the 6300 IQ DOLPHIN DIVE sacrifice play...

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that's an interesting sabotage [Music] oh hola this body is an oxygen three people in australia that's where i was oh show time so uh what did the admin panel say for oxygen that entire time three like the whole time like i just checked right now oh got it three it's probably me toasting i guess the body then that wouldn't make sense who was dead at least 10 15 seconds ago i just ran past rape um and yeah toast wouldn't so it's psychudo what happened look i'm sure saikuno has a reason why he was on the bottom left right he wouldn't have admitted it i was doing my task and then you saw me hiding in the corner right when the lights went off i did see him hiding in the corner yeah i was just hiding from my life how would you see him if the lights were off though i checked each corner with my body how did you find me in that corner you might have thought the same thing hide in a corner it's like i don't know you can turn this around on me after i didn't snitch where you were okay i don't think you would have reported if you did the kill right yeah that's why i think toast is innocent the only other person in the area was like you know isn't it just like to be fair i was hiding in a corner so i didn't really you know i'm going to skip on this one i'm going to scare you i don't like murdering psychonauts i was nice for skipping guys oh god you guys tried to kill me i didn't i wanted to kill you marie was on that incident well you should have ray you should have because uh i will don't worry this guy's toast that's interesting is sakuno really just hiding i don't think he is i think i mean i think it's because he killed charlie and went there because he wasn't like laughing or anything i don't know i can maybe use psycuno as a bait oh god all right cassie okay [Music] yeah i i had i had did you miss click i had to do it well did you had to kill ray but why yeah oh okay why why uh she was looking at she was looking at me dirty oh oh yeah it was literally wait guys wait wait wait gloom didn't didn't kill ray i'm pretty sure i mean she admitted to it and also i basically watched it happen oh you you know what why'd you do it gloom i had to say no get her out she's wearing that intimidating mask i just had to get her out of here just get her out i know it's nice just makes like so much harder now cassie because now we know we got one like oh i actually framed him that last one too closely [Music] all right it's like you know you can't live with the guilt right you can't live with the kill right there i don't know how you thought gloom did that she didn't thanks thanks for being a good friend gloom i i it wasn't it was thanks for uh you know thanks for being being a good partner oh god please let me go i'm too tired like dumb dog heart dumb dog is a really good killer um so there i killed i killed um normally i would hit the button there and i think corpse knows because you just lose to double kill i almost didn't do it because karina was in the area okay better not be oh it's dark okay okay this body is pretty old um oh is it like like beginning of the match everyone went med bam assuming and then i went to vitals and it was like no only me and toast i can 100 clear rey yeah okay and then faye came in are definitely clear for this kill right i checked vitals it was dead i ran down to admin i saw like every one right side and then one person storage and one person um electrical oh so seykundo and i were together the whole time doing gas tasks yup pretty much who just went into bottom vegan tim uh i'm also in specimen who's me karina where did you come from corona uh i checked vitals no i checked vitals and body was dead why do you do this to me i really just checked vitals and i went to go check admin table i saw that somebody was in specimen so then i went to go and dispense and to see if there's a dead body in there because i can tell you that i literally just checked every table there was like four in lab there was one electrical and there was one in specimen and the body was then on vital so i was like okay i'm gonna go see if the body's in specimen i'm not gonna give you that much of a detailed thing if i smoke i believe it hippo just came into med bay from the area that's what i would watch i was afk in the bathroom in the beginning who voted me i went to office i skipped my queen speak up yeah dumb dog is so good i'm so impressed from last game karina oh that's scary that's scary she's just doing upload though but i have seen her do that before where she would um where she would just like stand at task like a mad woman [Music] jerry let's fade that's on camera jordana and sherry are on camera should we left cam still on cam went off face moving where's she moving where is she grooving fake cross of rey and is not dead wow cherry and corinna corbs cut past me a couple time and i'm not dead i'm inclined to not think it's corpse these the killers do not want to kill they don't like killing killing is not in their blood she going in not coming out so there's there's no killing going on oh that's not good double kill just happened on cameras both of them i'm both the killers are there walking away do both of you want to accuse me the one person that killed both oh got him you saw me on camera on the camera too right that i'm innocent why are you trying or do you think it is valkyrie