"His Name Is Jesus" - Lee Stoneking

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[Music] [Music] [Music] step out of break into the wild and don't be afraid [Music] they attack the weight Hostin my dad [Music] Miriam Miriam where the Spirit of the Lord there is freedom there is freedom [Music] into the phone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait remove dad where [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] such name [Music] hearts away Sam me [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great like your way husband left at his Grace's way [Music] [Music] yeah right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus's ah [Music] [Applause] holy [Music] Oh your spirit Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] god [Music] you are you'll be forever lucky and tall glorious man Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] close [Music] [Music] I'll say Oh [Applause] [Music] the doors clean one ashy glory hand hiren inside the throne before you [Music] before [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] Oh y'all ha [Music] [Music] me here I know making this place I stand holy Oh [Music] the doors playing wanna see glory hiren inside the tone for you I [Music] [Music] Oh you know me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise our hallelujah in the presence of my enemies [Music] now raise aha [Music] comes to fight for me [Music] in the middle of the store you're gonna hear my praises [Music] everything [Music] it's please [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] louder [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] some money lets you praise his roar this morning give a shout to God give him a little praise in he zoo this morning let your King know that you're here to worship Him to put him in his rightful place of honor in our lives one more time raise your voice shouting to God with a voice of triumph she's assured in this place [Applause] you've made God feel welcome now makes somebody around you feel welcome look around find an unfamiliar face if you see one around welcome them to the Pentecostals of Bossier this morning it is our honor that you are here with us today [Music] like to once again welcome everybody who is here Fitz you're first second third time here even its fifth six I don't care if it's sure ten thousand time here it is a pleasure to have you here today and we're here to worship God together amen God's gonna do something here today in this service for a very privilege honor to have reverently stone King here with us he's brought Reverend Jonathan Shotwell with him as well it's a delight to have them here they started their day yesterday at 8 o'clock in the morning arrived in Shreveport at about 9 o'clock in the evening and they arrived without their bags that were still somehow in Chicago but due to some help with the staff here this morning the help of the airport they got both their bags to them just in time to let them get dressed up for church a little bit extra and we're delighted that God helped us out with that a man when a reminds you that first steps is beginning August the 25th if you have not taken first steps that's an indication that's a good opportunity for you to sign up because it's what we do to introduce people to the church and as soon as you start coming if you want to join up into this class it's a great way to get to meet a few people but also to find out more about this church pastors lunch again on August the 25th pastors lunch will be in the FLC immediately following that morning service you can sign up online at POV C dot CC just head over there to the website lastly if the ushers would come and help us prepare to take the offering here in a moment so that we can go into worship one more time Bible quizzing is gonna be starting up again if you're interested in participating in Bible quizzing if you're a young person interested in participating in Bible quizzing there's a meeting Sunday August the 25th at 5:00 p.m. that's before the evening service so if you're at all interested in that we want you to go ahead and meet 5 p.m. August the 25th before the morning service if you're excited about what God is gonna do with you raise your hands here with me we're gonna pray over the remainder of this service father we ask for your wisdom your guidance your anointing everything that you want to accomplish God we're you're for it whatever you want to speak whatever you want to say we want to give ourselves completely and totally to you Father let your anointing have its perfect way today we accept that we receive it in the precious name of Jesus Christ when everybody say in Jesus name [Music] third we will hear no one else will Oh [Music] hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] in [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] does anybody believe that are you just singing it or do you believe it do you believe it Amen that didn't sound like you believed it I mean if you really believed a miracle was going to take place for you or your family what would you do if you really believe that that a miracle miracles are going to happen here today come on let's shout his name out let's give him some face clap your hands and shout under God oh ma well look at your neighbor and say you can have a miracle today you can have a miracle today god bless you would you just you can return to your seats but stand for just a moment I the Dell Papas came in this morning brother Charlie he raised a garden this year he raised a farm garden he raised a big garden and he was going to let people donate for missions and it rained and rained and ruined a lot of things and then they got a fungus in the garden and so but today today is this