's the biggest chance of getting killed is doing that I will edit this the best I can to kind of keep your view good but there's a lot of trees around there's a chance that you're gonna see a lot of ships in the camera there's a brute I talked about he's gonna really make this tough drop [Music] uh they just got distracted by something I'm thinking about the skeletons over there bro the greeners got distracted so it's just us in the troll again oh and a board fantastic okay [Music] Radars are done doing what they're doing it I just heard them so they're coming back it sounds like really want to take away these great doors while I can while the trolls not around the troll will destroy your raft if you're not around form two he has nothing else to distract him you will break your raft or whatever boat you brought along now if we can just keep our cool and keep our stamina up and avoid these attacks got this okay one of the uh we'll we'll call it more Advanced Techniques to fighting is rolling rolling is a great way to dodge an attack quickly you just hold the right damn that was bad hold on I rolled the wrong way okay two performer roll you hold the right Mouse button to block and then just jump in a Direction so press certain direction with its back up left right and then click the jump key while holding block sounds like a lot but it's actually pretty simple to do timing it takes some practice and if you do Dodge in the wrong direction you can see what happens you get clobbered yeah I'm gonna use this cover for a second troll can't get to me until he breaks it I'm hoping to pick off this Brute oh there's a skeleton in here that's what they're distracted by okay that's good skeleton is a melee skeleton there are ones that bow and arrows and there are melee skeletons that particular one uh is melee so he's not gonna really be able to do in the troll unless I help him out let's see if we got a crafty and put a workbench down [Music] was dangerous the troll saw me I guess and try to get me through the wall and they never got it let's try that again so we're gonna put a workbench down right now it doesn't really matter where in fact anywhere over here they were such like the hammer so it's easier to see and we're gonna break the board under the skeleton I was hoping to see the troll first but he saw me now this is the table uh the trolls leaving [Music] I don't really care if the skeleton kills the work Defense work which is only there to kill the floor that skeleton is under there they go now now skeleton I was dead okay I was hoping to get the skeleton to fight them a little bit be some damage but he did not last very long I should have known better now the problem is using a bow to pluck away at the other mobs his uses up stamina right there just waiting for him to make his move and then I did roll the whole time I was kind of holding the block waiting for me to do that take off the green door for what we can bro we're going to run into here for cover again feel comfortable the rest of the game with it but this first one The Credo it's horrible Nice Shot lumberjack now a lot of these shots I'm actually just looking at his health bar oh couldn't see his body so I just aimed for under his health bar there we go we got all kinds of stuff we've also picked up all kinds of stuff so let's go and empty our pockets a bit we're getting low on arrows and our bow durability it's about to break but we're gonna have to remedy that see our table's still up [Music] bring it back eat a roof of course yes who could build without a roof you're gonna be a Savage almost Savages only Savages that qualify yes I'm gonna make some more wood arrows we're gonna go ahead and start a fire real quick in here and get us a resting buff and dry off and then we will get on with the journey [Music] okay we don't need anything here at all anymore so we can just abandon the post I'm not gonna waste time fighting these guys what I am going to do is I'm gonna come back and find the raft you know we got distracted by that troll as soon as we landed oh look at this I'm gonna say they're Pig oh there he goes I think he was trying to trying to boat Jack us he was hot wiring that thing all right so now that we're back to the raft we're gonna open the menu and I'm gonna choose a little Hammer here you can use whatever icon you want but that is what I use every time when I park a boat somewhere so I know where to find it again now that we have the raft marked it's time to get some bronze there's two ingredients of bronze that's copper and ten recognizing them will help you quite a bit this shiny looking Rock here is 10. you will always find 10 on the coastline of a black forest 10 is actually pretty easy just about every one of these breaks when you do like 410 and they cluster up pretty tight together so it's pretty easy to find 10. now to make a copper bar you need two proper ore and one tenor so you only need one tenth for every two copper or let's just say you need half as much 10 as you do copper so don't fill your pockets on 10 you don't need nearly as much of it as you would copper although honestly you're gonna need to make several trips I'll have to get any significant amount so we've got some 10 now we need to find some copper so copper actually looks like this big rock right here except it'll have copper streaks running through it and here we go copper deposit see little streaks right here run through it that is how you tell the difference between a copper deposit and a normal Boulder now the best way to mine really any of the oars Is On Top of the Rock of a deposit but if I hit it from down here 3.8 6.7 4.8 significantly less damage to it should take more hits longer which also damage as you pick more and of course hey we can't do anything without gray dwarfs drop it in oh