Could Naruto Beat All The Espada?

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well everyone it's your host set the program or I'm back from my two-month hiatus you know sorry about that but why not celebrate my return with a good ol collab with the old weeaboo Clyde on some Espada versus Naruto which is the follow-up to Ichigo versus the Akatsuki I thought this would be interesting a lot of people wanted to see it and obviously we've been kind of taking a long time on Ichigo versus Naruto so these kinds of cross verse videos are a good substitute in the meantime so so anyway while we make you wait for narrative verses each year which is you know it's going on two years we do apologize we thought we'd make this video as a follow-up because the last one we did was Ichigo just he just whipped it yeah and he just you know he slapped the the Akatsuki right but anyway we're basically gonna do sort of the same thing here but we're gonna run through how would Naruto go against the Espada just reversing the roles really of the versus and I think you guys would like this anyway a lot of people did request it so we're gonna be making the video here and I'm happy to be on thank you for having me on the channel again so the premise of the video will just be going over just general Naruto and bleach scaling the first one will obviously just be how does KCM to Naruto and the war stack up like the one that fought Obito alongside Sasuke p-- or you know how does six paths north to stack up we can go over like the Dalton are to later on obviously we'll be doing the similar thing where we go for speed he goes over speed that will go over destructive capacity he goes over to start with capacity for bleach and I do Nardo and then we'll kind of do our own little conclusion at the end so without further ado I guess I'll start when scaling Naruto characters I try to be as all-encompassing as possible with the different interpretations you can give the verse and I feel this is even more important when you're doing a cross verse discussion as fairness and charitable 'ti of interpretation will allow people who maybe don't feel as strongly as others for certain feats and statements still reach a conclusion they can agree with for the overarching premise of the battles I do this already in my Ichigo versus the Akatsuki video but I'll sum it up very quickly for those of you who don't binge all of my videos or haven't actually seen me before and it's middle to higher tiers Naruto has a few metas of speed you can generally duke it out with this also applies to bleach as well but we'll go over that later and naruto these are a the lightning timing meta be the relativistic meta see the faster-than-light meta and something new which you may be familiar with vaguely is D the power stacking meta the lightning timing meta is pretty easy to digest characters and Naruto can both shoot electricity such lightening charge like energy through the air at others and as a younger ANBU Kakashi was known and even shown in the animates actually raced to a lightening bolt up a cliff and chop it in half before it could reach the ground and Kakashi while not anybody to be underestimated is certainly no God tier in terms of speed as just a youngling in the verse and many people can react him using lightning blade and his lightning attacks at point-blank range when he is more than likely stronger and faster as an adult such as pain Nagato zetsu Obito and Haku even with everyone thinking Akashi did tag a lightning bolt characters like the right cog a still boasted he was the absolute fastest in the world after Minato the fourth Hokage was gone showing lightning speed and lore was nothing he couldn't handle or was afraid of the relativistic meta is when characters who scale above lightning level attacks or are stated above lightning such as the right cog a Turkic Oishi can be blitzed by characters like Minato or Naruto case yeah many times over and be made to look slow in comparison this is usually done via Cal King such as when Minitel reacts to the right cog a it would require many times the speed of him or some Cal King Naruto to needing dozens of times the speed of the right cog a to blitz him at point-blank range now King Naruto dodging the right cog a is quite a contentious topic these days and while I understand where everyone is coming from if you simply say Naruto blitz the right car game is clearly much faster than him this actually goes into the fast and light meta as well as the right cog and the data books is stated in his version 1 lightening cloak to move at a speed like light when using his lariat which is consistent with the Kakashi argument from earlier where he wasn't actually scared of lightning level speed this is also consistent since Darwin fires light rays reflecting off of water particles in the air and Haku can zip around ice mirrors at the speed of light in the data books if he wants to which is how he bliss Kakashi in part 1 from across the battlefield and could still fight Mike guy in Rock Lee later on in the war as an eID Oh many years later when they are much more powerful the power stacking meta has to go in details with chakra reserves and this is pretty common as shown in but for example Naruto gives everyone in the Alliance several times the chalk or war Kakashi has in his own words three times or so and since Bijou chakra and large quantities directly impact speed as shown with KCM or the red tailed beasts cloaks and Beach anartha was a master of using his chakra pool by the end of the war and possibly use thousands of times Kakashi's levels of chakra to move thousands of times faster than Kakashi as chakra is how much these characters amp their physical ability durability and speed to begin with this is more apparent in the novel such as the Kakashi light novel where