The 8 Million Dollar Game That Never Existed | Asmongold Reacts

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to describe to me why you showed people amazing gameplay slices during funding and then nothing for two years before can only be described as runescape made in pain and then almost immediately closing your studio without showing anything ever again i'd sincerely love oh my god what is this oh my i would have to be like nine years old to think this isn't a joke it's the biggest fan favorite and the story that i put chronicles of before i'm satisfied for those unaware brancos valeria was one of the big mmrpgs to ride that initial wave of kickstarter success the numbers back then weren't absolutely mad they only raised 1.4 million dollars u.s that's a lot of money they still made it one of the biggest kickstarter games today and clearly indicated people's interest for what they were trying to build people yeah the success of the campaign translated into four years of additional websites without kicking fees back to anybody else and presumably five four years of game development to go along with it no game was ever delivered in fact not only was no game delivered they pulled some of the most ridiculous things the most cynical moves i've ever seen and that says a lot if you follow my channel because i've seen some [ __ ] especially in my recent foray into nfl and play to earn gaming which has been a great source of entertainment so far chronicles valeria originally stated the game would be delivered in december of 2017 for the original goal so it's late i i feel like so it's a little bit late okay of 900. it should be really soon then right guys the goal post stating that they knew the game would cost much more money than that and the idea of the kickstarter was instead to give them enough capital to deliver an mvp a minimum viable product and to show that off to investors presumably then receiving the funding required to get the game over the finish line however despite them receiving the money that they thought they needed the game was never picked up by a single investor for a single penny even after receiving you want to know why it wasn't picked up by anybody it's because it looks like trash and it's boring and there's nothing unique about it at all it's like you could make a better world with skyrim actually that's being generous you could make a better world with oblivion assets all the funding couldn't find an investor even when receiving five times the funding no interest at all at the end they'd received over eight million dollars almost ten times the amount they thought they needed and they couldn't interest anybody in fact they were all binding this inflation ship bro oh my god like money is just losing value so fast like bro like we were gonna have the game out but then biden came out and he started doing all this like inflation [ __ ] and we we can't do it so we need more money guys like i mean you know how it is couldn't even interest their audience anymore it wasn't for a lack of time either they originally stated they need one year to get into that shape yeah and yet four years later nothing in fact nothing would be a stretch because it seemed like they went backwards on what they were showing makes sense and that would indicate that wow i think i saw this this was a phone game that came out in 2012 i remember this it was called uh chronicles of magic uh it was oh actually it was magic warriors three uh the dragon apocalypse [ __ ] was fable one no fable one looked better than this this game straight up this game wouldn't have even looked good in 2007 at much less than what they made out this whole concept is a much more damning indictment than even the surface level indicates when you consider yeah games like dreamworld managed to bag over 10 million dollars of investment from multiple different firms i don't think that's fair comparison because the people that were in dream world were like well-connected affluent people so they were able to get investment from probably you know it's like oh dad could you can you see if some of your business partners want to invest in my game it's going to have like [ __ ] nfts in the future and like you know about nfts and dads like yes son i sure do by the way how do i use this phone am i uh is it upside down right now and so like dad's got no [ __ ] idea you know he sold this idea to some of his dad's friends who can't even operate their [ __ ] smartphone telling them that nfts are going to be the future yeah the only nft those guys have is non-functioning testicles very [ __ ] true and so listen it's not a surprise that dreamworld got funding okay like of course they did and that's a game that has one of the most ridiculous pictures you will ever hear in your entire life and a front man who couldn't be more comedy if he tried yeah oh it's me is this real i was running with my earbuds and i got hit by taxi cabs twice uh and well my beard looks good why not just buy a helmet he got hit by the two times he got hit by a taxi was it the same one oh my god like usually it's like you know i i got this idea for a product because you know this is a problem that i have not i literally just can't stop getting hit by cars so in case you missed what this man just said his solution to being so unbearably stupid that he was running into oncoming traffic not once but twice while running with earbuds in wasn't to just start paying more attention to the road but to subject everyone around him to whatever shitty music he was listening to at all times by designing a speaker that mounts to his chest but that's not even the best part now getting back to illyria the money oh my god i forgot all about this i forgot all about this man that