The Gaming Whales Have Spoken | Asmongold Reacts

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this was recommended to me I don't know what it is but I know I need to watch it inside the mind of Teek te that's what the video is titled and it says the gaming whales have spoken here we go Ton's free to play tekon could be free to play in the next 10 hoyse games and he still won't make up for the fact that he spent $400,000 on ginch and impact you don't you don't just undo that with like oh I'm not I'm not I'm not PID to win in this one game it might have only been like 300 have you ever wondered what makes a whale whale what compels them to spend thousands of dollars on pix let me see here last $2000 last time I checked that was that was before I bought wraith's new heirloom though went through my purchase history and it added up to $2,567 oh my God and colors what makes them such a destructive force in the gaming industry to really know that answer we'd probably have to speak to their therapist so instead we're going to settle with their replies in my YouTube comments section A few months back I made a video so in I love dude this is gaming in 2023 there it is boys this is gaming settle with their replies in my YouTube comments section A few months back I made a video titled the era of wallet gamers in which we took a bit of a deep dive into some of the degenerate wailing Behavior oh my God bro this is the this is JP man oh my God from Diablo Immortal it's him yeah bro this is the guy bro this guy wailed so hard in Diablo his item level and combat rating was so high nobody could even play against him and watched a few people embarrass themselves he was literally on another level um yeah yeah yeah no totally I I mean look it's like and that video sort of blew up and that was only 10K you think about that yeah Rich you thought Rich was bad bro some people spent way more holy [ __ ] I was G yeah now rich is gone but besides that there's a lot of other people that um that have spent crazy money too attention of several whales who took offense to my comments that I made in the video but that's what the YouTube comment section is for for their chance to respond so let's take a look at the responses yikes we call all you guys pocket Watchers just because you don't have the funds to enjoy a game in whatever way you choose don't mean others don't have you guys waste money on drugs going out to eat and shoot clubbing every weekend shoot clubbing what the [ __ ] does that even mean add it all up and see how much you spent ain't no difference this is some people's club/ drug and that is fine One Life to Live whatever makes you happy you spend your money if you die tomorrow you cannot take it with you yeah but what if you don't die tomorrow and you just in debt because you bought some stupid [ __ ] in the game like that's still kind of dumb right and like also like isn't it dumb to spend $11,000 at a club too like how how is it that like oh well if one of them isn't dumb then how can mine be dumb well what if they're all dumb and and also like if you want to do it just do it spend your money the way you want right but like you can't expect other people to not be allowed to have an opinion on it like nobody's saying you're not allowed to to whale in a game but if you do not everybody is going to be like wow bro you're so good at the game okay first of all pocket Watchers that's just funny all right guys you heard it here first we're being labeled as pocket Watchers go ahead and wear that badge of honor with pride second this gentleman equates wailing with drugs so here's where we actually do agree so that's nice and lastly he acknowledges that we can't take our microtransactions with us when we die it's almost like he's arguing against microtransactions here with that point point but whatever so this is a pretty common response I mean I think that really he's right I mean if he's spending money on a game and he's enjoying it good for him I'm happy for him as long as he's happy I see echoed and other comments as well and that it's because we're poor and that if we were Rich we'd be spending like whales too yeah and that's one of the biggest copes out there for whales that if people had money like them they'd be whaling too wrong a lot of us out here have an IQ above room temp so we aren't going to be spending thousands on pixels even if we do have the money and a lot of us do we just spend it on things that actually matter if you've made the mistake like I have of buying microtransactions in the past for me here's how I see it is that if I'm playing a game and like if I'm doing it for stream content then yeah I'll whail and spend money who gives a [ __ ] right because it's in my opinion like oh it's a business expense but if I'm playing a game on a a personal level and I feel like other people can spend money to get ahead of me then why would I play the game because I know I can outspend them I know I'll win if I just spend more money so what's the point you see what I'm saying like I could spend $10,000 on a game it's whatever okay so then I win okay great who gives a [ __ ] like it doesn't matter like you didn't win anything yeah it's just it's stupid yay yeah yay it doesn't matter but that can apply to everything but it can't though because like being able to overcome a challenge in a game or being able to beat somebody on a fair playing field means something totally different than being able to spend more money and having more disposable income these are two completely different things it doesn't take long to realize it's just a temporary dopamine hit that almost immediately makes you feel buyer remorse so I don't know how some of these copers are out here spending five to six figures on just microtransactions in fact well I think a lot of people do it because it makes them happy and they want to get the new characters in the game and they are addicted like a lot of these things like every single microtransaction like gotcha