Itachi Is Stronger Than You Think.

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ell everyone it's your host Seth the programmer and today we're going to be going over Itachi Uchiha now I've had a pretty long chain of Naruto videos over the years and arguments always evolve Itachi being especially not immune to this in fact I would go on to say that Itachi is actually surprisingly underrated if anything now obviously every obsequious fandom has its over exaggerated expectations of a character some people think he taught you with soul of all Shippuden by himself and would destroy most other fictional universes single-handedly and as the solo god of Naruto mainly simply because of edge but this is obviously going over him more realistically and will describe many of his character traits that have held him back over the series while describing the limits of what his abilities can really be argued as I also think that there's many things that should be said here for the community to etch into their hearts and minds and show around when the time comes so I think this will be overall an important piece to the scaling archive I have very similar to my heroes in minato videos respectively this video will also go over extra materials such as Itachi daylight atashi midnight and the Akatsuki novel respectively which I feel many people overlook when scaling him that might be refreshing or interesting to hear about now as always if this is maybe your second time coming here it's not your first rodeo maybe you should consider subscribing or if you liked the video learn something new maybe consider liking the video as well I'd really appreciate it and let's get started from the get-go I think it's important to establish Itachi as a character before going over him as a fighter he showed great potential from a very young age we're talking about the kid with immense talent in the mindset of a Hokage at seven years old after all so there's more depth to Itachi than just raw power this conversation is important because his character more often than not hinders his ability in combat and many fans are surprisingly blind to this examples being some actually believe Sasuke and his fight with the talk she was really winning or seriously countering Itachi's full power and had absolutely no clue that it was just Itachi basically ending himself to make amends for his failures and save Sasuke from Orochi much in a similar sense as manatos golden-boy missteps outlined in the 4th hokage is underrated video failure and conflict play a huge role in the development and portrayal of Itachi's characters throughout the story of Naruto since he was no more than four years old as described in Itachi story daylight he was greeted with massive mountains of bodies and his father's borderline nihilistic view of shinobi which almost made him awaken his Sharingan and anger at such a young age he was a boy whose face was carved by lines of which Danzo describes as the bearer of chaos and bad luck since this he has wanted to become the Hokage and the strongest shinobi so that all others would be forced to obey Him and stop fighting amongst each other we even see the sentiment somewhat echoed by Sasuke in the final battle with Naruto this would be the reason he would be so set on stopping the Uchiha from fighting the leaf and about pushing Itachi becoming the greatest talent the Academy had ever seen at the time even compared to his predecessors like the fourth Hokage it also caused him to over study and research into everything from kekkei genkai tailed beasts and even things like sage techniques or the fundamentals of nature energy which is probably why he was able to instantly recognize Kabuto sage mode and the ryouichi cave the study would then help to prepare him for his encounter with masked Obito as well with Obito eventually destroying his team - and killing one of takis teammates Obito caste massive genjutsu that shakes the very air around them with Itachi avoiding this where others including joning and Dai meows guard kun it but it's not enough to save everyone around him this encounter would reinforce Itachi's philosophy that he needed to be the strongest and he would look to surpass this masked man specifically so from here you have a very conflicted child who is both a pacifist and someone who thinks pacifism can only be achieved through absolute power and force of will and thus desires to better himself constantly and while Itachi may be a rather serious pacifist and power-hungry he's an even more serious utilitarian and realist Danzo a rather underrated character as well mind you can read most top shinobi like a book and Itachi a shinobi Danzo says you see maybe once every 100 years is no exception Danzo opposes a hypothetical to him and asked if there was a ship at sea including crew and one person among that crew was deathly sick with this one crew man threatening to contaminate all the others with his illness would it be acceptable to kill him and he touches cold responses to simply say that the man would die anyway and he'd do what he had to do this is perfect because it outlines that while he talk she has massive disdain for fighting and harming others he will still hurt and harm others if it's a version of not doing so supersedes his value of doing so this explains why he spared so many characters who he could have easily massacred including Kakashi and Asuma who have actually questioned Itachi's reasoning for doing so since his very first appearance in the manga he talked to you being a part of the Akatsuki is another curious matter as well it might seem like somewhat of a contradiction for him to be in it however it stated he only is trying to get on their good side so they'll divulge more secret and classified information to him which they only give to those they trust it's also stated in the manga numerous times that Itachi did it to protect Konoha from Obito and Sasuke from Danzo of course Itachi does have a dark side that was brought up by Danzo in the death of shis we such as when he was actually planning to