I Bought The BIGGEST R/C B-2 Stealth Bomber In The World!!!

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ah beautiful day out here on the lake fishing you know what I need to block some of this sun I'm going to order one of those straw hats off c mcfarland.com ah here it is oh extreme extreme extreme Super Deluxe shipping order place no way they'll find me out here what the hell is this Super Deluxe delivery I forgot we had this option I got to get this one out right now holy crap look at that airplane wait a minute no way that's my order hey. yeah dude what the heck unbelievable it's literally my shw hat man that was fast they must use ship station hey guys today's video is sponsored by ship station as you all know shipping can be a real pain but with a company like ship station to manage your e-commerce business's shipping Department you can really make some stuff happen ship station makes it really easy to optimize your workflow reclaim your time and scale your business by handling your orders from every platform on One dashboard I can tell you for a fact the coli mcfallen shipping 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this door is going to open about 3 ft High okay and I'm going to come out so don't look under it stuff don't worry about until you see it okay don't look down nothing just sit here give us about one minute okay okay I thought I thought we came over here for the hang on the door challenge did he Clos I'm really hoping like I don't know 1 2 3 4 5 six seven RC cars com driving out from only 3T High uh hold on oh yeah we got some jet action something's going wait is it the black HW might be really smoking that's pretty loud with the door it be a mini black RC Blackhawk with a real jet two of them oh that oh it's it very well could be it'sing all right this door's got to open up soon going to be got to be getting hot in there are smoked out they come out like Fire Marshal Bill their hairs SM black in the face how long do you wait before you check on them exactly been idoling for 10 minutes you didn't tell us exactly come on man this is it don't don't peek don't run don't peek don't peek anybody uhoh dude wow oh my God oh my holy freaking [Music] crap holy you're looking at got two of them you're looking at a 15 wi dual turb engine B Two Bomber got two of them dude oh my gosh oh my God Electronics in that thing holy freaking crap dude that is so so sick oh my goodness great super ass tall 15 ft no way oh it's very hot dude that is humous yeah we got a unit oh my gosh dude look at the light 15 ft long that is like that is legit right there kind of holy crap yeah I see them you know the little turbine that we have that's a 60 this has two 120s so it's like having poor a little guy yeah he sorry saw that did my other v2o that was sh yeah [Music] smoke oh my goodness gracious dude yeah you definitely can't hold this one up smoke idle my smoke lever ready look yeah yeah ready and up oh nice oh it's oh [Music] man holy crap that is a jet that's a jet that legit sounds like a jet airplane oh my God I thought the green one was cool [Music] oh holy crap insane that that thing is wild I cannot crash this I can't crash it if I crash this I'm done did you expect that oh my did you expect that no uping 15t long B2 to roll up on you not at all we thought you put two Jets on an xbx so this is different look at the lights dude The Landing GE lights they're so bright and everything is just I mean that's like a that's a paint job on that thing yeah that's a paint job that's no what's it made out of uh wood like composite stuff it's it's a carf B2 these are real hard to get professional builder build it custom to RP I mean look look underneath go underneath it for a hold on yeah see the lights hold on you looking under there yeah I see the light flashing hold on here we go she's got bombed off what it's a literal me2 bom this is a bomber okay you guys are just seeing the start of this thing oh man all right let's cut it there revisit this in the daylight when it's time to fly all right guys we're here Allan can you give us a quick introduction of what's about to happen where we're at we are at Seth 2024 we're going to fly the B2 the F the B2 in the bad girl Andersonville Georgia yeah yeah we got a big project tomorrow so we're doing a little test flight making sure everything's checks out we got Matt here so if it crashes it's his fault right yep other than that what could go wrong can you think of a single thing I cannot I'm glad you remembered to say that 15t wide B2 Adam was kind enough to uh deliver it yep and you guys are about to see some action twin 120 mm turbin ripping I'm a little nervous but that was my next question like I said it's all on Matt if anything goes wrong so we're good he's putting the fuel on it is what it is she's not small dude special thanks to Maddie for letting us use this obviously oh yeah bought it for her and she's letting us use it so she's good to land out here on the Grass Boys yep oh yeah real nice Runway here at H yeah it's huge beautiful out there I'm going to be totally honest last time you guys fired this thing up took a hot minute so are you sure you got it right we didn't prime it no Matt wasn't there Matt ALS yeah he was