How to Make a Dance Team: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle today's video is going to talk about how to make a dancing team so we're going to do some team building exercises here and before we get started if you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up leave your thoughts down below in the comments and check out the description box for discord twitter twitch and patreon and i'm getting so used to saying that that it feels automatic and unconscious at this point but all of it matters so with uh teams and dancing teams specifically something i i hear quite a bit when people talk about it they say you know i want to try grave robber or something like that but i don't know how to make the rest of the team you know dance with her and stuff and i guess we should start by defining a dancing team a dancing team is any team in this game that has a a focus on movement so either movement skills actually specifically movement skills to move your people around and they have their benefits so there are some fights in the game there are some bosses and some enemies that really disrupt what you're doing unclean giant can scramble your entire party with one attack it can hit one person and scramble everything which is really annoying to say the least uh some bosses not to spoil anything but i think shamblers are probably there is probably an obvious one shambler does like to shuffle your party as well so dancing teams are good because they counteract that so when you move your character normally so you click like the fifth button the the two arrows or whatever it is that is just you moving and it does nothing else like you don't attack you don't heal you don't buff yourself you don't do anything like that you just take the character and move up a space it's it's helpful it's better than not doing it in many cases but it's such a low tempo type of thing so it's like a low momentum low offense slow type of strategy that it doesn't help you try and win the game in a meaningful time frame echo wants to play right now i guess but with dancing teams you don't need the you don't need like the whole team like all four of them being able to move around all the time in order to do stuff you don't need that for it to succeed you just need a team that functions when whoever is moving is in position a and then when they're in position b so an example that i have that if you want to plan around it is this is a very common team that i run people see me around this so this is my favorite team to run with grave robber for a variety of reasons but you think of grave robbers the dancing character because she has lunge and shadow fade which go forward and back two spaces each so you know you're like okay well i move up with her and then she's up there and then like the rest of the team has to move right like what if i had shield breaker and highwayman and stuff like one common team i've seen i feel like i was about to jump up here but one common team i've seen with this in mind is something like this where you have three characters that can move and you have vessel here and this this will do the job it's this team has some issues hi uh okay you're gonna ruin my take here but yeah this team has its own issues but it works it will get the job done but you don't need something like this to uh to run a dancing team so this is why i suggest something like this this is a really good way to to start out learning it too because you have great robber who goes forward and back and that's all she does so she jumps up here with lunge and then she shadow fades back to here you know whenever you want to and you have that but even then this team has the potential to give you new stuff to do with dancing so you can lunge up like this for instance and then you can transform and slam and that moves you forward one space with abomination and then you set up grave robber to do a second launch so with dancing teams the point i'm trying to make is that when you know how it's gonna function basically every two turns if it's gonna move around you know that frequently so how's it gonna look when it goes forward how's it gonna look when it goes back like how does it get back to its starting position that's usually something good to uh to figure out with these teams so you really want attention i'm gonna put you down buddy he usually doesn't want this much attention yeah so i think he's bored anyway so yeah so we have that in mind and so with um gray robber she's the easiest example a team like this this team functions when grave robbers back here and it functions the exact same when she's up here like i guess we want to transform and use rake and rage for instance things change there but again you have slam as an option if you really want to or you can just shadow fade you know the next turn so you still have those options vessel doesn't care about being in three or four hellions still sits in one where she wants to be and that's all fine and dandy but there's some other ideas too like i said you don't need the whole team moving you can like that example i showed with grave robber highwayman and shielbreaker that's one example but there are so many little dance cores i guess if you want to call them that like just the foundation of a dance scene that you can find in a lot of places so this is another one it doesn't really matter if these two are back here or if they're here for instance and then you can put people in these these other spots and you have something very easy to do you have duelist advance to move up and then you have holy lands to move up afterwards so this team can always just sit here perpetually in this space and what makes it also very helpful is that higher man's generally quite a bit faster than crusader so the hardest part about planning dance teams is getting the speed orders correct which is why grey robert's so good at it she's the fastest character in the game so echo's about to try and jump up here he's staring at me but if you can get the speeds