The Absolute Beginners guide to Rimworld 1.0- part 3

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hey this is bug pilatus thank you for joining me for episode three of the absolute beginners guide to a rim world if you haven't seen episodes 1 until you probably want to go and check those out on include the description sorry the link in the description as we'll be starting at this point here when some of the things that you may want to see have already been covered so I highly recommend watching episodes 1 - if you are a new player ok that being said I'm assuming you watch episodes 1 or 2 and we left episode 2 with our colonists now turning their attention towards building a stockroom also I think when he's build infirmary and I was going to put the stock trim down here but I think in retrospect it's mining out all this is probably others take too long so I'm going to just build a stockroom here I mean a small infirmary here and sorry the stock room here infirmary here this is where we can put some of the production area so producing things such as you know I'm gonna put a sailor bench in you know and just leave space for some of the other things that we want notably a research bench oops which we need to get in and get on with because we'd start researching some important stuff but again I think to be honest we need we need batteries I need to start working towards gun turrets because gun turrets it takes somewhat to get to as you can see smithing machining gunsmithing blowback gun turrets so although each of these is not a lot of research mean thousand five hundred etc it's not a great deal it does take time when they all add up I mean you're starting to get into I mean what 3000 takes quite a long time so that's we're gonna start doing so let's notably you get to get some trees cut down because again the building with wood and what this also does I'm going to add in a like they're basically a transit corridor so they can get to the bedrooms quite easily so let's set up the structure first what's going to draw the wall then I'll go back and our doors as necessary so I'll do that do that we're gonna have to mine that out because I'll see you it's right in the middle I'm gonna put doors in right here so let's go to structure on the door door there door there and I think just put the door so this is a story probably don't access it from the outside so get to it quite quickly from there door in the middle and on the middle there okay so these guys can press on this just go to live these trees it's gonna get in the way one thing I didn't want to do and not remove was that they can get around here easily enough so just to recap we've got some we got the fridge we got a butcher table and that cooking unit set up so we can now start asking to animals so what lights do just getting firmly set up first really because this is quite important so to get it's done dusted and also storing to get things that really from the outside but of course when you've only got three three colonists things start to get quite difficult got so many different things you want to do you need to kind of juggle the priority so for instance I mean we can't quite quite a bit stone now it's not most but it will kind of do and honestly building walls at the moment is not property so I'm gonna suspend the stone building freeing up the in re on its gonna do other stuff would like to get this finished research bench in and we can get started on it so what we'll also do is run some power so here this area so I get a research bench in and get a light in as well so the light for the production area now all of these corners have got construction above mining which is why nobody's doing this mining job here first let's go to that tree and I think all the wood has been used up so we're gonna get them to chop down this wood as well and as I said I think in the previous sort of wonderful episode having a wood walls is not desirable paying cash fine you can have a proper Inferno and you can basically lose your base and very easily so we're going to swap this out in due course this probably won't be that on the the absolute beginners videos because I don't intend to run this as a let's play I just want to show you how to get like a basic base up and running and sorts to be sustainable maybe get to the winter depend on how it goes probably not to be honest this may be the last episode well maybe one more after this they won't we'll see how it goes and run it on fast speed so we've got our I'll stop them setup so while they were doing that what I'm going to do I'm going to create a stockpile zone here and we're going to specify things to slow in here that are going to perish outside and need to be inside ok so start off by clearing you created the zone let me clear everything we don't foods in here foods want to be in a refrigerator so whilst we want inside textiles yes medicine and drugs mortar shells I guess we don't want components components don't go off outside if you click on this component oh no it does my bad sorry so yeah we'll have components inside as well chem fueled components all this stuff is going to go off outside of more resources generally speaking don't you know it's like stuff you get out of the ground so that all can stay on this stockpile quite frankly items so this stuff mostly your golf outside weapons will definitely go off outside that they should it's here right basically due to adverse weather apparel clothes etc yeah absolutely this stuff will go off chunks won't and corpses we don't want to