man I wish I had a flamethrower just to watch him burn go through that who threw that I I'm not too worried about his voice that's like one of the weakest poisons in the van [Music] okay back to work anyways these green things here these green rocks on the ground with the gold in them that's the actual copper that's what it looks like each one of those is one copper ore which will melt down into one copper bar but again to make bronze you need two copper bars and a 110 bar so we're gonna need quite a bit um We're not gonna be making one trip but as before while this is going to be a lengthy process for me you won't have to sit through it so we're going to collect the copper all right so skeletons right here um skeletons aren't usually around for no reason the most common place to find them in the Black Forest is in front of a tomb uh and tombs are super important because they are the only place this early in the game that you'll find uh Sterling cores and those things we're really going to need if we want to make a smelter to turn this ore into metal bars so you'll always find three skeletons guarding a burial tomb or they actually call them it's a burial chamber these burial Chambers are one of the other main reasons to go to Black Forest you got to go there to get the copper you gotta go there and get the 10 because there's a black Force the only place you're gonna find those two metals but also at least at this level in the game this is the only place you're gonna find Sterling cores is in these burial Chambers and you're not guaranteed to find any but you'll find it on average five of them either way at this level these Chambers are dangerous and that's because of the skeletons that are in them there's generally three entrances or ways you can go in a burial chamber so this is the way to the left Center and right you'll find this layout in every barrel chamber but the chambers are random some of them have almost no rooms and some of them will go on and on forever there's two machines we'll call them that you need to craft in order to to make a lot of ore and that's a kiln which turns wood into coal and then a smelter which uses coal and the ore to make ingots both the Kiln and the smelter take five Sterling cores as well as some other materials to craft one so while you can get by with just five Sterling cores in which case you build a kill and you get your cold and you break the kill and then make your smelter you really want to get at least 10 so you get one of each machine and then over time you can build more machines which speed up the entire process now these dungeons as I mentioned before are random you don't know what you're gonna find as far as the room layouts okay this one's got a door both left and right and I see movement behind that door there so we definitely have something to fight that way checking our food bar we're doing okay our food buff is diminished quite a bit but I think we got enough Health to not get staggered all right this is going to be a dead end so this is a spawner oh my gosh oh we hailed that all wrong it's a skeleton spawner it's gonna spawn skeletons um as long as it stays up so we need to destroy it but it's being guarded right now by two skeletons using a shield for some dumb reason all right Belton behind the door baggered him all right spawner's broken let's kill off any others and there we go we've killed them and this is this is what we want this is a treasure room right here circling course we need five of those to make a machine we've got like four in this room alone so that's nice renewable resource there we go Sterling Court got us a smelter and a kiln recipe grab our Pearl just a little chest here we got rubies nice feathers always nice tan feathers like that's really good okay and grab the rest of these cores oh gold coins love it or me stone axis right throughout okay so we should have four cores so we need one more core for it to be any good at all we're going to use it torch makes it easier for you guys to see yo the YouTube videos always turn out darker than my screen is it'll be hard to kill these guys it'll be more fun watching burn oh this is my food I need to hurry up quran's buckler oh there's one with the bow he's gonna be nasty I'm going to go with a double meat bonus a little more health and then honey is one of the best of the stamina all right so we have 103 stamina yeah what's our Max health V6 all right he's not gonna be hard to handle once we just get enough Health to make up for some mistakes oh shoot one more time this doesn't shoot anymore no problem and go oh there's Amber that's the other charger I talked about don't be afraid to throw away some basic tools ones that you can again easily make yeah oh another spawner you heard of it quick see that over there certainly cooler perfect another treasure room two treasure rooms very nice so this is a good one this is another four Serling cores so I have to tell them eight this is a good dungeon if we can find two more cores that'd be fantastic we can make both the Kiln and a smelter Azure treasure treasure good stuff okay and this stuff's just decorative can't interact with it unfortunately is that everything or are we gonna get lucky and find one more set of four I mean eight for one burial chamber is really great after leaving that Barrel tomb I decided to continue on a bit I found some more bronze I found another a burial tube with more Sterling pores had another run with the troll and eventually with pockets full and being harassed by gray doors I made my way back to the raft and back home again once there upgraded my gear and got myself a cake and now it's time to learn about it's melting okay so first we're gonna make the kill only 20 stone and five certain cores workbench nearby we have that so we're just gonna