The Absolute Beginners guide to Rimworld 1.0- part 2

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hey this is my paradise thank you for joining me for part two of the absolute beginners guide to a rim world so if you haven't checked out part one probably better that you do so please check the link in the description and you'll be able to catch up with what you missed yesterday which is when the part 1 of this video was released so we've got our three intrepid colonists we've got a basic shelter up we've got some beds we got some somewhere to eat we have a refrigerated section which means now because we have power we can start to install a cooker we can start hunting some animals and actually making some proper meals rather than living off these packaged survival meals which don't taste good to anybody so without further ado what we're going to do is we need to sort of hunt some animals now the obvious choice would be these muffled down here the tropic muffle oh is that they have a chance to attack you it's only 2% if you anger them while hunting now buffaloes early on are no joke because the amount of weapons you've got you've got literally a shot sorry a rifle you've got a pistol you've got a knife so that is nothing to be taken lightly so it's have a look at what animals can be hunted which don't really pose any danger at least early on you click on the wildlife tab and you can see here this is a list of all the animals that can be hunted that are on this map so for instance say you wanna have a look at the boom lope you click it and it shows you where the boom lope is now the other thing that this this tab shows you is the sex and if there and I don't know how big they aren't the bigger the circle the the more grown-up they are the purpose of the hunting doesn't really matter too much this is more around if you want to try and tame them and make the animals but will that make me cover that on another one the percentage chance here basically is the chance that this creature was seek revenge upon being harmed by an attacker at rifle range as it states if the attacker is closer then you stand more chance of the animal attacking you so the best thing to do is hunt with the rifle and as I mentioned in yes is episode you don't hunt with a Meli weapon because as it says here if it acts at very close range in the chance of three times greater so in this instance this instance would be six percent in this it would be 105 percent they're almost they are going to attack you if you merely attack these particular Wars so we're gonna probably go with the gazelles I think to start off with so they're really far away but the rifle has a reasonable range I mean only just a couple of carcasses just to start off with to give you the idea and I'm actually just spotted some more food down here which is wasn't hold previously so if you see anything like that you can always get your your a colonists haul I mean there's no doesn't seem to be any nearer 0% chance of attacking wildlife I mean you've got the small ones but let's go the gazelle from now let's go for one of the nearer ones so let's say we'll take these two so I've highlighted them and clicked hunts or you can click them individually it's entirely up to you so that being done what's going to happen now is these guys going ah they're all in the package survival meals okay so you notice here that's the fringe err although I designated the animal to be hunted he was already doing this task of hauling even though it's a lower priority if I want to change that I just draft him and then and draft him and now he'll go in hunts because his party's been reset so while we're here I'll actually explain what the draft told us so you select a colonist now if you haven't gotten drafted they will just basically move and they'll do tasks of their own accord according to their work priority schedule here if you draft them then they will start to do what basically you've manually controlled them so what I'll do is I'll just let them a let's go hold the meals back let's watch this guy hunt now barring them under got it's a 3-speed - I put it on one speed you'll see basically how slow is so he's not a bad shot really and and if you care to you can highlight the animal that's been injured to click on health and you can see exactly what's been hit so he's been hitting the body and this little blood icon means that he's actively bleeding bigger the icon the more blood loss and it says at the bottom how soon he'll die if it's only a little small a small icon sometimes the they actually manage to heal themselves and they stop bleeding so for instance here I could stop firing he'll bleed out basically Diane will come by and collect the body but you know life's too short fringe' has basically been overridden by the need to rest so he's going to go and lie down again because bed rest comes before hunting so he's going lie down because it's night time Contreras is just finishing off taking the last of the meals to be hauled in there now he's gonna have a lie down as well so while that's happening what we're going to do is we're going to set up the kitchen so the kitchen is where you'll cook the meals before you plunk them into the fridge so in this instance it's actually a good idea to have the kitchen near to your refrigerated unit you just cuts down on the amount to travel time what it's not a good idea to do is have your butcher area in the same room as the kitchen because of the butcher the butchering table will cause a lot of mess in the kitchen and if you cook in a dirty kitchen you stand the chance of getting food poisoning so what we're going to do we're going to create a small room for butchering so you know something like this stick