10 MORE Mistakes You Need To STOP Making In Valheim Right Now | Valheim Tips & Tricks #2

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hey what's up guys today i'll be showing you another 10 mistakes that players commonly make in walheim i got a lot of positive feedback on part one so thank you for that check it out if you haven't seen that one yet and yeah today i'll be showing you even more mistakes that both new and advanced players will make let me just say like last time that you should play the game however you want but yeah if you avoid these mistakes then that can definitely make your experiences within walheim even better so let's just get right into the good stuff mistake number one not always having the arrested buff applied the rest of the buff is one of the best buffs in the game if not the best and you will see that often players will make the mistake of not having the rest buff on them it's so good because it's also really easy to apply so the rested buff gives you a really significant stamina regen buff and a significant health regen buff and not only that but there's actually also an additional huge aspect of the rested buff that the game does not tell you because you will also get a whopping 50 bonus to all the experience that you earn or gain in the game when you are rested yep you heard that right so why is it easy to always have it applied well if you have a base you can apply it by just resting for 20 seconds in it or sleeping in your bed and you'll get the rested bonus for 7 minutes plus your comfort level so in this case i have a base with comfort level 5 thus i will get a 12 minute rested buff and you can increase your comfort level really easy actually by just building furniture for example if i build this scuffed chair then it will add two more levels to my comfort so what happens if you aren't in or anywhere near base well don't worry you can always apply the rest above just build a campfire campfire requires 2 wood and 5 stone in other words it requires basically nothing built the campfire rest for 20 seconds and boom you'll have the rest above here as well if you want the rest above to last a little longer while you're on the road then find yourself a cave and drop a campfire in there and you will have a higher comfort level here from being sheltered and thus your rested buff will also apply for a longer duration so yeah get rested guys it's important mistake number two destroying maples what is that have you ever seen this structure while playing valheim no or not yet well good news you are part of the majority of the player base this structure is called a maple and is actually super rare but you can definitely have it in your world or on your surfer a mistake that is made often is that players do not know what this is and will either just skip it or even destroy it well when you destroy it it's gone for good and you won't get anything from it nor can you ever rebuild it again the maple gives you an extra comfort level so the current limit for the comfort level is level 17 and if you build your base around a maple it's even possible to get a comfort level of 18. the maple will always spawn in the meadow so there's a good chance you can build your main base around it here i've built something quickly around the maple to illustrate this if i destroy the maple you will lose a comfort level but no don't do that don't do that the maple is also aesthetically a really bad structure in my opinion and due to its rarity you can definitely flex with it on everyone if you have it on your server yeah boy mistake number three not marking things on the map marking things on your map is so useful because you'll always have an idea of what you can find at any given spot you already explored for example if i come across an order pulse just mark it if you come across objects that respawn like berries also mark it you can mark everything mushrooms thistles etc etc and your map will look so much more organized and informative you can even use abbreviations to make this process even more efficient if i'm marking blueberries i'll use bb instead for example if i'm marking raspberries i'll use rb and you can make this more detailed as well by for example putting the number of bushes that are at that particular spawn like here i have three brushes so i'll i'll write down rb and then a three and this way i'll know exactly what this particular spawn will give me in the future and finally you can also do this with portals of course if i'm naming a portal at my base then just mark the other side of the portal on the map as well now i'll always know where this portal will bring me exactly and having your own google maps but then in walheim costs practically no time or effort and you'll always have a great idea of what your world looks like and if you want to find something in particular you know exactly where to go mistake number four leaving your portals and other important structures unfenced or unprotected everything you build in the game can be attacked by monsters whether it's your base or a port will have the world away from your base if you get raided then your unoffensed portals will be number uno on the troll's destruction list [Music] so what do you want to do to prevent this well it's really easy just build a fence around it or some defenses so you make sure that you don't have to spend six hours after the fact trying to remember the names of your portal when you want to rebuild them and this also applies to portals you have built on foreign islands just to make sure that they won't get destroyed by monsters give them some protection mistake number five not using objects as infinite light sources so when you build a light source in your base or near base like the torch for example you will always have to refuel it every time it goes out and let's be honest ain't nobody got time for that that's a thing of the past after this tip well kind of because a common mistake is that players do not use some of the objects in the game as infinite light sources whether it's for practical reasons or just aesthetics for example the yellow mushroom it gives a nice and cool yellowish light it will give light forever and caves are full of yellow mushrooms so it's also really easy to obtain them you can make some nice designs with these mushrooms for example something like this a lit up backyard essentially and a lot of other objects also produce light for example the dragon eggs these things are huge but also have a really good looting aesthetic in my opinion and i really like the lighting effect of the of the dragon x older items include the meats like the the ones that give you the poison and frost resistance and if you're really desperate then you can even use your swamp key i'm just kidding i'm just kidding the swamp key actually has a really cool effect as well and is a pretty strong light source with the light spreading in a pretty unique way actually my personal favorite though is definitely the circling trophy that you sometimes get from killing circlings because the light it gives is actually quite strong and is definitely more than just a dim light you can definitely use them as a substitute for torches for example and again it looks really cool and if you want to know other items that give light are the stone golem trophies and if you're still in the very very early game you can also use grey dwarf trophies even though they have a very minimal light effect mistake number six not being subscribed in his rgg i'm just kidding guys but no seriously do it it's just one click let's go mistake number six not hunting birds from the start so yeah this