Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood but Multiplayer

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that's right it's been two years since my last Skyrim video now that interest in Skyrim is at an all-time low I feel like I know what I must do so I heard that Skyrim together a mod that makes Skyrim a multiplayer experience was working you could consider it working the same way you would consider Stephen Hawking a functional human just barely so for you olden boys out there I decided to create a crack team of assassins and join the Dark Brotherhood slay our way to the top it's time to meet the team got Brian hand-to-hand expert bizzle snap master of the arcane arts Stolte smithing extraordinaire Steve he's a team nerd me lord of alchemy and alteration fungal toe well nobody invited him but he showed up same thing with poop and together we created a power the likes of which hasn't been seen in Skyrim since since since shekel Steen crashed the housing market back in 2016 before we go any further this video is sponsored by honey that's right baby since we're all stuck at home with no outlet for stress other than purchasing things that we don't need to fill a void that consumerism can't fill we might as well save some money while doing it that's where honey comes in honey is a free browser extension that automatically finds promo codes whenever you shop online and this bad boy works on over 20,000 sites Amazon Newegg Best Buy eBay I say $78 and got free shipping on these LED panels honey said let there be light and there was 280 LEDs worth I used honey to save on massive purchases that I don't tell my wife about because she's still mad at me for purchasing this Marty Robbins LP gunfighter ballads and trail songs [ __ ] it has big iron on it that songs worth saving honey only takes two clicks to install so go to join honey calm Ford / General Sam and and get it it's a free browser extension it's free there's literally no reason to not use honey on everything you buy online once again that's join honey calm Ford / General Sam alright now let's get back to that dark brotherhood [ __ ] so as I was picking flowers right on the coast of Lake Gilliland Alta this guy Obama in a leather ones he comes out of nowhere and attacks me turns out he looks for the Dark Brotherhood as instructed you are to eliminate sneaky pete by any means necessary so i waltz into town I asked the barkeep hey I just killed a lizard man that works for the DB can you give me their corporate number so I could submit and I resume to HR because I'm thinking if I just killed the guy that they hired that specializes in killing logic would tell me that the position that this guy held is probably open and I can fill it because I'm better than him at doing what he's supposed to do the barkeep looks at me with a blank face he tells me that there's a kid in windhelm that is also looking for the Dark Brotherhood might be able to meet up with him why why why is everybody mad all right what did you do I hit a guy why he was a main quest guy he didn't die when I blacks mom from the ground yeah that's the guy that's the guy Bryan attack to make it rhyme and he stuffed him in the dirt look he's alive oh my god yeah go go to the aeroccino residence he's a kid that needs our help yeah this guy apparently like his Achille wants his parents killed or something my mom will make me drink sprite anymore and play games all day do I have to kill him oh please straight up like dead like hey I can ask him are you alright we gotta go kill grilled of the vine a name on my punch of I don't really give a [ __ ] okay first contract secured it's an old frail woman she's geriatric kids are stupid it takes decades for repressed memories to boil up in a child so I think we can there's no way we can [ __ ] this one up hey your legs aren't even moving that's how you know this is working seven out-of-towners visiting an orphanage Brian head only to kill her [Music] kids are dead [Music] and then it goes smoothly as I thought it would let's just go collect our reward from Artie No and we won't mention that we killed all of his friends what he's alive who's alive we have no use for him now he's just a witness we walked away from that job with such confidence you know we tied up all loose ends nobody knows about it you know it's it was it was the perfect crime truly masters of our craft nobody knows that's something I'm supposed to deliver your hands only oh man then we got kidnapped by some [ __ ] named Astrid she asked us to play a game with the lives of three people hey why not all of them okay then she asked us to join the DB some of us wanted to some of us didn't she's a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] we're looking pretty good we're looking like a boy band of assassins Oh your [ __ ] what it's like when you go to prison you get a beat up the strongest person on the first day all right since we're newbies on the block they gave us a real scum of the earth to kill right just a batch of contract we got vagrants crypto investors people that listen to Hopson I'm talking real just gutter trash oh yeah we're sorry you give us a batch of contracts all right so you're a window right one