Asmongold Reacts to Artesian Builds Collapse: From $20,000,000 to Bankrupt | by Gamers Nexus

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so this is artesian builds now uh artesian builds is a uh uh was a company that uh made computers and uh it is a thing it's combination of muslim investigative journalism we draw on conclusions on artesian builds and former ceo we've heard uh ex-ceo no katz is going to start suing us for this story we are proceeding with this video and nothing has been removed we will always advocate for consumers jesus this is the biggest scam we've ever covered the [ __ ] this is insane this ghost town of a warehouse is filled with active build tickets dozens of power supplies video cards locked in cages and there are several areas where it's as if it was frozen in time build stations remain as in progress work sites even the employees drinks and lunch were left behind and was it the rapture is this it's like this bro this shows a revelation it's a thanos snap yeah bins remain partially unpacked from a team that was once excited to move into this brand new multi-million dollar warehouse dude that sucks for them the computers you're seeing those are still due to customers today including some who are well i saw this on twitter there was like a streamer that artesian builds had made a pc for him and he saw his exact pc being [ __ ] auctioned off on ebay or some [ __ ] yeah ramy i don't know which one it was i didn't see what his name was but i thought that was funny the thing is like before anybody like it is funny to see the stupid [ __ ] right it's funny but y'all got to keep in mind there's a lot of people who lost their jobs over this that had nothing to do with any of the [ __ ] and uh it sucks like it [ __ ] sucks for them probably watching this video right now we got inside of the foreclosed artesian builds offices in what turned out to be one of our biggest investigations yet whole as we try to unearth what went wrong for many of the customers who got screwed by artesian bills oh my god this video is brought to you by us and this is our most in-depth investigative journalism piece yet and to commemorate the death of artesian and our deep dive we're launching a new limited edition pc component skeletal shirt this shirt is in our limited line of ultra shiny foil shirts and we've only done a few shirts like this before the new skeletal foil uses water cooling tubes complete with terminating fittings and three-way junction splits to form an accurate rib cage this is a wall so it so this shirt can keep you cool in the summer with the water cooling that's great i never had a shirt that could do that before wow one side individually sleeps cabling connecting to inductors and moss fats centrally the heart is made out of a gm logo with a golden pump cap bordering an rgb led strip that's cool with extensive attention to detail along it on the back these super comfortable 100 cotton shirts run a voltage regulator module designed down the spine with similar blue and silver foil to stand out our limited foil designs always sell out fast and we will not make them again so go to to grab one today and help fund our next deep dive investigative journalism piece thank you for your support i'm always glad to see people advertising their own merch and their own stuff right i mean it's like it's good to take sponsors too but it's always great to see people that are really kind of taking it into their own hands and selling their own stuff that's good it's hard to do that it's a lot harder hopefully i don't get arrested i'm not doing anything wrong but it's definitely not normal wow oh my god so they found out where it was present day post collapse artesian build went from being a robust pre-built pc manufacturer with two locations and 60 to 70 employees doing 20 million dollars a year in revenue too that's a lot of bankruptcy with over a million dollars of inventory still locked 20 mil and still owed to customers today people who will never see the pcs they ordered and will never get their rmad repair units that are stuck inside i just hope they get their money back right like maybe they're not going to get their pcs that might not be realistic but i definitely hope they they got their money back the computers that were in here they had been sitting in here for months and that includes again repair units that existing customers sent in for repair with their personal files work files family photos tax documents anything like that stuck trapped on the systems imprisoned where they will never be able to get them back because all of it is being sold at auction as for what there's what no are you kidding no [ __ ] oh my god or how any of that happens how do you go from 20 million a year in revenue to bankrupt well a lot of that is because of this guy oh and there's the rewall bro i still [ __ ] meme that oh my god it's like we got scuff star ward over here torpedoing his own [ __ ] company unfortunately the follower count is extremely extremely flat yeah no that's uh that's a dope this is an ambassador giveaway this is not for people that aren't taking streaming seriously we need you to be promoting frankly yourself and us if we're giving you a free computer we run the contest we make the rules it's a slight change because we don't want to give pc people that quit playing the game this is an ambassador giveaway and you've got to be collaborating with my company to get my free computers sponsored by intel thanks intel even though isn't that i mean the guy it's like he uh made himself look pretty bad i mean he really did it it's like oh the thing is it's his own fault for giving our teaching partnerships to literally anyone with 20 viewers or more of course it's his own fault of course it is absolutely it's like at a certain point if you're going to go and do that you got to think to yourself about like why like it's just it's just dumb like mega [ __ ] yeah he's just it's like the way he talk it's just a million dollar ceo yeah it's like it's a 1500 pc who gives a [ __ ] oh that now infamous live stream was an absolute train wreck yes i always find it to be [ __ ] crazy whenever people like that like it's like you hear about this [ __ ] it's the same with like politicians right it's like you hear about like some politician it's like oh man like he took a ten thousand dollar bribe like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do you mean there are kids that play fortnite 19 years old that have more [ __ ] integrity and they won't they won't take a hundred thousand dollar sponsorship from raid shadow legends meanwhile you got united [ __ ] state senators you got [ __ ] ceo that are trying to finesse fifteen hundred dollars come on man it's not the only reason artesian bills went out of business they were sad a long time ago and today we're going to be showing you the collapse of artesian builds from the inside this was one of their two old locations the last time we were here was one day after the implosion of artesian builds and now we're back to see how it's gone the last time also was right when artesian fired all of its staff via twitter without notice publicly that we're sad to announce that effective now we are freezing and suspending all activities ongoing analysis by outside council for reorganization to ensure fair treatment of clients creditors or employees i guess we can assume that analysis didn't happen uh we expect more info by the month's end we are open to assistance slash investment i remember train a train actually was going to invest into artesian but it's like i'm glad that he didn't i am because it's like it's like if you have a captain who just keeps running the ship into icebergs or into the wall into a mountain it's like if you give the captain a new ship it's still going to end up in another iceberg right i mean because it's the same captain yeah that's really what it was bro he almost got it twisted yeah i mean he's got better [ __ ] well he's got better luck playing that fruit game and he never wins that one but i'm [ __ ] invested in this [ __ ] at this point we're examining a potential employee-led buy out of the company thank you for your support yeah staff via twitter without notice publicly that was how they found out that they lost their jobs that god is offended that wasn't super okay even with that expensive nice building well it rained at my house for the first time in like a month yesterday i was so happy artesian had every reason to make this work yeah they were shipping upwards of 800 pre-built computers every month they went from doing god damn to 2.2 million in revenue in just two years by the third year in business the year that they shut down they were doing 20 million in revenue they were on track for 30 million of revenue in the fourth year up until ceo noah cats ran it into the ground that bro