is it because but they have some sweet peppers and jalapeno peppers and tomatoes and zucchini they don't have a lot but all you got to do when you leave today is go by the multi-purpose room I noticed they even have some bags for you to take it home in they don't they're just saying if you want to donate to missions you can you don't have to so there's some fresh vegetables in there we've already got ours god bless you I know some of you were thinking I'm gonna get some give to pastor well I was thinking brother Stoneking the last four times you were coming weather and other health issues kept you from being here so here's what I've decided that all the good things that were going to happen in these meetings God's just gonna pile them all up on us today are you in favor of that [Applause] [Music] so brother Jonathan shat well I admire you for what you're doing attending he's the elijah taking care of elijah and what a blessing you have been to this man we're so delighted to have you today i remembered and you know we don't usually do a lot of introductions here we don't have to introduce him but we have a lot of guests here this day and i just want to tell you this i remember the first time i heard brother stone king preach it wasn't in person a friend of mine sent me an old cassette tape and he said you need to listen to this message and i went in my office and put it in that little cassette player and i listened and i'm thinking who is this guy who is this least donkey before that sermon was over i was on my face in my office weeping and crying whether Stoneking thank you for a lifetime of pursuing apostolic ministry thank you and [Music] we love you deeply here he couldn't he could have been literally in thousands of places today and he came to be with us and we're grateful and I just want to tell you to take your Liberty here this morning nobody here is in any hurry to beat anybody to a restaurant this opportunity doesn't come along often I want you to just be led by the Holy Ghost be used of God and through the years he's blessed our church and we thank you for your ministry let's worship the Lord together as brother stone King comes [Applause] [Music] god bless you wonderful people I am delighted to be here it was rather difficult getting here but we are here and God has wonderfully blessed you people make me glad that I'm a human being I've always felt that way about you I think it was Thomas Jefferson who said I am never so happy as when I am in the free flow of affection among friends that's how I feel about you people here today Jesus has brought us together [Music] that's why we're here I looked across this audience this morning and I looked at you you're just so nicely you look so respectable but no one would guess where some of you have come from and no one will ever know because it's all been covered over by the blood of this man called Jesus give him a standing ovation for just a man clap your hands all ye people shout unto the Lord with a voice of triumph [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the book of the song of Sullivan it's a very short book comes right after the book of ecclesiastes but here in the Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 1 there's a prophecy I am The Rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley it doesn't save Ali is his valleys with an S on it then at the end of the New Testament in Revelation chapter 22 in verse 16 Jesus is speaking this is what he says I Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and the morning star I want to talk to you today about my favorite subject in all of life his name is Jesus [Music] tap one more time for the Lord and you may be seated [Music] Jesus I worship you because you are God bless you you may be seated the Bible says of him he is the Rose of Sharon the lily of the valley the bright in the morning star the Rose of Sharon what is the Bible saying they're really about him they have discovered in the field of aromatherapy if they can get the fragrance of a fresh opened rose to the nostrils of someone who is terminally ill it brings healing to the body this Jesus he is the Rose of Sharon in this sanctuary the air is filled with the fragrance of the Rose of Sharon you can in breathe him in and they'll be healing come to your body it is written he is the Rose of Sharon he goes on to say he is the lily of the valleys what could that biblically mean what could it's scientifically mean for us the lily of the valleys I live in a very heavily forested dense area and upstate New York I've gone down into the woods at times there's a stream below the place where I live and it's very interesting the lily of the valley grows in a shaded place usually near a stream but it is absolutely snow-white the starkness of the white against the background of the shadows of that area is just staggering this jesus is the lily of the valleys no matter how dark the whiteness of his light the stark contrast is there but the most intriguing part of this is that the root of the lily of the valley strengthens the human heart people with heart disease can be injected with this and it strengthens and heals the heart this Jesus this Jesus this lily of the valley he strengthens the heart it doesn't say just valley it says valleys no matter how many valleys you go through he will strengthen you in that Valley clap your hands again and that your voice sounds Jesus I worship you because you are God and then it says he is the bright in the morning star through the years I've spent a lot of time in upstate New York in the wilds camping and there's one place I used to go to on a lake it was spring fed you can drink the water of the side of the canoe it's clean but it's way up in the mountains and