The Life Of Tobirama Senju (Naruto)

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this video was made in collaboration with narutopedia for more information check out the link in the description the life of toby rama senju from naruto tobi rama senju was a member of the renowned senju clan who together with his elder brother and the uchiha clan founded the first shinobi village konohagakure throughout his lifetime tobirama would work tirelessly to achieve political stability and implement the institutions that made the village system work thus ensuring konoha's continuity and prosperity after his brother's death he would earn the title of second hokage welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of toby rama senju before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos background tobi rama was born during the warring states period and was the second of bhutsuma senju's four sons he and his brothers grew up on the battlefield waging constant war with their rivaling clans especially the uchiha after the deaths of their brothers kawarama and later itamatobirama and his older brother hashirama decided a new shinobi system would need to be implemented to end the cycle of child deaths a system that would require an alliance between the warring clans at some point in time it became apparent that hashirama got into the habit of disappearing into the forest for extended periods and as such tobirama accepted his father's assignment to follow hashirama and find out what he was doing from tracking hashirama tobirama discovered that he was meeting with a boy named matara a young uchiha after tobirama reported this to his father budsuma pressured hashirama to lead matara into an ambush to be carried out by himself in tobirama upon springing the trap however they were met by madara's family who had similar plans and while their fathers clashed toby rama fought uzuna uchiha matara's younger brother hashirama and matara were able to negotiate a temporary ceasefire allowing all of them to walk away without bloodshed in the years following their families would continue to clash hashirama against matara and tobirama against izuna on one occasion tobirama even mortally wounded izana hashirama by then the leader of the senju tried to use izana's fate to broker peace between their clans but matara at eason's behest refused his refusal increasingly became the minority view with individual uchiha siding with the senju in growing numbers after eason has succumbed to his injuries matara racked with grief made one final stand against the senju and was summarily defeated tobirama attempted to kill amadora to finally end the fighting but hashirama stopped him knowing that would only renew hostilities between the senju and uchiha matara offered to surrender if hashirama would kill himself or tobirama hashirama agreed to take his own life and as he made preparations he instructed tobirama despite his protests not to seek retribution matara ultimately withdrew his request and agreed to peace the senju the uchiha and all of their affiliated clans came together to found konoha a village of peace where children would never need to die in battle although hashirama was optimistic about the village's future tobirama remained realistic about how that future would be achieved knowing that it was not enough to simply bring all these clans together he believed that the uchiha madra in particular threatened that future when hashirama wanted to give matara the position of hokage tobirama forced him to open the selection to a democratic process rather than appointing a leader leading to hashirama's election instead tobirama would continue to act as the voice of reason throughout hashirama's tenure during the first kage summit hashirama wanted to give konoha's tailed beasts to the other newly formed villages for free but tobirama insisted that the villages pay for the tailed beasts they received under hashirama's leadership the new system of ninja villages achieved peace for a time eventually toby rama started training his own three-man team consisting of heroes in saratobi homura mitocado techniques he had created such as the shadow clone technique and summoning impure world reincarnation he outlawed their use no longer being needed but peace would ultimately be temporary as matara challenged hashirama's authority and the two fought at what would become the valley of the end when mataro was killed in the battle tobirama took his body in order to study the sharingan and then buried it in an unmarked grave conflicts would start emerging elsewhere in the world and it was during one of these that hashirama would die before his death he passed the title of hokage to tobirama and left him instructions to not mistreat the uchiha topirama's role as hokage included helping konoha's shinobi transition from valuing their clan above all else to valuing the village and everyone in it to this end he created such institutions as the academy the on-boo and the tuning exams while largely successful enough that other villages adopted the same organizations the uchiha resisted their loss of autonomy already wary of the uchiha because of its history with matara tobirama created the konoha military police force for the uchiha to run publicly as a sign of trust but primarily so that the uchiha would focus their energies on something beneficial others however would come to see this as a way to marginalize the clan like hashirama before him tobirama tried to foster good relations with the other villages he planned an alliance between konoha and kumogakurei but during a formal ceremony he and the second reikage were attacked by the gold and silver brothers and left near death during the first shinobi world war team tobi rama as well as danzo shimoda torifo akamichi and kagamiyuchiha found themselves surrounded by kumo's kinkaku force with no way for all of them to escape tobirama volunteered to act as a decoy in place of heroism as he departed he passed the title of hokage to hirozen before being killed by kinkaku konohak rush orochimaru invades konoha so he can kill his master he resents saratobi because