Honest Game Trailers | Helldivers 2

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in a world where competition is commonplace experience a game that brings players back to Traditional Values as we throw all toxicity aside joining hands to show the might of humanity by trauma bunding over wholesell bug and robot Slaughter okay almost all toxicity hell divers to get ready to lay down your many Expendable lives in Hell divers 2 the much anticipated sequel of the top down bug blast and Co-op as its successor throws you right into the battlefield again but this time gives you front row seats to watching yourself get most to a slurry in an experience that lets you live out your late 90s dream of recreating Starship Troopers but with way more explosives and caves look if you're going to get turned into a cold cut trio do want to leave a good-look corpse well chunks of one anyway come on you you want to live forever gear up to bring glorious victory for the Utopia that is super Earth as Humanity has achieved the Pinnacle of society where we reach out and grab our destiny within the farthest reaches of the stars that just happens to be largely inhabited by everything dead set on trying to decimate you as you liberate the Savage planets in the name of democracy from big bugs and Killer Robots which is totally great because that means there's no moral gray area that usually comes with this sort of thing then be jettison to the front lines as you join your brothers in arms colonizing planet after planet and bringing forth sweet sweet Liberation to the fringes of the Galaxy assuming the shadow DM doesn't just decide to throw a bunch of giant bugs at you because you're liberating too fast in a story that tells you all you really need to know big boom good democracy better okay you had me at boom get ready to defend the home of the Free by throwing yourself in the meat grinder that is held divers gameplay as you go through a tutorial that's about as short as police training to learn how to shoot bugs and crawl floor then become immediately enlisted and thrown into your own Starship where you'll join your other meat companion to be dropped into whatever desolate area you choose then take the brief moment of not being absolutely sworn by bugs to call down your load out and then realize this will be the last moment of Peace you have for a while as you run around plugging bug holes decimating strongholds and finding secret goodies to spend on getting bigger and better ordinances until you notice that you're running out of time for your objective and rush over to finish whatever you have left then blast away like like you're giving out free bullets as you're bombarded by wave after wave of enemies like you're being Zerg rushed by Koreans where you'll do your best to keep your reticle aimed at any soft bits while doing the worm all over the field until it gets really hectic and you fumble around with a DDR strategy miname then Scurry around to find a place to throw your reinforcements right before you get merked yourself by literally who knows what until you finally call for an Evac and Hope receive glorious Victory or on a really bad run pointless sacrifice then repeat this hellish non-stop cycle of battle and death also you can get yourself some shiny Duds and fancy new caves I mean what else is there to fight for all right the human species in some of the best third person shooting you've ever played that perfectly captures how absolutely manic a real war zone would probably be you know if you fought against giant bugs and Bargain Bin terminators I'm sure there's a deeper meaning about the pointlessness of never ending war or something but I'm just having the time of my life flame thrwing all these bugs it's raid mother so iron that cape and Brew yourself a piping hot cup of Liberty with a space Co-op like no other that will make you believe that even on the internet there might still be some semblance of camaraderie left basking in the light of a big old explosion always brings people together starring how to do your part in becoming the best citizen you can be always salute your fellow hell divers it's the Democratic way watch out for friendly fire and if not it's just collateral damage no hard feelings provide a helpful stem to your fellow hell divers that are looking a little poorly it might just be the pet they need to oh and they're dead it's okay to run when things are getting hairy think of it as a strategic Retreat even if people will call you a coward it's okay to accidentally blow up your companions just make sure you apologize afterwards it's just good manners I'm sorry don't be greedy and take more supplies than you need superar has more than enough to spare after the cooldown timer that is if you're getting dropped try to aim your pot at the biggest batt you see it's the best way to contribute to the war effort watch out for the EC that they explicitly tell you to watch out for though we all have our blind spots always cover for your fellow soldiers during Evac just don't accidentally kill them in the process don't throw your reinforcements in an area full of enemies because they will immediately get eviscerated and all lives are precious kind of killing bugs and robots is fun but also don't forget theing objective make sure that you salute the big missile at launch it's a glorious Monument to freedom and also its subsequent Freedom explosion and always always give your fellow hell divers a hug they're going to need it Starship Troopers Band of Brothers I hope that the next race to conquer liberate won't won't make me feel bad doing it like for the bugs and robots as much as I want an avatar held divers collab it probably won't be the Guiltless fun I'm having now although I wouldn't feel bad if it was a whole planet full of Teletubbies if I know anything about Teletubbies they hate democracy and also they majorly creep me out just look at their soulless eyes comment below on what you want to hear in my epic voice and check out these other epic Gaming videos on Gamespot screw the rules I have Chaos Emeralds the arc is the means by which all is revealed let's all laugh at an industry that never learns anything T he he I never feel more alone than when I'm trying to put sunscreen on my back I'm doing my part for super Earth
Channel: Honest Game Trailers
Views: 1,185,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honest game trailers, game trailer, game trailers, games, gaming, helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers trailer, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 honest trailer, honest game trailers helldivers 2, helldivers 2 honest game trailer, arrowhead game studios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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