store near courses we'll go in here so that's good now what I'm going to do is event to remove the all the things that we included in here from here so we don't want any technical ATS no manufactured stuff to be outside we don't want these items to be outside we don't apparel or weapons or buildings that's that's all fine boat if you need to put chunks here we can that's that's all good so what's going to happen now is that basically all the stuff that is perishable that we've said we want in here will start to be moved from here from here to here from here sorry okay so that structures been done that's good we've got a little bit of wood left over so what I'm going to do to make the walking faster we're going to put down some wood flooring along here it's always worth bearing in mind about transit speed if you're not sure just um click on the ground and then look down here and it shows you what the walk speed is over this particular square now it does change given what works so for us is mud for instance you'll see here walk speed 52 down here in the bottom left hand corner normal ground sort of 87 percent if it's it was fir times 100 percent in the soil sorry they got stone so 87 percent so as as you get mud actually gets snow etc the the actual trying to be gets much slower but the advantages of putting proper floors down is it adds to the beauty I think I explained in the previous episode and it makes walking now significantly quicker so make sure you get the doorways as well so this is now indoors because we've got a door on each Atlas caudal xanax said to be endorsed as you can see when it's down here if I hover over that area so it's not a chip away here and this is gonna be our production area so it actually we want to have a decent floor now as well they've have a surplus of of metal that you can actually use paved tiles these can be it says if you click on it it does say it's neutral in terms of looks and slow to build that's why it does actually look quite good but it's instance we're just going to use wood floor so let's pop a in there the other thing that said needs to do is put your standing around let's get some light in there because that loan is simply picking the dark it doesn't show it really on the UI but it is if you hover over that again you'll see down here dark 0% so that must look good so got a light in and out just fab go to production and we're going to create a simple research bench hold on the corner will get store as well brilliant okay right so this was going to happen at some point regardless trade so raids raise can really be from any one of the factions down here who are hostile toward you so every one of these three guys so if you hover over it we can see it's the grid parts from the equus so these these guys down here and they're totally hostile to us and that's fine you won't get ready to buy the neutrals but also raids can also be from mechanoids as well in a variety of different forms they can arrive in drop ships or they can come from a poison ship was just sort crash lands on the map so if we click on the raid and jaunt to location will do that a second it's worth reading this because there'll be one of two things you can either be they'll prepare for a while then attack or they're attacking immediately or actually the third option is they want to seed you now it has to come later game and that means they're going to set up a siege further out and then bombard you with mortars and these mortars can have incendiary shells or high explosive I'm not sure if they have EMP we can use EMP mortars but don't if they can use EMP but certainly a sentry mortars can be a huge problem for your colony especially not everything that has wood says Johnson location the first rate is always one guy and he tends to be Mele equipped so we can have a click on this guy took his bio and we can see let's take a look at his bio so his careful shoots at he's kinds that's a good trait to have and he's a fast learner which is a good trait to have he's got relatively good all-round skills he can't do crafting or intellectual not really a big deal so this guy would actually be quite a good guy to have in the colony the only problem is we don't have a prisoner area set up yet it's currently being mined still so we may have to do a little bit of jiggery-pokery if we can incapacitate him but not kill him outright so that's something to bear in mind we can actually use one we can tell one of these into a prison cell and I'll show you how to do that right so it says there that he is that he's going to mill around for a bit and then he's going to attack us he's not talking us yet so if you keep an eye on he was just gonna move backwards and forwards okay so when he begins his attack we'll get notified it was say up here in the meantime I've noticed that down here that we have we're missing recreation variety so it's worth pointing out that these guys all need as part of their needs system they need recreation which currently they're not getting and there's lots of different ways that they can do recreation and now at the moment you can do some horseshoes pin create chess table poker table or billiards table now these two tends to be off the table if you excuse the pun to start off with because you need cloth and basically need to grow cloth there's no easy way to get cloth early game maybe through trading but you have to grow it basically by growing cotton so generally stick down of horseshoes pin it's cheap it's effective so just gonna bang something down there it doesn't