hardly anyone goes there because it's too hard to get in there but I like to go there because it's just such an incredible peaceful place but one of the things I've done through the years [Music] it's amazing when you way out in the wild I remember some mornings at 3 o'clock in the morning pitch-black some bird begins to sing and I thought what is the bird doing singing at 3 o'clock in the morning then over here there'll be some bird and surf and I realized something in the breast of that tiny creature there's an awareness that dawn is about to come faith is the bird that seems to greet the dawn while it is still dark no matter how dark amazing but I've got out of that tent in the morning and gone down to the edge of the lake and it's amazing the Sun is coming up but the bright and Morning Star is still hanging there it's just brilliant brilliant every morning it's there and the thing I understood was that that star was there all through the night and that in the morning is like a signal that says and I'll be back again tonight this Jesus is the bright and the morning star he shines through the night of your life he's there in the daylight of your life but he is always there and he will shine through the night I just feel like shouting for him today I just feel like clapping for him today I just feel like worshipping him today because he is worthy of our pain this Jesus he came from the bosom of the father to the bosom of a woman he became the son of man that we might become the sons of God he came from a region where the rivers never freeze were frost never chill the air were winds never blow and where the flowers never fade there they never phoned for a doctor for there no one is ever sick no Undertaker's and no graveyards for there no one ever dies and no one is ever buried he was born contrary to the laws of nature lived in poverty reared in obscurity and only once did he cross the boundary line of his own land in childhood he had no wealth nor influence training nor education but in infancy he startled the king in boyhood he puzzled the doctors in manhood he ruled the course of nature he walked on the waves and he hosts the sea to silence He healed the multitudes without medicine and made no charge for his services this Jesus he never wrote a book and yet all the libraries of the world could not contain the books that could be written about him he never wrote a song and yet he has furnished the theme for more songs that all song writers combined he never found that a college and yet all schools together cannot boast of as many students as have set at his feet he never practiced medicine yet he has healed more broken hearts than the doctors have healed broken bodies he never marshaled an army never drafted a soldier never fired a gun yet no leader ever had more volunteers who have under his orders made rebels stack arms and surrender without firing a shot he is the straw of astronomy the rock of geology the lie and Lamb of Zoology the harmonizer of all discord the healer of all diseases great men have come and gone but he lives on he lives our Herod could not kill him Satan could not seduce him and only once did Satan have Jesus flat on his back nailed to a cross with nails through the pans and the feet Satan had Jesus on a cross flat on his back but the mistake that Satan made was to lift him up for it is written if I be lifted up I will draw all men to myself and to think Satan did it [Applause] this Jesus he was poor how poor ask Mary that's the wise men he slept in another's manger he sailed the lake another man's boat he rode on another man's donkey and he was buried in another man's tomb all have failed he never the ever perfect one chiefest among ten thousand altogether lovely the incomparable Jesus Christ because he is the first and last the beginning and the end he is the keeper of creation and the creator of all think about something speaking on behalf of this man called Jesus the maker of the universe as man for man was made a curse the claims of law which he had made unto the uttermost he paid his holy finger made the bow that grew the crowns that thorned his brow he died upon a cross of wood yet made the hill on which it stood the sky that darkened or his head by him above the earth was spread the Sun that hid from him its face by his decree was poised in space the spear that spilled his precious blood was tempered in the fire of God and the grave in which his form was laid was fewn hewn from rocks his hands had made this Jesus no matter how hard we try there are no words there are no expressions there's no song written there's no message preached that will ever do justice to this man and to face he came to the likes of us if you're visiting here today that's why we shout in these services that's why we clap in these services that's why we run in these services that's why we become exuberance in these services because as far as we can are concerned we'll never clapping up we'll never shout enough will never dance enough will never run enough will never sing enough we'll never pressure to thank him for even one drop of blood tap your hands again all you people and shout with a voice of Thanksgiving to this man called Jesus oh Jesus he is the architect of the universe and the manager of all times he always was he always is and always will be unmoved unchanged undefeated and never undone he was bruised and brought healing he was pierced and East pain he was persecuted and brought freedom he was dead and brought life He is risen and brings power he reigns and brings peace the world can't understand him the armies can't defeat him the schools can't explain him and the leaders can't ignore him Herod could not kill him the Pharisees could not confuse him and the people