Multi Purpose Breeder (Wolf/Boar) - Valheim Mistlands Guide

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hey everyone welcome back to fullheim bielberg here and today I want to take some time to show you how to build yourself a breeder now today's breeder will be able to be used for both bores or Wolves so you can use the same design if you want to breed to one or the other now why would you want to build a breeder like this well if you have certain number of animals let's say 10 boars or wolves and a pen of 8 by 18 meters then the animals will no longer procreate until they have a larger pen or there are fewer animals in the pen so what we want to do is make a distance between the breeder and their offspring to avoid that limit now for this to work we need to have a minimum of 10 meters between them to ensure that and the best way to do that is to build a distance vertically so before we're going to do anything here let me just explain I am in The Meadows right now and we're going to be looking for a reasonably flat area we don't want to build on a hill because that is also going to influence our terrain manipulation we don't want to build too close to the water because otherwise we cannot take deep enough we want to be able to dig eight meters deep and we want to make sure that it's also equal 8 meters in every spot so the first thing we need to do is dig ourselves a hole and we're going to use the pickaxe for that now if you don't know much about terrain manipulation then you might want to check out the guide I made about it so you can learn some of the basic knowledge and other tips and tricks that really can improve your skills into it now I will drop a link in the pinned comment below if you are interested in watching it alright so we are now at the bottom of this hole this is eight by eight meter at least at the bottom if you put some core wood you can actually measure or use any other route you can measure the size of this and just place the code here and the forward here you should normally if you can snap one you can see it snaps right there so we are approximately eight eight and a half that's okay we're gonna snap another one here so we can measure this size you can see this is also 80 meter now the first thing we will need to do is we need to look for the highest point and I think if we look at this that should be the highest point right there let's go there seems to be the highest point I'm going to start from here now the reason why we built on the highest point is just to ensure that the breeder will be 10 meter above the terrain of the pit here so we are sure that also when we put the animals into the pants they will breed and make Offspring so we're going to take a Corvette and we're gonna look at here you can see we have this gray line here you see the gray line of the rock you have the gray line here we're gonna look at that see where we can find the connection so gray here gray there so if we push push a chordwood somewhere here that should be pretty okay I might just move it just a tad a little bit a little bit more inwards like that like that I think that's gonna be okay all right so now we're gonna extend from here we're gonna add chordwood on this one we're gonna add another chord on that one that makes it eight meters now and we can add two meters against it that's going to be 10 meters and then you can see we're almost here so this is like instead of 10 meters it's about 11 meters we're gonna have to overlap so I'm gonna snap a little piece of chord here and we're gonna take a log pull of four meter and just snap it below it there we go now the reason why I'm using the log width of 4 meters because uh the small one if I snapped underneath you will see it's gonna be too short it doesn't touch the terrain you see alright so now we can remove this on and we're going to do the same to the other side we're going to just snap coreward against here and make another 11 meter distance snap another core wood below it see we already have some issues so I might just have to put a core wood here for the moment just to support this and then we'll snap that piece again I'm not able to maybe we'll see is this blue this is blue all right we're good all right let's do one more go in that direction [Music] that should allow us to snap another one underneath which should be blue good so if a pillar is blue you know that it is also grounded so it's touching the ground alright so now we have these four pillars the four chord which all on the same height perfect now if you want you can also build some iron in here if you have wood iron you can snap a wood iron in here just to make sure that it's 100 100 supported you don't actually need to this should normally be enough for holding this Farm up but if you want to be 100 sure you can always put a piece of wood iron in here and then also have a piece of wood iron later following the the direction we're going later but that's up to you if you feel like doing that so we're gonna take a 45 beam and we're gonna snap this beam in a 45 degree angle following this so we're gonna point the beam to the center and snap it on that chords like that do the same here make sure that it's pointing to the center yep so now we have these four beams angled inwards now we should be able to snap one of these the lock beams four meters just make sure it's straight and then snap it on that chordwood right there and snap downward there so that should normally perfectly connect these two together let's do this again all right so we're going to climb up the ladder select a piece of floor and we're going to start building a framework we're going to snap the floor here in the corner like that so we can already jump on it and now we're going to just close this off not fully fully we're just gonna make a square all right like this so we want to keep this open