Conan Exiles: Dungeon Order By Suggested Level & Tier

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what is up people van from the Vaniverse gaming  channel here with another video on Conan exiles   the other day I was reading through my comments  and I saw a post about dungeons and what level   you should be and in what order should you do  them in Conan exiles I went out to go and find   some information and the information out there is  either old or it's not up-to-date so I decided to   make a video that I felt was the correct order in  doing the Conan exile dungeons now this is up for   interpretation so if you feel that the order is  off by all means please leave your comments below   and tell me what you think the order should be I  decided to break it up into tiers and difficulty   within that tier so for example I have four tiers  of difficulty in the first tier I list out the   dregs the witch queen and the Barrow King and then  in the second tier I go through them and basically   it's in order from the easiest dungeon being the  dregs and the hardest dungeon being you're gonna   have to wait and find out so hopefully this video  is helpful this is really up to interpretation   because the difficulty can depend on how good you  are it can depend on what your stats are it can   depend on what thrall you bring there's a lot in  how this was put together this is my opinion based   on all of the time I've played the game this is  the order of difficulty that I feel and so feel   free to challenge this in the comments below I  hope you guys enjoy the video without further   ado let's get started the first tier of dungeons  or the easiest tier is going to consist of three   dungeons in my opinion you're gonna have the dregs  the witch queen's palace and the barrow king the   first dungeon is going to be the dregs which you  see on the screen here the dregs you can enter at   about level 25 depending on your gear and how  good you are at the game if you're not very   good and you don't have very good gear you might  want to be a little bit higher you could probably   do it at level 20 it just depends now this is  one of the only dungeons where bringing a pet   or a Thrall is very helpful in getting to the  boss but then once you get to the boss they are   pretty much useless because they fall in the acid  and they do absolutely no damage if you have an   archer thrall you might have a better shot at it  the strategy I used is actually in a video I did   on the dregs I've actually made - an old one and  then an updated one you can get those by clicking   on the link in the top right hand corner that's  going to give you my playlist all my dungeon   guides a couple tips with the dregs is there are  some skeletons in this dungeon that are actually   very difficult if you do not bring a pet getting  through them can be somewhat challenging other   than that the dungeon is pretty self-explanatory  there are a few paths you can go on to unlock some   chests the main reason you would do this is for  the I would say the abyssal meat obviously there's   some recipes here but this is the first taste  of dungeons in Conan exiles and so there was a   puzzle in this one where you need to bring a bow  and arrows but if you watch my guide you can see   all that the second dungeon in the first tier is  going to be the Palace of the witch Queen this   is not really a dungeon basically you come into  a room there's two stone guardians and then the   boss you kill the stone Guardians one at a time  but if you are not fast enough you can actually   have to fight both stone guardians and there's  a chance that if you don't kill the stone guard   the last stone guardian fast enough you might be  fighting the stone guardian and the witch queen   at the same time this can be very problematic  but if you kill them quick enough and you bring   a pet or a thrall with you then there's no reason  why you cannot do this dungeon at about level 30   maybe even a little bit sooner it's pretty much  a tank and spank once you take out the guards and   then you're fighting the witch queen if you have  a Thrall or pet with you if you don't and you're   doing this solo it will be significantly harder  so keep that in mind in addition when you're   fighting the statues there's a there are these  green beam traps that are shooting all around   they're very easy to dodge but it just adds a  little bit of difficulty to this encounter the   third and final dungeon in the first tier is gonna  be the Barrow King it's a stretch to call this a   dungeon I probably should included like the bone  dragon the undead dragon in the sinkhole and also   that silly Queen in the passage between the jungle  and the frozen north because basically it's just   one guy you kill him you learn some recipes and  that's that and truly is a very easy fight if you   have a companion a Thrall or a pet who can just  sit there and tank and you can do this probably   as early as you could the witch queen maybe even  earlier it's just a matter of time and how much   damage you're gonna actually do to the guy but  if you have a decent thrall or companion a pet   sucking up damage then this guy should go down  very easily I may have even considered putting him   in a different section here but I did him at level  30 I think that's what my dungeon guide that was   at somewhere around there and so that's just my  suggestion on the weapons you need that do enough   damage to kill him in a significant amount of time  versus a slow amount of time but this concludes   the first tier dungeons the easiest dungeons that  if you were going to do them in order these would   be the first three now starting with the second  tier of dungeons the first one is going to be the   well of Skelos this dungeon is surprisingly  easy the problem with it is is its location   being located in the volcano makes it a pain to  get to and it also makes it a pain to survive in   you need to have a really good heat resistance  which really is the only thing that makes this   dungeon difficult the final fight which you can  see here is very simply killing some ghosts until   the guy spawns and he pretty much just falls over  dead I've never had to fight him I don't know if   it's a glitch or if that's just what it's meant to  be but this is actually an extremely easy dungeon   when it comes to fighting its just dealing with  the heat that is why I always suggest doing the   black keep first and killing the King scourge  because he is basically the armor that you see   in this in the video currently is where you can  craft it is by getting the recipes from there   it is extremely good against heat and that's why  I usually do the black keep before coming here but   just in sheer in a vacuum this is probably the  easiest dungeon of the second tier of dungeons   that you're gonna