The Airbnb Host That MURDERED Their Guest

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when ramis januzzi got kicked out of his family home he went onto airbnb and found the cheapest place that he could and booked it for a few nights little did he know that booking would cost him his life so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be talking about the airbnb murder but before we get into it i do just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible word farm adventure word farm adventure has been one of my go-to mobile games and you guys know what i'm like with my mobile games i love a good mobile game it's been one of my favorites for like two years now and you can download it for free on ios and android using the link down below in the description so in word farm adventure you basically get to complete crossword puzzles word scrabble missions it's like a word game loads of different word games it's a great way to challenge your brain in a fun way and honestly that's the only way i want to challenge my brain is if it's fun and as you rise through the levels you are tasked with restoring and rebuilding an old farm and a villa which is honestly one of my favorite parts of the game i love a good design element to a game there's so many ways for you to customize these locations and make them really unique and fun and as you do complete more levels you unlock more things about these locations that you can customize i just love how unique word farm adventure is like a word game and a design game in one it's like a combo made in heaven but i'm not even gonna lie one of my favorite things to do on this game is change the little in-game letter tiles you can change the design behind them and trust me i'm doing this like every week i currently have some turkey tiles on they look like turkeys and it makes me laugh every single time i see it but one of my favorites is the galaxy ones i always seem to go back to the galaxy ones so if you want to join me on word farm adventure you can download the game for free using the link down below in the description or you can scan the qr code that's on screen right now thanks again to word farm adventure for sponsoring this video now before we get into it i do just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video just a couple of content warnings before we do get into the case today we're going to be talking about themes of domestic and child abuse drug addiction and rape so if any of those are things that you feel like you can't listen to right now i completely understand click out of the video and please look after yourself i'm sure i can see you again at some other point with a different video all that being said let's get into the case so today's case takes place in australia a place called brighton east in melbourne in 2017. and there was an airbnb that was owned by three men or at least there were three other men that lived in that house and then they rented out their fourth bedroom on airbnb so let me introduce you to these three airbnb hosts the first of which was the youngest one his name was craig levy and he was 36 years old he was a chef at a restaurant and that's pretty much all he really had going on in his life he didn't have any like significant relationships a girlfriend anything like that well not that we know of there was really not much going on in his life he was just living with his two mates in this house so that brings us on to the second of the men the middle oldest he was just one year older than craig so pretty much the same age this guy's name was ryan smart ryan had quite a traumatic upbringing he had an alcoholic father who actually ended up abandoning him so then he was left with his mother who was also an alcoholic and not only that she was also dependent on a lot of different drugs as well hard drugs so ryan never really had like a stable healthy safe family life ever his mother could barely look after ryan and his siblings and actually at one point i think his older sister got sectioned under the mental health act she was sent to a psychiatric hospital and when she was released from the hospital i think she was actually put into care because she was reviewed and it was deemed that it wasn't a safe household for her to go back to her i don't know why the social services didn't also take her other siblings when they you know put her into care because clearly if it's not safe for the sister then it's not safe for ryan or any other siblings that he might have i don't know if he had any more so anyway this left ryan alone with his mother his sister was now gone and he was raised by his mother until his teenage years when she was actually so dependent on these drugs that she was put into a care home so now ryan just had to go out into the world and and try and build his own life he had to go out there and be independent and he really wasn't ready to do that and it it really should because he couldn't keep a job he couldn't keep a group of friends he just wasn't he wasn't old enough to be able to do this he had a very sad life actually and he ended up falling into a lot of drug dependencies just like his parents had most notably he was doing meth ecstasy lsd alcohol and cannabis most days that sounds terrifying so that was brian and then the third of these airbnb hosts the oldest of all of them was 41 year old jason colton and jason was quite unlike the other two well at least his life started off very differently from the other ones or at least from ryan's he had a