because this is where our board Farm will be in the center so all the boards all the Wolves will fall down to the pit here below now the next thing we want to do we want to snap some beams on the sides here of the floors and then we're gonna snap some core wood on the bottom underneath there as you can see it snaps underneath that wood and that should be enough that should hold up this should be all okay let me just see the color we're getting a little bit reddish so this might be starting to become quite challenging so we want what we might do first before we finish this is just builds a few roofs just to get some extra support what you can do you can also just take a 45 degree angle snap it against there and just build another beam like that and we just snap one on the bottom like this so you have created an extra support you can see everything is starting to turn more greenish and you can do this on each side if you want to because at the when we are done when everything is finished we will snap some roofs on these as well like this and then we will close this off with some walls as well so everything is supported and you will see that everything is going to be way more green and safe so let's see the color so this is still pretty yellow orangey this seems to be blue green um so once again I would say if you can put some wood iron normally it should be okay all right so now what we're going to do underneath we're gonna snap a little piece of wood below that you can see that's gonna snap right there a half meter or a meter that should normally hold up now we're going to take a piece of cord with and we're gonna snap that piece of core with there but we can actually if you want to use a full mid to meters that should connect to that and it will be red which is not too amazing but it should be okay it's gonna be holding up um let's now snap another one of these a meter two meters against that like that and we take another chord of 4 meters and snap it against that there now we can remove these two and this will be held up they are not too great in color but that should be okay alright let's continue and build our cross in the center we're gonna start with a beam here then rotate that beam 90 degrees and snap it against it I'm gonna build one here and build one here and we're gonna build one here all right now I'm gonna break this again because we later on still want to push the bores or the Wolves but the Wolves will be different a little bit we push the boards in right here all right all right so we're gonna snap a small beam here like that and now we're gonna make our second cross where we can start with the core width first of all just let some forward snap in here some a little bit of here a little bit here one here and then we can take some short core with some one beam pole here and just snap them underneath right here now we can delete the one there the ones in the center here we can delete that all right so this is now holding up everything so it's holding up the uh the cross in the center here that means that if the balls are here they will be able to walk around but they won't fall down and also the piglets won't stay on the beams they fall down as well which is going to really improve the efficiency of your ball form now we're gonna still snap a piece of wood on top like that just to finish it off a little bit about this and now we can snap on here on here and we'll step on here and we can snap one here and now we can take a two meter pole standing up and we just snap this on the corners because these later on will be the supports for our roof as well alright so this seems to be pretty okay this is what our board Farm will look like here we will push our boards in in these slots now we need to prepare of course a little bit of a ramp so you can push them up so let's just go down now to build this ramp we're going to be using a roof panel of 26 degrees and we're gonna snap it right there on the top now don't use a 45 degrees because that is going to cause you and the boss to slide down just use the 26 degrees that's a nice smooth slope and that's going to allow you to easily walk up to it like that so now this is all supported so you can now just push the board up there now what we're going to do as well we're going to build a little bit of an enclosure so that we are not going to be in trouble when we're pushing this board up and they run down again and the same what we're going to do we're going to build another roof here so we can just push them straight up we don't want to you know do a little bit of a detour and push them like this we want them to just push them straight up and to the pen all right so that's that now what I'm gonna use I'm gonna use the fencing here round pole fencing and I'm gonna build some round pole fencing here and we build some here like that and we can make a small pen where we're gonna be putting our boards and later on all right so we can put the board in here later what I'm going to do as well we're going to build some extra doors here just to ensure that they don't walk up or down while you're doing the work so let's close this off that's where we're going to put the board in and we're going to build some more fencing on the side just to make sure that they don't drop off like that alright so now we have this one we're gonna have to do the same on the other side so we have the same location then we will put two boards in here we will put two boards on the other side and then we can just push them up so what we're gonna do we're gonna start now pushing these bores into these slots if one here one here one here and one here so let's just open up the door and start bringing these balls in let's see come on buddy in that slot [Music] put it in there come on buddy all right so let's close this one off this might be a challenge to put the beams in there we'll