stuff most of them are basically Gamba so it's like well why do people gamble oh I mean there you go go uh that's the reason and uh money can can buy happiness yeah exactly or just Cosmetics I think that if you like there is a very big difference between like cosmetics and gacha I think that the whales only really happen in gacha games like I'm sure you have some that are not in gacha games but most people that spend $10,000 in a game spend that money on some form of roulette system that the game has it's not like they're buying $10,000 worth of skins in the store some people I'm sure this is possible but the majority of them I think are usually doing some Gamba system I think it's also very telling that you know this is I believe it to be true um and every single time like what enables people to overspend thousands of dollars is Gamba well I think that says a lot doesn't it let's hear from one such fellow in the next comment who came out swinging like he's God's greatest keyboard Warrior about my $144,000 in Cotton mobile skins it's not your money you didn't earn it if I want to look fresh I'm not dumping 200 hours into a game just to get something slightly better looking than the default sln you can grind that all you like because you have no job I'm not going to tell you to get a job or education because I'm not a needo little a needo little Crabb yeah I can see why he doesn't need to tell other people to get a job or education maybe he should say that to himself um yeah this is definitely true um there's nothing wrong like if you want to spend $4,000 in COD mobile did he spend this money on a Goa system I don't play COD mobile I have no idea was this with a gotcha system yes my point exactly again every single person that's like a high spender with these games they are all doing it through Gamba okay wait for it it's about to get really good how is my gun turn your dead body into a snowman or green puddle of condensed scrub juice reducing your fun you sound like you're mad that high IQ people have more money to spend what a joke I don't know if saying that your high IQ is a good argument for why you spend $14,000 on a mobile video game like I I feel like that's not the argument that I would use in fact it would be more like the opposite this is a prime example of a low IQ person not realizing that they are in fact not high IQ because nobody with an IQ over 80 would leave this type of comment but I digress I think there's plenty of smart people that spend tons of money on games absolutely because it just doesn't matter to them you have to understand that like for a lot of people spending $10,000 isn't a big deal they can do that it's it's not like they're going to have to worry about it or anything like that now whenever I say a lot I don't mean a majority or percentage of the population I just mean that if you look at them there are hundreds of thousands of people they can spend $10,000 and it's nothing so to them whenever they spend $144,000 it's not a big deal and it doesn't really matter to them so it's like you have to look at it from that person's perspective as well the reckful video yes the wful video they don't go on YouTube crying though exactly yeah they're just they just spend the money and that's it They Don't Really Care America's broken well I mean there's also I mean there's people people that do this all over the world it's not just American I have 14,000 Search and Destroy games and 7,000 Battle Royale games on my account 201,000 cadles if I was like you I'd expect all that for free not even free but on the dime of Activision for development and server costs you're a leech you get to play games I fund with slim purchases for free how about a touch of gratitude in your voice when you speak to he's so mad how can you be that mad oh my god dude I mean what do I even say to this this man is Activision's favorite little soldier yeah bro this is yeah whenever Bobby codic is thinking about like who who is your ideal player who do you want in your games this guy Yep this this is the this is the guy remember what they they were saying about how like they would fly xqc out to the um uh those uh casinos and everything and they had like you know limo service and everything this is the equivalent of that for video games right here pure delusion VIP now this is truly a very sad person if you really stop and think about it but you know what guys we need to show some gratitude to dorats like this because he is funning our games with slns after all now this next guy I don't think you guys are ready for this next guy he got pretty creative some dude who spends extra money on games totally smash this guy's one and only girlfriend once and this is the response so much hate and anger like he's the Adolf of what he called the Adolf oh my God I just for whatever that [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] funny to me Gamers I'm sure YouTube Subs have never helped by micro transactions for many other YouTubers ever maybe add some more rules one never subscribe to a channel if it's a gaming channel because the extra money might be too much of a Temptation for them and we have to keep the gamer race pure this is what you sound like kiddo so I'm going to call you a nazzy gamer Gamers who think by overthinking and crying it gives them a my God keeps going bro what is wrong with people oh my gods dot dot dot mobile Gamers and freeo play games using three extreme examples to overgeneralize J bit hysterical and dramatic and womanly a maybe that's why she left mate cry and poop your pants all you want servers update BR I wonder what this like I I would love to know what this guy's life is like I would and new content all cost money it's not like the company's parents are paying for it while running it out of their basement and not like you're complaining anytime you pay extra on o or pH pay to fap in case you didn't know fact is it's not your place or business what people do with their wallets and it never will be