The 2nd Hokage Deserves More Credit.

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yes tobirama send you the second nude of all people deserves more credit set the programmer the guy who put tobirama is the ninth strongest cog a is saying this now of course when I say he deserves more credit I myself and been meaning I underestimated him and this video will be making amends for that as recently I found a good way to word his strength that makes him as powerful as he more rightfully should be as well as convince myself that it's an accurate and fair analysis as always though if you do like the video maybe you're just a tobirama fan maybe you just like vibing and listening to people talk about Naruto consider hitting that like button I'd really appreciate it also if you've been here before maybe this isn't your first rodeo with me consider hitting that subscribe button as well tobirama in all honesty might be one of the most pivotal characters to the entire franchise without him many things would not exist that makes Naruto what it is today even remotely he is the one who designed the shinobi academic system he invented the shadow clone jutsu that Naruto heroes in Minato and all top shinobi would spam like no tomorrow he invented the flying risin that would allow him to defeat the brother of Madara Uchiha and make Minato into someone who was hailed as having godlike unparalleled speed and to solo the third great ninja war practically by himself with tobirama also inventing the reanimation jutsu which would become the catalyst for Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi to ascend to the position of challenging people that were once considered gods of shinobi or legends throughout history it might not be a total exaggeration to say that these men and legends were considered gods and their crafts that tobirama is the pioneer of the gods for the most part and I used to be guilty of this and the biggest downplay of tobirama tends to be his two losses to kinkaku and ginkaku one being during the summit when he was ambushed with the second reich are gay and the other when he was on mission with a young Dom's own he risen and ended up being hunted down by the kinkaku force I just want to come out and say this is not an anti feat shocker I know this might sound a little crazy to some people but I think it's important to go over kinkaku and ginkaku before jumping to conclusions kinkaku and ginkaku are known to be impressive for two things their ability to use and access to the sage of six paths five ninja tools and the fact that they dove into the nine tails and ate its chakra innards for two weeks straight gaining the ability to access version two nine tails cloaks many people lowball them because their base states didn't do very well against dar we however even then it can be argued many things were them intentionally goofing off such as King Kaku having his arm get cut off so he could kick his gold and rope into him and proceeded to start the process of sealing him away they were also able to react to the laser circus and so forth and were in nerfed atto states but as I said before their base ones are not what they're known for their transform states are what is truly terrifying once transformed King cuckoo is so powerful that the Fourth Reich Agha actually thinks that he is completely unstoppable and this isn't far-fetched to say remember that even with a similar and probably lesser four tailed version to nine tails cloak Naruto is putting the moves on sannin level fighters when use considerably weaker at the start of Shippuden this means that the Fourth Reich are gay someone who he himself scales about the perfect jinchuriki eight tails yukito and are we thinks nobody can fight king haku without the stages amber purifying pot it's to the point that all the first company even second company starts jumping him including kit suci who can pin down the ghetto mazo and it still absolutely doesn't know damaged him even with all of them combining their attacks and catching him off guard eventually Kishimoto just had to hack some out by having King cuckoo get caught off guard by inos mind transfer which even worked on Renegado beetle at one point and after breaking out of Sikkim on shadow possession and throwing Choji away then once she mind transferred she allowed herself to be sealed and king cuckoo was gone in no shape waiver form is this some kind of power scaling anti feat for King cocoon or the Second Hokage and everyone in the Alliance was actually scared of him and extremely joyed when they won in such a cheap way you could argue that the four threat cog a thought that only nobody in darwin's platoon stood a chance it should still be noted that the fourth way cog I thought he would personally have to fight them to stand a chance and never made any such comma about anybody else but moderate himself now imagine tobirama potentially having to brawl with both of them in their transform states or even both of them in their transform states alongside their entire platoon of twenty elite shinobi and you can see why his death or heavy damage that caused his death is justified even if you just say that tobirama scales above Darwin suigetsu this would be all the reasoning you'd need to assume that kinkaku and