stairs I was robbing stables dude come on what is with you everywhere we go you're [ __ ] robbing shrine I think it god you're like Batman you know you can't go a night without Robin no I'm saying and I'm gonna scare off our target bro if you keep throwing fireballs next to him is it okay do we have anything to make the Horde of mud crabs attack no Deus maybe they need to be hit with fear you know I forget I want the underdog to win go homeless man interference Oh burn that [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] oh come on man wait oh no trying to film something they have to paralyze me housing freecam probably I'm gonna drown down here wait why is there there's a guard floating in the sky it's going to see the Greybeards now in better place [Music] hold on I'm coming to have a word with them um I got some things to say Oh Oh somebody hit it with a pairs really nothing you can do about it yeah come over here to the sack next to the fireplace I have a paralysis poison and put put that on your weapon and [ __ ] hit him with it ghetto did it work no that's a faulty potion I tried really hard at the outcome anything with that I'm sorry after the success of our initial contract we were given a much higher priority target a man by the name of Alain diff'ent president of the DuPont Corporation and chairman of the DuPont trust he's a staunch supporter of the Stormcloak rebellion as well as a proponent of many of their racial theories this guy's got to be taken out but first let's get a cool picture with our new outfits oh no I can't I can't let go everyone looks really menacing oh my kill someone in the ruins that's a perfect place to try out all these new spells latch them do you know how many people who probably just spawned in here [Music] now I'm not sure if you can tell but this mod is kind of [ __ ] up I'm still in that I'm in the first room of the dungeon how do you [ __ ] die I found his body you have more than fulfilled your part of the bargain thank you again for when does fella Thor open a shop yeah it's 10 a.m. on a morn ass alright look at what son dies before and I wait 24 hours it sells it open see that's tell us his day you can't expect him to work on Tallis's there huh and before we could even be congratulated on a job well done Astrid came to us and talking about some Chester guy you know and she's complaining about him like she wanted us to spy on him by crawling into some old dead lady's coffin I said [ __ ] stop right there you had me at cuddling with an old dead lady I'll do it I'm inside wait it's open now yeah I want to go I'm in it let me alone okay did someone just [ __ ] kill Cicero Brian immediately just starts punching the [ __ ] out of them trying to kill him are you alright I heard the commotion who was just a rogue talking to where's the accomplice reveal yourself traitor well look at all the deer on the hill what's a good ass bill to shoot at those something from destruction magic right there get the freaking do the thing do it yeah amazing came down it but they just started body started flying oh I'm sorry hey on the same quest uh yeah man hey bunny see anywhere I thought you hated I with the fist gloves where the [ __ ] is e did you kill him now he's dead I'm on my way back oh this is Steve hiding can you find me no definitely not no like when when like a guy's wife is cheating and then he comes home the husband comes home early and there's is a black guy stand in the corner of the room with a lampshade on his head oh my god just pulls on the [ __ ] and the lamp whoa alright we've proven our worth the DB is giving us more important jobs now they're giving us the biggest one we've been given so far something about a princess or something I wasn't listening now then I hope you have something nice to wear because you're going to a wedding you've got to kill the bride at her wedding oh and they say romance is dead we're killing the bride at her wedding I forgot about this [ __ ] dude we can take this out like SEAL Team 6 let's go to solitude first like up in the city isn't closed yeah we need to get like proper clothing I've been here yet are you gonna see that guy get beheaded if you talk to her thar be she says if you tell you're going to the blue palace she'll give you an outfit for free and even pay me for wearing it okay okay daddy's got swag oh you look so cute all right now let's go kill this [ __ ] [ __ ] Hakuna Matata already oh god they're beating everybody except for the queen is the one person [ __ ] jump stabbed like don't worry the Prince does not seem bothered my wife good and now your reward a unique spell to summon a legend of the dark brotherhood us at vows we killed that [ __ ] so good they give us this giant list of people after them it was just it look like a serial killer shopping list of people all shapes and sizes and being the professionals we are we took care of it baby so you don't feel anything no why my big attack right now hey what's up Stan hey what's up get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] regarde [ __ ] hey hey [ __ ] it's with stealthy thing [ __ ] and Jose four outs and you coming in sir I can beat them hopefully the muscle come on [ __ ] why is he regen in