that's a that's a lot of money it's like it's crazy how somebody a revenue doesn't equal profit no it doesn't but like the company was worth a lot of money uh like i mean he this dude like he like he was making money o2k pcs win what's it's a lot of work to set up something like this okay let's be honest today then artesian build still owes about 800 builds and about 1.8 million dollars to its customers and that's not counting whatever it or its owners will owe once the pending lawsuits conclude when we were investigating this we found that about a dozen or so former employees noted to us that they had not received the entirety of their last paycheck and we i always whenever i hear stuff like that i think of the guy who's running over the hill with a bag of money and he's looking over you know that's that's like the picture i think of right it's like that's the whole thing yeah he took the money and ran exactly it's just nuts man you just have to halt everything actually move whatever money wants a secure place so we could access it being that the entire company was in its parents name all the loans were taken out from his parents our season was a disgusting company i mean it's again like some dude and isn't it sad right it's like definitely like that's a [ __ ] that's not a red pill that's a black pill right is that this guy who realistically probably had no [ __ ] business running this was on top of it popping off because of his parents he was making all this money he had all these opportunities because of his [ __ ] parents see guys listen all you need to do is uh wake up at four in the morning uh work out before the sun comes up uh meditate for two hours uh grind really hard and eat healthy and also have rich parents that pay for all of your business ventures all you need to do yeah also are aware of at least one active lawsuit currently being taken against artesian builds or its owner who now has to navigate the waters of making sure he hasn't accidentally pierced the corporate veil somewhere so that brings us to just some of the indicators of where the troubles lie with without piercing the corporate veil if you guys uh don't know this is my understanding of it if there's anybody that knows it better they probably do know it better than me uh that's effectively whenever you mix your own personal finances with the corporation's finances and then they can hold you personally accountable for actions that the corporation does yeah that's yeah okay so so there you go and builds at this point but there are many more and not all of them are purely personnel and hr issues we should probably start by saying how we got into the warehouse since we've already heard that noah katz apparently wants to sue us for defamation among other things as if we're the ones who said this with a record of zero purchases and a falling off following following a bro he actually ratio plus you fell off them oh my god he actually he hit him with that damn drawing or who said this oh i'm a dumbo or did this it was all above board we contacted the brokers i you see here's the thing is if they had done a giveaway and they had said that you have to have 5 000 followers or less or sorry or more to enter into the giveaway and the person didn't have that many then i think it would be totally [ __ ] fair for him to eat and delete and here goes the reroll right it would have been totally [ __ ] fair totally fine there would have been like one person on you know twitter i can't believe he does that this is just boring i can't wait to eat the rich you know but nobody really give a [ __ ] right it was because he did yeah you just put in the rules and by proxy the landlord and they were more than happy to accommodate us right and if you guys can just like make sure you if it's okay with these you guys can just make sure you're either photographing or videoing the inside of the place that we can appreciate pictures okay cool this is especially because artesians shut down within days of moving into and occupying the new space gaming the landlord and the brokers without a tenant after a lot of customization and months of work and construction went into it so it's not that sucks bro like they actually they're probably out like uh would y'all say 30 probably 30 grand i'd say 30 grand somewhere around there a couple hundred bro like like nah more than that like you you or all right so if you if you take the whole contract yeah but i just mean like the initial costs like y'all think it's more it's in california maybe that's it like i i i just feel like over here that's about how much it would be in california maybe you're probably right honestly god damn i i lowballed that for sure god [ __ ] damn that's a lot much of a surprise that they were happy to talk to us about their former or would yeah they'd be upset and we also got information from staff and from company slack logs which included information from noah himself from the slack logs so let's talk about what really went wrong when the former ceo wasn't busy going out of business and leaving landlords without a tenant he could be found recalling pay from contractors and employees putting them into debt in their personal paypal account that's some [ __ ] donald trump [ __ ] like uh my dad said that there was this one woman that they had to work with uh whenever he was uh he was like an executive at a publishing company right and so like he would hire out freelancers sometimes to have [ __ ] done and like there was this one [ __ ] group of these people that he would do this with and and like this woman that they would pay would sometimes sue her own [ __ ] people it's nuts man nine dude think about like if you're a small business nine thousand dollars well like that could actually like if you if you were not doing well especially like today right with like inflation and like the economy this could put you under to be fraudulent or potentially illegal we'll come back to the more serious evidence like this that we've accumulated a little bit later artesian was run by an eccentric man with unique tastes what's this here anyone wants to put your in a dinosaur hit me up 65 million year old hydrosoar bones 25 000 2000 blue resin so it's like a river kind of regretting not using yellow amber so we put dinosaur bones in a pc case but like if i saw this at the thrift store i'd be like man that's broken like i don't want that that's weird yeah it looks like [ __ ] it does it actually does look like [ __ ] this is probably one of the worst things i've ever seen my whole life i always hate to see whenever people take something like this it should be scientific and then they turn it into [ __ ] like this i'm not a fan fight this small form factor case by allegedly purchasing real dinosaur bones and arts and crafts gluing them to the chassis and what was supposed to bring to life this render of a dinosaur bone case commissioned from an artist now that's not quite as unique as the 300 000 tyrannosaurus skull used in marketing attempts to customize builds but it's still pretty unique artesian was a company that found more success in its core pc building business than it knew what to do with mostly built on the back of its unfortunate team and yet instead of focusing on getting it's like a lot of people want to have the reality is like now that pcs are easier to uh to get to right pc gaming is much more accessible you have way more people that are able to just like they want to be able to buy a pc and get into pc gaming but they don't want to have to make a pc so like this is like a big thing a lot of people want to have this pc is out the door gpu processors want to decide to expand into irrelevant categories the company they don't want to think about home goods like cheesecakes order directly categories the company played with selling home is it was this mike liddell we gonna see sandals after this we get some rudy giuliani tweets about this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] good it's like cheesecakes ordered ours is a freaking cheesecake okay that's just a gift that's whatever direct consumer jigsaw puzzles of pcs cutting boards and slippers painting a picture of a company run by lost leadership unaware of the unthinkable success it had already inadvertently stumbled into and the leadership wasn't only lost in bizarre home goods its founder and ceo is also obsessed with the idea of internet fame and celebrity this is something we experienced firsthand and entirely bro like it's like any time that you get people that are trying to do that it is just never gonna be good because like this is the kind of person it's like the more that i see about this individual and like i've never met this person i have no idea it seems like a kind of person that is uh like they want to be one of those like well-known successful businessman you know what i mean like