Among Us but I'm a 8400 IQ DOUBLE AGENT...?

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brooke yeah yeah let's take a short walk all right okay let's see the number last was the last round yeah we took a one step okay prove that you're innocent um dang it you know i'm innocent don't you i do uh well what do we do now um i don't know what should we do i don't know maybe this wow bro what are you gonna give me for not snitching i will give you whatever you want please walk away walk away come here all right you promise not to kill me then right you're clowns not to kill me right i'll not kill you you'll not kill me you promise you you won't kill me you're gonna keep me alive okay [Music] i'm gonna need you to back up sir wait you're still drinking blood explain yourself let me tell you a story real quick yeah just give me a moment okay okay [Music] he's a good guy i started this game out muted i'm not going to lie i'll keep it a bunch guy i i forgot to turn it back on and i turn it back on the first thing i hear is cycuna going bloodway [Music] i said hey what's up hey ludwig uh i was just keeping you protected i was like great we should play the game together and you know what he says to me he says i want to keep dr lupo safe he's been having a tough time he says he says to me do you want to come with me and i said yeah he's like you guys both have the same first letter i think you'd get along i kid you not ten steps he finds dr lupo and he says all right i'm gonna protect lupo now and then i have a question for you do you think we live in one reality hey where cicuno failed to protect dr lupo lost him and died or b did dr lupa betray our beautiful cycuna say less oh okay over my time on gaming i've experienced a lot of top tier performances from people but this might be the strongest third imposter i've ever seen oh look guys do you think ludwig is innocent so i'm inclined to believe him here i just think that's a strong performance this guy's toast oh just a strong performance in general in you're in the main room wait what okay okay okay okay all right we're good that was close he could have killed you right there could he why come on cause he killed me you would have look all right you're going to put in a good word for me right absolutely so you better finish your simon says okay yeah yeah okay i'll i'll protect you sorry thank you thank you yeah yeah if you if you know if you know the other one shows up you gotta yeah yeah yeah oh hi hi ray we'll see you later we'll see you later oh okay i'll see you later i'll see you later we'll see you later later you gotta go you gotta go you gotta get out see i told you i promise you're a i don't see anything broke i have my eyes closed you know if something was to happen really yeah yeah no i don't see anything i'm just just like you did right before you killed me last game oh really oh no no broke i think the camera what's up brooke i think the camera was on brooke what what is he saying i know oh my god wait i'm actually so confused why are you saying that okay okay wait what happened what dream did you hear that we just wanted to do that i don't think i think his toast is trolling you think he's trolling okay what do you say he said i think the cameras were on brook but i don't know why so i was in um i was in uh comms doing my uploads singing breathing by r and grande i heard that that was like okay trying to get us really yeah that's my it's my twitch stream of repellent so that's how i make sure i don't get killed by any twitch streamers um so um then toast and brook walk in and toast says i thought the camera was on so that i ran to where the nearest camera was and there was a dead body yeah i don't know why he said that i was like actually confused so brooke were you with him the whole time but for the most part yeah okay you know what's really weird i went into specimen i saw toast and brook in there and then they were both like we'll see you later ray we'll see you later we were having i was like why can't i hang out we were having a thank you well what was the discussion about well because toast looked at me funny and then he pushed me to the ground when i was trying to check vitals oh first and foremost leslie you were in med bay the doors to re who went in them i went in them oh interesting okay what does that mean how long were brook and dream together well yeah i don't i didn't see them broke we're never together no we just weren't together we i saw jack and leslie [Music] we should skip you guys i don't think lupo was right oh my god okay oh yeah i was full cap on the skip it's totally toast i almost would've toast did you just say cap oh god oh god oh god okay broke down to us broke down to us oh oh wait you guys trying to frame me you guys like please leave me alone sir toast no no brooke i thought we were friends okay okay i thought so too okay no one can hear us okay you can't be honest i think that people can't think oh so you want to move a little further in leslie okay what what is what do you need oh hey oh okay oh are you about to get double killed let me find out go ahead and do it double kill we're gonna double kill you guys here oh go ahead brooks brooke you gotta freak keep your lies broke you gotta keep me alive brooke i have no vision of you i don't know where you are because i don't have impossibilities up here i'm up here i'm up here i'm literally in front of you purple and orange just died in the last two and a half seconds not even okay i can't protect brook anymore i saw her kill sakura round one no [Laughter] okay okay ray literally we were having a discussion because i told him i would protect him that's why i told you to get out of there okay literally and then he said cameras were on trying to frame me and now he's saying it's me when it was him he killed cycuno and i'm voting for you that's me let's let's let's let's let's talk for a minute so yeah were any of you did any of you guys were any of you guys in weapons just now like i don't know five seconds no i was on finals well what do you guys wear when you guys get a kill in weapons but oh well that's for the body usually fusely brook all ran out the left side of office if i'm not going to the left side of office correct brooke we yeah we went off the left side where's brooke where's brooke where's brooke trying