stated shinobi use chakra to go into battle mode etc however this is more up in the air you should consider things like this when looking at a shown in battle series in set the knives last collab we explained how consistent light speed is throughout the series of bleach provided unequivocal evidence showing such and how easy it is to prove characters are that fast even back in the Espada Ark as many vexatious individuals continue to not only spout nonsense about the series but also downplayed bleach of speeds to abysmal levels to put this as simply as possible we have numerous moments in the series and official data books written by the author title Kubo showing us light speed is the most consistent measurement of speed among the series filled with literal gods of death and although we won't be commenting on things from the novels or too many things that all from the war are as most of the war related information would spoil naruto vs ichigo and the novels themselves are yet to actually be officially translated which means we don't want to share any misinformation with our awesome viewers what we will show however should be more than enough evidence to prove what i'm about to say chad a rather weak character compared to the Espada is able to watch a light based attack come towards him which he then reacts to and tanks lieutenant level Shinigami are able to avoid the nagashi on at point-blank range a light used to rescue hollows in danger meaning it needs to be that fast by default and is even used to get Espada out of the world of the living meaning it scales to Vasto Lorde a tear hollows this is not only referred to as light by the head captain but also hyped up by him as he tells other Shinigami to not even bother with it implying he respects its ability it's basically the same way that he hypes up the durability of the chains of fate in the bleach Halverson movie now a character who doesn't even have a zanpakuto and almost shut her undergarments from merely standing in front of Yamamoto can actually tag x-axis realizes he is attacking with light based attacks and this guy is the literal embodiment of light itself as he is intangible and attacks with nothing but light itself we also have two versions of Ichigo that would essentially get soul crushed by the higher Espada scaling two characters who'd scale directly to those lieutenants I mentioned earlier as he blitzes them without them being able to react one being the right-hand man of the head captain and the other being at the lieutenant of the stealth force a division which even Aizen praises for their speed and ability he also then scales two characters like byakuya and Yoda vici at this point in the story with his bankai that aims his speed by five to ten times that of the each go that Bliss's the lieutenant's which only a few chapters later based grim jackals this average speed and he mocks his bankai his transformation Ichigo is even able to block a cero at point-blank range cut through the sera itself which then sends the menos grande back to hueco mundo a hollow which scales directly to lieutenant class Shinigami and it uses a cero which is referred to as light in the data books all the way back in chapter 49 hell even odd and yellow dodges light at point-blank range and this is something that's actually a part of his narrative written by the author himself which revolves around his weakness to light itself if you actually look at this panel here the manga handles is different than the anime the anime actually changes how the scene works but in the manga version right the wall gets blown open by Rukia Arden yeto turns his head to look at the hole in the wall this part of the manga panel where it shows added you know space is still darkened and he is able to saw meet her out of the way of the light coming directly at him once again not only is it a part of his narrative but how much more blatant do we need to be with this so yeah hopefully that's enough evidence to prove how fast these characters are on average as later on in the series there is way more than just these examples shown and the Espada can all perform these feats in their base with absolute ease let alone their resurrections that would multiply their speed by tens of times that of the characters I mentioned especially if you can sit at the top for now power scaling actual destructive capacity in Naruto can be more complicated than speed although a lot of the time feet scaling requires more calques than speed as well and while I recommend watching my video on kandar to destroy a planet for a much more detailed analysis I can go over some things here and for the most part everyone is aware that even the lesser B's you can vaporize mountains and characters like an Okie can vaporize island sized Turtles however when it comes to nine tails - your fighters like Naruto the scale is drastically different after all we're talking about the Bijoux who even in its most imperfect form with only half its chakra can bully six other B's you at the same time well not even seriously trying to hurt them and can amp tens of thousands of shinobi to be several times base cog a level while still having massive amounts of power in reserve and even fight the ten tails off even with Naruto only taking a small portion of its energy he became stronger and faster than any cog a alive at the time in the data books it is awesome excited that the nine tails with only half its chakras enough power to turn the world to ash or that it has earth-shattering power with its Bisou bombs and this may be consistent when you consider many variables such as moderate being able to swing meteors out of geostationary orbit from the asteroid belt it massively hypersonic to light speeds to the ten tails being conceded to be the end of the world or having a chakra comparable to the