Matt also just put smoke in the uh fuel tank dud do not film this do not film this one job is what it is buddy we're fine got two we all make mistakes dude especially me it Flames out dude and it comes in where's jce can he stand next to me or something yeah no kiding I'll Chuck the controller into his hand right before it is it looking good it's coming out really quickly it is that thing work might be a little Smokey okay okay don't worry about that just suck all of it going to start it with the smoke onuh oh we're pumping it out right now we're pumping the smoke put in the fuel tank all right other fuel tank not contaminated we got one good one contamination left engine you'll see a slight hint of smoke coming off all right no big deal oh boy oh boy watch the step no pressure no pressure watch your step no pressure batteries in it her shining in the oh man she does look good you kind of forget how nice it really is that's a be that's a be if I wreck this going to be a very sad day our weekend is ruined you see me uh cry more than I cried when I got the bip plane I yeah that wouldn't man that would not be good we're not even going to talk about it cuz it's not going to happen can't happen I got to be this far away to get the plane in the shot dude yeah we have it we have it middle all right your ears down ears down yeah I'm not nervous at all I'm not I'm feeling good nous if Alan's not nervous I just want to see the light oh here she goes my nerv holy crap holy crap I'll tell you who probably is nervous Jay say a do you cuz he's seen this boy five before he got this all right so the gy on the middle setting I don't remember what this one is hey jce can you stand next to me so if I'm going to crash I'll just like Chuck it in your hands is that do we want to test the gyro like pick the nose up yeah I would yeah you want to do that yeah see him high that's high go to Mid yeah there it goes that's all yeah it's working it's working all right you guys ready you're dang right at least there's nobody watching you don't worry guys I do really good with the crowd actually I do worse when I'm alone so yeah that is true you good like that I'll tax it down obviously let's do this thing bro all right you guys ready should I fire it fire it up fire in the hole let's just go through a quick check this check your check your R quick checklist yeah that's a good idea make sure right is left and left right left left right up down left Rudder right Rudder so we got fuel speed we got smoke smoke petcock is on fuel pet is on check gyro position gyro position middle y you need to go highy gyro you know where it is brakes might see a little smoke coming out of Matt's engine yeah don't worry about that nothing to worry about this my side right here no I don't think yeah it's good if it's [Music] start that one's got a little extra fuel in it no big deal slightest concerned about that no got right now yeah lost one no big couple air bubbles in the line so she didn't fire her first try we had that problem the other day too okay that's all it is it's okay I'm ready brother hey just a toy just a toy that's right we did you ever name her yeah you better want to name her spark spark off old spark yeah smokes off oh we got a good start going here yeah she's ripping a little bit of oil coming out of that engine yeah a little bit puddled up on that one too is that oil Wonder someone put oil in the gas tank all right oh boy got this oh boy this is it right here brother that is the B2 yeah walk in the park brother my man was born in a B2 a crown pick fell out of a B2 that's where Cletus was born certainly not going to be low on power 240 C's a jet turban think that's far enough judging off the little B2 that's probably good that far enough alen you guys ready all right bring it on jokes off hey here we go Al nice and nice pick up [Music] [Applause] hey gears up oh dude that's a big RC plane holy crap dude it's scale as heck Allan it's scale as heck oh we got a gear stuck oh lot of gear door you're good make a Leander little more speed right got it CHR oh yeah beautiful no it's it's flying a little weird I'm not I think the gear the gear is coming back down maybe [Music] I mean it is responding to my controls you can't even tell how big it is on the camera dude it's so crazy getting some weird weird wind over there can you cycle the gear again that might actually get yeah oh out if I go any slower say it's freaking out yeah it slows down just Bank it yeah oh all right I'm putting the gear down Alan I'm going to try add some power oh want land the other is that better all right I'll try to go left it's almost like too much spee starts getting a little crazy those trees and then go long it's so big big long approach we fast enough here Jay a little little more little more power just make sure the nose doesn't come up you know you want to keep the level man it's just yawn so hard to the right see that so when you approach I would go right if you can add a little more power then come around you turn it now it's going to be too slow I got the gear switched down boys just so you know I didn't see him I did see at Le going again okay B it right aine right yep now bring the throttle down a little bit you're good now yep just