The £25,000 Debt | FULL EPISODE | Spendaholics

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24-year old Simon Bell is an Events Coordinator from Todd Lee in Hampshire mites call me lucky because I'm ginger [Applause] Simon earns 20,000 pounds a year and his debts are a staggering twenty five thousand pounds Simon's totally addicted to football it's a passion bordering on obsession Skye get ticket but don't wear out of consequences just go and get a ticket just go get a train just go the football the gutter football week in week out Simon goes to every single Chelsea match no matter where it is or what it costs it's time to call in the professionals lifestyle expert Jay hunt will target Simon's formidable spending you are going to have to start doing some really serious serious thinking about what's gonna give occupational psychologist Mark Hopkins will look at the behavioral patterns that have forged Simon's over the top spending this is about showing you you can do whatever you want however you think you're you might not be good enough you are gonna be able to [Music] Simon Bell is in deep trouble his debt is 25 thousand pounds and his spending habits are breathtaking over the next four weeks he'll be given advice to turn his life around before they meet Simon experts Mark Hopkins and Jay hunt want a little background information they've wangled the keys to Simon's house and they're hunting for reasons for his mammoth debt while Jay will look for where the money's going mark will concentrate on why it's going here we go Chelsea football marks Chelsea Chelsea I think you can definitely tell the Jen lives here everything has to be so big oh look you see that's interesting mother's day with lots of love Simon I just wonder whether he actually lives here with his mouth yeah oh my where the money's going it's slightly surreal that he is 24 years old this is like walking into a 14 year old single bed aren't I no I just had a quick cause I mean what they're doing is they're they're really close knit bomb just just I'm looking at that you know they really look like they're together and it's like there's nothing else yeah there's no girlfriend if you were a woman and you walked in here you'd be out that door quicker than the living fastest strike yeah that's true AHA statements yeah 17,000 pounds the problem I think is gonna come when we go okay reality time Chelsea is gonna have to be cut down and condensed I don't know whether he's gonna work with us on that you know I think it's gonna be tough yeah so do I bank statements in hand the full horror of Simon spending is about to be unleashed [Music] Simon Bell lives in Todd Lee Hampshire he earns 20,000 pounds per annum as an Events Coordinator Simon's using credit cards to live the high life but at 24 years of age he's heading for the gutter his debt is an astronomical 25 thousand pounds and his spending habits are out of this world he's there behind the goal throw his arms in the air and so euphoric you know when their skill Rigaud his mates share his passion but not his bad habits I know that I need to change my ways I don't want to do it or if I do do it if what they do it I'm gonna hate it probably [Music] having poured over his statements mark and Jay have pinpointed simon's two main indulgences it's time for Simon to face his addiction and meet the experts now can I borrow that rather tasteful Chelsea scarf because if it's okay with you what I'd like to do is just blindfold you right and then take you inside because we've just got a couple of things okay okay stay on there a minute okay walk forwards right and then go off a step now take the blindfold off walk in we'd like you to get in your own football net so when you go can you squeeze in there oh my god there's over a hundred footballs one for every 100 pound Simon spent last year on his favorite hobby well last year you spend ten thousand nine hundred and sixty four pounds fifty pens on football alone surprised by that did you know that was about half of that so you thought it was about five grand been quite a lot of man keep doing it yeah Jay and Mark have another surprise in store for Simon this time relating to his second favorite hobby have a look at all this drink now we've worked out that you spent five thousand nine hundred and two pounds last year in the pub so that's not necessarily all that you've drunk it's your mates as well but that is a total spent on drink I'm sure so you can have a sip while you contemplate how we're going to cut down on this well it's actually the equivalent of seven stone of bodyweight yeah it is which is quite because if you add that on to your tally that you're spending on the football got on to things and absolutely nothing else so somewhat we're gonna work out is how much money you think is the minimum amount that you can live on realistically for the next seven days but before we work that out what I wanted to ask you is how much money you think you get through in your average week on non essential goods think before we spend about 200 a week