Could Naruto Beat All The Hokage?

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hello everyone it's your host Seth the programmer today we're actually talking about Naruto as Hokage versus all of the other Hokage that have come before him Nene okay guys one through six however they will be in their prime so not even Hoshi Rama versus madra level more so Hoshi Rama after you learned the dandy gates after Madara heroes in in his prime the stated to surpass all of the Hokage before him including Hoshi Rama and as well as duel McGee kyo Sharingan six paths Kakashi all of them versus six paths Naruto now I'm mainly making this video not just really jerk off Naruto it's more so to explain certain questions that people have such as well Naruto only has the nine tails didn't it Hoshi Rama Bobby the nine tails they don't seem to understand the increases and lore behind the six paths in Hokage era Naruto's so I thought I would go over that in more detail and if you're new here please subscribe I would love if every single person that watch the SUBSCRIBE all this not gonna happen but please do if you do enjoyed this video or you love topics like this I'd really appreciate it this video should be relatively quick as there's a very large preponderance of evidence when dealing with this subject but basically we'll be going over Hokage Naruto versus Hokage Arama tobirama heroes in Minato Tsunade in Kakashi all at their peaks this means DMS Kakashi will also be used as I said earlier obviously NAR toes main threats right off the bat or hoshi rama prime here's an NDMS Kakashi but let's explain why the lesser threats are absolutely nothing at this stage I'll go over six paths later but for now I'll just give you a basic summary as to why they're not that relevant as surprisingly a lot of people don't know things like wow Minato is not really that much of a threat tobirama would it be that much of a threat like these aren't normal thoughts people have they're just like oh well their Hokage they did cool stuff they shouldn't be able to do at least something right we'll start off with Tsunade Tsunade in her base is more still around the power of Kakashi during the land of waves and a rival to part one Kabuto and with her 100 healings technique she's able to somewhat beyond par with the one-armed forthright cog a although it is implied she is somewhat in birria and more reckless than he is even with her massive chakra reserve versus IDO moderate the for threat call gay was obviously more so a match for five cog a summit arc Sasuke you could even go as far as to say the Reika gay and cloud Joanie thought the best option was to retreat one Sasuke whipped out his Susanoo even before he threatened to take down the surrounding area he also got blitzed by teen KCM 1q chakra mode one initial Naruto let alone the EMS or eternal mangekyo sharingan Sasuke that was fighting alongside reanimated Itachi and vs 10 tails Obito let alone QB chakra mode tooth one with the Cape sage mode Naruto later on that bites Juby Obito and Madara this same moderate was so strong later on that wall even blind he could bust out of hoshi Rama's deity gates that even pinned down the ten tails hoshi rama even states this moderate on the verge of reuptake inhibitor 5 cog a as hoshi rama literally just got done fighting edo Madara in His perfect Susanoo Tsunade sealing is also a trash version of hoshi Rama's at least in the word of moderate and she easily get vaporized by gnar so in this fight with one attack Naruto holding power to turn the world to ash and fighting beings who can vaporize entire realms with celestial bodies versus Tsunade who still getting scared about mountains getting ripped apart and being able to do nothing to the ten tails or God tree not to say that Tsunade is mountain level just that she doesn't have the feats to say she's on six path levels the only real benefit she would have is maybe like healing someone if they got body by gnar so later on but that seems unlikely considering she's very confident about being up front in combat mean it's o strongest state as far as we know I'll do him next is his edo tensei with the Kyuubi chakra mode - he also has his own cloak who we see directly compared to war art KCM - naruto and they're fighting alongside each other and matching each other pretty well you could actually imply that the main difference is that Naruto can better you send you to and recharge his chakra whereas Minato is reluctant and doesn't even attempt you in character so he simply superior in terms of stamina Naruto also has a moment where he has to start adapting and fighting Jew Beto and gets much stronger as the war goes on whereas Minato doesn't display any real increases rather he just gets his arms chopped off by Obito in moderate because Kishimoto is having depression about his own father so he thought he would shop apart minato that's a true story by the way finally we'll just go over tobirama now Toby Rowan doesn't have any real feats even in the war in life he was more so a match for kinkaku and ginkaku whereas Naruto is able to create a shadow clone army of fighting numerous cog a level fighters even with his worst in a weakest form of KCM even during the war we see tobirama get fondled and handled with no real problems by one-eyed madra even blatantly gets outdone by heroes in numerous times in the same war and while here isn't as no slouch there's nothing for tobirama to suggest he has the power or speed to even take on KCM to sage mode Naruto let alone his thousands of shadow clones which he will undoubtably use his best feats would be teleporting Obito's true seeking orb which Minato was having a mental crisis over having to bring himself to fight Obito during and thinking