Farming in the Plains - Valheim

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[Music] hello everyone i'm pickfox and welcome back to viking purgatory we're back with bellahine tonight headed back out to the plains to work on the farm that we started last time uh we spent a whole lot of time taking this big trench and making an area we could build on now that we've done all that basic work i want to actually get the farm in place and then maybe get started on building uh some sort of a building we can use there as a safe shelter or whatever but welcome when it was here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a big thanks to everyone who's clicked on the join button to become a channel member i do appreciate the support and a special thanks to all of our top tier mistakes we're made members uh thank you all very much you were all highlighted at the start of the stream and you're all happy wonderful people um we died a lot in the planes digging this trench so hopefully this thing turns out the way i wanted to because otherwise it might have been a gigantic waste of effort but we made a sort of a double-tiered flat area that we can we can do our farming in i want to do uh two sets of crops in the lower section and then build some windmills and then have uh like stairway going up to the upper level where we're gonna build our shelter um some sort of like a viking style building type thing we'll put up there um something we can have like a sleeping area and the ability to do some cooking and stuff uh maybe a tiny bit of crafting i kind of at the point where i've got bases in a few different places uh but i really only have the ability to do any real like crafting repairing upgrading of stuff like from uh from this core base here that we have that's kind of more like uh i don't know it's like a hovel this is the first base we made and we've kind of expanded on it to make space but uh yeah i mean we can do with uh we could do with being able to craft and repair things other places but i haven't carried the metal to our other bases in order to do that kind of upgrading so a bit of a work we got to do there we are going to need things like wood uh in order to get the uh the structures and stuff built um we may wanna get some stones we do like some stone pathways and stuff we gotta figure that out uh we did plant beets here last time too i should looks like they're still growing some of them this little one says it's healthy but it's it's awfully small compared to these other ones but i can't harvest anything yet so they're still growing uh we're eventually gonna populate this whole field in here with beets so that we can uh make some of that fancy beet soup or beats new or whatever it is it's supposed to be so good let's see what happens i go to fox i'm new subscriber enjoying the channel well welcome neohack glad you enjoy the channel welcome to the stream uh i'm in the process also continuing to smell some more of this black metal i don't have anything else i can craft with it just yet but i gather together we'll get to the point where we can we can make some like black metal weapons and stuff um so that'll be fun to do too we may not spend the entire time building today i i've been doing a bunch of that lately i might actually want to go out and head off to the swamps and try to get our hands on some more iron we have like three bars of it left but i'm pretty sure we need more and i think we might even need some for the windmill uh oh we only need iron nails so i've got enough to make like one windmill basically so we're gonna want to get our hands on some more iron well there's also a spinning wheel we can make which i i haven't done yet uh that'll be useful when we have like the flax and stuff that'll let us make cloth i suppose uh artisan table requires the dragon dragon tears we've got a few of those kicking around so that should be all right but um iron is gonna be one of those things that we do need more of um i also need some more bronze because i haven't got enough to make all the uh fermenting barrels that i want for our mountaintop base and i need some tin in order to make bronze we do have some copper already but uh tin's relatively easy to get so i don't think i'm gonna work in getting that today we'll probably do that off stream sometime if i can actually get a chance to play and uh instead today we'll maybe go hunt for some iron once we get this stuff done but um first order of business we are going to need some wood so i probably should get our little wagon ready i have no idea what i put in here but there's something in here oh junk good excellent always room for junk i spent at least four hours digging trenches that was really popular last time well yeah maybe we could uh we could dig a trench all the way across the plains like drawing a line that uh the goblins have to stay on one side and the uh the locks on the other or something somewhere here i have some skulls and bones and stuff skulls uh i've got a collection of bones here somewhere that i know is not a full stack of 50 there it is now it is i'm darn all right good enough gotta unload a little bit okay uh i did stock up on a few more obsidian arrows not a lot more i do need to get uh i need to get some more feathers so maybe what i'll do while we're chopping trees we should get some feathers actually while we're chopping the trees too but i'm going to take the arrows that i have in here uh swap those out instead for some wood arrows that i have here somewhere there they are we'll use those to hunt birds they're a little bit cheaper you put signs under each chest you know what's in it uh yeah i i kind of crowded for space in this one a little bit so i can't really put a sign underneath each chest because some of the chests have mixed products in them i've been saying forever i was gonna expand on the base here and make like a blacksmith area and like a storage space and stuff almost like a vault uh as you can see i've done a really good job of doing that i'm totally on top of it uh i should actually plant some more trees too because i am gonna need i'm gonna need a bunch of bunch of wood and stuff soon um i have fur trees and pine cones oh i guess we'll just we'll go with the uh the beach seeds plant some of those fox organized never yeah this is already the most organized i normally get in games usually usually i'm a horrible slacker when it comes to organization and games and i don't really do it um so you consider yourselves lucky that i have that much organization oreo cookie cheesecake slice that's not good for dogs rabbits shouldn't eat that i'll have it too hard my butt my silver sword can't chop it but my iron axe can whatever you can fill in trench this time oh yeah and we could do that uh that'd be a good use of our time it'd be just like uh you know dealing with kids or something drop the tree on him oh it's not gonna fall right away can we destroy nate's house we could but he's been working on build again i don't wanna i don't wanna be that mean takes time and effort to build stuff ah squish myself that was interesting that's right get them to dig a hole and then fill it back in again just to show them what time waste looks like just make it look like an accident when hits house gets destroyed you hear my little kitten meowing upstairs in desperation she's got the most pitiful meow i've ever heard anytime she's by herself she just like doesn't like it yes this is modern art we're making we're not we're not trying to chop trees down we're making art yeah i got one feather out and chopping all those that sucks oh i should probably top up my food supply here too um i guess i went through all the sausages i had i'm gonna have to work on getting more of those i think thistle might be a bit of a restricting factor for me though yep turnips we're getting there they're growing but they're not ready for harvest yet the first field of turnips have managed to grow in the game lucky you eso i'm watching from cell phone yes so confused oh my god twin blade with the michael jackson parodies so i don't really know how much we're gonna need but i know we're gonna be building a structure there i kind of want to build some fences uh i want to put like a i think just for for aesthetics i'm gonna put like a wood barrier around the farm the two different farm plots so they look all fancy like we'll do a little stone path down the middle kind of thing we'll find all the nicest shrubbery bring it back to the knights usain knee uh and then uh i'm taking like probably two stairs one on either side with our building kind of in the middle i'll do a door on both ends so we can like which regardless of which side of the farm we're on we can kind of enter for the wheeled out parody of eat it yeah uh i haven't heard that forever classic weird owl eso was esoteric for three letters of their name oh i knew that i are smart [Applause] will you chop down the mightiest tree in the forest with the herring of course we will if only i'll rename my axe herring yeah that's full i'm all full i'm carrying the coal around on me which is not really an efficient thing to do while i'm harvesting i guess stick all this in y'all uh let me go put the cola in here too for now just added weight that i don't need ow we need a bone tool to wear [Music] but i can't chop down the largest street in the forest with the bone tool i would strive but my next is named thor and herring is not but a butter knife not really even that it's more like a kind of a floppy fish but it's herringbone i get it but i can't chop down the biggest tree in the forest with it this is the uh the high action part of the stream where we do the chopping forgot how to change your profile but well congratulations i haven't changed mine so long i actually don't remember how to do it for a little while i had to do it on uh google plus or whatever just kind of annoying when they had that social tool going on it was a tool all right yeah we've got one more boss left to fight uh what's the name gagloth or whatever his name is i haven't really been rushing through the bosses but the last one to fight is the one that's on the planes and i think his name is yang loft he's like a big skeletal dude at least until they add more i think there is supposed to be more bosses coming um they're gonna flesh out the other biomes that are in the game but not really finished like the uh with the uh rape lands or whatever i think that's what's called it could be wrong have to change it on google account oh do you yeah it used to be google plus he had to do everything through it was really annoying it was hard to interact with it wasn't a very well designed setup for that thing okay let's uh grab our cart i think we got a decent amount of wood to get started anyway i don't really know exactly how much we're gonna need uh it wouldn't surprise me if we need more than what i have but uh at least we got enough to get started oh and i can shoot this guy get some arrows i love how they explode the arrows what's this down here oh skeleton parts right those from that raid we had skeleton bones all over the place here now ah what are you guys doing here i know you think you are but you guys i already have my pig killed by somebody i don't really need these guys coming here messing this up two star deer ah i'm not a stamina it's a meat on that guy oh you're mean it's the clothing rate from the rival rat they're the rival frat yeah yeah as long as i don't steal my goat who do you think you are neither toast oh i should fix this thing too she's in rough shape a little bit okay so we got little more wood to stick in there uh and i've only got still like a five feathers oops it's not really doing me doing me right i don't really need this leather but we'll keep it anyway uh food and go up here eyeballs down here seeds meal in the middle oh i didn't i took the seeds out there then i forgot to plant