LIVE Q&A With Kevin Zadai & Ex-Warlock John Ramirez

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[Music] uh hmm [Music] [Music] smiles hello everyone dr kevin zadai with you with warrior nuts school ministry welcome to our broadcast tonight this is a question and answer session that i look forward to every month when i come to you with the questions of all the students we have 16 500 students as of tonight and i am so thankful for all of our disciples all our students and so i've i've gathered some of the staff here tonight and then i have my guest john ramirez who you have already met john thank you so much thank you so much for coming i'm so blessed to have you and he has so much information uh inside of his his spirit because it's it's was given to him by god uh he has a lot of revelation but he also has experiential knowledge because he was an ex-warlock as you know and we have we have been told by the lord the lord actually uh appeared to me in a dream one night and then when i woke up he told me he said you you have john come and so we we have arranged to have this this is all god and i've never met him before i've read his books he's helped me over the years many times to understand some of the things that i was going through that i did not understand i was trying to figure out the strategies of the enemy trying to figure out what he was his intentions were and and know how to to take care of this it was a higher level than i'd ever encountered so i didn't even feel like i could go to pastors or anybody around me because it was uh it was beyond words at times and so you would understand this i mean sometimes the the things that the enemy does is beyond description and then how do you start to tell someone who might not be ready for that there's a most people have a choking point and when it comes to to dealing with high level devils you have to know exactly what their strategies are so thank you for bringing your questions to us you guys are amazing you i'm telling you what my my students my students and the partners are that are are just so close to my heart because god called me to do this and he he told me he told me to adopt people and to mentor people and so we're going to get right into this but the power of the holy spirit has just visited me just within a few minutes on our way over to the headquarters here and he spoke some things to me so i want to preempt that this is going to be off the charts because it's going to open up the heavens to you it's going to open up your understanding to things and i mean i'm talking about like right now as i'm talking to you things are opening up and there's going to be an impartation but it's going to be something that is permanent because when you have understanding and you get rid of questions you have a boldness about you and and there's no hesitation now this is the thing when i was in situations i was trained with uh in emergencies i had to learn how to act immediately and and there's seconds involved in certain in certain emergencies and and you have to learn how to act very quickly now in the military they train you how to do this and so uh john i i uh i've had so many powerful things happen in the last week and and then you coming here as well it's just so powerful what has happened is uh not only do you validate uh and give understanding to some of the things that people go through but you carry you carry the presence of god and uh you carry the heart of jesus and and i was just thanking god for you just for the last hour in our house i was just thanking god for you and the and uh the lord just told me to tell you thank you and um because you're helping so many people and just so you know i mean uh you know people think well you know kevin came back from heaven he should understand all this stuff and he probably doesn't have any problems has no devil problems or anything like that but uh what happens is you move into a new level and when you move into a new level it's it's you're not just dealing with these little furry uh fuzzball devils i call them um that just kind of like scream and you know try to bite like ankle biters you know okay i'm talking about these are hooded beans that are nine foot tall that come and say i'm gonna i want to kill you you know right not i want to i will kill you and you have to sit you have to slay if you're if you're if you're in your bed like it was with me several times has happened and they're challenging you i literally just started laughing and uh they couldn't believe it that i would you know the the those those spirits didn't couldn't believe it that i would and i go that won't happen and they need to say something that won't happen either and they don't know what they don't know how to deal with it with me they don't know how to deal with them like that so it's all about not hesitating so the discipleship and learning and having understanding will cause people to not hesitate so that when these things happen when you have these these uh creatures uh confront you uh i know men of god they're they're they're that i consider them generals and they tell me they go you know they tell me the things that they they have to confront and uh the public doesn't know about it what they have to confront what what comes into their house and he and i mean i know general that he has to get up in the middle of the night and chase things out of his house because they're the higher level uh devils and this these are people have been in the ministry for over 40 years so um i just want to tell you thank you john and i've had you're you know i'm telling you you are a godsend but in order to go on students in order to go on in the maturity you have to have understanding and understanding like i said will cause you not to hesitate and the devils don't know what to do with a person who does not hesitate and knows the procedures they're like uh if you if we can get you to be fine-tuned to where you're like military the devils will be sealed out of your life and then only that where whatever people you're assigned to those people will also in and they will in be able to enjoy the freedom that you're walking in as well and so we're going to get right into these questions and i'm going to ask john uh these questions that you wanted him to answer for you john um this person this this student i'm sorry i'm just so overcome by the power of god i mean i'm like i don't even feel i don't even feel i don't even feel like i'm on this earth right now but um this is these the my students are amazing i mean they ask the most amazing questions like i'm thinking man you know i mean every question i could go i could write a book on that i could write a book that's amazing but um i know that your heart is to help people would you would you go over for for the next few minutes um we've got a i've chosen 11 questions it'll last an hour and a half so you have time to really talk about this this student wants to know what is the general game plan for the devil to destroy a person or a church well it's a person we talk about believers right yeah yeah okay if we talk about believers we not i have to destroy your purpose your destiny because your purpose your destiny is what god has given you entrusted you with so if i can if i can destroy a dismantle or i can i can delay and trap if i if i can slow your purpose your destiny down then not on you losing ground but you'll never get to the finish line of what god has called you to do and it's your so people think that people people have this mentality that that god giving you god given you something and trusted your wife now you have you don't want to have to push it with the anointing and the father holy spirit you need to push that into the finish line you know god gave you the god gave me the football now you need to put into the end zone it's not like god gave you something and now you just sit there and god does everything yeah you know and and and it's also so so the enemy understand the enemy's not after you first of all the first one of the first thing the enemy is after is your fate because if i can remove your faith if i can distract you and take your faith away from you i'll take the currency of heaven off you so there's nothing you can move with once i have your faith that if i can turn around and distort your purpose your destiny and then you have nothing to offer to god and enter your story because how many people in the bible have had a purpose and a destiny and they forfeit their purpose and their destiny how many people we know that that had a purpose and destiny and god was so merciful and god had to bring him home premature because they wasn't going to finish wow you know can you comment uh further go deeper with this because um i was reminded in with this question i want you to go even deeper with this because i know my students want to understand this i have i have a personal knowledge of people that were witches and they they became christians they told me that they would go to classes to train dance classes to infiltrate the dance team the music team they were they were trained on what we do in our churches then there they go into the church they befriend people before you know it they're on the music team some of them even got on the church board the whole time their whole goal was to bring down the church well the judgment is the first one just about the first one i want to be on your board because joseph has a manipulation spirit you know i mean there's 21 attributes who jezebel is it's not just a controlling spirit but jezebel is a spirit that shows a form of repentance and when you take when you leave your guards down she attacks you okay jezebel will use other people to do her bidding you know there's a lot of things by justice so when so so if i can go get into your board i can i can get if i can get into your board then i can get into your blueprint of what your church is and i could just dismantle your blueprint when i looked out of region when i saw i should project and looked at a region i wasn't looking at the people i was looking at i know i could get the people but i have to look at the situation the blueprint of the region find out which church was strong and which ones are the weak ones so the weak churches i had i said well i can start from here because once i get momentum from here by time i get here my momentum is so strong that i can take could i hit i could hit these these strong churches i could hit them out of their game you see so so in another thing you say high level you know when how you go like you like you win the stronger the abilities that the devil has the higher you go so so my thing was when i when i was in i would sit in churches and shut down the anointing in the church i went to a church that got demon possessed and i grabbed the pastor by the throat and the press they had no anointing so they have to have 15 guys to get me off his throat wow right so i picked him up in the air and he was turning purple and his and this man's feet were dangling and i had him in the air and and and he had he had no authority and it's had to say he had no anointing to rebuke me or to or to cast that demon out of me they had him by the throat so he needed like 12 or 15 men to bring me to get me off him so so so when we go into this whole sp in the spare round my job is to figure out in in your church in your ballroom figure out who is the weak link that's why one of the great one of the things here that we have here i i share as soon as i came in i knew they see this this is a house that the devil this is a force to be reckoned with this house here because i one of the first things i notice in this house is unity no one is in competition with each other trying to impress each other everybody here knows that we i i whether i'm a true i'm a general with two stars or i'm a general fire star i have to i have a i have a place and i have a mission to accomplish here it's not i want you you're not trying to be the two star to try to you're trying to try to promote yourself to be the five star see when i used to look for those i used to look for those i used to look for those loopholes okay okay because and then i know there was pride and greed in the mix so i take that pride and greed i escalated to the next level with the person who's trying because now i got a loophole if you're the loophole i get you i get you i get you to get to you you see so so so so that's why you see some of these church plates right because the devil came in and he knew how to split the people right to find the weak link okay right right and so so though so but when you have a spirit of unity and everybody's in agreement there's power negan is power unity so so so how could i get it i can't get in i can't i can't get it i can't come into your bar room at the exact worst shipper and do anything so i had to go find the next week right so so there there are uh borders the lord the lord had shown me there there are these different areas um there's circles he called them circles of influence and he told me he said you he said you have four circles of influence plus a fifth which is the world okay so the four circles of influence that he named them a b c and d and he said e is the world okay but there's circles of influence and he would tell me and i would wake up and say this person just went from c to d he would move them based on their weakness at the time and i i was i was was always monitored and the the holy spirit was the monitor and he was saying okay here's the weak links and this is what you need to take care of so you need to minister to these people or else they're out and you need you need to uh talk to them you need to do this you need to do that and um he very few people get into the a zone but that's the holiest of holies yeah so so the