size of a small planet and mean count output 10 to the 25 joules with its cataclysms it's also somewhat lower consistent as well when you realize that the nine tails is a very significant portion of the ten tails and the ten tails is at least a few percentages of cogs power Hagia being a being who can wipe out entire time spaces with stars planets and moons residing within them even if you just said cogsa was massively large planet level we're using all her chakra saying she could destroy her planet in its orbiting moon the nine tails being at all a percentage or anything of the equation is something very serious to consider that being said though I'll go into more detail during the conclude you can hear a way more detailed analysis in my video 10 are to destroy a planet once again calculating the destructive capability of the Espada is honestly super straightforward simply put it stated any Espada regardless of their rank can destroy a Las Noches with a grown race arrow an Espada ranked for in higher which would include Yami they can perform an insane feat merely by transforming and without the intent to actually do this with this mere transformation actually being able to destroy a loss no chairs it is also even a law by Aizen that when they release they must go above the canopy of los noches because as I just said even if they're not intending to destroy los noches just merely transforming while they're suppressing themselves could wipe out their entire area this area is so large that Nellie el states walking to just one gate could take three days to do so which is consistent with statements made about the size of the soul society in areas that exist in the afterlife and are made to house billions to possibly trillions of souls as they need to sustain the massive influx of hollows and souls that will join them in the future and bump up the populace by default these places need to be future-proof as the Espada transformed they can amp their attack potency by tens of times as their release forms are based on Shinigami powers and her ihara believes they scale directly to bankai releases which we know the multiplier for and if you take root key aura as an example who has to release forms he can improve his power by 100 times his base form as his second release would be ten times the first release and possibly higher as aura Haris a is only their first release is comparable to bankai not their second now of course or ahora probably doesn't know about ricky or a second release because he never fought against it that's that's completely fair but what we can assume from that is that the second releases multiplier would naturally be much higher because it's just in a league of its own that's all I'm saying guys so it is consistent to say that the second release would be a hundred times base and the top four Espada plus Yami are so much stronger than the ones below it's consistent to say they could destroy los noches hundreds to thousands of times over even base Grimmjow almost did this by accident when he was in his base form and he fired a controlled run/race arrow which each go actually tanked the majority of when he stopped the attack yet it's still distorted space around them and even Holly Bell was impressed by the fight itself her frock she yarn actually say word for word that he shouldn't have used the attack and that's discriminatory part is true at this stage Grimmjow is only ranked number six so to say that the grundrisse era statement doesn't apply to weaker Espada let alone the ones ranked above him it just isn't true with this being said they're a ver attack potency is consistently around country to continental and with scaling over key aura he can be placed much higher than this with his cellar or scooters which is stated to amp his attack potency by an order of magnitude basically ten times that if his normal power right and then his lungs door alum powder an attack which he whips out after the setter of school das fails against the Boston Police errors clearly implies that the Lance is much stronger than the previous fights errors and he scales directly to the bastard Lord a which is able to perform planetary level feats and scales to some of the strongest characters in that arc to end off this part of the video even Chi Chi Ichigo was told to not flex his spiritual pressure in the world of the living by Shinji as it could affect the entire world and even fought attea Shinigami like Runge ku have to wear seals to stop themselves from affecting the world of the living alright gang so you know there's the there's the stats you know this probably stuff you guys are mainly familiar with already I thought I would add a few new things here there that I was thinking of over the past few months that I haven't been making videos but without further ado I guess we'll just kind of compare now a little bit more about their houses and their resistances obviously a premise to this discussion that's really important with bleach versus any verse 10 the combatants see each other and you could kind of argue that he would be able to see them anyway or at least fight them because he doesn't need to see enemies to fight them with six paths he can actually fight beings on a different parallel dimension overlapping the real one let alone just being invisible but still physically you know interactable or whatever in this case Naruto with KCM can sense intent and emotions without eyesight so if we ran a verse where they can interact with each other Naruto would be able to sense the Espada as well as the fact that in Naruto they seem to be able to interact with souls in astral bodies anyway such as the Reaper death seal or the Rena GaN soul stealing abilities that can play tug-of-war with their own Souls somehow and chakra and nature has spiritual energy mixed in with it