was some funny [ __ ] [ __ ] man did he go through the wildly yeah we'll look at some of that uh remind me about the tally tweet after this and i'll look at it the timing the goalposts been shifted showing of no progress these aren't even the most damning things the worst came at the very end where they put up a sale for items and land within a game that nobody even had seen existed literally days before announcing bankruptcy i feel like this is kind of what happens is that whenever a game starts selling virtual real estate for real money that's whenever you know the game it's over it's over you had a good run uh things went pretty well but that's it uh so 10.0 and wow yes exactly mike that's that's that's in my opinion i feel like that's like the um that's the sign and any money that was earned was just taken they never even acknowledged that this happened they knew before they even made the sale that they couldn't cover that month's payroll or even the building's rent that they were using as an office and not only that they released the only gameplay so you got to live each day as it's as it's your last day live each day like it's your last day guys anyone ever got to touch the literal day before closing the game studio and firing all the staff no one had played anything from the game they'd hardly even seen gameplay for four years and the day before is when they dropped out this stinky turd of a tech demo which looked like you could legitimately throw it together in four hours as a complete novice using out the box features from either unreal engine or unity they acted like this was a huge milestone and proved all the doubt was wrong as a reminder the participants in this test are bound by mda and cannot share screenshots video or other materials they are permitted to let discord display their game activity so don't be surprised you see people already playing chronicles of eleria more playable experience or are planned for up to speed your pledge continued adventures in life both actual and fantasy oh my god and this was gonna be you know good things to come and then five days later posted a huge wall of text that if you didn't read all the way through with your monocle on you likely wouldn't even know the meaning of they managed to hide about halfway through that they were in fact closing the studio although oh they're doing the filibuster okay i like this this is a really really good idea uh this is what they do you know whenever you click that um you know do you agree to the terms and conditions and then on page seven part three uh sub section b it says that they actually own everything in your computer you know but they didn't see that you didn't see that because you didn't read it use terms like entering the abyss and made it into some kind of narrative piece and then of course jeremy the ceo went and clarified yeah they thought it was a patch for the game but it was a patch for real life on twitter he quote shuttered the studio then a discord group popped literally called class action for coe with the sole purpose of suing him for lying to them for years and he very quickly pulled out his gold medal in mental gymnastics okay and claimed that he never said the studio was closing he would in fact still be delivering the game that he sold people absolutely and whose fault is it it's kovid's fault that's right and hey guys you've got to wear a mask sometimes listen we can't be expected listen we just have to because we were going to make the game but clove it happened and now we're going to take your eight million dollars and we're just gonna we're nothing you're not you're not getting eight million dollars but it's because of kovit emma you know how cove it is right i mean come on everybody knows is impossible because if you couldn't do it in four years with eight million dollars and 30 employees how are you gonna do it in any amount of time with no employees and no money it just doesn't make sense does it after this the lawsuit started to progress and jeremy spent the last two years creating a dog [ __ ] pie that nobody wanted and role-playing is if everybody does he claims that himself and one developer will be able to deliver this game and that this game would then somehow contribute meaningfully to releasing the main game of which people paid for called chronicles valeria oh okay so basically i see i see what he's trying to do he's basically saying that well you paid for a game but there was not an explicit statement that you paid for this game in this context so he's trying to lawyer them i see the old payton switch you know that's a good one i like that that's cute worth a shot yeah listen i mean this dude's got eight million on the line he's got eight million ride it on this man like of course he's gonna try to play it out despite that game being developed for four years in unreal engine and this new one being slapped together in unity with matchsticks and calm i can't even begin to go over the levels of delusion and lies the ridiculous narratives the obfuscation the six years of material that he pretends doesn't exist and of course contradicts almost everything he says now the fact he thinks people believe when he says the mmrpg is so close to being finished and yet it's almost there guys you just like just hold on a little bit longer i just have to get the money from the nigerian prince and so like i just need you to give me a little bit more money and then i'll give him the ten thousand dollars that'll allow him to give that to the bank and he'll get his 10 million dollars and he'll give me 5 million dollars just we're just so close guys it's just it's just gonna be ten more years i mean days ten more ten more days until we're done and listen i feel like the kickstarter