make sure you don't bring the nose up keep the nose pointed down you're ready to SL this is not ideal power all the yeah looks like your gear is down I think we're have to go around boys you're good you're good think you're good you got brakes got break okay break oh all right let's go down dude nose down let go the damn the nose so the nose gear didn't go back what it looks like you put her down smooth bro smooth that's good that didn't go perfect that didn't go perfect well you know the approach was solid though you bring the nose up too high to stall it out it looked really good yeah same thing I was going to say oh man thanks Jay for the backup yeah no kidding they com so Comfort did you see it yawn like it was like twisting around on still I was just giving it like a little bit of Aeron all of a sudden it would start I don't know if the rudder it'sing the old Rudder deal was popping out I was holding a ton of left AER on and uh just as the flight went on it was like I had to add more and more left Aeron to keep it from yeah well let's see how bad she is Al what do you thinked the nose here but hopefully she's I hope the nose is intact yeah oh look we lost the top covers I got oh man lost top covers you get better Co she's good Alan she's good yes didn't even touch oh my gosh that was so scar lock up and see it just destroyed Jay Jay is calming voice yeah I know little faster little slower V did good let's see what's going on with this gear landing gear no bueno brother let's pick it up and see if we can cycle the gear what do you think yeah yeah yeah everyone pick it up oh it's like we got a broken oh we got a battery stuff battery came out a hold on let's unplug it first that's a that's a turbine battery and I velcroed the crap out of those batteries so like I did it exactly how it supposed to be done all right ready the other ones out of there there we go we might be good Alan well I think we're golden all right this one might need need some love that Servo might be oh it's broken the mount guys oh you found it broke the mount hold on now hold on wait for it okay okay there it is we're good just fly it down and dirty oh no wonder your battery fell out right off the r you think this had a lot to do with the yach going on could I wonder if it has with this airplane it's just small changes like that adds a lot of drag that would make a lot of sense yeah looks like this one's loose too firing so we're thinking several of our issues came from these panels coming off they flew off almost immediately plus the nose gear never went back in because of the battery falling out of the battery pocket it's velcroed in we might want to like really secure that but everything seems okay which is a absolute miracle in my eyes I how about you it's good it's good like normally if these things have the slightest thing go wrong done all your money hard work gone we got super super super lucky to say the least you did a great job well dude honestly Jason was standing right next like his reassurance I thought it was dude when I SP up that one time it was just starting to drag it into the ground I was like please no please no and then when I slowed down it came back so it's an aerodynamic problem going on [Music] look how good it's doing smoke on I don't know why it's SM so much oh okay no smoke I'm not doing that man that feels good huh feels good to have it back in one piece like we got really lucky get her in the shop boys this ain't no foamy dude this ain't no foamy it's too man job for sure you know when you go from like a 8sec car to a 6sec car it's pretty much what's going on second stressful yeah but you're here she's on the table just how she started all right so we got a lot of oil in the engine B and stuff got to sort that out all right she's under the knife she is under the knife weird you got it bud is there a special placees go or is that good enough like that no that looks good to me yeah he's got it perfect okay I got what are you doing bud we're fixing this one Gear door that broke because of the battery what are you fixing you got it what broke uh we're going to epoxy the servo back in the place it ripped the servo out of position Servo is so strong it ripped it own bracket apart all right so the one breakage we had we've got fixed you holding it right now we're to fly it again what do you think Alan we got very very lucky what do you think Jay he did good he did really good A little bit of both dude J is about an inch away from my going little yeah I know I heard did you hear him yeah it was little left like it was you were just doing it and it was working scary dude I swear we would have crashed Jason help 100% so you know what you guys don't know right now is we're we're setting up to be on a small Runway tomorrow right now we need things to take 180 for this to really look good it's not looking good right now but I'll just have a little Runway incursion tomorrow have you the end of the world Runway tomorrow is 700 ft that what I use there is approximately 2,000 and you all the way at the you had about 40 ft to spare but if I had full control I think I could definitely do better yeah look like it slows down pretty decent so yeah once it hit I had the brakes just locked slows down