We made A Mistake, 1,000 HP LS Doesn’t fit In The Boss’s Burn-Out Pacer!

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the most logical thing to do is to just cut the one of one only in existence windshield you guys agree we stayed super late last night we got a ton of stuff done but we've got a lot of work to get done on this Pacer so let's get to work now we're going to get the motor and transmission out so hillbilly is going to grab the cherry picker get this thing lifted and then I don't know Sean will do more stuff and then I'll do more stuff we do more stuff yeah we're going to do more stuff uh then we're going to work on the rear end cuz we have our quick performance rear end housing we went a 9 in I think we already told you guys but we have a Ford 9 in rear end with a brace super cool it's going to have 35 spine axle shafts in it it's going to have all the good Dads and dillies I think that's why cheering that one's tight oh I did tighten that one didn't I think this one's tight too almost there now you're wedged up against the firewall again can you lift it up a little bit more or is it going to hit the car it I am working don't worry I'm finding more parts for Summit oh I ordered a bunch of aluminum yesterday for the 57 it'll be here today once we get it out we put the oil pan back on there only three put back in it just marking down right here to cut this chunk out of the front suspension crossmember cuz the oil pan hits we can't take it out the motor out with the oil pan on there so we have to take the oil pan off to get the motor out so just got it all marked going to get it cut out and put a piece of plate in on an angle so that way and clears it slide right out like it's supposed to okay like that just my fingers I pressed the plate out stamped it cut it and everything just by going like that but I wouldn't try it at home cuz it might hurt your fingers now what's the plan leaving it like that doesn't look good uh yeah now I want to take a piece of plate and go like this where it sits diagonally this way and then make two triangle plates that come down right here to tie into that it's going to look good and I think we're getting Sean come give me your opinion oh yeah that's beautiful man all right you went and flip on it oh yeah it's more than all night sleep that's right not bad even though it's going to get ground off second time you see it it's freaking good look look at it day two day two guys okay could be better but it's not bad could be worse but you know what we're learning here you're learning I'm learning Hillbillies I don't know what hill trying to learn we're going to pull this repair panel off Sean's going to finish it up here in a little bit but look at how awesome that guy is so talented put that out of the way we've got to get this rare end out because we got to Quick performance we're putting in it's not sponsored we just got us an awesome rear end bing bada boom all right that rear end grab a hammer coone okay B yeah Ren's basically ready to come out we're going to bang off everything and then we'll get it [Music] out now what I need you to do I need you to lift up and I'm going to push towards you I'm going to let my side fall out okay just bring it back yep tell when you're ready ready hey watch your fingers old rubber oh okay now I go do the driver's side so we're getting the shock bracket P out of here we'll save those cuz we might need them all right so we've got a quick performance 9 in check this out I had a test to make it with a back brace this is the exact width that we need for this Pacer this thing is going to be indestructible so we're a little bit out on getting our gear set and the axle shafts but I wanted to get this housing here so that we can get it in the car get the angle set and get this to where we can get the housing powder coated so anyway not sponsored just super good product I've used quick performance before in the charger and anyway it's going to have a py track 350 gears but they sent us all the all the UB bolts everything so we actually have two sets because we went ahead and got um a set of Cal tracks from Calbert racing so anyway we're not going to put the cow tracks on today we're just going to show you guys what it is oh got a bolt kit but anyway here's our purchase so this is what we're doing is we want to get this all set and get it to where we can fit it all anyway I'm going to have go clean these up so we can TIG W them I'm just trying to get this all cleaned up so that when we TIG weld it it's [Music] clean we' got this side cleaned I'll do the exact same thing to the other side and then we're setting it up in here getting the angle set oh crap we were supposed to check the angle before we the transmission hillbilly yeah we might have to set the motor and tranity back in cuz we didn't check the angle all you know is about that angle I know crap all right so we'll get Hill working on that we got that Notch now so it should be just so practice we'll get the setup in there and then yeah we're going to have to put the motor transmission back in we'll set the degree we'll weld it pull it all back apart yeah we're getting a lot done but it doesn't seem like a lot cuz it takes a long time all right it's a good thing Sean's here cuz he saved our butts he set the motor at 7° so we're going to set the rear end at 7° also and it should match all right I just checked and the perches don't fit over these bolts so I'm going to cut it off and we're going to send hillbilly to Napa to go get a new one [Applause] so I don't care much about that I cut into the leaf because our friends over at Alcan spring in Grand Junction are making us a new set of leaf springs for this you guys might remember Alcon Springs they did Old Blue um they've done Trail Mater they've done every one of Rory's Vehicles because they make amazing Springs so they're doing a set of Pacer Springs pretty excited about that we'll get them here and put those in also um we can also possibly grab a ratchet let me see if this doesn't come out out um if it won't come out then let's grab an impact and impact the bottom yep grab me an impact it okay so Hill belly can take this now and somehow get this out oh it's moving was itless come on it ain't coming off you're going to have to use the vice in this oh here that was easy we got one I don't know why we didn't just do that the first time okay I'll be right back thank you all right so hillbilly went grabbed me the center pins we'll get them tightened up then we can finish installing this we in okay good enough sits on there perfect it's only going to go did you have to pop no yeah just it'll only go kill like tight and then it'll pop off like it hit it yep so now you can set Yours oh God I thought for a minute I was like did I forget that but it sets on top what is this this is the rear axle housing this is your your rear axle housing sweetie now tape measure and you'll measure yep so