you know and that's that's the key people don't know hang on the holy [ __ ] holy so there's people in the middle court in the outer court yeah no i can see in the spirit i'm i'm like thinking how did this person get from b to d and the lord said they're they're being attacked and they're our weak link right now so you can't you can't think you can't really right now because of their condition they that it's like what happened with judas and judas was being worked on constantly now peter he he had drive-by devils all the time he had drive-bys you know he had dry yeah he got drive-by you know you know one day he's you know he's prophesying telling the truth next you know within just a day he's he's being told he's satan and shut up and you don't get the idea and he's the guy's probably like thinking you know what i what i'll do you know because but see he was speaking out of his mind which was a thought that satan gave him so jesus recognized that what he just said came from the the evil one who was standing beside him influenced him okay so i i want i want you to encourage people that they don't have to be close friends with everybody that sometimes you have to walk alone like i the lord told me you're going to walk with me for years years and years he said but you're going to walk in the public for days but years with me and it was yeah now he told me this because he said your character has to be able to carry the glory which is even greater than the present so um he showed me that that the presence which is the word panayim is the word face is it's it's plural faces so when he said my presence will go with you to moses you say my face is plural not face you could have said benigh he didn't he said so the my his faces would go with him and moses said no i want to see your glory which was commode which is a whole another thing okay do you realize that that uh in churches and friendships and in everything about that there's going to be times where people are not going to be able to withstand the warfare could you talk about that because it's still like i still feel like the lord's wanting us to hit some i want to keep i'm going to keep poking you you know you can discern some there's a weak link you can discern that hey listen this is and so what is it how do you deal with that because you can you can see in the spirit so you see exactly what's happening yeah i said i mean i even today as a minister i sign in churches and i know that the holy spirit is not there but because i go there and i minister god's god brings the president to go there but there's churches i sat there and they just dead as a doorknob and nothing there and all they got is just inventions and man inventions of the flesh and all they got is formulas and things to entertain people but no the holy spirit is not there so i've been discerning that i can it's like saying uh like you you said something very profound about about what walking years with jesus and days with with the crowd right so my it's like my birthday was december 5th right i could have went anywhere i could have went anywhere my birthday i could have took a plane anyway i could have went to dallas i have i got pastor's friends i got one anyway and god said no you stay home i couldn't win anywhere god said no you stay home you should hang out with me wow and i'm not even empty i'm not even i don't feel empty i don't feel lonely i don't even got a dog don't need one i got fulfillment i got fulfillment i got contentment in christ and when you have that it's hard for the devil to seize the moment on you it's hard that because the devil will try to examine you in the spirit realm and find out what is it that you're thirsty for and if you're thirsty for the wrong things he'll give you the drink that you want you address it over the form of godliness like you were saying with people i don't i don't have a situation where people that i have to be around famous people they're famous preachers i don't have to be that i don't i don't need it because i always know that promotion comes from god like i'm sitting here with you and it's i mean it's a crazy honor to sit here with you i mean i'd be very truthful i'll share my heart with you but i know this is god ordained i didn't come look for you you didn't come look for me god god made an appointment and before the foundations of the earth i mean i was killing chickens when you were flying planes [Music] and people need to understand that either you pace yourself in the rhythm of heaven you have to have the rhythm of heaven that what the blueprint the book that god wrote it there's a rhythm in heaven that you need to walk on that's right and your hand can't clap by itself and they need to clap at the hands of jesus because once you have that rhythm then the devil can't get you out of your rhythm at your game and today the church at large today church at law if we were playing a football game we are we are like in the third quarter and we are behind yeah we are behind yeah wait a second this is what jesus said showed me in may when this all started you know about about what's happening now um he warned me you know that we're behind and he's done with lukewarmness and we you need to stoke and give people hot you need to get them out and vote and then he said it's going to be it's going to be stolen he said you're not going to know the election night he said so you got to get the people ready to do warfare prophecies on the highest level warfare yeah and then the lord said to me he said you know bring john in and uh you know get the stoko stokes stoked the students stoke uh uh the people over the world we got a hundred we got we got hundreds of thousands of people that are subscribed on just youtube alone uh a hundred hundred and what thirty five thousand or something like that and uh you know that's just in 23 months wow okay so these people need to be uh stoked and and getting hotter because jesus said i'm done with lukewarmness okay but uh why are people like like right now like why are churches and and christians uh backing off is it because they they don't want to be wrong they don't want to lose so they figure if they could just like step back like what what what is happening in the demonic realm right now but because so many people are being silent uh when they should be fighting but these two things there's two aspects of the church today the church at larger aspect aspect they don't trust god okay they don't trust god so that's uh doubt and fear and i believe they don't trust god so they don't think he's got enough to do what he has to do and the other aspect is they don't have to fear god oh wow okay they don't have the fear god because when you see i got to fear god if god taught me go there and do something i know that devil ain't going to do nothing to me i i have to fear god that god sent me somewhere and go do something i have to fear god to go i sometime i be i'd be very very transparent i said oh why can't you send me to a church like it's like around the corner from my house you know why do i have to fly to japan why i have to fly to germany where i have to fly to the uk yeah and god tells me well take my word and go with it he said you don't have don't ask me why just go and i go so the fear of god it would keep me because i think too much on jesus doubt that's good well you you understand that that because you did this you the next question is this how do you deal with demons that manifests as sickness in your body and i want you to talk to us about what happens in in when you were a warlock and you were in your apartment and you would go to your cauldron and you make a contract with those devils and you saw within just a short amount of time whatever it was that you made a call it happened yeah i mean it was no problem for you to have somebody killed yeah okay so you the demons the demons promote sickness and uh jesus said you know it says of jesus in acts 10 38 that he went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed to the devil well there it is it just it just shows him out so could you talk to us about this for the students that are asking about how do you deal with the demons that manifest as sickness in your body what is it on the other side that you know and how how it how would you combat that now that you're a christian bring it back around for us well to me first of all you have to just you have to do a spiritual assessment right spiritual assessments if i'm attacked i say if someone's attacked by a demon i might say i'm not going to use someone here but someone's attacked by a demon let's say a cancer cancer right okay that's an infirmity right a cancer that's a premature death spirit that's a murder spirit okay short death spirit dependent person is young it's a premature desperate infirmity of premature death on the person so it now i have to identify if the person comes up to the outside say i got cancer i'm i'm i have four stage cancer i've been in those situations with people so i say how long you had it right like i'm like a doctor right how long you had it well i had it six months now seven months now right so i'm identifying the situation because i'm narrowing down that demon i'm narrowing down i'm minimizing that demon where did you come in and how you come in did you come in because the person invited the person person invited that spirit of infirmity but there's people speaking about sickness so many times of fear then you invite the devil that's the conscious blonde you just drove out the red carpet and welcome come into my body or it's something that is a generation of curse in your family so i have to go back to find out who's the last person who was the first person that had that that curse was your grandmother was it your grand-grandmother was it your grandfather so if so when they come when i understand where it's coming from and how many people did it hitting your family well i hit my mom and then i hit my arm and now i hit me see so there you see the pattern and cycle of the situation jesus was doing that he'd ask questions all the time how long how long you had this how long is that kid yeah yeah i pray for people and sometimes people say hello god would say to people uh you want to be well you want to be healed you know i might as a young christian i'm like well why would he say that the dude's blind did you laying by the poop he got a back rash i mean what would you ask from but people don't want to be here people rather have a pity party people want to have a pity party be healed you know i feel sorry for me i i need i need that attention because a lot of time you have to deal with the twofold they don't want to be healed because they want a pity party so i deal with the healing devil with the with infirmity devil and then i have to deal with the rejection devil but you've been rejected so that's why you want the attention so now i'm dealing with two devils right i gotta deal with the infirmity devil and i gotta deal with the rejection device because you're looking for attention you don't want someone to rub you make you feel good you know and you know and and that's not what was here and there i need to get you set you're free from that demon that's eating up your body with a conqueror and that locus is eating up your body and then i gotta set you free from that rejection spirit whether it came from your daddy's side or your mommy's side that you were rejected oh that's good good so so you're dealing with two demons so you want to close two doors at once with the person okay now you've seen so you've seen these infirmities leave sometimes sometimes uh sometimes like you know people don't understand this they they look well how do you know if it's a devil or if it's really biological or organic and i i i realize that people are trying to like classify something you know in two different cases two different categories could you could you talk even i'm gonna keep poking you with these questions because i want to go deeper with what they're asking here i know that there are times where i see a devil on a person's body and when i command to leave they'll the manifestation goes too with it there are other times where there the devil has done something but i don't see the actual devil there and so i saw that the devil did something that allowed them with their even with their diet i mean you know i realize that and a lot of people don't know this but there's certain things that people do that god was trying to prompt them don't do that anymore don't drink that anymore don't do this anymore and the devil was assigned to get them to eat a lot of sugar or something like that yeah and that that caused the pancreas to overwork and then they did develop diabetes it was the devil that was tempting them with the sugar but that's demonic cravings exactly okay so can you go i just want a problem you don't have to have the amount of criminals about anything you can have the money occurring about lust you can have them running by sickness there's people that i don't know why i never got married but you made a you made a covenant with a spirit husband oh wow so so how could you get married when your spirit husband is the one that's blocking remove the spirit other people say i can't ever have a baby i've done i don't know these tests i spend a thousand dollars i went to a doctor we did all these things but the situation so which curse your wall and the demonic cravings the devil can put the amount of cravings the devil can hit you with something and then leave the residue there and the rules the residents work you over and the devil don't even have to be there that's it wow yeah see so and i saw this so i want i want i want you to address the fact that it doesn't have to be an actual devil that's attached to your body that's making this happen it