they want to be like uh mark zuckerberg or like elon musk or richard branson or somebody like that you know that that's what they want to be and like they they forgot the fact that you know a lot of these guys uh you know they came up with an idea and nobody else was doing i was just building a pc yeah a lady from theranos yeah that's actually a better one elizabeth holmes i think that's her name yeah appropriately when trying to interview him about the downfall of his company in the days before it closed i'm an influencer but i'm also an executive and don't just take our word for it in the company's internal i'm also an executive in the days before it closed thanks for watching the cameras through equipment by bringing lights in with me your favorite foods we may launch something um okay we don't let companies take us to dinner at trade shows yeah uh the reason why a lot of different like news uh media places don't do this is that uh they don't want to have it to be like where there's any sort of like assumed like uh quid pro quo right we're like we do this for you and like we do you this favor and then you know you're going to help us out whenever there's a situation where you can help us out right conflict of interest it's just better to not do that this is my company yeah a lot of executive and don't just take out words in the company's internal slack when employees were begging the ceo to please apologize for dismissing and disrespecting smaller creators he made statements like these when confronted by employees that publicly disrespecting free marketing vectors whom artesian referred to as ambassador katz said to his staff wait what they're my buddies what the [ __ ] if they aren't that's the whole problem that's the whole problem guys am i not being clear in the internal server he continued stating quote i literally built this brand to be their friends that's the whole point of being live i want them all to know me this will be there always be very worried whenever there's a company that says everybody here is a family because what that really means is that means that we are going to make you work more than what you would normally work and because we're a family you shouldn't expect to get paid more money yeah it is that's a that's a oh that's a red flag yeah that's a oh that's a situation uh just in my giveaway i give away free stuff people so happy uh again make a video what do they want from the ceo then if not friendly i mean i would say it was not friendly like the way that that [ __ ] just got dismissed that's just not friendly it can go both ways though no i mean absolutely but like i mean i think that this is just like at any time like i i have no problem taking the side of a company if i think the company is right because there are people that [ __ ] try to get [ __ ] over on a company and then they try to oh i'm the little guy well sometimes the little guy's an [ __ ] sometimes a little guy's wrong it's just that this isn't one of those cases friends that's the whole point of being live i want them all to know me this aligns with other actions artesian took what an idiot like the thing is what's this here i want them and i did just address that they can talk to me it's like it's better to just not [ __ ] like man all to know me this aligns with other actions artesian took katz's personal assistant for example stated in the company slack during a fiery debate with the ceo that views and subs were purchased we duh because if you have a bigger the thing is that like why does why do people view bot well it's because it works why would you why would you not viewbot if it works because like it makes it look like you're popping off it makes it look like you're doing stuff it tracks real people too yeah it's nuts we later learned from staff that this was during west coast builds going live particularly the ceos or other people close to him yeah for all of the public issues that we all already know about like consulting smaller creators who are doing free marketing for artesian for the chance to maybe win a pc if they're popular enough there were more issues internally that weren't revealed really until we started digging into them so the first person of course who knew about the company's impending demise was ceo noah katz this is not a surprise and in the final days of artesian's life the ceo set to withdraw in approximately ten thousand dollars from the company's paypal account uh and this is information that we have verified through bankruptcy hearing records that are what a [ __ ] idiot like is it really worth piercing the corporate veil and getting yourself held accountable for 10 grand like i mean it's just like i mean really bro like [ __ ] 14 year old fortnite pros have more integrity than that oh my god filed with the court that we were able to obtain so with the walls closing in around him the ceo began clawing back money that was paid to contractors and staff in every way of course a former staff member named abby is currently in debt 3 900 british pounds on her paypal account or about 4 dollars u.s this is because what was left of our team he refunded it artesian futures or whatever it is now recalled all payments made to her during the tumultuous downfall of the company paypal sided with cats because of the company's size probably oh man bro like it's just it's oh my god oh my god i hope now that this video is out that this person will be able to get their [ __ ] money back it can't get any worse bro it's not even it's like a third done like that is bad paypal the thing is like paypal a lot of this [ __ ] is just automated the the truth is that it's really hard to get your [ __ ] looked at fairly and paypal what they do and this is what a lot of companies do they have an algorithm and a system that works 99 of the time but the problem is that you guys know how many one percent mounts do i have i got a lot of one percent mounts and that leaves a lot of people that get [ __ ] over and presumably because they didn't know that it was going under yeah and because abby doesn't know anyone who really works at paypal she's kinda screwed she's in the uk she's not able to really feasibly sue cats who likely has no money left anyway paypal would be the only avenue the paypal cases showed two disputes one for 2965 or so us and one for 2 570 u.s we obtained text logs between abby and cats where katz shown on the left is told that with the ceo nick having departed abby will need to send the invoice to him this all happened in december katz pays the amount in december of 2021 well before the it's just like the the thing is the worst part about this is that this is what honestly you know who else did this [ __ ] i heard a lot of stories about it i i think even rich can tell you about this because he lives in new york is [ __ ] donald trump did this [ __ ] is that they know that they can take advantage of people and [ __ ] mess up their money and do something that is wrong but they know that they have more resources more power and more time so it is not worth abby in this case and other people in the other case it's not worth their time to pursue legal action it sucks man collapse and the threat revives in may of 2022 after everyone had already been publicly fired abby kindly suggests probably too kindly that the text thread serves as evidence for the dispute and asks katz to keep things amicable at the end yeah he refers abby to his lawyers and just for the record we have emailed the ceo's lawyers for comment but at this time at least the filming we haven't heard back this isn't the only character they shouldn't say one time especially early in the year artesian builds was in desperate need of gpus in order to complete builds that were partially assembled but could not ship due to the gpu shortage and this will build into a much bigger issue that we'll get to later on that's been an issue the company had upwards of millions of dollars of inventory which we verified on the balance sheet sitting waiting to ship and unable to because it was missing a gpu so the company ties up all this money and all these builds and cannot actually ship them creating just a massive liabilities sheet so as a result of this artesian started seeking gpus from employees and from ebay because they needed them to sell the actual builds there's nothing inherently wrong with buying a gpu from an employee of the company if the company and the employee come to an agreement about it i don't see anything the problem is the payment of it uh and by the way there's also i i can see problems with it like this is something that like this is it definitely you go into the realm of potential uh unethical behavior it's not fundamentally bad but there are just so many ways that it could be bad that it's one of the things that many people would just try to avoid mining pc is being sold from a b