noon cares if you are mad dude how does a person get to this point in their life I don't understand this like this is nutty pay pay to fap yeah that's called azer Lane this comment made my day man holy [ __ ] what a legendary comment I think this one speaks for itself really but I'll respond to his accusations just for fun for one thing I'm happily married and my wife isn't someone that would be swooning over a gaming whale in the first place yeah I have a job I'm not a Nazi I don't pay to fap and I don't poop my pants so I'll go ahead and yeah what dude how like I mean this kid's got to be like what 15 or something dude that's like he's the Adolf man oh my God I just there's something that's so [ __ ] funny to me about that it's just it's he's yeah he's got to be yeah he's either 14 or 40 say that this good Christian man is a bit off base with his conclusions yeah he needs Jesus now the money spent from this next whale had me gasping for the inhaler and I'm not even asthmatic so prepare yourselves okay $356,000 on NBA 2K probably another 150,000 over the life of playing other video games I'd just love to hear all the people complain wait I just realized what he said yeah it's like a house oh my [ __ ] god that's almost yes that's over half a million dollars guys and tell me I'm the reason for all their problems holy [ __ ] over $500,000 on microtransactions and that's what he can name off the top of his head the real number is probably much higher his comment then goes on to say that he own two homes and donates to charity and is a good member of society and asks why should we care and villainize him now this dude is not representative he's not a villain he's not you're not the bad guy nobody hates you what's wrong with you yeah I don't care if you want to spend half a million dollars on the games that's totally up to you man but like it doesn't mean that we can't be annoyed at the developer for making it possible it's the developer that made it this way he's just playing the game I'm mad at the developers [ __ ] that I do [ __ ] him he ruins my team well that's what happens I mean but he's not ruining my team the developer is ruining my team they're the ones making the game of the majority at all of gam uning as I've said in the past games are being made for people like this in mind and he even admits that a bit further down in the comments I myself dislike the modern corporate gaming era even if I get special treatment from them free money in game to keep me playing asking me what I'd like to see changed in the game Etc I don't agree with special treatment I give away the free money and some to other players I decline any offers for my input to affect the game play the dude just well here's the thing right it's like voting if you vote and if Donald Trump votes each of you both get one vote right let's cut the conspiracy [ __ ] each person gets one vote right if if Barack Obama votes he gets one vote if you vote you get one vote here's the problem with Wales is you get zero votes because you're free to play and they get 356,000 there it is their vote literally counts more than yours does casually admits that video game companies actually reach out to and get input from Wales of course they do they give them special treatment of course and if this is to be believed then this only further proves my theory that video games are being designed for whales from the ground up they are well I mean is this really like I mean do we need a theory for this like I I I mean guys I don't think we needed a theory I I would have believed that yeah I yeah I would have believed that for sure yeah definitely that happened it's a shocking Revelation yes no [ __ ] [ __ ] they're making them for whales and of course they want to keep the whales in the game because if the whales leave then the game doesn't make any money Hong Kai is a blatant example of this Hong Kai is not even that bad that's the thing is like you guys don't understand some of these games like Hong Kai star rail on the spectrum of gacha games is towards the green and not the red like there are a lot of games that are way [ __ ] worse than that whale lives matter sarell is generous compared to others yes every interview how can we keep our supporters AKA whales happy and you saw this with lost AR remember lost AR talking about how they didn't want to make the whales unhappy by like adding in new Gems or making it easier to get light of Salvation 30 because they wanted to make and that's what matters because the whales are the ones that matter because they have the money and you are the slaves that's right and so you're the peasants you are the uh you know the the servants and then they're the plebs that's right and then they're the ones that live in the castle and you work in their castle and every once in a while they give you a potato that's how it is that's gaming and it's also life Marvel Strike Force accidentally made fun of their top whale so he quit and they sent an apology video to him and tried to fly him down and show him what they're working on here we go actually made fun of their top whale they sent an apology video and tried to fly him down did they bring out a ukulele too yep the whales are the ones that everybody cares about like I always wonder like cuz you know sometimes I'll get the uh the surveys in honai Star rail I wonder if my survey gets pryed more than like Teek tones because Ton's free to play so like if teone gets a survey do they even read it I mean probably not right like nobody would yeah like why would they read it yeah it's like what is this it's a cosmetic survey yeah fill this out and put it in a garbage can thanks for your input please thank you for playing how come uh creating endgame items that are blatantly catered to whales with endgame significance like lore um well I think that a lot of times like the reason why these things happen is because of gambling the reason why these games are so popular and they make so much money is because