matter really way you puts it they all just use that automatically once it's built so that's probably you know a good starting point okay so research channels being built we got her infirmary pretty much and ready as we wants it to be in terms of space sticking with law and we're also going to stick a couple of beds in as well now if you turn it around so the head is facing nearest to the door it means that they'll get that they'll get seen to slightly quicker because otherwise they have to go to the head of the bed so I'll put three beds in side-by-side I'm going to stick a light in there as well and we'll come back to this when it's done so we can actually store the medicine here medicine doesn't have to be the chiller just needs to be inside I think that may have changed me we all find out I don't know if it deteriorates if it's just outside or there has to be cold I also can't remember so we will find out okay so our storerooms looking good the other stuff that's outside now stuff that doesn't parish actually got our of prison being built it's great right so up here see this partisan equals our beginning there was sorting if you hover over that it shows you an arrow the way you can scroll down if you if you so wish okay there is so this guy's beginning as attack okay so what we need to do now he's a melee attack er we have ranged weapons what we want to do is you want him to cross the open as much as possible so I'll select all our units you don't do that well you can stay in them one by one with the shift key press the draft key and we're gonna put them up here so this guy has to cross open ground to get to us there we can see maybe as he's making his way up now I've got on three times spinners going to slow it down slightly so this guy's got the longest range up a little bit okay so the range of this guy's we can see he's almost in range of the rifle but he just have to come around corner the rifle start aiming as you can see so this what's this shape Pete a piece of pie that starts going down as he's aiming some weapons have a very long aim time such as rifles and sniper rifles other weapons don't so let me just slow this now you can see those shot misses now that was a hit so what happened to him he got hit in the right leg so that slowed him down you know so he slowed down quite 6what quite significantly now lost his right tibia so he won't stop moving very which is good for us okay so he was taken down by El Ariane and again if you want to double check that you can go to the lot and you can see as far from his point of view he was hit by bolt action and then finally in irons revolver bullet hit John and it caused him to collapse so he's down okay so he's down now he's not dead because he's wiggling about and the exclamation mark above his head is going off this is a good thing because it means that we can patch him up and then we can try and recruit him this is an important part of the game they don't have to recruit him you can just go up and you can shoot him on the ground and it's no big deal but really at this early stage every person you can get is quite key first to check is nothing's been shot off it hasn't having this artery blockage to his heart is not great however his skill set is actually pretty good so he'd be quite a good addition to the team now the big problem is is that if we try and so let's unand raft these guys I'm gonna pick on El Ariane and I'm gonna right-click and I'll say capture now if I do that I get this error cannot capture now reachable unreserved enclosed prisoner marked bed in safe temperature now if you're new to the game this may be just a lot of gobbledygook because I'm white what does that mean okay basically what it's saying is you don't have an enclosed prisoner bed prisoner room that is in a safe temperature so that's what I was building down here but this room isn't ready yet so let's do quite simply is I'll just quickly switch over one of these rooms to be a prisoner bed where I can just put down a just mark an area to be a prisoner bed area and he can sleep in there for now so what I'll do I'll probably use this area here because why not so you go to furniture you go to sleeping spot and I sleep in stock doesn't build anything as it says it doesn't it's a spot on the ground with people sleep okay it's not comfortable but in this instance we got prisoner before we're expecting to have one so this will do for now you click on from sleeping spot we're gonna click on here ok now this is the important bit you click on the sleeping spot and then you click on for prisoners now you'll notice it changed the entire room to a kind of a brownie glowing color from a previous blue and blue would mean that colonists can use this this means prisoners can now use this is a prisoner room so this door will be locked prisoners can't come through here they have to if they're gonna they're gonna smash their way out but this is our prisoner area ok and it's in a safe temperature it's 24 degrees you can see in the bottom right hand corner so this is now a prison area it's not ideal because he doesn't have a it's not particular environment he doesn't have a bed etc but we can fix that so now if we get a Lhari on and we right-click on John let me say capture it's now gonna let us do it so that's important it's not super clear why you want to be able to catch somebody now first thing we got to do is we got to patch him up immediately because he's bleeding two hundred eighty eight percent a day and he has death in that yet eight hours so to sort him out