have to see um because I do want to have beams there if I throw the foot so it stays there we'll have to see if this works or not all right let's focus on the other pores and then I'll be back once these are in there as well all right we got all four boards in there I'm not too happy with how these two are directed here because when they are breeding when they are giving birth to their offspring they should normally fall in between the beams but now they will fall onto the beams because they are directed that way which normally should be okay they will fall off these piglets do run around and they fall off the beam but you know sometimes you just want to be 100 sure we might try to turn them around with the foot and if it doesn't work we'll have to improvise anyway so what we're gonna do we're gonna break down our ramp all right so now both of the sides are done we cleaned everything up we're gonna start now with the feeding locations and for that we're going to be building a little bit of a piece there we're going to be building a little bit of a piece there we will also build one here and here depending on where your animals are looking you can then feed from what side you want to but for the moment what I'm gonna try to do I'm gonna try to rotate these boards so they eat from here and that way I can close everything off and then I can see if I can rotate them again because I do want them to look North and South in all honesty because that is gonna definitely improve the way they are are breeding here anyway let's take a door I'm gonna snap this door on the floor as you can see I can snap this on a few locations I can you know shift this we want this to be placed perfectly on the floor like that so we want it to be onto this floor here and now we should be able to snap a beam a wooden beam here against that now let me just zoom in a bit so I can see what's happening and we're going to snap it against this door so you can see and it's making this space all right so now we should be able to snap another beam against that like that which is now going to stick out a little bit but not completely on that beam we're now gonna snap a short ball like that and I like that and then we're gonna snap a new beam against this on this side I guess so this is now hanging out a little bit closer than if the Bob the beam would stick out and we can delete this we don't need this anymore let's go so that's one and now we're gonna have to build a stance against this like this and like this and now I'm gonna build a ladder against this just to make sure that no nothing can just climb this we want to make sure that only we can climb this and not the mobs or whatever I'm just gonna build a few stairs like that that is going to create first of all a support and here we're going to be able to throw food to our boards so now we've done this side we're gonna do the other side as well and then we'll focus on the feeding all right so now I have prepared the two sides we will be doing this on the other side as well but first of all I want to rotate these boards so what I'm gonna do we're gonna stand here you stand against this piece of wood and we're gonna throw a carrot that way one carat two carrots just a few carrots we don't want to feed them yet with what I have we need to go and get some cabbage anyway so let's just throw that and it's gonna fall perfectly on that beam as you can see right here Perfect all right I'm gonna do the same on the other side [Music] I'm gonna throw another two carrots there perfect now it falls perfectly on that beam as you can see all right so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna push this board and if I push it far enough it should rotate and look at the there we go all right so quickly now we close this beam off here there we go so now this board is done I'm gonna pick up the carrot again because I'm gonna try to rotate these boards now to the other side I prefer them to be looking the other side so I'm going to push you come on buddy there's a carrot right there did you see the carrot do you see the carrot you stupid bore if this doesn't work the only thing I can think of is just build a door and just push them with a door because honestly these creatures can be such an effing pain so I'm gonna build the door I'm gonna open the door there we go all right so now we pushed No you little bugger ah let's close this off quickly all right let's now pick up the carrots phew all right we got the beams in there that was a challenge um now we're gonna do I'm gonna open up this side again the boards are not gonna work out anyway [Music] I will be stuck and we're gonna throw the foot on this side and we'll see if we can rotate them so they look boat out on this side and we want them to look out on that side as well as you can see they already starting to make some sweet we love which will be happening we'll be having some piglets soon but before we really want to get this start going I want to you know make sure that they are rotated right all right now I have the four sides ready so I can fit these balls on each side I want to depending on where they're standing as you can see we already have a little piglet down here it seems to be already moving around it might fall down very very soon it keeps on moving like that but as I said I would like to have my boards rotated I prefer them to be standing here so we're gonna throw some carrots that way I'm gonna take two carrots I'm gonna go and get some carrots soon uh so I can get them more food that's one that's two let's do the same on the other side they do seem to be a little bit far away the the carrots but um I hope that should be better alright so let's see if we can push these boards now so I'm gonna break these boots as well I'm just gonna break this so I can push them a little bit backwards see if they rotate or not if they