rotate it with the mouse away like normal and left click to drop it and then we're also going to make the smelter smelter's gonna be just kind of across from that you need to access both the left and right hand side of the smelter we're looking at it face first so like it's front is facing us right now don't get all crammed up next to something else because you need you need to get on the sides of it to feed it so we're gonna drop it right there and we're gonna talk to hugin okay great hugin thanks you're awesome bye now in order to get cold we just need to just that feather dropping in front of the screen that's cool uh in order to get well we just need to feed the the Kiln wood we have wood in our inventory so we're just going to interact with it and every time you hit your interact button it's gonna put one piece in or you just hold the button down and feed it all you got it takes a little time to turn the coal I'll just kind of output it right here I'm gonna go grab some ore real quick foreign recipes but we're just gonna use the coal for our smelter so here on the left hand side of the smelter uh you have the Colt input hold up to a total of 20 or just get interact with that six and a half and then we go to the other side and as long as you have ore in your inventory it'll be getting smelting and now we wait you pretty much just the the coal in the smelter until the oil runs out before and repeat hey there's our first piece look at that pretty thing we're gonna see what we can make [Music] copper we can make a forge oh not exactly all excited huh just wait see we have all the ingredients so far we need to make a forge Forge only tastes copper once we get bronze we're gonna get a whole lot of new recipes that's probably copper as well yep I already feeding some more coal and the next piece should be 10 because I just fed in two uh copper and 110 just to show you what we can make and then I'll fill it up with a bunch of both okay and then ten tens didn't really tell us we could make anything so I'm gonna go ahead and fill up the smelter and I'm gonna speed up time and we'll get to [Music] now we'll grab the Hammer with the hammer in our hand we go to right click it to craft and we see we can make a forge now it takes four stone four coal ten wood six copper and a workbench which we have all of that so just choose that it is a bit smaller than the standard workbench is good we don't have a whole lot of room we're gonna need to expand our house again soon uh we're gonna go ahead and just cram is right in here uh soon we'll have to make some upgrades for the table and that is going to force the suit too expanding but let's put it right here now there we go new items called and fantastic so the forge just like the crafting table um adds new recipes not only that you can make on it but just by being in its vicinity okay now interact with it there we go we got bronze takes two copper and one tin and it's the level one Forge to make bronze uh and I have enough in my inventory right now we have 10 copper and 11 10 so it's 5 10 and 10 copper we can make five bronze let's just do that boom boom we are now in the Bronze Age look at our options okay I've gathered some bronze so let's go ahead and make some things that are going to make life a little bit easier for us first of all we're gonna make a bronze helmet it's gonna give us more armor that uses eight versus uh we are right now six so a slight Improvement to our armor now I could make the bronze plate uh leggings or bronze chest plate but they slow you down movement speed of negative five on each one so that gives it ten percent uh movement penalty and I like to stay pretty quick at least in the early levels so we're not gonna make the armor plate I'm gonna just keep the troll armor I have um but we need to make a bronze ax I'm gonna grab some wood okay and now we can make a bronze ax I think this is one of my favorite upgrades simply because I hate the caveman looking ax there's a lot more damage going to trees and to moms looks a lot better and we're gonna need this for what we've got to make next so up to this point we've not had access to fine wood because fine wood you need at least a Brawn ax to break you can either the normal ax it gives you the message uh too hard and what's too hard is that X but now we can cut down Birch because we have a bronze ax there we go look at that fine wood giving us stuff my favorite thing is the fine wood bow it's unlocked portal fine wood gives us access to so much so just between getting access to bronze and to fine wood we've added a whole bunch of things a whole bunch of recipes to our build menu I would like to make a fine wood bow you get core wood from cutting down these tall pine trees there we go core wood we got cultivator fine wood bow stag breaker all kinds of good stuff look at all this good stuff Now by getting 10 there's another very important upgrade that we've unlocked I'm gonna go ahead and break one of these here so we have room for it and with the hammer in her hand right clicking to be able to build menu we'll go to crafting and you'll find a cauldron now in order to build a cauldron you'll need a forge nearby and 10 10 bars but once we have that we want to squeeze in right by a fire the way I'm placing this this will still give me a cooking rack but also The Cauldron you see the new recipes popping up the screen and as you discover new food items meats and you know vegetables and things in the game you'll get new recipes so to start right now we have very few we have boar jerky which is still helpful it gives us an even amount of health and stamina 23 of each and just requires a bore meat and a honey and you'll actually get two jerky uh with this recipe the other one that we can do right now is cleans Jam uh this is really good for