Could Madara Defeat ALL The Uchiha?

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all right you ready one two three eight call me big dick billy all right hello everyone it's your host what's up programmer with me today i have uh my big mac daddy father uh swag kage and we're gonna be talking about modera versus the entire uchiha clan now this is going to be talking about more like there are a live pre-god mode variant so no like six paths ten tails no black balls yeah no uh obito with renegon because that's like payne's eye who's present so we're also going to be using possibly blind modera or a live moderate we'll use like multiple variations we'll kind of just go over the whole topic so for the uchiha clan we're going to keep it simple because like we don't want to have to do like permutations of like multiple moderas versus multiple versions of the uchiha clan right you know yeah so like well we'll just say you know they're like basic regular versions so just the itachi who fight sasuke uh the obito with the orange mask now i i feel like we should preempt this by saying that we are not making the uchiha clan weaker for the sake of making it easier for moderate which we were accused of doing for the uchiha clan in the uchiha versus hokage video we're doing it for the sake of convenience uh if you want my opinion because we're gonna be primarily talking about a live moderate pretty much any non six pads configuration of the uchiha clan modera should win against no like no matter what uh if you if you're talking about like a live moderator with the nine tails uh so it's we're just doing it for the sake of convenience so we don't have to be like well this moderator wins against these ones and this one loses and it is just which sasuke should we use though i'm assuming just like five kage summit or is it dms ems emsc ems is the most ems is fine i guess yeah like that that does have itachi's eyes so it's kind of weird but so like if we wanted to be the one like like one that could logically happen then yeah five kage summit would probably make the most sense but we could talk about ems and it's still fine i think so the problem with the moderate versus uchiha is that it's surprisingly more complicated than the akatsuki because of a few reasons in particular and so obviously the uchiha clan will feature sasuke obito fugaku shiswi itachi and whatever i mean did we include izuna yeah madras brother you can throw in any other number of like nameless uchiha if you want they don't really make a difference right so from what we do know is that 11 year old itachi and shiswi before they the coup was stronger than any uchiha like that was included who included 11 year old now 11 year old hitachi is a beast like when he was 12 he was able to convince obito he was a worthy opponent per se yeah so he is and then there's like all that orochimaru stuff he did but but but yeah it is important to note that the orochimaru stuff was after a very big mangekyo amp that he got uh right so that that is that is extremely important yeah he actually got stronger after murdering or mastering all the uchiha like technique yeah because like i mean this is gonna be relevant anyway because we're talking about the uchiha so like there's this like um implication that kind of comes up every now and then that the uchiha clan gets stronger um like as their like emotions become more intense particularly because like like sasuke awakens the mangekyo sharingan right and then he goes and fights b but then when he's like way angrier at the five kage summit karine points out that he's got stronger like yeah he's a lot more powerful yeah and so you you can imagine then that um itachi having to kill his whole family would probably power him up on all his all his friends as well all his friends girlfriend yeah like all of them it's not just like it's not just you know like pure anger per se it's really strong emotions anything that can convey love really or like the the loss or the antithesis of love really kind of activates it and this is like this is exaggerated in the sakura novel as well as by toby rama so losing those close to you will strengthen it like if uh they wanted to murder sakura and like put her corpse on display for sasuke like power them up so they could steal his eyeballs when they were stronger than ever before i really don't know what they were expecting to happen with that one but that's that was their plan and then toby rama's like yeah matara has just been alive for so long with so many wars so many of his loved ones dying that as sharon just got stronger and stronger stronger so then you have hitachi who's already a beast like literally stronger than his father more than likely he says his father is a bad matchup but he still he does say it is confirmed that he's probably stronger than him then he murders all his friends and family and then watches shishme die so he probably gets a massive amp on top of that and mungus gargantuan amp and the the reason this is important real quick is just because shisui is not the same as the itachi that beat orochimaru right uh shisui does not scale to like like signing level uh as far as we know he's he's he's stronger than fugaku who may be hokage level that's really all we know yeah that's it it's implied that shishway is not is the most talented he has the fastest body flicker that was going to kidnap the third okay or something um he has the ultimate genjutsu it's really implied shizui is above fugaku and the other thing as well is that the uchiha clan they didn't really respect minato or kakashi but they actually had some respect for orochimaru actually yeah which was interesting to think about so no the itachi