that's where it's got to be that's where I'd be if I was yeah this is really difficult did they put the screw on there for you or did you yeah this is how it came so are you guys enjoying this yet demy thinks this is a joke she doesn't think this burnout car is real want you to know here this isn't a joke only only the nicest of the nice legal right of course ohry has to be able to drive it exactly what mama wants driver Mama be getting cold starts at in the morning she's going be waking up all the [Music] neighbors oh right in the mornings this might be the only thing that lives in my garage yeah exactly nothing else besides boxes live in there uh right on seven um all you want is to get it tight and then just make it towards barely barely snug oh we're pretty dang CL actually wowers just dead on is it [Applause] [Music] yep ready it'sot to be really hot don't burn yourselves where you going oh be careful o o my first day on the job One Step Closer do you guys not even care oh they care no they don't all right I took a stab it TIG welding super thick metal so I got this perch all welded but I'm going to let the professional weld the other side and then that's basically all we can do today cuz we got to work on some other stuff oh we also finished this up so we smooth this all in but I kind of like the way those welds look in the corners and I did them so I'm going to leave them Sean did the rest but at least a couple of my welds are in there this front end is looking like a show car couple of our welds yeah your welds yeah you but you ground yours here's the problem well you make it all smooth cuz that's right where the ball actually looked pretty dang good so neither of us are TIG welding professionals but we're about to be about be figuring it out yeah so I had Sean helped me out he gave me a few more pointers and we got this other side all TIG welded it's looking way better this is something that I'm going to get proficient at it's just going to take a lot of time Sean was telling me that stainless steel is super hard we've got a lot of stainless steel pipe coming because we've got a turbo kit twin turbo kit there's going to be a lot of opportunities to learn which I'm super excited for but we got the quick performance rear end the housing is completely ready to go to Kevin's so we've just got to make a trip up there and drop some stuff off check on the engine it's going to be another time but got a lot of stuff done engine and transmission are mounted rear end is all ready got all the welding done on the front end we're waiting on lease we got the crossmember built what do you think we got a ton of stuff done I think honestly now it's assembling everything well and then Lots yeah lots more for a lot of parts we got a huge order coming from our friends over at Summit Racing today lots and lots of stuff we're gonna have the UPS man's going to think it's Christmas here in a couple of days he's going to hate us I had unload at all I know so Sean is working on paneling this out so where we made a clearance he's building sheet metal and then he's got a trim this out so it's coming along nice I mean that's you're never going to be able to tell that we cut that whole entire p pel out to fit a custombuilt twin turbo LS it's going to look Factory all right we're going to get the day started just you know doing a little bit of Pacer workout I'm so excited about the Pacer I hope you are too but we got a bunch more do over here that's what we're using so bend her outside we'll start getting things set up we got all our bars cleaned we'll get them put back in the car get them in position will probably start tacking them cuz the front bars they're ready ready to go in get final tacked and then we're going to build the rear bars so got a lot of stuff to accomplish today thanks for being here it's time to get the bars in for the last time so the other day hillbilly cleaned them all up so now we're going to put them in tack them get them where we need them you know all right so just like a jigsaw puzzle start fitting these bars up in they're just going to kind of sit there until we can ratchet strap them and get them tight once we get them tight tacky tacks so we'll grab a couple ratchet straps we'll get this up into place roughly and then show you it a lot of straps I've never done a cage before but this seems like the only logical way to me to get all your bars where they need to be set putting a little bit of pressure sucking them into each other and I need to move this bar forward just a hair but with the upward pressure it's not wanting to move so we're going to ask it nicely to move okay so what we're really after is making sure that these line up at the exact same spot on the bends so this side we feel we have fairly decent we might put a little pry bar pressure here get it away a tiny bit but overall I think we're just about where it needs to be I like it and then our Dash bar our upper Dash bar goes in real well yeah I think doing need to kick this bottom over here yeah but we're going to need one more strap I think all right so we're about 3/8 of an inch lower on this side so I'm going to let a click out of it there's a click now we check it it's like perfect of money yep okay 36 and 3/4 so I think that we are even now oh yeah I think we are like even even okay now we'll get the wi bar kind of set I mean we have banjo strings all over B and pressure but that's all right we're just making sure that our tolerances are real tight okay we'll this one we're going to do manually we're going to put it up we'll hold it we'll make sure it's even and we'll pack it all right so I've got that first bar in I've got the base of the hoop welded I need to T back up there then I'm coming over to this bar and then we'll go to the the upper window bar so I've got everything notched or sorry I've got everything tacked in place now we're trying to work this front windshield bar I've just got to take my Notch a little bit deeper cuz I want to put it up a little [Music] [Applause] higher I've got a clamp over here because I know where I want it getting closer but not quite got to go a little bit more up so eyeballing and it looks pretty straight so I'm going to move it a little bit more up on this side I mean we could even could even Notch it a little bit more and move the whole thing up just trying to figure out where to place that bar I've got the bar just about ready now we just need to weld prep it put it back in but I'll make a mark where it goes hurry and pull it out clean up up the the Notch and we'll be good to go all right we got it all buffed up now we can go and weld it fully welded all the way around this is fun something like I've said a thousand times now I've always wanted to do this now that I'm getting to this is freaking awesome all right so we've got the main hoop welded in solid I've got the bottom I've got the top bars I got all the way around those barss that was