in a door there they'll create the kitchen in here then we'll create a wooden door there so they can put things straight into the refrigerated unit here I'm also going to do is going to make put in a nice floor now the reason I'm doing this is because the colonists do care about the environment that they're in so if you go to the leads you'll see here that they they have a sliding scale of how hungry they are what their mood is how much rest they're getting now if it's green it means that they're actively receiving that that benefit how much recreation need they have they need have fun basically how much beauty there they're surrounded by and how much comfort they are currently getting so we can see here that the green numbers are there they're happy with these things the red numbers are things like disturbed sleep so for instance disturbed sleep is caused if you have people sharing a room and somebody walks in while the other two are sleeping slept in the heat self-explanatory it's not actually that hot in here but I think that this is from yesterday when we had the campfire going and the barrack is considered to be awful so how do you know if they're sleeping the awful barracks and how'd you know what they consider to be nice or not well that's actually quite easy so down here you got a room stacks too places two items here which I'll show you the first one is a ruin starts display you can take that on and if you hover over it it says right this room is it's awful it's impressiveness is awful it's impoverished its average size is ugly and it's dirty now it's considered to be ugly because of the the floor okay so the floor is just earth so you could possibly consider putting in a floor of some sort I don't tend to bother early on in the refrigerated area because they spend so little time in there that the there's negative effects of that are quite small so if you're looking here for instance the beauty is is also ugly that's probably cuz it's dirty but the floor itself is actually giving positives or at best my worst sorta neck neutral so let's take a look at the floor so we can see now what this is doing this is a diff sorry different view of what they find pleasing or not excuse me so if you go in here you'll see where the dirt is you see - 14 - 14 so that's quite a big debuff however the floor is giving them all a plus 1 beauty modifier if you go in here again the floors minus 1 they will get beauty from different things in different ways so I mean for instance this this big chunking generators and minus 20 for instance stone blocks as -13 but they will find things that they do find pleasing so if you find out no flowers for instance so you see here it's a nice Bush dandelions here sorry it gives them a 3 plus 3 so you can put plant pots inside early on to basically boost boost the beauty of a room how you know how much you wanted to do in this area is entirely up to you but just keep an eye on on how the colonists are feeling wait what you can do later on when you get spare time and maybe the spare people to do it you can actually create works of art so if you take a look at a colonists said by oh sorry you can see that they all have the skillet art a certain level so he can't she can't do art at all he's not very good at it but he'll re on by the looks of it he's quite actually quite good at making art so you can actually make statues and you can actually sell those to traders we can put them in the rooms and it busts up the beauty of a room so as I said just be aware of that I don't spend too long on that but but you should get the idea right so gonna do those when they wake up now let's expand those we've got 45 we're gonna need more wood in order to create all this so let's designate some trees to be cuts okay so they'll have a breakfast and then they'll start to build and start to suite now the plan is basically once we've got the food supply sorted and we start to get meals and you know stuff in the fridge we now need to start there at the research up now researching is quite a quite intensive in terms of it just ties somebody up all day but having batteries is actually really quite useful it's not top priority necessary straightaway but it's certainly something to bear in mind so let's let's just see how beyond so wait until they finished doing this by under the production tab you've got a butcher table and you've got an electric stove or a fuel stone so filled stove you could you can use you know you could fuel it with wood if you want to but honestly we've got power now so there's not a lot of wind so we'll crack on with our electric stove we'll put it will create stall as well again the place when this is not ideal actually thought this through but you say it's okay for now the stall is kind of blocking the way but you see so Copley's work is just tighten this up so we've got enough wood for this co-op look so we have I'm also going to create a butcher table as well and we're gonna put stool down so basically when they're at the station they get a comfort from be able to sit down that's a steal okay great so what now needs to do is run power conduit here now you don't have to run it actually completely up to the unit that needs power you can actually you'll get power so for instance here is stretching it out from this section here and you'll see what I'm talking about so this is basically grabbing power from here so you don't want it to grab it from here but you want to grab it from say another power source for instance you can actually click on the the kitchen say reconnects and what it will do you see a little smoke there you will reconnect it to an alternative power line in this instance is kind of pointless to do this but there are instances where