hirochimaru wants hirozin to experience the same thrill of fighting a teacher as he is he reincarnates hashirama and tobirama recognizing hirozin and seeing how old he has gotten hashirama realizes how long he's been dead tobirama meanwhile realizes they've been brought back with the impure world reincarnation and therefore will have no choice but to fight heroism orochimaru suppresses their personalities and forces them to attack hirozin struggles to land an attack against hashirama and tobirama their coordination and responsiveness offering him few openings the few attacks he does land are merely regenerated by their reincarnated bodies because killing orochimaru will not end the impure world reincarnation hirozin uses the only option he has left after creating two shadow clones he has a clone capture each of the deceased hokage and then uses the dead demon consuming seal on them with their personalities restored hashirama and tobirama apologize for being such troubles to him just as hirozen apologizes for the fate he has sentenced him to he pulls their souls from their reincarnated bodies feeding them to the shinigami fourth shinobi world war climax at the request of sasuke uchiha orochimaru releases the souls of the first four hokage from the stomach of the shinigami and then reincarnates them after taking in their surroundings hashirama and tobi rama are excited to meet minato the fourth and take him as a sign of konoha's continued prosperity when toby rama scolds orochimaru for his repeated use of the impure world reincarnation orochimaru instead blames toby rama for creating it in the first place he also blames tobii rama for a number of his other actions as hokage such as the konahan military police force that helped foster uchiha descent hashirama reprimands tobirama for not honoring his instructions to treat the uchiha fairly when sasuke threatens to destroy konoha tobirama feels validated in his treatment of the uchiha and prepares to attack sasuke but hashirama forces him to stop when they're told of madra uchiha's reincarnation and participation in the ongoing 4th shinobi world war tobirama could not be reasoned with and only orochimaru's refined control of the impure world reincarnation stops him tobirama is forced to stand by and listen as hashirama explains his personal experiences with moderate and the uchiha and adds some of his own experiences after hashirama's story ends from listening to the four hokage sasuke decides he doesn't want konoha to be destroyed as is madura's current intention orochimaru releases the hokage from his control so they can help in this goal and they set up for the site of the allied shinobi forces battle with the ten tails toby rama arrives in the battlefield shortly after minato and complements his speed once all the hokage gather they combine efforts to erect a barrier around the ten tails to confine it tobyrama must stay with the barrier in order to keep it active so he watches as sasuke and the allies attack the ten tails when obito uchiha appears in the battlefield and prepares to revive matara tobirama creates two shadow clones to go after matara munito once again beats him to the punch cutting down obito before matara can be revived birth of the ten tales jinchoki not only was matara's revival not his intention but minito's attack was too late obito seals the ten tales into himself becoming his chinchoriki with his new power obito rips down the barrier allowing the hokage to finally join the fray while trying to decide how to proceed obito cuts through toby rama and one of hashirama's wood clones while the clone restrains obito tobirama tells everyone to evacuate the area while he uses mutually multiplying explosive tags the attack has no effect and hirozin and minato engage obito while toby rama regenerates once restored he sends shadow clones to redirect a truth-seeking ball that's been attached to minato back to obito having earlier branded him with a flying thunder god seal tobi rama minato sasuke and naruto uzumaki coordinate efforts to attack obito with flying thunder god mutually instantaneous revolving technique but obito emerges without damage what's more from observing that minato has not fully regenerated an arm loss to obito tobirama theorizes that obito's truth-seeking balls can nullify the advantages of the impure world reincarnation and all other ninjutsu in a blind gamble gamakichi attacks obito with the starch syrup gun which actually seems to have some success tobirama and naruto separately realize that obito is vulnerable to senjutsu after naruto enters sage mode toby rama teleports him above obito so he can attack with a weakness discovered obito traps the alliance within a barrier so that he can wipe them out with multiple tailed beast balls toby rama and minato decide that they can't teleport all the balls away in time but naruto comes up with a way for him and minato to teleport the entire alliance to safety impressed by their combined efforts tobirama assists them after they enter tailed beast modes by teleporting them to obito for another attack obito blocks at this time and counters by creating the ten tails tree form the tree's roots start tearing through the allies and after fending off some roots tobirama teleports naruto sasuke minato and hirozin together to figure out a new plan naruto and sasuke with hashiram's encouragement lead the alliance in their attack while toby rama busies himself with teleporting shinobi to safety when they need it although obito is defeated and the ten tales is removed from his body madura is successfully restored to life while matara prepares to become the ten tails next genchirki tobirama launches a desperate attack to stop him matara pins him with multiple black receivers and they share their mutual contempt for each other using what little mobility he has tobirama attacks him with heavenly weeping to distract modera while sasuke attacks him from behind matara blocks the attack and over tobi ram is pleased to stop mortally wounds sasuke matara leaves and toby rama can only watch as sasuke's life fades shortly afterwards kabato yakushi arrives in time to