mining but that's a later story one particular employee paid about one thousand one hundred twenty dollars u.s for the 30 70 ti and then sold it to his employer artesian build which then went on to sell the gpu in a build upgrade for 1500 at the company so they did well they made some money on it yeah in may of 2022 katz or whoever's handling his finances at this point challenged the transaction on paypal and claims to paypal that the transaction was fraud that's bro like that's actually illegal like the thing is that like that's straight up [ __ ] illegal oh my god 1500 for 1370 yeah like that's like this guy's going to jail yeah i mean like that's the thing is like a lot of this other stuff like besides like him not paying like him just being an [ __ ] it's just like ah this guy's a jackass who cares right whatever but like that's yeah it's just stealing like [ __ ] it's wire fraud yeah it's 100 wireframes paypal cited in favor of artesian and cats or his money managers once again and clawed back the money from the former employee who is now short both a gpu and 1 120 whole week in another scenario that was similar artesian builds previously purchased the gpu from one of our viewers on ebay and that viewer sent us all this documentation this order was placed in january of 2022 for an rtx 3080ti priced at 2 250 at the time well isn't it crazy how much how much that [ __ ] was oh my god the order was shipped to artesians west coast warehouse and it was insured meaning that there was a signature of receipt if you look at the receipt which we have it was actually purchased by ab mining or artesian builds mining making this potentially even scummier the dispute was filed on may 25th meaning it was four months after receipt of the gpu so the gpu is long gone at this point the reason provided is quote buyer did not recognize the transaction so he filed it as fraud i hope that people know like so this [ __ ] right here is like wire fraud it's like wire fraud is like one of those it's like you know like whenever you sign a tos and it says at the bottom we can terminate your account for anything it's kind of like one of those catch-all things and it's one of the things that they get people for for taking advantage of something that's not necessarily written directly into the law so i i think that on 100 [ __ ] percent this is wire fraud like fbi's gonna get you yeah like it's not even remotely close they'll get your ass that one yeah a hundred percent because you know the fact is like the fbi people love bro they love getting people like this like imagine you work at the fbi this piece of [ __ ] like you you go to work in the morning looking forward to to ruin his day to ruin his life this is what this is what you just want you why you got the job yeah it's a justice boner yeah exactly this guy's your wet dream yeah they're gonna get his ass hundred percent upon further investigation and to vet the source we also obtained official usps government documentation noting the delivery of the product to artesian fields as certified by the u.s government's postal service jesus the money mismanagement didn't stop there cats handed down a certified mail legal to halt all refunds to customers and this was a knee-jerk reaction to the streaming mishap so as people go ahead and stop issuing refunds thanks oh my god it's like why do you say why do you say oh my god why do you say this like he's going to like listen if i was if i was in his position you should never say it like that he should have said that we need to freeze our financials we need to do so because you know this can be admissible you know they're going to screenshot this [ __ ] you know they can [ __ ] check the records if you get like like like what are you [ __ ] like it is just so it's rewarding for it because if you have the wording you can say like oh well that wasn't what i meant or something like that god we're canceling orders or backing out because of what happened on live streams you go on incompetence yeah artesian took a stance of no refunds or at least as directed by noah katz and whoever legal is uh we're not lawyers here but blanket denying refunds as a knee-jerk reaction does in my opinion seem potentially fraudulent as for why it's like i i would not i don't know about this i i never have and i hopefully never do have to go through like basically something that's like a [ __ ] nuclear meltdown right like so i i don't know but i feel like a legal team would not tell you to do that but i'm not sure potentially illegal decisions were made that's best explained by looking at the company's balance sheet that we dug up at the time of demise artesian builds had about 2.1 million dollars in assets mostly inventory assets so pc parts yeah we saw builds that either have already been sold and are pending shipping or a gpu or will be sold in the future this was contrasted starkly by the liabilities section of the balance sheet listed at 4.1 million dollars in the final full operating month of that 4.1 million 853 000 was claimed as a quote loan payable to family and that would actually be katz's parents here claimed as a oh man oh my god loan payable to family and that would actually be katz's parents here this later climate it's like the worst thing is like he's probably somehow to a certain degree like probably implicated his parents in this like i i don't know but like if if somebody really went after this i wouldn't be surprised if they could be somehow liable in one way or another is especially depending on like how much he talked to them or how much they were involved that's really bad to an alleged 1.2 million dollars even just as the company went under and given that katz's parents are secured creditors the sudden increase in the loan puts them in line to get repaid during the bankruptcy proceedings meanwhile customers who bought honesty so they're getting their money filed chargebacks will be behind the parents in line behind potentially former employees behind institutions and suppliers basically behind anybody who is filing a lawsuit and the reason people who filed chargebacks might get some money back is because you are now lumped in with a secured creditor like a bank if you look at footnote 7 in the balance sheet you'll see a quarter million dollar adjustment to the owner's investment in the closing month of the books alongside another footnote that says increase the loan from insiders so that'd be the parents we don't want to get too derailed by this part of the story but just for some context katz's parents were deeply invested in the company both financially but they also were involved at some level in management so they would communicate regularly with other c-suite employees cmo co people in that sort of position and with the lower-ranking employees in the company and uh they were involved no i'm not never been a fan of spanking right but i mean there are certain circumstances where maybe it's the right decision you know maybe maybe you there's there's a time and a place for everything daily operations by saying somebody needs a to and from employees and just us reading over the messages and the logs it became clear to us that there was a culture problem within the company of general disrespect between all parties so this might i i've read about that i i've seen some screenshots i i would it's really just hearsay but that's what i've seen fall largely on the ceo and the parental advisors we can't be 100 sure of how the blame is sort of shifted there yeah but regardless of where that culture originated ultimately we did see a lot of mutual disrespect and the messages that were shared with us i've seen it slack server not good basically staff on one side and then ceo on the other and that's just not conducive to ever running a successful company and for that reason we think it was probably doomed long before the stream now we could keep going about like after the whole like aftermath i saw a lot of stuff that's just people talking about how this guy was an [ __ ] and how there were a bunch of other problems that were just kind of it was like internally this was not some sort of like [ __ ] oh man this happened and now everything's gone it was like this was the straw that broke the camel's back it's generally sort of scummy behavior in our opinions uh and about things like when the ceo and the company slack was shocked that anyone would quote curse him or artesian after it had the fact that you all on boarded anyone who would personally say [ __ ] you to me is disgusting how can they behave like this we should never have onboarded them it's very sad bro like my own bit like what a [ __ ] like i don't know if we'd on board anybody that wouldn't say [ __ ] you to me because i i don't like we need people to think for the [ __ ] itself have you committed wire fraud i hope you guys know that if you