could be that he's instigating desires that cause your diet cause something about your environment to produce this disease so so the devil delivers like yourself you fill with the holy spirit there's nothing they can get in you yeah you got a shield i got a shield but the devil can work it from the outside see the devil can work from the outside he can he can't possess you but he can oppress you from the outside yes sir i understand so a lot of a lot of strong christian i mean i don't like to use the word christian i take that back everybody's like a christian all these days right everybody's mother's a christian even though all these basketball players antichrist the bunch of christians they say the fruit that's why jesus cursed his fruit to victory because they look like a fig tree from a distance you see so many christians look good from a distance but when god does the inspection from clothes there's no fruit in them that's it sir and man so so so the devil would leave a stain on you okay and then he'll work that stain from a distance he'll work that stain from the distance so it's demonic craving from a distant and the devil don't even have to be there the demon that is tormented to your left but he left something behind and if you don't remove that you don't uproot that you don't curse it to the root you don't renounce it you then that stuff will never come off you wow that stuff would never come you could be the best christian you're still going to have something you're you're gonna have a devil to fight you're gonna have something to struggle with you're still gonna have something that's holding you back from god's best that's good um this next question i i feel like we gotta i get through these these questions because they're so good um can you can you help there's a lot of students they're asking how do we do warfare for our marriage and our family and our children okay so this all has to do with authority and covenant so you know what do you know what do you know now and what did you know back then i mean you could you could you told me you've told me i you could target a family you could you could break anybody up mentally you could dismantle the whole thing and you would just search for the weak weaknesses and even if you had to just uh you've and said that that the the option was is that if they couldn't get any of the family members you get into the dog like you could those those demons wanted to stay in your house somehow and territory in your house okay so explain that and help because a lot of our students are going to become um pastors ministers and uh so they they're not only gonna have to deal with this themselves but then they're gonna be helping other people too so see but my point is when i did witchcraft if you're a minister i distract your home so you can't take it at the church really yeah i distract your home i put chaos in your home i've been confused in your home i i really because you see in in in this is this is the part that many people don't have good marriages and i have to be very honest man a lot of people fake it you know they're good actors at home they're crazy and they come to church bless the lord hallelujah and this is this is my job as an extra worshiper was you see i understood that the wife was the neck and the husband was the head they need to turn together in unity they need to turn their own agreement there's power in the green they need to touch and agree but if i can disjoint the neck or i could just join the head the head will be turning one way and your neck will turn the other now you fragment it in your marriage understand and if you don't have that golly order in your house as much as you love god god can't bless your home because there's no godly order in your house so my job was to bring brain to witchcraft to seducing spirit bring to witchcraft to argument spirits you know i would use your mouthpiece i will use a mouthful and put words in your spirit so you could say these words and create an atmosphere in your house that was ungodly wow so these devils were assigned to just do to do that yeah to do this thing because we understood that in the family especially if the person with pastors and leaders and your family if you if you if you can if you can create if you can create an ungodly atmosphere a cloud a demonic cloud in the house and then there was a fog going on there when they couldn't take care of god's house see so so how you deal with that situation you know it's not who wins the argument who has the last word right i understand it's not it's nothing about that you know it's about it's about you know the humble the hum understanding your position in christ your position in your marriage it doesn't mean that woman is weaker the woman is now weaker she just has a different role that she plays the husband inside is the head of the house is christ and then the husband is the one that that has that you know this is what i learned in the demonic the husband has the authority but not the authority to overrule and be uh i would call it a communist in the home so i know that the husband misunderstood the scriptures that's good i mean he distorted the scriptures so he distorted the scriptures so he gave me he gave me legal rights to come into his house because he's not living really by the pure word of god he's living by something that is delusion and deliverance i release the deliverance and delusion of spirits in his home wow so that's how i broke up marriages and witchcraft so it wasn't anything that didn't have you didn't have the real foundation at home and if you had it your foundations are cracked so in the cracks of your foundations i was able to manipulate and control and i was able to put delusion and deliver spirits like in the church today when you look at the church at large today and you know sometimes it's hard to talk about these things because i am the church i love god i love my brothers and sisters but the church today at large the foundation the church of crack when was the last time you went to a church and then cast out the devil i've been to i've been to ministries i sat in the back and i'm minding my business someone in the front i don't know who the person is they get manifest they turn back i said john remember we still hate you we still gonna come for you we hate you we're gonna come for you i'm like what i do i don't know i do i i bought my ticket like everybody else i'm sitting back here the demon is upset with me why would you be upset me take it up with the pastor why are you not talking about the guy that did the event because maybe maybe he's in bed with you wow why are you pointing the finger at him why are you gonna point finger me i just i just came visiting you know so so so why would the demon in that moment why would the demon come at me why would he come at me it's not my event past is right over there go get him oh yeah and i've had that happen to myself and i thought they were just confronting me and i'm like because this is my show the marriage you know you need to you know we need to cultivate things we you know you can't just live on yesterday's manner you can't live on yesterday's annoying thing you can't live on yesterday's word you have to cultivate everything in your life you have to keep everything with the anointing in the holy spirit you have to make you know i do an assessment every three months who i am why i'm at with god i don't want to be the same gender members of last year and i make an assessment do i need to improve my talk do i need to improve my my way of being do i need to uh cut back on this cut back on that you know today i don't watch much tv anymore i cut back so much on that you know and i might think you just read my word this is like my third this is my third bible of of uh the the living trend not the living the passion bible yeah this is my third one this year this is just going over you know yellow highlight i just got this one yellow highlight on it all over you know i pronounced you know and i read and i want to just know god more and deeper and and i understand the attacks will come but this is the key of my attack that is different than the other believer the devil my sucker punch me and he can shake me but he never moved me oh that's good john you see yeah jesus said when the devil moves you you disappoint me because i mean you weren't prepared you were not ready for the fight and you didn't know how to engage and if you don't get you're not prepared for the fight or devil movie i mean he shrinks your back and if you shrink your god you displease god so you can hit me with everything you got i hit i got hit with witchcraft they make other christians commit suicide you know and i'm you're not gonna move me the same thing in your marriage who's moving your marriage who's moving your mind who's moving your children you know it's about the devil understands that all he wants from you is spiritual territory that's good so moving you i take spiritual territory for now i own 60 you're on 40. so so now now it's like it's like a tug of war i'm tugging at you but you're not talking back with the strength that god giving you so now today you know i own i own most of the rope on my side and christians yeah you can you can go to bible school you can be a theologian you can have a phd but the devil's not afraid of that the dip is not afraid that you got 10 psdeals on the wall the devil got a lot of i had a phd in witchcraft yeah yeah you did i had it i would i would take a coffin i put someone in there i open it up i put meat inside i saw the person with the personality and everything as the meat rot the person rots i had a phd in witchcraft and i'm not saying that to both no not today i'm just jesus donkey the one that was tied up in the new testament became that she said give them to me i can use them that's all i became and i don't want to be any more than that i'm cool because you see the the great thing about that story is the donkey the greatest thing about that story doc it's not that he must have parade he had the king of team on his back amen and that's when when you have the king on your back that means you carry the presence praise god well you just you start to answer the next question the next question is this how do we take territory and tear down territorial spirits so it's just you're already getting into this so they wanted the students want to know how you take territory which you're starting to talk about about the rope and you just and uh it's a tug of war and then they tear down territorial spirits how do you how do you how do you do that and i think people for first of all could you explain that you know when we're talking about territorial spirits we're not talking about little fuzzball devils that want to ankle biters you know right okay so i think that people need to know there's echelons and levels most of my students understand because i tell them but could you explain that first and understand if you're going after a territorial spirit you better be you you better know what you're doing and be able to send right oh yeah okay you you got to know what you're doing because these territorial demons they don't give up they don't give up territory like that they even told jesus you know don't cast this out the region they even told jesus jesus jesus got off the boat i mean this is jesus this is god they were saying they will say do whatever you want to do but leave us in the region yeah like they have some from the negotiations yeah because they they say we got more work to do here and in order it's like saying i live i live in manhattan right and i share a moment with you and again i'm not picking on any any homosexual people you know and i told my brother's story my brother was a transvestite homosexual and god said i'm free so so there was a homosexual club in my neighborhood it just popped in there right every day i used to go by lay hands on it i lay hands on the name of jesus christ your territory devil you're gonna leave right now and then you're gonna leave right now it took one year before i got that devil out but they they closed that blood place and then they closed it down they put it they put a for rent sign on it right it took a year because you see a lot of christians they think that god is michael a lot of christians they think that god is migrating the fight is not about microwave and fight is about is about being consistent in the fight because even when the devil attacks me you'll have first of all there's four things that i use when the devil attacks me okay first the word the word yeah fate faith spiritual strength spiritual strength and spiritual endurance spiritual darts all right praise god those four weapons i invite any devil to come come in the ring with me yeah the word faith without faith you can't do not with the word amen you need to you need to have the word in you and then activate it with the with the fate and then have spiritual strength because you know how long the fight is going to be yeah you're going to need all right because you see david fight wasn't really good life because goliath he killed easy that wasn't his real father yeah that was just a warm up to deal with saw yeah because he sold chasing him for 13 years that was his real fight wow because they one had to sit on the throne two people who can't sit in a throne that was a real fight so every christian you get in the fight don't you think you got on you got on the fight monday and thursday's gonna be gone right and we we we we minimize we minimize the fact that what god is teaching us in the fight in the spiritual warfare however god said you're gonna go 12 rounds but you're only playing for six okay right you only you train for six but god said i want you to go 12. right so so in the spirit round how do you how do you