kill his father and all the ringleaders of the Uchiha coup in the middle of the street I had Sasuke not intervene in the novel something that's not so apparent in the anime and manga that you can't really read Itachi's thoughts although this is still almost always superseded by his pacifism and his duty to his beliefs and even then he did this for a very justified reason and not just raw anger all the fights you can really mention with him in it are not displays of his true strength the exception being battles against characters he doesn't need to hold back in like versus Edo Nagato Hydra Roach Amaru and sage Kabuto but even in that fight against Kabuto Itachi was not allowed to go all-out doing not being allowed to kill him or us the Edo Tensei would have continued and we all saw what happened to Orochimaru and Nagato so what is Itachi's true strength once again Itachi is a child prodigy 8 at 9 years old he's cleared the forest of death and he taught you daily a three-man assignment normally however he did this solo and in the fastest time ever seen in the verse except for later on when Gaara surpasses it in part one even faster than Kakashi in me nachos records respectively and by 12 years old and Itachi midnight not only was he considered the top of the Uchiha by Danzo and he rose and he was considered a valid opponent by a 20-plus year old Obito Uchiha the same Obito who at 14 had one of the most haxed mangekyo of all time a is ETSU amp'd body and could scare Minato and sacrificing himself to try and stop him in the future the same Obito that could take over Tseng gone straight to the body from the fourth Hokage a Hokage who could threaten a man rivaling a perfect in Turkey Eight Tails with just a kunai and considering 12 year old Itachi a valid opponent and thus listened to him and not coming to the leaf as well the scaling is very consistent considering later on Obito was sure that if an old early tachi knew more of his secrets who had already have been killed so he talked to being a rival at such a young age is actually very consistent many people get confused by this because it's stated by Kakashi that Itachi became an ANBU general at 13 although this is more than likely due to he risen and Danzo boosting his age so that people want to question him joining rather than a contradiction which they debated about with Kakashi not knowing much about him really to begin with if you do want to say he was 13 instead of 12 here nothing really changes though not much time later Orochimaru was teamed up with Itachi in the Akatsuki Orochimaru of course tries to steal his young Ruchi hahabadi and is suddenly impaled from all sides and stuck in place while Itachi slashes his arm off in the real world many people get this confused with the tsukuyomi but this is actually just Itachi's normal sharingan genjutsu the demon illusion shackle stakes this would then scare Orochimaru so bad that he would never come for Itachi again until he thought he was near death against Sasuke and blatantly claimed that Itachi was stronger than him even during part 1 and after his Akatsuki days this is important because the road Chamorro is the same character who could scrap with the Third Hokage he risen and could summon two of the Hokage here isn't being stated as the strongest kaga even as an old man and many people who have seen my heroes in video will know that here isn't held back against roach Amaro for most of the fight however what if I told you that Orochimaru probably held back as well huh many people aren't aware of this and I was considering making a row tomorrow video for this very reason but it's implied in many mediums that ROC Morrow still has feelings for the sannin and his teacher the bond didn't waver per se this is shown in the way he fights kearson as well as stated in the Naruto data books he searched the encounter by stabbing himself in the hand to get over his emotions towards his old teacher and stop himself from crying and then summons edo tensei to do all his dirty work while he just watches he almost never participates in the fight himself and seems almost reluctant it's a conflict between his future versus his past and in the fight he also never unleashed his strongest hydro jutsu and doesn't even make his own summonings or anything so while he may have been going for the kill it wasn't all a one-sided hold back session per say this would also be consistent considering Orochimaru could put a much younger heroes in an enema on the ground back in the day when he was escaping the leaf an enema went older who could shove the ninetails out of the village now who you think would win if they both went all-out isn't really important all that matters is both never went all out but Orochimaru claims Itachi is superior to him and won't even bother clashing with him after getting annihilated so easily he talked to you but then played villain allows Sasuke to kill him in their final battle and even went deathly sick and basically blind he destroys the ROH team our one last time with a zero difficulty and bids farewell time would pass and eventually Sasuke would implant Itachi's eyes into himself awakening the eternal mangekyo sharingan with capital reanimating many high powered shinobi for obito's fourth great ninja war including Itachi himself as a deado Itachi's real first fight comes up against QB chakra enhanced Naruto and Killer Bee in this fight Naruto is pushing himself to his absolute limits with Killer Bee trying to play as a support role but even with just as normal Sharingan he talk to use far too much for them to really handle with him being able to easily parry away all of KCM Naruto's taijutsu and even dodge Killer Bee attacking his blind spots at the same time which people really overlook and this is one of the things that makes he talk to you so powerful in combat his insane speed and hacks techniques which is something you'll notice throughout this video eventually Itachi is hit by his own co2 a monster commie he set up in advance with Minato it turns on Edo Nagato Barty him and his summonings