stuff you know i told you guys about how like people that get scammed deserve to get scammed right uh sometimes i don't agree with this like i think that people that [ __ ] like people donated and this is a legitimate product that was advertised there's no scam here like yeah does the game look that good no it doesn't look that good but it's very [ __ ] clear that this game is something that people believed in and this dude's taking their [ __ ] money and he's going over the [ __ ] moon no i like he needs to be a hundred percent held accountable because i think that these people there is a plausibility i think there's a realistic possibility that a reasonable person could have seen this advertisement and thought to themselves wow this looks like an interesting game i might try and play it or i might try and support it and i don't think it was it was not stupid like yes obviously the game is rudimentary but it's a new game you know it's people's responsibility not the scammers i think that basically it's judged on the scam so like if somebody gets scammed it's like if somebody says hey if you give me ten dollars today i'll give you twenty dollars tomorrow and then you give him ten dollars and then you show up tomorrow he's like where is he maybe that's your fault you know what i mean like maybe that's your fault so but what i'm somewhere but no for real that's what it is and so what i'm trying to get at here is that i think that there is a certain degree of like responsibility people have to vet things but i think that like with this this looks like a plausible game sure and and the guys scam people it's like it's on kickstarter it this sucks i i hope this guy gets his ass beat not not physically right but it's a metaphorical ass beating in the court of law i can't show anybody this game and instead he's going to show us a different game in a different engine and the fact he thinks chronicles valeria will actually release in 2024 without a budget without a team you know it's obviously just like he doesn't think that he's saying that for deniability for court reasons he's saying that so he can stay true to the quote promise that he had that he was going to make the game so he can rationalize keeping the money that's why he's doing it has nothing to do with the [ __ ] actually if the game was even remotely close to being as fleshed out as he claimed he could at any point of just threw up a test server showed people it existed yeah and perhaps would have received more funding or investment instead of closing the studio without even trying he didn't put up a fight this was apparently his life's work his dream that he'd been concocting in his brain for over i bet he was he's dreaming like how many of us dream i have eight million dollars have you ever thought about what it would be like to have eight million dollars man why you quit your job like go buy a new car you know what i'm gonna go to wendy's and even though the drinks are expensive i'm gonna still get a large decade and he sold people on this and and people bought they gave him money they funded his dream and instead of fighting for that dream he basically just went out with a complete whimper he just said oh we're out of money you know i'm not going to show you anything i'm not going to try and substantiate anything yep it's just over guys that's it he honestly discussed to me how flagrantly he treated the people who gave him that money for this dream and now he continues to insult their intelligence with this absolute farce so that's obviously a very long backstory that if you follow this if you are one of those fans because you will be aware of all of this but is necessary as context because realistically the story is so in depth and it spans so many years that you might have forgotten some of the key details you know what the best thing about these games are is that the truth is that these games and the drama around the kickstarter for the game you can almost guarantee the lore for that is better than the lord that they would have come out for the game itself you understand like so like it's like really they're creating a it's a it's an mmo it's a narrative but it's just not in the game it's real life and you're a real character in it surprise the the numbers the timeline and things like that and of course today there is an update from the man himself first though i would like to forward the message i received from our overlords and why this video needed to be made praise brothers the shadow council has heard rumors that one of the largest threats to our organization has reappeared after many moons passed who is it we thought this foe vanquished for good the proof of the council's efficiency but alas he was hidden from us shrouded in some unnatural mist nay a fog of his own making preparing for war this individual represents the greatest threat to the members of this great organization he presents words that pass from fork tongue the ultimate deceiver from the weak minded and seeks to avoid the laws of these mortal lands i beseech all shadow council to heed my words the deceiver known as jeremy caspian walsh must not be allowed to further contaminate this hallowed industry who is machinations go forth just spread the word the council will not forgive these deeds and we are legion as for the update i'm going to give you the cliff notes because caspian is a master of using technical terms and long sentences to tell you the absolute bare minimum or just nothing see here's the problem right it's like anybody who sees this is going to think it's legitimate it's a balding man with a beard in his 30s talking about a fantasy medieval mmo like the stage is set for other balding men in their 30s with beards who like fantasy mmos