take over church first take in terms of territory spirit you got to find out who what kind of territory spirit why they're there and how much how much they got accomplished in that territory in that place you need to know these things because when you hit this devil you gotta know what you're taking back from him and how to put them away you need to cage them up put blood in the jesus blood of jesus in the cage let them be tormented day and night or send them to the dry places you gotta find out how you're gonna deal with this thing from beginning to end you can't just say i rebuke in the name of jesus the son says eva said that too that the real devil showed up and the clothes came off yeah yeah they're back to adam and eve's day exactly and that's a good beat down yeah someone beat you up so good your clothes come off that's a good beat down because that's a lot of beat downs in the ghetto and i say that people need to understand and then they find out that's your fight did god call you to move that territory demon out of the way you know the god called you to do that because a lot of people just jump inside something god never called you for that fight that's good and then they end up getting beat up yeah and then one they blame god yeah and remember i mean jesus jesus was sent across there across the sea of galilee when he he stepped he stepped on the land that that devil that that legion was waiting for him but then he knew something in the spirit had something as soon as you see you are you changing atmospheres thank you with the anointing yeah that's good see jesus stepped out they didn't they those there was 2 000 demons in that man yeah the 2000 pace was ended it was expired yeah about 2000 damage in this man and as soon as jesus stepped on the ground the sand that demon knew that something in the atmosphere in the spirit has changed because something came in from the waters came into the land that was bigger stronger and more powerful he caught his attention that demon left the tombs and ran right to the spot to confront yeah there he was gonna he was gonna defend his territory yeah he was gonna defend his territory and defend the person the demon that man was so engrafted in in that demon these demons only grafted in the man right that they make and speak for himself the demons spoke for him and you and people you hear these people doing deliverance today come out legion first of all that's not the demon's name what's wrong with you what are you what how long you been there go ahead what are you doing uh what's your social security number you have a passport [Laughter] sit down you don't know about no deliverance yeah sorry about that no you you just had a moment your job is not to interview the demon your job is to cast them out because jesus asked the man what did jesus ask him what is your name he said legion jesus was illustrating an example that moment could i say it you see people need to learn this jesus wasn't not interviewing the demon jesus you see jesus was going around casting one by one right in the bible he was catching one demon at a time right or two he got to this guy right so jesus wanted to show the world okay jesus wanted to show the world you know what i can eat your lunch one demon and i can take 2 000 the same way and eat their lunch too because i'm more powerful so god was showing an illustration that the power of god upon any demon upon the principalities upon the word of darkness that you can't do nothing the way i cast out your mama i can cast out your whole family and that's what jesus did jesus was giving the church a wake-up call to show them that the same way i dealt with this one demon i can deal with two thousand in the same way because i'm all powerful and that's what god was showing and i've seen ministers with the mic and interviewing the demon and the demon have in the field the demon is still in your ministry he's stealing a ministry but you give him all this this length of time but if you open mike exactly what color is your hair how you what you what you like yeah what's your favorite color i know i've seen it you're just scared you can't make this stuff how long you've been you can't make that stuff i might i might do i would have cast out three demons already at the time you took to get that guy out no i'd be in the drive-through at the restaurant getting a burger yeah yeah you don't know you don't let the devil steal the show you know he just wants to do a side show of course he wants to do a shot i was in i was in california and this guy i was i was about to preach and this guy came at me i mean like four fours and he's he came at me i said listen to me that's the devil you go sit back over there and i'll deal with you later okay you're not messed up my preaching sit down now and he and he he the demon like you he he didn't know what to do he just he wanted the sound that spoken to him like that right because that's boldness and authority in christ so he sat down and after i finished preaching i said now you come up come up you come up now i tell you come up and come get some of this he came up running again i hit him with the following holy spirit he fell out he didn't want to do himself the demon came out and this guy was a he was a chaplain from going to jails but but you know what happened with him he was a chaplain going to jail but this is what happened when you when you do when you go to when you go into demon territory and you cast out demons and you do this stuff then you got to break backlash retaliation revenge first and transfer supper you gotta shut down you can't just open up a candle weapon and not shut it down so so how i shut it down every time i go somewhere i bought in first of all but i'm going to bind a strong man and then when i'm leaving i break backlash retaliation revenge any transfers of spurs against me my ministry my purpose my destiny against my family against my loved ones and that's against my finances you know i cover everything under the blood i put it i put the wreck and the devil in his place and then you can't cross the line see and the reason you do that is because you were on the other side on the other side you know you know they're coming back reinforcement yeah they're coming back so before they get reinforced i've already put them to sleep in jesus name [Laughter] praise god i'm getting i'm getting drunk in the spirit right now oh my god okay well that brings me to the next question because i want to keep this flow what you're doing here the the the students are asking how do i know what is in my house or life that may be a demonic attachment you have to know which one you have what's in your house is golly or you have stuff in your house that that is on golly that you're giving the devil or not uh you're giving the devil legal rights it don't even it could be a figure of an owl it could be it could be they say by going people's house you got a crow or will you have a crawl in your house i mean that's one of the darkest birds in the you know satanic birds out in the market out in the world so you have these things or sometimes people got crazy movies i mean they had crazy movies right there oh crazy music right so so what do you have in your house dream catcher right oh yeah yeah remember what you drink you wouldn't buy some of things like in puerto rico and haiti and all those places those things were made by witch doctors some of those like you told me you know they're grabbing them at the airport or whatever but they're taking that into their house but to you you you know because you your origins was from puerto rico you you know like what that is a mask that mask is like that came from the demonic right it's like and all that like i'm sure you get things and i get ministers you know with people mellow stuff i get witchcraft melt to me like sometimes i open the thing it looks like it's it's a postcard it's like a card with the psalms and and the scriptures when you open up there's a penny inside it's witchcraft man i mean the devil all and when you know witchcraft foreign spiritual and spiritualism or santeria they use a lot of pennies so they have that so so sometimes they're saying church and i can feel the aura coming out of the church like the the shirt yeah the shirt or the t-shirt so there's like some things that it looks kind of yeah they're dedicated yeah they dedicate to the demon they they do a ritual on it and then they send it to you so you can wear it yeah yeah yeah yeah we get that stuff yeah i get all that yeah yeah so you know cookies i get cookies i don't need your cookies the devil part licked them now you wanna send them to me well it's chocolate chip it's gonna be ready i'm good to go double stuff all the way but all right so uh search your house you have to understand one of the things that what if people's discernment is not there but they're they like these like maybe some of these students tell them what they could do walking through how you can pray in the spirit yeah i i pray lord show me what is in my heart that is offending you what is it what is in my house lord that you grieved what is in my house there's no peace there's no joy there's there's something in my house that is stealing your your your presence to be in my home what are you my home that you're uncomfortable with lord show me lord talk to me lord reveal to me holy spirit is faithful enough to tell you and show you and and and on that you'll you have a lesson to learn from and you can take that lesson and teach someone else that lesson you know so that's i would do it i mean as a young christian you know there was things that the people told me about me but i always took it to god i said look what do you say you know what do you say i take it to god people give me prophecies i grab something let me get them i i'll take them i'll take them to the to the throne room in heaven and now they got to check them out if they were there for me then i'll take them down for me then you know i just i'm in the trash yeah you know everybody's not a prophet come on please yeah and then the demon got pride they got believe me i've seen a lot of people come up in the in the ministry that they said they're prophetic and they're on the divination spirit oh i know and the the whole familiar spirit thing and i call it the pathetic movement exactly yeah they they um so so uh getting getting back to like you could like see personally you being a warlock and then converting and being holy spirit filled and now having discernment you could walk into somebody's house and what may be acceptable to them is not acceptable to you because you you know what kind of damage that does so you know you would never let anyone uh you know you wouldn't let your kids celebrate halloween oh no no yeah because you know what goes on that night and how you could open yourself up and it's not all about the candy no not at all you can need just a hook yeah the thing about that it's there's focusing on the the children and on candy and it's it's so obvious when you've been on the other side and you look at that so and pictures too because yeah not too long i went to a friend's house my friend named tony and i went to his house i went to visit him and said what's up tony we went to visit he this guy did like 15 years in jail now he sold out for christ filled with the holy spirit and he has a roommate because he's coming he's in this program once you come out the program he'll get his own place to other jobs they'll offer them a job this guy's like he read the bible day and night this guy just sold out for christ and we after 30 years we got back together and uh and and one day he invited me to the house and he has a roommate and when i walked into the house i felt something like not right i was like i was like i said man you know what's going on and tony i got my roommate you know i went to meeting him i wanted to pray for him but as we were leaving to the door i saw a picture i saw a picture of sam lazarus it said lazarus is a demonic principality that dresses himself to the catholic church the the the the the man with the crutches and the dogs licking his wall so that that's the principality because that same demon i had a contract with them in the in this in in spiritualism so that picture was at the moment so when you're in the warlock you knew about this yeah i know yeah so that was like lazarus that's that's that is that's the nail of the demonic nail that you have in your house and that's why i saw tony what do you what is that doing there he said that's my my friend he's catholic i said that's a demon yeah and tony said well he ripped it off he said well i'm gonna let him know i'll rip it off i let him know later and when he ripped it off now when i go to this house there's peace oh wow and then the roommate i prayed for him and i bought him a spanish expanded bible on cds because he don't know how to read and uh and now he's he's like he's like everything about jesus yes you know the bottom line is this you know a lot of people a lot of people when it comes down to it it's where's your commitment to the lord you know how much do you love god does it really matter like uh you know if you you know in other words i i i want to trash something rather than even affect my my relationship with god and even paul said you know listen you know there's there's there's through prayer you could you could say you know you could dedicate something to the lord and set apart but if it offends your brother it was weaker in faith then you shouldn't do it but see this is not this is not talking about that area this is talking about the fact that you have an artifact that represents a false god and those false gods in your house and in these situations if you you can reason away but how how how peaceful is your house do you have