ever said gentlemen if you ever have voted in one of my polls and it was like do you uh [ __ ] agree with me or like am i bald or not and you say yes you have in fact committed wire fraud that insulted people based on their followers what was someone who cursed me ever what a [ __ ] [Music] oh my god oh my god man what is this chill out it's not even a big deal or when the crap it's like it's also like i mean bro like you're not even [ __ ] it's your it's your parents money it's not like oh you built this yourself like i did all this like you put some respect on my name man put some respect on your last name not your first one get the [ __ ] out of here what a joke on staff happened after the streaming mishap but you all get the point all the stuff we've been over so far it's bad it's pretty damning but this was all stuff that happened more or less after or towards the end of the collapse of the company and so we still need to look at what led up to it yeah what caused that collapse other other than the person running it which at this point given the behavior is probably enough but there's more and then we get into the power struggle between the east coast and west coast branches of artesian builds the east coast was run largely autonomously it had the operations team including the co and other people in operations and warehousing who could largely run the show on their own the west coast guys run directly by the ceo who resided and worked there and in terms of is this going to be is this going to be like a situation where this dude's this dude's getting his feelings hurt because they're doing it better than he is yeah east west coast yeah there it is half our understanding is that the artesian building split yeah it was about two to one staff on the west coast to the east coast meaning the west coast had more staff at any given time than the east coast based on so is is going to be like a 300 spartans versus xerxes army what was that informed so there were about three to four employees building pcs on the east coast and with these staff members for building not counting support warehousing logistics uh people on the c-suite for operations or marketing or whatever not counting any of those supporting roles only building pcs the east coast branch was capable of building about 20 to 31 systems a day depending on the complexity of the systems being built that day and that that's pretty [ __ ] good but yeah i say that's pretty [ __ ] good not even close it was with its four builders the west coast for comparison from what we understand was building about three to four a day and uh yet it had significantly more stat you start to see some of the unraveling here so our investigation revealed that the company as of its demise had about 615 or so builds queued for the east coast which is clearable within a month if they had supply available and didn't go bankrupt and that's based on information we've collected see what you have to understand is that the it's the west coast right i mean it's california bro like we can't be inside working all the time man we gotta be out at the beach we gotta be chilling you know living life uh being influencers just you know being millionaires well we can't be sitting cooped up like nerds making pcs all day i mean [ __ ] bro i mean what do you expect collected from former employees and just keeping it 55th street yeah handled the bulk of the orders and had the most refined processes there were an additional 170 to 180 builds queued at the west coast warehouse located in oakland that's also where more of the streamer and influencer builds were prepped and here's where the problems start well so so the california place made like for example mrs pc so that's the thing bro because like you think about like logically so like a good ceo like this is what like i'll give you an example right it's like so with the gaming expo rich is a better host than i am in esports events in my opinion i think he's the best in the world and there are other people that are maybe as good as him but i don't think anybody's better and you know what i said i said i'm okay at this but rich you are the expert you take the reins i'll play i'll play second and we'll do this back and forth because you it's like this guy and the reason why by the way the reason why i bet he didn't do it is because of his ego he wanted to be the guy that everybody sees making the content creators pcs you see what i'm saying because anybody else could easily acknowledge that the other guys were making way more could easily acknowledge that you see you see yeah exactly this was revealed in our investigation this image shows the company's to-do list for the west coast warehouse nearing sort of the end months of artesian you can see that the west coast had about three builds per day scheduled including one for a streamer listed at the bottom yo he ever get it did he ever get it or not no oh my god that's what he gets for ganking people man that's what he gets these were the types of builds that artesian ceo wanted to personally work on and what we think becomes a trend of attempts to associate with the concept of internet celebrities there and these are what the west coast handled now they also handled customer builds so normal builds that weren't supposed to be special ones the way it was supposed to be set up is that the west coast would handle builds for people closer to california and the east coast was supposed to be for handling builds on the east coast right because it drives down logistics costs and people get stuck faster that's the way it's supposed to work so that's back to the image this is what the west coast had to do on this particular wednesday and this is what the east coast division had to do on its wednesday for the same day damn so that's crazy so man they really just had to yeah they had to work their [ __ ] ass off oh my god getting overworked yeah hey it doesn't even fit on the page so this branch it printed money for artesia and like not only did they print money but they also printed uh [ __ ] bailouts because like you think about it like this if both of the both of the branches were doing what the what the west coast branch the california branch was doing there wouldn't be a company that's the thing it would not be a company and that's what happens i wonder if wes congratulate themselves every day after finishing their pcs yeah three pcs all right all right we made three guys yeah okay let's go down to the beach all right great let's stop by in and out then we'll go down to the beach it sounds good man yeah let's go you know i'm going to go to my parents beach house let's have a party over there and buy all accounts we could collect the picture being painted here is one of two autonomously operating arms of the same company with little collective or collaborative action being taken between them in interviewing team members from both locations we got a strong sense of an east versus west mentality within the same company and as we spoke with the staff members from the two branches you could start to see where some of the division arose yeah it can be healthy and useful or productive to have a somewhat competitive mindset internally but it has to be managed well by managers by people higher up to ensure that yeah it's like you have to like i i think that too right like whenever i worked at the irs i would always want to have like the highest production numbers out of our of our like little [ __ ] team right and you know there's like 40 50 people on our team the department was like 200 and i would get that most of the time right because like i would work all that i would work all the [ __ ] time and uh the thing is that i am i think that's good to have that but it's like there were some negatives with that too there definitely were some negatives because like what would make people do uh achievement andy's because you were young no it was also because like i knew like straight up like i knew whenever to focus on quality and whenever to focus on quantity because i was able to reverse engineer the way that they uh would give inves like they would they would do like a second pass through the stuff that i would do so yeah i was parsing like uh uh yeah i was actually i was on iran i was parsing at the irs and like so and that's the thing right as you do that it's okay but the problem is like whenever you create a system like that and you turn it into a game people stop working and they start playing and so it's it's a very fine balance and it can get toxic really fast it doesn't devolve into just toxicity and a backstabbing environment that's what i just said i am certain that some of our viewers who've worked in corporate large corporate environments especially probably are all too familiar with where that's crazy how i literally just said that it goes from feeling like