away with Amaterasu so fast that Nagato can't even react despite his body being on auto counter mode due to the Oedo tense a as described by the Third Reich cog a and the second mizukage Nagato tries to regain his footing after he regenerates from Amaterasu and Kabuto help and try to capture Killer Bee and Naruto with chibok you tensed despite you touchy not even using his full Susanoo the group blow away with the atashi ending things by blitzing Nagato with his Totsuka blade you could argue that this is because Nagato was at mobile enough however Nagato didn't even attempt to counter it with Shinra Tensei or anything and was surprised regardless Nagato is out of the game Itachi gives Naruto a word of advice on how trying to handle everything yourself will result in failure referring to how he himself desired absolute power to control all others and forced them to stop fighting basically saying Itachi Naruto had similar mindsets at a time he taught you then goes off to release the Edo Tensei while Naruto deals with moderate and Sasuke with the EMS shows up as well and tries to restrain Itachi with Susanoo and Itachi simply smacks his soutane away and tells him of his mistakes in the end however both are forced to face Kabuto is supposed rival to Kakashi in part one who has now mastered Sage Mode and taken orochimaru's chakra without being able to kill him this fight is very interesting because it hammers in that speed scaling I was hitting at earlier Kabuto dodges many of Sasuke's attacks and Itachi is often having to defend Sasuke he also somewhat resists things Sasuke can such as the Sage art white rage technique in the end he puts Kabuto in an infinite loop known as the Izanami and bids farewell after releasing the Edo Tensei the scuffle is insanely important because Sasuke gives no amps from here until the war yeah EMS Sasuke is able to fight alongside mastered KCM Naruto when Naruto first obtained cubie chakra mode he's able to blitz by the fourth reich agait at full speed when some Cal can get anywhere from the beat requiring several 272 times greater than the Reich hog a speed but that's just the base QB chakra mode not the mastered variant when he employs later the mastered bearing is impressive because it surpasses even the full KCM to mode with his cloak when he first uses it against Obito in the tailed beasts this is due to the fact that Obito is actually able to restrain a KCM to clone and avoid many of its attacks with moderate outright just manhandling him with a wood style whereas later after neji's death and far more mastery of kurama's chakra naruto is deflecting and dodging attacks from his blind spots from roentgen obito and Edo Madara at the same time while also protecting the entire shinobi alliance by himself and then EMS Sasuke just comes in and his arrival to this Naruto and blatantly competes with his Ross and shuriken with justice Amaterasu and then can fight side by side him at one point EMS Sasuke even threatens to incinerate the entire ten tails into ash in Naruto yells at him to stop so the fact that he taught you scales to this it's extremely telling now as I said before Itachi is a speed based character with many hacks and one-shot techniques so even if you were to say that he talked he is only rivaling Sasuke and speed even though he was able to deflect his Susanoo and his omelettes Raza was considered necessary next to Sasuke's versus Kabuto it doesn't really change Itachi's planned in battle the most famous if he stalks his hacks is of course his genjutsu now I already went over his normal Kim jutsu such as how he no diff toro tomorrow with his demonic illusion / biggie doesn't even need stronger genjutsu for high cog a level opponent however most people are actually curious about Itachi tsukuyomi one of his stronger hacks is the tsukuyomi is a very interesting ability that most people surprisingly underestimate and don't really understand all that well the data book describes it and it's insane so amidst the insight and hypnosis possessed by Sharingan is a supreme genjutsu born from the after mentioned hypnosis tsukuyomi originally people on the face of year to live balanced by limitations like time gravity in space and how people exert their abilities within those restrictions is what separates the victors from the vanquished but in the mental world where the caster drags their opponent the tsukiyomi jutsu gives them control over those very limitations namely this means inside the genjutsu the physical world's common sense is completely irrelevant and opposing the caster is impossible somewhat caught into the tsukuyomi find themselves in a strange world of infinity their fate lying inside the casters hands sometime they will undergo the torments of hell and some other time they'll be repeatedly shown a horrendous hellish picture of agony and mayhem with no idea of when either of those will end as a result the poor prisoner can only wait until the collapses of their psyches even a body made of iron where the speed of light or powerless before this jutsu which is why is feared as the most powerful in essence he's trapping his opponents in an infinite illusionary universe where he used to control the jutsu cannot be stopped even by perfect in Cherokee like conventional genjutsu Naruto warns be of this as only the victim knows that genjutsu is happening and the seemingly endless cycle in the illusion is only in an instant in the real world during this gun jutsu Itachi can make you live out your entire life in Itachi midnight Itachi cast tsukuyomi on many hoochie ha including easily Uchiha and in the illusion he makes the time that moved within the genjutsu 100 of one one thousand of one one millionth of that in the real world causing her to live out her entire life in the illusionary universe and die of old age in an instant and what she wakes up her mind snaps and she dies this is described as the mind and body were in devised abode if the mind decays the body follows meaning if he talks he mind breaks you you die he talked to you would then go off to kill