demonic activity in your house and if you want to have peace and you don't want the demonic activity then all of a sudden man you know people are like okay well that right there that's you know that that's a problem because that that there is a that i've that there is bail and if you look it up you can go in the encyclopedia look up bail and what you have there is bail okay you know so now why would you have bail in your house why would you have uh you know like and and then all of a sudden they got to choose well you know my mom gave me that you know and that's like you know and it's like sentimental but see that right there shows you the attachment to it yeah but you can have right there because it's sentimental in the wrong way it's not sentimental it has no sense of value it has just the demonic value behind it because your mom i mean they signed a lot of times that i go to people's houses and not much but i used to when i used to do deliveries i used to deliver cheesecakes at one time but oh wow god had me delivering cheesecake that was like that's the whole day and i would drop stuff from people's house and i looked to the corner and they had a glass of water in the corner a glass of water in the corner or they had a glass of water with a flower in the corner and everybody's done anything they even come in the water will break that's not really gonna break you're picking up people and there's things that look innocent that's what i'm trying to say the things that look innocent that people uh they call it the it's traditional within the family bloodline okay i understand and traditions in the family bloodline make it's not gonna help you with the having god and how holy spirit in your house and this christian that god mixture this christian that has they they love god they have mixture but they have an altar in the house what kind of statues yeah oh yeah and and i i don't i don't i've seen christians be superstitious and get and and flaky and but superstitious and i saw it as inviting demons but they were like thinking that this is spiritual their activity but it was really literally uh you know it was black and white to me but but there's a lot of gray stuff going on right now and it's turning black pretty quick because we're in a war right now even in this country and now all of a sudden man you know it it doesn't cut it to to be on cruise control right now no no i mean we're pointing the nose of the jets straight up and we're we're we're going to full thrust you've got two options you can be in the cruise ship but you can be in the battleship with jesus yeah you can be on your cruise ship and be a fake christian have a fake christianity have a fake anointing and have a fake holy spirit you can have that the devil will give you that all day long every day but you could be in a battleship with jesus christ and have the real thing yeah and that's that's what i want i want to see transformation i want to see people change and you know i really like like to me i don't consider success if i'm done with a service and i got i got gems laying on the floor and gold dust i mean what what what matters to me is when the people walk out are they changed you know i don't care if they have gold dust black dust i don't care what they have already i'm because exactly how can someone come from far full of demons you come to your meeting and they leave the same yeah it doesn't there's no way it computes with me that a demon would if a demon feels comfortable while i'm preaching the gospel then there's something wrong with me exactly and i'm i'm willing to do it every i go cathy knows this after i preach every night i go home and i have an audit i sit i lay on my bed and i watch my show i watch the whole thing over again and i and the lord gives me an audit and i don't want any devil to ever feel comfortable around me exactly or around a congregation right that god has committed to me okay so with that being said it's not if a devil if a devil's in your house he's he's got to have a reason to be there because there's no way that it adds up the math doesn't work out so just go a step further because they're asking this next one is it you're just leading me in the next question without even knowing them they they uh go deeper now with this because the chris what are the christians doing to open the door to the demonic what are christians doing and and and tell us what you were looking for in those weak spots if if somebody put out a get wanted a contract and they paid you to have somebody killed if they were a christian it wasn't it wasn't it if the person was a strong christian you couldn't touch them but if they but most of the cases they were weak but why what was it that you saw well you know i first of all i i i they told me the name of the person the first and last name of the person i have to look at the person in the spirit round and find out in the spirit around what this person is entertaining first of all what are you entertaining right are you dressing your dog with halloween right are you dressing your door on halloween so that means are you telling me that the devil ready's in there are you dressing your kid and changing their identity with halloween costumes i don't care if you dress them up like the little mermaid that's a marine spirit it is right it's a marine spirit so so what are you doing in your house all your words are coming out of your mouth in your home or yourself are words that are so dark and so gross even though you say you're christian so dark so gross so i have to examine your mouth i have to examine your word if i have to send you that's why the bible speaks about the eye gate the mouth the ear gate if i examine your mouth so i gotta i need to find out what what is what it what is it that is infiltrating your spirit that i can have legal rights to put i cannot incarcerate your spirit yeah and incarcerate you because is it true like i listen to people all the time i can locate where they're at and where they're going just by listening to them and i'm thinking they ain't going where they want to go they're hijacked yeah i i pick it up because your your mouth is a rudder if you're not speaking where you're going i mean then you don't have control exactly but i i listen to this all the time i'm like i'm listening to people i'm like man you know i just want to stop like if i if they were like a student in an airplane i would take the airplane back from south i got the airplane you're not flying this is fine okay because what they're putting in to the inputs of the controls is going to kill both of us yeah yeah and it's not going to be suddenly it's working its way it's just suicide yeah so i would not let a student that when i was with the student and they were they they were getting off off i would say hey you know watch yellow two watch your watch your speed watch watch your direction you know the autopilot's not even engaged you think they're thinking the autopilot's engaged is not it's taken them where it's taken them where it wants to go and so after a while ago you know what i got the airplane and then i go and i fix everything i go okay now listen this is what's going on you got distracted and this is turning into a death wish but it's it's working its way into it and i you wouldn't believe i i don't want to say it on the air like what the situations i found myself in but i i mean you wouldn't believe how many times i either or could have killed myself or the student could have killed me or even another uh like a first officer right like when we were flying or i had somebody else in command there and this is what happens with christians so you your words are powerful oh yeah because you could speak over somebody and that demon would reinforce what you were saying right well i should i share something deep with when i was in the demonic world i was taught in the demonic world i was taught in the demonic world if i didn't have money to buy animals or roosters and or coffins or ingredients from the dark side to do witchcraft to people all i had to do take the first name last name hold it in my hand right and keep speaking death over that person do worse i pray you died today i pray you got cancer i pray chaos and i pray i pray fire will open up your heart i will say things over and over and over to manifest it in the natural on that person do words the demonic word curses over the person and you couldn't break those curses through own witchcraft you couldn't break it the other person that's when christians get saved they come and they come into salvation they got curse words on them they got generational curses those things are still god will take some things up there's something that's going to be there that you're going to have to fight you're going to have to deal with something you're going to have to confront and you're going to have to you're going to have to take the pepsi challenge and bring those things down because there's people that they think you know there's false theology in church we think that we come to jesus now everything falls off and you're still going to have if you have a bunion in your toe you're still going to have a bunion in your toes yeah the next day after you've done it right after you're boarding again well you're still going to get so good and then you feel the spirit two weeks later and the bunion's still there and the button is still there and and if christians don't want to tradition don't don't understand that you come as you are but god will do some things for you but there's some things that god will let there are the things that god will leave there on your generational that you're gonna have to deal with you have to confront you're gonna have to declare and renounce these things you know because they're there they've been spoken over your life they've been spoken even even in your mom's belly your mind might have cursed you by saying i wish you were never born how many times my mom told me i i mean how many times my mom told me you know you just like your father you just like this like your father you know you know you know what good you know you remind me of father my mom used to tell me that anger i had a rebellion my mom was telling me this thing and and the person that i hated the most i became like my dad and you know god broke all those words and it was nothing that my mom was doing on purpose my mom was an abusive wife and she was an abusive wife in the hands of abusive man and you got to be careful what you speak life or death decide today yeah and just like uh you know i have many many people that that that are in my life that have laid hands on me and mentored me but the one thing that jesse duplantis said he said you know there there's a point where you have to ask is a person really a christian at a certain point if they're having these things happening in their life that it doesn't add up there's no fruit you know and so i don't want to put words in his mouth but he he he questions like if a person is having all these these these things going on and it doesn't add up that was there like like i i mean i've read i've read where like uh people would ask is what is true conversion and jesus said produce fruit in keeping with the repentance so the true conversion has to it has to have manifestation okay so at what point is god saying to that like because he said it to me he said god is i'm not mocked a man will reap what he sows so whatever is is being reaped it's what you sowed i didn't sow it so god would tell me no if that's coming up you you sowed that because i'm not mocked right right exactly so so that jesus was all about the fruit and he would curse the tree he would he would say listen if the mountain isn't moving he said check to see if you're if you have offense see if you have if you have unforgiveness he said leave that place of speaking to the mountain go take care of it come back come back okay so there's this idea where you you the way the way you discern because the the the students are wanting to know why why why is a demon allowed to come in and harass a christian why why there's twofold either you open the door or god allowed the demon to come as a test in the trial to figure what happened to job right joe joe joe did god say god should i take the hedge this is what you can do with joe but joe had issues joe was right today he had crazy issues yeah he had issues and he was had an open door for an open door right and he had open door pry because you know he had open door prior because in chapter 36 in chapter 38 you see joe joe had pry and and in chapter 38 you see god said put up your put your parents on i'm going to address you what were you when i was doing it and joe said i knew of you now i know you so joe thought he because he was god he had peace of god he thought he knew everything about god he thought everything was cool i know about god yeah i got this you know you can't go i got this you you can't you always got to have the fear of god in you you know and you can't say i just got to just because you think that you spend time with him you don't know god it's like scratching an iceberg you know you scratch an iceberg that's how much you know about god you know you're not you don't know nothing just just you know you know and that's a lot of christians they come with this whole situation so it basically had you know how how did that demon came into your life how he said you know how you know if you open the door how he's how he's affecting you i know when the demon hits me i know god allowed to happen because i'm on trial i'm being tested god is sharpening me to another level so i gotta deal with this fool in front of me you know i'm saying to get promoted to the next level now if i open the door on something that i did that was ungodly or something that i practiced