miserable but I was able to get it um I've got this windshield bar fully welded all the way around I've got it attached up front it's attached at the bottom there's a little bit of MiG welding we need to do just on some of these bigger gaps down here but we made a ton of progress we didn't get a Bend any bars but you know what I think me and Colton will come tomorrow and we'll get those bars knocked out so Saturday night we're tired and we're hungry so we're going to go see our family so it is tomorrow all right so our intake showed up from Holly performance and it's a high ram intake we're putting our tick performance in cooler in here so we're afraid that it's not going to fit we're going to throw the motor transmission back in place put the intake in place and check it to see if we have clearance issues which we might so we figure it out cool that work so we're mounting our transmission because this is going to determine height of the motor and we want to make sure that we are as close as possible so if we have to make modifications we can all right so this is the lower half of the plenum for the intake we're going to see how bad it hits uhoh just cut right there we could build offset motor mounts yeah slide it Forward slide it for well all you got to do is just cut your brackets off and make longer ones yeah my well it might push it to the back it might have to is that going to interfere with our steering let me show you what we're dealing with oh God okay now you see what we're working with it's a little bit of an issue that's going to look so cool from the driver's view the passenger view yeah if we can mount it look at that that looks so freaking cool we are way high so even with the short ram that's the that's the thing are we going to be able to short short ram ain't going to be enough so I think we Notch it and you build right up and around where we can yeah definitely but would it be in our best interest to throw the bushings in so that we're accurate so why don't we lift the engine let's throw those bushings in let's get motor mount bolts in it's good thing we checked this before you got done so here's the thought we were thinking about moving the motor forward thinking about doing a bunch of dumb stuff the most logical thing to do is to just cut the one of one only in existence windshield you guys agree why not down break windshield yeah so I called my buddy Heath at Clear Sight autog glass and he is willing to break it for me so he has a water jet that he can actually cut glass and he does it all the time successfully so what we'll do Sean will cut this we'll get this positioned to where all of this fits and then we'll make a new track that the a new pinch weld that we can urethane the windshield in it's going to have a big old cute Notch and we're going to have this big humongous Plum here and it's just going to work we will have the one of one wind yeah we'll have the one of literally the one of one wind windshield and then we'll have to find us a second one and they're like $3,000 but that's minor so I'm just going to open this up get some fittings in here so that we have a rough idea of where we need to notch it so I'm thinking probably 2 in past this will be a good denomination to P off so this is a -60 to a -16 jic or -16 fitting and then we'll have big old fittings that come off of here so the cool Factor just went up oh yeah all right so we put the intake up there and Sean's got it all marked out that we're cutting the firewall out voila not every day you just cut a big Notch out of the yeah it's not every day that you need more room for an engine and you just cut it now should we see how she look now we're not putting a fitting on this side but we want to make sure that our Notch is even so we have a fitting there and a fitting here so we're going to notch it out a little bit more and we'll be able to slide it in get that centered figure out where our windshield now one thing we are going to do I'll show you this windshield Notch isn't going to be as big as you might think so once this is slid back we can show you but the notch will only have to go like this cuz it's going back back and up and it tapers in so it's not going to be this big humongous square that you might [Music] think how did you get that to do that he he I make tools work for me yeah Sean okay he is the master of the tools the tools don't Master him like that all right you just figured out how to master the tools yeah people are going to wonder how in the heck we got our freaking windshields notched yeah we'll just tell them it was limited edition yeah like oh wait you don't have one you don't have that your Pacer doesn't have that is everybody okay did you see this I know I heard you this was just a guide that's not even I don't even understand it he's all oh it's just that easy you just shrink it you just stretch it and it turns out perfect all right so we have a road map of what we're doing so Sean's got this piece here you can see it's contoured the windshield when we trim it we're going to trim it right along that it's going to be so awesome now we've got all the room in the world we can come up here tie it in over here we're going to cut this panel so Sean's got it tacked in we're going to angle cut it here slide this whole Corner over and that's going to line it up with this Bend and it's just going to look clean so lots of stuff to do um in the morning we're going to be able to pull the motor get all this stuff ready so we can take it up and get a powder coater from our friend Kevin up at powder Shing Coatings but I think that me and Colton need to work on the rear bars so we can get the cage all finished up what do you think Colton oh yeah down Little W all right we got the intake manifold the intercooler off we're going to pull the motor Sean got all his measurements everything he needs with the motor in so now we're going to pull it so he can actually get to it and do it right yep so it is the next day and as you guys just saw they've got the intake taken off that thing is going to be our secret weapon cuz it's weighted it's like 5,000 lb so the front end of this car is going to have all the weight no weight in the rear we're just going to be able to do big old smoky burnouts they won to be touching the ground yeah we're going to get this motor and transmission out so Sean can keep fabricating the firewall I'm just excited I don't even know what to say anymore other than I'm excited all right hillbilly is working on the crossmember just got to adjust these a little bit be able to get my bolts out this side has a junk bolt in it so we do have to change this side this one's just a mock up bolt just got the transmission class pulled putting the bolts back into the frame just so we know where they're at need to mock it up again we're not searching for bolts and then I'll get the mount off the transmission and then under here will'll be done oh believe got to be careful