really really good upbringing i think he went to private school he had a very healthy happy family he came from a very good home did jason he never really had an issue in his whole entire life that was until he got into his 20s he met a norwegian woman in australia i think and they moved back to norway together and they actually had a son over there but this is when the problems began because jason quickly became a very abusive partner to this woman and he was dangerous around their child and it wasn't even just with his partner and his child he just became a very angry violent person in general he was getting into bar fights street fights he was getting arrested he was actually sent to court four different times while he lived over in norway and i don't know exactly how long he lived there but it really wasn't for that long and the worst of these four violent incidents was when jason did a completely unprovoked violent attack on his housemate while they were asleep he literally just went into this guy's bedroom while he was asleep in bed grabbed hold of his throat and just started beating him over the head just punching him in the head this guy was completely defenseless he didn't know it was coming he couldn't you know he couldn't protect himself he just i don't know why this happened i don't know why he attacked him as he was sleeping but for this he got into some big trouble he was sentenced to five months in prison over in norway and then after that he was actually deported back to australia and i don't think he ever saw his his girlfriend or his child ever again so quite a friend group we've got here with these three airbnb hosts it was a very very turbulent household that they lived in and that they brought other people in through airbnb i don't know exactly the kind of stuff that would go on in this house day-to-day but i know there was drugs in there often there was violence around the house police would always be around at the house for some reason or another no matter what it was theft you know these men were always getting into some kind of trouble but despite their lives being so unwelcoming the men thought it would be a good idea to rent out their fourth bedroom on airbnb and bring other people into this mess because it was just one bedroom it wasn't like an entire place the people were booking like a house share that meant it was really quite cheap i think it was about 30 a night so this meant that it would book up quite often and quite quickly because everyone's always looking for a cheap a cheap deal on airbnb however every single person that came to stay in this fourth bedroom here today the men had absolutely awful reviews on the website and i think even a few guests had complained to airbnb about about their experience i actually have a couple of quotes from guest reviews one person said they felt unsafe uncomfortable and even had property stolen presumably by one of the hosts because who else is going to be in that house imagine being an airbnb host and stealing from your guest another person's review said better way to spend the night would be to buy a 50 hammer smash your hand with it and then go to the emergency hospital so if that doesn't speak for itself when it comes to the the general energy and the hospitality of this airbnb then i don't know what will it literally seemed like hell on earth for people in october of 2017 the men accepted yet another booking for their fourth bedroom it was a man named ramis januzzi and he wanted to stay there for three nights ramis januzzi was 36 years old and he'd just come out of an eight-year relationship with a man that i believe cheated on him so he's going through a lot at this point in his life if that wasn't bad enough after the breakdown of this relationship i believe he lived with his partner so then he had to move out of that situation and he moved back in with his parents which was quite a step back for a man in his 30s that had had his own place for a significant amount of time so all of these different factors in his life getting over this breakup moving back in with his parents feeling like he's kind of going backwards in life ramess got addicted to a lot of drugs he was taking these drugs to kind of like numb himself take himself out of the stress and the situation that he was in and it only ended up causing more problems for him because now he was dependent on a lot of different things at one point his sister actually dragged him to the hospital to get him some help for these dependencies but those were only a few of a whole host of problems in ramis januzzi's life at some point he actually ended up sleeping in his car because i think he was kicked out of his parents house due to all of these drug dependencies addictions it was affecting his behavior he was becoming hard to live with so now he is sleeping in his car he's getting over this breakup still he's falling out with his own family he's dependent on all these drugs everything is just crumbling around him right now and now he's practically homeless so he needed somewhere cheap to stay and he needed to find it fast so he went to airbnb and he found this place in brighton east it was a spare bedroom in this guy's house for thirty dollars a night and so he thought okay perfect so he booked it for three nights and then he went down to the property to go and meet his three new temporary housemates ryan smart craig levy and jason coulter immediately as soon as he kind of went into this house and got settled ramis januzzi felt the