couldn't hold him Nero couldn't crush him Hitler couldn't silence him the new age can't replace him and Phil Donahue can't explain him away because he is he was and he shall be he always is he has no beginning and no end Jesus I praise you Jesus he is light loved longevity and Lord he is goodness kindness gentleness and God he is wholly righteous mighty powerful and pure his ways are right his word is eternal his will is unchanging and his mind is on me when he was on the cross I was on his mind he is my Redeemer he is my Savior he is my guide and he is my peace he is my joy he is my comfort he is my lord and he rules my life I serve Him because his bond is love his burden is light and his goal for me his abundant life because I have Jesus not only do I have life but I have abundant life years ago upstate New York I prayed a truck driver through to the baptism of the Holy Ghost baptized in Jesus name he was a typical truck driver he had driven that highway back and forth between Canada and the Albany area for years he wonderfully got the Holy Ghost and a couple weeks later some of the people from the church were driving along the same highway and they noticed his rig his truck had pulled off at an over looking area overlooking a vast Valley in upstate New York and they pulled in behind his truck and got out and he was standing at the rail looking at the valley and they walked over to him and said are you all right he said yes he said is something wrong with your rig he said no they said what are you doing he said I've driven by this valley for years but I never saw it because once you get the Holy Ghost the sky is more blue the trees are greener the eagle flies higher the song of the bird is more melodious everything is different when you have Jesus you have abundant life not only do I have life but I have abundant life I have abundant life I have abundant life [Applause] I've noticed something among us as episodic Christians I've noticed this when some people come into this they gain weight pretty quickly why is that this is why most people who come in from out there they have burned their taste buds out with nicotine smoke drugs alcohol but when they get this Jesus you see drugs alcohol nicotine all that stuff that's the best thing the devil has to offer that's all he's got but we have the real thing those are cheap substitutes from what we have they may have a high but have a turbo low we have a high and just live there there's a lot spoken about drug addicts and all of that you want to see a Mainliner I'm one I am addicted to this Jesus and I'm a Mainliner I have to have him I suppose I don't know when you were here the last service but we're here today this morning we'll be here again tonight you'll be here again once you know why we keep coming back because we keep coming back for a fix we are we are addicted to this Jesus and I'm telling you in this place there is a fix for you no matter what's going on there's a fix for you it will lift you deliver you set you free abundant life I follow him because he is the wisdom of the wise the power of the powerful the Ancient of Days the ruler of rulers the leader of leaders he's the overseer of all overcomers in the sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come and if that seems impressive to you try this on for size his goal is a relationship with me that's amazing to me thank the creator of the universe would wish for desire a relationship with me he didn't just put Adam and Eve in the garden to leave them there he walked with them in the cool of the evening he wanted to walk with them he talked to them gave them a language he communicated with them because there was a point in what we call time that God set alone in the universe and I think that in that aloneness God thought and he thought and he thought until I'll make me a world he spoke this world into existence the universe the universe is the galaxies but he was lonely still he came down to this place called earth and he thought to himself I'll make me a man and actually God looked across the vast expanse of space four thousand years and saw what he wanted to become like an artist looks across a room and sculpts a model or paints a model that's what God did because Adam was the like figure of him that was to come God made men in what he wanted to become that's amazing to me amazing to me God wants to communicate with us have you ever just been going about your activities through the day and all of a sudden the Holy Ghost just comes over you if you're wise in God if you're wise in the ways of God whatever you're doing you'll stop it and lift your hands and worship God and pray because in seconds like that God can give you things you've never ever had before he wants your fellowship he wants to talk with you and every time you pray he always comes to listen he may not say anything and that messes us up but he he always comes to listen I've told him some things a lot of things one of them is most of you know that 16 years ago so I fell dead clinically dead was clinically dead 45 minutes and went through all that I've gone through so this past year I was praying in my home and I was by myself and I said Jesus it is written in your word is it is appointed as a man wants to die and after that the judgment I've been through that stuff I don't want to that again so if you could arrange for me to just be alive at the rapture I would like it I don't want to deal with that death and I laugh just like you're laughing I don't know if he laughed or not but at least my request is in that's what I'm saying make your requests known unto God where are your heart to God when I used to pastor people I would say to them let's just think out loud together and we would think out loud