you might wants to happen so for instance say you have you can install switches with power so go to power you've got a power switch so say you have a gun turret outside you want to activate it using a switch it might be attached to another power line and you can you can switch it over to the power line you want to control by the switch by clicking the weaken aides button right so the electric stove is connected up so we're going to do is we're going to click on add bill once we display to the stove cook me a simple meal now how many times to undo this I can either just make five simple meals okay and that's just a one-off this is just a simple cook me five meals and then stop however with the cooking you don't want to do this because they're going to be eating all the time so the rule of thumb is for me anyway three meals a day free to your colonists so three six so let lets let's say 10 so you can click on this do until you have X so basically what's saying here is cook until you have 10 as soon as we have nine the person who's assigned cooking will cook another one okay if I have more control over you can click on details and there's lots of choice here you can either suspend it so say stop this temporarily this is the do once you have X pause when satisfied you know so take the best stockpile where's it gonna be put so currently is taken to the best stockpile you can actually specify a particular stop part for its go to so if you have two two cooks for instance with two electric stoves you can then have them supplying different stock paths which can be quite useful you can specify the worker skill that you want allowed to cook on this on this particular stove so you can drag it up and down so only people with skills 10 to 20 or we don't mind this very early game you can also specify what you want to go into the meal it takes 10 units generally it's a 10 units things 10 units of meat or veg you can mix them both but so you have a surplus of unknown meat you can actually specify a lot let's run down our service of meat for now and it and you just antique vegetarian for instance but we'll we'll see that in action shortly so Hussein basically cook 10 simple meals now the person who's going to do that he's the person who has he's been assigned to cooking so in our case it's fringe' so fringe' will cook overhunting so she's is she machine yes so she will cook 10 meals and then she'll go hunting because that's the priority it's in if there's no hunting to do then he goes on to the next job / she has available ok that's that so the butcher's table is gonna be made but it looks like we've run out of wood so let me just get them to chop it down now I'm just doing this just toppled chopped down al trees but you want to have an IT security all times so honestly if they could've gonna be coming from this direction this is gonna be that's so cool and when I first seen through we don't have any trees and they can use as cover so really I want to try use the trees up from around here even though we're right at quite open everywhere else but but I still like a long-term plan here okay so got the butcher's table now so again we're gonna create a bill for the butchers table gonna add a bill but it's a butcher creature and again it's the same thing do I want to do it just a few times now in this instance the butcher table you want to butcher animals on an ongoing basis so you just say do forever you can specify here which you do and don't want to so we're not butchering humans in this particular instance we're just butchering animals you kind of course put your humans and you can you know sell the skin or use the skin to make hats or whatever you whatever you like to do in this instance in this tutorial we're gonna be butchering animal corpses so we appears be good to go now one last thing is that colonists liked like light obviously because a human so you all like light and we'd like to see what we're doing if you hover over this area in the bottom left hand corner down here you can see that it's dark right there's not percent light so these people are going to actually cook and butcher very badly because there's no light source so what we're gonna do we're going to put in under the finish tabs and standing lamps so standing lamps as we can see they need 20 steel we have enough steel for now so they're gonna chop trees and they're gonna start constructing and fringe er it's gonna go up here now you'll notice that this animal the one we shot at yesterday I think it's more shots I yesterday nice a different one as much see I thought it bled out so yeah this was one we shot yesterday he's he basically bled out and now he's dead so we'll have to come and collect this one but fringe and what fringe is doing now she's butchering you can see down here so she's she's finished her hunting tasks no more to hunt so she's going to come down here now she can start butchering up butchers table as we consume so butchering creates meat and it creates leather plain leather but times 21 now you can do loss things with plain leather you can use it to to craft basically craft clothes craft a furniture or you can sell it since honey ups you so what the fringe is going to do now is dump this into the refrigerated unit if we you see we've got 51 out of that one animal which is that's enough to make five meals so if we click on this we'll see that it's frozen that it won't spoil so this is great now what I'm going to start doing is something look at the work tab yep so fringe ER is going to start cooking I think she's yes oh she's just eating that for now but now she'll start cooking because we have some more ingredients so she'll start doing next now you may notice that sir on the right hand side here