ginkaku likely transformed against him especially considering during his time tobirama was considered the fastest shinobi and was the Second Hokage they'd have no reason to assume he was some kagaz goon and possibly not try their utmost at first or mess around like they did for Darwin now I'll go into his scaling with suigetsu later but during the mission where he was hunted by the king haku force he may have also not actually have been at full power as well as it's implied they were already out on a mission then started getting tracked by them they were also all physically scuffed which is saying something considering the squad that he's on is seriously packed with Danzo he rose in and tobirama in their youth and this is just my head Canon here but I want to be surprised if the reason here is it became known as the goddess shinobi of his era was from getting revenge and taking out king cocoon he knew by himself an avenging tobirama just my thoughts although I'm curious who you guys think might have been strong enough to do it as it's implied by kakuzu that king who rampaged when King Kaku kicked the bucket another potential reason is that Obito and the Akatsuki were responsible although it's a bit weird they would even want to hunt Naruto or bother with it if they'd already have those two available already with their nine tails chakra and I doubt the Akatsuki would kill them you could also imply that kakuzu witnessed tobirama body and ginkaku and that's when King Kaku rampaged along with kakuzu and all these other shinobi and then just destroyed him anyway with that out of the way maybe you guys will be more willing to listen to Tobi Rama's true strength and a somewhat brighter light than he's just a meatless fodder or something now unlike Minato and heaters in Tobi Rama's powers are not as nuanced and he can almost be considered Batman like and how effective and on the nose with his encounters and readings of situations he has an example being when everyone is eyeing over Obito strength or caught up in their feelings in the past tobirama is constantly thinking of the situation such as many foes arm not being able to regenerate send you to working on obito's truth seeking orbs and how to distract and tag him numerous times which in itself is insanely impressive considering how skillful of a fighter Obito should be by this point and all the battles he himself has fought in the training he did with zetsu's Minato and even moderate even when the divine tree was threatening to eliminate everyone in the Alliance token Rose instantly thinking of counters something even Shikamaru at the time couldn't even conceive of when he first appeared as an edit n say and had retained enough power and sanity to actually show his personality unlike the first here is invite he instantly flexin got ready to eliminate sasuke uchiha on site when sasuke remotely implied he could be a possible enemy of Konoha tobirama powering up was so impressive that it made Sasuke somewhat antsy who at the time has the eternal mangekyo sharingan and began to literally melt in scared suigetsu and he hid behind a roach Amaru now normally bodying suigetsu isn't that big of a deal however in this case it kind of is suigetsu would be the same guy who would throw hands with Darwin and Killer Bee and would still be able to retain his composure until he was blown apart by a Bijou blaster hack Stout by lightning suigetsu was also relevant in damaging guru-guru yamato with Orochimaru coding in jugo as well but the fact that Toby Rama's aura alone had more presence and ability than the entire eight tails Killer Bee is something of extreme note hoshi rama was more blade with melting him than tobirama but come on it's Tashi Rama's not that bad of a comparison this is extremely consistent since even as an Edison urfi could barely speak under Orochimaru he was able to duke it out and even push heroes in who even as an old man was stated as the strongest of the five COG a at this time even stronger than raikou gay a who was considered stronger than he and yugito and his version to lightning cloak at that time yet heavily nerfed tobirama can somewhat box with him so definitely not a shock that a much stronger variate could potentially outclassed even a transformed Killer Bee and even in this much stronger variant during the war he is so weakened that he struggles to make just two shadow clones at certain points let alone use his full abilities as an example board so at the start of this series can make more clones than that and even with more training Kakashi bodies image says maybe your Chunin level so keep that in mind when you're looking at Edo tobirama only making two shadow clones his most underestimated and talked about technique however other than his strange soul transfers - is his tandem paper bombs this is an ancillary technique for the eddo tent say he did not get to use against keikaku kinkajou and that requires an edo tensei to even use in the manga and anime he uses this technique against ten tails butoh and it doesn't really faze him as obviously Obito is a beast he's the same guy who can instantly bust out of stage hoshi rama's dandy gates and pop the hokages for yang barrier like even withstood a ten taels bijou bomb with just his physical strength