to kill me look here's my here's my here's my safe theory courage you ready yes this is what we do okay there was a double kill all right and we were double coiling the left side of the map now toast is accusing brooke and brooke is accusing toast there's two imposters so rey is the same vote i i voted brooke no i think race might be innocent wait why would you listen to this courage was not courage was on vitals okay courage was on vitals and i can pretty much back that up did they the kills happen at the exact same time it happened no way they were within what happened just now they have no stream i was walking across there okay courage okay toast who did you vote for i voted brooke i know she's a pastor from round numbers bro who do you vote for i voted 150 toast i voted toast oh oh my god okay okay okay okay okay oh brook stay away let me go to fixing lights whatever impostor's here you'll never beat me oh let's go i just propped off okay all right all right hear me out this is what i'm saying nobody vote nobody vote okay if you're innocent you need to listen to me toast is accusing brooke and brooke is accusing toast it is one of them it is not both of them i was on admin table courage was on vitals the only other person that could have participated in the double kill is rey so in both scenarios rey is the other killer rey is the safest vote who voted skip by the way unless uh okay okay listen listen listen this is wrong because i am innocent they if that if they're the only two possible options i think they're both imposter and they're just trying to kill each other but i'm down to kill if we kill one of them the only chance is that the only chance is that it could it could be both of them but i think it's less likely that it's both of them the okay but the problem is if you vote me we just insta-lose because i'm innocent all right just a question ray you said you voted brook right i did yes okay did anyone else vote brooke i bought a brook tree but i voted broke you didn't vote brooke wait what why wouldn't i vote brooke i've been screaming brooker at day one so that proves that it's toasted i skipped wait who voted toast wait me ray and dream is lying dream this is so sus no here this is what's happened toby i voted first i literally was the first dream why don't you think it's ray that's lying i think that you you're trying to big brain i think i think it's toast i think i think you just screwed up now i think it's it is right you tried to try it it's toast ambrose i'm putting i'm voting toast no no we have to go broke we need to go bro everybody number one there we go and i'm sticking with my gun this is what i can't believe you alive from this is what i get for leaving you alive yeah yeah yeah oh wow oh you oh so not a big frame play i swear i don't have a big break i'm never trusting you again brooke i'm never gonna die um come down here saikuno and corporate oh that's an early light call off the bat oh god there's a lot of people here okay train talia [Music] oh talia did aircon hoffa was kind of just in the middle of stuff there should walk to the right after talia was in the area pretend to be doing upload do not look sus oh damn ek just cut them in half dk just cut steve in half confirmed heart accused who nope 100 killed in front of me even i just met base scan together we were waiting and fights went off and he's hard accused hundred percent accusing you of heart accusing you you killed in front of me yeah hard accused after i heart accused hundred people first congratulations you want to mention i got some profession from the northeast we just come out of the world congratulations you like to talk a lot i do i love talking a lot i know i noticed i'm sorry i don't get the roast i don't get the roast in my mouth i'm talking fast there's nothing in my mouth because i can't even afford food here it's still [ __ ] expensive live in texas jesus you know what it's fine if you just want to vote both out that's fine lights are awesome i never i never killed like this he literally so i'm stacked on steve because we both just did med base scan together i just walked from a specimen in and and the door opens and he killed and that's why he's like he's speaking real fast complete life you just want to eat us both and save my life that's fine you'll get one go for it hard excuse me now how come you didn't report the body then how come i recorded the body dk you saw you saw someone was coming you saw someone i killed i killed him right in front of you this guy killed in front of me and it's and if i don't get a 50 feet he's [ __ ] i keep completely got to be faster tk you want to kill you gotta report faster okay live without decision i don't know who are you voting post it's ridiculous [Music] here why would she vote chill maybe it was just a 50 50. if i have asked who i was hoping for was it to make it so it's not as sus oh if you want to honor the 50 50 that's fine clear on the mid scan remember that please no 5050's are dumb okay i just didn't know what you wanted wait who cleared you gaby half of cleared me on my skin it was a different game oh yeah that was a different game that was last game sorry so obviously i know if you want to honor me gabby just lied about meds why would you do that gabby no i don't want to vote gabby i think okay i think she's honestly and then she forgot but she also voted against chills she did vote against me it's because she feels bad about dk for a different game yeah no i just want to say happy you read me like a book thank you thank you for letting me get one we're just like you know you listen to me and i think it's so nice i have a question on the first round did you have that note below storage or next word um feels good you know i would love to tell you if i remembered okay dk i'll see you in hell buddy your partner's going to get up with me for one second and then he kept walking down and i was wondering if you wanted to spare me yeah that's why you did it you bodyguard if i stopped next to you i probably did it i don't actually remember [Music] felling up the tank who's the other one like i mean if it's not leaky then it's chilled but i think we double down here like we have to double down right we have to i think it was black and white that one out the left side wow lights is taking a long time talia is standing