Valheim: 5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Starter Home

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valheim gives us the ability to build incredible things but for those new to building most of us probably start out with something simple like this so how do we make it better hey everyone my name is Smitty and today I'm going to show you five easy tips and techniques to enhance your valheim builds we'll be applying these simple Concepts to take this starter home from simple to Advanced hope you all enjoy and without further Ado grab a snack grab a drink let's get right into it for some of you new valheim players and some of you aspiring Builders you may start out playing the game and your first build may look something like this so probably just your basic starter home pretty standard structure certainly does the trick but could certainly be upgraded to look a little bit better so this specific plot is I believe 12 meters by 10 meters and then it goes four meters up with 45 degree angled roofs so maybe we get this far and you want to upgrade it but you just don't really know how to go about it and so that's what I'm going to cover in this video today just a couple of tips and tricks that I would do to go about upgrading this structure to look a little bit better all right so the first thing I would say we should do to improve this structure is to create overhangs with our roof so as you can see the roof just comes up to the wall here but doesn't extend past it and that just creates a very flat feeling to the build which I don't like so the first thing we're going to do is going to extend this thing out one thing I'm always cognizant of when I create roof overhangs as well is ensuring that there's enough clearance underneath so usually I want to have at least two meters here so you can still walk under it but ideally I like to have three meters so that's going to create a little bit of an issue here with this structure so what I'm actually going to do is I'm actually going to increase this by one meter up stick with the 45 degree beams because that way when I bring it down this far I will have three meters of clearance I think that'll just look a little bit better and it won't obscure the window quite as much so we'll just go ahead and do that real quick all right so I've taken out all the beams here and now I'm just going to raise them up just an extra meter just to give myself a little bit more space foreign [Music] [Music] I'll bring the beams down this way [Music] same for the other side here and then we'll just fill it in with again the 45 degree batch roof [Music] all right so we've extended the roofs out on two of the faces here and you can kind of immediately see how this just adds a little bit of depth to the sides and just makes it look a lot better in my opinion so we'll do a similar thing on this side here where we'll extend it out just so there's a bit of an overhang in the front as well because as we can see there is a very large flat face just on this side so we want to get rid of that so we'll do here just extend it out with some beams and then we will just attach another layer of [Music] 45 degree batch roof pieces [Music] and then we'll just line it with wood beams just so it looks a little bit more polished here all right and so with that we can see the immediate impact that pulling out the roof has had as you can see it does a good job of breaking up these flat faces that we had before and it really adds a nice sense of depth to the structure I think it was also a good idea to increase the clearance to three meters just so we didn't obscure the walls here but again this is one of the first things I do when building a structure is just ensuring that I have a good bit of depth to my roof because I think it just looks looks much better than what we had before so the next thing I might consider when thinking about improving this structure is creating Dormer windows so sticking with the theme of the roof I have here if I look at this plane it's pretty large and pretty flat and so it might be necessary to actually break this up a little bit so what I like to do is add what's called Dormer windows which are these elevated window segments which help break up these um flat areas of roof so what I might do here is break out segment of the roof here and then build up vertically just try to create what's called a dormer [Music] so we'll stick with the 45 degrees here we'll line it out with some beams and then this should connect directly into here and then we'll fill it out with some roof pieces so and then these Corners here we'll use the uh the internal corner pieces just so it Blends nicely with the rest of the roof [Music] and then we'll just fill these in some of the wall pieces [Music] I'm gonna build it up like that foreign yeah so I think that works out nicely I don't always add Dormer segments to my roof but in certain instances I think it does look nice and does break up some of the flatter larger areas of roof and just as a good technique to kind of have in your tool kit to uh you know add to some structures and give some personality to your roof all right so the next thing I consider doing here is adding some trim and details to my roof lines so this isn't necessarily required but I like doing it sometimes just to make it pop a little bit so for instance maybe I go here on this side and we will flatten these out with some floor pieces so pull it out like that and then maybe we will also bring in some wood beams [Music] so yeah totally optional certainly don't need to do this but I think it's a nice way to add some detail if you do have some extra resources to invest into the roof lines so let's go ahead do this on the other side as well [Music] all right yeah so in this case I do like that again just adds a little more detail to my roof lines and just pulls out a little bit more just creating a little bit more depth so another thing I'll do to add some detail to the trim is I might add some segments where the wood beams are sticking out so maybe I'll add them here [Music] so we could just leave it like this and that's probably totally okay with most people but in my opinion I think that these beams as is stick out just a little bit too much so one meter it's a little bit too much and I'd like to cut that down to a half a meter so what I will actually do here is I will actually go over this again with another layer of the 45 degree beams and just try to match this up as best as I can and then just go over it again with another layer [Music] what that will do again it'll just cut down this to a half meter segment which I like a little bit more but again just adds a little bit more depth and detail to the trim makes the roofline pop just a little bit