if we don't patch his bleeding up he may get get some sort of other bad ailments happening to him normally blood loss related before he actually dies so we don't that's happen either so who's our doctor let's have a quick look is either contrite us contreras sorry or fringe' okay so the medicine is done here that's fine let's get Fringe er in there go now ready so al re on it's going to pick up John so we pick up John I've just under four bit his knife so somebody will pick it up and bring it in because we're short on weapons and this is nothing that I want to show you actually very quickly but we'll come to that in a second right so so Lauren's dumped John down on the ground now this is something that will now become available to you you click on John you'll notice that another couple of tabs have popped up okay firstly prisoner we're specifying here what medicine we want allow him to have now if it was not badly injured he just had bruises you could say give him doctor care but don't give him any medicine at all so you're not using up any precious medicine he's just getting like a bandaged or something this is recruitment difficulty 60% so that's not too bad how much resistance does he have 26 now this was brought out I think with 1.0 I don't entirely understand why you would reduce resistance before you would recruit somebody does this make that more difficult I've not looked too heavily into it but I've always just gone to recruit straight away so we're trying to recruit him you could execute him we could release him if you release him he has released at the earliest opportunity he goes off the to the end of the map and you're standing with his faction gets a bit better if you execute him now he's considered guilty so none of you get a debuff but if you execute him outside of this time your colonists will get like a debuff about the guilt and the the anguish they had of trying to kill a person who was trying to kill them but there we go so I was going to recruit and we're gonna patch him up with some he'll route not proper medicine so he'll get this your route here we want to say the proper medicine for us you're serious much more serious cases maybe I'm being a bit stingy but let's go with your route for now okay having specified that we're going to right-click on fringe ER because fringe is the good doctor I think 13 yeah gonna right-click on fringe er who should eventually get to this but she's heading for bed you can see she's heading to be resting so I'm now gonna right-click on John and I will say prioritize tending to John Luddite she will now go and get some herbal medicine as we've specified and she's gonna go round and she's going to start heating up John now if you click on John we click on the health tab you'll see that if I just speed this up these will start getting patched a white bandage means it's good quality you see at 90 percent darker bandages mean the quality of the the actual fix is much lower however John now has no blood loss okay so he's he's cool he's actually healing now I'm also going to make this sleeping spot medical medical use and unfortunately he actually gets an infection chance multiply from the rule of 76 percent because it's not clean so needs to get him out of here as soon as possible and into a show of proper because he could get the affection as it says so fringes now fed him and now she's gone to bed jeonse needs he's hidden he's got a lot of pain sleeping on the ground to an awful prison cell and he's not in great of Harold if you haven't seen ratty apparel it means the basis if you look at his gear one of his or more of his apparel is under 50% quality which I think I touched upon yesterday so I need to get him in some new clothes as soon as possible to avoid this just debuff basically okay so the rate has been thwarted we have a prisoner and it's night time so next day when he started hunting again gets more food with four mouths to feed now so it says that he's now known only a table of walking which is good so he's getting better however he has an infection as expected okay now having infections it is treatable we have a good doctor but he means he's gonna start burning through medicine quite quickly so what I'd like to do is find if we can just have some he'll route so we can get some herbal medicine so we save our good medicine for when we actually need it that's kind of the key thing here so what I'm going to do I'll find one off Hill root double-click it and then you see all the other Hillary on the map so I need to find stuff that's actually near 100% so I can harvest it so these are ones up here look pretty good so I'm gonna do it's gonna go for harvest I don't let's choose that one that one that one that one as well and that should be okay for now so that's that now we've got the research bench to complete what I'd like to do is actually get John moved now to somewhere else which we can actually use as a proper prisoner cell musashi you could just convert one of these you know yeah I want to move mattes rooks is obviously dirty so let's say well let's say us for prisoners we're gonna take that off prisoners so he now needs to be picked up and moved to do this we're gonna recap James but now he's he's in a proper a proper bed in a clean room I just make sure that this hasn't resets we're still recruiting you still get Huggle medicine and his health is still okay you'll notice that he's got even minor infection now it's probably a good idea to put a light in here just for now I don't tend to put lights and bedrooms because