them uh all right whatever i guess it's fine i'll deal with planting them later i guess i forgot the rest of my feathers over here i have a lot of resin okay uh sausages i mean i have i have nine thistles but i don't think that's going to be enough also got wow down to three entrails man we really do need to go to the swamp i guess i could make carrot soup i've got 50 of 50 these things i can also make some jam i guess what do i need for the carrot i'm on fire pre-roasted carrots um all right let's make a little bit of sausage anyway all of them need to get feathers when it's raining all the birds land or easy to shoot yeah i'm just not often hunting for the birds on like a regular basis kind of just every once in a while i do who needs that around but you just walk on the fire on your own that's right i think that's actually how we originally discovered that you could light yourself on fire you could stop me do it to myself it's like this holds possibilities of all kinds of torture uh this can go away i guess i'll just leave the honey here i thought i had an open spot here but i guess i put something in it on my arrows all right i'll take uh i'll take my proper arrows with me i guess and then i can leave the hat behind good enough getting a little rest of my head out to the planes not a cryptic at all hey how are you doing what's up you good to use gently tying paper fan in the tail shoulders okay so we got a decent supply of wood to start out with um i'll probably have to shuttle it through a little bit at a time is totally overload myself that's not gonna hurt anything uh this one's already connected to the planes i dropped my axe where did i drop it that's a problem it's right there there's my axe right there i think we're good any release games out that you're interested in checking out um well there's uh the upcoming uh resident evil game that's uh coming out like next month um i can't i honestly can't think about what else is uh is this coming out in the near term i forgot that i go and look it up but then i probably forget because you know i gotta remember like a sieve why don't i repair the axe uh because i was planning to go back that's why i don't really need the axe anyway over here no trees to chop there at the moment i do need to set more coal on this thing do i have coal in here still get this thing continuing smelting waiting on sons of the forest yeah so the forest looks good um the day before looks good yeah i don't know there's uh every now and then i like i said i flip through and check stuff out there's some there's a new one for the makers of dayz that's coming out and i can't think of the name of it off the top of my head at the moment but it's a it's a survival game that's not it's not daisy like um god i cannot think of the name of it off the top of my head right now but it looks cool it's made panther 25th he bought the village last night but i don't remember the reset i think it's the fifth isn't it may 7th village release date is may 7th but maybe if you bought it you get like early access or something i don't know i haven't looked into the pre-order stuff for that um but it's may 7th is the expected date i want to see fox play final fantasy 6 randomizer i don't know what that is i mean i know what final fantasy is but what's final fantasy vi randomizer sounds kind of random oh i've got uh i've got the cultivator okay we also need the uh the grain that i collected on those horrible little goblin fiends have to do some planting what's this about expecting may 7th so that's uh that's for uh resident evil village it's supposed to be out on may 7th i think healthy those are not harvestable yet just randomize your character i know you go day why the prequel no i i uh i'm following them on twitter and i i can't think of the name of them off the top of my head now it's gonna bother me uh how do i see who i'm following i'm not following that many people so it should be oh icarus that's what it's called icarus first cohorts looks like a kind of a cool survival game that's coming out okay uh this is reasonably flat i mean it doesn't look like it's perfect here but i guess that's fine-ish uh i want to well i'm gonna give you a little bit of wood here snagging a couple stacks of this so i have no idea how wide this thing is um but i'm going to build like a uh crafting there we go it builds like a little wooden border thing around it around where we're gonna have the farm block so i'm gonna leave a spot there so we can have like a pathway i'm trying to make this look quasi-organized for all you people that complain i'm never organized this is a different that's a different level that's more different than i thought it was that's problematic uh i need this uh where's my hoe i thought i had this thing all ready apparently it's not as ready as i thought it was i wonder if i'm gonna need more stone if so that sucks maybe i'll start at this end here instead and then uh might improve the likelihood of me getting a proper level on it oh god again one two three four five six seven this is way more than i need i actually wanna see why this thing is all right that's like 15 across i think right there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen across i'm gonna leave a lot of a lot of space over here though i'm gonna do like six across i think for each one and we'll leave leave a like an open path in the middle make that all stoney eight on the side well i won't quite fit 60 well it would probably fit 16 across if i cros if i had this hug the side a little bit more but i'm gonna um i'm gonna make this this side over here six as well uh but i want to have it inside just a little bit more so at least it's a more of a similar match it should be good enough because my plan is to put some uh like the normal planes grass around it again uh one two three four five six and then through the middle here we'll have like a a walkway and then i'll do a walkway on this side going both left and right with a staircase going up on the on both ends and then my building will be in the middle here and then down here i can do my windmills so when we harvest we got the windmills right there that is a that's a lot more elevated than a like one bigger change in elevation than i thought it was i need more stone i thought we were done with all this leveling business you should see what the remake of two and three does for jump scares for which for uh resident evil i did uh i did the remake of resident evil 2 20's living with brother and mom and had to pay 450 what i'm confused by the way to see you live welcome i needed this dave welcome to the stream one two three my workbench is gonna be in the way huh yeah that's gonna need a little bit of a little bit of tlc to get that leveled out again we're gonna need to go chop some rocks down i thought it this was a lot more level than it looks now that i'm putting pieces on it eating watermelons running construction on the plains farms yep so uh one side's gonna be flax the other side will be uh rye or whatever it is we get barley i can't remember what the two grains are might be barley and we uh from here we can grow our grains and then uh inside the building we'll do our uh our loom or whatever it is to make it into uh spinning wheel i guess to turn it into uh the cloth that we can use for crafting a lot of green for food and i'm surprised that's not breaking there it goes stupid thing all right what have i got on me all right let's go ditch this stuff i gotta go chop some rock make the artisans work bench as well for spinning the flax yeah i'm gonna put the artisan's workbench inside of our building up here because we won't need it down below but i'll leave the artisan's workbench for the windmills so it's going to be within a range of those i need these here oh i got 30 stone that's a start i guess i just don't i don't know how much i'm going to need because i'm going to level quite a bit here really that's all i had yikes man that did not man that didn't take it didn't go anywhere as far as i thought it would okay uh i guess we'll just do we'll chop up uh the rocks over here by by skull rock thank you to them actually we get these ones here too i guess these are a little closer uh i don't want the mid mill at the highest level to catch more wind oh there is that i guess uh yeah that might be a thing we might need to do i kind of hadn't thought of that [Applause] yeah we might need to put it up higher doesn't require stone but doesn't require stone holding shift while leveling uh will level the ground to where you're standing doesn't wear stone uh no no holding shift while you're leveling actually makes it a smooth slope between where you are and where you're leveling um but i need to raise the train because you can only raise the train up so high um just by leveling and then it won't won't lift it anymore so you have to actually increase the like boost the soil level and that takes stone unfortunately level the grounds you have the plumbing permits final expression signed off on i don't want to pay the contractors too early yeah i'm aware they they go the other way around but games don't always follow physics i don't make the rules i just complained about him oh shoot no kidding never made a contract 100 up front yeah yeah definitely not what i should do is rip down that goblin tower over there i guess you could i could get a lot of stoner to that pretty quick sadly he's got some of my stuff in it that's right i'll find a way to define physics usually if it results in something exploding like my horse-drawn wagon or something get up there if they want to happen trying to cover material costs and you're getting a bad business cut yeah 30 is typical it does depend a little bit on what their risk is but typically not 50. [Applause] donate to fox like he's a contractor fifty percent up front fifty percent when he's done the build we've done the job of entertaining you yeah conditional super chats i think you'd be like i'm not really happy with the outcome in this area you need to come back and re-entertain me on that particular topic kind of you can build a you can put the base that way you can just drill down from the middle of the rock and then like chisel the doorway out that way we've got an open vent for the uh the smoke from the fire to go out all right that's uh that's going to be close to the max as we're gonna get where's yelp review didn't didn't entertain me enough yeah okay let's see let's shoot you with obsidian arrows because you're right there coming back for more easy way to get the uh the iron except that i didn't have any oh there it is i'm overloaded i can't pick it up okay let's see if we can get this built up in a way that's gonna be reasonable now jess with the super chat yeah i got the cryptic hey jess how you doing if you've got the cryptic you should probably see a doctor about that it's not too good to let that fester okay got a couple of pockhole pokemon holes in here to fill in [Applause] okay see how that works that's better it's better good need more stamina the critical clocks last for longer than four hours consult the physician yeah got your vaccine shot yesterday i had to drive to the pharmacy 90 miles away oh my god 90 miles to go to a pharmacy for a shot well i mean i guess in this case it's probably worth it but i have no idea when i'm going to get a chance to get mine canada is really dropping the ball on the vaccinations for all that we were making fun of the americans for uh their poor control of coved we we sure have done a terrible job of uh managing inoculations oh god jerk sneak attack here you i didn't even hear that guy it was a stealth attack ninja death skeeto yeah death box how the kiddos enjoying their spring break uh it's all right so far my daughter got her first bank account today i took her to the bank and uh got her signed up for one so she's excited about that because she really