you're on a team to starting to feel like you have to watch your back for someone who wants whatever your job your window cubicle whatever it may be so easy for that to pre-watch really go off the rails and create a much worse situation this is actually evolving now as for why it evolved into a competitive mindset uh instead of turning into a collaborative one well it's probably i bet you know i haven't seen this but like i bet you know why i bet it's because uh the ceo turned it into that i bet he was the one that [ __ ] initiated this this image explains that pretty well this is the quality of build we were told would get delivered between the warehouses what you're looking at is the pc build for streamer nick mercs shows how it was initially built and shipped from the west coast branch where the ceo directly worked on these built the west coast would build the celebrity builds off and on stream and often done by the ceo and maybe one other builder and then it's like again man trying to get his face out there they had to do nick dirty like that east coast would the thing is it doesn't matter if the actually no i was gonna make a joke about how it didn't matter the pc i was going to make a him using a controller joke but i'm not going to do it well i'm actually not i'm actually not going to do it because i think people could take it seriously nick marks is a legend but you know he does use controller the west coast branch to ship them the builds for a final i want to make sure no before nobody [ __ ] makes this out of context or anything nick merks would absolutely [ __ ] dominate me in like any fps he is a god okay like i i this is this is a controller thing over in this nick merc's build that's exactly what happened the east coast branch handled the final packing and distribution of the system so let's see so what so that one's not there um man so like maybe the east coast was messing up because they don't have as many cords on there you know yeah maybe maybe it's because the east coast like they probably don't have like that chords not there like this chord is not there like bro they're not even using the chords damn no wonder they're able to make so many pcs and when it arrived from the west coast the lower level east coast employees immediately set to work fixing the cabling mess that was delivered for the system it was going to be one of the largest collaborations with a streamer they'd ever done so they wanted it huge built well artesian ceo wasn't particularly fond of nick merks and the crew anyway what the [ __ ] why can we give a thousand dollar off thunder pcs to defray the entire ransom we although not be cute bro man [ __ ] that dude and we're also curious if nick merks knows that cats referred to their paid partnership as quote ransom as for why these decisions to rework pcs it's like from anybody else it's like the thing is that he could just be goofing around right he could just be goofing and like it's one of those cases where this this line that's not a big deal right but like it's in the context of the personality of the individual that we know too much about that's different in the first place it's because of a different new boot exactly or the rate of rma units that escape one warehouse versus another we were told that the normal escape rate for the west coast was approaching 10 percent meaning ten percent of the product leaving would have some form of defect and either need a replacement uh a refund or to be shipped back for a ten percent how many of you guys uh where you work it's okay to mess it up ten percent of the time one in ten like yeah i beat you guys yeah nobody yeah yeah i i um if i messed up one in 200 they were on my ass yeah one in 200 air and the east coast escape rate was less than one percent typically floating in the 0.3 to point five percent range so listen damn that's a big [ __ ] difference it sounds stupid but like i visualize these numbers on how long it would take for me to farm a mount that's a ten percent mount versus a one percent mount you know what i mean like that's the thing it's like man this is probably like that never happened right there's clearly an issue with operations between the two rails they clearly were not following the same set of procedures yeah and this is what ultimately led to artesian burning large amounts of money really for no reason because you have two groups of people doing the same work one is basically just going over the work that the other one had already immediately completed and that's where we think uh other than the other financial mismanagement that we talked about earlier a large portion of the money was being spent in a way that isn't necessarily immediately obvious day-to-day until you zoom out the biggest ongoing liability though was builds awaiting a gpu artesian had many outstanding builds either partially double working yeah well that's the thing is that it's just it's bad bad process management i mean they literally hire like remember the two bobs in office space that's what that's where the two bobs come in and the second guy that does the same thing as the first guy they say so uh what do you do around here you know why couldn't the first guy just ship it directly to the customer and uh then they fit yeah then they fixed the glitch problem [ __ ] solved fleet waiting to be even started or just generally unfulfilled orders artesian would collect money for the order as is normal and then fulfill it when complete but it had unknown timelines sometimes for gpus and this could lead to short-term liabilities stacking up as the orders could be canceled at any time even though the money had been taken and potentially already recommitted to the business that's see like that's the thing right is like you that's like a mistake that's like a double mistake like you should not take that many [ __ ] orders if you know that you don't have it's like one thing if it's a supply chain thing right it's like you had you had a thousand and then you get 4 000 orders but you know you've got 3 000 coming next month that is what it is right it it's okay but like not only are you [ __ ] living on a prayer but you're also selling the [ __ ] prayers it's like what what if they want a refund asian would regularly send its warehouse team to purchase gpus at full retail price or even scalped on stockx just to get the lawn back ordered builds out the door before the customer might cancel it this reduced margin but it was better than allowing the build time and the build itself to go to waste so and i'm assuming by the way i am assuming that the reason why the owner uh did this and this is again i don't know this but if you have a lot of these orders these are effectively accounts that you have money for you have this is money so you're taking this money so you can make the company look like it is worth more money it then will cause you to be able to to get higher amounts of money for investment you see you see how that happens yeah because they've taken in all these orders it's a [ __ ] man it's a big [ __ ] it's a dick it's a dick pyramid ended up stuck in a dangerous business cycle that a lot of businesses that go out of business find themselves in where it was perpetually trying to chase the completion of old orders which have been long paid for and that money has probably been spent so it doesn't feel like they're making money anymore with selling new orders so you're chasing old money with new which starts to sound like something else uh and well it it it's it's bad it it's very [ __ ] bad it's like whenever you remember like whenever you play like tetris and like at the beginning you're at like the bottom two or three rows but then like the [ __ ] starts getting away from you and then you're at the top and you're just like [ __ ] hoping that you get like one line and you know you get like an l or something like that and you're just [ __ ] getting got that's what it is and the problem is what we got which is a collapse but because artesian was constantly chasing that new wonder how bruh honestly matt i don't even know if he still uses this one anymore like in my opinion like i bet it probably doesn't i bet it probably doesn't work like like there's a good shot i could ask i could ask sweat i actually have no idea if it works or not and it's it sucks right it is don't make a music yeah that no we partnered with artesian we didn't know any of this [ __ ] right like we i mean they were selling pcs like why this stuff was like all internal and uh then this happened and we we we pulled out of the partnership right money instead of first fulfilling those already paid for orders due to gpu limitations it was reallocating inbound gpu supply all the time this included it being reallocated away as we join us tonight for our fourth monthly artesian builds giveaway only two lucky winners have a pc built