who kind of fondle stomped orochimaru was not scaling to fugaku or shiswi if you want to learn more about shishway scaling swag has a video on it but basically ganzo tore his eyeball out all right like you know like yeah the same donzo that loses and gets mopped and but this is a huge amp donzo right like you we were talking about like the sharingan amps that hitachi got well donzo has 11 of them yeah so uh this stanzo is massively amped now has wood style all this stuff gibs gets uh bodied by sasuke and and he he um beat up chiswi with some help like he poisoned him but he still blitzed him yeah she didn't notice the poison so he's like he's he's weaker than donzo stronger than fugaku but uh i guess we should go ahead and clarify the reason this is important and it's because of koto amatsukami like everybody's probably you know like tsukami right now you know like well he's gonna control matara and me and swag we didn't just jump into this right now usually when we collab we just kind of like go like podcast mode not gonna cap right yeah but this time we actually did have to think about okay what about kodamachikami we did plan for it a little bit and there's a few ways to go about it now a lot of people think there's direct statements that dojutsu inherently counters lower dojutsu genjutsu but that's never really confirmed it's more so just implied or somewhat implied but the problem with koto matsukami specifically is okay say you do get hit by the genjutsu yes matara could break the genjutsu if he knew he was under it yeah right that's that and that's the problem he needs to know he's under it which apparently koto matsukami doesn't let you know you're under it to begin with yeah it like like she sweet like manipulates people without really letting them know and it's also weird too because like so i i talked about this in my shishi video like the so it apparently doesn't require eye contact right okay like like as as made evident by the the danzo manipulating mifune thing like there's a bandage covering his eye he's clearly not making eye contact with it and the novels say it as well he doesn't need eye contact but then but then when hitachi's crow uses it on him like like the camera makes like a big deal and it's all like swooshy sushi like zooming in and out of both eyes um like showing hitachi like looking into the crow's eye there it is very heavily emphasizing the eye contact being made and whereas mifune broke free of the genjutsu by being told he was in it hitachi knows from like frame one that he is in this genjutsu explains that he is in this genjutsu and how it broke him free of kabuto's control and it doesn't break right and and it's not like it does break and he just like doesn't go back under kabuto's control he's like like sasuke is trying to talk to him hitachi literally can't stop because he is programmed by the genjutsu to protect the leaf and go kill kabuto he literally cannot stop moving to talk to sasuke so he's under it and he can't break free so my hypothesis is that there are like two kodomatsukami's because you know every everybody with a sharingan has like two different jutsu in each eye even obito they like function differently my hypothesis is that shisui has like one super powerful one that you just can't break free of and that's like the 10 year cooldown one and you have to like look into his eye for it to work and then there's the other one that doesn't require eye contact and maybe you can use it more freely because like people seem to know about this and she's like 16 when he dies like ow this like random jonine dude from the mist like recognizes it when donzo's using it that doesn't make sense because like i said if he could only use it once every 10 years and he's like 16 like why why would that be the encounter he uses it in so so i i think there's like two different kodo matsukamis and mataro would just have to look out for the eye contact one but even if you don't like even if you don't believe me on that the the main thing is um so it stated somewhere that you even if there's like not like eye contact isn't required between both parties shisui does at least have to look into your eye to inject the chakra into you and we've already seen matara is perfectly capable of fighting people with no vision pre-sage mode absorption yeah so maybe blind moderate just kind of negates the equation but like that might not be necessary because the kodo matsukami affecting moderate argument is still contentious because we know that obito has a similar jiu-jitsu to kono matsukomi the mizukage thinks it's like the same thing even though it's not uh basically kodoma tsukami is more like an enhanced it's like an enhancement of shish we trying to attempt the genjutsu that obito was kind of using so and it kind of manipulates the effects a little bit but one thing you need to know about genjutsu is that when you're controlling someone it's heavily implied that the stronger your opponent is or the more vast their chakra is the stronger you have to be to do so right like the nine tails is too powerful to just control for a long period of time even though obito can control yagura and the three tails for like years on end right the the nine tails is like a few minutes at best in minato's opinion even even moderate couldn't control the nine tails for that long necessarily even though he might even have tsukuyomi or something like that so you might you have to argue that even if mataro just wasn't able to like fight back against the effects since he didn't know they were happening that it might be hard to argue that shish was strong enough to even manipulate moderate's body into acting how he wanted anyway but there's then two