oh look at that and notched crossmember is all we need so is this the last time we got to put this in and out no no cuz the turbo will show up we'll get it out we'll set it over here the turbos will show up that's good now we got to build turbo mounts [Applause] and just like that spare parts okay so Robbie's going to be uh cutting out the pieces to build the coolant coolant bought water box thing that cools the supercharger the centerpiece on that so I got to get me and col's going to get the we're going to use quar inch aluminum we're going to bring it over and set it on the plasma cutter we won't be able to show you carrying it cuz camera guy is going to be carrying help carrying and they're not light I have a name I said Colton and camera guy Colton the camera guy I'm just start calling you eore okay and then we'll show you once it's on the table this to make sure it's Square so it's not cockeyed and cuts Goofy you put it up against this rail right [Music] here Robie says go ahead and take off all the stuff roll the window regulator which is two bolts two rivets and then the crank which is three rivets and then the window which is two rivets and then the outer door handle which is two rivets that is cuz we're going to paint the inside the outside of the door and so we want all this took off just like so Windows removed there's the window crank right there and there's the window regulator just like that 3 hours later I finally got it 6 hours later got it out okay the door's completely stripped time to start sanding away best part of waking up sand in the bus get this thing done so I've got to build an ice BLX for the intercooler we're going to be putting this in the rear so I've got Dimensions I've sent to Sean we have some 60614 in plate aluminum on the table I'm going to draw it all up and we're going to cut aluminum for the first time on the table clean it all up and learn to do some dime stacking on aluminum so got a lot of stuff to design out luckily I found some Dimensions I've sent it to Sean so I'm just going to look it up get those Dimensions ready and I'm going to make some squares the only hole that I am going to cut is the top hole oh I have it yeah we've got it go get it Colton race partol solutions.com so the only hole that I am going to cut is for this this is our race Parts solutions cap check this out it's all bill of aluminum they've machined it's got an O-ring so this is the plate that we're going to bolt to the top we'll seal it up real nice bolt it this is where you can add your ice and your water so I also got some- 16 Weld bungs and a bunch of other stuff show you guys all that in a little bit now I could have bought one of these for $1,000 but instead we're going to build it because we have the capabilities now so I'm going to use my cad to figure this out so we're 13 1/2 x 13 1/2 this is going to make a 7 1/2 gallon tank and yeah I'm ripping the dimensions off of the internet and then I'm not going to cut any of my holes for the bungs because I want to drill them so they're precise so anyway this is what we got 7 and A4 so I'm putting a 7.25 in hole in the top of this one dead center still don't know how to use this program properly so I just make x's and that's my Center so that's the top and bottom now we're going to do 10x 13.5 * 4 okay so why Robbie's doing the tank I'm going to cut this floor pan out cuz we don't need a spare tire holder we don't need none of that we need space for fuel tank cooler uh cooler tanks coolers ice box we need room and this is not room so we're going to cut this floor out and build a different floor to go in so trying to get some communication between my remote and the table is this the first time I've ever cut aluminum on my plasma now actually I am going to change the tip cuz I want a fresh tip so we'll raise it up we'll change the tip get that all done and then we're going to start blasting this out now I didn't know but anything like this is considered plate aluminum not sheeting this is a new world to me this is Sea's world we just live in it so you got it all figured out sure well most you can do is ruin it then Sean can fix it hear that Sean you're going to be the one that fixes it yeah CU see then I turn L to it and we can lay the floor on top of yeah because it'll be the edge of the crossmember is what you'll see from underneath so it'll look fine we're going to try this oh it's so bright look at how good that cuts that's probably the gaset he was warning me about SE warned me that aluminum plasma make some weird smells look at that you'll never have to cut stuff again that's but that beats a cut off wheel all day every day okay so what I decided I was talking with Sean we're going to map out where our bungs go and we're actually just going to cut them rather than drill them might as well so I'll go get all the bungs we'll start mapping that out and get it figured out how's this going for you H almost done all I got left cruising all I got left is right here and then from here to here all I got [Applause] [Music] left all right so we pulled out our Amazon special baggie we bought I went a little Hog Wild on some weld bungs I got stainless steel I got all the aluminum so these are our -16 Inlet and outlet and then me and Sean we threaded a pipe for this to go onto so this will actually go on the inside of this right here that's a screen that'll go inside so nothing on your outlet nothing can go up the pipe here it's going to be nice we got two there we got a breather we're going to put on the top top so this is our weldin breather so that'll just go on the top just in case it has some pressure it'll relieve it so we got a drain valve that we're going to put on and then it's going to actually go to A-6 pipe so this will go in the bottom this will go on the back side and then we'll have a drain hose so that when we want to drain out all the water and stuff like that now we got a spare I think these are spares too yeah so we just got a couple spares we'll map these out get them cut I'm looking at the tank that I'm copying and yes I'm copying it because whatever they did a really nice job but I bought all the parts with so anyway this one is going to go here we'll want we'll want that to where it fits basically we'll have a/ qu inch Gap up and in that's where that one will go and then my top Corner one be right there now on my lid we're going to put the Breather just in the corner so we'll get a p put in that pop all these holes now I'm not going to touch any of this I'm going to rewrite a tool path program that's going to allow me to cut these holes so show you how to do that here in a second last cut is right there I'm going to use the air saw cuz it's kind of round and I'm not good with cutting round with this uh grinder so an airsa is right job for that [Music] one oh it's just a cut through it Hillbilly cut through it it's the shock Tower Mount so just cut through it yeah we're cutting