we have a visitor the visitor he's coming from the red Meyer Union and their current goodwill sauces Neutron so he just jumps the locational to see that he's coming up to you have a chat with us and my question what means he has something to trade so click on gear we can see what he's got with him so he's got some pemmican which is basically it's it's good for the traveling with it doesn't go off very quickly and we can make that as well it's got some medicine he's got some silver whether you trade with these guys and lots to tell you up to you it's all good now we have speaking of medicine we have a stock of medicine here but what you'll notice is that is natural medicine growing around the map so you've got wild hill roots here and it's ready to harvest so this is a great way of getting medicine for free just click on harvest these are 58% groans so it's not ready to go yet thirty basically that the larger it is the more mature the plant is and while we're on the subject you'll see here that these are berry bushes again 83% eighty-one percent these can be harvested so click on harvest I think these make a quite a nice supplement to the food you grow on your farm here and also the food you get from slaughtering animals so just bear in mind don't don't ignore these because in the winter these will kind of disappear and they may grow back at very slow rate ok so we can hear some cooking going on so fringe is cooking and we're now started to create simple meals which is absolutely fantastic cool good stuff alright so let's take stock we've got power we've got we got food source we've got butchering we've got everyone cement simply comfortable so let's have a quick look at their needs and see what the problem is so we got disturb asleep ok kind of much about that slept in the cold yeah ok so it's us again 18 degrees it's not the warmest dole Baraka and darkness she's been in the dark for a while after man up frankly so what were you going to do next we I think the stage now we can actually start do some research see what this characters done is just harvested those berries from up here where we marked it now everything's a little bit small the getting sort cramp debuff they what we'd like to do ideally is create bedrooms for our colonists so they can actually all have a bedroom each but also we need to create a prison area where we can basically capture people and try and recruit them for our colony which is an important source of colonists when you first start so you do want to two things you don't know that you can either carry on expanding your building here or what you can do is you can actually mine into the mountain so money into the mountain has advantages and disadvantages advantages are obviously they're very strong self-contained rooms very hard to tunnel into there pretty well protected however the downside of course is that it takes time to mine it is very easy to throw up a room what we're building with wood or even with stones comparatively because mining just you have to mine out these these chunks of rock and it just takes time let me give you an example so say I want to build a bed root for colonists so I'm going to build a door on another one they're gonna build let's let's do a corridor and then 3x3 okay actually that's not great let me let me get rid of that 3x3 let me start from instead just don't touch the edge so mining unless we got any people who are really really good at mining it doesn't seem that we do this could take a while as you can see so you can see if you zoom right in you can see the sort of hit points of that particular mining area now every time you mind you create a chunk so this is marble now this can then be worked into stone I notice here we've actually uncovered compacted steel so actually mining out metal now which is quite handy and you couldn't see that until you got to the square jacent to it so it's worth bearing in mind that all this may look like boring on rock but actually it's not so most of it will be but some of it won't be so we've uncovered more rock it's very time consuming but there's nothing much that can be done about that okay what's next create wall and I think we can make some bedrooms now each bedroom is going to be three by three so what you can do is you can actually plan it out so 3 by 3 3 by 3 3 by 3 so I gives them three bedrooms that they are good to go with so on that basis so what they're doing is we're building three bedrooms okay go put some doors in perfect so probably need a little hydron 81 would should be enough actually and then we're gonna put some wooden flooring in as well but let's just stir let's speed up a little bit so they're all sleeping now bearing in mind that so wood is great it's it's plentiful around the map and you couldn't build with it very easily it's very quick to build with absolutely fantastic the only problem with wood is it's highly flammable so as soon as you can is better to get the other works to be replaced by stone blocks so the next thing I'm going to do is we're going to build a stone cutters table alanis excelent equals of that so what while that's being made let's have a look at production again there's lots of things that we can build here haven't been over many of them yet so you got the Scots table which can you can build statues with but again I think that's kind of a slightly later game which say we're done already it's hailer bench so you can actually make clothes this is critical if you once your clothes start running out of of beauty quality and let me show you gear you'll see here that so he has flack pants and it's 100% his sin thread button-down shirt he's 90 can she read that but it's 97 percent when they get to forty nine percent used they start