other options as well say for one say modera doesn't underestimate the uchiha and he's able to come back to life after dying once from one of his sharing gone well there goes she sweets koto and matsukami okay now moderate just goes to town after coming back to life after dying under its effects or something yeah but the next argument is does moderate start his battle out with the entire uchiha clan with susano or not right because say hitachi shoots amaterasu or something to instantly start the battle and because hitachi's faster than shishwii say hitachi engages first or any of them engage first does matara use his susano because the susano then arguably does block out dojutsu and i it argued because you know we have sasuke blocking out the infinite tsukuyomi with his his susano and the infinite tsukuyomi is considered the strongest genjutsu of all time yeah stronger than kodo matsukami so if modera has susano active then the kodo matsukami which is shishwii injecting his chakra into your eyes his chakra probably can't go through the susano to reach madras eyes and that's what i'm assuming is happening right so if he has a susano active probably doesn't work well and the other thing too the other thing too some people might be like oh well that's just sasuke's perfect susano but but the moderate has one of those so like it's you know it's kind of a point i think i think the argument is more so you have to inject your chakra into them yeah and then the susano is kind of blocking that right um i think that's what's being implied it even blocks out light there's a few things to to suggest that it's hard to do that so it's not a perfect refutation i'm not saying either is objectively right but what i'm saying is is that there's more contentious or contentious reasoning behind the kodomotsukami than just he looks out of gg right there's more things to consider and moderate does have somewhat of a chance in a debate against that even though i feel like i underestimated konamux economy back in the day i feel like it's stronger than i thought but i still think there's more reasoning for moderate to be able to avoid it as well the big thing is what what i said earlier that there's a statement that he has to like inject chakra like like he looks into your eye the mangekyo doesn't require direct gaze to work he only needs to look at their eyes and pour his chakra in that's how it's worth so if matara doesn't have eyes or his eyes are closed then she sweet can't do anything right um and now you may you may think like well how would moderate no i mean like if he's in character if he's fighting a bunch of uchiha he might just be careful and assume that one of them has some crazy genjutsu maybe even zetsu would tell him right like maybe the argument you were saying before about okay well maybe it takes the perfect susano maybe that's valid because i believe and quote me if i'm wrong but don't sasuke and hitachi uh get hit by genjutsu while in susano and then put each other under again do they don't they put each other under genjutsu when they're in susano yes or so although you could argue that there's just a willing thing yeah yeah they're allowing it to happen maybe but maybe okay say you need the perfect susano okay so bloodlusted moderate then just stops right he just goes he just goes perfect susano he's faster than all of them he's rivaling kcm with that description of it too like she sweet can't even see madra all the way up there right like it's the perfect susano is really really really tall so the other thing too is would they all just get blitzed because we know madras scales to kcm2 and if he and if he's alive he's like twice as strong as kcm2 he's fighting sage hashirama without the susano at one point um so and it's arguable that this character scales more like the ten tails obito not just obito right yeah so it's like you kind of have to consider the fact that they just get blitzed even like edo itachi and ems sasuke might get blitzed which was actually kind of implied and shown when moderate was blind with sage mode that's kind of how it kind of would go except probably worse because he's probably used more used to his gekko and probably amps him more personally but yeah yeah i think his ems probably gives him a bigger amp than base sage mode um for for sure so and on top of that [ __ ] suite he just kind of gets blitzed and destroyed for the most part um but the other characters such as itachi we've done hitachi versus moderate so many times but in this video we're specifically using sikkitaji but the sikkitachi he also just gets blitzed and destroyed by a live moderate even if mahdra kind of toys with him uh we know that he would be able to avoid all of his strikes with the toastka blade and we also know his susano would overpower hitachi like even amir right like even he holds up the yada mir like like the concussive force of the perfect susano sword like like with just sin hitachi flying even if you argue he could block an attack with his yada mirror like he can't keep it up nearly as long as moderate moderate literally is stronger than him faster than his eyeballs just like work better like they don't run out of steam they don't drain his chakras bad he's not he's not gonna run out of chakra in two minutes of susano usage he's not like crackling in pain like speaking of that um matara can also i'm pretty sure just natively like without the renagon absorbed chakra like he did tahashi rama to suck up his sage mode because he didn't have rinagon when he did that that that might be okay well one of the things that's implied is that he might still have some renagon abilities without his eyes but you could also maybe argue that he has