it out anyways all right all my holes are mapped out as you can tell it all makes perfect sense so I've got all my Dimensions here now all I've got to do is transfer them to this it's just that easy I think it's about to come out yep it came out what did you do weight reduction hey Robbie what did you do it's called weight reduction less chance of getting oh I see what you're doing now we really can take the we can take the bars all the way to the frame rails and then you can just build a floor around it yeah look at that see that's why we hired sea Sean has a brain and sea is an adult we are not adult brain has an adult brain and that adult brain works we have kid brains cool well we just added oursel a ton more work while sea did it was his decision you know what what the adult says the adult adult gets nice though now I can stand in there plate the frame rails so that's what you can work on next hillbilly cleaning all this up and getting me I think we should bring it back into here so it's right by that spring perch y get me a plate right there get me a plate here you know so it's p and weld it in nice get that all clean you're going to want a vacuum that all there's so much Vegas dirt save that in case you ever need a AMC Pac or spare tire holder I'm going to get to work on always say what stays in or Vegas stay in Vegas except for the dirt oh wow right on the edge yeah yeah I've got my holes marked out so I can cross off all this road map that I made for you guys so I got that one got that one it must just be an extra one that one was just for funes so now I got to go through and delete all my lines out so as you can see that's my drain so it's the lowest this one has a strainer so it's up a little bit higher and in a little bit more that one is just super super nice and uniform and stuck where it needs to be there's my holes now I'm going to save this so get a cad drawing out of here now step number 25 in here moart now I'm going to make a tool path of just these so once those are cut I'll shut the machine off it'll all make sense in a minute don't you worry so me and Sean was talking oh no instead of plating this m why don't we do what we did on the front and a pipe straight through on the outside the bar and then the real cage will line up right under that bar I can make that bar hit wherever you want well what I was thinking is we don't have the quarter on that side so the inner we can drill a hole in and shove a bar through it shove the bar all the way through like we did in the front and then you can come right down and tie onto the bar cool and then you know what else we could do we could make you it also St the frame rails for Twisted well we can get we can get through this too yeah so if we want we can do another bar and then do our mounts for the for the oil coolers off of those bars or something yeah you can get absolutely but that might be precise enough that you need a help with it well no or just guide on the same side so I've got those super deep drill bits yeah that should work cool sounds like a plan to me I have to zero this cuz I screwed up we about to screw some stuff up cut my circle right there that's where I want it yeah see look at that it listen cut my other Circle so beautiful it listen that's what we needed we just need to clean up the holes and we got us a tank yeah you like that me too all right this is like the heaviest ice box known to man is this the same thickness they used or is this no no they used like 100 this is th oh yeah this is undestructible this is qu in yeah you definitely don't need qu in we just happen to have it so it helps okay I don't know if you guys can see it we got a laser Mark so that way it's on the exact same height I can drill the hole boom right there and then all I have to do is just measure from here out make the mark same on this side so that way they're the exact same distance back they'll be the same height and the pipe will just go right in like supposed to so I'm going to take the wire wheel and clean up the frame rail from here over and then get measur uh get my the tape measure and measure back how far I want to go get it marked and get it ready so that way I can show you guys drilling it out all right so Sean's going to teach me how to clean this all up I've never worked with aluminum like this I've never TIG w at aluminum he's going to show me how to clean up all the edges and then he's going to give me a crash course on TIG welding [Music] aluminum I'm going to work on cleaning the inside radius of this so there's this cool little trick that Robbie taught me cuz I want to do this hole at a 2 in but we don't have no deep 2 in we have a deep one 1 in so you don't want to do a drill a 1 in with the whole saw and then try to do a 2 in cuz then it'll be going like this all over and you won't get it centered where you need it so you put the 2 in on the one in like that so you go one inch then I'll hit the 2 in and I'll have a 2in hole like I want I got the hole marked the center punched that's not going to work what's wrong you could drill your hole first with that same size bit and then start it yeah but look how deep that bits in there that bit no no get a different bit and on a drill Dr yeah that size drill your hole well that won't help lighting this up that will no cuz that Center that drill bits down in there that far oh yeah so I I have we'll be right back okay so I have to choose the shallow ones and hopefully I can get to go get it to go through far enough which oh yeah I should be able to pushing the whole car try the cutting oil and see if it if the bits just too dull I'm going to get the bit changed and then I'll get these drilled out and we'll bring you guys back to show you the [Music] final this takes forever to clean this stuff how thick is that oh I see about a/4 inch yeah thick stuff I was able to get one wall drilled so far I S to go through that side and do two other walls on this side and it's hard work I'm watching cops again oh dude you have no idea so Sean was just explaining to me cuz I came up and I was admiring what he was doing and so he's going to have to go through and weld but he says he's going to have to take his time CU he doesn't want it to sit and flex and move out and then we were talking about it and he was saying that he fit the window on here because he has to follow that little Bend through the whole thing but then at the same time he has to keep this at the right angle as what it is up here so it just blows my mind that's what he's doing all right so I've got all of the panels all cleaned up all the edges but since I've never welded aluminum I have to learn so Sean setting me up a little practice station and he's going to give me a 5 minute tutorial and then I'm going to weld the entire box and I have heard from my entire life that aluminum sucks to weld and I feel like everybody that's told me that is correct so did Sean say it suck yeah he said it's