so no real shocker that one of the Etowah gay would it just solo him with the jutsu however many people recently have relooked at this feat and noticed something kind of extraordinary I want you guys to look at this page here after o bicho becomes a 10 tails jinchuuriki and notice how Hoshi rama's daddy gates that pinned down the ten tails initially are all still there this means that the daddy gates could withstand the point-blank contained and concentrated power of the ten tails unleashing a bu bomb and this in itself is impressive but not an absolute shocker after all these are the same things that could hold it down to begin with as a reminder the ten tails is the same one with a BG bomb who vaporized the headquarters of the shinobi alliance but then these gates appear again later and obito breaks out of all of them except for one which would then be where the Hokage would land in the tandem paper bomb would be set up these tandem paper bombs then obliterate hoshi Rama's largest daily gate and obito is even implied to have someone protecting himself with his true seeking powers and without a doubt if you were to pick tobirama in his Edo State against King Kuber ginkaku and he'd literally just nuke them with a jutsu that would even scare the ten tails now the exact power of this is pretty hard to measure but busting a deity gate from Sage Hoshi Rama that can hold down the ten tails and withstand bijou bombs from it is pretty impressive as I've explained but along with his insane chakra and high cog a level power his speed is of course up for debate as one of the top tiers of non six paths Shippuden and in the words of moderate Jia himself tobirama used to boast the fastest speed of any shinobi now I've heard boast is supposed to mean that tobirama falsely bragged about his speed however in this case it's more so referring to something he possessed example hoshi rama boasts in mint strength doesn't mean he brags about his strength and it was supposed to be moderate complimenting him to bring light to the situation of how nerfed he is at the moment some will say that this is referencing to only during Toby Rama's era which is understandable but that still makes him faster than kinkaku and ginkaku in their transform states su Chi cago mu & mizukage gangnet su moving the same guy who has a net Oh believe DIF you keep up with KCM Naruto's cloned that could somewhat Duke it out with the Edo Third Reich cog a and was caught off guard by gnar toes cube the abilities to stretch his arms and springboard himself off of gaara's combination attack tobirama was also able to tag ten tails Obito so many times that it's absurd and in one instance is able to cover him in paper bomb by the time Obito splits him in half alongside Ohashi Rama Hoshi Rama Meena toe here is an anti Rama then proceed to nuke Obito with Toby Rama's tan and paper bombs and even QB chakra Naruto says he can't even keep up and see what's going on Toby Rama is also fast enough to be relevant to dodge the divine tree from consuming people in the Alliance something that many powerful shinobi would struggle and outright be caught by one of my favorite feats of his is when he uses the alliance as a decoy to try to destroy moderate the same way he did Iza moderate rise to counter and actually stab tobirama but Toby I was able to react point-blank and teleport out of the way then gets off-screen this is sage mode alive Rena GaN moderate the same moderate just sent a limbo clone around the battlefield so fast they took out all of the B's you before Kurama could even say anything was happening yet here's tobirama reacting to the actual fall body of moderate moderate also makes note of this saying that hoshi rama a token rama not be able to regain their full strength must be fate and that he looks pitiful for someone who used to be the fastest as I said earlier remember how everyone hyped up joni Minato for dodging the right cog a point blank hears tobirama doing the same thing with sage mode Renick on Madara not just a joaneen a now I'm not commenting on tobirama versus Minato and their Prime's are saying Mina toe dodging the right cogging is used this is best feet or anything but simply bringing light to the fact that Toby grandma does have good feets worth mentioning if people can hype something like dodging the joaneen a Toby Rama's shadow is also able to react to Obito's true seeking orb about to detonate before even KCM 1.5 Nara tell an ems sasuke can even move out of the way it teleports it back to Obito KCM unit oh can also barely react to it as well however as I've outlined in my fourth Hokage is underrated video Mino toe is not at his full capacity due to his mental barriers from fighting Obito similar to hers in vs orochimaru now there is a common misconception here with easing up being moderate equal that people used to say toby raman as prime is a rival to moderate back in the day however that was only in Itachi's flashback which we know is not accurate to the original set of events as mainly to goad sasuke on these are not and tobirama rikuo shown as stated to be under hoshi rama and moderate numerous times it should also be common sense but not everyone realizes the flashback memories aren't all actually events that happen and some are just stories