bad energy of this household it was very hostile it just wasn't a nice place to be but he really didn't have any other option right now this was the cheapest place he could find and he was desperate so he decided to just ride it out it was only going to be for three nights so a little into his three-day stay rammus found himself confiding in craig about his current situation you know that he really doesn't have much money his life is crumbling around him and he's really desperate for any kind of help that he can get he said he really didn't have anywhere to go once his time was up in this airbnb and so he started begging craig levy to let him stay there longer for free craig was reluctant to let him stay obviously they wanted money if he's going to be staying there otherwise they could rent it out to someone else who was going to pay they really didn't want to let this guy stay there for free but then rammus showed craig his bank balance on his phone like on his online banking app and he had six dollars in his account he was literally like begging on his knees for craig to let him stay there for free eventually craig actually gave in and he told rammus that he could stay there until the end of the week but then he had to be out because they wanted another renter in that room so rammus was relieved and another maybe two days go by and then craig levy changes his mind he told rammus that he wanted him to pay for all the nights that he'd stayed even the ones that he said that he could have for free and so rammus was saying well i've got six dollars i've literally shown you my bank balance he even got it out again showed him a second time he still only had six dollars in there but craig didn't care even though he physically saw that rammus would not be able to pay for this craig was still demanding this money by now rammus owed around 200 maybe 210 dollars because he'd stayed there for about a week at this point so that was way more than he ever intended on paying he now owes these men double what he would have owed them before so now it was october 25th 2017 and craig decided to go and confront rammus and get this money and get him out of the house he told rammus that if he wasn't gonna pay if he couldn't pay then he had to leave then and there and somehow i think rammus managed to i don't know stall a little bit longer he managed to get a few more hours in that house so you can imagine the kind of environment that that is currently going on in this airbnb it is very very hostile the hosts do not want him there but rammus has no other choice he has nothing else that he can do other than go and sleep on the street he was literally begging on like an hourly basis these men would keep coming back to him and keep saying pay or leave and he would have to beg them like every hour to let him stay a tiny bit longer and these men knew how badly he needed it as well but they didn't care like rammus was telling them if if he couldn't stay there he would be out on the street he wouldn't have a roof over his head he wouldn't be able to pay for any food these men just didn't care though and actually earlier that day on october 25th all three men craig ryan and jason had all agreed that today was the day that they were getting their renter out of the house rammus had to be out by midnight that night and they wanted the money as well not only did they want him to leave they also wanted that 200 and some dollars and they weren't gonna take no for an answer so at about 6 p.m that night ryan and jason both went to the pub leaving craig and rammus at home by themselves and craig was tasked with having to get rammus out by himself so he went over and he confronted him and he said pay and leave he tried a few times actually over the period of a few hours craig was just in his bedroom playing xbox that night and every so often he would like pause the game and go and harass rammus to pay and to leave at one point during the night jason actually texts craig for an update on the situation and craig texts back saying he's getting somewhere but stalling rammus was taking a long time to like pack up his things tidy the room so much so that craig thought he was taking the mick like he thought he was doing it on purpose which only made him even angrier finally when rammus was done packing he walked into craig's room and he told him that he was done and he wanted craig to go and check his bedroom that he tidied to make sure that it was like up to their standards before he left so craig went and had a look at this bedroom and it was fine it was pretty much in the same condition it was when rammus had got there so that was going to be it craig turned to rammus and he asked for the keys back that they'd given him at the beginning and that was when rammus went quiet he said he didn't have the keys anymore and he confessed to craig that a couple of days prior he'd actually been arrested by police i think he was out on the street doing drugs he'd been taken back to a holding cell and had his keys taken off of him so the key for the airbnb was currently at the police station which only made craig 10 times more angry that this lodger that they didn't even like that they were trying to get out of the house had now lost their key now they wouldn't even be able to rent out that fourth bedroom until they could get another key cut or until they went down to the police station to go and pick it up which they weren't gonna do because these three men hated the police well i mean they were quite big criminals