okay four hundred and fifty pounds and must be football and beer spice now the next seven days is gonna be the new budget how much do you think um I'm gonna football on Sunday like my trainers already paid for match tickets already paid for so if I say that day about he's just really drinking the pub and things about about 100 see iron core temp said to give you that I'm gonna Cardiff on Sunday I can't get a whole day just go first okay caffeine or 25 twit that's really harsh as I suspected about 50 though I thought if I say 100 am I get half not quarter it's 48 hours into Simon's spell of cold turkey for the first time in his life he's thinking about what he spends I'm not bought a single thing at all not one little drink not any little snack I've been out for a point five days in and miraculously Simon has 24 pounds remaining but not for much longer it's frequent never find down for Sunday I hope we drinking 30 Welsh bear dose offshore manager violet the time has come for Simon to examine why he's overspending psychological coach Mark Hopkins is keen to get him talking we so obsessed to the extent of making yourself 25,000 pounds of days really worrying so I really want to find out why is it Simon so tied into the whole world of football because it's actually jeopardizing his whole future and it is the single cause of his death just my start was already playing a simple question why do you think you are 25,000 pounds in there um cuz I'll just love football too much why is it football why is it Chelsea in a ti-89 now it's my first season it was able to vision take how long have you been then over seven or eight seasons I my dad first took me that year and it's just sitting there and when you were that young and he's surrounded by fully grown men it was so involved and so passionate about something it just really affects you just influences you and you say your dad liked it as well so you mentioned your dad a number of times they just talked about that a bit my parents got divorced and I remember I went so first game with my dad and his new wife that was the first game you went yeah yeah and what did that mean to you that day I was brilliant his brain we live on one nil is fantastic would you ever have you ever thought that Chelsea could be a surrogate dad for you it's a bit like a family I think yeah and it is a way of preserved my relationship with my dad I suppose not consciously but it's like I'm saying don't worry dad I'm still doing what you brought me up doing I would suggest that part of the way you live your life is about trying to do things for instant gratification it's all about looking for the happy happy experiences of divorce did hit me hard when I was younger or you know I obviously regret that it did happen perhaps I'll just think I don't want those sort of emotions in my life so I don't have them yeah so the experience is you get from Chelsea and football is something that helps you deal with not feeling those negative emotions like yes what Chelsea anywhere is so positive at a minute no I keep your eye on him yeah I find really interesting that Simon's spending is directly linked to go into football with his dad although he doesn't dwell on the divorce I think it's clear to me that as he's got older what's happened is that the buzz of football is really a continuation of the happy experiences that he had as a child with his dad I think that the divorce was actually a really painful time for him [Music] it's the final day of Simon's cold-turkey budget he's travelled to Cardiff for the Charity Shield match between Chelsea and Arsenal with his training match tickets already covered Simon's out to sink the remaining cash down his throat [Music] on a match day Simon can blows 70 pounds on alcohol this time around he'll have to cope with just one third of that if he succeeds it'll be a minor miracle [Applause] we asked to again victory kicks off a long night of celebrations and the last thing on Simon's mind is budgeting got my cards I'll put a few beers on that don't even get lashed sorry Jay sorry mark no football it's my fault that want to city budgets when you [ __ ] with luckily Simon's mates to the rescue designs day seven of car Turkey but from Cardiff early good day I'm lashed up but I've done it to clear his twenty five thousand pound debt Simon needs to curb his manic spending to show him how lifestyle expert Jay Hunt has drawn up a long-term budget so Simon how did you get on your cold turkey easy really under there did you buy props how difficult was it during the week wasn't so much of a problem Sunday I thought be a problem but then everyone knew what my situation was they get they got in the spirit of their and they just kept buying drinks all day and okay well this is your new monthly budget okay so the Chelsea season ticket stays the same okay because you're paying for that everyone thank you the additional home league match costs are 221 pounds what's that what's your fish standard things like you're in the pub how you get there how you get home having curries on our