"That's It.." Cheating Death Stories

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when did you genuinely think you were going to die what happened instead walking in the woods in norway by myself i came to a clearing where a lot of trees had been cut down and just the stumps were left i remember having this awful that something was off in retrospect i was probably smelling something i wasn't consciously aware of and instinct was kicking in i stopped and suddenly one of the tree stumps lifts up its head and looks at me about 25 meters away this huge bull elk moose is looking at me i did exactly the wrong thing which is looking right back at it straight in the eye which in their world is the equivalent of you what i'm here to bang your ladies bro he starts giving me all the warning signs stamping shaking his head and bucking his version of seriously dude frick off i'm not into you being in my spot at all but i didn't move i just stared at him my bag was about 25 kilos and fully strapped onto me so i wasn't exactly agile but more than anything i was ducking terrified i don't think i really understood the term frozen with fear until then the funny thing about moose is when they're passive they look quite funny droopy faces plodding movement etc when they're angry they totally change their backs suddenly seem sharp their antlers look an awful lot more like battering rams suddenly the standoff ended when this elk just explodes towards me bear in mind a full grown make weighs about 1 500 pounds that's about as much as a small car and can run at 35 miles per hour and i like a freaking idiot just stand there with no control over my legs and nothing but static in my head about four meters from me he comes to a stop massive and horrifying just gesturing that he's going to trample me suddenly my feet come back to me and i start stumbling backwards the tree line was only a few meters behind me and i knew i'd be safer in there they can't move quite so well in the trees so i walk back through the trees the moose watching me the entire way until i'm gone at which point i basically collapse turns out the moves had done something called a dummy charge they go for you and decide in that moment if it's going all the way or not thank frick i was too scared to move the elk thought i was challenging it and backing myself in reality of course i was just terrified it's a weird feeling being so completely helpless in the face of something so completely overwhelmingly powerful letting you decide what happens to you based on nothing i got very very lucky tl dr got charged by a moose it mistook my fear for a stand and left it in high school i had a girlfriend who wanted to tie me up at first i was against it but then my dong was like nah man we should do this so of course i listened to him so we are in my bedroom and things are getting heavy so she gets the rope and ties me up i'm starting to think hey this isn't so bad then she starts choking me with this glassed over look on her face just no expression as she chokes me i can't fight back and i'm struggling against the ropes finally i pass out when i come back to a couple of minutes later i am untied and she is lying next to me watching tv i was 100 sure i was gonna die and i didn't even get off two stroke ten would not recommend my raft flipped over a waterfall and i got trapped underneath i kept swallowing water and i remember very clearly thinking god just make it quick i then thought just remember the training course and managed to get out from under the raft but my neck came out between the raft and the rope used to pull it someone on the other side was tugging the rope to stay near the raft and they didn't realize they were strangling me i had to go back under to escape which was one of the hardest decisions of my life i managed to get out again and was pulled atop the raft after we were driven back to the launch point we saw the photo booth of our faces in horror and my strangling the photographer was just doing her job and everyone else on the tour laughed at my face choking for air i cried so hard and i've never forgiven that then i got a burger so things worked out i was riding my bike the gear shift was a little off so i stopped to fix it i was on a residential road where cars rarely go through this big red car comes from the corner and stops a few feet before it hit me i stood there in shock until the driver waved me on i got to the other side of the road and started to thank whatever god took favor upon me that day what makes this more amazing is that the driver was on his cell phone i had a cortical brain thrombosis i had an intense seizure and remember being put down to lie flat and seeing a bright white light my subconscious must have spoken to me but i remember saying this is it and feeling really calm i woke up feeling as i had been thrown back and popped up and my first words were i'm alive i was okay just a blood clot and a vein in my brain that left me scared to fall asleep for months almost got jumped by 20 guys in philly walking down an alley at night dumb i know in between rows of warehouses turn a corner there are 10 guys hanging out around a car to the right so we turn to the left they're following us about quarter mile down there is a busy street we could outrun these alley guys just then 10 more guys block our escape down the alley ahead as the distances are closing in the last gap between warehouses the 10 foot high barbed wire fence hadn't been shut so we just walked out of that back onto a busy street you probably missed an epic back alley turf related dance off i had the most severe asthma attack of my life when i was around 12 13 years old it was 3 am and i woke up from a horrible nightmare