wanted to have a debit card that she could spend with [Applause] other than that it's getting kind of boring i mean there's nothing open because ontario's in a lockdown so there's there's really not anything for them to do it's gonna it's kind of like the worst spring break ever really but we also found out that they're not going back to school so next monday where they normally would have been going back into class it's going to be all online learning again for an indefinite period of time which i'm super thrilled about because that just makes working from home amazing you're american and you totally agree yeah yeah i'm sure there's probably a lot of american watching the watching the streams i think when it came to like the uh the basics of like mitigation we were we were ahead of the game but when it comes to like inoculation we are so far behind it's awful missing requirement i'm on a stone already no i am uh wow that was all the stone already that went fast jeez you set up a tent in the backyard uh all right we have a townhouse we don't really have a backyard to speak of and uh our kids aren't really uh are really interested in the outdoor sleeping they're very bug phobic so we actually debated setting up a tent in the living room and having them camp out of that but my 12 year old daughter wasn't super thrilled with the idea i don't think it's really her jam she'd rather just be comfortable in bed okay i've got i got this sort of leveled i mean i need uh this bench has got to move i got a workbench down there already so i don't need this one get that out of here i gotta chisel this thing out again [Applause] i can't win come on well i mean that could be a side of one of my staircases i wanted it to be a little bit farther over though that didn't work at all i'm gonna go sleep again and make it daytime i don't want to work at night too many desk eaters around kids go camping in a hotel six that's all right uh let's get vaccinations rolling like a ball uh like a ball down one of our hills we have no hills oh here's saskatchewan yeah saskatchewan is very flat maxine will kill more than covid okay take that false information and go somewhere else with it that's that's just patently false i don't want to hear any of that if if that's the way you're going to be go somewhere else uh locks stuff can go here do i have any stone in any of these chests i can't remember if i left any behind okay i'm gonna put all the goblin heads have you grow up in a fall small town and on hell with three and a half acres of land a pond on the edge of town it's like yeah that's nice so when you got a little land it gives you the opportunities to go outside and do stuff right you're not like uh you're not stuck in a home so yeah for us we have a couple problems i mean we have a dog we have a townhouse and with no yard so we can't let the dog go out and run in the yard we can't let the kids play in the yard because it really isn't one to speak of i forgot camping in the yard because you know same reason it does it does limit those kinds of uh random things a little bit scattered beautiful all problems terrain matters yeah i mean saskatchewan is nice it is very flat though manitoba was kind of the same thing the only real hills in the in the province were well in the area the promise i was in anyway southern minnesota the only hills were man-made they were mostly on golf courses i got to chop a little bit more stone i'm pretty close to having this level at least finally so close [Applause] oh i was reading chat oh shoot oh well that's not part of my base i don't care if that's deformed yeah maybe i can get a little stone right here can i chop this while i'm standing on it that would be a no this one might be too small there we go [Applause] darn it that one's definitely too small there's no way i'm standing on that [Music] but it's california in a training back that was a beautiful trip i've driven through like uh like northern ontario and across the plains and uh i mean there's a beautiful country in canada to travel through but uh places like saskatchewan and manitoba are the places where people fall asleep on the highway because it's so flat and boring not that it's not beautiful but it's very flat and there's just it becomes a very monotonous travel and people have a tendency to fall asleep on the trans-canada highway it's been oregon about 60 to 90 minutes of the great fishing in the direction oh nice winnipeg has the floodway half moat i mean i used to go to lake winnipeg and you'd have to walk like a kilometer out in the lake before you could get like waist deep [Applause] sounds like driving on the a17 yeah anywhere that the ground is like super flat and it's largely straight lines not uh not really good for driving it's just it's too boring like it it dulls the mind while you're driving that's where auto uh like auto auto driving cars will come in handy you don't have to pay attention looks like parts of new york two or so was getting accidents on the way to the cooper's town oh yeah people do fall asleep whenever it has to have to replace the fence or whatever yeah 100 they do i used to live out there people literally fall asleep driving down the highway because it's just it's so monotonous yeah yeah it's this it looks like the same thing over and over again while you're driving right so there's there isn't anything mentally engaging about it and that it it's bad i drove back from uh from manitoba a couple times where i swear i was falling asleep i can't tell you how many trunks because they fell asleep i believe it yeah well not only that but because as a trucker you're probably driving really long hours too right so you add in the long hours on top of the you know the type of terrain that doesn't require a lot of focus and uh away you go off to la la land next thing you know your truck is upside down in a 10-foot deep ditch live by regina the city that runs the fun oh my god one of the concerns with auto driving cars what happens when they're 15 year old and bob down the street is repairing his old his own self-driving car i'm sure i want to be on that road well i bet you it will run into the same problems people are having with right to repair issues right now with current technology i guarantee you it's good there's going to be a right to repair kind of scenario for that going on i fell asleep on a motorcycle for music i didn't even know that was possible i wouldn't think it would be able to get relaxed enough but just to show what i know okay a little more terrain here [Applause] okay i think we finally got it as level as i'm gonna get it oh maybe not a little spot here to do something okay really how do i fix this thing there we go it's finally good and i wrecked it good enough okay uh i need my wood back uh this is a little bit uneven here too actually itty it was six a.m and you're exhausted oh yeah i mean i've fallen asleep on the highway in my car before and uh had a minor accident not good at the time i was working ridiculous hours i was working i was working an office job that was 100 commission based and uh i was having trouble with the sales aspect of it and i was uh i was moonlighting at the airport loading trucks for ups and i would go into work for that at uh like one o'clock in the morning i'd work there until 6am and then i'd go home and i'd shower and change and put on a suit and go drive to work it was like an hour commute to my job and then i'd work all day until like i got home at 9 or 10 at night sleep for a little bit and then get up at 1am again to do it again that catches up with you in a short amount of time i don't recommend it okay i need uh i need to cultivate the soil it doesn't really boost it up i think oh oh i didn't you know what it didn't occur to me that it would do that [Music] i feel like i probably should have cultivated the soil before i put down the outline for my structure and i learned something today i wonder if we'll make a difference if i boosted the level of ground up a little bit where those things are like if i get the ground on the inside of the wood to be higher than on the outside but i don't know if it'll do that it might actually just like overrun it uh that's pretty much overrun it um if i stand like here it might be at the right level huh there we go that's what i want kind of works [Applause] [Applause] now i wonder if i if i cultivate it now if it will stay inside the boundaries of what i've done there or if it's gonna overflow it anyway i don't even know why this really matters it probably doesn't and still spills over all right i'll send it back to the lower level doesn't recognize my viking boundaries darn you terrain uh so i guess i probably should do that after i uh like do the little boundary after i see where it actually puts the terrain for me i might have to move it all it's a good boundary on this side i think i just i might have to move the battery on this side a tiny bit messing with my aesthetic because i kind of wanted to do like grass on this other oh what what why did it work in some spots but not in the front one i'm confused whatever it's fine trying to be picky actually what happens if i turn this into grass here on the outside of this okay so clearly i can't do that because that's that's just not gonna work uh drat there we go there good enough fox grass and now we'll go through your plans never work just give up uh yeah they don't don't say they never work they absolutely do work sometimes usually uh when they're accidental like oh yeah i totally plan to do that it's fine whatever as long as it looks moderately okay i'm fine with it there we go okay so we got our two farm plots uh we'll do some little wooden fencing around here some of this stuff really that doesn't look like you've lined up right i guess it's fine it's not really gonna be fenced in i'm just gonna do the corners what we really need to make is a scarecrow for over here too we can use like a troll head or something and make a scarecrow keep those stupid death skeetos away where are the pigs go oh we have no room for pigs here plus the desktos would probably eat them not to mention i don't even know how you would get pigs out here i doubt if you can get the pigs to go through the portal do large x's be kind of huge though how do you mean the large x's like i assume you're talking about these right they're kind of huge though about valentine for your hubby because of cryptic fox my happy loves it and i enjoy watching fox play awesome lisa i'm glad your husband is enjoying it such a fun game pig spawn and plane sometimes do they i've never seen them out here i don't think just the locks and stuff but uh i guess i really haven't been looking all that closely we just wasn't expecting them to find them here you're desk keto i don't know how far away it is but i hear it it's all foggy missing requirement oh i wasn't into the bench that one was terrible come on mess with me game there good start anyway mosquitoes come out at night more uh i mean everything seems to come out at night more in the game plus they're a little bit harder to see so it's uh it's one of those things where it is a little handy to not spend too much time at night okay so i want to do paths here with the uh the ho i don't know how wide it makes them though i don't remember oh i need the stone cutter ah come on really shoot that means i can't do my stairs either yet maybe i better i'll just mark where i'm going to put the stairs so i don't forget i'll have to have to get the uh the materials over the stone cutter bench the stone kind of requires uh iron i think to make it i'm gonna do one like one staircase here and we'll do a second one on the on this side over here to mirror it am i outside there there we go so that's where the stairs will be and then i want to do like a stone path down here and then uh straight out that way i was hoping to do a little bit of the uh a little bit of