hard Sean even said it's hard and if Sean says it's hard I know it's hard it's hard it's hard [Applause] you don't my finger there yeah okay that GL little four sizes on finger would have been hot this if you get any close it'll suck it right up it you have a biggest Gob [Music] you wow it's just that easy right that easy yeah you can if you come back with your thumb and then loosen your fingers you can push it or you can just go until you can't you get too close and then you can just stop and start again you know what I mean I've got it on auto feed you know holy crap yeah I mean it's it's going to take you a little but might have to you're left well I'm weird yeah that feels like it's going to be weird yeah you got it you got it I'll try all I can do is okay well I'm going to get [Music] comfortable th out and then when you start getting okay well well right there was good so I'm going to try to recreate that again finally got both sides completely drilled that's some big stuff why you drill my car to make it better got to ruin it to make it better Oh I thought the Square Tire all was pretty cool yeah but now we have to build a fuel tank water ice tank coolers holder you want a burnout car you got to build stuff for the burnout car this is what I need to cut that Center Bar out of is this Doom need 49 Ines smooth as butter Prett close and I didn't even measure out the pipe or nothing just I grabbed a pipe that's already been cut off Mark 49 and you think that that's 49 or that's 49 we're about to find out how much overhangs get it in lift up and slide it through all the way was not terrible for my first 5 minutes I don't even think it's 5 minutes in yet so I'm going to finish this out and then we'll try to tack a box together all right I'm going to let my test well cool down I was doing a few different things trying to get my depth and stuff not bad it's welded it's not pretty but it's welded but friend's over at Summit we just got a shipment I just got to text all our ups well a bunch of our ups stuff is here so let's go get it all right so our friends at Summit seriously came through for us so we got race quip seats we got a Dr fan we've got exhaust tubing that we're going to show you check this out we got a whole box full of decals cuz these are going to go on all our vehicles make sure you guys go thanks Summit Racing over on their YouTube channel for hooking us up they're taking awesome awesome care of us we got the 4in stainless steel this is 304 stainless so not only are we learning how to TIG W aluminum steel we're also going to learn how to TIG W stainless steel luckily Sean knows how to do that we got those bends we got some 3-in oh our friends over at Alcan Springs in Grand Junction you guys remember them they did Rory's Trail Mater they hooked us up with a set of rear lease rings for this car all custom built made in the USA awesome Springs thank you to everybody over at Alcan or Alcon I think it's Alcan so anyway we'll get those put in here in a little bit but I'm going to get these boxes open and to show our support for Summit Racing look what we got oh yeah we like our sponsors thank you Summit Racing so this I think is going to be our stuff that comes out of the waste Gates that's good size was gate too well I think that's what size wastegate it is check these out now we're talking so we got forward forward dump headers oh yeah oh we got the we got the wheels I don't know if these are front or rear oh these are the front wheels check that out so we went we're going with the black steelies with the center caps keeping the rims black and then getting the center do that pink that's awesome awesome thank you Summit Racing and make sure you guys go let them know how much you appreciate their support like we do all right so a little update Sean's got the inside radius I mean this guy I don't even have words other than this is so awesome I would have never thought to notch a windshield but that's what we're doing so he's going to get this all filled in get it just awesome so excited I've never been so excited I'm TIG welding aluminum I've got a I'm going to build tonight so I decided I'm going to work on other stuff but tonight we're going to weld this up and yeah I feel confident Sean just taught me so I had 7 and a half minutes of training on TIG welding aluminum so I'm basically a professional now so 101 yeah TIG welding 101 in 7 and A2 minutes Hillbilly's getting the do tubing that goes in the rear now it's going to make it so much nicer to tie in our rear bars so what we've decided as you can see shove that in so he's going to mig weld this in this is Doom but this is what we're going to tie our cage into and then we're going to put false floor you know realistically we could just drop the floor down to frame level yeah just have it yeah just literally just put a square piece in tie it into the rear clean it up all around it yeah there's no s come down here that'll give us more clearance Y and then just tie it in up there yep so anyway that's the plan so he's going to continue working on this he's got leaf springs to install from Alcan Springs and you guys might see in the background that we're going to be working on a different car if that's for a different video you're going to want to watch cuz we are going to lsfest Texas in this and we're going to lsfest West in Vegas in the 57 Chevy we got a lot to do in little time we'll do it we're just about to start working 24 hours a day down down don't bother me anything for demory this is her car and she deserves that we work 24 hours straight a day every every day got it done not it's your car you created this monster okay here we go well this bar [Music] in that was hot what happened right down my hole what hole the hole in my jeans went right down that hole you all right good going to get this all welded up inside end out and then I'll go in Lea Springs [Music] okay I got the pipe all welded in inside and out so now I'm going to start working on the leaf springs I got the socket and impact right here on this one you got to take off this bolt and this bolt and take this whole plate off to get the Leaf Spring off it comes off like that oh yeah there's one side done I just got to do undo the front and one side will be done so I'm going and get get the other the that was the passenger we to get the driver's side back done and then I'll move to the front and get both fronts done okay I got both the rears done so now I'm going to work on the front Lea spring bolt got the nut off so this should now just twist [Applause] out I'll go grab the new ones and I'll get them installed start get this one installed and go to the passenger and get that one out in got the cow track all installed had to do a little bit of modifying cuz they're meant for the original Springs and these ain't Original Springs these are built Springs so just had to modify the bushings a little bit for this Cal track to work so I'm going