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welcome to another pal World video today I'm going to be showing you some really really cool little glitches some really handy ones as well and also the most overpowered pal in the entire game he is kind of the most overpowered one you'd think it's a jet dragon like I've got here but with this glitch you can make it the best pal in the game carry on watching to find out who that is and we'll jump in today with the first glitch and I think this is a really really cool one honestly if you could leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel that' be much appreciated and we can make more of these glitch type videos going forward so this first glitch today we have is how to capture any of the bosses around the map so if I go on the map I mean these ones here so the ones that are out in the open not the tower bosses I've already done a video on that yesterday if you want to go and have a look I'll leave a link in the description down below but I will capture any of these they cannot be in a dungeon so the ones that are above ground so as an example I am near this Anubis right here he's level 47 I'm going to build my power box right here doesn't really matter where but the first thing you want to do is build this and now you need to build a viewing cage as shown on screen here so we build this and obviously when you're moving you can't get into it like this because if I try and run through it doesn't work you don't want to build it you want to leave it like this so and then need to aggro him onto me so I'm just going to go Boop and I need going to get him towards me and he's going to run towards this right here so now we are in line with him look at this so we can't get here at all so what I want to do is throw my jet dragon down in the middle and I'm going to ride him sometimes it's quite difficult to get to ride him there we go so now I'm in you can't actually get off him so what you need to do is go into your party drop him like that and it'll drop out the ball you can pick him back up and now as I have my sword I can just sit here and swipe him and hit him as much as I can so as you can see he is now down to 300 HP I did build it over there but he kept running away so I've rebuilt it near his area right here so I can now I think I can actually go and capture him from here the thing you know have to worry about is now he's got out the ball he will try and go after you but as long as you have enough pal spheres you can actually end up cheesing him before he even makes an attack like that he didn't attack me once and it's such a simple way of getting these big bosses and once you're done like this you can just hold to cancel like that and then go back to your pile base and then just cancel that this next glitch here is a really really cool little glitch in the game this involves these Army Camps or these Syndicate camps right here so obviously we've got all of these just aggroed on me so what we want to do is we want to kill all of them apart from one so we've just got the one guy left if you want to farm their goods so like their their power spheres that they have the ammo that they drop you want to to leave one alive and while he's still here I now want to return to the title and then reload back in okay now we are back in I've instantly spawned with all of them AG on me so this is really really good if you just want to farm all of the resources that they drop they spawn all back in if you kill all of them and then try and do this it won't work because you completed the camp if that makes sense so you just need to leave one and then carry on doing it again so this next glitch is to show you how to complete any of the dungeons in the entirety of power world I have just chosen this of complete random so I have a dungeon right here this is how to beat any of the dungeons in the entire game without even having to fight anybody and I literally mean anybody so first of all you need to get one of your flying mounts out so we want to climb up onto the wall just here so you need to get one of them out over there for example and then we need to climb up the wall about halfway or so and while you're up here you go to pet your pal just like on here sometimes it won't work and it will do things like this which is totally fine because you then just try it again and then once it's done it after a little while it should then glitch you outside of the wall just keep petting them like this and it might end up working sometimes say look he's caught in the ceiling at the moment so I should probably bring him back [Music] in there we go as you can see I am now outside of the map so it does work sometimes it's a little bit glitchy so what you need to do now is just locate where the final room is and as you can see the final boss area always has this tall concrete wall behind it so what you need to do is go over here and to make sure you know where you are you can just peek through the wall so now we just need to do the same method as we did earlier to get back through the walls oh there we go so that's worked so you can tell it's worked when you can see in front of him and he has gone through there so you just then jump on him and look at that we have already defeated the dungeon get the loot from the chest and now we can just fully leave and get out the dungeon simple as so I see a lot of debate online asking what is the best pal in the game what is the best pal in power world well if I were to tell you that this guy right here is the best pal in the game would you believe me well actually he is because he really can be with this really really simple glitch so what we want to do is we want to have a party of the sweeper and then three of his little s okay so now what we need to do is we need to throw him down so currently he is a skill rating of 496 attack and 462 defense so now what we need to do is go into the party we need to drop all three of the S like so drop drop and drop go to pick the three guys back up and then we can get back on on him and if we take a look in the party his attack and defense have gone up and you can keep doing this as much as you like so remember he's now gone up to 627 and 584 pick all three of them up and you can go back into our party and he's at 75977 so this thing is in nuts because you could just keep going as much as much as you want you could go as high as you like he could end up being more powerful than pretty much any of the powers in the game he could be better than the jet dragon he is pretty slow but the fact that you can upgrade his defense like this through a glitch is absolutely crazy so that just about sums up today's video if you did enjoy and found any of these glitches helpful or use them for yourself let me know down in the comments down below and leave this like as well that would be much appreciated thank you very much for watching and goodbye
Channel: HamSanner
Views: 566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld glitches, palworld 3 glitches, new palworld glitches, palworld top 3 glitches, palworld 3 new glitches, palworld glitches 0.1.4, new palworld glitches after patch, palworld capture npc, palworld capture human, palworld capture enemy, palworld dungeon chest glitch, palword secret chests, palworld glitch, tower boss glitch, glitch unlimited, new palworld glitch, palworld boss glitch, palworld loot glitch, palworld best chests, palworld money glitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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