face basically there are a  couple guys that are a little difficult but the   boss and the dungeon as a whole is the easiest  in this tier the second hardest dungeon in the   tier 2 group is going to be the temple of Frost  now with the well of Skelos I recommend being   level 60 because of the armory you're gonna wear  to go there for the heat resistance but with this   one you can probably do it in the low 50s 55  this one is similar to the well skelos where   the most difficult part is dealing with the cold  getting here and not getting frostbite is actually   the hardest part about this killing the bosses in  this is actually very easy the combat is different   now than what was in this video but the biggest  issue with this if with this dungeon is the debuff   caused by getting hit by an axe you can see right  here in that video I got cold snap this basically   changes your temperature so if you don't bring  along some spicy foods and keep it from getting to   where you're freezing and getting frostbite this  dungeon can be very challenging there is a spot at   the blacksmith where there are some frost giants  that are all kind of stacked up on each other and   you have a very small space to fight them and if  you back up too far you're entering an area where   you're pretty much gonna get frostbite that can be  a challenge but again if you bring a thrall or you   bring a pet a good companion then this dungeon  should not be a problem if you are prepared for   the cold if you're not prepared for the cold and  you get cold snapped it could spell death for you   pretty darn quickly the third dungeon in the  second tier is going to be the black keep this   dungeon is very difficult since the changes  to undead not being able to be poisoned or   bled the final boss hits like a truck he has  some pretty crazy moves and even if you have   a thrall or a companion he can be difficult now  granted the thrall you have and how he's equipped   you're gonna have a good a good chance of killing  most stuff in these dungeon in this game because   a really strong thrall can pretty much beat the  game and you can just sit back but if you don't   have a strong thrall there's a good chance he  may die fighting the last boss in addition all   of the creatures in this dungeon hit harder they  add corruption on some of them so I would just   suggest that you come prepared be level 60 and be  be ready for a pretty tough fight once you even   get past trying to figure out your way through the  dungeon moving on to the third tier of difficulty   we have the Midnight Grove the Midnight Grove is  a very difficult dungeon just due to the sheer   size of it the amount of bosses you have to fight  fighting multiple creatures and packs at the same   time even with a really strong thrall this can  be a pretty tough dungeon it was designed it was   the first time they designed a dungeon to be more  group oriented and it shows when you try and fight   through this by yourself the last boss on this who  you can see me fighting can be a real challenge by   yourself but with a Thrall he's pretty easy all in  all be level 60 come well prepared with supplies   and you should be able to get through this one  the second and last dungeon in the third tier   of difficulty is going to be the sunken temple  this dungeon is extremely hard because it has   rulesets and combat that you haven't fought in a  lot of the other dungeons a lot of the creatures   in here they do bleeds so having the way to cure  bleed is very important you also have to deal with   breath and getting from place to place and right  when you enter this dungeon one of the first mini   bosses hits really hard and he's with two other  guys this was a very very challenging dungeon   from start to finish and there's even a boss in  it where he just you he's like a brick shit house   seriously you can hit him and hit him and hit him  he takes forever to kill and this was all before   the combat was changed so if you're coming into  this dungeon be level 60 come prepared to be able   to remove bleeds come prepared to be able to put  some water breathing on and just bring a really   strong all to help you through this lots of heals  lots of stuff this is an extremely tough fight   even at level 60 by yourself I just think this is  a very challenging fight especially the last boss   who dual wields daggers and she can really stack  some bleeds if you don't have the right equipment   to fight this gal okay moving on to the fourth  and final tier the first dungeon is going to be   the wine cellar this is the most recent dungeon  added to the game and this was really I feel   designed for group content because it's extremely  difficult there are a lot of creatures you are   fighting and the bosses can be very hard some of  the gimmicks of this dungeon are actually trying   to avoid some of the creatures in here there are  even certain monsters in here that if you do fight   them they actually raise the dead and bring armies  to fight for them this one I had a lot of trouble   with even with a pretty strong thrall with me and  being level 60 and being well geared and having a   strong thrall is gonna be the way to get through  this one I really feel like this is probably the   best dungeon in the game when it comes to just  the thought they put into it how difficult it   is the rewards you get from it and that's why it's  second to the hardest on this list and finally the   most difficult dungeon in Conan Exiles is going to  be the war maker sanctuary you can tell that this   dungeon was meant for a large party of people the  bosses in this dungeon are many and they're very   difficult to kill I beat this dungeon by going  a bow build with a really strong thrall to try   and take on the boss's aggro and then killing  everything with a bow and then using my bow to   heal the thrall that was the way I got through  it I tried to do this dungeon solo melee and I   had a really really hard time with it so if you're  planning on coming here by yourself make sure that   your level 60 and you have a lot of really good  gear especially if you're going to melee build   again having a thrall to suck up all the damage  and the way that the thrall leveling system works   now is very helpful but this is definitely by  far the hardest dungeon in the game [Music]
Channel: The Vaniverse Gaming
Views: 333,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles, conan exiles gameplay, conan exiles new dungeon, conan exiles guide, conan exiles guides, conan exiles tips and tricks, conan exiles pc, conan exiles ps4, conan exiles dungeon guide, conan exiles dungeon, conan exiles mini dungeon, Conan Exiles Dungeons in order, Conan Exiles Dungeons in order of difficulty
Id: LF15UG1ozRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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