good with the nose you know stabbed into the ground yeah that works good not only is aerodynamic a lot of friction you know fails just bring the gear up that's true what are we going to do about our panels flying off are we going to tape them in I would yeah Little D the only option epoxy is literally smoking what do we is it George dude you elbow straight into it's not bad just a little speck all right Jason is going to show us you guys might remember him we had him out to the freedom Factory to give him flying lessons so he's been practicing a lot oh yeah we're going to check him out yeah pull back pull [Music] back oh crank job I know a crankshaft when I see one I think that was a that was a cam shaft cam shaft that's a whisker biscuit right there you can't touch what was the other one that you oh my lant don't suum to pressure what did we call that one a uh it was a Sumo superplex or something was it suplex suplex dragging it yeah last time he had it draging a little more I [Music] [Applause] think it's nice how he keeps it so close to us yeah it makes me feel not worried at all you barely have to zoom in you you have to step back oh remember the suplex Jase oh yeah let's get a suplex try give it a try he says inverted can you hit a crankshaft with the electric jammies or [Music] Oh Boy clean CR clean CR you know what I learned about Jace he doesn't like playing with it up in the sky he really enjoys it close to the ground where it can't be safe puts itself to the test he doesn't even have to like walk to go get his on the ground yeah it's a little risky ni nice job ni smooth smooth smooth nice job obviously the flight time is not quite like a gas plane yeah burn a lot of power there she looking like we might have to rip it with no Gear door up here no door up front [Music] oh off oh crap now I got it all oh that that light is too low maybe is that what I'm saying light got mounted too low swing [Music] in so that gear just getting stuck now is it hitting the light yeah yeah we just got to pop that off we can pop that off there that's no big deal I'm going to guess she's locked on there pretty good huh all right so we just realized that the battery tray which is right here the lid is gone so that's what caused all this m mayem well some of the Mayhem with the landing gear so we got to figure out how to double triple secure that now so we got that one cut off cleat just got a little glue mixed up mounting it a little higher battery tray fully intact now sealed and secured I think so I think we're good Alan how you feeling about the battery the battery TR now really good okay really good now we cleaned our tops we taped them down I think we're good and then Matt is putting the hot tune in the motors right going to hot tune those bad boys all right well we're good to go then all right Matt tuneup looks good tuneup looks good so it turns out the guy who built it detuned it oh man not enough Horse no wonder it felt like it was limited so Matt went ahead and cranked her about up he didn't understand he was flying it so correx it's definitely Matt's F all right always blame the tuner everybody knows tape it up when you're putting Scotch tape on your B2 we know it's serious on the world's biggest rcb2 well J what do you think I think you're good dude the first time it was an epic failure for the plane and you nailed it you know yeah I'm a little worried about the aerodynamic issue under the nose but it is what it is kind of you know a little hole we got there you think it's all right I do reflect it and hopefully with the extra speed right it'll be all right yeah we got J come on need you what's the wind at wind is good hey and you got a nice ring to the ring of fire about to be lit up can you it I got through that Snake River Gap around these parts buddy entire airplane not pieces of it got smoke from our boy Matt you know coming off that Y starts up good starts up good Ching choing choing that's right Matt you want to do a run up again yeah all right always do your run up better on this bike than the last one really shook outes yeah batting down the hatches air good brother take it off that way yeah Al we have no idea what's going on with the smoke system turn it on and off my own it is what it is no big deal the switch is definitely not on okay we just got a little we got a little problem going on is that the smoke system or the engine could be both could be both Jas don't know what's going on down there SM smoke smoke just run it dry it dude B2 he's not going got a turbine down turbine down down turn both on kill it kill it look at all the grass inside bro damn they really choked it out huh dang wow oh my gosh that's it that's not good pull that out of there real quick that's why she wasn't really Ching she was choking oh yeah it's like full down here can we can use your you know I'll bet there is a good bit from the last Landing wouldn't you agree maybe I thought this was an airplane not a lawnmower blow we have a blower yeah they're getting one now gra beautiful should we take the top back off then no no no it's called prepared he's going to be vacu oh [Music] nice one out the back is it oh yeah sure the Air Force does this as well oil and stuff out let me see that oh yeah gold all