The A-Team of New Vegas

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oh hello stranger oh you want me to follow you what are you up to this looks really safe what do you need Oh bye what happened to this man check it out between the dumpsters there oh look a body what's your rush boys and I don't want to get to know you better oh my god how are you gonna fight all these guys who the [ __ ] are you is that PJ Brandis maniac Murtagh oh my god and hammer-blow Schmidt are you the a-team [Music] I would like to hire you I think we could work together very nicely I think I'm trying I'm trying to take over this wasteland and if I don't have the right people surrounding me I mean like what kind of [ __ ] change can I do sounds like you just hired alpha squad present that instead it's [ __ ] Veronica you're [ __ ] fired get out of my face why does everyone always say that I come on a team let's go I think the guy that made this mod might be racist because he made perhaps white Dan and then he was supposed to be black but you're actually white Nana nananana one of the main reasons why I heard you guys is just uh I know that maniac Murtagh here he is a he's a pilot and I recently have found a bombing ship that I think you need to pilot because really there's no other pilots or anyways it's over at Nellis Air Force Base let's go on over there I'm really good friends with the people that live there it'll be a fun time yo guys remember that big-ass [ __ ] bomber I pulled out of the lake I think I'm I think I may have found a pilot I know I saw your interest right there you piqued your little head around I know man I'm telling you this guy saw it he knows what he's doing hey what are you guys doing oh my [ __ ] god oh no no no no no no these are do some nice guys are nice people some good people the [ __ ] are you guys doing the [ __ ] was that I don't know how I'm gonna have to [ __ ] stop by and explain this [ __ ] to the old lady in charge here okay can you guys keep [ __ ] cool for two seconds I thought these guys were supposed to be cool as hell they just are opening fire and some so oh no no no no no no no no no no no I was oh I didn't do this [ __ ] are you the [ __ ] team Christ lady I was coming here to explain myself hey she has a Pip Boy hey you know she may be dead but the pip-boy says she say okay all right you know what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna head on out of here Hey look since you guys like to [ __ ] kill everything in sight let's go over to a cool place called cottonwood cove come on man it's so this'll be fun do your thing a-team oh they shot a dog in the face four dudes doing everything the NCR puddin I want that gun where'd you get that thing you were absolutely railing kids with that I'm not actually reeling kids I mean that would be unethical you know that doesn't seem like how a person should aim that but you know I'll let you do you free all these little prisoners here you guys are soft hearted after all we're being held here against our will I beg you to help us don't worry man okay I got you all right me and my team here me and my team the a-team we came in here to set you free no no what the [ __ ] was that are you done look what you've done don't give me that [ __ ] stupid head cocked to the side look little [ __ ] you really need to have that checked out do you have like scoliosis or something [ __ ] wrong with your neck dude done a lot of good today and you've also done a lot of bad but bad doesn't wash out the good and the good doesn't wash out the bad although I did I did not enjoy you guys shooting the bombers that was those were my friends nobody really knew about the sleeves except for us so we can't we can just brush that under the Brooke and my men and I've got nothing to do but sit on our asses all day it's damn frustrating hey man I'm gonna take care of that deathclaw problem for you easy-cheesy I don't know what it is about you but I think you could actually pull it off death claws are tough bastards but you might be even tougher sweet and then after the job we get paid right yeah looks like we got our first paying gig yeah we just got to go in there and clear out some of those death claws from the quarry and this fine gentleman here will pay us big caps big caps this [ __ ] christ oh [ __ ] we what are you guys just Psychopaths like what the [ __ ] why why there's no [ __ ] rhyme or reason okay look the NCR is backing the people at the quarry will say that guy died of natural causes we can go clear out the [ __ ] quarry of death Claus we can probably get someone else to pay us okay get that [ __ ] look off your face you look insane yep hey [ __ ] you too what you people were normal when I picked you up what the [ __ ] happened all right there's our first target see him down there forget it yeah perfect perfect perfect I have no idea where the [ __ ] hammer blow is but you know what [ __ ] him I don't need him and his broken neck looking ass smoking a cigar Oh late to the party huh what were you doing sucking dick say that to my face I'm not online sucker and see what happens it's getting worse dude like chiropractor should probably be considered at this point you know you look like oh my oh no when you turn your head it really doesn't look good I think everyone should take their share and as a team I think we should pay for you to get something done about that neck oh my god that hurt can you guys not stand in a [ __ ] line can you just like huddle so I don't have to scream please I thought that was a flying saucer that's it's a [ __ ] umbrella anyway you guys have a serious possible stake in the future of New Vegas this guy seems to get it he's the only one really paying attention so pretty boy Pike with you and your team haha I just I mean like the team leaders I'm paying attention so this is basically your team now you guys have a serious opportunity here I'm taking over mr. house's casino if you guys help me wipe out the Legion I guarantee you a spot at the top of the food chain man top of the food chain you'll run New Vegas along with me how about let's go give Caesar what for right now hey let's head on up guys hey your neck I knew that money get straighten out that neck you're looking good man oh no no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry you had to look like that you don't need to run you're just a slave there's no reason for oh my [ __ ] god Jesus Christ people you sort of sense of like what's right and wrong or do you just [ __ ] kill everything in sight hey you're free now all right the more you're free guys let her pass okay she's under my protection hey Benny Benny what's up buddy happy now you twisted bum we're coming up on kaisers 10th right now okay we're gonna bust in there damn son just shoot now hey yo punch me in the titty retribution retribution retribution all right [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that I'm sorry congratulations boys wait where's your where's the other guy where's the suit dude you and your team helped end a civil war if that doesn't get you back in the good graces of the NCR I don't know what will but that's not what's important what's important is I basically own the strip now all right I've taken over mr. house it's mine me and the NCR are on good terms so we have stability in the region I think you guys can come out of hiding now kind of be my go-to team my 18 so to speak for any future problems I may have so what do you say will you come back to the strip with me make amends with the NCR and everything will be hunky-dory man I got this place called the lucky 38 check this place out dude huge right it's good-looking too I didn't think I would ever basically own a place like this but you know I do and that's all that matters [Music] don't you do it don't you do it don't you do it [Music] six million the Holocaust six million power across don't forget about the Holocaust a lot of people died it's really
Channel: General Sam
Views: 356,371
Rating: 4.9572377 out of 5
Id: AwqJ5UgoO5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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