something that i said and some i invited in the way the demon is coming at me and attacking me i know where why he's attacking me is it a test and god i mean i want me to take the class you know and get the degree on this one or is it or is it i opened the door and invited him in that's good because a lot a lot of students they don't they might not know this but you know this is that if you take out one of these spirits the the higher level devil then it establishes an authority in the spirit realm and you you find yourself in overthrow in that area for other people's lives i've seen you so many times yeah these devils come at me like like uh when you go when you go minister somewhere i don't know if you have this happen to you but before i go i'll be praying interesting for all the people are going to attend that meeting in that city okay and pray for the city i'm praying for everybody gets there that's supposed to pray for unsaved to come to hear my testimony and then i come against those evil spirits that are holding people back and you wouldn't believe it well yes you would because for two or three days i will have devils lined up to contest me going there and i don't even i mean i'm not even there yet yeah i'm i'm here at my house but those are opposition devils yeah they're in opposition okay to slow you up now go they discourage you yeah so you're not go there i'll get you out of your a-game yes exactly that's what they do okay because there's an opposition that will oppose you before you get to the location right so not all uh demonic activity you encounter is because you did something wrong exactly no no because a lot of my students they might be doing something right they're encountering this right now so they're asking because you know but also god can be training you for spiritual warfare because everybody may call for the front line if you call for the front line you can't have trophies you have never had a fight yeah what what what good are you talk yeah i'll talk right so let's see your trophies right if your ministry is a frontline ministry right and then you have to be you have to go through some tests and things that happen in your life that are so supernatural and sometimes you think you're doing something wrong and you're not doing nothing wrong god allowing these things to happen to sharpen you yeah because the devil is the same paper that god will use to polish you all right tell me this tell me this because this this is i've been waiting for this question to ask you this this this this is a question that that most people this is a mature question they want to know what makes witches and warlocks tremble the authority the authority the authority the authority or you you're that's why that's only when the sun seki came into the scene i'm going to share two photos in the bible the phone some students came to the scene they were casting out devils and they had nothing like you said little knickknacks they'll catch that [ __ ] and then they paul preachers jesus whatever that was right and but when the real one showed up when the territories first showed up he said jesus i know he has authority paul has authority who are you see the devil can see in the spirit he don't see the blood he don't see the authority of christ in you so now he said i got all legal rights because you don't belong to the kingdom so i don't have to ask permission to what i'm going to do to you and that's what happened so you also you see the slave girl yeah right the slave girl in the book of acts right prophesizing familiar spirit but that's a feminist spirit but this is the key after three days paul caught on to it right the prophet the woman the reason the woman was prophet said these are these men was the son of the day they've been sent by god he was saying all these things because this is what the demon was doing the demon was setting up the region because the demon understood that they weren't going to stay that's why it took paul three days before he picked up on it so so this is what the demon would do i'm talking to you from from from from bc before christ yeah right so the demon was she was saying yeah these are the man these men were sent by god that you know they said that what she was given she was giving them props yeah she was hooking up with their momentum with their momentum right because she knew that once they leave the region she was going to take the people over because she said you see i was in agreement with them i was in agreement with them you heard me say and they and they validate me because they never said nothing against me so that's why in the third year paul was irritated in his spirit he said come out you want to rumble shut it down like charlie brown well so what authority the authority the time you spend with christ the anointing goddamn don't give lazy people the anointing oh that's good man die not gonna trust you with the anointing be a lazy christian yeah if you're lazy if you if you're a lazy believer god said unto you i don't care how much theology you know i don't care if you know hebrew if you don't if you're not a person you're not paying the price and you're not being tested amen and you're not sacrificed if you don't sacrifice nothing for god you're never gonna get his attention that's right just stay home and build it build a model or something exactly build a table right so so that authority that god placed on you the enemy has to know that he has to bow his knee to that authority amen how many christians you say how many times you've seen christians for 20 years i'm 20 year christian i'm a 30-year christian i'm a 58 christian but you have no authority you smell like smoke yeah because there's nothing that you have that will scare the devil away yeah it's how many years you've been in jesus that don't mean nothing you ever resonated have all the year and you've got nothing on your resume to prove anything it is the authority it is the time that you sacrifice the time that you give everything see to have that authority to have you have to give everything up in god so you can have it all in hell you can't come and make sure you can't come on i'll give god 70 you know i give god 80 percent then you ain't dead yet i mean you got a plan b and you got plan c then you better sit down and come back tomorrow the devil knows it right there never knows it the devil see the devil can't read your thoughts but he read your body language and the devil will put monitoring spirit to monitor you to see when you come out to church what you're going to do that's good that there will monitor you upside down even in your sleep the devil you got a demon standing right there the day you were born the the day you're born god released an angel and the devil released the devil the day you came out of your mommy's womb two things in front of in that room an angel to guard you and the devil to try to destroy you because i i knew doctors that were in witchcraft when they bring their baby out they cursed the baby come on yeah i know principals that were in the witchcraft that they were laying here they would lay the amount of hands on the kids so they they can be recruited to the dark side i lived in that world i was way up there i went down there i went down there just you know i went down there you know milk feeding anybody the level i got up there the level i got with the devil i was a gentleman who came in doctor i seen stuff in there that i knew lawyers i knew doctors i knew i knew judges right now in the bronx supreme court in the bronx that are witches and warlocks sitting up there making decisions for the devil well the high places that fills a lot of blanks and what's going on in our nation exactly right because you know they're they're they're doing these politicians they're drinking level they're they're drinking they're drinking blood they're doing all kinds of rituals sexual rituals they're doing pelophila rituals because the devil wants to get into innocent bodies and innocent things that he can contaminate and then these people have to do that drink that they have to eat human flesh they have to do all that to maintain the contract you don't maintain the contract you're gone and those levels are up there a hierarchy with new milani's hierarchy with freemason all that stuff i just did a deliverance for girl in in kansas city she she went into the freemason situation and they did a demonic retro on her on the marble table i'm not gonna get into the story exactly yeah but yeah but you know the story yeah and i i catch that that castle demons out of she was screaming like someone would put her toes on fire you know and you guys see this great talented a very anointed girl in her 20s i know demeaning a very gifted art and doing things that she could you know she got gifts and and and they did this all these things to her i said well you know what devil that could have been my daughter it's on that's good there you go you know so this is real this is really real but this is more rare than the oxygen we breathe yeah but the the devils they can't they don't know how to handle somebody they can't handle you and me yeah they can't handle us and i don't say that to pride what did you say what did you say like because you were a warlock if you would have encountered me like like when you first met me you said something to me and you know because i'm trying to replicate i'm really like do nothing with you as a as a high level warlord i have a little warlock i couldn't do no the same way when i should project there was regions i couldn't touch because people know how to pray in the spirit people know how to pray spiritual warfare no general prayer little gave me a cupcake in jesus name ain't going to work yeah no you have to have my big toe hurting uh send some kool-aid you know what what what you what what you have in you you have you have the arsenals and you have the holies of holy these people they got the holy spirit but you know you know you're in the outer court i understand you're in the outer court you're just visiting you live with the holy spirit yeah and you have those things i can't penetrate i can't turn around so you're dismantled yeah you could just say i couldn't dismantle you so i had to just look you over and pass you by okay so you hear that students this is what i want to put into you this is this is my goal is to put this into you so that that that a warlock at the highest level will just pass you by and will not even tango with you because he he's he's cutting his losses right there and he's just going on this is what this is why i want you to talk about this is because i'm not special it wasn't because i went to heaven it's because i realized special is you you love god yeah and and because of that the fear of god it flips on the devil see the fear of god is needed in a believer's life you know there's all these people down on the fear of god the fear of the lord and all that but what what they don't understand is if that is in you the fear of you goes transfers to the enemy the enemy has a fear of you because they they can't do nothing with someone who's walking in that holiness because of the fear of the lord it's it flips that it flips the position on the devil so you have to walk in the fear of lord you have to fear god because you're when you're under great authority you walk in great authority yeah so uh so that is the the main thing you're saying with with uh with the tr the trembling and the running that that that happens with a uh with you like with with you you couldn't handle someone who wouldn't back up because i know they've been with god i know they've been with god so so so look there was a situation in in my neighborhood i came down one day from the building right and i didn't know nikki cruz at the time they had nikki crew had this group of people they called troops they do drive-bys and drive-by they go to the corner they'll do some rap songs and then they'll do a preaching a testimony go to another corner so i came down i heard this crazy noise i said holy i said who these hallelujah people got the nerve to come into my neighborhood without my permission in the spirit and and try to stir things up so i ran down the corner to go get them and when i went down the corner to go get them i saw them and i really i say i'm gonna i say i release i release the arsenals of the devil upon them and as soon as i release them they they were and these are 17 year olds these are 17 year olds i released a fire arsenal of the devil upon them and as soon as i released i think came back and hit me the power of god hit me so hard i mean it felt like it broke my chest and now they were like untouchable because they've been with god it was daytime i couldn't even with them i couldn't do 911 and then when i i regrouped right i mean i this is a high rank but i regrouped right so they ran up to like macy's like a couple of bucks there like a half a block over they've ran over that way so that's okay round two let me go get him around i ran over there to try to do the same thing and this thing said bam your spirit just hit me so hard that my tears were coming out i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe it i said forget this i'm going home wow yeah you see because you see they've been with god teenagers teenagers these are these are young people they're 17 18 year olds i was just out there but they they are radical they are sold out they they are there they are spending time connecting don't play you mess you you can't roll with nick if you're not in the holidays or holies you know i mean these kids been proven tested they've been saturated by the anointing by the fear of god and when you have that and you can stand in any corner and then they'll come with the devil throws at you he can't it's not what the devil throws at you