getting D baths from wearing clothes are considered to be afraid so you need to be able to ER to make some more but that's not a problem that you're going to hit in this mode until a bit later on so let's not worry about it too much right now what we are going to do is we are going to build a stone research bench so a stager research much a stone cutting table even now we're going to make sure this is in sight as well so we've got morning about it's gonna have a speed penalty if you're outdoors with this that's fine I get another door so we run out wood so let's cut some wood again I like to cut it from over here so while waiting for it for this to happen you might notice these steam geezers on the ground so these are thermal vents now these can be used in order to create energy so it gets power you'll notice we don't have any thermal generators here when you go to research you'll see that one of the power options is geothermal power and once you have this your power concerns go away for a while so this is very much worth aiming towards you basically place a geothermal power generates over this it's about I think and it's yeah you can pick it up and then it basically gives you loads of power certainly aim for this it's it's very much worth having ok so we've had our first event it's a mad thought a local Tools has gone mad it will attack everything at sea so you jump to the location it's actually quite close ok so what I want to do is we don't want to get our guys to to be eaten by this tortoise or nibble - should I say so we're gonna draft them all so you can do that either by selecting them all like this or by selecting them all at the top or by holding down the shift key and selecting them all now we're going to draft them which means they're ready to fight and we're going to move them sort of able to hear and it'll give them a little bit of a field of fire as the tortoise approach is probably from up here then where is this tortoise again it's over here here it is ok it's not very slow so you'll see that okay so the rifles firing first because if I click on you click on the pawn and you click on the rifle and you can see the range of the rifle this is very useful in combat you can see what range your weapons have so he started to fire the pistol doesn't have such a large range so he'll start to file and the tortoise gets a little bit closer in and the knife obviously is a knife so that won't be firing any time soon so you'll see that the pistol will start fire very very soon so the guy with the gun lady with the gun it's not sir so welcome oh there we go pistol that hats off so you can see that that early on were people skills aren't particularly honed there can be a lot of misses so kill shot very good got shot in the shell destroy your stomach now if you interested in is seeing so you didn't catch this action you're a concentrate on something else but want to come back and see what happened you can click on say L re on and look at the log and it will break the log up into separate sections in this instance it says high area which is the name of the colony now verse is unaffiliated which is basically the tortoise it's not affiliated to to any other faction so he basically he missed a couple of times whereas this one but action skipped it missed it pissed and then this icon means it killed so you can check back on the on the log if you didn't see what happened now it's giving it a do not touch Red Cross we can take that off highlight these guys take them off draft and off they go friend Joe is going to basically collect the body and butcher it because that's like a priority for her whereas contrary off to cut these trees and carry on with creating the bedrooms okay so one thing to bear in mind now is that well we've got bedroom of beds already do we have to build them again actually no you don't this is the nice thing most items are same most not all you can just basically move them as you would in real life so you can click on uninstall or reinstall that what's the difference between these two uninstall means you're basically going to pack it up you're gonna box it up and you're gonna stick it in storage reinstall means pick it up and just basically move it into your new area so let me give you an example I want to reinstall this bed in this room and you can turn it around by pressing dat pressing in the middle mouse button okay so that's gonna be moved there similarly odds are install this here and this one onto our install yeah so anybody could I think the hauling task will move these beds into these new areas so it's moving bed one now the other thing that you can do is I want this this area here the section here to be completed posthaste because I want this bedroom completed I have the resources down here but they're not getting to that they might decide they want to do this section here so I'm going to tell him do this by selecting the the porn right clicking and say prioritize this particular job this is quite handy for a temporary override that's done this bedrooms not done so now what the door to be completed so again he's not doing what wanted to he's doing this he I wanted to do this so but this guy Contreras he's now hauling the word to the wooden door which is it must be this one here because there's no other doors waiting to be completed so that's fine so the beds are in place so Contreras has gone to sleep but because he hasn't got the door on is still considered to be outdoors so if you look over here and I hover over here still showing out door so he's gonna get a buff for that that sort of debuff so I'm going to do I'm going to tell our room before we go to sleep right click and prioritize constructing your dorm okay so now you'll see it shows