the grass down here too but it's uh it makes a much wider footprint than i thought it would like i could fill in this with grass now i guess in the interim so it doesn't look quite so barren down here since i can't put my stone path in just yet yeah that's a nuisance he's gotta go there we go looks a little overgrown though looks like a mustache we just don't cut her who needs to he needs a british crown who keeps the metric system down we do we do ah the stone cutters little simpsons okay um i'm gonna need to relocate some of these things too and they're gonna be kind of in the way when we start building but um so i'm thinking if i if i have the staircase come up here then i'm gonna want like a path back here i'm gonna have our windmills at the back here i guess i i mean it's not really like the highest elevation but we're on the plane so i'm gonna do yeah i can hear the desketo but i don't know where it is the directional sound's not really helping okay uh in terms of our building though let's see we'll do a little post here nothing required maybe i should put a post in there um if i go too wide then i'm not gonna have any room back here to put windmills so maybe i should stick with six across probably tall enough anyway and i broke it looks crooked what are you talking about looks crooked ain't no crooked flawless and it didn't work i didn't do any measuring for this so i don't know whether i'm gonna have this centered between my staircases or not and it'd be funny if i backed in here while i'm building oh my god where'd i go i do it again [Applause] so i'll do it nine deep i guess i'm definitely gonna need more wood and it's nighttime man all right this doesn't have to move in the morning uh we'll go back and sleep make a daytime hey darren how are you doing how that does go uh do you get a straight line to go crooked uh it's a skill really let me talk about crooked it's not crooked stop trying to give me a complex but if you're challenging me to make a straight line go crooked challenge accepted course that's right see it's not crooked they're making me think it's crooked i'm worried better not be crooked it only it only snaps to certain angles anyway so i can only get it so square i think i think you can hear locks rumbling i don't know if it's the locks or just uh goblins is are you sure that's not crooked look sweet oh scoob it probably is crooked stop it you're giving me a complex now i'm gonna have to go back and check it because i don't know if you guys are just messing with me if they suspect you are or if i actually built a crooked i'm on fire get struck by the curse of the nate definitely crooked roster survey says it's mostly not crooked i don't know if it's centered but it's uh it's good enough it's as good as it's gonna get for me bonus would okay uh i'm gonna have a problem though cause i need these chests to move and they're slightly filled with stuff put him out here get out of my way scoobs made you say that blamer it's always scoob's fault i've learned this nate told me so he said if ever there's a problem it's scoob's fault and i believe him he wouldn't lie to me he would never okay more billy business i think i'm gonna forgo putting actual doors on this building i think i might do like a like a porch kind of thing and use round doors if i can make it work anyway in a way that looks reasonable all right uh let's do a portrait this way doesn't seem to be any benefits closing doors in this game anyway sick kroger just needs repairing repairing uh no it's crooked uh i'm doing that specifically to mess with people that's right it's not crooked it's perfectly straight stop it okay uh i will need supports across the floor so i guess i'll just put those in now oops maybe i should put a support in the middle perfect oh wow i'm doing all this it'd probably be a good idea to get some grain growing because i'm going to be spending a lot of time building the structure we might as well get this planted okay so we have uh barley and flax hopefully i get seeds when i harvest this stuff so barley on the left and flax on the right i don't know if this needs the same kind of spacing even missing requirement man it's gonna take a while for these fields to fill up edu is one by one spacing oh that's good scripted fox was you expecting perfect oh yeah see there's somebody's got it figured out if you were expecting perfect enemy man if you got problems we need that don't starve together model let's see like line everything up and that's it already all right so uh hopefully when we harvest these i'll get like more than i put in the ground i don't know how the game handles that exactly because i ripped this up in the goblins and that looks like it's not growing no seeds from barley or flax you don't so don't convert everything so what's the point of planting it if you never get more than what you planted these things are too close together some of them aren't growing i don't know if i put them too close to the wood or just too close to each other these are all growing fine the flax is probably the more important of the two because it you make cloth out of that but this one i screwed up i think maybe i might have overlapped the plants a tiny bit when i was planting them very far couldn't get them lined up in dst even with the munch quiet stop telling it's tattling it's evil all right well whatever i guess it'll have to do see what we get from that stuff does that mean like in order to plant more of it you got to like constantly go and find another source of it because if so that's kind of crazy you should be able to get more out of it than your than it takes to put it down right or something you ever thought about drawing uh ground paper lines on your monitor with a sharpie uh as a matter of fact uh no this might surprise you but uh no all right i need uh i'm gonna put my workbench out here i have to move that portal too i guess now we need more wood i've already just about chopped or used up everything i chopped down brutal you get double back oh okay good i i see i didn't think they would make it so it was only one like a one to one because that would just be terrible happy to know i'm not insane i've got this certificate to prove it i hate the way they do the gapping there we go see like when you put the piece in like the three boards are close together then there's a gap and then a single board and so every time i build and i'm looking at the floor and trying to see the tiles it always looks like they're in the wrong like it always looks like it's misaligned stupid thing forced off yonder yeah but i don't have a wagon over here so to haul the wood back from over there and those are there'll be a bunch of pine trees and stuff there too i guess i could go over there and get some wood but i might end up getting some more fine wood i'll see what they have might be worth chomping some of that down but again i don't have a wagon so i can't haul can't haul very much over here i guess i could go through break the wagon and rebuild it over here it's all she wrote for the wood floors and even stop it probably is actually all right let's stash this away while we go get more wood just alternating the boards nine degrees each placement yeah so like you get like a checkerboard pattern i want to make like a herringbone floor take a lot of wood though i should get bees two that's not very much we didn't pay retail for that flooring we've got a sweet discount i never pay retail yeah you're right it probably wouldn't bother me as much as they were checkerboarded oh get stupid bugs this is why we don't harvest wood out here come on big flying jerk kind of hurt a bit did you ever get your turnips planted i did yeah so i have uh i think nine of them planted right now back at the the other base yeah these are all fine wood trees plus goblins so these won't be the best for uh for getting what i need either i think it's probably just easier to go through the portal harvest it back in uh in our main area and then come back here with the wood which one you know the sides are crooked stop it this side is crooked i've got a weird little indent over here all right again home again jiggly jig the sword got those little trees as well as the axe fyi yeah six to one have it doesn't the other i guess i can keep my shield out of it in that oh you know what i didn't plant the the trees before i probably should do that before i forget again uh like these plant ourselves some trees i think instead of planting them over there where i have then i'll stick them back here so i know which ones i've planted specifically create my own little forest i'm stamina this is where community labor force would come in handy yeah well that's uh so nate's been playing with a group of like eight people and so they uh i'm sure they tackled some of these things a little bit quicker because they've got more of them gathering things makes resource gathering a little more interesting we're a little faster anyway when will you play daisy again fox uh i'm not sure i'll probably play it again at some point this week and i've been flying by the seat of my pants with my schedule lately rather than like figuring it all out ahead of time but i'll probably play again at some point this week no we suck we die a lot well there's eight of you though so the thing is like anytime you fight something of any significance it's gonna be that much harder to beat because it's got more life and hits for more damage but you guys have built up a larger community of stocks that i've built already at least from what i've seen do you make friends with the tree only when you hug it sweet lovely tree branches are of the best wood romancing a tree is hard we do have quite a stack of goods but yeah you would it's like we'll all be like gathering wood chopping stone gathering metals and all that stuff stuff uh stuffing pile up pretty quick everything did you guys end up fighting uh putting bone mass today right here we have our happy little tree do you know that tree needs a friend yeah i'm sure there's plenty of people who would be willing to jump in and help i'm just a glutton for punishment i think not today but the plan is to fight him on thursday nice make sure you bring blunt weapons nate's blood personality isn't enough you need a blunt weapon too is he on here oh he is oh mimi let me help or blunt humor sure deadpan humor works too blunt weapons anything blunt really yeah there's plenty of people who would join to help but uh i could see rabid dog like knocking down buildings going i was collecting wood he's like see i can help i has collected woods [Applause] dude have you not killed motor yet sure i have yeah nate and i fought him so the only boss that i haven't beat is uh yagloth or whatever the last one he's uh the big skeleton dude the rest of them might beat already oh my god armagedd i can't hit this stupid stump and i don't want to i don't hit this fairy bush next to it chopped a few of these by accident [Music] 107 that's not gonna get me very far i forgot to bring my wagon over i think yeah like oops was that a house i was on a roll yeah i could absolutely see him doing that uh shoot i don't have any wood arrows i'm only flew away anyway heck is that on the roof the bird poop up there there's a log on main through for some reason don't know why that's there hunting serpents is fun yeah they uh they got a ton of food too when you kill them that's good meat well the thing is it's a bit random finding them you like you sail around all over the place just sort of hoping to bump into them there's a truck a lot of nature it's the poop shack someone uh someone dropped a log in the roof slowly getting more feathers i don't really need any seeds on me anymore i can stay here so we planted a decent number of trees uh berries and dandelion some stuff keep the wood arrows on me so if i spot another bird i can shoot it with a cheaper arrow captain's log dark