stamina you get 14 health and 40 stamina and it requires eight raspberries and six blueberries and while it's quite a bit of fruit or resources uh you do get four of the Queen's gin for that so it's worth it now the other things we've unlocked here are the meat bases uh these are basically potions but you need a fermenter in order to make those so let's go ahead and create a fermenter real quick so again with the hammer we'll right click under crafting tab we'll choose fermenter we'll place it on top here and we'll rotate it with mouse to face the little faucet outward so let's make mead first we're gonna do the minor healing and again it will work like a healing potion uh so we need 10 honey for this five blueberry 10 raspberry and dandelion there we go now we have our Mead base once you have a meat base just go over to the fermenter to interact with it and that will drop our Mead base and do it and it's really just a matter of uh of waiting you'll see this kind of foggy Mist appear around it as the live cultures you know go to work but we'll check back on that in about a day and now we're gonna make bronze nails [Music] and we have new items we have wood shutters and part and item stands but also a card carve is a tier two boat so it's a stuff up from the raft and significantly stepped up all right so first let's get rid of the raft now you cannot deconstruct uh boats you have to destroy them just make sure that you you destroy it in shallow water so when the resources dropped it'll essentially fall right in your lap okay so raft is done now we're gonna go into the build menu using the hammer we have a table nearby so we're just going to choose the carve rotate it so the ores in the back drop it in there we go now this vessel can take a lot more damage and moves a lot faster foreign just like the raft you can get a hold of the ore press forward once to go slowly forward manual Works Against the Wind twice drops sail goes a little faster as long as the wind is to your side or behind you and then three times a little Speed Ahead now we're starting to feel like a real Viking got a real ax some real armor a real boat now another Super useful tool you'll need maybe the cultivator I need the core wood for this five core wood and five bronze [Music] all right now we got a cultivator and we can plant things we can replant trees and we can grow our own food do that we'll just clear out a spot and we're going to use as a garden you're going to want to build a wall of some kind around it otherwise you'll find that a lot of the mobs that roam the area uh will come by and damage your plants so you can choose any of the wall pieces that you like I'm just using Mr short half wall just around the area all right so he's got a little flower box there now we switch to our cultivator we right click with the cultivator in our hand and choose cultivate now we can prepare the soil by cultivating it turns it from like ground sand and dirt into actual soil so now that we have cultivated soil we can actually plant seeds that we find we have six carrot seeds that we found in the Black Forest so I'm just going to choose that from the cultivator menu and place them in the ground if you want you can rotate the mouse and kind of spin at a top if you just ruin the details you do have to make sure these are kind of spaced if you end up planting them too close together you'll see the plant will kind of rot and it'll indicate that it's too close to something else and if you don't fix it within a time frame it'll just Wilt away and die and we'll pretty much just be a waste of the seed okay so we have the six carrots now take some time but we come back later we should have some carrots growing and there are different a lot of different seeds you can find in the game that'll lead to better and better vegetables that will lead to better and better recipes which will give you more stamina and health and then also with the cultivator if you have tree seeds in your inventory you'll have the option to plant those trees image wherever you'd like the cultivate is very important both to give you new food options as well as replenish any Lumber you may have otherwise processed now as hopefully you already know when you're near a fire you get arrested bonus which of course all of your skills levels three times as fast you regenerate stamina and health three times as fast when you're rested the amount of time the rest above lasts is based on the Comfort level when you were resting and you can see down the top right corner I have comfort level four that's because I have a fire which has come from one and then we are in indoors which gives you three additional to comfort four and that gives you a rested bonus of 11 minutes but with the core wood you can actually add a Furniture piece under Furniture is the sitting log you put this wherever you want but I like to have it by the fire just because that's where you would have it now there is a front and a back you can kind of see by the little bruise here people sit in the front in the back the side where the grooves go down much further where the legs are going to be in this back here that's where the butt is so we're gonna slide that down right there now you can interact with it and use it but you don't have to do that as long as you're in the same area of it within range your comfort level now see it gives you an extra bonus to come from five and that razor rested to 12 minutes and there are a lot more pieces of furniture and and decoration that you can find that will extend that the amount of time you rested it's very helpful now once you have bronze Nails there's actually another device that we can create which will add some um decoration to your house but more importantly we'll save chest space and make tools or weapons to use regularly