way back all of that and we are gonna cut that 285 pounds I spend that in one day what you're not gonna be able to Simon season ticket covers all home matches he can afford limited spending money for these games but can no longer justify any away games zero so that is gonna save you seven hundred and eighty three pounds a month which is gonna start paying back those debts the first test really is gonna be Wigan on Sunday first game of the season as champions you have no money at all to get there or buy your beer or anything else there's zero so for me the test is are you going to be going to Wigan on Sunday or not given that you've got absolutely no money to fund anything around it you are going to have to start doing some really serious serious thinking about what's gonna give okay I will day I'm gonna have to say I've already got a choice but yeah like you say J I'm gonna hopefully sort out two days later and Simon has fallen off the wagon and straight onto the train making the 200-mile journey to Wigan with only 85 pounds allocated to football per month Simon can't afford the 25 pound away ticket and usual 70 pound barbell not he's thinking about [Applause] it's another Chelsea triumph and Simon's over the moon Jed should be a last-minute winner sorry Jay I like how much it goes mark wastes no time meeting Simon to find out what's behind his lack of commitment it's about proving to yourself more than anything that you can do other things because yeah you say you want to be more feature focused you know and you're changing your life but actually what you're doing is still playing the same scripts in your head which is I need to do something that I know I'm gonna be successful at yeah yeah I don't what I'm saying to you is in terms of moving forward and being more successful with your life sometimes you have to move outside of that comfort zone and push the boundaries of my I am you know because I really really enjoy my life and so that's why I haven't gone out and tried other things because I'm not wanting to do it fair enough but I would say at the moment you're 25 grand in debt from living your life that way so that's unacceptable to be doing that so I know where you're coming from but actually until you stretch your comfort zone it's gonna hold you back from moving into the future so easier said than done yeah you know and that's what I'm here to help you with you know we'll take you into that next level which all that next level let's push you forward into the next place where you feel some fear yeah I've already felt let's feel some more scaring me if Simon's afraid of what Mark has in store jiae's plans are already underway until now Simon has rejected Jai's advice on living within his means today she reveals a new approach to ease him out of the expensive lager soaked routine of match days okay so we're gonna try something new what we're gonna do is get you to have a personal training session on the day of a match which will do two things one hopefully the feeling of well-being will stay with you and you will not be quite so tempted to net back 20 pints and two because you'll be doing personal training on the same day as a match you'll be in the pub for last time therefore tempted less well there's no time to do personal trainer and go football when you'll be cut down on the pub time and will be getting up earlier no cop in a pub 411 you haven't got to be how would like to be Jay has enlisted X Queens Park Rangers footballer Danny Maddux to assist her he's thrilled to be and you're doing what 15 or 20 yeah well recommended intake out of there isn't it I've got a little prison for you do you realize this is what I carry well you know you put your body after 15 pints it's a custom so you know top a lard okay so I don't know what you want to do it if you want it to slap it on your waist and or your hips and neck because that's where it's going when you're drinking it out so [Music] hold it be fun so good keep going another ten keep going that's good thank you my good Simon good yes I'm looking for right doing a boxercise nearly there keep breathing keep keep that going stop how you feeling Simon Oh sort of favor man I think it's the beer from Sunday coming out of me now would you consider doing recession to delay you getting to the pub and starting the whole ritual of the drinking and spending no I wouldn't get to the pub later what get to the pub normal time so like in time I wouldn't be hammering the beer without just that they'll take it easy so one thing we are agreed on then is that doing physical fitness means you're not going to feel so like going and having 20 points so we're going to absolutely aim to cut down number of points on match day yeah easy to that Jay no props you can rely on me at 25,000 pounds Simon's debt remains critical mark believes Simon's overspending is due to lack of self-confidence outside of the football pack mark wants to show Simon he's stronger than he thinks and capable of breaking through his comfort zone he meets him in London to set a very public