thing won't flush why are you not using black metal weapons and tools because i don't have them yet that's why i have a black metal shield but uh i need to make uh i need to make some cloth before i can make the uh the metal weapons so i just planted flax and barley in our uh in our planes farm so i got those growing up i can uh we can make the spinning wheel jobby and we can make ourselves some uh some cloth to work with and then i'll have the black metal tools server trophy is the best in the game i haven't gotten the serpent trophy yet because i haven't dragged one ashore um i killed them out in the water so i was able to get the meat by jumping in and getting it while it was floating but you got to drag them ashore to get the other materials from them and i haven't done that yet i gotta check my turnips too somebody yelling at the background of your place i heard someone yelling nope i don't think so not that i heard anyway it's possible to mike pick up something i didn't hear i have noise canceling headphones on did it sound like they were yelling dad or was it just like incoherent yelling serpents have a regular spawn location i mean i found a couple but i didn't but uh it's not like i've run into them in consistently the same places sometimes i've sailed through areas and there were none and then when i went through a different time there were get up what was he saying incoherent yep wasn't from here then i don't think remarkable so you can find them again that's a good idea i love how they just explode in a spray of feathers summer night slash day spawns yeah that's too much work for me i can't i'd rather just uh focus on doing other things and if i run into a serpent i'll kill it and take its meat they could play daisy with mouse and keyboard on xbox now yeah if i get them all plugged in i could potentially yeah i'm not like me too the ghost avenge me you got poked wait you got poked by a ghost i thought they were beyond such things do a video showing oh my god i just have this pile my head do a video showing me how to work the config file in locator please please please i don't know what you're i don't know what you're talking about by working config file in locator confused are you trying to like uh like to turn on like the dev commands or something i hope my cart didn't break his mommy didn't break oh god surprise changing the labels labels for what you say if so i don't know what uh i don't think i've done that so i have no clue now the greater archon stones at me we'll throw stones at your elders wow i'm not stupid crap dog i just don't know what they're referring to changing the config file for wow i can does things with the pewters well they have they've uh they don't have computers now i did it wrong oh wow that's not what i wanted there we go that's what i wanted to do good grief wrong youtuber sorry i watched two of you playing this game uh okay yeah no i haven't bothered messing around with the files um i suppose so there's this car runs on water man wow this is zero cool yo what's zero cool what now huh we got wood no comments required uh we'll stash this stuff in here i can figure where i put it all okay sleep we'll make a day time head over back to our other place and keep building ten types of people those that understand binary and those that don't i thought actually it's a water powered car and website yeah see i don't really buy that but okay you're close enough you can block a shaman's poison with your shield oh really never tried that i usually just try to get out of the way of it trust me i can't i'm gonna be able to jump here there we go we're saved what the floor would look like checkered yeah it could be worse try it on this build we use a checkered floor i bought some powdered water but i don't know what to add the problem with playing mouse and keyboard on xbox is the controller periodically shuts down so you gotta turn it all back on to chat oh yeah yeah i i really can't be bothered with the whole mouse and keyboard thing like i guess it would probably make the inventory management easier but i'm terrible with mouse aiming anyway so it's not like i've been gaining an advantage that way i'd rather just get get more adept at using the uh the interface they have looks like parquet it is pretty much i think we got parkway flooring these vikings were ahead of their time it's not the fanciest of builds but hopefully it'll look good in the end it does look weird ah their floor was the sports where you jump over walls and what foxy's aim assist controllers have yeah i need that too let's face it i'll take whatever i can get with my potato wing i'm an equal opportunity potatoists yeah this needs to go oh i need my wood so the parkour floor is parked parquet whatever oh the floor was that sport with oh yeah whoops box do you have core went for the posts uh i don't have any army right now i mean there's a the black woods like right there so i could i could go get some oh uh i better hold on to that so i have the stuff to make the uh make my return portal again um i think for now i'm going to stick my portal in the middle of the room so it's just kind of out of the way actually if i put it right on the ground over here that'll work too keep it out of the road deal with it later okay um so this front part will be like a deck i'm gonna need stairs on here are those snapping weird there we go what come on game i literally he's running oh i was trying to get a good camera angle he's uh he was running on like a weird a weird angle up the stair he's like leading way back [Laughter] look at him oh uh all right clearly that's not uh that's not right oh i see what's happening it was snapping to the uh not big to the board inside come on there we go that's better he's the name of the world when he dies he can he can't get back oh that's probably a good idea just in case something kills me that would be a very good idea dealer okay so what i'm thinking is uh this is nine across i think on the inside one two three four five six seven eight nine yeah i probably should have made it an even number um okay so i'm gonna do like a vertical post on the corners that's weird what is it what is it inset like that that's what i wanted so that's going to be like the interior part of the structure but then for my portal i want to have like a little section in the middle here that has its own little side room in the roof anyway and i'll do the same thing on this opposite side here i guess yeah hopefully that works you should go see what's at the end of the world and probably ride like right off the end of it but it's it's kind of a long way to get to the edge of the world i do want to sail around and explore a bit but i can't foresee that being a terribly exciting stream you know it'd be interesting to see some of the new areas and stuff but uh i struggle with whether people are really gonna want to watch that it's a it's really slow sailing around in this game um all right so if i do uh let's do a little cross support here yeah that'd look cool that was weirdly offline oh uh the posters line up here there we go it's bitter pot's gonna love the mist lens update i'm really looking forward to the mist lands i don't know when it's supposed to come out but it's got big spiders that's my only concern with it should be really cool but uh yeah the spiders are going to be like the bane of my existence you can fall off the edges of the world i believe it yeah like i said i haven't sailed out there but uh i totally believe you could okay um the doorway i want to do something a little bit different i don't know if this is gonna work though if i do uh it's gonna no that's gonna be i kind of want to make the door rounded if i can almost so it's like a like a rounded portal but the beams are oh actually the 45 degrees will work better not going to snap the way i want though i set that into the floor i wonder this may not do what i wanted to [Applause] that's gonna be huge that's not gonna work i need the what i want is the the beam to be like halfway through the middle of the board because this is uh maybe i need to break the floor to do this like i might be able to snap if i can put a lower point down here so that there we go that's what i want that one that kind of a thing i guess if i make two of these as big as the same as making a taller one isn't it crooked floor yeah the floors are all crooked they're crisscrossing back and forth i made uh made the parquet flooring that's gonna be maybe too much all right maybe i'll go give a shorter one yeah i gotta put my floor back now and then i just won't put an actual door on it i'll leave it open because the planes are kind of warm anyway yeah if everything's crooked then nothing's crooked yeah yeah it's kind of diamond shape but i could put like a cross beam across the top up here i can't i can't snap it there right now but um when i see what the structure looks like i might be able to do something with it uh it occurs to me that i made this an even distance across i can't even can't do the uh the cross tops on this thing i don't think hmm almost works it's kind of shape-ish oh it's a tear this is the place where the dubs cry i don't really like that something not right about that this is going all experimental build all my all my floor is weathering except for the three pieces i put down there slightly moldy wood it's fine it's just pre-weathered okay and then uh roofing wise hmm i need this corner piece um is that it that's it oh that links up really weird that's the wrong angle um this one there we go like so i got a roof on here all my stuff will stop weathering a little bit maybe um so and i hope that's gonna join in there okay i don't know if it's gonna work i guess it will kind of no i gotta have the peak up higher on this thing wrong roof piece with this one here but i need that center uh i need that center it's not gonna work right it's a different height to that uh that side roof it's not going up as high i kind of need it to like blend in i guess if i then back here if i put this one on like that then it kind of merges into it sort of it's not perfect but it's close close-ish anyway just have a skylight there we don't need no clothes stinking roofs these are the ones that are going to suck because i'm not going to have that peak on it actually they're just going to have like a like an overlap at the top i guess come on yeah like so it's not perfect but it's a reasonable approximation of what i wanted oh but now we can't see the stars at night oh too bad actually can i do like a little pattern thing on the front here too like shift that off like one angle can i connect here look like i can join there that's weird oh there we go i'm out of wood again this job's taking too much wood last year game i think it's not really as high as i was envisioning i guess it'll work all right i gotta chop more trees i should have stocked up on wood before i stream tonight but i didn't really have time should be able to use the wooden gate doors on the other side to connect to the floor at the corners the part of the floor yeah i could use the wooden gate doors but i'm probably not even gonna bother there doesn't seem to be a specific benefit to closing it out we have a moat all the way around it so it's not like it's um it's keeping enemies out okay so i'm confused you can go to bed while you're on fire but you can't go to bed while you're wet even though you're sleeping on straw that that doesn't make any sense to me remember to build a floor where the fire will be yeah i've got to put uh i gotta figure out where i'm gonna put the fire in there actually but we can sort that out later i'll probably do a central hearth um same as i've done before and then it's relatively easy to build it up uh i need any more trees i can chop so hack down some of the ones on this side out of my way can i get a flat oh no my wooden tire is flat that's not an easy