more accessible so using your hammer uh right click and go to the furniture option and you'll see right here we have item stand both a vertical and horizontal option so by choosing that we need four fine wood one broadsdale and a workbench he didn't take this and rotate the mouse until that little nub is facing out let me see if I can get it where you can see the nub there you go versus the other side which is flat the knob is actually where the tool is going to go so we're going to put it on the wall say here and we'll put another one right here the horizontal one we'll lay that on the floor right there and then with the item that you want to put onto the item stand or wall have that up in a uh your action bar at the top so if I go close to the atom stand and then press four which is where I have my hoe in the action slot Boom the hoe is now on the wall and I can just interact with it in order to get it back uh this one has to do a little decoration with eight better deer head let's say right here by my bed I want to keep my shield or let's uh put the items down here on the table you can rotate it and you'll see there's a little red arrow by the direction direction it's gonna face put that there and then a little tankered and boom so you can keep food and beverages on the table for decoration and then when you need it you just interact with it and it's yours okay the time has gone by let's go ahead and check on the vegetables Matt whenever you approach a vegetable get close enough so that you get the information popping up it'll let you know if it's still growing or if it's ready if it's ready it will give you the option to pick up then just interact with it and pull them out of the ground and there we go brand new recipes thanks to cauldron they have some carrots to work with now I'd recommend as soon as you pull some under the ground get your cultivator right click on it and choose to replant again uh so if you get carrots you can replant a carrot to get the carrot seed plant each carrot or each actually any vegetable you plant as a seed plant will give you three more once it develops three seeds which will become three more you know of the vegetable uh so we're gonna go ahead and just replant a couple just so we'll have some more seeds again how many carrots do we have we have four carrots um I'm gonna drop one more so that'll be three new carrots each so that's nine carrots we'll have next time around and that's gonna work let's go ahead and check out the recipes so now we've added some recipes to our cauldron menu we've got carrot soup so three carrots and one mushroom will give us carrot soup which gives us 15 health and 45 stamina quite an upgrade we have also minced meat sauce which takes a necktail finally I use for those bore me and a carrot and that'll give us 40 health and 13 stamina so this boss fight I think I think I'd like to get a couple of both of these this will give us the health we need this will give us stamina and then a little boar jerky will fill in the gaps I'll go ahead and fill my boxes with this but we also need another weapon oh if we come to the workbench here we need the fine wood bow it's a serious upgrade to the crude bow the crude bow is inaccurate it's clumsy it's stupid looking fine little bow is well that is one fine bow that is very nice this major upgrade so it has been 48 hours since we put our Mead in the fermenter uh all Mead takes 48 hours to process so we're going to interact with the fermenter here we go some healing potions something in case things get a little rough six in fact every time you put a mead base into the fermenter once it's done processing you'll get six of whatever potions it is that you put in there helpful structure in this game that you can create once you've unlocked fine wood and Sterling cores you can make an actual portal to teleport you pretty much anywhere in the map you want you have to have both a entrance and exit so two separate portals once you do that and you name them the same thing they'll connect and then you can go through one and out the other so we're gonna build on here real quick you'll usually want to build a platform to put them on just keep them safe because mobs will attack a portal and they can destroy it but I'm not too worried about the mobs around here being able to do that so in order to make a portal you need 10 grade orifies 20 fine wood two serving cores and a workbench now keep in mind you do need two portals to be any good so double those amounts before you get started you can rotate the portal with the mouse wheel like normal but the entrance and exit is actually that little sharp point there on the ground one side the point kind of goes inwards and on the other it goes outward well the outward is the exit that's the side you're gonna come out of regardless what side you go in all right so we're gonna put that one there the second one we're gonna put over at the boss so that way if we need to come back for supplies or whatever we can get here quickly now the one thing that really thinks about the portal is there's some very dumb rules with it there's a lot of items that you can't take through the portal let's say a lot of items I think there's only three I can think of but it's they're a huge part of the game at least two of them are and that's uh Raw Metals like ore like copper ore tenor and ingots once you even process them into metal you can't go through a portal as long as it's on your body but it's a real drag and I do have a solution to those problems but I'll be making a video in the future that will cover that so make sure you're subscribed to the channel now another useful tool once you enter the Bronze Age is the cart under miscellaneous you'll see here takes 20 wood 10 bronze nails and of course a workbench so we select that