they all utilize a gambling mechanic these people aren't spending $100,000 on an item they're spending $100,000 $100 at a time because it's Gamba that's why all of the most popular games all have Gambar front of the minds of the leaders at these game studios and Publishers absolutely insane the rest of his comment he spends being triggered about being labeled an addict and is out of control and that he's actually super squ I'm the addict out of control burning the lightscape around me right get off your high hor Ser tell is okay fing Mak off for the people Jesus Christ you think I made my Millions by being some idiot consumer without impulse control no my dad was rich [ __ ] you because he made his millions but I'll let you guys decide what to take away from this comment I'm just blown away by the special treatment bit Yeah of well I mean like you think about it right if you were a game developer wouldn't you want to make sure that your whales were happy duh duh yeah you want to feed the whales it's obvious like yes of course you're going to do this it's common sense it's the same and people like oh no no no look at what streamers do how many streamers have like these you know top donators and then they have the person's name on the screen and stuff like that there it is I feel like the [ __ ] should be illegal why I think the gambling should be illegal yeah sure like I mean maybe not illegal but at least better regulated but no I mean you you don't have the like if people want to make a pay to win game that's that's their right they have every right to make a pay to win game whales are a bit more regretful and have since changed their ways I spent nearly 10K on World of Tanks I learned and when I played War Thunder I only spent 1.2k which by the way buddy only he only spent 1.2k normally wanting even more government Authority yes I understand that you are complaining about that while you're typing on your keyboard that's regulated by the government using your internet that's regulated by the government with your monitor that has its power usage regulated by the government connected to your computer that is extensively regulated to the government but yes of course we can't have regulation that's communism not learn anything so far if you go based off $1 per one hour of time spent I did get my value even exceeding it but still I wouldn't do either again I still play both for free now since there's no need to buy more was fun for me but all over [ __ ] that should have been in a base $60 game exactly yeah pay to win in games never makes games better basically what people need to understand is that if Hong Kai star rail was a game that you paid for for like $20 or $60 the entire game would play differently because video games are designed around the monetization model like lost Arc is designed completely around its monetization Hong Kai star is designed completely around its monetization that's the way these games are because it's it's like the tail wagging the dog this is unironically happening with monetization in games and so the entire game is made worse in order to incentivize spending money like why would they have all these like weird caps and energy levels and stuff like this well they have it because then they can get people to pay money to take it off all right so by the end of this guy's story he seemed to have finally learned so can we get a round of applause for this man learning it only took 11, I contributed to this issue I was addicted to this gotta game fake Grand order I've spent over the funniest [ __ ] thing that I've ever heard about this game is emiru who saved all of her little tokens and tickets you know like imagine you're at chuckecheese and you go to chuckecheese every weekend and you know you save up all your tickets to buy something and um she really wanted this character who is apparently some sort of skeleton Warrior I think his name was like Hassan actually was Hassan something like that and uh she spent all of her tickets all of her tokens everything that she had to get this character and she didn't get him and she quit the game yep just quit the game $20,000 on that game it was not worth it i000 all the other things I could have bought with that money because fate grandorder doesn't have a Pity system happy I'm free to play with games that do have microtransactions I might pay a few dollars here and there for some Cosmetics so in a way I'm still contributing to the problem but I need to start speaking up to this so lessons sort of learned but still buying Cosmetics however they are self-aware to it so let start at least as a person who has been a whale in many mobile games I can say that this video is entirely accurate I was unfortunate enough to be introduced to this style of gaming at the age of 14 there it is bro see this is what you need to do right is if you want to get people gambling you have to indoctrinate them and groom them into gambling from a young age so like you start them off in Minecraft or Roblox gambling then you move them up to genin impact and then by the time they're 18 then they go to Vegas and they spend all of their money there yeah you get them young that that's the way it works guys that's life same as cigarettes yeah exactly that's dark well it's true and would spend all of my Christmas and birthday money on BS in mobile games instead of enjoying my childhood Jes one thing people don't talk about is the massive influence the industry has on turning children into mindless compulsive SP Enders with zero self-control I will have to say that I can only blame the industry so much where the [ __ ] were your parents are you really going to blame like you're going to blame this this game like how do you spend money in this game your parents are probably buying it for you like what are you doing at 14 like you can't drive so your parents buy this for you they are enabling this somehow you're probably not doing this without the content or without the allowance of your parents