thing to change either bye-bye birdie [Music] hard to believe grounded game came almost nine months ago you building reminded me of that nice wild root yeah it's hard to believe it's been out that long now it was like uh was august of last year came out some of that still looking forward to them adding more the story component in that game put a lot of building time into that we should build a tree farm as you chop the trees down they fall on each other and save time shopping oh i think i hit my cart it's like a little upended i surely did they need to add something to which to ground it yeah they uh need something more i'll just have a lot of fun building that game but um i'm looking forward to like having a little bit more to do in it now i'm also looking forward to small land coming out i don't know if or when it's going to because it seems like it's been delayed a couple times but it was actually announced before grounded uh announced still waiting on it though yeah i have everything grounded right now unless there's stuff that was added in the last update that i haven't gotten that's possible never never heard of small land yeah small end was announced before grounded was announced but it's a similar idea like you're you're shrunken little tiny people surviving in the wilderness but i don't know if you're supposed to be like fairies or what but you it's uh it seems to be pretty big in scope like everything from like making boats out of leaves to like there's like a train and stuff it's the trailer is pretty cool it seems like a bit more of like a gritty adventure than uh than grounded is ground is a little bit more cartoony is grounded still in early preview it is yeah they're still building it the car has seen better days come on skateboard now oh the other the the cart yeah these days and games were at least completed yeah there is i mean i i have to say though the the ones that i have played that weren't completed though i've gotten a lot of fun in playing them over the course of the development and the the constant addition of new things to the game has made them fun and exciting whereas you would play through it once otherwise and then you'd be done with it i think there are some games that def definitely really not gaining anything by playing the unfinished game but like playing through subnautica for example before they finished it was fun because like as they added new things it was like cool new things to explore that extended your your viable playtime and oxygen not included at that that was in early access for years until they finished it and i had a lot of fun with stuff as they were adding it in so i don't know sometimes it's uh sometimes it's good other times the game just ends up a hot mess and then you uh you didn't really net anything true basic ground is pretty awesome yeah that elevator came in really handy getting all the way up top if we had something that could let us fly a little bit better that would be amazing laundry boy not that the the zip lines are cool astroneer is still almost cool i played astroneer years ago when it first came out to put a bunch of time into that the game changed a lot over its development cycle it's still a good game i haven't played it a long time though i will prep for you escape do you play that or kiss a goodbye for a while i probably won't play that again for a while unless they happen to add like some new stuff or something to it i think we've already seen the bulk of what that game has to offer it doesn't really have a kind of replay value hello pig don't mess with me i'm shooting birds i'm the mess we're missing birds oh come on stop it okay you guys are gonna get it i know we're gonna leave my cart oh there it is pig took an arrow for the bird yeah valheim definitely got the balance right yeah there's a lot to do in belham right now um you know i think any of the games like this whoops anything games like this that have uh like stuff you can build i think it certainly extends the lifespan of the game because you can just have fun adventuring and building things i'm looking forward to them adding new content that and that way it almost becomes like getting dlc stuff you know but not having to pay for it so like ea's version of launching a completed game where they then sell you 50 dlc packs is not really any cooler than getting getting something in an early release that they can keep adding to as the development occurs these beats should be ready now i think they look like it here turn up rather not that beat uh see the turnip yeah that's it that's all well it's like downside of heat it really axes that you by the time the game is finally hit retail you have nothing left to do or explore yeah this is true i i think it extends the the the playable life of the game over a longer period of time but you're right when the when the full release finally comes out you're already so familiar with the game that if the incremental increase isn't all that much where that would come from what broke over here oh well oh i gotta put stuff away this is such a simple concept game too it really is yeah yeah i'm looking forward to seeing what they add to it because uh like the the bones of what they look what they release it i think maybe that's the big thing is like when you launch something in early access it should have at least some meat to it by the point you release it like don't release a buggy unfinished mess that you're saying i swear we'll get around to polishing it up later like have something that has some decent some decent meat and some structure to it and then continue to iterate upon that and a lot of companies don't do that they just uh they just push out the minimal viable product kind of thing all right just stupid rain out of here they're raining uh i'm gonna need more food i uh i guess i'd just roast some meat because i don't save like i don't have anything else i want to make right now roast meat this game had no idea how much it was going to explode yeah i know i saw it like before the game actually launched and i i was really excited to try it out and then uh when i first launched the game i was like wow these uh these graphics are really rough i don't i don't know if this is what i was expecting and then i started to play it and i started to have a little bit of fun and then the lighting hit me as it was like like i got out of the woods or whatever and got into an open area where you can see the lighting and i was like wow that's pretty cool and then realized there was all the building and stuff in it and so yeah there's a lot to it oh coffee yeah yeah good old ea oh you must be talking about almost all aaa titles now yeah almost almost they try too hard they try too hard for the wrong things maybe is what it is they're they're going for the uh ultra high definition super realistic mega power graphics that are guaranteed to burn out any kind of a system that's not a monster instead of focusing on good gameplay not that they're all bad it's just you know maybe it's maybe not focusing the right thing use the harpoon to take out the bird oh that's a good idea actually because it's free i love a great story walking sim or easy puzzles fidelio incident that's awesome i don't tend to play a lot of story games to be honest mostly because um a lot of what i play now almost exclusively what i play now is stuff that i do for youtube uh and i find that story games don't really draw much uh much interest i mean like ball just get two crappy graphics back today but yeah good adventure yeah well uh there was a point where blizzard had a good reputation for pushing out polished content i don't know where that went but it's uh it's definitely not there anymore missing requirement all right look all the wood behind oh my god i'm so smart i think i'm awesome do you ever decide what you're going to do with yours nope i haven't yet i'm still undecided it i know it's going to be expensive when i get something else so i've been procrastinating on it a bit i could depreciate it as a business expense but uh still i just haven't been in a rush to rush to do it i'm also concerned about what i'm gonna do with my existing computer because i know my daughter's gonna want to lay claim to it i have trouble keeping getting her off the computer as it is come on snap for me ah that's gonna make a weird overlap i think let's see what that looks like when i build it oh god why didn't i go with this the less sloped roof ah ah come on oh it's too far uh really last i'm gonna make it i'll make a ladder trying to cheese it and just use the roof but clearly that's not gonna fly that's all right i guess there and then i got to do like walls and stuff you can do it it does look kind of cool right i mean it's not uh it's not epic but it's kind of cool i wonder if i could do if i did a similar kind of thing well it's not gonna blend into the wall here enough i don't think let's see if i could like branch off get it to split out the same see i would like split off that pillar down there if i could do the same thing here i actually i probably could if i did if i did that and then i could put this beam on there if i get it to snap to that yeah it's not hitting the top of it yeah so i was thinking i could do like almost like a ribbing thing here but it's not um it's not giving me a snap point that didn't work why aren't you why is it not snapping in the right spot that's weird there it was preferring to snap to the top instead of the uh instead of the floor or the pillar on the floor um come on do what i want do what i want he's gonna mess with me now um there we go that's kind of cool it's all experimental building anyway i don't think i even need these uh the side rib pieces actually only because when i put the the wall in it's going to have those automatically except i do need it here to get the piece to snap to i guess oh shoot oh no i want to break oh god oh god oh god oh god uh no no darn it that was uh that was not the right piece to break what fell only one piece all right we're okay the stakes are made am i gonna wall it in i'm gonna wall in the front part um but i'm gonna leave the front these um the upper part that sort of hangs out here is like um almost like ribbing like that doesn't it doesn't exactly match up there but it's pretty close so i'm gonna i'll make do with that uh this one can go and then this piece can go and soak in this one [Applause] okay see how it turns out oh it's not uh hmm there we go let's see it wasn't merging in properly but it's it's good we got it i don't know how i'm going to do the top of this thing it might it might be a little weird i guess that'll work whatever good enough i don't think there's any angled pieces for walls that actually do that so how am i going to do that there's nothing that has that kind of an angle to it i i could probably fill it in with angled wood beams although that it's gonna look really weird on the outside maybe i can cover up the imperfection by putting something at the top of it if i mount a shield right right at the top there or something it might kind of work i don't know whatever i guess it's not that bad let's see can i do uh this might not this might not help i kind of want to have a support in the middle there that that doesn't snap there at all oh wait come on game i don't know maybe i'll leave a triangular for now i'll figure that out it doesn't look that bad kind of a different door anyway that looks rustic i mean it looks like something that i don't know i'm not i'm not really sold on the look of it i do look like the roof piece but the uh the doorway itself and i found the moat the roof looks good but i'm not i'm not really sold on the door yet i don't know we'll see maybe i can like fancy it up somehow uh i better go make a daytime jumping on an activated portal in that might work too stacking me with the other way right now yeah yeah i don't think there's any other way