and rotate it and put it down all right now you see the cart's empty currently if you stand between these two posts right here and interact with it you'll put a belt on your waist and you can then move the card along now you'll want to make a road like this one here I'm gonna travel any real amount of distance because it's very difficult to get it through the Wilderness with all these trees and rocks to catch on now the car is empty right now um it does seem to be affected by weight so the more you fill it the slower it may feel but to put items in it just interact with the flatbed here and it opens up same thing as a chest and then just put in pretty much any items you want either store or relocate and you'll see these kind of a little crates up here inside and again just stand between the two posts and interact with it and haul it around now another thing you can use it for if you just want crazy different looks or extra storage once you put the items in the cart um just break the cart and the crates of items still fall to the ground so you can then use those to add a little flare to your house a little realism um or just extra storage area once you take the items out of that though it's gone I keep in mind these little storage boxes and barrels are free because when you break the cart you get all your supplies back but you'll be left with these pretty cool right all right now there are still other things that you can build other things to check out but I don't want to cover every single aspect just kind of the more important things and so with that it's time to focus our attention on defeating the Elder boss once we've killed the loss then we've conquered the black forest and that'll bring this journey to an end so let's do a quick gear check okay I have actually decided just to go about halfway up um the upgrade most you know your armor your weapons can get upgraded to level four just to give you good average um what you could use to fight the other boss uh I've decided to only upgrade things partially so my helmet my legs and chest are all level two I do have a level 4 Cape because that brings me to an even 30 Armor class and I like even numbers uh since this will be a bow fight I did step up the mode to three there's still one Higher you could go to make it easier on yourself and then you'll see the uh ax and the shield are number two uh and I do bring a hammer because we plan on building a portal when we get there killing potions in case I need them honestly I don't expect to have to use them um so bringing them will be optional for you uh and then I need enough errors to get the job done you really just want to use fire arrows on him as far as his weakness uh these arrows are just to kill any other moms that we may come across uh and then the other stuff here this is this little row you see here these are optional items just because I plan on building a portal when we get there and like a platform to put it on this is completely optional the last important thing for you to have is going to be good food so right now I have 25 health and 50 stamina because I don't have any Buffs running currently but once we eat the deer stew the Queen's jam and the carrot soup uh well now our new Total is uh 99 health and 150 stamina now this fight is a ranged fight uh you're going to be sprinting and firing arrows almost the entire time so stamina is more important than health but you still want to give yourself enough Health to be able to take you know a couple shots in case maybe get a bad run of luck so bring good food um if you prefer bronze armor go ahead just understand you're going to be a bit slower moving around but you'll be able to absorb more damage I'm going with the troll armor just because I want to stay light on my feet now we not only need gear to kill the boss uh we can't do anything if we don't find the boss so you're gonna need to locate a Elder boss Stone uh you're gonna find them in the burial Chambers or the skeletons and serving cores are there's a chance to find one in there and the ruined manners which are larger structures that you'll find kind of strewn about the black forest so in order to summon the boss we're gonna need three ancient seeds the easiest place to find them is well add a spawner here one because whenever you break this spawner uh you're guaranteed to get a seed but you don't want to break the funnel right away because you only get one seed and you need three uh but the cool thing is is this is a great door spawner that it will keep spawning gray dwarfs which means a chance at a brute to be spawned and Broods have a 30 chance of dropping ancient seeds so we're gonna go ahead and dispatch these guys here [Music] we go and we'll hope that a brute gets spawned there we go look at that it's going to Shield up for this guy [Music] he's a one star so we're gonna have to be a little careful [Music] we definitely want to time a Parry [Music] the blocking right before the enemy strikes will Parry the enemy which stuns it per second and allows you to do critical damage with every strike it is better to uh to block early if you're unsure though just to avoid taking the brunt of the damage oh like that swung one or two many times [Music] all right and there we go we dropped the agency and into the Brute it's gonna get a stamina up and we'll see if we can do about dispatching him oh my gosh he's a one star so it's double he dropped two seeds we're gonna go ahead and break the spotter for the third seed once I can get some stamina up [Music] all right and we're just gonna go ahead and leave these guys I've got my three seeds there's no reason I should stay any longer okay we're gonna go ahead and build platform here to build a portal on that way it's less likely to be damaged by mobs it's just a simple platform to keep