anyway and we do know that spirits when they go to the afterlife they're basically chakra that just kind of floats away such as when mean--it Oh lost his arms do the true seek more from Madara and then his ghost when it was d summoned still didn't have arms when it went to the afterlife right that kind of shows they still having a spiritual astral attacks and they are like kind of spiritual astral like chakra beings in general so that's not a point of discussion for this video at all and when we would do verses matchups like this why would you even want to have the argument where one verse can't see the other it's kind of lame but also as we're being shown directly from Kubo's drawings and his narrative people like Todd ski and ichigo's friends who were just very small sensitive to spiritual pressure right they can see eyes and and characters like that so like if Naruto can see things in a way beyond what they can do just that in itself is enough man we don't even need to like give him the benefit of the doubt which just blatantly he can do that anyway so if anyone wants to say Naruto can't see the Espada he can just silly to bring that up speaking of charity I think one thing to grant is the spirit pressure just instantly neg anybody that doesn't have spirit pressure and the answer is no that's never been the case normal hollows have spirit pressure but they don't just instantly soul crush every normal human they walk by right and another example isin thought that gets to Ichigo got rid of all of his spirit pressure and was just physically brawling with him Aizen who is the self-proclaimed the second smartest dude in the soul society thought that physical raw might and no spirit pressure was able to fight him even though he can soul crush people by standing near them if they're too weak so being strong enough physically is enough to negate being crushed plus it's a little bit of a No Limit fallacy anyway to say that if you don't have spirit pressure you just get crushed instantaneously so that is another point that obviously we're going to grant to Naruto that you can't just soul crush him by standing next to him and farting on him or something all right without further ado I guess we can just go over all the individual Espada and what their hack Cesare like and how would kind of stack up to Naruto so let me get into the first five Espada they're not really an issue for Naruto at all like a De Niro is too slow and too weak to even be a threat - no - he's just gonna one-shot this dude xyla Allah Pharaoh needs to physically consume him to be able to mess with his organs like he needs to capture him in that alien like tentacle thing to be able to even do anything which is just not gonna happen another thing about trying to consume Naruto is that if the nine tails doesn't like you just touching it is a poison greater than sasori's poison like it actually poisoned Sakura who can actually heal herself and has mastery over poisons to the point where she was like incapacitated just from contact with its chakra so like if the nine tails is stronger than you not only can it just like mind wipe you like and kind of control you like when it engulfs Naruto and chakra but it also poisons you upon contact if it doesn't like you so it's kind of a little bit weird to say yeah you'll just eat him or something like and then he'll be able to him some people might bring up whoa why was he so useful against my area and who do and Renji and it's like well Renji a nerdy ridiculously Waker compared to him and my Eyrie is somewhat relative to him at that stage in the story Naruto isn't relative to zile he is leagues beyond Xylo he's gonna blitz and kill him before he even thinks of the idea of consuming Naruto so just to bring that up sure the abilities hacks but it just gets snagged by someone who's faster and stronger that's just the sad truth as Fazal Mari the biggest benefit was Oh Mari is honestly gonna be like if he fights with the you know the meme teamwork right guys you know do karski teamwork argument yeah he might be an issue but we need to give them the most benefit of the doubt in this whole situation here there is a chance you might hit Naruto with it it is deadly I'm not gonna take that away but not only is he slower and weaker than Naruto but Naruto could probably avoid every single one of those seals because byakuya is able to like turn around and bring up a quedar barrier and block one of them so it's not something that just instantly appears on your skin there's actually like there is a physical distance that needs to travel in speed to actually hit the object it's being aimed at sorry yeah it's not hitting our sir one of the things we'll be talking about is Naruto versus bleach in terms of speed this is really really contentious so I gave you guys four examples of how speed and Naruto can work if you want to downplay the nars overs to lightning timers than our toes just like scales massively above a lightning timer you could say the same thing about bleach as well like there is like lightning timing statements and stuff like that for the most part like the the medium like tears are more consistent and in this case like even if you were to say as Amari was the fastest of the Espada there's no way at all - like wank bleach to be faster than wank to Naruto like the the power stacking of Naruto saying he's like thousands of times Kakashi in terms of speed is way too ridiculous him blitzing characters stated faster the light is way too consistent as well and how highly he scales above them giving the whole shinobi alliance a chance and he's making them all possibly as fast as the right cog a it's just way too absurd for Xiomara to even scale to it even if you were to say like Sumari is like much faster than light by like a hundred times or something ridiculous it's