outside in a circle why is he doing that that's really weird maybe she saw a train going i want to see who else would go in but she was a killer why would she just hover there i swear this is on rocket locked in locked tightly someone's in an event in admin i have one question right now yeah give it to us so lights go out yeah yes i fixed them he does talia's in i believe toasting yeah i leave i go down i don't know where you guys went i'm assuming cameras i go into weapons down okay i went down one person one person they came and peeked in me in that window below weapons you know what i'm talking about that little window say it say a train i think that person vented and killed that's what i think oh i think someone i think that killer is in the vent right now because that was on admin i just got out of spas gabby was with me and spence yeah i think she's in here um i came out i checked adam table suddenly there were two in admin so probably vented from lab did you go down in the hallway train or did you go down outside all right okay tell us where are you uh i'm on a gas canister on the bottom left you weren't left with uh toast i went down yeah no i went straight down and i'm now in comms you don't think it's me gabby that's so kind of you so kind of you just say okay chill toes train do you guys have any clues i'm clearing gabby we gotta kill her out right here i can't say train didn't do life you crossed paths shield is clear because she got decal unless you think it's chilly gabby where exactly is the body it's in a rocket like right i think jude is the safest vote if it's no i don't want are you kidding me no well which is because if it's not oh i just wait why are you putting me it's totally a toaster train [Music] don't think it's gabby um italia train or hafu it's gotta be innocent happens coming from the left in which case the door is open i know hafu shouldn't have any tasks on the left side just one killer that little window oh that little window how could he see through that window that's crazy that this is crazy all right here comes train [Music] that is crazy [Music] hello let's see everybody do we no no no no don't try to assist do we have wires no no we don't do it no that's why we don't well i didn't hear spec's doors and you came from that way so i'm done gabby is an o2 there's no 100 crew really yeah that was good where did you end that game around right now i'm walking out of med bay the two people i think are hard cleared are gabby and chilled really we'll give it to gabby because i don't like gabby i think i think the only person to clear this game is chilled and that's only because he's not oddly american god bless america how do you not have any susses or uh i told you about the uh weapons window so one person that isn't accounted for is there i have suss on you because i don't know why you're being cleared i've been so much past i've done every lights for i'm pretty sure i did every lights for us didn't hurt anyone else's feelings italia wanted to vote me out anyone else's feelings well just because i thought we were voting on six and so on six and we don't have uh yeah but if we but we don't know 100 percent we've got decals i think we do the reactor would have been called double kill would have happened at least eight times well yeah well yeah now we do but as in at that time right uh train train where were you when you saw the person outside the window weapons i just finished i was leaving i saw a glimpse i went up i went left and i'm guessing either person either went up invented and killed or he came from one okay i've been done with tasks if anyone wants to follow me around uh i think i have like i have my storage left oh crap this is just train oh man lobby is a little harder because no one groups which i actually like but it's taking me some time to adapt to this and i think it makes the game way more fun talia asked about wires talia asked about wires i was pretty dang innocent i think trey might be biting his time he saw someone unload that's crazy i walked past train here he didn't kill me or double back to kill me where did hafu go but there should only be one imposter left unlock manifolds that's a specimen room run ah well what was i'll tell ya yeah talia is dead on her her like the top left refuel yeah i just i was on cams i believe gabby shouldn't have seen me fix lights gabby goes left i go left who what people want right was that toast and hawfu was that children hafu me and hafu in bottom oxygen and then i crossed over comms and weapons and met hafu by the uh the office door i don't know where she was prized that i know toast is in med bay are you still there toast uh yeah i just walked out man so i'm so for me i guess i know it's not chilled i want to i don't know i'm i know this one wasn't gabby i know gabby is cleared by hofu but i don't trust hafus clear so i can't trust gabby but you know gabby didn't get it through the process of elimination it can't be gabby because she was on cams when i got there yeah okay and then toast wasn't med bay unless he left chill it has to be you unless you missed the future die and then vote train after if you guys are good with that then i'm good well the problem is i don't know if it's toast unless he's lying buddy i've given a lot of information i've been very if you thought and the fact that you're sussing me is very sus i just i mean it's not supposed to like i i i can't say it's not you train um because i like i didn't realize they were on camps i just didn't see that you walked out of the light you guys want to win on eating or tasks i think i got the last two or three eating eating the thing it's just easy yeah well we can make a decision you know pick one live with the regrets oh [ __ ] chill oh boy did i pick up did i do bad bet on the wrong horse well maybe we did it's not this and it has to be toast in my mind oh wow train i'm sorry guys in my defense when i killed steve uh i thought child was far away with the lights off that he didn't see it yeah it was right underneath it because the boys got to talk we had our time [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,149,963
Rating: 4.9663029 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us proximity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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