themselves so like why would they go to the police station and ask for a key it was just another reason for all three men to be angry at ramis januzzi that he had now messed up their business that they were running from their house so now craig starts flying off the handle he is screaming at rammus to pay what he owes obviously he still didn't have it he hadn't been paired at this point and so rammus said that he was going to go outside and call his boss and beg him to pay him early so that he would have some money to give these men however it was quite late at night by now and i don't think his boss was picking up the phone or if he did he wasn't willing to wire over the money at this time of night it was about 8 p.m so rammus went back inside the house unsuccessful you know he didn't have the money to give these men and by now jason and ryan were home from the pub ryan was upstairs in his bedroom but craig and jason were sat in the living room and rammus walks in there and jason was waiting for rammus in that living room he there's a reason he didn't go up to his bedroom because he was more angry than craig as soon as rammus came back in the house jason started screaming at him swearing calling him names demanding that he paid but i really don't know what these men expected i mean they physically saw his bank balance multiple times saw that it had six dollars in it i really don't know where they expected him to actually get the money from like i understand that they're mad but no amount of shouting is gonna make money appear in this man's bank account so the screaming continued and jason is getting like right up in ramis face really intimidating him he's getting more and more riled up until supposedly according to jason ramis gave him a dirty look and this is when all hell broke loose with that jason lunged forward got rammus in a headlock and started beating him over the head physically attacking him now it took about five seconds for craig to also join in so now there's two men beating rammus and they were still screaming at him still shouting so loud in fact that this disturbed ryan upstairs and he came downstairs to see what was going on and once again it really didn't take ryan that long to join in either so now there are three men beating kicking punching rammus who is on the floor defenseless bleeding in fact the blood actually started getting on the carpet and on the furniture and the men couldn't have that this is an airbnb after all and so they grabbed rammus dragged him outside and threw him into the garden where he couldn't move like he was he was so injured that he couldn't even stand up and now the men knew that they could continue this attack without having to worry about making a mess so now that they were outside the first thing they did ryan came over and put rammus in a four-figure leg lock which is like a wrestling mma move so this move essentially pinned rammus down to the floor so that he couldn't move not that he could anyway because he was so injured and exhausted from the beatings that were going on inside that he really couldn't defend himself anywhere but now he was pinned down to the ground by his legs which left his head and his torso exposed so that the other two men craig and jason could continue the attack so the beatings continued and continued they were not slowing down even in the slightest and at one point craig actually grabbed rammus's phone went over to his head pulled his head up and put it in front so that his face id would unlock and then craig went on to rammus's banking app to check if he'd been paid yet and no he hadn't it was still six dollars in his bank account and at this point craig levy walks inside the house and calls the police and it's not very clear why some sources think that he was just calling it a day with the attack you know they felt like they'd done enough to hurt ramis januzzi and they were calling the police to end things although i am more inclined to believe the second possibility and that was that maybe craig thought the police would come and help them get the money out of rammus it's possible that craig thought they wouldn't get in trouble for beating him up because well i think the men thought that they were in the right here they thought they had good reason to be physically beating this man because he or the money that he wasn't going to pay up and so maybe craig thought the police were going to be on their side and they were gonna help them so anyway craig is inside the house calling the police ryan still has rammus in this like leg lock thing so he can't move and jason decided that he was gonna walk around the front of the house to where ramis jannuzi's car was parked and he was just gonna have a rummage through it maybe to see if there was any money in there or anything that they could steal to be able to make up this debt that rammus owed them although i really don't think there was anything in his car the only thing that jason actually came across was like a hard-shelled pencil case like a calligraphy pen case so he grabbed that and walked back to the garden where rammus was still pinned to the ground jason walks over to him pulls his pants down and inserts this hard shell pencil case into ramus's anus after that both ryan and jason got off of rammus and left him laying on the ground exhausted and bleeding out by now he was like falling in and out of consciousness he kept passing out he was he was dying on the ground but the men didn't care jason ran back into the house and