challenge well we spoke the other day and I told you I was gonna take you out you come and so what I want you to do Simon is to be a guest compare a London comedy club tonight but this is about taking you out of your comfort zone it's gonna be something that's gonna be really good for you I really want you to go for it what's wrong with that everybody doesn't everyone just what's going to join me all I want to do is go out join my life that's all my day yes live a nice easy life I'm not gonna enjoy this is about showing you you can do whatever you want however you think your you might not be good enough you are gonna be able to let's just talk about this this is no different yeah even you have to think about this any differently if I'm improvising when you're sitting in the crowd and when you are giing up 30,000 people or however many people it is to sing a song because that's what you do like simon's task is to introduce Danny McKinley the headline comedian to get to grips with what's involved mark gets them to meet ya you were gonna introduce Danny let's just this role play yeah if you're gonna introduce Danny now what would you say how would you do it no it's no sir isn't they so good Ashley's it's mine so do a rainbow and schedule let's see that I've seen them since through that comedy club so it does work and it really actually benefits me because the audience will be loose they'll be happy and you'll actually you will be doing your job perfectly as a compair because it's your job to get the audience ready you don't have to be funny you just have to get them ready and if you get do the rain dance might that be swiped that would be good marc has enticed Simon backstage but will he dare to take the [Music] to do this first I can't I'm running a bit only Bitsey minutes could be worse Scott check for a head but anyway for Australia he's like very funny actually say anyone's isn't it tonight yeah tonight though many English I really actually don't you know really five days of rain will win the ashes so would English on your feet when you mate up you get come on that's not that's nothing already doing this come on woody five days of rain Australia [Applause] Oh God hey you did it that's the main thing that is away I feel good about it it was really good I didn't realize the emphasis put on me before a9c this is it what a no no no Matt longer than a few minutes on there Robin Chester I may even minute or something yeah I really think that comedy night was a big turning point because I was absolutely breaking it because I've been living in such a comfort zone for all my life it was just it was such massive tests to be taken out and just thrown in deep end and I'll come out with buzzing so it's like just doing more things like that you know rather than just living the easy life and just plotted along day to day why could you come out with such a massive feeling it's match day the old Simon would be on his way to London for pub opening time the new Simon is treading a cheaper and healthier option enlightenment oh I think I just got a football I've a kind of fights yeah that's my lot I don't really want to go and get lashed up what body's a temple is now anyway never used to be the post-match party is when it usually kicks off for Simon today he faces the lads and resists all temptation to tumble into his own routine taking control of his spending has had a knock-on effect taken down with football gear then supposed today or at least most of it I'm trying to mature my bedroom away from the the kids sort of teenage years on the odd no I should move the Tom's a bit so it's coming down it's like Tony every new leaf getting rid of all this stuff my room I just getting my finances in order I think I'm finally growing up Simon has reached the end of his time with Mark and Jay the experts have arrived in tag Li to see if he really has moved on so Simon we've come to the end how you feeling now Oh preacher yeah it's all right what do you think you've got out of this and I think I've realized that well I've realized I can't keep on living his carefree life just not think about consequences of things I've got to take control of my life more so if Mark and I come back to see you at the end of the season are we gonna find this continued success yeah Erica so because I'm when you see that I'm saving money what it wasn't my first payday we've been doing we've been doing this budget I realized that hang on all that time my finance it's not God paid back almost 600 quid no it was just anyone had already done it well it's all cleared I said well I'm just gonna be brilliant after that longer continue [Music]
Channel: Spendaholics
Views: 156,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spendaholics, Shopaholics, Shopping, Spending, Haul, Addicted, Addiction, BBC, Only Human, Jay Hunt, Benjamin Fry, Debt, Finances, TV Show, Full Episodes, football, soccer, chelsea, chelsea football, made in chelsea
Id: 6t7KR1dyZMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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