to get it installed and then I'll show you what it looks like when it's done what do you got going on here put the spacer in that we need to this cow track finally lece Springs are in they're not Tight cuz you don't want to tighten them up until you have the car on its own weight axle Wheels everything and the car's sitting on it cuz if you tie them down now car could sit stink bug for a while we want it as low as possible and these Springs are really nice very nice look heavy duty so they should hold up to what we need them for now clean up my mess and just like magic I got all the bungs welded in so I had to weld the dash 16 fittings in and then I welded the pipe bung in then I welded the pipe thread the 3/4 in pipe thread that's going to hold our strainer I don't want to put it on cuz it's super super hot but look at these like I welded that I welded this I welded that and then I welded this starting to get the hang of it it's not perfect but it's good enough for me and I didn't have to spend $800 on a tin so got that all weld I did screw up I'm going to show you I got a little bit too hot right here but I have a feeling Sean probably has a trick to fix that so I'm sitting here trying to figure out how in the heck I'm going to weld this together well Mr fabricator himself brings out a 10-in block of Billet look at it oh sorry correction two blocks of Billet we'll line that up there you have it folks I don't even know why I'm here you're going to weld it yeah want a bigger block to hold that probably he's got all the Billet now you're just showing off yeah all right so I've got everything tacked on the ice box I got my bungs welded in my vent it's looking awesome I'm welding it [Music] out it's not the prettiest thing in the world but I just TIG welded the entire ice box by myself with no help other than I got 7 and 1/2 minutes of training earlier so you don't like it oh well in a year we'll look back at this ice box it'll probably be the best one too like the most solid one serious one that doesn't leak at all and we'll laugh I mean it's not it's not perfect by any means dude I've got to figure all this out but it's Square it it's going to hold water and ice and it's heavy and it's qu in thick now it needs some mounts we'll have sea build the mounts then I'll weld them on this is so sweet but I guarantee it's going to hold water we let that sucker cool down got a little Western with that all right the tank is done I K welded I'm going to keep TIG welding because this is the first thing that I've ever TIG welded and we were going to grind all the edges but you know what I'm going to leave it because I can look back in a year and be like that was that was my test you should get a marker date it was my test weld this was my actual weld it's really not that bad I'm pretty proud of myself we're all 7 and 1/2 minutes of training anyway we're here super late we're going to go home to our families so this is going to cool down in the morning I'm going to drill some holes get that top bolted on get it sealed we're going to let this cool down and tomorrow I'm going to drill all the holes Bolt the top and this will be fully ready for when we get our all our lines and our motor and everything else we can install it so anyway it is tomorrow getting ready to mount the first set of tires for the insanely Pacer those they're fancy get some pink lightning bolts St strike in them so whoever packaged these just like wrapped it in tape they wanted it watertight yeah so we're going to take it off don't cut the tire if I can cut this tire with this then I have no hope for these tires look they're a little pink can you see them they look black to me it's a little pink does anyone know why they're pink cuz it's your car yep done wow looks like it's almost fo just like foam hard foam that foam stuff on the bottom of your shoes instead of rubber they went to that foer that foamy stuff looking stuff yeah that's way it looks so first things first before I can put the tire on I have to mount valve stem so we can air it up let's make sure these aren't directional I'm thinking they are how do you tell usually they stay on it but since these don't say I'm going to assume the arrows point forward cuz on most directionals the arrow will paint point forward what happens if you put it on the wrong way nothing oh it's for traction like when you're driving down the road on water and stuff it helps divert the water away from the tire you put them on backwards it converts the water into the tire and can hydrop plane I think this tire will hydr plane I these tires going have a chance to hydro plane cuz if the ground is any even remotely wet I don't think it's going to move some very stiff tires those look tiny they are tiny now to air them up to 80 psi maybe it doesn't even want to it don't want take air whoa what was that I push the pedal down too far there we go better check to see where they're really supposed to be at though there's 35 good enough it says 35 right 36 is Max like don't go about 36 36 so we'll go one PSI below Max so there's one I got three more rears and two fronts to do so uh those tires are definitely pink this is pink too look at that yeah it's real bad oh these tires are so much bigger than those setting these to 35 to match the rears I'll show you guys the size difference in these cuz there's a big side difference look at that that is going to be goofy looking luckily you can't see the tires when it's burning out time to balance these front tires cuz it's the only ones that need to be balanced the back ones are spinning so fast that the balancing a going help any what' you do that ain't going to work now a releasing it you broke it e14 power clamp not clamped least it's smart it's smart machine yeah but it won't it won't give it to me oh maybe now y there we go see if it likes it this [Music] way it likes that way it's on there straight so now we close this that's not bad now get those installed which the inside is asking for 275 the nice thing about this one is it will tell you where it needs to go yeah there now front 75 what's the difference between those ones and the sticky ones the sticky ones are more for like really showroom class look good aluminum rims cuz they they don't have this outer lip aluminum rims don't have that outer lip to hook these kind of weights to I prefer these kind of Weights over stickies I don't think anyone else perers them over the sticky I do they hold on better now we'll be okay as long as the other Rim doesn't call for the exact same [Music] weight good one down one to go so now that Hill is all done mounting the tires let's go see what Sean is working on I think he is working on the firewall not going to bug him but let's go see I need to figure out this and that and connect them but trying to figure out my angles to get these rear bars done so Sean's still working on the firewall getting that close we just got these two bars to do got