not very consistent to say that he would attack Naruto and even if you did say so Mari for some reason just tags Naruto with like his weird hacks ability you would then have to prove okay so mari's Rea OPSEU and his ability can overpower Naruto's body and force it to do what he wants if you look at Naruto kind of like a machine and he has like Kurama within his body that can also control his body it's kind of like okay now you have the nine tails brawling Samari for control over gnar to his body and it's like who's going to win well I don't know maybe the the multi continental to planetary being versus Amaury use like one of the weakest Espada and even like with massive calc stacking you know the spot I barely get to multi Continental or whatever so it's a little bit funky to say so Mari does anything at all even if he were to tag Naruto and Naruto can sense attack intent as well so you probably just avoid all the attacks even if you want to bring up some weird scaling with some re web salary scales to be akio here scales to second really shot me therefore blah blah blah blah blah it doesn't even matter Naruto is so much stronger than those characters that it doesn't make a difference to the scaling we're talking about in this actual battle right and on top of that as I said before there is a physical speed of that eye ability like it is it actually takes time to get to an object to hit which once again Naruto he's just gonna be too fast for that that actual attack it's not even gonna be an issue and we need to make the most like wait our argument possible to give them the benefit of the doubt that they can come up with a strategic plan when they don't even work together properly anyway that's one of the narratives of the Espada is they only follow Aizen because he's so much stronger so that that's just not happening like once again a karski teamwork argument there you go so I guess we could just get like all the powerhouses out of the way like Grimmjow no etre Holly belf and Stark and Kyoto I guess who ki water might be a little bit different lore wise but same with Yami but um if you're just to get them out of the way if you were to say that there were multi continental or something like for whatever reason like you were able to scale them that high you all said they are as strong as like calc stacked Oh Keota for whatever reason right with like is a hundred times multiplier on top of Ichigo or all the other spot oh who can wipe out lost no-shows and or whatever and then it's still like well Naruto was able to give everyone in the Alliance a cloak that can tank the ten tails Cataclysm which is also multi continental so it's like well even scaling wise it doesn't really make sense and the only person in the verse if you go over the planetary Lord that I was talking about that has planet level lore themselves is Luke you oughta and Yami cuz you oughta fights the Vasto Lorde Ichigo and that Ichigo has kind of like a life wiping world ending lore in the hell verse movie maybe you could go into more detail with that okay so Seth is right to just disregard the other Espada because all of the other ones that have just power based like they're so irrelevant to this fight really like they are just so irrelevant to this fight and so much lower than Naruto that we don't even need to talk about Holly Bell noise or Grimmjow and arguably stock same deal really but Europe yes he does scale tuvalu die each year who has fates that even the captain actually respects in the movie in states that he is able to perform the feat that he actually considered impossible even with just the multipliers of them being able to destroy a loss no chairs you can wank the Vasto hoodie at full power if it had the foo shiok sure you can wank it to like easily planetary and so on but and even with that being said you need to give Ricky or like every benefit of the doubt by giving him you know the lands at Overland Park a multiplier because setter or scooters and proves his power by an order of magnitude the Lonsdale stronger yes he scales to the vaster Lord a bit like the orator has way better face for this man even if you give her all these cool wank statements to scale to the Vasto Lorde a witch yes it's impressive among the Bleach verse at this period in the story it's nothing compared to what seth has said about Naruto previously in the video for the most part the wanked Espada is kind of trying its best to compete with like casual attacks from the ten tails and like suppress Edo moderate like just throwing meteors out of the sky or something like that seems to be their most consistent the nine tails does scale to a portion of Caguas power and kaga still is wiping out entire dimensions like and it's pretty absurd now I know there's the whole like I don't know how you feel about this but like warping space is fourth dimensional or something like okay that's like saying like gravity is fourth dimensional cuz it can just they can warp space that there's a lot of it or something like it it's just absolutely ridiculous like you bringing up the dimension thing is interesting because people are gonna say in the comment straight away well the Espada have dimension banking feats like your cure but nowhere is it implied that this dimension is like a universe eyes thing or an actual dimension or however you want to interpret that statement for what we know that dimension that Grim's you up would be or it could be the size of a room which is just that strong that it can seal him that doesn't mean anything else other than that it's just absurd to say bending space is 40 anyway by the way fourth dimensional for those guys I don't know it's basically saying like a fourth physical space like you know how we view fiction as 2d you know like a fourth dimensional space would view us that same way so people