some hotel you seem to have this killed dicus and he gave her the name dicus like come on he should have died in childbirth there's no ii ii ii got named e cos it was over the way i'm just gonna get I'm gonna get to a bird's-eye view of this guy so a hotel and what we can unemotional ones are gonna do an actual assassination this time okay I do let's not be gay about this we got to make a rant grand DUIs Randolph Randolph grand oiss Daisy I can get riled behind him I know something I'm trying to learn every move of this guy every little thing what do you think bizzle that should we take them out no hey no oh my god job's done couldn't even wait one goddamn minute far away from hey what's what's uh what's with the dead kid on the floor I hate I hate it is my strength don't do it calm them all please get on the towel and hit with juice everyone is a dead child relax thank you there before in Whiterun folks gasping destruction and then with that fire storm scroll I gave you I shall summon my most powerful ability is that oh I'll kill them [Music] uh yes apparently jester guy like knife somebody like yeah he's an assassin Joey and Astrid wants me to go over there and kill him or something like this [ __ ] I'm married don't give me a [ __ ] honey-do list this isn't why I got on this game I can't I got on a year to escape honey-do list okay yes it'll come over here and check out on burns feet player carved out of wood but they still have toenails their leg is one solid pancake foot with toenails like a manatee foot or an elephant I have given you a pleasure flesh as hot as oak so hard what's this all about anyway I don't know I wasn't paying attention something about he stabbed the lizard guy to kill this guy or like I feel like it's kind of our mo to be like [ __ ] up assassins yeah I'm gonna heal them up I have Healing Hands to make them feel right as rain I'm gonna tell Astrid I'm gonna says to her I killed the jester as you can tell by my digs so I'll have on the jester outfit oh my game crash for this plater supposed to be important yeah it's like their pet did you kill it you killed it keep closing doors in people's faces and I realize that's client-side just doing nothing but in community once I come back through alright so we lied to Astrid put a band-aid over this situation and now that everything's calmed down we can get back to our real plot to kill the Emperor not the epic Sir Patrick Stewart actually this guy completely unremarkable in every way in order to properly kill someone we've realized that you need to get to know them you need to study their habits figure out what makes them tick that way you can get close and we've deduced that the Emperor like many carbon-based life-forms consumes food with this invaluable knowledge we decided to kill his chef and assume his identity and then you know cook him some pop-tarts and put cyanide in him he's an orc it were amazing orc he's staying at the night gate in now you'll let me go right what a peaceful City looks like he's resting in his chair for me he's just vibing for me dude he looks like he just ate a really tasty something and he's going and looking up at the ceiling like mmm what is that cilantro okay dude I honestly I'm sick of carrying this [ __ ] game if somebody else killed somebody for one well I like to sit there and like strategize and them to death with their hands it's like honestly yeah you know what I'm leaving this one up to you and uh he okay well he just went to bed so we can't really yeah we can I've never seen someone grace so gracefully getting a bed that was incredible yeah uh I've gotten frozen orbs scroll I could try that oh my god cheeks is why he [ __ ] died immediately oh dude that was some bait Oh some Diablo to sorceress [ __ ] is Arne Bjorn just hovering right here oh my god a little something else as well from me consider it my way of apologizing for being so damn Komachi idli it's called the night weavers band I wore this for years I want you to have it now it'll give your magic and sneakiness some much-needed boom okay we got our chef outfit we got our papers you know we know where the emperor is going to be eating and we know what he's going to be eating poison everything is poised right now to bring the Dark Brotherhood back to its rightful place as the best faction in all of Tamriel besides the fighters guild mages guild and thieves guild but before we do that we got one little stop to make I just didn't hear chilling like a villain dude dude dude he's got a boy's green tunic in his chest oh you know I think I think we just caught a pedophile that's why he's hiding all the way down here in this fine day girls and a great dress a dress yeah and there's some child's clothing in there that didn't come out of my inventory I didn't have that on me so let's pin to all the child abductions on this guy the child the child abduction that happened in Whiterun I bet you was this guy the suplex that kid and winter old or whatever yeah Bri yeah but he did me I'm not saying she didn't have it coming but what I'm saying is like this is the guy that did it you know what else is another crime this chair he's sitting on that is a crime in and of itself what the [ __ ] is that