together and usually they would solve their own problem just by talking mmm wishes the Lord for just a moment Jesus I worship you I worship you I remember this one young man came to me and he just poured out his heart and he was just involved in all kinds of things and he poured out all this stuff to me and use some pretty rough terminology I just listened when he finished I said now I want you to do one thing I have an answer for you he his face just lit up I said I want you to go to the prayer room I want you to get down on your knees and I want you to tell Jesus exactly what you told me and used the same word she used he just looked shocked I said I want you to go because he was tempted in all points like as we are tempted he will know how to help you more than I could ever advise you just go to the prayer room and tell him exactly what you told me he got up and went he was only in there three or four minutes and I could hear him sobbing and cry he was in there for a long time he came out of there but he never came back for any more counselling Jesus I worship you p2 cos you're hard apart Jesus will never leave me he will never forsake me he will never mislead me he will never forget me he will never overlook me and never canceled my appointment in his appointment book the other thing I love about praying the line is never busy and there's no dumb recorded message when you pray it gets straight through to the throne that's worth clapping about that is worth shouting about when I fall he lifts me up when I fail he forgives when I am weak he is strong when I am lost he is the way when I'm afraid he is my courage when I stumble he steadies me when I am hurt he heals me when I am broken he mends me when I am blind he leads me when I'm hungry he feeds me when I face trials he is with me when I face persecution he shields me when I face problems he comforts me when I face loss he provides for me when I face death he carries me home or in my case he brought me back if Jesus had not miraculously raised me from the dead when I fell instantaneously dead of a massive heart attack in Sydney Australia 16 years ago I now would have been in the grave for 16 years but because he lives I live [Applause] some of you know this is not part of my notes I just feel to say it what have you know that a few years ago about four years ago I addressed the General Assembly United Nations in New York City and I gave them my testimony about what God had done for me it's a long story but I was asked to represent the Protestant Christian movement among 14 other 13 other world religious leaders there were Islamic Imam there there were Catholic bishop there there were two Buddhist monks from the Asia and all of those places it was amazing but what was interesting about it is and I can be honest with you and you'll still love me I sat there with those 14 of the world's 13 of the world's religious greatest religious leaders the chief rabbi of Israel was there he was actually an ambassador to our nations at that time and I was right beside him and they had these various leaders religious leaders never given ten minutes each to try to address the atrocities of the world and the Terrorism of the world hoping because they realized politics was not the answer so they would bring in fourteen of the world's religious leaders to some bring some kind of hope or some kind of solution to the human atrocities and terrorism in the world it was amazing we were given 10 minutes each no one stayed within the ten minute framework and quite frankly it was boring they never addressed anything they were asked to address it was just rote they just read a bunch of things nobody around me even the other leaders weren't even paying attention they were texting and on their iPads and whatever it was it was unreal at the United Nations in UN New York City so finally the usher came down and he said to me he said Reverend is it possible you could walk to the podium by yourself I have to help the agent rabbi back to his seat I said there's no problem so when they called my name I stood and walked into Meza but when I stood the place became quiet I had prayed and I could feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost on me I could feel it when I stepped in that pulpit if you washed it I just simply gave my testimony about the power of this Jesus that I serve the power of this Jesus and basically I said acts 2:38 is the answer to the atrocities the world atrocities in the terrorism I give you Jesus he is the Prince of Peace I finished in seven and a half minutes and they gave me a standing ovation at this point I found out from dr. Wilson and Alexandra the nation's at this point over 54 million people worldwide have listened to that address at the UN about acts 2:38 ladies and gentlemen we get acts 2:38 - the entire world in less than ten minutes we did it God is doing things doing things in our day among us and it's not just me there are others out there that are doing incredible things for God look what's going on here look what you're doing here people this is the most exciting hour that we have ever lived in Jesus will come in our day if you're ever gonna really live for God this is the moment to do it this is the time to get involved and people you ought to worship whether you feel like worshiping or not because he is worthy of our praise he is worthy of our praise he is worthy of our praise he is everything for everybody everywhere every time and every way he is God he is faithful I am his and he is mine and my father in heaven can destroy the father of this world I want to tell you folks there is nothing out there bigger than what's inside of you it doesn't exist get the picture I may look like I'm alone I'm not alone the