quickly like took off his hoodie because it was completely covered in rammus's blood and they knew that the police were going to be there any minute police arrived literally within minutes of getting this phone call and much to the men's surprise of course they were not on their side they ran straight over to ramus and they were trying to help him as best as they could but they're police there's only so much they can do he really needed paramedics so police called for the paramedics and then they had to come out it was just even more time that rammus was dying on the ground and eventually when the paramedics got there they tried to resuscitate him but he wasn't responding he was fully unconscious at this point ramis januzzi was pronounced dead at 9 13 pm just over an hour after the attack began it had been an hour that he was enduring these brutal savage beatings from these three men his autopsy showed that his official cause of death was from compression to the neck and blunt force trauma wounds to the head i believe one of the men had stood on his neck at one point during this attack and of course they'd been beating him through the whole hour they also did a toxicology report on ramis januzzi's body and it found that he had modest levels of methamphetamines amphetamines and codeine in his system which is believed to be a big factor in his death actually we don't know for sure how those drugs got into his system but remember he was dependent on a lot of things so it is very much believed that he willingly took them himself it wasn't something that the men gave him and like forced him to have but this cocktail of drugs that he was on means that his heart would have been under a lot of stress and then that paired with these savage beatings that he was having his heart gave out a lot quicker than it would have had he not been on all those drugs so now police are there at the scene of a murder and it's very obvious to them who the killers are of course it is the three men that are demanding money from the murder victim jason and the other men but mainly jason were trying to defend themselves to police saying that they did this in self-defense and it was rammus that started the fight in the first place i'm not sure how sodomizing someone raping someone with their own pencil case can be classed as self-defense in any stretch of the word especially when these three men didn't have a single wound on them because rammus couldn't even fight back through all of this it was so clear that this was a one-sided torture attack in fact jason colton's exact words to police were he started it he hit us with a car tool are you a child what do you mean he started it this is not a playground fight you have just murdered another human being it was just so obvious that these three men were lying and so then and there police arrested all three of them on suspicion of murder all three of them were put on trial for murder although it seemed that they were all going to take a manslaughter plea but not before saying some very horrible things in court jason colton stood up there in court and said in my eyes he deserved everything he got he hadn't shown any respect to anyone in the house it also came out at one point in this trial that a neighbour had heard this whole thing happening had heard the whole murder taking place and done absolutely nothing about it it was a woman who lived a few doors down from this airbnb and apparently she could hear rammus screaming out in pin she could hear the other men as well they could hear them grunting and like shouting at him she heard the whole thing this is what she said in court she said it was a man screaming a man screaming at the top of his lungs it sounded like aggressive male behavior and i wasn't going anywhere near that which i understand to a degree if you are a woman don't don't go to the scene of the crime but if you can hear that you've got a phone why are you not calling the police why are you not trying to save whoever is clearly screaming out in pain anyway all three men ended up pleading guilty to manslaughter in this trial craig levy was given seven and a half years ryan smart was given nine years and jason colton was given 13 years in prison and that is all i have for this case thank you so so much for watching and thanks again to word farm adventure for sponsoring this video remember you can download the game for free on ios and android all you have to do is click the link down below in the description or you can scan the qr code on screen right now a huge huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting me and helping decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link to do so in the description or you can click the join button if you're on a desktop but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a thumbs up down below or if you want to watch another one i'll leave you a suggestion right here or you could subscribe to my channel because i post videos like this all the time okay bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,726,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, 2022, ramis jonuzi, ramis, jonuzi, ryan smart, craig levy, craig, airbnb, air bnb, bnb, jason colton, jason, colton, airbnb horror stories, travel, travel horror stories, airbnb murder, murdered in an airbnb, airbnb killer, airbnb murderer, airbnb host, review, host, guest, australia, melbourne
Id: YasMMkjNhJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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