don't we'll have to um use the door technique again and I think we might although they are happy so they aren't well you are hungry you little one see see that you see the carrot no so we're gonna use door technique again we're gonna snap a door there we go all right so this one should move inspect in place now good but this one we can close up [Music] now I have to do the same here come on buddy you see this character there perfect boy Perfect all right let's close this off all right now we have our two boards ready and you can see now they are directed in the right correction so they will be uh dropping their kits their little piglets through the hole in the back there without him you know being stuck there on the side as you can see here so yeah I'm gonna have to wait until these are hungry before we couldn't turn them around so in the meantime what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start finishing off this area here so we're gonna start with doing the roof here that is first of all are gonna protect everything below it so it's not going to be attacked by anything because it doesn't see it and now the boars are directed in the right direction I just hope this piglet jumps down if not I might have to kill it once it's a bore because the rest will now spawn properly we won't have any issues anymore all right so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get some carrots and then we're gonna feed these a full stack of carrots so we have a little bit more time of them breeding while we're finishing off this area alright I'll be back so let me just pick up the carrots that I have now because the problem is if you have already Carriage laying on a position and you throw another carrot it might Collide and the other one might roll off so I'm just going to take the one away so we have an empty place to throw it at all right let's uh throw some food in [Music] I'm just going to give them 50 now that should last them long enough perfect so now we have all boards being fed come on little boy I know you want to fall down so it most likely I might have to kill it once it becomes a board kill it because otherwise these are not gonna breed anymore it seems like they already not breeding because of that piglet so let's just uh kill it now uh we'll have to turn on my um from the fire and I'm gonna kill it I'm just gonna blank this out you know I don't want people to watch this and you know feel shocked all right and the piglet is no more and you can see they're already starting to get it on now that is gonna be much better now the location they are at the piglets are gonna drop down straight in the pit and that is what I want so in the meantime what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start building out the base I'm gonna finish everything off I'm gonna build some confidence stuff like that but I'm not gonna show this on the video I'm Gonna Leave This up to you however you feel like doing it you can see the end result anyway and try to copy it alright so what I did I opened this site up here I put a door and there is one so that way we can have access to the board Farm we can go down we can get the resources we need and we can also just of course build a little bit of a platform here so we can easily access that let's take a beam let's take that beam and snap it against that spot there that should allow me now to snap a small floor against here like that and now we can snap a large floor against that alright so now we are ready to do some steps so I'm gonna close this side off I guess so we don't fall from here and then we use this area as a stair so I'm gonna just slide down pick up the wood and we're gonna snap some stairs ladders instead like that like that and now we can snap a large floor against that need some space to walk around and then we just turn the standard down again [Music] I snap some chord with on the bottom here like that just as a support and then we can just walk our way up back to the area that should be okay all right so that's done we have access to the farm down there we have access upstairs here and this is how the finished breeder looks like four boards inside breeding at an incredible Pace thanks to the four-way breathing system oh yeah I forgot to mention this thanks to the placement of each bore you are cross breeding over all Bosch to explain this if you compare this with an original breeder you had four boards next to each other which resulted in this couple to breed this couple the bridge and those here as well to breed now thanks to the four-way breathing you now have four sets of boars breeding all the time while I would say there's also a diagonal connection I cannot honestly prove that but it is clear that the pace this breeder works is insanely quick what you see right here is the result of 30 minutes of breeding but we're not done yet the advantage of this breeder is that you can also use it as a wolf breed we do need to make some adjustments as it's not possible to use four wolves and this breeder as four wolves is the limit for an enclosed space of four by four meters so that means we can only use three wolves still the change is done really quickly and it's easy to turn your ball breeder into a wolf breeder and vice versa so let me clear up the form I will remove the carrots get rid of pores and destroy the roof and then we can start the transformation all right as mentioned before we currently have four slots while we would only use three now you could say never mind I'm just gonna keep it like this I'm just gonna put three wolves in this and it will be perfectly fine and you would be right although it seems to me that rearranging the locations does boost the speed on how much puppies you breed so you want to have the third wolf nice and the center here so that's what we're going to be doing we're gonna break this part