where i couldn't breathe lo and behold i really couldn't breathe the only way i could explain the feeling is imagine drowning while only getting sips of air through a tiny straw while an obese person sits on your chest i reached for my rescue inhaler which turned out to be bone dry i mustered up some energy to wake my parents up who rushed me to the aware i waited an excruciating four hours to be seen by a doctor to give me an asthma inhaler machine the receptionist nurse was a huge bee who may as well have been on the rag while coping with a breakup because i went up to her several times telling her i couldn't breathe to which she replied sit and wait your turn the kicker here is i waited four hours gasping for air to be hooked up to a machine that took less than five minutes to allow me to breathe properly i freaking hate hospitals and that receptionist be when i was seven i was told that the mole on my neck was cancerous and that it needed to be surgically removed my entire family was there to see me often they all bought me stuffed animals and i thought for sure i was never going to wake up that all these people were seeing me for the last time i woke up a while later in a hospital bed and got to see my family again i was chugging honey from one of those honey bear bottles after just returning home from a run since i was still out of breath from the exercise i inhaled a glob of honey right down my windpipe realized i couldn't breathe and immediately became greatly concerned i thought i was home alone so i ran outside but didn't see anyone on my street i went back into the house thinking this was it i felt pretty calm considering and definitely appreciated that the whole situation was pretty weird somehow i eventually managed to cough it out which was nice my roommate who i did not realize was upstairs said i sounded like a dog choking on a tennis ball i hope we can all learn a lesson from this i was driving a vintage wagoneer up a steep mountain pass in early spring came around a bend and was greeted by a wall of snow knowing i couldn't make it through i started backing up the ice on the path caused the vehicle to start sliding back toward the side of the road which is a 100 plus foot drop with nothing but rock below i told my girlfriend to get out of the car and take all the food and blankets because i genuinely thought i was going to slide off the road and die she refused to leave me and i eventually backed down to a safe place without sliding off the cliff survived and discovered my girlfriend his balls of steel and love me trusted me enough to risk death i married her i contracted fulminant meningococcemia a deadly infection when i was 22 woke up one morning saw a deep purple golf ball-sized pitachi flat looks like a hickey type mark actually blood vessels rupturing under your skin on my stomach after a night of being ill recognize it as a sign of meningitis the kind kids are now immunized for and freaked out friends rushed me to the air my blood pressure was 60 stroke 30 and i was already in renal failure over the next three weeks i was in a coma on full life support with arts acute respiratory distress syndrome dick basically your blood clots as soon as it is formed multiple organ failure a hematite from my adrenals unable to maintain my blood pressure and receive 30 plus units of blood products i also received a drug in phase 3 trials at my pulmonologist worked on somehow i came out of the coma and all of my organs except for my adrenals started working again i lost blood flow to parts of my skin over each major joint two fingertips and both of my feet i had to have debridements like a burn patient to get rid of necrotic skin and bone ended up with a few skin grafts bilateral below the knee amputations and missing two fingertips spent three months in the hospital and another two in a hospital bed at home waiting for wounds to heal my mom is an arnp and former burn nurse wound care expert so they discharged me to her care after i recovered i spent seven years as a vaccine advocate i spoke all over the us and puto rico for a major pharmaceutical company worked with several non-profits and did peer visits to new amputees in the hospital i also became a spokesperson for the organ donation and procurement network in my area and went back to school for a degree in public health now i am my grandmother's caregiver and i still work with a meningitis awareness organization as well as the organ donation procurement network i guess basically i was just existing on earth before i got sick and decided that had i left at that moment i would not have left an impression i would be proud of now i think if i died right this second i could be proud of how hard i have tried in this world to make it a better place for others i genuinely thought i was going to die on the theme park ride tower of terror at disneyland mentally i was okay at the start of the ride getting strapped in and then watching the movie thing as the elevator begins to lift higher and higher i knew it would be scary but i figured it would be a laugh and a drop ride isn't that big of a deal anyways immediately after the first drop i regret everything my thoughts went from oh my god this is really scary too oh my god i'm going to die stop the ride i'm dying very quickly i may or may not have started crying and hobbled out of that ride with the jelly legs still crying afterwards happiest place on earth lies i got hit in the head with a football and wasn't just winded i seriously could not breathe it must have blocked my airway or some crap i was in total panic shock mode for about 10 seconds i was grabbing at my teammates trying to get them to help eventually i started to breathe again scary day i