when they sleep they don't care about not having a light in the bedroom but because the prisoner this is gonna be his his whole world even when he's awake you need to see some pop and light in here just to make sure that he doesn't get debuff from from not having any light so that'll do for now Charles you've done have a bed in hell for for Contreras so we'll put a sleeping spot just on the ground in fact let's build a bed because we've got we've got lots of wood around doesn't take long to build a bed so let's just do that quickly I guess Oh Contreras now has he's got us - lots of her mostly just harvested which is good excuse the coffee it's not too rainy okay so now it's got light now the person who will try and recruit John is the person with a warden in skill sir Contreras because their social skill is the the highest of the three in fact Ariane doesn't do warden and fringes is zero we have a warden who set to skill three disadvantage of this of course is that it could take a while to recruit job so this is going to be an ongoing thing no doubt now one thing you want to do is basically get these stones and stuff out of here so you can do that by clicking on it and clicking on whole things now what will happen is this will then get dragged to the nearest stockpile that they sets these these items this will not happen automatically okay so if you have bits of rubbish that are we don't want to be you have to specify I call them that only applies to these chunks items like guns or clothes or whatever they they'll get hauled automatically but things like chunks like this or metal chunks they will not get moved so that's just another tip you have to specify all and you can actually speed up by clicking somebody right-clicking and saying prioritize hauling that that could work view so we can get rid of that on the ground now so this is the first of our Infirmary bets up and now you can mark it as medical because that's this will absolutely swap this be useful marking is medical means that colonists won't use these beds for their own this specifically for medical use only so only if they're injured when they come to this area but more importantly they will come here if they're injured rather than their own beds because they have the the bed rest sorry patients item sets so it says they go to a medical bed for treatment okay so go here not here is why it's important to get infirmary set up which means we can also put some medicine eventually nearby and it's quite near as it is here although to be fair what I probably need to do is put a door in here so now they can come out here into here get some medicine back out as at the moment they got it we'll all the way around which is a bit silly let's change that to better clothes well you notice over here says need colonist beds so that's something that's reminding us that we don't have enough beds for like colonists well we're gonna build the third one here but route would again so let's let's deal with that because we use all the wood for these beds a moment or two ago so it's get chop wood you can see how quickly we burn through wood I mean there's hardly any wood left here around the base because we burn through all now if you have a light on in a room that you basically you don't need to use it's a waste electricity you can actually just highlights it click on designate power now somebody will come along and I'll switch off now that priority lies under the basic skill set as it says there release prisoners flip switches okay so we're now saving electricity however we need to get batteries quite quickly as I said because if this if there is a solar flare for instance this will get switched off and we might need to rely on batteries actually solar flares are bad example because what it does is that kills all all all electrics there's something else happens and we need battery power well we don't have any so the research bench has been built which means we now click on research and we can now start moving towards something that we ought to research so I would recommend as I said pay close attention to batteries first of all and then you may want to consider as I said gun turrets this is a good thing for defense not necessarily early game but you might want to consider that both say yeah definitely batteries you may want to consider solar paneling they will consider waterml generator if you're near to a river you can put those in the rivers geothermal power is awesome but it's it's a huge research requirement so maybe not so much straight away you wanna start making my weapons you want start going down we'll see that the smithing route which coincidentally is also goes towards gun turrets you are start able to making your own weapons as you get towards ground towers turrets which is really nice this stuff up here probably wouldn't bother with drug production for now that's more of kind of a late game so what I'm gonna do is start to research batteries now that will do is that will get one of my colonists who's got the research skill so let's hop over that three two and four so you'll get this guy to do it as soon as he's finished his other tasks so it's fringe' so this is the busy one cooking hunting researching so she will then start to do research kind of at the back ends again you can tweak this so if you want me to do research is more the priority and do that you can do parties of things but at the moment we've only got one person cooking and hunting so that really has to be fringe' okay so starting to run out of food we're not