unroofed because we haven't finished doing the roof on his on his on his room there's probably good time to show you well how do I know that the roof isn't on it well down here it says unroofed if you hover over hover over it as you can see or you can go to zone build a roof area sorry remove let's go back to that remove roof area that's interesting okay so maybe you can't see it that way okay fine I thought that was a thing so you'll see if I hover over these it says indoors and over here it says on roof it means six tiles so six of these tiles are unroofed and that's that that's fine so he'll get a small debuff for sleeping outside somewhere but maybe not just yet but that's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things now one thing I noticed is when they wanted to move from here to here they had to go around because this piece of rock is blocking the way so it's going to click on mine so they can get access all the way around their their building here and we'll probably mine this out in due course anyway right wooden Stonecutters table why is this a priority well having the ability to build stone columns stone walls actually makes your defenses a little bit more secure the idea really is to basically build a wall maybe around here not not necessarily this why straightaway but certainly we can start making us a small fortification so basically so we can funnel Raiders coming from certain direction being attacked from all sides isn't very pleasant so you can start to secure your colonists so stone cutters table early on it's probably a good idea so again you click on the stone cards table you click on bills and you can similarly - to all the other things where you create you can add a bill and you can say make a particular type of stone blocks will make any stone blocks and again I'll do that forever if I want to stop the person from external blocks I'll just click on suspend I stopped doing it then we can come back to it so who have you got who can make stone blocks so this comes under crafting I think it's it's not the crafting isn't it what if they changed it no he's on to crafting so I just caught me I think it was changed recently to one okay have a quick look here so nobody's particularly good at it but who's the least busy I'd say probably ilaria is probably the least busy so even those crafting is poor the others aren't really much better so we can actually increase that so he's like uh number one crafter and he should learn and start to get better in it anyway again the big problem here with a stone cutting area so we don't have a stall and we need a lamp with him to work so you notice that the lamp will get power from this power grid here okay last thing we need to do is put wooden floors into these bedrooms so they don't get a debuff from having a lousy bedroom so you'll see now that he's putting a roof on his own own bedroom and we can see here it now says indoors over here enough in the right-hand corner so that bedroom is now totally secure and this will sort it lights on I'm gonna build the storm as we haven't got wood left looks like we don't have any wood left okay so just set up a few more bits of wood that's so now you'll see that so alarm is cracking straight on with the stone cutting and he's already created some blocks so we've got 40 blocks of marble and we've got three blocks of limestone and it shows the blocks up here so we know we've got to work with how's the bedroom going on so yep so we're cracking on with this so we're mining in we get metal at the same time and that metal is being stored here which is pretty sweet so the other thing we don't want to do we don't want to leave perishable stuff outside so again we want to put in a storeroom I believe I I covered that yesterday so the thing that we need to do now is to create a storeroom for these goods so I think this is probably a good spot to do it so I'm going to do is I'm going to mine out this area and then we'll use this area as a storeroom and then we can expand if we need so we can expand our our sleeping quarters upwards like here I'm trying to avoid going into here for reasons explained yesterday there's ancient dangers and stuff so you want to try and avoid that we can right I think I've been going long enough I forgot to time this video but I think it's around 30 minutes or so so I think we've packed a lot into this episode and I hope it's been relatively useful again I'm not showing anything to advanced it and I'm just trying to come and talk about things as I come across them and start to build up a sustainable colony so far so good we not had a proper rate yet we've had a tortoise attack but when the first raid comes is generally one guy one girl who's a bit of a chancer and can be dealt with relatively easily as you'd expect at this early stage so hopefully we'll get one of those in the next episode but for now thank you for watching if you liked it please give a like or leave a comment again if you want to see anything that I'm not covering all we think I've forgotten to mention please do tell me it's it's all it's very helpful for me so it's a resort refine my technique and also helpful for other people who are watching you may benefit from that so take care and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: BugPowderDust
Views: 188,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RIMWORLD, 1.0, beginners, guide, tutorial, tips, tricks, game, tynan, sylvester, rim, world, prison architect, ludeon, pirate, colony, colonists, strategy, siege, glitterworld, mechs, tribe, tribal, crash, ship, poison, toxic, manhunter, absolute
Id: 0PtCK2JVdLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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