like not literally an allowance but you know like basically them driving you to get the stuff them talking to you you using their credit card something like that they have to know man no you steal no because usually if you steal the cards they don't get activated yeah the parents know about this and the parents don't care the parents are complacent about it and I think that's a problem it's not completely on the developer being compulsive and making bad decisions with your money is not always somebody else's fault sometimes you're just being a [ __ ] idiot so wrong my parents bought the game to keep me busy while they went to Vegas true yeah and then whenever you turn 18 they bring you with them and then everybody loses their money together it's a family event so true by the age of 20 I had dropped more than 30,000 on mobile games alone in my life I was a pizza delivery boy who spent who age of 20 I dropped more than 30k so oh yeah you think he really got $30,000 by the age of 20 come on guys come on what are we talking about here the parents are enabling this every extra scent I had on these games and it was a crippling lifestyle that just continued to feed itself thank God I finally got out and the top reply to that comment said Jesus I'm a [ __ ] drug addict and when I was using speed I wasn't even spending that much money these games need to be regulated mobile games should not be able to financially ruin you more than drug addiction in my opinion this is what I think that Games should do it's very simple I think there should be two rules number one you can never buy anything in a video game that you don't know what you're getting the outcome needs to be direct there can be no gambling mechanism there can be no oh you're buying a chance to get something nope nothing if you want to buy topaz in hongkai Star rail you should be able to just go to the store and buy that exact character and that should be the only way that you can get her no Gamba no uh oh well this doesn't like oh well you know you do a spin or something like this uhuh nope I think microtransactions are totally fine but the people should buy them knowing what they're going to get there is no advantage to the consumer that it is a gambling mechanism there is literally no Advantage it is purely a net negative for consumers it is that simple need the dopamine yeah exactly but that's less money for the company yeah well that's what they get and uh isn't hard pity like a price tag no because everything besides that you're you don't have the price tag you're right that the hard pity is the price tag but to the extent that you allow people to go after it without it being a certainty then it's no longer a price tag no the fact is that you can spend money is there an instance of you being able to spend money and not know what you get in honkey star rail the answer to that is yes so then it shouldn't exist it doesn't matter if oh well eventually if you spend enough then you know what you're going to get no every single every single transaction should be like that it's not like oh you have to do 50 transactions and then you finally get it no every single one should be like that that's number one number two the other thing is I think they should make it to where there are no secondary currencies zero every single thing in the store is shown as it's current like the the local store value or local currency value so like pesos if you're in Mexico Yen if you're in Japan uh dollars if you're in the US and I don't know like maple syrup if you're in Canada I don't know what they what they use for money up there but either way you should only be able to look at it from the dollar amount the secondary currencies that these games have the only purpose they serve is to obfuscate the viewer and make it harder for the viewer to understand how much money they're spending this is clearly bad and any normal person would say this is bad they have no other purpose other than that they don't make anything easier like if it said it's $269 how is that any better or worse fundamentally than saying it's a th tokens you see what I'm saying try not telling that to EA and Ultimate Team well it's all of them they they all do this what well people that save up and get the character for free well then that would be fine they'd still be able to do that the intents to make your money have less value yes there should never be a secondary currency secondary currencies in these games exist for the only purpose to make it harder for you to understand how much money you're wasting which is like fundamentally like kind of fraud right like it's basically they're trying to defraud you out of spending your own money regulating these games and banning egregious monetization like this is something I'd really love to see get rid of freeo play entirely and if anything live service Games should just switch to subscription only or an expand I don't know I don't think think that like I mean League of Legends doesn't have a lot of gcha as far as I know neither does valerant I mean there are plenty of games that don't have this uh you just can't like if a game cannot exist without having gambling or without having some form of gacha mechanic then maybe it doesn't deserve to exist if your argument is that oh well then we can't make any money well then find a better business model like what is the logic in oh well we have to do something that's unethical and damaging to people because if we don't then we can't make any money as if they have some sort of right to be able to make money having a video game get the [ __ ] out of here this is outrageous model No microtransactions period I don't think that's what's going to happen there's likely no turning back oh I don't agree with that I think that microtransactions are totally fine I think that if if Blizzard or any of these companies Hoovers wants to put up a character or an item in a game and they want to charge $1,000 for it and you go on the store and it says this