told by other people outside of the actual events of the main continuity all-in-all tobirama might not be the most dodd li ninja of all time with hacks big tree muscles or six pads reincarnations or crazy eye abilities but it's not a shocker that Danzo Orochimaru and heroes didn't respect him as much as they did with Orochimaru saying tobirama is the Hokage he respects the most and with Danzo ending the Uchiha as he felt it was Toby Rama's mission and more with Uchiha Orochimaru probably respected tobirama more for what he did than why he did it his students and old teammates such as Danzo are more than likely more personal than orochimaru's favor it is interesting to note that tobirama was more than likely more tolerant of the Uchiha just by having a literal war with them than Danzo I had a conversation with my friends Carthoris dojo and Clyde about this and I think they didn't make good points as I was going around asking people what their opinions were on it and tobirama is a shinobi who was crafted by acting in the moment acting in war which is why he always seems to react instantaneously and ultra practically even as a child he would learn that if truth peace was to be reached that talks would need to happen and deals would have to be made and while he seemed to work with the UT on in the end due to Rama's wishes it seems as though he never truly got over the conflict with them in the death of his own brother itami sends you at their hands and would begin to construct a village and its policies that would eventually lead to them being pushed out of the village albeit this would more than likely be due to many who looked up to tobirama and may have exaggerated his intentions it can't be ignored that he's indeed the cause for many conflicts and deaths in the fourth great ninja war and in a sense he's the senju's youichi hah whereas the Uchiha and send you are both clans that experience love to an insane degree and in the shinobi world love conversely turns to hatred lucci a clan or a clan that acquire power due to hatred and this tobirama is a shinobi who searches for power due to love and hatred and his love and hatred may have been even greater than many of theirs and the end though it really does seem that he saw that which he offered what they really were a clan that loved more than any other that was empowered intoxicated by hate and lost whenever it happened now before we end the video I do want to go over one thing that kind of irks me a little bit about the community and I want to emphasize that when you compare characters like Danzo to tobirama and their outlook on the Uchiha we really get to see where Danzo has so much distaste for the Uchiha that he couldn't care less if they were completely just wiped out and even mocks the death and sacrifice of Itachi to Sasuke's face now tobirama does say something similar however he says it was just simply for the villages benefit he wasn't so much more mocking them like Danzo would and he probably would have said the same thing about any clan but tobirama a character once referred as the I hate all you chi ha killed them all Hokage man is in fact nothing like that at all and is a much more layered character that he shows he didn't fear the Uchiha due to blind hate or ignorance but from firsthand experiences in war where he lost family and friends to the hands of them he says to Sasuke that all it did was make him wary of them and how susceptible they are to lost their mental health and their dormant powers of the Sharingan something which all of us can listen to and understand he isn't as narrow-minded when he says this if tobirama was in fact that's borderline bigoted towards the Uchiha why did he show such compassion to Sasuke when he pleaded with modern not to kill him and genuinely took the time to explain his reasonings to Sasuke when he could have just viewed him as a brat as he originally did where dongsu took the route of hatred tobirama whether these be good or bad made decisions from a weary yet reasonable mind crafted from decades of war and conflict between others in a weird way maybe you could compare Danzo to kylo Ren and tobirama is Darth Vader and kylo just really didn't understand Darth as much as he acted like he did anyways hope that clears up my thoughts on the matter if you want maybe you can even go back to my car gate ranking video and decide with this information where you would personally place tobirama do you think you could take on me natto and other than that I hope you all enjoyed and if you did please consider leaving a like and subscribing I'd really appreciate it and other than that have a great rest of your day and until next time [Music]
Channel: Seth
Views: 2,602,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the 2nd hokage is underrated, tobirama is stronger than you think, tobirama video, how strong is tobirama, tobirama vs izuna, tobirama vs madara, tobirama vs obito, obito vs tobirama, madara vs tobirama, hiruzen vs tobirama and hashirama, tobirama flying raijin, ranking the hokage, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, the 4th hokage is underrated, could naruto beat the hokage
Id: XIo2zo-pFmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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