got really sick one night and threw up every hour on the hour after six hours or so i was very dehydrated i tried to walk down the dorm hallway out the door and across the street to get some food and drink it took 10 minutes to go down the hallway i went back to my room i could barely walk my heart was racing my muscles barely worked apparently when you vomit a lot it not only dehydrates you it lowers certain minerals you need to live a friend came by to check on me about two hours later she and another friend carried walked me to the car and drove me to the hospital my potassium levels and calcium levels were so low my heart wasn't working right my parents were called and told to get there before i died they barely managed to start an iv due to my dehydration i have scattered memories of this time anyways they got my levels back up and my professors were nice enough to let me reschedule my finals interestingly enough my son did the same thing around age 16 he had flu i took him in earlier of course but his levels were super low as well the iv to replace the potassium i think took close to six hours when i got in a fight at schuli's australian spring break i think kicked in the ribs at the start of the fight then punches throne etc till we were both on the ground in a doorway on the street i remember being punched about five six times by his mate the fight was probably five versus seven eight we lost ended up with a fractured nose busted up lip but other than that i was fine i went back to our hotel room and started drinking went to sleep a few hours later feeling pretty sore but nothing too bad woke up the next day feeling a bit worse but didn't take much notice of it went down to the beach at a swim and continue drinking it hits about 9 p.m and i'm pretty drunk and baked at this point when i notice i am getting considerably sore in my rib area and breathing is slowly getting more painful i go to lie down for a bit and after about 20 minutes my breathing is getting worse and worse i can only take really shallow breaths and can barely sit up i eventually get myself to the edge of the bed still breath very shallow with a lot of pain in my rib and lung area finally a mate of mine walks past my room and asks if i'm okay and i can't even talk basically i get driven to the hospital which is luckily a two-minute drive away by my drunk friend and went straight to the emergency unit i'm told i've got a cracked rib which has been swelling onto my lung the entire night which has now caused my lung to collapse hence the shallow breathing and pain they stick one of those big butt needles into my chest just above my heart array inflate my lung doctor tells me if i had been 10-15 minutes later to the hospital i probably wouldn't have made it no more fights for me being sick triggered a panic attack and you could probably figure out how that went felt like i was having a heart attack a friend and i decided we wanted to go to her parents camp in the middle of winter in ontario canada about minus 20 celsius at night to see a lunar eclipse the campsite would eventually have a winterized house but at this time it was a structure with a wood burning stove we park at the bottom of the site and take supplies and a dog burmese mountain dog and start our hiking it's dark cold and snow up to our knees but we're determined to see this eclipse from the camp a walk that normally takes 15 minutes probably took over an hour we finally get to the house and we are so cold so we huddle up with the dog and try to light the fire we can't light anything substantial so we figure we'd just use each other's warmth to sleep after some time i honestly don't know how long we realize that without substantial heat we won't do well overnight so we decide to walk back out this walk takes even longer and the dog is now cold and resistant to walking have you ever tried to drag a cold large burmese mountain dog through snow up to his belly it was not fun at one point we decide to rest and we just sit in the snow we're so cold tired and numb i realize at that moment that we are legitimately in danger of falling asleep and freezing to death if we don't keep moving no one knew we left the camp so no one would look for us until morning the next day anyways we keep going and aim for a neighbor's house i use the term neighbor lightly so that we can warm up before getting back into a cold car once we get there we sit in front of a fire to warm up and my feet are screaming though no longer scared of dying i'm now scared i have frostbite i take off my layers of socks and find purple toes we decide then to drive to the hospital rather than stay at the warm house by the time we got there most of the color had returned and ultimately i only had frost nip which means no permanent damage but it was quite painful and scary for a while so that's my story the stupidest thing i've ever done but a great memory since it all worked out was drinking water and must have had some go down the wrong hole one job epiglottis frick i started full on struggling to breathe i'm not asthmatic but i'm assuming it's how a serious asthmatic attack feels every breath got harder and harder to take until i was rasping for breath and i thought it would keep getting worse till i couldn't breathe it went on for about a minute total but about 20 seconds and i just thought okay this is how i die there was a whole group of people about three meters away from me too and no one did anything i took a couple steps out of the way thinking i was having a bad cough at the start but thought someone would have noticed was weird i'm assuming my trachea spasmed as a reaction to having water go down it it felt awful went too far off the beach in the atlantic