like God he's probably wishing for death he's like I hope someone comes in here and severs my spine so I don't want to feel me sitting on this thing anymore hey check this out I got double-double of wood cutting axes that was a great pirouette Jim I I have to I have to try out the chair dude what is this thing feel like I like [ __ ] it's like I'm sitting on a metal spider yeah right back to the Emperor hey let's make this one killer meal all right guys okay shut up and [ __ ] me emperor has requested your signature dish the Potala magnifique I've taken the liberty of getting it started I would be honored if we could make it Who am a special way what a sweet rule decadent like next vampire does what Kuhlman they're sure about that I have to say this too seems done add anything else and we may dilute the distinct flavors by the reign as Emperor I of course reserve the right health first taste believe did it kill her what no yeah tell me kill oh I'm [ __ ] fuse for a dog like Louisville 1e I hit him in the face with a [ __ ] dinner plate or something okay go this way yeah you assassin for the Dark Brotherhood just made an attempt on the Emperor's life haha turns out it was a trap Bravo god I bet you Astrid did that God I hope the sanctuary isn't burning to the [ __ ] ground when we get there man I hope Astrid didn't get riggityrekt and his lying naked on the ground ready for me to rub some special homemade aunt Menon's I just wanted things to stay the way they were yeah you just worry about fulfilling the contract I'll take care of things on this end God's you you're alive but I heard your sanctuary please you mustn't think I had anything to do with that I wanted the Emperor dead the true Emperor Oh the Emperor was a decoy ah you [ __ ] goddess goddamn Bethesda what is what a switcheroo you must have had the rioting theme from days of our lives in order to write this switcheroo you did didn't you god that's some M night Shyamalan [ __ ] right there I never saw it coming you mean after all that's transpired the Dark Brotherhood will still honor the contract he's on board his ship a catarata order offshore in the solitude Inlet but you must hurry oh this is where you wanted that sword this entire time put a [ __ ] W on that [ __ ] again dude dude you're gonna have to live with the fact they put a little bit of stank on it and you're gonna smell every time I open my [ __ ] mouth talking abouts wards alright I don't like it I really don't I don't care that you don't like it you don't dictate my diction I don't know you haven't come this far just to stand there gawking regardless of your path through life you say Charles Xavier he's like in the sitting position but rolling it around so he's following bizzle always try to scroll through the dialogue in each I went talked the [ __ ] his name is like a dead drop it's where we let go get it let me close this [ __ ] door alright yeah you can this one's for the Emperor all right get him while he's chatting because I was gonna say you're haunting I'll drag him over the okay make another one that's volcanoes I'll put him on top of it there we go there we go that's what we wanted to see that was a [ __ ] explosion from hell and no everyone is like whatever just let me drink the door was closed okay yeah dumbass he's been watching really loud born yeah someone's really breaking in the [ __ ] the tavern [ __ ] I got my 20,000 smackaroos and I'm backing out of here you go back in his name's like you know it's gonna cost exactly three thousand a big play you know do you know what he's gonna do he's gonna be it's gonna cost exactly how much did you get bad amount conveniently be exact about you just received now of course I must ask killing the Emperor how much did moti a well you know was you know wasn't much liked by 5,000 oh is that all really you're joking with old Nazir surely the Emperor's life was worth more than that sorry no joke five thousand yes and then I tried to squeeze more money out of them fetch at least twice that yeah hey can we all get together for a picture somewhere these chairs are so far spaced out dude they are yeah well social distancing now we gotta keep it this is the least buddy-buddy it's equally based go take defensive just do it I got it all on I can't I can't run for some reason nothing it's scary [Music] whoa delivery oh there's another kid [ __ ] you oh my god alright okay my game crash that's the end okay yeah I'm done with this this [ __ ] game oh yeah please seven friends embark on a massive journey to restore the dark brotherhood back to its former glory three of them get frustrated by the lack of functionality of the multiplayer four of them endure and become world renowned hitmen right after achieving their success disappear into nothing almost as if they uninstalled the game as soon as the [ __ ] was over with [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 1,925,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim multiplayer, skyrim together, dark brotherhood, funny, moments, clips, memes, general sam, skyrim mods, the elder scrolls 5: skyrim, skyrim special edition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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