along with other prizes so our teaching actually bro this is the saddest [ __ ] the most shameful [ __ ] stuff man so zack mickelridge they offered zach a sponsorship with artesian and they would not give him a free pc they would give him 500 dollars of store credit towards him buying a pc from them [ __ ] that that's exactly what i told him to say that's exactly what i told him to [ __ ] say man i understand from background and instead into new promotions artesians leadership would butt heads about allocation to builds versus allocations to acquiring new sales they would also reallocate supply already for streamer and celebrity build there he is there's all baldy right there and and so like you look at him like and that's the thing that's what he's doing it for right he's doing it so he can be on mrs stream he he can get the uh the attention and all that stuff man there's eggman right there yeah and big [ __ ] surprise they find a pc for that look who's working on the pc wonder why it was yeah exactly they should have had the west coast work on it maybe it wouldn't have [ __ ] overheated every day as the gpus arrived rather than necessarily just sending them all to fulfilling orders so artesians other managers would that's a youtube thumbnail they would sometimes push for fulfilling the orders instead of chasing new customer acquisition we have a lot more documentation i mean east coast that's what i'm saying fascinating story but this piece is long and at the end of all of this you're really left with just a few key points one of those is that artesian builds is now gone it's been through bankruptcy proceedings and the company has reformed as a new entity which is something like artesian future technologies this is a normal bankruptcy procedure artesian future technologies uh maybe they'll do nfts yeah maybe they'll do uh like nfcs maybe they'll sell like you know what they should do they should take pictures of the pcs they made for streamers and turn the pictures into pc and turn the pictures of the pcs into nfts and then sell those nfts so like they no longer sell computers but they sell nfts of computers of popular content creators that's a yeah that's a good idea procedure where the assets reform into a single asset and so artesian build itself as we knew it is finished and all of its assets have been or are being auctioned off at this point and the company was run by a man who we think was obsessed with becoming internet famous and with the idea of internet celebrity and yeah he's achieved that so he has yes everybody knows everybody knows them now so it's like yeah i mean there it is next time yeah i'll watch the next thing with this close to him but it was at the tragic loss of a company that was a dream job for a lot of its staff yeah exactly it was at the sacrifice of a 20 million a year business in just its first couple years of operation that's the thing is it was so profitable it was doing so well for them and all the guys are working there they're [ __ ] you know like he's more infamous than famous yeah well he's famous the same as like um uh [ __ ] uh [ __ ] let me think of somebody who's famous like that uh man yeah yeah and yeah go ahead we good we go where is this here i gotta find this uh just like phantom lord yeah just like martin scrowley student the thing is with martin's the the fact is like martin shkreli had at least martin shkreli was entertaining at least he was funny that's insane and these sacrifices also infinitely more successful opportunity to build the next twitch celebrity gaming pc from what we've observed the company had a team of talented people working for it on both coasts particularly in the management teams and operations who managed to keep things going in spite of the completely misaligned goals but at least in the company's later months there was a clear mutual disrespect between the ceo and his closest assigns and the rest of the company i'm not surprised also between the two coasts or branches so this is not something that can be overcome everybody in the company has to work with each other in a respectful way the company was imploding long before the stream that you're seeing again and most of that implosion was fueled by a constant pursuit of money without matching it to the same pursuit of building and i think that it was more than money i think that it was the notoriety that mattered more right because like you think about it from the perspective it's like he he was willing to because like the guy like he's probably not stupid you know what i mean like he's not like a stupid person like there are some things that are dumb obviously about it but at the same time he's not like stupid stupid he could clearly see that the other team was outperforming him he saw what the numbers were and i'm sure that he was able to see what was going on right and i think that it was clear that he was more willing to risk all of the the money and lose money in a tremendous way just to be able to be on camera making pop making popular streamers their pc that that's what mattered more to him if you're stupid in practice what's the difference the difference is the intent and the genesis of the action where did this action come from and that's what i think is important because if you can understand where the action comes from you can predict future actions in a good product this leaves customers screwed and internal staff frustrated with what could have been motive and with the cleanup work they're having to do behind their own ceo or behind the entire branch on the other coast and that's not to speak of other communication issues like the changes that the ceo made overnight or is closest to signs on the west coast to the website the promotions gpu supply shifting within the company this wasn't communicated with the company as we understand it surprised they woke up and saw it in the morning until the customer service reps started getting emails from customers and ambassadors asking what's going on and they have to first go to the ceo to ask because it hasn't been communicated to them wow i bought a boat i know what you're thinking that's crazy this erratic and privileged behavior sure thing oh my god oh my god man it's a boat it's bobby's out what is it what is it with people like this buying a boat man it's like in the mask and all of that like oh my god dan butzerian jr no because at least dan butzerian has women around him right at least he's got these like hot chicks around them all the time and also dan's got a much better beard like that's a fact that's a [ __ ] fact like you could say this dude's got a fake poker career you could say his career is [ __ ] fake in general you could say everything about it is fake but at least he's got a good-looking beard gang that's crazy this erratic and privileged behavior was fueled by a belief that the money and the gpus that artesian had oversold would just keep coming in by all accounts we've received this team absolutely loved its local teammates between each branch and the jobs they had with several of them telling us it was a dream job the financial and reputational damage though was irreparable without replacing the ceo himself and with that likely a lot of the staff between both coasts as for what's happening now for the ceo of artesian builds and everyone left well some of the group from the east coast office has now split off to form their own new company called phoenix pcs for mr katz he's changed his name and is dealing with numerous lawsuits from he changed his name what is he going to go to another server now too what do you mean he changed his name oh my god yeah he changed it to star-lord multiple different types of parties uh and it's likely we haven't heard the end of this story just yet so our biggest concern out of all of this he ninja the guild bank changed his name transfers who got shafted in this oh my god we're left with absolutely no recourse especially if bought on debit and if you couldn't get into the chargebacks for institutions or for secured creditors so the irresponsible behavior of artesian builds as a company not just the ceo but also the ceo specifically have led to upwards of thousands of dollars of losses for each person who had a computer on purchase waiting for a computer and again that there's even builds that were in there for rmas and repairs that won't make it back i feel like that's bad right it's like having people's like personal info and [ __ ] like that there's got to be like liability with that it's like how do you get away with all this [ __ ] man is this is this guilty until proven wealthy like i don't know we'll have to find out so it's tragic as a story but again we'll be back with some more on this he thinks he's maximum in the future so thanks for watching support this type of work by going to you can grab one of our new shirts which