to be taken advantage of you see what i mean like it takes one to know one right i mean yeah true like this is it's like you can't put somebody on here like this because it's just it's it's too good of a trick oh this man could take the recipe of an omelette and stretch it into a 100 page short story he goes over some spreadsheets and flow charts he's made which are totally something you want to be seen after six years of development and not something you would expect from a pre-production of an indie game he impressively shows us a video you know i uh i i took a class in this in a in college when i was in business school and um we did this in the second week yeah this is like uh the project like we uh like the first week we did this the second week and we had to have actually we had to have it like be in like certain types of uh [ __ ] like language so it could be translated to code so dropped out third week no i actually um i remember the teacher we had was this romanian guy and like my favorite thing about uh people from eastern europe is that they're [ __ ] and they they they're not sorry like they never apologize and so the teacher he went and he he gave us our final exam and it was so long and so hard that people legitimately asked him at the beginning they said can we just do part of this because this is so long and he said with a smile he says you can do partial work if you would like partial credit and then he just walked out of the room and there was a girl who was like she's like about to [ __ ] cry and like i remember bro i i barely even [ __ ] finished that [ __ ] like it's like everybody else [ __ ] failed that [ __ ] was so funny man it was great yeah it was a big dick energy i know man i know you know that indicates this man has made dozens of flow charts and spreadsheets honestly no joke guys just blew me away i came into this update thinking we would be seeing nothing you know like usual just just no substitution like you see how many graphs i make in class like i i was the only person who the only person the whole school got an a in the class and uh yeah it's like high school nah this [ __ ] was real like it was it was an upperclassman uh thing too and so uh she messed up the curve uh i think actually he did grave on great on a curve but i'm not sure but uh yeah i i knew a lot about that and uh that was like the only thing i was good at really because like the other time i took this other class as a marketing class all we had to do was learn vocabulary like i was the worst class ever i ever had and then like halfway through the class i think that the teacher realized that it was [ __ ] stupid and he just decided that he was just gonna teach it his own way and he just told us how to like make business relationships and how to [ __ ] write a resume he just completely changed the curriculum of the class halfway through it was an auditorium class with like 200 people who just decided he's like [ __ ] this yeah it was the second half was the best class i've ever had it was great whatsoever but you really proved me wrong here and upon seeing just how many templates he has in this folder i just had the biggest change of heart you can imagine about what he'd done without eight million dollars and the likelihood of chronicles of hillary being delivered if he has this many spreadsheets if he has this many templates i i can't believe that there is no game he then goes on to talk about art and this is the part that really cemented the fact that they totally had a product and didn't just income wow that's incredible um what type of uh plant is the dog is it a mural dog or is the dog's name heather i i mean i you know like i mean which one is it it's dogwood potentially waste everybody's money for four years he shows a whole bunch of pre-made assets that he bought on the unity marketplace which likely cost them a couple hundred dollars yeah that explains to us what store-made assets are and why you know what this reminds me of this reminds me of somebody who actually in that class we had people that did this too um it's they they do their entire semester project the night before and they bring it up and they presented in class and i remember every time that i would see one of these people because like this is a if y'all are still in school here's a bit of advice always go after one of those people you either go first or you go after them so like as soon as somebody comes up and they're like oh so uh [ __ ] it uh they got so like world war ii was really bad and uh there was this one guy he had like this red cross thing nobody liked him okay we got rid of him he's gone except some people think that actually he's in argentina and other people think he's in antarctica because i think he built a base underneath the ice and it's like wait until that guy finishes his project his his presentation and then go right after him and it will guaranteed increase your grade by at least one letter exactly he's using them now i'm just gonna outline because some people get this twisted if you're an indie dev or even a bigger studio and you use store assets i have absolutely nothing against that fair play i think they're there for a reason and especially when you've got a limited budget or a smaller studio why reinvent the wheel exactly if something fits your game's aesthetic go wild bro it makes no difference however when you've employed 30 people for four years and had eight million dollars the fact that you're now six years later buying plants for your game i just i can't logically put the pieces of this puzzle together in my head surely you can't logically put it together really i wonder i i wonder i wonder what it really was uh surely surely they've been working hard on this i mean i mean of