it's what you throw at him afterwards but i got hit so hard twice and within 15 minutes i packed up my bags i left yeah you could do nothing you know the students are asking you like like i know you got the devil's playbook i know you got the devil's playbook i know that but they're asking why why does not the devil want us to understand him or his demons he doesn't want us to know about him and he doesn't want to want us to to be able to under understand or see them and this is the idea of cloaking being cloaked like this is their real mode of operation right that's where they are under the radar okay can you talk about that a little bit remember the movie that came out on your suspect and he made that famous quote he said the devil the devil convinced the world that he never exists same thing he's doing with the church that's our church ain't casting out devils that's not true ain't doing nothing they're not confronting enemies so you come in sick you leave sick and they're not doing it because they don't believe that the devil can do that kind of stuff yeah and he doesn't have horns he doesn't have a pitchfork he's done nothing and the devil's playful the devil the devil god took care of the devil and and god took care of the devil i uh i covered she did but god took care of the the the enemies of the israelites but he still left enemies in the land so you can fight so so the devil would hide himself the devil was the devil the devil had himself as the angel of light in your play in your church in your ministry in your life he will hide himself as an angel of light now it's up to you to put you put your finger on it and i think a lot of times people they at one time i was praying one time i went to i did an altar call and this girl was picking a tongue i said that's not tongue guys say oh how are you going to say that that's the holy spirit i said no it's not i know demonic tongue i spoke at them for almost 20 something years so it means something like the holy i said that's not it i said and and and that's a no there's it's the holy spirit so the girl fell back you know like fell backwards in the altar she fell down and he went he put like a blanket over her like you know to cover her i said watch two minutes i said go get it now that's yours that's that's for you i'm not dealing with it and i wasn't scattered i'm teaching you something yeah yeah i'm teaching you something that's good and the devil high to the point like that and if you don't have that discernment you don't have to fear god you don't have the authority you'll never know what it is well i'm sure she's a legitimate christian now no after i i jump on that devil man and he stole something jesus didn't remember well here here's here's the other favorite question i've been i've been wanting to ask you because we've already talked about this uh i want you i want you to to talk to my students about the jezebel because uh this the students are asking what do we need to know about jezebel and uh you're you understand that jesus i see joseph was a spirit joseph is not a woman and people confuse it people think that jezebel because in the bible was a woman they think that it was a normal person they think that it was a human being is a spirit so jezebel can how many jezebel gunning men right and kill their wives out of jealousy well you know even in the church that in in christian marriages the the jezebel spirit jumped on the man and the wife became got murdered you know i saw one thing about bishop jace one time he was he was teaching something and then show all the names oh the woman that got murdered in his church oh gosh any christian woman so jezebel is is a principality sit under satan the kingdom is sitting in the second heaven sitting here two arches over here jezebel here okay that's the way the kingdom of the second heaven is like that and then from there orders come down to over here and you know from over here they distribute this way and they're distributed to the north to south of the east or the worst of the planet understand so that's the way it works suggests about is a spirit there's 21 and 21 rows of gestures i have a book there they said uh i can tell you remember one day we do tj's 21 attributes of jezebel if you don't know the 21 attributes you can come in any other way you'll never recognize who she is because we have this conception that jezebel is a controlling spirit that's just one aspect of who she is well my students like it what book would that be so that they can go get that book what what what's up i'm asking the devil he's right i'm asking that we can go real quick and name all twenty-one they can just tell you all the 21 steps of jezebel before she takes over your ministry and before she destroyed because the jezebel was what jezebel does she destroys she destroys she just destroys this is what she did to samson she destroyed the person then destroyed the anointing there you go destroying the anointing that's what jezebel does hold up to that camera right there oh you want to hold it i mean yeah i read that book okay it's amazing but you know there's 21 rows i mean it's not here to sell a book i'm just wondering no i know that but i'm teaching you i'm teaching you i mean this from free ones that you can send them out you can make copies of the 21 things of jezebel give it to all your students you know i mean print it out and give it to them learn the attributes of jesus because that's one of the that's one of the principality that in the ending is going to rule the most well because it's it's mentioned in revelation it's revelation i still mention the revelation the serpent that was in the garden of eden how is it that it transformed itself in the end as a dragon and it took out it took over two-thirds of the stars i mean they took that's ministry that dropped wow but you you can't fight something that you don't know how to fight you can't fight something that you can't identify you can't find something that you haven't been equipped and been trained so good wow okay we got a couple minutes left let's see here this is so good i don't want you to stop with with this um because uh jezebel i've seen jezebel rising up in leadership uh i i can hear when they're speaking that they're fully i mean i've heard i've heard jezebel talking through people that you wouldn't even you know like in our in our government it's infiltrated and i i've heard i've heard this undermining authority oh yeah what do you guys have pelosi yes and then my name is undermining right you see that in her you see this disrespect yeah you see that you see that gross darkness disrespect that she got the the the the she the way her her character see the devil is already so engrafted in her character then she's no longer speaking is the demon speaking right but it's you can see what what's going on here at the highest levels where it's a dismantling of of america's foundations it's they're trying to dismantle and take away the things so this is what she does she or it does it dismantles and it teaches like it teaches people like in in the revelation it was teaching people how to sin so that god would pull back the favor so i see that in the book of revelation where jezebel is it was that prophet prophetess jezebel was teaching them how to sin which is what what balaam did balaam said i can't curse what god's blessed but here's how if you get them disputing with their god if you teach them how to to intermarry or to have adultery with other nations and could corrupt them that way their god will pull back and this is what jezebel does because i had a contract with jezebel in the demonic world i had a contract so jessica so you dealt with that oh yeah yeah yeah i had a contract with jezebel right i'm going to tell you how i got my contract so just about jezebel no he she wants to take she wants to remove the pillars of your foundation and put her pillows so that's what jessica does she removed the pillars of the righteous foundation of the of the truth of this america she removed those pillars and put her pillars in there understand her whole her foundation to create her foundation in in in the place of government politics you know even in hollywood yeah hollywood in these places so jezebel also turns into marine spirit because i had a contact with jezebel in the seven oceans the seven oceans of uh jamaica in the santeria religion so even even though in the last after i became to christ i had a dream to jeremiah this marine spirit came out with jezebel came out and it was having a conversation with me so my first book having a conversation with me how she would like when you know when you remember when you haven't seen your old friend for a long time you remember this for the old friend she she had that attribute and the dominic public and she manifested in the dominican republic because she's a goddess in the dominican republic and it's called well if you go there like and people they're like missionary women they probably try to deal with that demon they got they got messed up they got burnt out because their demon the demon was she dressed she dressed in a black wedding dress in the dominican republic called anaisa in the dominican republic that's what they call her you know and then also and then and then and she's transformed herself to another another another realm of the spirit and then she goes into the rivers and the rivers when she goes into the river they call her ocho right the mother of the rivers and then when when when we go to santeria parties right this is what jezebel does to prove herself into in santeria parties right when they're gonna do an offering an animal's offering to her they bring a mango and they have to tie the main goat mouth right alive and castrate them alive so that's the ritual that's the ritual so there you have it and now it's all self-explanatory and what she does to leaders that's what i castrate them spiritually and that's what i've seen i've seen this i've watched and deleted turns into they turn into ahabs exactly and i see that happening with our our uh our our our uh congress which he stands up that it's like everyone like is paralyzed and then they they try to come at her and she she's like strategically dismantling and i feel that way now like right now there's silence yeah where are all the congressmen yeah right incarcerated they're quiet right now but at the same time there's 17 states just within the last hour said you know what we're in with that lawsuit this has got to stop there's fraud but where where are the representations it's right it's it's not it's not like what has happened up until now is people are paralyzed by her by that by jezebel okay so you you understand all this i loved it okay so we we yes you lived it so you're looking and you see this how do i how do we coach the students to increase their discernment because that's what they want to ask you too how do they increase their discernment their summary is on increased by the power of the holy spirit first of all you can't it's not it's not something that i i can get a book and say okay my discernment is all my discernment got one i missed i could charge you an iphone my okay i'm at 100 charge battery charger it doesn't work that way the discernment is what the holy spirit gives you it's a relationship with the holy spirit that is my discernment lord give me the gift of the sermon well give me give give me the gift of a sinning the spirit round you have to ask for these gifts man automatically they're not given to you you know the only gift i think god didn't give me was play the piano right but that's okay oh yeah yeah you told us about your piano teacher yeah your piano teacher just pulled you aside and said don't come back come back to my class love don't leave here anymore so so the discernment the discernment into the sermon is about god giving you insight and strategies of the kingdom of darkness and how these spirits manifest and attributes and the characteristics of these spirits you see that you see the spanish girl oh see whatever her name is right she has oh see she has it too she has a jezebel oh yeah i think going on and and you see you see biden biden has a they have spirit right and you see the attribute you see how they form in the person's personality and character characteristics of the person because there is already they already got contracts with this they already made they already played the allegiance to these demons none of the demons are using that's what they're wearing white exactly in the congress you'll see the one you see the more than white right because they've been to the same ritual they're sitting there you know that ritual yeah they're releasing they're releasing demonic spirits at that moment that's what they do because that's what you that's right they don't get up they don't get up they don't clap because they can't and that's nancy pelosi was behind and white with white and hillary clinton came to the yeah when donald trump said that was your sign right right they had done that with the demons with the demons so here we go what a coincidence oh what a coin they don't know each other they don't go the same department store they don't own the same credit card but you're dressed the same color think about it white right and that's just to make it look you see a form of they want to they want people to understand it when you dress in white like that when i should i dress white 365 days plus seven i dress because the principality of gemaya which is a marine spirit the number one marine spirit in the ocean which is attributes of jezebel i had to dress 365 days in white right and number seven is the number that this demon owns since i had to dress seven days extra in white right to finish my ceremony so all in white all the time all the white because they