save sasuke once he's well sasuke removes the black receivers from toby rama's body and has him teleport him to naruto's location to face madara kaguya otsotsuki strikes despite their efforts naruto and sasuke cannot stop matara from initiating the infinite tsukiomi tabirama and the other hokage being the only ones unaffected converge at the location of a powerful chakra signature but only find matara's lower half tobia rama contemplates using the impure world reincarnation on madura to ask him what happened but they are stopped by the sage of six paths combining efforts with the spirits of the other dead kage they summon team seven matara and the tailed beasts back from kagia's dimension matara dying has some parting words with hashirama after which the sage returns all the kage to the pure land as his soul ascends tobi rabbit encourages hashirama to entrust the future to sasuke and naruto legacy although toby rama created the konoha military police force with the intention of pacifying the uchiha clan it only exacerbated their feelings of marginalization and in effect cut them off from positions of influence in konoha dissatisfaction with gonohog grew among the uchiha for decades following eventually culminating in the uchiha clan downfall tobyrama would also be responsible for creating several vital institutions for konoha such as the academy the on-boo and the tuning exams which would help konaha bond many of the clans together to fight for konoha and would also help the village foster relationships with others these institutions were so successful that other villagers began implementing their own versions of them in their own nations his invention of the kinjutsu summoning impure world reincarnation would play a major role in the fourth shinobi world war and ironically would allow tobirama as well as the other deceased hokage the ability to assist the allied shinobi forces in the war after they were reincarnated by rochimaru at the behest of sasuke uchiha the reincarnated madra uchiha himself begrudgingly admitted he was thankful to toby rama for inventing the technique while fighting the reincarnated hashirama senju personality tobirama was a stern man who spoke bluntly about most topics never sugarcoating facts or the matter at hand he had a pragmatic approach to life believing that many of the world's problems could be solved through well-defined rules and laws though his words would often come off as rude or insensitive tobirama himself was relatively calm and composed rarely getting riled up or reacting emotionally it was this that allowed him to act as sort of a counterweight to his older brother hashirama and his ideals when hashirama would get carried away with headstrong optimism it fell to tobirama to mediate and force a more realistic alternative in order to achieve these idealistic goals hashiramo was typically disappointed by toby rama's intervention but he usually agreed without much protest but hashirama would at times push back against toby rama often because toby rama's methods were becoming too forceful hashirama's rare displays of anger on such occasions were enough to make tobii rama back down despite how often he needed to undermine his brother and his personal opinion that hashirama was something of an idiot tobirama greatly loved and respected him and if anything wanted hashirama to respect himself the same way he and others did tobirama was a firm believer in the will of fire a philosophy that held that all villagers of konoha were part of a family as hokage it was tobirama's responsibility to protect that family and any who threatened konoha were subject to his rarely seen but unbridled rage he modeled his own leadership after both hashirama and bharara uchiha trying to strike a balance between hashirama's indulgent nature and matara's ruthlessness in order to protect the village tobirama wished for the villagers with their disparate backgrounds to move away from the tendency to only think about their clan and instead think about the village as a whole it was for this reason that he came into conflict with the uchiha so frequently and he felt they too often valued their own desires over others he believed matara was the worst example of this tendency although tobirama truly hoped that the konaha military police force would help the uchiha focus on the village he was not surprised when they instead took it as an intentional slight this in turn led them to plan a coup against konoha and then this planned coup brought about their near extinction despite this seeming prejudice against the uchiha toby ramo was perfectly happy to cooperate with any uchiha that could overcome their curse of hatred he cited kagame uchiha as a prime example of this transcended uchiha though they only knew each other for a short time toby rama and minato namakazi the fourth hokage got along superbly their mutual respect for each other seemed founded on their similarities both of them famously moving and thinking quickly on the battlefield while their actual personalities were quite different tobirama was nevertheless amused by minato's quirks such as his complicated names for techniques notably the spiraling flash super round dance howl style 3 with minato's son naruto uzumaki toby ramo was more frustrated than anything else naruto did not address him with the proper honorifics and failed to recognize him as the creator of certain jutsu such as the flying thunder god technique which naruto instead believed to be minato's creation did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 660,258
Rating: 4.9390044 out of 5
Keywords: Tobirama Senju, Uchiha, Konohagakure, Hokage, Butsuma, Kawarama, Itama, Hashirama, Madara, Izuna, Danzo, Kinkaku, Hiruzen, Orochimaru, Kakashi, Naruto, Team 7, Obito, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Minato, Kusa, Mahiru, Anbu, copy ninja, kurama, Namikaze, Konoha, Yellow Flash, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, uchiha, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Hinata
Id: vaZqO_tBxgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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