like zetsu cells so maybe it's like hashirama ish and that's i absorbed it that way like yeah there's so many weird things you can say about that but yeah that's the other thing as well when he doesn't know eyeballs you can still use his susana so yeah so like even if he eats in augie's twice he's still like really strong yeah from there it's just kind of like okay he out stamina's itachi he's fast enough to avoid all his attacks uh he's able to block amaterasu if he takes him seriously we're gonna assume he's serious right i mean sure if he's toying around and he lets himself get hit by amaterasu maybe he gets like destroyed or something but that seems like really disingenuous to the topic because we're kind of power scaling right um other than that though fugaku is just weaker than 11 year old hitachi yeah getting like bullied by moderate anyway and he has weaker genjutsu and speed than shishwii who we've already went over other than that izuna is weaker than toby rama or maybe rivaling toby rama and then we've seen how moderate can kind of toy with toby rama as well we've also seen that moderate scale sahashirama who toby rama is deathly afraid of and is stated to be number two of but maybe he's in uh would be more relative but then we see that toby rama gets destroyed or well let's let's let's put it like this right right could all these people with izuna fight one thousand arm buddha statue probably not by the way speaking of that this moderate can summon the nine tails yeah as well like and like so that buddha statue like to a standstill yeah the complete nine tails by the way um so he has like twice the nine tails that naruto does when he performs all the war arc feeds and surpasses ado itachi let alone sikitachi then we have to kind of talk about obito but as i said earlier obito kind of scales like this moderate even if you say this uh that ten tails toe is stronger moderate more so scales to ten tails obito than renagon obito let alone orange mask obito yeah the scaling is really edgy but like naruto and sasuke are like equaling like tin tails obito and then like alive moderate is like bullying them with no eyes so yeah i mean i guess just at the end of the day just remember everything naruto does with half the nine tails pretty much yeah and he himself is pretty strong but he's no moderate right he was getting bullied by like base modera with like no eyes no nine tails and so then you give moderate ems full nine tails yeah and what i was saying earlier yeah sorry you go ahead is that even if you say toby rama like uh scales to easiness somehow uh toby rama lost to kinkaku and kinkaku and the king cocoon force are nameless there's nowhere ever confirmed how strong they were but they're implied to be not very strong they're not even but there was 20 years ago they were never even they weren't even reanimated or ever talked about so like kabuto didn't think they were worth anything yeah reanimated like like osuma and not them yeah but not anyone from the kinkaku force but yeah anyway so kikuku and gigacoo say that both of them had to go like nine tails mode to beat toby rama okay now imagine you put those two together and they're not anything remotely comparable to just one nine tails like they got all of that power from just like munching on its intestines like while they were in it like now imagine like the entire thing plus modera who scales to it and there's just no way toby rama ever remotely scales well yeah like imagine like just imagine you put like all these other people right and you replace izuna with toby rama and then you put one thousand arm buddha statue there like i said they still lose they get smacked and yeah like moderate moderate that and like the big wood golem and like all of hashirama's other stuff and still fought into a statement i'm sorry i was thinking to myself i was like yo name any uchiha that could uh that could like fight the 1000 statue right and it was just like i'm imagining he taught you with his shield out getting like a combo like melee through the air while he's holding the shield out by the buddha station like yeah just throwing him everywhere yeah yeah so uh i think that's all brilliant tv said i think blind moderate might just like even stop just even harder just because he has no weakness to get you to like there's not even a debate on that really yeah it might be a little bit more debatable power wise but yeah i think overall like the uchiha clan just gets overall stopped by modern that's all i really have to say did we even miss anyone i don't think we missed anyone no all the nameless guys i guess but they're weaker than 11 year old i guess there's like sasuke but sasuke is just even ems we already went over it like you just you literally have to give him the rentagon or else he gets bodied yeah anyways guys i hope you enjoyed thank you so much for watching see more do you want to see more swag uploaded one of our collabs which is sasuke versus the akatsky another that bye [Music] you
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 841,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madara vs all uchiha, madara vs uchiha clan, madara vs itachi, madara vs shisui, madara vs shinobi alliance, madara uchiha, uchiha clan, seth the programmer, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer swagkage, swagkage, seth the programmer naruto, how strong is madara, ranking the uchiha, how strong is shisui, how strong is itachi, uchiha weakest to strongest, itachi and shisui, naruto shippuden, madara, sasuke, madara vs sasuke, sasuke and itachi, sasuke vs itachi
Id: 0ed6r55e_VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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