Bible says the angel of the Lord in Campus around about them that fear him I may look like I'm alone but my angels on this platform I am never alone you are never alone so ladies when you go to the grocery store at night don't worry you're never alone some thug comes out of the shadow just begin the dance and shout and speak with tongues they'll run like rats in a rainstorm because they've never seen anything like you because there isn't anything like you out there there is nothing out there that can compete with what's inside of you and I don't care what the doctor told you is in your body I don't care what the prognosis is I don't care what the diagnosis is there is nothing in your body that is greater than Jesus it does not exist it cannot exist if that excites you clap your hands and receive healing right there where you're standing clap your head and just shout with the voice of triumph [Applause] there are people being healed right now there's healing in the house healing the healer is in the house he's walking through if you feel the healing touch of God on you just demonstrate for him just demonstrate for you you may want to get out of that view and get in the island dance and show don't be afraid there's nobody here but us in Jesus people it's time for the shouting it's time for the dancing it's time for the rejoicing because he's alive he is inside of us [Applause] grab the hand of the person next you begin to pray there's an authority on every man every woman every person here even visitors get a hold of the hand that the person makes you begin to pray in Jesus name when you do these signs shall follow them that believe in my name in my name they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover there will be healing come from you to those around you let it go just let your voice go let the with the Holy Ghost in you the anointing that's in you Oh [Applause] [Music] that's it that's it huh traditional America satire hun deliberation of the rocker satire there is someone here right now who has a heart condition God is healing you right now there may be more than one but there's a man here there's somebody here that's been healed of heart disease right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I rebuke the fear of cancer off from people in this audience I rebuke the fear of cancer from this audience in the name of Jesus if I'm talking to you you ought to get in the aisle and begin the shelf and dance because that thing is not going to take you over this man called Jesus is inside of you he'll burn out every cancer cell he'll burn out every cancer cell in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus that's it that's it poka poka Sathya from Baja Baracus retire hundun have a Rico to Kadesh retire in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus raka raka if you know that God has touched you George now if you feel that God has touched you I want you just to come to this altar and just throw your hands in the air and worship of God and when you do something will happen something will happen for you there's an anointing trying to get a hold of you people God wants you people to do something in this church that you've never ever done before he wants you to do things you've never done before you are believers in this church you are believers in this church these signs shall follow them that believe you've got the power to lay hands on people and they will be here you've got the power to cast out devils you've got that kind of authority it's upon you don't be afraid don't be afraid in the name of Jesus if you want what I'm talking about if God is pulling at you come out of your seat and get ahold of people you've got to do something you've never done before that's it let your voice out this is your day this is your moment in time in this city in this area young people young people is there anointing upon the young people in this place ha ha charissa tire rod Akasha tire from da da da ha retire our attire is a name of Jesus in the name of Jesus that's it that's it just let your voice out Oaxaca shut Akasha harish attire at Akasha taka is the name of Jesus there's an anointing is there anointing upon you as an audience in the name of Jesus those of you who are not down here would you just kindly raise your hands all over the audience and just worship God for for the miracles that are taking place for what God is doing here right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you are a believer in this place get a hold of somebody just reach over and touch them and begin to pray for them ha ha ha ha ha that's it ah ha ha Chaka Chaka Baracus a tire in the name of Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's have a prayer meeting God's pouring out the Holy Ghost up here some amazing things are happening in some lives let's have a prayer meeting right now yeah miracles are happening here amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was ah [Music] [Music] [Music] I was I was [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] way [Music] every bro [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait [Music] [Music] your work [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 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Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 5,696
Rating: 4.9692307 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc live, his name is jesus, lee stoneking, pobc, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, lee stoneking preaching, lee stoneking 2019 preaching, lee stoneking testimony
Id: lRIppD4lHYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 53sec (6773 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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