ocean last year without knowing how to swim a big wave sucked me in i cried for help and eventually started drowning the whole life flashed in front of me and i thought that was it i closed my eyes and i woke up to a pretty lifeguard giving me mouth to mouth instead a bit different at age 13 i went to my family doctor around christmas time told him i was having these weird fainting spells and peeing a lot i mean a lot the doc took a bit of blood then came back in with wide eyes and announced that i had type i diabetes and i needed to run to the local children's hospital right now and they already had a bed waiting for me at 13 i knew nothing about diabetes no family history and i didn't even know anyone who had it all i knew was that my health classes kept saying that it was in the top five killers of americans and so of course i was terrified i sobbed in the car with my dad all the way home to pack a change of clothes then all the way to the hospital where the staff were waiting with a bed and panicked expressions on their faces they were shocked that i walked in under my own power that definitely didn't help well what happened instead was that i got educated primary children's hospital in salt lake city is amazing i had sodas diet of course and video games in my room i had awesome and caring nurses and a goofy new endocrinologist who i thought looked like bearded john lennon friends came to visit and my family all showed up to my room on christmas morning that was 24 years ago so i guess i'm doing okay now i did not so much think i was going to die i thought i was dead woke up and could only see white nothing but white turns out i was staring into my white bedroom wall had a similar experience the lights went out while i was in the bathroom with no windows and everything suddenly went black and there was complete silence i started yelling and no one answered so i thought i was dead until the lights turned back on 10 seconds later i gave myself alcohol poisoning after drinking an entire bottle of 110 proof vodka i woke up in a pool of vomit and could barely move i had no idea what was going on and kept blacking out any time i tried to hold on to a thought that's how i spent most of my day alone i was freezing like i was laying in a snow bank i think i may have had a seizure at some point because i woke up with a busted lip i alleged thought i was going to die that day instead i laid on the floor regretting my actions and thinking as best as i could manage to about my life i made peace with myself and was ready to go but obviously i didn't die i was absolutely miserable for days but i pulled through without medical help which was stupid if you suspect you have alcohol poisoning get your dumb butt to the hospital i think i may have killed some brain cells and my liver is definitely shot so i have basically no alcohol tolerance anymore and all that peace i made with myself that went right out the window the minute i realized that i wasn't going to die back to self-loathing and regret and a reason to drink my ex was trying to get me into drugs and pressured me into taking ecstasy while we were in india i managed to argue him down to just half a pill as i really didn't have a good feeling about it so a little while later i'm laying on the bed and having a mad trip where i'm being dragged down to the bed of the ocean and i'm about to be eaten by this huge monster that's like an abomination of a huge octopus with more tentacles with great white shark teeth in the middle of its pulsating belly in my mind i knew this meant i was going to die and i was okay with that it felt peaceful and i was ready to give in just as i made that decision i started to get pulled back and i came round to find myself sitting under a freezing cold shower with my ex panicking and screaming at me to wake up and breathe turned out i'd stopped breathing for at least a couple of minutes i don't know what they gave you but that doesn't sound like ecstasy at all at least not from what i've seen felt super glad you're okay and that they're your ex now i was skiing some trees in breckenridge called needles eye which are very steep and very thick after regretting my decision for about 10 minutes i spotted a very tight shoot which would get me down about half the run so i put on my big boy pants and hit the chute everything was going fine for the first five seconds till i got to the end of the shoot and saw a giant branch blocking my entire path i tried my best to hit the brakes but it was too late i clipped the branch and proceeded to tomahawk down this run of 40 miles per hour and all i remember thinking was that a giant tree would stop my fall at any moment and that it was really going to hurt somehow i hit no trees and stopped my slide on my own looked up the hill to figure how i was still alive only to see a dad with his two children looking down at me in horror yolo when i was like 12 or 13 there were rumors about an online game if you lose within the first five levels you die in real life within a week all my classmates were either guys who won the game or who were afraid of playing sue i decided to try it and i wasn't good at that game at all and i lost at level three i was paranoid the whole week i visited the church twice a day i was trying to be kind to everyone around and i even was googling how to write your will was the most terrifying week of my life either that was hoax or i'm a ghost typing xd if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 12,834
Rating: 4.9193954 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, cheating death stories, close calls
Id: lRI7xD00hWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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