is a early game mistake as some people will not shoot at birds for whatever reason but you can pretty much find bursts the moment you spawn in a new world why do you want to hunt them down as soon as possible you ask well two reasons actually you'll start increasing your in-game bow skill really quickly as well as understanding how you personally have to shoot with the bow and how you need to aim as birds are pretty small creatures so that will definitely test your aiming and shooting skills and eventually you'll be a pro at it and 360 no scope then is like a pro but the other reason and maybe even the more important reason is that birds drop feathers which is a really useful item that you will use from the early game all the way to the late game as every single arrow after the wood arrow actually requires them when you want to craft them so definitely try to stack on feathers mistake number seven thinking you can't put a cart in a carve so the carve is a really good chip for the bronze age but it can be a bit lacking if you want to transport a lot of ore or anything else as it only has four storage slots so the mistake is that you settle for these four storage slots because you think you can't possibly get any more slots with the carve well you can actually do something to increase your storage and that is put a card in your cart and increase storage that way you can't put a cart in your car for the normal way so you have to take a little detour but it's quite easy just build a wall then build a floor on it in a 90 degree fashion like this the floor needs to be above the above the carve and then put a card on this floor piece and if needed reposition the card a bit so it's perfectly beneath the card then remove the floor and voila like magic your card will fall in your carve if you have a dog build on your map then this will be even faster so after you have the cart in your car to your thing and when you're finished with your task and you're loaded with ore and want to return to your main base you can try to get the cart of the of the ship by either using it normally or what i personally like to do is just destroy the card and then the game will spawn the storage of the card in boxes like this you can really easily move these boxes around basically like a soccer ball get the boxes on the coast and if you afterwards still want a car to move around just build it again and then put the materials from the boxes into the new cart and there it is you just travel more stuff than the cart actually allows you by itself oh by the way don't fill up the entire card as it will be more difficult to travel with it due to its weights just fill it for halfway or something like this to make your life easier which is plenty of storage anyways mistake number eight not digging around or deposits now in my previous video i showed you how deep ore can extend below the surface and that it's a mistake to prematurely stop your mining activities is when you don't excavate the surroundings of an ore deposit if you dig out the perimeter of an ore deposit you will pretty much get a huge block of org and now you will exactly know in what directions you have to mine as well as the depth of the note you're trying to mine so you don't actually have to waste time chipping away in directions that do not have any ore and if you do this with copper and it becomes a floating block in the sky then you can actually make it rain copper when you mine it so basically the entire thing will fall down if you mine it and this also works for silver by the way for silver it's way easier to dig around the perimeter as they are usually not as big as copper deposits but since silver is too hard you won't let it actually rain but you will still have a good idea of how the deposit is generated so you don't have to mine in directions where no silver ore can be found also a little bonus tip if you don't want to be bothered by grey doors when you're mining copper just build a fence or put some campfires around you as they are scared of fire the little mistake number nine being reluctant with using or building outposts now many players think that you should return to your base every time you mine some ore or have export for a bit however sometimes it can definitely be more efficient when you just use or build an outpost for example if you use an outpost that is already there far from your home just build a bed with a little roof and a campfire make sure there are no enemies around you and you can skip the night that is yeah filled with danger by sleeping in this bed and getting that nice rested buff another example is when you're exploring you're again far away from your home base but you just found this incredible mountain with loads and loads of silver you can actually just build a temporary base here nothing too fancy and it doesn't have to look good whatsoever again place a workbench a campfire and a bed and you have yourself a base perhaps give it even some defenses and instead of having to travel back multiple times to transport the ore you can just use your base to store the silver ore from this mountain until you're completely finished with it you can even add a smelter which is really easy to build so you can smelt your ore while you go on small back and forth mining trips this way you will basically do two tasks at the same time and if you want to go a little further then you can also just upgrade your gear on the go for example if you build a forge and in the case of silver is especially useful as you can for example make the cape that will give you a frost resistance so you don't have to use any meats anymore so definitely consider making outposts here and there mistake number 10 playing on a seed that you hate well this mistake sounds obvious right a lot of players will stick with their seat as the sense of progression made on that seat can make them unwilling to leave the seat it's something like a sunk cost fallacy however in valheim you can transport anything meaning you can break down your entire base and just transport it to a better seat if you really hate your seat now there are a lot of amazing seats out there i even made two videos about perfect seats that you can use if you want to swap over to a c that's actually really nice to play on or the opposite if you are bored of your seat you can also play on a more challenging seat i also made a video about that and i will put all the links in the description if you're searching for a particular seat so in my opinion don't stick to your seat just because the game randomly generated for you and you have played on it for the past 40 hours or something like that and a final tip is to check out the falheim map tool you can insert any seat name here and with or without spoilers check out if the seat contains something specific that you have in mind like for instance a maple this way you will have some sort of an idea of the seat you're going to play on so yeah guys that was it for this video i hope you enjoyed and i want to thank all of my viewers and subscribers that left suggestions on my previous video i used a lot of your comments in this video for sure so definitely keep doing that and if you know more mistakes players make then yeah definitely just leave a comment and i'll use it for the next time if you enjoyed the video then please leave a like and don't forget to subscribe those two things help out a lot and yeah i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 512,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wLTLh8paG1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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