and we're gonna build a little of an area so that we can have a dirt wolf perfectly in the center so it has connection with the two wolves on the side so I'm just gonna break all this also break this chord so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna snap a piece of wood against there so let's just take a piece here we're gonna snap that against the core Woods all right so you can see I snapped it underneath the beam there you can see I snap it underneath the beam that means I cannot break these two pieces of chord I'm gonna build two short pieces against it now [Music] like that and now we can delete this green beam now these are gonna be taking the place okay so what we want to do right now we're going to snap a one meter beam against that chordwood uh let's hope this holds it but that should be pretty okay like that and now we're gonna take a chord which and we're gonna snap a chordwood on top of that so we're gonna take one of these two meter chord we're gonna snap it against that edge so we snap it here like that that way we can delete the half the meter and now we have this little piece sticking out like this we're going to rotate another piece of core wood against it like that and then another piece of chordwood like that now you can see we have another beam like this so there's going to be a wolf standing on this beam looking this direction so that everything that they spawn is going to drop down now I'm gonna break this apart so we have a little bit more space like this all right and now we're just going to build the enclosure as well so we're going to build a short beam here like that another short Beam on the side like that and now we're gonna snap a long one a two meter beam against that like this we cannot break this so this is now going to be the location here we're gonna take again our core which snap it below there so the wolf is going to be nice and stuck another one here let's do that then snap another one there there we go all right so now we can open this up we can snap another short core with there and then we can take some half beams just finishing it up like that all right so there's gonna be a wolf in here there's gonna be a wolf in here and there's gonna be a wolf in here and we want to make sure again as you can see we want to make sure that the wolf is looking one here that way we want the other roof to look in that way and the third wolf has to walk in that way now you can use the same techniques I showed you during the board technique use the doors push them around feed them that all will work um of course if you want to get a wolf in here you will have to break some parts down you might have to break your feet down uh it might be pretty simple instead of just breaking this down just snap a 26 angle to roof against it like this and you can then of course push your wolf up here like that break this open continue your floor and then you can push your roof uh wolf in here so that's pretty simple without damaging too much of your existing base already alright so I'm gonna put the wolves in here and we'll be back and then I'll show you the rate of the breeding as well all right I got my three wolves in here and they are looking in the right direction so one there one there so if they if they uh have Offspring it will fall down the same one here it just falls down in that hole there is nothing that can keep or hold these little puppies up there so they will fall down in the breeder alright so I'm gonna close up the roof again and just make sure that we can give them some foot so I'm gonna take 20 here throw it to the wolf that should fall there that should be normally just enough yep all right there we go all right I'm going to close this roof off and I will be back with you after that check how many wolves we are breeding all right I wasn't a big fan of the orange gem yellow roof tiles so I decided to build some wood iron in the base so now everything is pretty nice and green so this feels a little bit more safe a little bit more structural so I'm happy but this is a very nice design uh if I say it myself I do like the fact that it's low to the ground not too high I know a lot of players don't enjoy building the breeder that high and having to reach it like that so this is a really nice design close to the ground and of course you don't need to build this in Wood you can build this in stone as well or marble in the future in the end the finishing work is up to you the only thing that's important is the center point where the Bosch or the walls are located dressed as all up to you so this is the design I'm using this is the wolf slash boar breed that I like to build and honestly I think this is one of the most efficient breeder I have built myself both for the board and the Wolves but the that is the guide I hope this was informative to you I know it was a little bit lengthy I know it was a long guide but I want to make sure that all the details were shared but either way I hope it helps you out in creating your own breeder if you have not already then I would love for you to press that thumbs up before you head out and I will see you again next time this was billum goodbye for now
Channel: The Bee Side
Views: 107,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beeblebum, valheim breeder, valheim boar, valheim boar farm, valheim boar breeder, valheim unlimited boars, valheim best boar farm, valheim best boar breeder, valheim 2 star boar farm, boar farm valheim, valheim boar farm guide, valheim guide, valheim boar breeder guide, valheim unlimided boars, valheim wolf breeding, Valheim multi purpose breeder, valheim mistlands guide, valheim wolf breeder, valheim efficient breeders, valheim best wolf breeder, valheim mistlands, mistlands
Id: 6NUzfQc77-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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