all right awesome so with the roof done I'm gonna move on to the walls and I'd say that walls are some of the more commonly neglected uh areas of builds in valheim I feel like a lot of times I see that they're just left flat and so there's a couple different techniques that you can do to try to add some depth and detail to walls so one of the first things I like to do is actually pull out the structural frames of my structure to try to give a greater sense of depth to the wall and so when you're working on walls you kind of want to Envision it as multiple layers so maybe you have a base layer and then you'll have a layer that's kind of framed around it so I'll give an example of what this means let's just real quick close this up a little bit since we did raise our roof so we'll just adjust this [Music] all right so pulling out the frames and so what I mean by this is as you can see there's certain structural holes in beams throughout this structure but they all sit flat to the wall like they're not very well highlighted or accentuated in the structure and so what I actually like to do is pull those out with another layer so I will actually while also pulling it out I'm gonna make it look a little bit thicker by doubling up the beams [Music] and so I'll bring this all the way up [Music] and then from there again I'm just going to follow the structural lines that I had established with my beams [Music] and just pull this all the way across [Music] let's maybe on the sides here [Music] and go like this increase the size of them also pull them out a little bit [Music] foreign [Music] so hopefully what you're starting to see is through doing this we are establishing a base layer and then a kind of like an accent layer here where we pull out and highlight some of the beams so I'm going to go ahead and do that real quick all the way around [Music] all right [Music] okay so with that as you can see I pulled out a lot of the structural framing to create depth from the different segments of walls here so it is a subtle technique but I do think it really helps establish a bit of relief or depth on the wall which is really important and it just makes it look a little more visually appealing to look at so from here the next thing that we need to do is we need to frame the window and wall sections that we have created so as you can see we have different sections of Windows and walls and although we've created depth with pulling out the structural components we can also pull out the framing of these different sections just to add a little more depth and relief to it as well so for instance why don't we you could pull out the frames here another thing I like to do is you could actually use the thatched roof ridges to add some awnings to your windows so that might work [Music] it's all a bit of an experiment you can use different pieces use different techniques whatever whatever looks good try to try to add some depth and detail to these different segments so maybe we'll pull this down [Music] put down here all right it's all about you know just again framing these different areas another thing I like to do is also is Use Me Maybe the wood floors here just kind of custom place them here kind of create some window sills it's important to use some different pieces just to give a little bit more variance [Music] maybe we'll just tuck some of these in here as well [Music] so yeah just things again that create depth so it throw in some wood beams here [Music] maybe I want to have some wood beams sticking out here on my structure as well [Music] pull those out so that works again just adding a little bit of depth to these different sections here [Music] another thing you can do you know we talked about pulling out to add depth you can also take away so if I want to add some depth here maybe I remove this section push it back right and so from here maybe we'll just do something similar to all these different segments here so just custom place here so it doesn't snap [Music] I guess for clarification when I say custom placing uh I'm holding shift just to make sure that it doesn't hit this do the snap and I can actually just place it wherever I want so maybe we'll pull this down like we did for the other one and then we'll slide in some of these roof fridges as awnings [Music] all right so I'm real quick just gonna kind of Follow That pattern and continue that all the way around here thank you [Music] all right so as you can see I've pulled out all the different window sections and just frame them a little bit better but it does add a nice bit of depth to it so it doesn't sit as flat to the wall now as you can see we do have some wall sections here that could be filled in so maybe we'll just keep this simple too crazy here [Music] just frame it in a different way so they just something like that I'll do the same on the other side here but all right yep so that looks okay but again as you can see we really kind of established two layers to our wall the base layer and then the layer we use to kind of accentuate with some detail and depth so you always want to keep that in mind you don't want to just be one dimensional with your walls you always should work with multiple layers if you're trying to make them look good all right guys so there you have it so as you can see this structure has been upgraded quite significantly from where we started so you may have noticed a theme that everything we did here added a lot of depth and detail to it so in the beginning it started off pretty flat and interesting but by adding things like overhangs and doing things with the trim and adding Dormers you just make the structure much more interesting so from here all you got to do is decorate it how you want but I feel like the decoration component is a little bit easier so you could add things like banners Vines if you like using the plant everything mod but you know not everyone understands the idea of creating depth so hopefully you guys found this helpful we have obviously applied this to a starter build but the same three applies if you're working on a castle or a big mansion you just want to ensure that you don't leave areas flat and you continue to make them interesting by adding depth but anyway hope you guys found this helpful particularly for some of you beginners who maybe are new to building in valheim if you did please make sure you like And subscribe and I will catch you in the next one thanks [Music]
Channel: SmittySurvival
Views: 318,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valheim, Valheim Starter Home, Valheim Starter Base, Valheim How to Build, Valheim Home, Valheim House, Valheim Build
Id: AtLoZYxGarg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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