to do a tie-in bar here and I think that's it for the cage so I'm thinking literally just 245s so we'll do a 30° up here we'll just make sure it's zeroed out so what I do I got my cheers I will Mark out my Che cheetahs there we go so I'm going to make some Mark start a bends I'm not going to put a back of end because not going to matter here but yeah we'll do a 45 back here 30 up here and in theory we should be able to do that over here too so there's a 45 keep it like an inch away then 30 oh yeah yeah all right we get that marked out and we'll start bending it all right so I've got my driver's side measurements all done which is all this and I got my passenger side which is all this all I got to do is transfer it to my tubing so i' got a few things I got to go do so you're probably going to see me back here in the dark but we're going to get these tubes in tonight get this cage wrapped up seems like it's taking forever but it's really not this is the quickest we've ever built a car ever and it's a race car Hill Billy's going to put another bar in here we're going to do a kicker down to it so we got some support we're going to mount our oil coolers and all that stuff off these bars we're going to lower our floor it's going to be sick let's check it out special delivery this actually this is the only thing that I've picked on shh she didn't pick it it's a gift she pick we got her as you can see a shreddy SC oh look at that velvety that is velvety look at that freaking awesome look at that pink look at the pink now we just need to convince you to get the seats to match it I know now she wants some shreddy seats so I mean I guess if if she wants shreddy seats she's probably going to end up getting them we do my Des but I can't be positive and then we got quick connect oh yeah so now now we got to adapt this look at how cool that is yeah comes right off what style is it race car style car Style no race car Style hey Billy we are dealing with race car stuff here okay I've seen race car style but we got to build a plate so we'll build a plate that bolts onto this this is super cool all right well we also got some stuff from our friends over at Summit let's see what see what we got what is this oh that's my decal oh yeah got some decal for the for the 57 you guys have to check that out on a different video this is Scott performance foil wires oh you forgot to show them oh look at that that's a thank you Instagram okay you pumped that to me at 2:00 in the morning those were expensive don't even know what they are uh they go over the turbos the turbo Turbo screens okay people your boxes are getting better and better o i mean they're at least pink they're they're pastel but it works we run the got performance wires on our derby car oh waste gate yeah these are now the cool stuff starting to show up a bang Bang Yeah there a bang bang bang bang with miy throttle cable that I needed some B banss be excited as I am bang Bang Yeah Bang bang oh yeah so this is where we're going to have a little tube of flames just all right well it's been real and it's been cool but it hasn't been real cool now we got to put it all away things are starting to come so excited for dem's Wildest Dreams to finally come true she's waited her whole life for this didn't even know it no now you do I do all right mael call so before we get back to building those bars we got more Summit Racing boxes to open up it's like Christmas every day wait hold on this isn't yours this says to Colton Thomas only that's only cuz I have to use you're not Colton I have to use an alias look at that oh these are the throttle cables but hillbilly found my throttle cable so now we have backups for Life check this out is a turbo no I know what it is yeah this is who oh money that's money dude this is the Pacer's brain Sean I know you don't care now now you can build a dash W it's literally like a computer hey oh there's no that's the extension hopefully Chad knows how to do all this cuz I sure don't so we got an ARP bolt kit got a meling oil pump this is a six switch and one button oh that's what we got in the yeah you really can do the dash now yeah you got more work at Le you don't have enough sweet well now we can build everything we've got just about everything here now all right so we've got our CAD drawing here we're going to make our first Bend starting at 13 in away so we're doing the passenger s so hillbilly is going to hold it at the rear I'm going to slide it in we're going to get to bending pull back just a hair oh oh already screwed up I was going to say something like is this for the first but yep I already screwed up so luckily luckily I screwed up at the very very beginning so now we're going to go from here we're going to measure we just test to make sure itend just making sure that the Bender is going to work what did my takee though so now that we know that the that the Bender is still operational having to see here I can get all I don't screw up ever except for every single day okay now okay I even wrote start so that you know getting ahead of myself pull back we're going to go one degree for spring back Mark the back a bend and we're going to set this at zero but I got to move down the bar or I'm about to have some problems okay I don't know why I'm like off stressed out so we're going to cut this off while it's still clamped we are going 21 in all right so on this one I need a 45 is that a humongous spider yeah it's B me spr you say that's bom's friend I'm just kidding now this one we probably can't hold cuz I'd be cutting it right here so I'm going to let it off okay we'll go t fit it Bend up the driver's side and we're going to get them fit for some notching so I overbend one de you got to reset it because it only goes to 45 uhoh forgot didn't mark back bend hold it hold it this one is 2 in all right I think the bar is going to fit the only thing we need to do is get it notched and get it fit here but we're running out of time I'm headed to lsfest so that's all you got to see got the bars built we need to get them installed and then this cage will be done so tomorrow you can clean these all up like the others when I get back I'll Notch them we'll weld them in figure out some more bars this Pacer project would be slightly closer we have two weeks three and a half but who's counting yeah who's counting all right so we've got a lot done still got tons to do so make sure you guys help support the channel head over to Robbie l.com get yourself some awesome merch right there oh yeah and right there look at that and help us get to lsfest Texas so as always we appreciate you you enjoy this video go check out this one
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 244,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9MGZCvuDchc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 48sec (4068 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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