where are you right now i'm with corpse we are running uh left of the entry to med area and valkyrie where are you i am sorry where are you right now i'm in electric with who you and who else i didn't see anybody else wait how did you didn't you say you saw a double kill who'd you vote for already i reported really fast because i got freaked out so if if rey is actually the corpse and this is sherry and either toast or hippo i just need to figure wait i thought you said you saw it trey yeah well i reported the bodies just fell over and i freaked out so i instant reported and i actually did what did you see corpse i saw nobody dead no no no that's what that's what happened yeah that's that's why i thought he i thought he saw it on cam's and then walked down and so i was like wait what michael yeah so i think tyler is definitely telling the truth here i believe he definitely caught yeah they both died just now where are you right now i was just at vitals too just behind them and i isn't there a camera right outside that so you should have okay so i can definitely clear corpse then i'm coming out of labs on my way towards electrical hippo where are you i just did the task what is the upload download you guys call it different things and the the communications room where you can do the sliding thing okay i'm pretty sure this is shiri okay so train corpse ray completely clear i think shiri i think you're a voter herself loki jury instantly voted she was caught red-handed that means who was the other killer cheery and hippo both watched me do my task oh god oh oh no no no no no tell me someone's ready to hit the button [Music] okay thank you um so train's dead okay so it was in that group on the right side like that we were all in specimen it was uh it was just now it was me ray me ray train shane yeah i met you guys in top decontamination okay so i was on admin table and there were two people sitting in electrical and i was like oh [ __ ] they're going to double kill so in the dark i tried to meet up with you guys in med base so that they couldn't uh kill me alone at the thing um i really think that cherry killed train just now because in the dark uh train ran past me into office and lights came on i ran out i ran back into office from the right side and i see chiri run out and now train is dead so i'm confused why toast if you went straight to button i believe train's body is in advent i bet he checked admin and that's where his body was um could be so i'm super obsessive cheery especially since train was suss of her the previous round i'm going to vote chiri i'm gonna vote sherry cherry did you vote yourself last round yeah also she probably voted for herself if train didn't sure you voted for yourself dude i'll just i'll just say i was surprised i lived last round no i don't think so no why not i actually agree with that oh i have that looks to be about four times wait each bar is worth 10 right so six tasks so i have half [Music] why didn't hippo kill me there i mean it's it's hippo for sure she can't kill me so i feel pretty safe i check vitals and then check admin well i know there's enough innocent people left alive no everyone's alive cool [Music] we're almost done on tasks and nobody's died yet right that's correct i was on my last wire my last task you guys trust each other super hard right i know corpse is innocent i also know faye is innocent now for sure well i was gonna just follow hippo from here on out okay i've just been trying to follow toast it's either toaster hippo 1 thousand percent i don't think he's innocent because the previous round she went back to the same coily because she didn't finish and she did the second part of it you guys shouldn't are we yeah toast it's what over goodbye i don't know what you actually do here are you voting or skipping absolutely trust your instincts faye trust your instincts believe in yourself believe in yourself i don't know last words toast [Music] wait who voted toast yeah [Music] i don't know why hippo's following me she can't get any kills like this like you literally cannot kill me kill her yes there you go who has the last task i finished mine phase dead um faye is dead toast why aren't you talking hippo why is it not toast and wait okay toast and hippo you need to clean this right now i was walking hippo you know what don't say anything you guys you guys figure it out i don't say anything no no no hippo don't listen to him all right who's starting posture yeah hippo if you're crewmate you would speak okay um all right you scab what are you scabbed i was walking away from the body what is it the storage area and i left toast and bay and yeah why are you just now saying this because toast is and he told me not to talk toast what's your defense toast i don't have one ah why why are you guys doing this i ain't seen nothing why are you guys doing this where were you toast why i was uh finishing my last wire task did you finish it no not yet where is it at uh top right i was there i didn't see you yeah because i'm on my way to finish it oh i thought you meant finishing us in like in the moment to finish it he has to finish it so you're the last one right there that's the last let's just follow toast and watch me do the last pass let's go let's go watch toast why are you guys doing this but you know just to make it spicy can we all stand on top of each other yeah let's do this yeah yeah yeah at the last wire cyan