he was a failure blood will block which tobirama used to seal he placed on him earlier to quickly flash over to him and save him and while he's very witty and powerful there's a reason he listens to hoshi rodman when hoshi rama at all flexes now that we're kind of done with them we can then go over characters like prime heroes and now prime Harrisons only lures that he was the strongest and greatest of the Hokage so for this video we can just say he's roughly more powerful than hoshi rama now whether you actually think he is or isn't is not really relevant we're just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt so that we don't downplay anything and no one gets a little bit iffy like yeah well you had to Dowe play here is in for an archer to stand a chance like no I want everyone to fight Naruto at their full abilities and their full lower being used so I guess we need to go over Hoshi Rama to kind of give an idea of what here is and can even do now back in 2017 I did make a video on Hasharon vs. Naruto with swag cog a but there were a few errors in it back in that older video we mentioned that KCM to teen naruto should actually be a matter of how she rama however this is actually a bit off the reasoning used in that video was based on ha sharma saying that nine tails naruto had chakra that rivaled his in base then saying both could go sage mode and Naruto had colognes he could utilize to overpowering a rival in Kashi Rama this doesn't work because this is of course ido hoshi brahma just as it's confirmed Kabuto Jen actually enhanced modder with a doe Tensei as he didn't know his full power in his prime neither was hoshi rama reanimated full power reanimated hashirama was able to take down reanimated moderate but later states his reanimated Chalker rivals that of teen KCM Naruto this is interesting because we know moderate used to possess the bold nine tails and actually made a majestic attire Susanoo with the full QB Reznor - only on half of the nine tails some people will try to argue that naruto's nine-tails got stronger over time and while this may be true for the initial full nine tails that swelled up and grew giant because of its hatred and surpassed all of the other B's you Naruto's half of the nine tails shouldn't be much different than Minah toes and Mina toes was obviously sealed inside his dead body and there's no proof that that one got stronger and Naruto doesn't seem to make any gripes about that version so it shouldn't be terribly different even if there is a difference Hoshi Rama's Buddha was able to rip it apart as well and win so in all reality war rkc m2 is moreso a rival to reanimated hashirama and not the prime version now this is of course where six paths Naruto finally comes into play as all the other cog er moreso getting stopped by just the QB mode many people seem to think well marshal QT but harsh Rama be big QB and moderate so but obviously Nara is a lot more than that in six paths the six paths stage mo Naruto receives a massive chakra amp from hagoromo obito's six paths the chakra of all B's you and six paths and jutsu it's not just another nine tails cloak this scent jutsu is also so strong that even without his multiple Bisou chakras he was able to overpower in almost one shot 10 tails Rena GaN Sage Mode Madara witch moderate would have to absorb the entire god tree and get his second Rena gone back to even have his limbo be on par with Naruto's shadow clones now if [ __ ] Rama is near death after fighting EMS model with the nine tails Sage Mode duel ready God ten tails amped six paths moderate with Limbo's is absolutely fondling hoshi rama with no problem now it doesn't really end here as gnar to would then go on to fight Kaguya who was so powerful that she can casually slap away Naruto's shadow cloned the same shadow clones that were evenly matched with Limbo's that rival Madara were getting one shot and with zero effort Naruto as the jinchuriki of all the Bijou has many quirks as well as the boil release in which he gets basically a kaio-ken a gates like super amp has all the chakra and his body boils which gives him the power to over power and even slam cogniat through mountains in one hit the second it's utilized if this attack is enough to momentarily overpower cogsa who could one-shot shadow clones that were on par with possibly dual Rena gon moderate with the ten tails that hoshi rama objectively gets one shotted and there's no evidence to the contrary of course harsh Rama has no feats on scale with kaga or any six paths characters either who are more so in the business of busting and absorbing entire realms the last one to take on Naruto is six paths Kakashi now over the years I've had varying opinions about him but here's how I think it would go let's look over what he's done in six paths his Susanoo easily gets tagged in obliterated by kaga and then Kakashi uses calmly to suddenly kept cog guard and chopper with his calmly lightning blade however this doesn't even chop her arm off or anything of the like and more so just damages her since that blade ignores durability his calmly shuriken are also capable of warping away numerous tails or the rampaging cog via ten tails mutation and while Kakashi is mainly a hack space fighter his abilities are still limited you need to realize what six paths Kakashi even is he's basically just the white-haired six paths Obito after the ten tails got ripped out of him using his chakra on a spiritual level with Kakashi you can even argue that Obito might have even given most of his chakra to Naruto before that to try to save his life but even with that benefit of the doubt that Obito is barely able to hold off one eye ten tails modern without the god Reed in which moderate obviously fondled