try to say oh you know if you warp space-time seeing gulfs our 3d matter like fiction or whatever you know bending it you must be able to interact with it right even if you were to say like that absurdity you can still say that like had a linear multiplier and eight gates only applied he got hundreds of times stronger than the COG a who Naruto is stronger than so it's like Naruto if you were to say scales to might guy who warped space by moving Naruto and KCM would also be fourth dimensional so oh I don't want to get here and like into big brain math arguments but just using some common sense that argument does not put the Espada above Naruto because he still scales to people who also warp space so so this is where we get to the actual answer okay all the big powerhouse is among the Espada with the most attack potency they just don't stack up the Naruto he beats them in their specialties their specialties are being faster being able to destroy things be so much faster and stronger than them that it's irrelevant also if we bring up the teamwork argument where they all use their abilities in sync and they work together like the Ecosse would do much better than the Espada would that's not even like narratively consistent nor is it honest for us to do that it just wouldn't work like we have to really like give these father all the benefits of the dad to say they'd have a chance and I'll honesty the Espada like hate each other they'll they work together cuz Aizen made them the second odd and yet oh and szayelaporro were out of aizen's control they tried to rip each other's heads off Noah Tora tried to kill Grimmjow while still under eyes and control as well and so them using teamwork not very likely like maybe you could argue people like beragon then Lukey Oda and Yami might use teamwork but yeah otherwise it's not it's not really very consistent so the reason I say before we finished with the powerhouse pot is because then we get to the big issue that people are gonna bring out this is the the one soul problem we've got to just put the nail in the coffin and out and that's Barragan now Seth and I've been talking about this a lot in preparation for this actual video and seth has a pretty good argument towards this which is just gonna completely caucus because he is waiting to beyond belief and I think that a lot of people need to hear how he would actually play out in this fight the problem with berrigan's ability is that it's a reiatsu based and it has to interact with other people to actually affect them like his ability can be sealed well it doesn't have time manipulation but it doesn't seem to be immune to things like Hato and even abilities that should be beneath beragon and raw power so his own ability is weaker than that himself for a good bit unless he gets damaged then it can affect him under his yeto or whatever but in this case you would have to prove that berrigan's ability would actually be able to penetrate Naruto's chakra cloak that's a real argument like you would actually have to prove that berrigan's ability is strong enough to penetrate Naruto's chakra Club especially if you're equalizing energy and this is pretty consistent with bleach now there is different arguments with how Rey OPSEU affects abilities in the verse you know like some people say Oh eyes and negging cheek eyes ability to insta kill him with ray off see was actually just kyokasuigetsu his illusion it didn't really happen and bla bla bla but in this case beragon actually did respect Aizen enough to think okay this guy is so strong that my ability I can't just like catch him off guard and kill him with it right and in this this would be a similar this would be a similar case here where if beragon really did fight someone who's astronomically more powerful than him it might not actually affect him especially if Naruto is using his avatar mode or anything of the sort it's really hard to argue it actually penetrate his chakra this is also confirmed by game what Steph just said we're game specifically says this word for word verbatim he says the reason they follow Aizen isn't because if they hypnosis it's because of his raw power in playing even someone considered the king of hueco mundo who has one of the most hax abilities in the series if I hasn't wanted to or someone like stark or Yami or you are depending on how you argue it okay I only added him in because you know depends innate argument there ray also would be able to the ability and another thing to mention is this so the way that SOI fun and Hachi were able to deal with bargain is why they put him into a Kido box and they hit him with an explosion which he couldn't aged in time so he took damage okay now imagine if Naruto does true things he's there's two things he could do here he could he could cover Barragan in a thousand clones that all have their own QB chakra cloaks which would give him durability to withstand the rest fear ability right and then he just shoots him with tailed beast bombs that make SOI funds bankai explosion look like a firecracker or Naruto could do what he did in the anime and boruto where he covered the explosion of mom Aashiqui right he covered the explosion with his QB chakra cloak and he tanked the explosion on the inside of it now sure it won't work the exact same way but the same logic does actually apply instead of containing an explosion he would be smothering Dido spitter ability I'm gonna be honest here right I think that the Espada and we've talked about this before is stronger than say the Akatsuki we've talked about this before like the Espada is very it's almost like they're a bunch of like mini 10 tails jinchuuriki that can fly around and blast away like countries and stuff but in this case they're more like KCM naruto level at KCM 1 or maybe like actually just jinchuriki level rather