to cover up that opening i hope that they add in some building pieces that have that um the bird triangle out the cover catch one meter beams the tops of two meter beams to make the peak trollhead would work yeah welcome to the council of trolls mind your head attach one meter beam to tops of two meter beams to make to make a peak in the doorway yeah i was um well how high would the beams be if i stuck these out here yeah that's about what i wanted actually uh except the lineup of things here is gonna be a little weird actually if i do uh i get a snap on top of this which is not doesn't look like it's gonna cooperate i think it did oh it's actually like fitting right into the wall now i can't get it to snap onto the end of it i had it for a second yeah i'll leave the weight i think it'll be all right okay i gotta build this whole second side now it's gonna mirror it from the other side i think killed two serpents in the way home now you're ready for your haggy uh nice after this series look into nexus mods there are so many amazing improvements for building etc yeah i don't tend to do a lot of modding with games i don't know why just not something i ever really got into i believe people probably have come up with some pretty cool stuff though it's possible some of the builds that i've seen that look really awesome were even using mods i just didn't know it i'm gonna need uh get some lighting in here too skyrim mods that's about it oh really there's got to be more than just skyrim mods out there so the one thing i haven't accounted for yet is uh some sort of a chimney for my fireplace that might present a problem what do you mean it's smoky in here find our goop oh wait uh maybe the little pattern over here some sprinklers so that i can hardly see what was it crooked on the other side too how did that happen i don't think it was uh one of these is on a wrong angle [Applause] it better line up right it worked on the other side what's going on here okay that's a little better that's weird very deep pause what the hell yeah it's like something's not right here okay cool your dog needs pets she needs a belly rub she probably does scaffolding would make your life easier yes it probably would i should probably just leave the stairs in place while i'm building this i'm not like constantly breaking stuff apart but who wants to be logical anyway what on earth missing requirement i'm out of wood how's our green coming along down here i wonder well i definitely lost a couple pieces down here and i think it was just because the way i overlapped them when i was putting the seed down that sucks oh actually it's ready for harvest what you're my barley uh let's plant more barley nice this should be ready too then i guess yeah bring on the flax dude i can plant the flax a lot closer together than the barley which is kind of weird just randomly space them out you got the room i guess i could have but it did grow pretty fast didn't it uh all right so this one we want to be the flex i'm just gonna do the same thing we'll do like one per square i can obviously pack these ones tighter together but rather than risking having them not grow i'll just give each of them there each of them their space like little teenage weeds gonna have their own room here oh tons of crabs in no time teenage weeds that's just too funny if you don't know why you can space the barley and flax the same distance if you want it looks uh like you were too close to the wood border for a few barley that might have been the case yeah it's fine though we have plenty of space there to grow so it's not like i need to i don't need to crowd it as close as pos close together as humanly possible or anything it'll make do the way it is um i need there oh that's weird what the heck oh it's got because of the floor that's what it is i gotta fix the floor in here like why aren't you lining up now we go he's got no floor there that should be better theory i'm actually not sure which piece i was snapping to it works all right a whole lot of these floors need fixing they're looking a little warped time flies when obsessing on the building yeah it really does i had intended to go hunting for iron and stuff tonight but uh we didn't exactly get there did we i've been spending so much time on this i don't know i find that in every game i play where you got anytime you have that creative opponent opportunity to build stuff it's really easy to spend a lot of time in it maybe it's just me it could be that i'm chronic hey something didn't line up over here what's going on that's not right it still doesn't look right don't do overlapping the way i want cooperate with me game that's better there good approximation on both ends uh this side here is where i want to put the portal uh i think maybe i'm gonna do a little extension out here instead of just having no i need more wood oh i also need my workbench bag i guess crafting like sarah instead of just having it flush here i think i want to have a little a little extension that comes out just like one one spot to work i'm gonna have my portal sitting in this little little nook here summer house at a winter house nice yeah pretty much this one's not gonna have as much space as the the one we built on the mountaintop but not that we really need a lot of space in the game okay then uh i'm gonna need floor in here i can't get it to line up the beam's in the way there okay uh let's move the portal over oops it's like kicking the pieces i could pretty much put a portal here as if that wasn't like in that deactivated and have it set so you like walk through into the inside but i don't know if i will i don't know we'll see oop lag i got to do walls and stuff there still but that's all right at least the uh at least the top is all covered it's all the floor in here so it looks a little nicer needs more stamina why do you always use the 26 degree roof piece on a 45 degree roof because there's no 45 degree peak piece it's just this that's it and since this is an uneven thing it's gotta have that peak it does look maybe a little bit strange but if i uh oh what the heck i seem to have left a little wood up here um yeah if i uh if i try to use 45s i've got to have an even an even number of spots from one side to the other this is uneven in order to center it on the build it had to be uneven yes there is there's not where's the where's the peak piece that's uh 45 degree oh there oh my god see there's not one there i don't know what you're talking about it doesn't exist it's totally not one of those pieces [Laughter] i don't the number of times i've looked in there i don't know why i didn't see it we'll just chalk that up to my intelligence and observation observational powers there we go there it is now it does leave a it leaves a bigger gap there now in that thing which kind of sucks um i mean i could try to like merge the pieces together i guess look how far uh it stands way in though there we go see chad showed you why would they make a 45 degree peak peas that's weird it is weird why i always use the other ones because i'm stupid and i didn't notice the other one uh bo you're not supposed to point out my ineptitude the idea is that it's supposed to remain a secret this is why i have no tutorials for this game what's going on now that didn't match it didn't match at all i've been doing sip darn it all the tea that's what it was i'm blaming it on the lack of tea no more beverage consumption available something is not lining up quite right here what the heck did that snap to what did you snap do yeah that's better he's just messing with me next thing you know they're gonna introduce 45 degree peak pieces i don't know what's wrong with them okay well we got all the roofing done uh i think we're probably running low on wood again as i say that i run out of wood impeccable timing i have literally one roof piece left i might do myself to do all the floor pieces so it's not like we're like we're that close to being done but this cross beams are weathered but i can't fix them because of the way the floor merged into them and i broke my hammer i mean it's too exposed it's literally inside of a building stupid game come on it's completely covered by a roof right now although actually this doesn't say i'm in shelter that's a problem that's not sheltered right there huh and this parts of this are not under shelter either why is that it's so weird i wonder if i can put the well i don't have any wood to test it with uh i wonder if i can actually put um the peak piece down the middle of the stuff i've already done it yeah it does look all covered but it's it's not the way the pieces meet together seems to make a difference uh i don't have any walls because i ran out of wood but it shouldn't need walls it's got plenty of roof around it i don't know games out to get me man first they put in these weird peak pieces i see you know my stuff even when it's under a roof isn't covered i don't get it oh no best to start i don't think i haven't done that before dark and i still haven't tagged my portal now i've already gone through my oh portal are fighting we fighting bees that's right you run oh don't you throw rocks at me don't make me miss you there oh here are four screw i like how they go from nothing to boom full existence we have a good source of wood now the deer is like what i swear i was here yesterday it didn't look like this your roof isn't uh even the shirt that's why it's not oh i see it's not insured right that's what it is i gotta like talk to those all-state people or something all right uh [Music] so many bone fragments i need something useful i can make out of them let's go knock down some trees uh where's my wagon there it oh man that's a little damaged i guess i dropped a tree on it before people insure roofs uh they ensure they're home i guess maybe not the roof specifically look at all these nice trees we grew in here of it's a little crowded god didn't break it okay next thunderstorm there look up in the sky and you may see thor fly over in his chariot oh really that's cool i mean i've seen him standing around on the shore but i haven't seen that yet you always prance around outposts and bases yeah so i did that uh for our planes base but i haven't really bothered with my other ones even though it makes sense to do it try not to do things that make sense too often i don't want to ruin my reputation ah game leg there are like three trees bouncing on this one oh my god i created a death trap there's one tree in here oh god run [Music] ah okay that's probably a decent amount of wood we've jumped down already trees equal hardest boss in valheim well if they followed your head they do pack quite a bunch [Applause] run oh geez that was close ever play pick up sticks i absolutely did i used to play that a lot in kindergarten like my favorite game when i was a little kid now those trees look stumped about what's happening to them oh you really have to worry about the trees hitting you before you get full and remember yeah but still i don't want them pounding me in the head if they drop enough of them on me they'll still do a good amount of damage is it thor odin that you're seeing i mean i think the idea is it's supposed to be odin because he's the one that uh that you're trying to impress i don't think anyone really has any way to confirm unless the devs say so uh what am i doing here we go don't think it'll affect you if it falls on your head well i mean i won't get any dumber if that's what you're saying that i agree with it might still affect me in the form of a headache yeah i figured that's where you're going thanks rabbit i can always count on you insults plenty i think it'll give you a buff if you let me fall the trees volume at the same time yeah hey look we we are in an achievement hard-headed i wonder what's up with that odin's on the ground aka dark creeper thor's riding his cheery to the sky during the