Obito like a creepy uncle now while that's the Lord the plot doesn't have to follow if they want to make Kakashi do cool stuff to make team seven do cool team seven stuff again Naruto even says that Kakashi sottano and calm we are way cooler than Sasuke's this is where adult Naruto would come in to play adult Naruto would know everything about DMS Kakashi and we'd also be aware that DMS Kakashi has a severe time limit and strain on his chakra his s2 also thought Kakashi even with his Khan we sure can insu thought it would be no match for post ETS Oh expanse of truce ignore Kaguya and more so got caught off-guard by intangibility since Kakashi has never showed that ability before so there's no evidence that Kakashi would be able to beat us Slone swarm by a full-powered naruto the contango with characters that sasuke think rival or surpass kavya with just tied you two alone this massive stamina difference power and numbers impossible power and speed difference would be simply too much for Kakashi to handle in such a short amount of time especially with Naruto knowing all of his tricks and art of being a trickster himself now we've pretty much proven that Naruto can handle any one of them one on one his raw power speed and stamina is just astronomically higher to the point where only Kakashi only remotely rivals but could in order to take all of them at the same time just the teamwork though gang take it well with thousands of shadow clones yes there would it be much of a difference we've even seen with base KCM that Naruto can make cog a level Shadow clones when he was much younger and without even a full KCM little own shadow clones that could swap with ten tailed Limbo clones the scale higher than hoshi Rama himself so imagine like 2,000 characters that are all stronger than Hoshi Rama swarming the battlefield it would just be GG for such a finite amount of cog a there's simply no conceivable way for them to win at best Naruto gets hit with the calmly shuriken but you'd have to seriously pull something out of your ass for an hour to not expect an attack like that or simply try to take out Kakashi or wear him out quickly a good point of nartz of being able to avoid one-shot attacks it's like how he avoided cog he as Ashe bones for the entire confrontation with clones with just his wit before he even knew the ash bones could one-shot him in this case gnar would not only have superior stats to Kakashi but loads of prep and prior knowledge on his comm we in advance even if you said yours in or mean it so caught him with the Reaper death seal it wouldn't do a whole lot as we've seen Naruto and Orochimaru play tug of war with their souls when it's halfway ripped out and of course six paths Naruto would be able to slap Minato or Heroes in a way with his chakra arms in this instant also Naruto has seen this jutsu before or a similar soul tugging jutsu Minato also suggests that sealing away too much chakra is almost impossible with just the nine tails let alone six paths Naruto's skills above the ten tails plus madra plus two rena GaN plus Godfrey plus six paths other than that guys I hope you enjoyed the video I'm not trying to throw any shade anybody this is just to educate you know generality it's a lot of people surprisingly don't even know these things like whenever I suggest this topic and my server they're like what that sounds lame and boring but you'd be surprised a lot of people actually interested to see these kind of things so they don't really think about it like that so I hope you did enjoy the video I do have another interesting video about if Naruto can destroy a planet down below you can see my big brained math on display if you really want to I think it's pretty fun so other than that thank you so much for watching and until next time hello guys it's so your boy Clyde here just want to say real quick if you guys could do me a quick favor please go check out this narrative video on the screen right now if there's one video that I can recommend 100% on sets channel that you should watch after you finish with this video please go check out this naruto planet busting video because not only does it cover a lot of misconceptions in the community especially around naruto power scaling but we actually put a week's worth of editing into this video and because youtube has this thing called watch time where basically what they do is they track how long people stay on a video now this video used to have an ad at the start which was a minute and 30 seconds there's somewhere around there so they were noticing that a lot of people were clicking off the video we have since removed that said ad but because we did have the ad back when it was first released it sort of did kill the viewers so if you guys could go support that video it's it's a video that I personally recommend a lot we did put as I said before a week's worth of editing into it and it does cover an issue which in my opinion I think needs to be sort of hammered down and you know Naruto is [ __ ] planet level so anyway I'll stop talking but please go check out that video and I hope you all have yourselves a great day [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 3,652,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Could Naruto Beat All The Hokage?, naruto vs all hokage, naruto vs hashirama, naruto vs minato, hashirama vs naruto, how strong is hokage naruto, naruto, naruto shippuden, naruto hokage, naruto hashirama, hashirama vs madara, naruto vs madara, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, the third hokage is underrated, hiruzen, kakashi, minato, tsunade, tobirama
Id: ik7gPzCn45A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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