yachiru Chiana way more brutal way with tsukiyomi by stabbing him with infinite clones and causing his mind to break and die to pain and anguish rather than time his next most popular hacks instead of abilities are that of his Armour Susanoo his Armour Susanoo is unique because it is not simply a shield to cover his body but one that has obtained particularly legendary and powerful weapons to enhance his abilities beyond their norm he's being the Totsuka blade and the yatta mirror which are described as the ten handed blade that can cut down any foe in his right hand and the shield that can deflect all attacks in his left though Totsuka blade is a variant of the Kusanagi blade Orochimaru used to fight off in her Enma in his adamantine staff state and on contact with this non-physical and formless blade it plunges whoever it touches into a genjutsu while simultaneously sealing them for eternity in a gourd with the yata mirror altering all its properties to match whatever attack strike it canceling them out next is his Amaterasu you know the Albatross is definitely one of those things that gets insanely powerful it tends to be underestimated due to his inability to really affect the six paths Rena ganas cast later in the series and all the aliens from outer space that just Megan do too we can absorb it but for beings that are normal that can't simply absorb or negate ninjutsu it is insanely powerful in the hands of EMS Sasuke Amaterasu is going to burn the ten tails into ash and mcnaught so worried with it being to burn through the fire-breathing toad of Jiraiya Nagato in his summonings and even the perfect in Turkey eight tails and the data book it's described as having temperature like the Sun however this is actually downplay energy transferred through heat is not as impressive as you think it is the core of the Sun itself only emits energy comparable to around 1000 tons of TNT per second and for those that don't know say destroying the earth there's like 10 to the 32 joules of energy right and this is nothing in comparison however one thousand tons of TNT would still tear apart several city blocks but is far behind even characters like data run the weaker tail bees this is because an object won't reach a temperature beyond the source of the heat itself however even if we remove this restriction allowing the object to continue climbing on in temperature we still only see calculations in the 1 million megatons per second range this sounds like a lot again really it doesn't compare to the things we see from characters like the 9 in 10 tails perform on a regular basis so if anything this is a downplayed statement and it's sort of similar to saying like a Chidori that can break through rock right it's like okay we get that you know another thing to consider is like okay just because you're as hot as something doesn't mean you can blow it up right if you even if you're as hot as the Sun it doesn't make you star level with all these hacks later war arc speed scaling and a massive intelligence that even scares Obito it's no wonder cob which I thought he could have possibly prevented the war with the secrets he had of course this is not him saying he could solo the war but still Itachi's powers absolutely insane for what would seem like almost no reason at first in Obito's case he awakened the mangekyo sure but he also had like a zetsu body that took him beyond just normal persons and you also had moderate training and learned insane things from zetsu's and so on moderate is a reincarnation of Indra had EMS and had many more cataclysmic battles and pitched fights it gets hoshi Rama alongside the ninetails and so on so he kind of makes sense so why was Itachi so strong and the answer is actually quite similar to moderate but it makes more sense as I described earlier ever since he taught you as younger he trained both his body and mind to its peak even in times of peace although the truth is that his hatred is what amped his Sharingan this pinnacle we see throughout the series this is described by both tobirama and in the Sakura light novel the Sharingan taps into the power of their heart but also into their hatred and amplifies the ocular powers of an Uchiha depending on it after reluctantly slaughtering the entire Uchiha with tears in his eyes you thought she would get a massive ant massive conviction will increases its powers as well the Itachi would then have to live with this for almost a decade straight holding his tongue and biding his time perhaps this massive surge of power similar to how Darth Vader was described in the expanded universe versus Darth Maul where his dark side was actually amped by the power of hating himself and a similar sense Itachi's power the man who wanted his brother to kill him so they can make amends for his failure comes from his outstanding conviction and his self hatred anyways guys that is the video I hope you all enjoy I think this will be a pretty solid addition to any Itachi scaling you have out there and if you did think so please leave it like as I said before I really do appreciate it now of course there's some other things to talk about like didn't Hoshi rabo say that you talked to you was a better shinobi that's like okay first of all he doesn't know how strong he talked to you is he's just talking about his personality and integrity as a shinobi not his strike they're anything but other than that guys really do hope you enjoyed and till next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 2,425,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itachi is underrated, itachi is stronger than you think, itachi video, how strong is itachi, itachi vs sasuke, sasuke vs itachi, itachi vs orochimaru, itachi vs nagato, itachi vs obito, itachi vs madara, itachi and sasuke, itachi sharingan, itachi tsukuyomi, ranking the uchiha, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, itachi and sasuke vs kabuto, itachi vs naruto, naruto meets itachi
Id: OnXoIaEiPhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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