is $1,000 I completely support them being able to do that absolutely because it is a decision that the buyer and the seller go into the buyer has full knowledge of what they're going to get they are not being misled on the price and whenever they pay the money they get the thing that they pay for that should be that is just as fine as buying in my opinion a bag from Gucci buying a $4,000 Gucci bag is just as [ __ ] stupid in my opinion as buying a new character on honai Star rail they're both dumb they both probably won't go up in value uh you're just telling yourself that to feel better about buying the bag no they're not it's just crazy to me or horse armor or something like that yes people can buy what they want to buy let people spend their money on things that they want to spend their money on now yes I think gamling is over the line and gotcha mechanics are over the line however everything else is totally fine if you want to give people like oh somebody can buy a level boost in the store let the free market decide whether that's okay or not it's totally up to them from where this industry is at this point but that's what I really truly hope to see in-game monetization has been plaguing the industry for far too long but now for my favorite comments well I also have to say like in-game monetization free to-play games could not exist without microtransactions and I don't think that it's wrong to have a free-to-play game with microtransactions I think it's it's I I feel like you're massively overstepping whenever you say to a company you can't make a game that sells skins you are massively overstepping into their freedom they have every right to be able to do that they're not hurting anybody they're not deceiving anybody they're not scamming anybody people go into it and they know exactly what they're getting who cares about scans well scans are microtransactions so that's what we're talking about like storm outs yeah if you're broke just say that broke boy complaining about pay to win L you legit just sound like the average salty broke guy yeah bro this guy's got some serious rice eater energy I whenever I heard about that in Korea that people actually called The free-to-play Players rice eaters that was probably the best thing that had happened to me that entire month doesn't it hurt the everyone if the devs see them as the primary player base and only make games to whale just a question it does hurt everyone but it doesn't hurt them in a tangible way because making a video game that's bad doesn't really hurt you because like it's a video game so that's not the same thing as like making you spend your money it's a [ __ ] video game if you're broke and don't have the extra cash flow just say that don't [ __ ] because people have it better off than you and don't have time to play weeks on in like a child broke boy see this is the sad comment is this this person is so far into the Matrix they don't even realize that they're plugged in you wouldn't have to play for weeks on end if the Goa system didn't exist in Elden ring you don't have to play for weeks on in to get a cool item you just kill a boss and then you get the item or you farm a mob and it takes you maybe a couple of hours because they're not incentivized to make you play the game as long as possible the entire reason that you have to play weeks on end is to incentivize you to spend the extra cash to not have to do it because if you didn't have the ability to spend the extra cash there would be no incentive to make the game take longer broke boy bitching broke boy bitching that's just about it isn't it have you ever wondered what I'm going to go ahead I'm going to look at some of the comments on this oh my [ __ ] God complaining a gotcha when it's you spending the money I never had a problem with pay to win I know how to save money yeah but it's still Gamba isn't it oh [ __ ] shilou thanks for the raid what's up boys oh yeah look it's kind of her on the screen except for I mean she's she's hotter than this one let's be honest yeah hi guys we're talking about whaling in video games let's see here it's still [ __ ] design it is it is [ __ ] design uh someone being proud to whale just tells me of how intelligent they really are uh I agree the second comment had to be parody it is but it's not I think everybody knows that I'm tired of these whales ruining video games they're the ones that place the gaming space into this mess in the first place and to be blunt if they were gatee kept out of the hobby maybe it would have been great like in the 2000s or the early 2010s guys I'm sorry to say but that's not going to happen enjoy react hours oh yeah I I'll do do my best thank you thank you for the raid and uh yeah that's just everybody should be able to play the games the way they want and I think what's happening is that people that are like older right like now they have like there are people that didn't like pay to win because they couldn't pay to win like this is it's absolutely like a self-serving ideology oh I hate pay to win because I can't pay to win so you do have those people and now that they're like 33 or 35 or 40 now they have the money to pay to win so they don't hate it as much anymore right so you have those people and then you also have the people that are younger who grew up with these games and it's normalized to them so you're burning the candle at both ends of having more and more people not give a [ __ ] about making a game have actual Integrity the younger generation is being brought up where it's okay and the older generation either drops out of gaming altogether or becomes more okay with it just in general because they have the funds to pay for it that's what happens and that's what's been happening I'll be right back
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,335,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: gbUQQtOGrM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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