making any more food currently and because nobody has so we've we've deconstructed this is something to be aware of deconstructed the door the hole for the door but not actually start building you new door yet which means this refrigeration is now flowing out the room and going down the corridor so this is no longer refrigerated that's a problem so what we need to do is we need to actually prioritize this door from being built that for being built so what are our colonists doing and Ariane is digging he's harvesting lote-tree which is fine we wanted to do that so let me show you this this is a really handy thing to happen was added only recently say we're saying right Contreras he's digging the oak tree now I suppose you do he's actually going back to eat a meal okay so what we're gonna do is we can say okay after you do this I want you to chop down the tree and then work on the door so what you do is you highlight him you hold down the shift key you right-click the tree and say prioritize cutting pop the tree so you're queuing up orders so he will now come back and do the poplar tree then hold down shift again right click and prioritize working the door so now what he'll do is he'll come here here eat we'll go down here he walk chop the tree down he's now hauling wood to wooden bed it's interesting oh I see okay no that's fine so he already had cued up to put the woods into the bed which he's done so the bed has more resources but then our party kicked in and he's now working on the door so the doors in which means that the temperature if you look down the right-hand side to help is now dropping back down to refrigerated which is perfect exactly what you want okay so how's John getting on so John's in fascias I moved to major but you can see that he has been treated well tended should I say and it can be tented again in 11 hours so you notice if you hover over this two-thirds of the way dancers immunity 51% this is important your infection will go away when you reach 100% immunity now if you've had good care and you're not too ill you will get 100% immunity if you don't you will die so infections are not to be taken lightly you want to get the best medicine and the best doctors on people who have infections now in this case I haven't that doesn't matter because this is just a tutorial so I'm just showing you what could happen so we've got research up we got our infirmary ready to go we've got one of the stone blocks has been hauled we have power so we are on our way to becoming more less as sustainable colony so at this point we are a little bit low on food nothing's being cooked because we don't have ten units of resource to cook how's our sour rice plants actually 76% grow so once this harvest comes in we'll have lots of nice food just bear in mind that when winter comes okay you're gonna have to rely on your stockpile of reserve resources to eat from so I'd highly recommend stocking up as much as you can in enlarging this freezer freezer or maybe create another freezer in order to stop the pods once you can hunt as much as you can and grow as much as you can I mean you have have many more zones for growing so growing zone is create another growing zone yeah let's do something strawberries this time and we'll have oh yeah this point worth mentioning you can grow heal root so you can grow your own medicine so let's say we're gonna do that but it tells you that you need a grower needs eight skill to do that so if you look at the bios of all our guys he's got plants to plant seven plants zero so Contreras he will soon get to level level eight so I'm just notice he's sleeping outside why would you do that sure you know get a bed in time okay all right so what's happened is he doesn't have a he didn't have a specified sleeping spot when he needed to sleep she went to sleep outside however his bed's ready for him so what we can do is we can actually say set owner Contreras so that's been assigned and what we can do now is wake him up by drafting him and then undrafted now he might go back to sleep but if he feels he doesn't need to he will just carry on with his normal day-to-day work so which is what he's doing attempted to recruit John so lots of nice chats John we can see that he's he's got a couple of a couple of positives but mostly he's not happy awful prison cell so why is this prison cell alter let's have a look there's couple of spots of dirts basically so so I'll do with Contreras will say after you've done your medica stuff got a shift and right click clean the dirt and he'll now clean the dirt in John's room and she's done very quickly so now it's room has gone back to no it's still got a bit of dirt okay there's a minus fifteen that don't know why clearly isn't otherwise mm-hmm okay - fifteen don't know why there's no like dirt but there we go okay so there's something in there which was making the room appear not on this desirable but he has cleaned it to the best of his ability right no more stone kind going on its turn off the power we are now growing more there we've got a little bit of wood you now have the prison if you want to set this up as a prison which we can do so what we'll do is we will run power down here now you can't run power into Rock unfortunately you can run it into walls but this is rock so you can't do that so what I think we'll do is we'll mine I mean lamps will stretch across this so you don't have to mine that out so let me come let's just demonstrate that it's putting standing lamp here you can actually stretch from the main generator so that's