down and there are a lot of trinkets you can use for this if i have any in this box i don't know there's a an old file that i had um okay for instance we put like feather crystal on highway man probably not the best thing for him but it's still pretty good and so now we have him being six points of speed faster than crusader for probably the entire dungeon highwayman will go before crusader it's gonna be like a very freak occurrence for that to happen it's almost like a it's almost a one in 64. it's not quite that high but it is still pretty high all right you're gonna attack my headphones so as long as you can get the speed stuff down then you have it set and then all you have to do after that is um is fill out the rest of the team so if you remember i should say like this to dance most dance moves are damage so these two right you have holy lance that's damage duels advance that's damage ram part's a control move but it still does a little bit of damage um here's another one slam we talked about dirk stabs another one um i was trying to take stuff off my desk okay you're gonna ruin my video boy i'm gonna get some comments be like i'm not trying to watch your cat show i'm here for the info i'm sorry helena's breakthrough not the best one but you know she has it she'll breakers a very uh very good one to showcase though because she'll breaker can move around quite a lot between all her moves so she goes forward with pierce and puncture she goes backwards with adders and pale exposed and then she stays in place with captivate and goes forward with uh sway so she has six moves that move her around so she'll breaker is pretty cool because she's never out of position so even then you don't have to build a dance team to accommodate shield breaker you just run something like this and so you have her up front and then she like for instance he doesn't pale so you open with impale and she goes back here the next turn she pierces that's it that's your dance team you don't really need much more than that you don't have to make it as complicated as you would think there are ways to do it like i said we had the example of um highwayman shield breaker and uh grave robber i couldn't think over for a sec but there are some other ones you can do too like if you really want to get crazy with it it the the most crazy ones kind of apply to grave robber just because of how good lunges for this specifically where you can run something for instance like like this so you could run grave robber back here and then you could run um a crusader so this team has a pretty solid set of speed differentials you have a frontline healer in occultist so he can sit up there and stun for instance and heal which is all really cool and fun and dandy and so the way this team would operate because their speeds are pretty different so we're plus two over here we're plus five over here so if we had something like crusaders what you call it his crimson quartz set that lowers the speed a legendary bracer for instance there are a lot of trains at lower speed so as long as you had those then this would be pretty consistent and so how team like this would operate would be you'd lunge on turn one and then you'd be in this spot and then you'd ramp heart right after that and then need holy lance and grave robert's back here again this is something called infinite lunge where you get to lunge every single turn and you can set up teams like this for sure you definitely can but um you don't you don't always have to like there are times to run this and there are times not to run this usually just shadow fade and lunge are good enough and as long as the rest of team can accommodate it then you're fine this is also phone beeping at me so let me close this real quick but there are characters that are really good for this for that reason so sorry i'm trying to multitask here there you go uh let's see healers that can function up front or anywhere are really good for this uh type of stuff so that's why these characters are really good and they have occultists occultists can heal from anywhere this character uh flagellum can technically heal from anywhere with reclaim and redeem and then crusader can heal from anywhere with you know battle heal and inspiring cry so dance teams are pretty cool because if you get the movement down and such then as long as you have a healer that can function from anywhere you're not usually at risk at messing yourself up so the times to bust this out this this does require some experience you can run this in normal dungeons like a dance team in normal dungeons and do just fine you'll succeed nothing will be bad but there are certain enemies like i said giant shambler and they're quite a lot of bosses not quite a lot but there are a few bosses in the game that do disrupt you actually there are quite a few that disrupt you now that i think about it and it's even to the point where shambler is the best example of this but there are other bosses too where the way they want to beat you it's not just by you know doing a bunch of damage and killing you it's because they shuffle your entire team and when they shuffle your team you have to spend a lot of turns catching up moving people and by the time you get fixed sometimes they just shuffle you again chandler is a good example of that so if you're dealing with that then having a dance team might be the right option because every dance move is just incredibly high tempo with the exception of maybe get down get down isn't the the best for tempo and stuff like that but it's still it's an okay move the the buffs are solid but i don't get down on some issues i'm not here to talk about that so if you understand the bosses probably when you when you start getting a veteran champion stuff like that you go okay this boss moves me so i run dance team and um just to give you some examples of good dance teams i guess before we end the video like i said one of my favorites is just this pair because abomination can work in two and three so