course i mean it couldn't just be a huge scam right i mean it couldn't cure is trying to be nice yeah i know he's trying to be nice and you know he tries to be a nice guy it's a [ __ ] scam it's a [ __ ] scam everybody should get their money back i see something like this and i think wow this is cool i wish they made a game like this there's other people that think that and they give this guy 50 bucks and they say hey good job go for it i want to see what you can do and then um they don't see [ __ ] the money's gone now exactly why are you complaining about how he spends his money there's literally rich fake influencers everywhere these days meddling in worse concepts in a gaming world listen savage loaf we know who you are okay we we know we know what your tricks are you're not going to be able to get away with it this time okay jeremy you want to try and do this you want to try and play this game get on your alt account is that it huh make you assets or purchase those assets back in the day to use as placeholders from the unreal store the client you were of course originally using for development of the mmo people paid for i don't understand how we're six years into this game's development on to a different game now and your dev blog is showing us you've recently purchased grass i had my covered booster on sunday and had much more coherent fever dreams than this concept in front of me right now he closes out this dev blog by essentially saying that they will have more updates coming out as well as playable tests for kingdoms of valyria and of course that they're going to post another dev update on july 12 2022. absolutely you can tell i absolutely can't wait for i just love these i really wish jeremy i love these too as i said i think this is i think the drama let's be honest you look at this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] thank god that it's not being made because the drama about it not being made is better than the game could have ever been yeah this is already better come back though on video because there's nothing quite so enjoyable as watching this man just talk absolute [ __ ] nonsense on video about what he's doing with his project i'm going to end this update as i usually do with a challenge to jeremy and an invitation directly to you if you truly do have chronicles valyria as close to being finished as you've repeatedly claimed please boot it up on a live stream show us what you've got surely four years for you to get some semblance of the game that would be real easy to display to us and prove my suspicions wrong you could prove a lot of people in the community wrong you could even probably make the lawsuit go away by just showing people you actually did what you said you were doing something you could probably do this right clear up any misconceptions or confusion that you believe i may have to describe to me why is you've showed people amazing gameplay slices during funding and then nothing for two years before can only be described as runescape made in pain and then almost immediately closing your studio without showing anything ever again i'd sincerely love oh my god what is this oh my i would have to be like nine years old to think this isn't a joke like oh my god what is this this is it it's like runescape without the nostalgia you're wrong here and that you actually have an almost completed mmo and it can release and people can get their money's worth that would be the best case scenario but you've got to do something more than present to us store assets in another engine for a game no one cares about man just show us chronicles valeria the game people actually care about and paid for it seems like this story is going to go on for years jeremy himself has said he's going to release chronicles valerie in 2024 and it seems he has no intention of giving up at least not while the lawsuit is still progressing so it does seem like i will have content he can't he can't give up while the lawsuit is progressing because after he wins the lawsuit then he's going to give up because at that point he will prove it in court that he took the funds with uh in good faith he has to make a good faith effort to do that to not be legally liable as soon as he gets done with that bro jeremy is gonna go he's he's gone like he's we don't even know who who's jeremy like see ya yeah true he's poof god yep every few months for the next couple of years at least going over what caspian's saying about kingdoms and chronicles valeria so there we go hopefully you enjoyed and hopefully i'll see you on the next one stay safe out there surprised i i oh my god this is just it's i i don't even what if he actually finishes the game fomo oh my god if he actually finishes we should buy a plot now because if he finishes the game and then we don't have the money oh my god we would lose so much yeah like let me see i'm gonna pull something up okay um where is it tally where's tally this is one of the leaks from the new expansion did you guys see this i'm gonna pull it up oh by the way this is a video i was gonna watch this later this is a video from kira tv i'm gonna link it again so you guys can see it okay oh that yep there we go um kyra is a real mmo investigator exactly yes he's doing a very good job i think he's doing incredible i'm very uh very glad to see that uh dev's little embodiment of wine ted well they're just trying to get money i mean that's all there is to it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 441,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, crypto scam, crypto fraud, nft, nfts, nft scam, scammer, scammer exposed, exposed
Id: ZG_x11D8GRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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