cool I will stick a bed in here as well but also I think - a little bit more work in a bit more space we could put a table a table and chairs for him to eat his food on I'm sticking a door as well and what I'm gonna do because this is a prison I'm actually gonna use a proper door so we've got some marble blocks here so I'm going to put in a marble door now prisoners do attempt to break out sometime so having a marble tool here it would actually be a smarter idea because hitpoints or a wooden door only hundred four but hit points from marble door are considerably more as we will see when we finish building it it takes a while but it's okay so the research is ongoing we can see the researchers now and are building up and fringe' is increasing her research as you can see it sticking up as she does research so she'll soon hit level 5 which is great because obviously somebody's good at research too - really this will tuck in swept and get on with it okay she stopped researching into to look after John John is actually still in a lot of pain because obviously he's sick so that's gonna kind of debuff him oh there we go so his infection he's doing it to immunity now so this will now die off he won't be effaced anymore you'll now start to improve and some of this will start to go down okay so that's looking quite good you got words we got a prison bed so let me change that to be a for prisoners and we've dug that out so I'm going to put in small table him and we're gonna play in a and honestly I think it doesn't hurt we're gonna put in a little plant pot as well just to make his cell pleasurable because obviously the happy a prisoner is more likely is to join you so I'm going to put a little plant pot in his room which they'll grow and you can have a Danza line in it or some daylily or you know any any amount of Pleasant plants but more importantly we can give thing give Contreras his room back which is the main thing so we've made quite a bit of progress in this this session we've got research our infirmary up infirmary a little bit cramped but that's not a problem because it's early days and so what we can do now is we can potentially put some medicine here so it's a lot closer and we'll just show you how to do that pazzo they will say we don't want anything in at all apart from medicine under manufactured I will say we want say medicine we don't hurdle medicine they're just normal medicine or I thought doesn't matter I will give that a priority of preferred so so what does this mean if you have two stockpiles which have say the same thing so you have medicines on here most is on here if you set a property on one of them to be higher than the other one that's the one that will get the items first then it'll fail over to the other one if it's full so we start to move a cup of these units here see so now we have 25 lots of medicine on this preferred stock pot so that's all good to go so what we can do again we can move John by saying that's not for prisoners fringe' can not do anything with him okay why can't me recapture him that's interesting I think although it worked last time is because he was incapacitated I think what happened prioritize taking to bed there we go right so he's now gonna get taken to the new and I don't know why I wasn't even asked the option with the other person maybe because hauling skill was not loud or something I don't know anyway so he's now in the prison area he's something to crew him it's all good he's got some slightly prettier cell in terms of a daylily but everything else ESP minus one is because he hasn't got a nice floor he has got enough balls so we could do is we could actually put down some decent flooring here just to make his experience heal up in myself ok so it looks like we've actually harvested some of the rice and we've put it in our freezer as you can see we haven't harvested all the rice but you can see it's all ready to harvest it rice does go very quickly now what will happen here is this will get re sown with rice plant seeds we can change that at this point if you want to you can grow corn or anything else but as it stands on to leave it at that in the meantime we now start to cook again so we are looking in quite good shape everything is going pretty well so far I think we've hit the forty minute mark so I'm going to leave it there I think I may have to have at least one more of these absolute beginners guides I hope you're finding this useful I hope that I've been covering the things that you're expecting to see if you think I've I'm not covering something or I've missed in one aspect that's entirely possible because it's this game is so deep in terms of things I could be talking about I'm trying to just talk about stuff that's relevant right at the start of the game so if you want me to cover anything let me know in the comments that'd be great please do leave a like if you're enjoying this so far if you enjoyed this particular episode or leave a dislike and tell me why if you're not and that would be much appreciated so for now I will say cheerio and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: BugPowderDust
Views: 126,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RIMWORLD, 1.0, beginners, guide, tutorial, tips, tricks, game, tynan, sylvester, rim, world, prison architect, ludeon, pirate, colony, colonists, strategy, siege, glitterworld, mechs, tribe, tribal, crash, ship, poison, toxic, manhunter
Id: K1tgiof46Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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