than full-on KCM 2 sage monarchs a level if that makes sense even if you've said for whatever reason the overpowered naruto right they just obliterate him so Mari just make some slits on throughout and Berrigan floats over his body when he's on the ground and just turns him to dust or something okay six paths Naruto is just not getting negged by the Espada whatsoever his power is so insane that you can you can fight kaga who can rob us you can eliminate entire time-space continuum that have stars in it moons in it and possibly now this is edgy but in the games there's universes in it so it's more like you're kind of comparing them to more like a uhaah type character you know give or take in terms of power and it's like it's really stupid to say that they would even remotely compare to six paths it's also important to note that KCM to naruto while he has lore superior to most of the Espada can also just clone himself thousands of times he can literally make hundreds of clones for each one of the spot and all of them are almost relative to him in power so teamwork is not a thing not at all like if teamwork was the thing Naruto wins on teamwork with himself so it's not really looking good for any of them in any capacity unfortunately as I've said the most comparable thing we can compare the Espada to and it certainly like it's only two of the Espada it's talking to you or Yami at full power with you know all benefits given to Yami because he takes a long time to get strong they're basically just the equivalent of like the ten tails and it's like bitter slow and they're too weak and also people are gonna bring up this argument they're gonna say well stock and fire Infinite's arrows therefore he's universal we had arguments like that yes dr. universal okay but it's gonna take him about a million years to actually blow up the universe so don't even bother bringing that other she's silly as hell NSF said even if we do the teamwork stuff Naruto has a hundred individual Plus clones for every individual Espada and this is only KCM to Naruto not the ones that make that version of Naruto look like nothing like the power clipping between KCM to Naruto and sage of the six paths Naruto is just absolutely insane what he did to moderate when he first appears that's all that needs to be said you could also say with berrigan's ability that if he's fighting clones the clones with like pop or whatever and they've learned berrigan's ability and they could like engulf him with like QB chakra and then have him kill himself similar to how he died in the original I think we talked about that before and when we say they're like 10 tails jinchuuriki or whatever or like mini ones we're not saying they're actually as strong as 10 tails jinchuuriki I want to get the way like are you staying Casey I'm to it beat up a ten tails you turkey is like no I'm saying the way they fight is like a ten tails teacher can you know they fly around they shoot blast you know blah blah blah that's what we say it's like the same sort of law that is given to the ten tails where it can turn the world into just a disaster zone and get rid of the planet itself right we know how and it's even beyond that - I'm just doing the bare minimum stuff here you can give the same sort of arguments to the white to spider like who cure and stock and Yami okay but even with that said they're too slow and Naruto has better attack potency that's why we use that as a analogy to compare the two and obviously adult Marteau and try and hint it out earlier you know and just okay boys that's pretty much the end of the video we wanted to make you guys something fun in the meantime because we do like to collab but this one in particular was a follow-up to the previous one and it also gives you guys something in between this video and naruto vs ichigo which is going to come in the future there will be more updates on that very soon just hear us out when we say that it's a lot more difficult than just a normal video there's things like a lot of money's actually going into the anime which will be done at the end we're not going to be doing any sprite animations it's going to be fully animated with voice actors when we say animation we're talking actual anime animation between the two fighting for about seven straight minutes has cost a lot of money the actual just process if everything is much more difficult than just sitting down and recording your video like this so please be patient it is coming if you want to see that video though please do us a favor if you've watched this far through the video give this video a like let us know in the comments tell us if you want to see Naruto versus Ichigo because we're very sorry for being super vague and not being vocal with you but this is the update hopefully it you know it quenches your thirst for the time being but it is happening still please be patient as I'm gonna say yeah and anyways guys thank you for watching if you made it this far just subscribe you know we'll make more stuff like this in the future and if it wasn't enough for you to watch all the way through might as well right subscribe to the boy Clyde you just hit 100k you know grats by the way other than that guys til next time [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 1,221,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: could naruto beat all the espada, could naruto beat the espada, naruto vs espada, espada vs naruto, naruto, how strong is naruto, naruto vs bleach, ulquiorra vs ichigo, grimmjow vs ichigo, naruto vs sasuke, sasuke vs madara, orochimaru vs naruto, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, naruto vs ichigo, espada vs akatsuki, six paths naruto, naruto vs madara
Id: zvPvqUY2Bt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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