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high-five [Music] he owed me a lot of money and you know he's a busy guy so I sort of figured I'd just take it off his name rob is such an ugly word it's more like I took care of a payroll problem for him also I might have sort of plowed his daughter [Music] you just got tricked into watching another one of my ads you idiot by my by my shirts please adhi I'm just stopping in here and Novak for a quick little doodly-doo in the toilet and then I'm on my way going farther north but you might know me as cool guy I'm that guy that just stops around every now and then and helps people out Phil make fun of me because I ain't got no chin here comes the big reveal here it comes it's like the biggest optical illusion of all time that ain't no chin is just shading I my girl taught me how to do contouring with makeup makes it look like I got a chin from the front pretty good right god damn it I was nodding off it so you barged in here and I don't hurt when I sleep just give me some goddamn medics and [ __ ] off don't worry I won't have you lashed to a cross like the rest I want you to teach everyone you meet the world who are you what do you want with me I want those pretty little baby boy Elvis lips joke however if you could everyone in this town is risking their look at me why I'm talking to you boy everyone in this town is risk everyone this town is risking everything for you so you got a fight good all right all right oh my God look at that guy's outfit what a [ __ ] legend I can't kill him hey I can't get like you know that's way for someone else take them out you're too much of a hero to me you like that house easy now the [ __ ] man and me I put those down to help you guys out what the [ __ ] just when you thought things couldn't get any more mutated they'd go and do a thing like this it looks like Darth Vader when they pull the [ __ ] helmet off not doing a very good job of watching the old bridge are you it's it's hit the older brother from stranger things are you doing in this game dude so that guy wants me to help on Novak um yeah [ __ ] him I know how to get to new Vegas partner hey that's why I said to you you can't steal my [ __ ] line you idiot that's a modifying guitar you got there Thanks mine now [ __ ] no hey there little guy how you doing do you like what you're looking at there buddy this man's prices are steep but I hear he's worth it I will break you little man [Music] the Wranglers just the Wranglers just down the street the Wranglers just down the ring what a mix of emotions dancing makes me sweat all let's keep this in the groove hey smooth moves like smooth little babies smooth little babies you know as fun as this has been wiping out hordes upon hordes of [ __ ] ghouls without any goddamn help I'm kind of wondering where the [ __ ] is my follower all right you're up I hear I hear a ghoul I figured this is your opportunity to shine I wanna see you fist that thing to death it's always been a dream of mine damn Daniel Oh Veronica are you ready to fist things apparently there's a lot of ghouls in you app like right there hon I got this don't worry what [ __ ] this guy doing you run this hey what's up buddy oh [ __ ] my god this guy's the engineer that's gonna send all these [ __ ] ghouls up into space and I have a high enough speech sighs just [ __ ] tell him he's not even going on the journey they're gonna leave his ass oh yeah you're telling me the truth aren't you I'll show those rotten ghouls Veronica wakey wakey eggs and Bakey all right dude I somehow convinced this guy dad everyone's gonna leave his s because he's a [ __ ] idiot so I need sugar bombs I need three boxes of sugar bombs and all I have is two [ __ ] great any sugar bombs up here come on I tell me every day and go shopping looks like I'm going [ __ ] grocery store middle of the goddamn night for bombs there's nobody have sugar bombs [ __ ] out of here yeah my face you're stupid hey Z now well no [ __ ] wonder she's not around to sell me [ __ ] I just found out she got shot in the face outside hey I'm glad that business is over you told me you don't want to have sugar bombs either shut up old man as you can tell I'm like follically challenged I'm going a little bit thin on top you know what I'm saying but I think I found something to help me out you can't even tell you can't even I saw oh oh it's getting a little bit thin back there but for the most part you can't tell it looks pretty good from the front arms I need him to incinerate some ghouls yes guys named Samuel you seem like a cool guy welcome to the 188 slopping shop like our slogan says kinda like my channel oh my god look at this guy I I knew I could count on another Sam I knew it give me these [ __ ] sugar rocket you know what give me all [ __ ] it hey yo idiot guess what I got all this [ __ ] you asked for have you found the components we discussed the sooner we get this over with the better just [ __ ] crazy is everything all right awful late to be dropping in unexpected I'm sorry about this ahead of time you guys are about to see some real [ __ ] boy oh damn Daniel I didn't think you whoa he [ __ ] popped it before we even got out of the road that's it then how did you know you sick bastard you better be ready to join her I was just meaning Oh No where any land oh my god he's in the grips he's in the grips of the t-rex the t-rex has him he's about to eat him hey Harlan so I just used the console to bring you back to me because you kind of died on that rocket and I always wanted that rifle wowee I [ __ ] that up wowee that's not doing a lot of damage there we go don't worry I got him Keep Calm I got a serious question is it the radiation that does this to the feet because we're the [ __ ] toes we have to talk about this we're we're the toes let me put it in your vaginal canal [Music] you [ __ ] jive Turkey dude you're pulling on it I don't have a lot of hair man [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 459,679
Rating: 4.9309945 out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, New Vegas, Funny
Id: JGcfp3XXfLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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