are limited or you can pick up something like a pc building toolkit a mouse mat a modmat or other items and you can also go to patreon.comgamersnexus for behind the scenes videos and to support our reporting thank you for watching we'll see you all next time what a great video holy [ __ ] [ __ ] wow this is amazing i i honestly like this was so well put together i i really like this is really really really [ __ ] good like i'm gonna link this to you guys i want everybody to go ahead and send it some support and uh this is by gamersnexus i've never watched a video from them before this is as far as i know the first video that i've ever watched of theirs so please go ahead and give them some support give it a like uh as much as you guys can man the fact that got into the building is nuts yeah yeah absolutely at least mcafee had a respectable drug addiction bro i actually talked to him uh just a little bit like i was we i was actually i was gonna talk to train about like trying to get him to come on on the scuff podcast and like then they put them in jail and like they they got his ass man i was sad whenever that [ __ ] happened and uh yeah there you go before he died yeah yeah this is like maybe uh three years ago four years ago and uh [ __ ] man subscribe yeah i will this as i said it's the first time i've ever seen their content before this is really well put together and uh i think honestly uh in terms of the the only thing that like i bet there there's a reason for this right like they're not gonna go and and like they probably have like a clause in their contract and [ __ ] like that for like non-disparagement so that's probably why he didn't have interviews with the former employees because i'm sure that you know like he tried to contact them but it's it's not a surprise but this video i think was pretty much [ __ ] perfect man uh it was one of their videos for intel video got ranked uh r18 i don't know what that is or not yeah i know and help them get new jobs i hope so yeah it's nuts man and uh watching them in the game chair yeah what's this [ __ ] give me one second and uh for uh rarely do videos like this uh but if it's like you pcs and numbers this channel is awesome let me see what these guys got for like uh content like i'm gonna watch the nixon video after this so like okay so they mainly talk about like gpus pcs wow so like this was kind of like out of left field for them i'm glad they did this that's crazy like it's insane how much people like because the good thing about this is that they really do know pcs they understand pcs very well so like they can pick apart a situation like this in a way that you know an average reporter on i don't know fox news isn't going to be able to know that they've got no idea they covered the new egg case as well i've never seen the new egg thing i might look at that later on and uh if if you guys want me to if you link it and read it now obviously like we got a lot of [ __ ] to do so i'm not going to look at everything today but i'll look at it another day another piece on msi uh the dude's review tech uh but doesn't [ __ ] you yeah that's great man and yeah again i think this is great it seemed deep dives and they like to expose corporations yeah it's important to make sure you're getting things out as much as possible and you're as much you're as much above the board as possible because the fact is like with pcs it's the same thing like with cars uh but i think it's especially true with pcs because of how like in tune the audience is is that like people that are buying pcs they want to know like what the [ __ ] is going on like nobody wants to buy a pc and have that [ __ ] break nobody wants to have a buy a pc spend out [ __ ] 1800 be six months out after the order and you're still waiting every day at the door you know wondering if somebody [ __ ] stole it that's the thing and and so yeah this is a uh it's a core purchase yeah especially it's a core purchase well not only is it a core purchase but it's a core purchase for enthusiasts right so like you're talking about like if somebody buys a like an audi r8 right for example or something like that like this is an enthusiast car this is something people drive and that they buy and they take extra levels of like carefulness with this and so that's why it's even more important so like yeah to have all these loose ends and everything like that what a [ __ ] up man uh what an absolute [ __ ] up and uh yeah imagine buying a pre-built pc people [ __ ] nah people no it's not people not stupid for buying a pre-built pc here's the reality right like let's think about it like this let's say you work as an electrician you make 25 an hour so you don't know anything well actually if you work as an electrician you know a lot about making computers because [ __ ] electrical boards are pretty much motherboards but let's assume uh you're a plumber instead right let's say you're a plumber and you don't [ __ ] do any of this [ __ ] right yeah spawn yeah actually like that's a that's another one yeah electrician knows this [ __ ] probably better than most people that make pcs but um let's say you're a plumber you don't know what you're doing right you got no idea and it's going to be basically 250 extra dollars for you to have this pc built so 250 extra dollars so if you're making 25 dollars an hour that's 10 hours so you don't know anything about making pcs you've got to research this you've got to put together and you've also got to assume that it gets done right all of those things need to happen within 10 hour period in order for it to be worth your time to construct the pc yourself rather than just having it pre-built the reality is that many people have the 250 and they don't have the 10 hours they've got three kids they've got two wives five jobs they don't have time for that [ __ ] so a lot of people make the decision i'm gonna get a pre-built pc from a place that i trust at a good price it's a markup of course it is that's what you're paying for you're paying for it to be made the decision already made for you that's a good thing but there are a lot of people a massive audience you can see that with their revenue there's a massive audience of people who like that of course two wives hey man what can i say and uh let's see here uh what was the edge clip out of bounds new areas we already did that we did that yesterday there's value in learning how your own computer works you never have time to uh do all your own repair etc yeah but like a lot of people don't want to have they don't want to spend their time doing that right it's not something they're interested in so like for example um like i don't really know like i don't know how to change my own oil in my car i've never learned how to do that now i can do other stuff with the car but i'm not a i'm not a car enthusiast to be honest with you i'm just really not i'm not a car enthusiast i i will say though if i ever buy an expensive car if i ever do buy an expensive car it's going to be a shelby cobra that's a fact that's a fact if i ever if i is it's not going to be a lamborghini it's not going to be a fraud it's going to be a shelby [ __ ] cobra so i will say that however uh the the fact is like a lot of people don't give a [ __ ] about that like i'm not a car guy i'm not a mechanic uh like i pay attention whenever i see mechanic do work or my dad shows me something sure but i don't really have a passion for this so i pay somebody else to do that and i fix whatever i know you know what i mean it's one of those things uh watch a lot of uh what's this here gamer's nexus building my first pc j2 sensor p in the pod uh he built a pc for post bone and terry crews yeah that's badass holy [ __ ] uh you have to do a stream on how to build a game pc build your own i actually thought i was going to do that uh actually you know what there's a good chance that like i'll probably be doing pc building streams pretty soon yeah there's a very good chance that could happen i don't know because i i've wanted to get a new pc and and like i probably might actually even get a second one so yeah i'll do that maybe even get maybe give some away we'll see what happens right but you guys by the way if i do give them away you have to have at least 5 000 followers or bro we're going to reroll that [ __ ] okay that's a bonus roll 10 yeah there's a ten percent by the way yeah there's a ten percent chance bro that [ __ ] like you turn it on boom remember that remember the clip is speed yeah we just get a little get things a little bit exciting in here you know [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 799,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: myNMiN0mRKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 37sec (4837 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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