it off the ground it makes it less likely to get attacked by mobs it's just a simple platform to keep it off the ground nothing fancy crazy oh gray Dwarfs hey we're just gonna drop a portal right here now we didn't name the photo at home so since it's nameless and this one's nameless they connect it automatically see that now walk away from the portal it will kind of go out as soon as you get close fires up again so use this portal we can quickly and easily get home and back again prepared and ready to go here we go this is what the Elder boss summon spot looks like okay so before I summon the boss I'm going to freshen up my Foods now we have yeah 99 health and 150 stamina it's gonna be real good okay and so so to summon just move the three ancient seeds up to one of your hot bar brackets uh get close to the ancient Bowl here and then just hit the number that corresponds to the ancient seeds which in this case is four [Music] foreign okay I've never seen him do that before all right so normally he'd be on the ground and you could just use another campfire's feet and catch him on fire but I'm dealing with the crazy Elder here so that's his most dangerous attack right there where he shoots thorns out at you those are very destructive to a ton of damage if you don't want to get hit by those this is a second attack where he brings these giant Roots out of the ground and they will snap around at you try to slap you real good if you let him the best thing to do is just to leave the area that they come up from they only stay for a short amount of time and then they spawn like that so most of this fight is just range fight you're gonna hit him with fire arrows every chance you get you're hit with more than one in a certain amount of time the damage will stack a little bit and do a little more burn damage during the stick when the vines come out of the ground just relocate and be ready to constantly move because he will break the cover if he gets down that tree right there this place is gonna be a Mess by the time we're done win Gregor's at the fight just pluck them away they're melee arrange harriety of them I'm just going to focus on them I'm a special Charmers if Shaman shows up kill him quick because he will heal the boss this is gonna make the fight even longer than holiday is gonna be and the other fight if you're by yourself it's a pretty long fight almost all the boss are easier if you have a friend or two or three more um but they all can be soloed as well now if you get close to Elder you will do a stop and it will do a lot of AOE damage AOE is short for area of effect basically it doesn't damage the entire area around where his foot hits the ground needless to say you don't want to be there [Music] the pillars around the boss's spawn um are indestructible we cannot damage them so they're always a spot you can hide from if they'd be he's gonna watch out for the vines not as long as this fight goes the more your health and your stamina are going to deplete as your food buff degrades so whatever way you can find to speed the fight along I'd recommend you stick to it oh my rested bonus is gone now taking even longer for standard to regenerate which sucks but it is what it is I'm gonna go ahead and use our right there buff just so while we're running around it's not using up as much stamina [Music] okay now we're cold I mean they're going to generate stamina even slower [Music] I'm going to take him back to his spawn point a little bit here gonna let this fire warm us up while we finish them off ladies and gentlemen we got him [Applause] Ah that's the entire fight we're gonna go ahead and grab his head and the swamp key and just get out of here so now we're gonna head back to the portal head back home hang the head and collets another victory [Music] there we go so there's Ike there the boss of The Meadows we got him in the last video this one here is the elder to help interact with the hook [Music] [Music] now we have the ability to get faster wood cutting but sadly since I used the ike there buff during the fight and it hasn't cooled down yet we're not gonna be able to check it out so I guess that's gonna be up to you I'm gonna go ahead and redgrab Ike there because I just like the buff better but if you ever need to cut down some wood this is the one for you this buff shuts you through in addition to the new Power we also gained the swap key which is going to unlock the mini sunken Crips found in the swamps which will unlock all the iron you're ever going to need an iron will be the next step in your adventure but that we'll have to wait for another time before I let you go there's still one less thing to know about the black forest something very important there's a secret NPC hidden somewhere in your world and some black forests somewhere and he sells unique items including weapons and armor the items available are based on what boss you've killed so each time you eliminate one of the boss of the world go find the merchant and see what he has to offer it will be well worth your time to do so and with that we've covered all you need to know about the Bronze Age and valheim you are now more powerful than you've ever been but there's more power to unlock there are more lands to recover there are greater Treasures to claim go forth Warrior make Odin proud and restore honor you follow him [Music] thank you
Channel: Gamestar Nation
Views: 91,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, beginners guide, tutorial, how to, starter guide, noob, noob guide, new to valheim, valhyme, valhiem, how to play, bronze, bronze age, steel, steal, metal weapons, smelter, smelt, ingots, forge, black forest, forrest, blackforest, the elder, elder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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