thunderstorms but i mean it could be it depends what the developers say they did with it i guess i don't think they've actually said but it makes sense i guess although why would thor be here in melheim odin's got a reason we're we're trying to impress him but oh full on wood again all right i don't really need to chop all these down we only have a little bit more to build out there um obviously i'll still have to do like um furniture and stuff in that base and i'm doing it wrong again and then i also want to build the uh spinning wheel so i need the artisan table for that and then i'm gonna have to bring some nails with me i also need nails to build the windmill artisan table iron nails um so i got enough i have enough the iron that i could make one of those i do want to have more than one but uh i can only have to build one three dewey achievement house last comment it will answer that used to be able to spawn him under the name odin not sure if you can anymore ah see okay and part of the lore you find the world stones promote odin thor and freya oh yeah cool okay i need iron nails so there we go people make 30 of this iron nails okay and then for the windmill we need uh figures i need iron nails for both so i'll have to go with just the windmill um the artisan table though i'm going to need to build takes two of the dragons series and 10 wood what i think we got covered where did i put those dragons to yours and there let's take two of them for now since i can't build a whole bunch i need 20 stone which i don't think i have i'm going to whack some stones although oh i might have something to chest over there actually maybe when we build the windmill we'll give us give us access to some of those things we can't build yet like right away that'd be nice what you really do is iron man this game reminds me a lot of stargate as you want well yeah because of the portals right he looks so sad okay tell me i have stone left yeah good okay um artisan table let me go inside sadly you can't expand on the artisan table so it's kind of a waste sort of takes up space and then we can build our first wow these things are bigger than i thought they were oh god yeah i totally did that on purpose the windmill's bigger than i thought it was going to be it's only because i stepped through there before when i came to the portal i wasn't thinking about it um okay so is there a particular oh huh really this is awkward i guess i could put them out here and these are a lot bigger than i was anticipating i was thinking i'd have like four of them but uh that's not gonna happen okay um and then in here we put uh windmill at 50 i guess we just put the grain in there whatever the process stuff comes with that side i don't think i really want the process of dumping towards the outside if this is going to spin to face the wind anyway then i don't really have to be really picky about which way the blades are facing so we'll do it this way sweet so i'll just do two of them i guess we'll put one there i'll put another one over here and our double windmill system going what is enough it takes a while uh but you'll get way ahead because you can put a lot of barley in it oh okay that's cool well we got one anyway that might oh i need uh i need to build my walls now let's go there um i wanna see if i can put this peak piece up here no stuck oh oh will it so maybe this will then make it so that it counts everything is being indoors because it won't have that really gonna be like that come on game there we go oh it's gonna say it didn't break that time but i guess i'm gonna need to put a chimney in there anyway uh i could probably just support that by putting some structural beams at the side i go like this that way it's not spanning quite as much of a distance there that'll kind of like support that and then i should be able to put that center piece in it's only gonna be temporary i guess because i'm gonna have to punch something out to put in a fireplace but there it still doesn't say i'm under i'm i'm covered i i don't get it why doesn't it why does this not count a shelter that is so weird usually the roof is enough i wouldn't think i would have to put walls on but maybe i do maybe i do oh why is that one set lower said what these cross beams are weird oh that's why it snapped to the wrong piece there we go no dealer come on game armagedd yeah the sides should be fine i don't know you cannot have more than one open panel i mean i guess we'll see uh i don't know whatever i i mean i've done them in the woods before where i didn't have sides on on it and it made it a viable bench i don't know why it should be a problem when it's actually inside of a building but wacky game is my plant flower oh cool look they're flowering i realize that the flax flower to the game that's neat i'm impressed by the little things yep now it's counting as a shelter so i guess that's what it was i didn't have walls weird even with the ends open it's fine huh i guess it was just too drafty yeah too much wind flowing through here maybe the different environments have different requirements like uh this roof's not finished um like here on the planes it's super windy so maybe you gotta have the sidewalls in but like maybe in the black forest you don't have to have it because there's so many trees around it's not windy or something i don't know either way we got the uh the core of the building in here i it occurs to me that now that i have a door on both ends i don't really have a place to build a like a sleeping area probably move this thing uh i still want to have a crafting bench here so i guess i'll just stick it over on this side um i do want to close this off but i'm not sure how i want it to look yet i might leave it open for now just so we can get the daylight in just sleep on the couch when direction tells you where the walls must be oh i see okay that makes sense some of the building absolutely drives me insane trying to get where snapper i want yeah it can be kind of a pain it does help a lot to have like to build temporary pieces that you then you then break out so that does help but uh yeah i totally see your point um the one thing i find with the the sloping roofs in all these buildings is that it does make like building storage space and stuff kind of tricky i wonder if i could do a basement in here now that i've just built all this i'm thinking i kind of want to have a except if i do that i can't put a fire pit in the middle unless i leave support for it put a high hanging room off one end well if i do that the uh the sloping roof becomes a new so like you mean if i put a floor across here you mean it might not be high enough for that because i won't have the roof clearance when i get on the bed sunken bedroom i guess i can dig underground and have my have a sleeping quarters and storage area underneath like if i uh [Applause] i'm gonna wind up breaking something now that i built all this i do have supports under here that i'm going to be a little bit careful of treasure cave yep told me more walls it definitely was walls it makes very little sense to me but you were right oh uh maybe i shouldn't hit that okay hold on if i just want to see what it looks like if i try to build let's do some walls in here that's not lining up that's weird snapping to a different point because of the uh the way the floor is um let's see that's not steep enough hmm i don't know if that's gonna work i mean i probably could make it work but i don't know if it's gonna look right i guess i can do double stairs that'll kind of work we're definitely gonna need some kind of lighting under here yeah i like that okay so maybe that's what i'll do i'll do uh i'll do like a little basement room under here we can have uh sleeping quarters will be below ground in this particular base and i could do a storage room down here too because i'm going to need a place to put things that's going to take a lot of work though now that i've pretty much done the building up top side then we'll have a little little double stairway down into the basement i'll have to build uh probably a stone a stone pillar in the middle here so that i can support the uh support the fireplace on it or the hearth because we need to have a hearth in here that'll be neat i might even mirror this and have the same the same stairs going down this side we'll see how it turns out when i actually hollow out under here i gotta be a little careful of my supports and stuff but uh and then i'll have to do something outside too to fill in the yeah because that looks weird that that just looks weird i don't think i can fill it in and not not fill in my walls i might have to put in like stone slabs out here or something like a stone flooring to cover over the gaps uh do we have any stone on me a little bit see what it looks like if i put some stone slabs out here at a steam shower as well yes i could get behind that oh wait i don't have the uh i don't have the stone cutting table but if uh if i put these under here that'll kind of work i guess it'll be all right it'll be slightly strange having these things around here but uh it won't be that weird yeah it'll look like kind of like a stone foundation so i'm fine with that i think sweet well it took a lot longer to build than i thought but it always does uh i was kind of hoping we could do a little bit of adventuring today but we got most of it built uh hold on let's see what this looks like from oh i'm going to make a daytime i want to fly over this thing and see what it looks like with a little more daylight no because i got inside build a giant easter island head i want to build a big troll scarecrow for my uh for my farm there we'll make it like a stick man and put a troll head on top scare away all the uh all the death skeetos or something what i do cheat him with the smoke just get rid of the triangle wall piece uh above the door yeah i could potentially do that and just let it drift out the sides i might end up actually opening up the middle of the roof and uh just letting it go straight up above the builder strikes again can we build it i don't know maybe but it's definitely gonna take longer than i thought it would seems to be not accurate so let's uh there we go there it is there's our fancy farm thing that actually looks pretty good from out here [Music] maybe do a little more decorative kind of stuff on it but for the most part i think it looks great oh the wind change direction that's cool our simple viking farm space sweet yeah i think it turned out good um so obviously uh obviously a little bit more building to do if we're gonna do that subterranean basement thing i do have to figure out the hearth and then wait for the smoke to get out but uh i'm pretty pleased with how that turned out but uh thanks everyone for coming to hang out tonight appreciate super chats evening from jess thank you very much uh i will be streaming tomorrow night i haven't decided on the game yet but uh should be around 9 00 pm eastern time uh i'll figure out tomorrow kind of i've kind of been enjoying just flying by the seat of my pants in terms of what i'm gonna play lately instead of having a defined schedule ahead of time uh but yeah good progress thanks again everyone i'm as always cryptic fox i'll see all of you next time yes you
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 87,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, valheim, valheim gameplay, valheim game, valheim survival, valheim survival game, lets play valheim, valheim live, valheim live stream, valheim part 1, valheim ep 1, new survival game, viking survival game, black forest, valheim black forest, valheim ship, valheim boss fight, valheim plains, valheim black metal, valheim moder, valheim mountain
Id: Gdueo-1d0LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 18sec (11178 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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