believe that the white represents godliness and garland is not white from the outside it's pure purify from the inside yeah just talk about white-washed tubes right so so the devil would dress in white and make you pure but jesus will purify your inside amen to make you white yeah okay this is the last question this is like amazing because we got wait i mean we could keep on going and i know they probably all want you to but we got we got a uh we got to close it because we got tomorrow we got a deliverance service yeah tomorrow coming um and i i believe that all you every one of you is watching all over the world that you're fasting tomorrow and getting ready like like john said he had a word he said you fast tomorrow and he said then you watch the show you watch the the service tomorrow night at 6 30 central time and um john is going to be i want people to write down everything that's torment to you okay write it down write a list everything is tormenting you things that are afflicting you things that are you struggling with things that have your trap entrapment things that have you bound things that are operating in your mind what what it whether whether it's whether it's generational write the list down bring whatever is whatever's right and bring it down and put it there and then as we pray for you and as we bind the straw man as we bind your strong man and we just we come against these things and we start calling them out you start renouncing them because as you're renouncing them you're telling the devil this no longer owns my life has no more legal rights and those legal rights can be broken one by one and then we hit with hitch with the god the declarations of god the holy spirit and those places that will avoid once they can't come back because we're going to fill them with the holy spirit praise god no no you you know you know because we've talked you can you can sense when you're under attack and then after a while you do an assessment and you can know okay this is this is what's coming at me but i want you to just in these last couple minutes talk to to the students uh that are that because they they want to they were asking like how do you determine if you're under attack which to me is pretty obvious because you know there's missiles flying there's there's all kinds of like stuff flying and things are happening but the spirit of lord prompted me that what there's a preemptive thing and i saw this happen all the i i saw this this pattern happen in in my own life and then in other people's lives this it's this vic being a victim it's being a vic it's victimization where a person has a mentality that when something they get hit there they have that victim mentality and i saw that a preemptive because you know in a an airstrike when you go to war if you notice like uh in iraq and places like that where we had the gulf war they knocked out the communications first and so my buddies that were over there that's what they did they they had uh the gps coordinates in baghdad and in all those areas around there they were on the ground months before we knew that there was even going to be a war they were getting they said they were going from place to place getting coordinates to put in the cruise missiles on the ships and then the stealth fighters so when the stealth fighters and everything came in they all took out all the communications first okay so i saw that preemptively satan starts to get you in a rejection mode or in a victimization mode and it shuts down your communication with god but see nothing's happened yet right right then he comes in bam right and then you think okay god's mad at me right like who said he's like god came down at me where are you right well they just like sin but you know he was like he was like one to work he was going to work with them but they were hiding so can you talk about these people people are asking you to explain some of the telltale signs that they're under attack but i i really want you to focus on this victimization because you can see this with christians they you you even look at some people wrong and they this all of a sudden they go in a tailspin yeah you know if something doesn't work out they think that god is mad at them and the whole time it's it's god has nothing to do with it he wasn't even in the area at the time but this is what the devil does there's two fights to the there's two there's two there's two uh two sides of the spectrum with that right the first other spectrum i do what david do right uh first of all i don't get in the rain just for any fight right because david said he acquired the lord before he went to war that's right so i have to find out that's my fight first of all i don't care how the attack is coming i don't care how hard it hit me i don't care if i smoke like toast for a week i'd be still know these guys lord what's going on what is what's going on here i do an assessment of what's going on and i'm going to talk to god is it my fight should i pursue should i get in the ring with the devil in this situation or not because it could just be a kind of a fight to wear me out and then the real fight shows up right that's that's that's one one strategy that you have to understand as a spiritual warfare person as a vessel of honor for jesus christ you know you need to understand you know what what is why is this coming why is this here today why what's happening because sometimes a lot of people get into spiritual warfare and they get exhausted fasting and doing their stuff and then you know the situation was never your fight was never your situation and then you know sometimes the devil throw a counter situation so he could get you under the back door with the real fight and then he then you're spiritually exhausted now he's now you show up before the real fight shows up that's one thing another thing is that what the devil does is he he destroyed the character guard in your life god is mad at me god doesn't want me god god god abandoned me god bless me so this is what the devil does it's rather god will never leave you forsake you it's in the bible so let's get that straight so what the devil does what the devil does it's see if i hit you and you commit sin then you can run and repent so you can go and repent but if i destroyed the character god you have nowhere to go to repent so you go into that pity mode you go into that party mode you go into that loser mode you go into that defeated mode god doesn't love me god's not hearing my prayer god doesn't want me more god is upset with me god hates me so they go into that condition because there's a condition the mind goes into it the person goes through and then what i'm doing in that condition not only you are having a pity party you're not seeking god i disconnected you from the vine i'm disconnecting you from god i separated you from one from the other and now i got you and then that's how you backslide or you buy or that's how you lead the faith or that's how you lead the ministry that's it that's that is amazing well look in the camera and just uh to close this out in prayer and uh if you have anything in your spirit you want to pray over prophesy uh you want to break you up and beat the devil over the head a couple times and just do it just go ahead hey man i just want to say right now in the name of jesus christ you just got to stand and know that god is god and you have to understand that the calling that god put in your life right now is sealing the blood of jesus christ i don't care what's coming at you today in the name of jesus so today father god i just declare and decree right now in the name of jesus christ every hindering delay blockages and distractions against the students of today in the name of every distraction every roadblock every satanic attack demonic attack every death the devil is confusing my brothers and sisters in the name of jesus christ we paralyze those tongues we break down the arsenals of the kingdom of darkness we break down the communication order we break down every devil they've been infiltrating you in the spirit and watching you at night and watching in the spirit i blind those devils i confuse their language i put the judgment of god upon their head i sent confusion to the devil's camp let the devils attack one another in the name of jesus christ i release the arsons of god upon their heads in the name of jesus right now i break stronghold bondages i break every doubt fear unbelief upon you in the name of jesus christ and i pray by the father the holy spirit will reign rule in you through you right now refreshing you renew your mind heart spirit and soul every and then anything that joins every demonic pity party devil in the name of jesus christ i cash you out in the name of jesus christ every satanic attack every lying spirit deceiving spirit every schemes and walls of the enemy that has tricked you and trapped you and paralyzed you i break that off in the name of jesus christ and i pray that father god right now fill up the cup to overflow in jesus name with a fresh anointing of the holy spirit let the fire god rest upon your bones like jeremiah father i pray right now lord there any place that they need resurrection power yes in their life right now release it now in jesus name we pray amen jesus amen well i believe i believe that you've been transformed and and just know we we all here agree with you for your deliverance for whatever god has promised you we are in agreement with you we love you but we know that there's a time for maturity where you just have to lip it up you have to be a soldier and you have to choose who you're going to serve and you're not going to serve the devil and john he chose to serve jesus christ and when he did there was a separation that came and when he left his old life he he came into the new but he brought the wisdom and the understanding of the demonic with him and he has he has the playbook of the devil and he is he has really helped us tonight and i just thank god for you john thank you for for for sharing and helping here at warrior notes you've really helped because this is the time in the season not to back off we're about to see a miracle in our country it was written a long time ago but it's going to be a performance of the lord god when the host of angel armies come and you're going to see a routing and then you know would you just with with uh the lord just prompted me before i say goodbye to everybody um there is going to be a huge uh a can of of of of a whooping coming oh yeah next year right 2021 a lot of people you're going to see a lot of funerals a lot of funerals because people that have that they have stood in the way of what god was doing mm-hmm they're they're people that they're not going to be on the right side of things right side of things and god's going to bring journalists for people god's going to bring judgment to the church that voted devoted against voted for evil yeah not democrat or republican you voted for evil god's going to bring judgment and the people that are doing the evil god that god is going to bring judgment upon them and there's going to be people that god told me that they won't pass away yeah because they didn't stand up for the righteous decrees of what the word of god says and one of them is is that we as a church need to stand up for the babies that are being uh sacrificed but that's the church of jesus christ in the womb so how are you not going to stand up for the church for the brother and sister that is in the world are you your brother's keeper yes or no are you going to back down and are you going to back up and back down are you going to fight the good fight right it's it's like like i say all the time it's never going to be right to kill a baby it's never going to be right ever okay so psalms 139 16 says that each one of our days was written in a book before one of them came to pass and that he watched our bodies form in our mother's womb amen okay so baby jesus baby jesus and mary met in the womb met john the baptist in elizabeth they were both in the womb at six months old in the womb they leaped they left inside because they knew each other in the in this this is a baby in a woman six months so it's never going to be right to abort a baby it's never going to be right to kill a baby the church needs to rise up and and and continue to support life so this is dr kevin zadai with all our staff and and thank you all for for for supporting and um you know my staff is strong and john thank you john for for what you're doing and what you've uh laid out to us and remember next uh next thing tomorrow is you you uh you give yourself to the lord tomorrow you you you don't let the devil in any way take you out of your game tomorrow because at 6 30 when you watch you're going to see the deliverance of your god jesus christ is a sharp sword and he's a has a has fire in his mouth he has fire in his eyes and he is your deliverer so so tune in next time at 6 30 tomorrow night central time god bless you thank you all you students for being faithful thank you all my partners thank you for everybody on youtube and facebook we love you and we're in agreement for your deliverance uh god is with you in a mighty way we'll see you next time bye-bye um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] oh hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me so [Music] oh building glory [Music] the whole earth is is [Music] is the whole earth is filled [Music] so oh [Music] me [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] there is my gift [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 326,656
Rating: 4.9236221 out of 5
Id: _m8ceIyX9Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 30sec (6930 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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