you have to kill corpse or eye oh wait it's not my last one hooray you're still she said to kill me or her and you killed toad i tried to kill me and the toast just like he like dolphin dives in front of her body i'll answer your question after this good time mr president get out wait well here's my question again you were saying how i could make the read that you voted yourself oh right right did you guys vote already uh yeah i voted corpse oh it's not corpse it's red ray killed me wait i thought it was really yeah ray killed toast uh i'm so sorry corpse if you voted for cyan already are you serious yeah sorry that was the funniest thing i've ever seen it's just dope and frightening i didn't get to see it i don't even know what i just saw toast like didn't report that other body and i crossed ray i'm like why is she still alive you should be dead i was waiting for ray to come and then as soon as i hit kill you like you just goes in front of her singing all right so i can't kill lily so i'll protect her a protector she knows there's no way i kill her first right she's she knows there's no actual first oh not my artist in my opinion wait where was body it's at the you know i forgot the name but it's in but it's near mid bay where you have to look for planets oh the top the tallest telescope [Music] me and purple are on the exact opposite side of the map purple oh yeah yeah we're on the bottom left so we couldn't have done it so who's not accounted for irene and leslie huh no leslie's with um not bottom right yeah so irene wait i went straight down uh bottom right because i went down to do my tasks in the like the little like tube area at the bottom the like don't want to get to go through the what is it called no no lab yeah but it's on the telescope i thought right but it wasn't that telescope is what i'm saying but you passed the telescope no no i went down toast would you vote for i say i script so i can eat my food in peace nice ratchet chinese food sounds good what kind of chinese food ratchet msg filled ones i love msg is everything delicious they're not killing me imposters oh no sorry what happened uh oh this is impossible i mean don't do it i mean don't do it [Music] that was a ballsy kill [Music] oh no okay so edison's body was in bottom left of the map like right in the hallway between o2 water all right position i am fixing comms right now with irene um because i came from admin i didn't see you vital slash admin well like really recently and one is a specimen i did the numbers task i went up past the contamination just left there actually and i'm doing the wire next to the decontamination room see i'm never the specific details the wires no the was it the wires the wires are at the top decontamination yeah that's what i mean okay leslie and ash did you see anything like the door opening unfortunately i did not but i found my saturn telescope i i didn't i i don't i don't think i did but oh i'm just saying i still have a little sauce on irene from the first round because she did have to go past the telescope to get to specie no there's two there's two entrances i went through the bottle veterans i wasn't even close to top you said you went through the top no i said it went through the box but it went straight down like straight down to the bottom oh no it was i was never up there i i didn't explain it well that's awesome she's doing wise at the top and ash says she hasn't seen her oh i actually didn't see lily either we gotta shoot someone it's not allowed to go on but it's the only voted for last time one person departed for oh my god yeah that's beautiful that's actually amazing all right how did that happen the most sus is the one who skipped i'd say god i hope oh wait why didn't i revo lily with me okay we are very very lucky and also i didn't realize the last sabotage it was comms who sabotages comms here i know lily definitely does not sabotage comms exactly it literally only touched lights so you did the lights no oh okay yeah you're single lily doesn't touch comms her partner might but wait wait who skipped because i i fully admit i voted lilly i skipped because i was getting confused with all the accusations and i what i didn't know what the info or how to base it off because i've been running around and like i've not seen enough information yeah how many years have we been living together you know me toast it's not me yeah you call lights and you wait there for an hour and kill the first person who shows up which is usually mean you know how i play if i had to vote i usually vote the guy who skipped because skipping is always the last play for crew member wait okay yeah who who's skeptical i just don't i'm not gonna lie about it like i just there was so many words and i didn't know about it i uh maya wasn't it first round i was with her bottom left with edison so so if that enclosure for one kill i did irene i thought i saw you coming from an event this past round the exact direction of an event i walked past you alone you weren't with people the entire time oh no it's definitely irene and taurus i didn't get to tell you why but oh wait i'm so confused [Laughter] my memories [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,345,720
Rating: 4.9680285 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, penguinz0, corpse
Id: nqXv8rxmFx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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