it doesn't matter where he ends up so i love these two together that's why i like abomination more than plague doctor for grey robber and you get stuns which help out so stuns can really help slow the enemy down while you get your team back into position that's one example of a good dance core grave robber and literally anyone else grave robber and crusader we can run the same thing right so you do this you lunge past him he's here and then he holy lances and then she's back here and then she can lunge again and then you can shadow fate after that but usually two lunges are good enough to clean up most fights are there any other good grave robber synergies the faster characters get a bit harder with her just because obviously that you know their speed if you have dismissed and stuff get high and then you can't really keep it consistent for [Applause] what is it your order your turn order this file kind of sucks yeah so that's one example uh what's another one you could use like breakthrough there's actually a very famous darkest dungeon video if you haven't seen it's called the paint train it's just breakthrough spam that's kind of an example of a dance team um she'll breaker and a lot of people you know work or anyone that doesn't really care about moving around in the front line which is why for instance in farmstead this is a good duo because even though leopard wants to be up front shield breaker can you know move around and then put him up front when he needs to be and stuff and that's fine so that's another example so as long as the other person does get messed over by getting moved then your dance team is working so are there any other examples there are plenty of examples i could give to uh to help you out we have let's see you can run two shield breakers actually do i have two on this file i don't so if you have two shield breakers you like for instance you could spam and pale so you just impale on the fast shield breaker and then the other one would come up here and then you'd impale again and then you just spam and pale for the entire the entire fight and there's some trinkets that help you do this like her personal armor this lowers her speed so you can lower her speed and then raise the speed of the other one that's how you make it consistent so as long as your speed difference is about four then you won't run into this this issue that much so that's one type of team um so you could run something like this reduce advance and then rampart right or you have two highway men who just spam point blank i wouldn't really recommend that but you could like turn one eat double duelist advance get reposts on both of them then just start spamming point blank that's another one there are some cool ones i showed this one on stream the other day and people like this one a lot surprisingly but you have this so you have jester who battle ballads on turn one crusader holy lances and then turn two jester uses dirk step and then he comes back up like this and crusader hits hard enough that he can get rid of a rank four enemy pretty easily himself so you have this going on especially playing not on stage in your blood moon so the hp's lower um so you can just play lance the back move dirk stab holy lance dirk stab again and then ballad and then start hitting heels if you need to right so there's just a lot of dance synergy out there in the game houndmaster is another great example he doesn't have any dance moves but houndmaster doesn't really care where he ends up on the field with the exception of blackjack and these two moves so blackjack is a stun he has to be up front four and then cry havoc and guard dog actually not even guard dogs so just cry havoc he can use in the back so if you want the stun you leave him up here if you want the stress heal you put him back here so these are just some examples and some characters don't like being moved to the back obviously like you don't want to put what is it helene in rank 3 if you can help it she can break through and if it bleeds but that's not ideal leper you have to be very careful about you have to plan around that but otherwise for dance teams i guess that's that's it so i hope it was at least informative this was just kind of uh off the top of the head video but i i've been asked about this before and i think someone came up with the idea it might have been anemone i can't remember but um yeah so that's how you build a dance team it doesn't have to be complex it doesn't have to be this crazy team that is just moving all over the place where all four of them you know just have this crazy tempo moving stuff and everything's dying you're not dying somehow you don't you don't need all that you just like i said the the thing to remember is you need a team that functions in position a and then it functions in position b and if it can it can get back to its correct order on its own without having to move with the actual move thing in battle you want to be able to move with attacks and skills not with just the defaults movement thing i hope that was insightful if you enjoyed it let me know if you want other videos like this yes tell me i don't quite know off the top my head what else i could cover in this angle but that is it for this one so thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 16,219
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Keywords: darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2, darkest dungeon guide, darkest dungeon gameplay, guide, darkest dungeon tips, darkest dungeon best team, darkest dungeon pvp, darkest dungeon tips and tricks, darkest dungeon butcher's circus, darkest dungeon how to make parties, darkest dungeon 2020, darkest dungeon circus dlc, let's play darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon walkthrough, guide to darkest dungeon, skadi darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon which teams to us, darkest dungeon 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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