right keep this nearby we will all right there's a freaking bald eagle down there dude oh if I hit that it' be so funny a bald eagle airplane B eagle man I can't believe you had her just totally clogged the grass good thing good thing we caught that one sure that offg holy smokes oh boy hour andever how long I can't even see the damn thing ready just clear to take off dude we got a problem we're trying it that look fast enough you J it's pretty slow who whoa a Bo's not an option Gear Up oh my Atlanta we did not abort we did not throttle just so everyone's clear has better stability in the Full Throttle right now huh look more stable at least so far gosh now it's the on left yeah you that door now it gears up see how it's stuck in left y off can you trim it with with water trim you want right Rudder sure it's feeling pretty stable now is it any better 2 minutes minutes no the gear is up I think it's the doors that are doors are down [Applause] gear down off gear up oh no the engine inverted inverted now okay flipping back flipping back roll now pull now you're back up I lose them both you have any power at all I do I do I do okay and cut the power all the way I mean it's already off but I think we're we're still high and hot ready on the I got the BR fully on got it I killed the motor killed the motor I can't see it I can't see oh my God this play is so stressful this is so stress holy crap dude back holy crap I can't believe it just turned around pile of smoke dude just looking at you the Smoke's on the Smoke's off we don't even know the engine blowing I honestly so what happened there did we lose a motor and that's why it was I think you did lose an engine Y Man inverted like almost straight up at one point yeah dude it I was full right AER on it just went full left right on it on its roof and I just pushed and flying amazing save oh like fantastic was jce were you flying that was amazing it was so such a weird feel I was full r a on and it just fully left went right over on head so how long did that feel like you were in the air uh 45 i' say roughly three and a half minutes nice sa I don't think we're going to be able to use this for our big project we'll bring it and show it off plane is not air worthy like it needs some love before we go flying again the second fight how long does it take you to di plane triple I mean quadruple suplexes on take up to four to five flights so I mean it'll take some time to get this one dialed she us to crank sha that thing look at her sitting there proud dude she is flashing her lights I think it's oh so look how that Rudder is stuck open and this one stop oh that'll do it that'll do it my look at all the look at all the so look this one's disabled oh my God that's why he flipped over we thought he lost an engine full of grass again I could have been from The Landing could have been from up there dude I can't believe that you just flew a V2 with one like whatever they're called it really was impressive chances are it got clogged up before takeoff again that's why it was so weak out of the hole there was when he when we got here so when I was coming in like I went to Idol and it didn't go to Idol it just kept it seemed like it was way above Idol that's why I popped the the engines off there at the end would it do that if they were loaded up with fuel or is that not how it works dude I don't know yeah if they were loaded up with fuel and it was just somehow feeding itself fuel like yeah I pull the dial and it just wanted to keep on going we got to get the grass as soon as she pop it off there's grass in there there's grass everywhere in this damn thing all right well get her to the shop we just got to get it cleaned out I think there's grass in there that's why he didn't have no power on takeoff you know what I'm excited about I don't have to title this video wrecked immediately no you don't how many RC videos say wrecked immediately not this one guys not this one dude you're in a danger zone right now bud unbelievable I mean there's a flying surfboard right there that's how I'm going do it you got to power break it yeah see that's a power was brakes on yeah see how much power it has now it was definitely clogged up on takeoff I think it's clogged way up we got a really it's the asphall girl right here yeah we got this guy's got an md500 out on the runway brother little Consuela junor that's a mini consa oh it's so it's hum humongous okay so we got a e model we got the pointy nose yep tall skids there's George in there dude yep dude you could straight up hurt somebody with this puppy Rick Rick great to meet you brother let's see this thing got a little s system in here sound system hold on ready yeah now that's the real deal there spin your rotors brother look at the exhaust oh look at that what battery oh my gosh dude look how much it vibrates it's a 12s battery 12s dude this thing is kind of scary I know five blades oh my God if he runs you run if he run we run as long as I'm not running you're good okay I'm stand right next to you I'm stand right behind you [Music] then you're next to him I'm behind the oh man wow that thing's moving a lot of wind it's so scale no way little Hammerhead that what we're seeing Oh CLE clean w d that thing [Applause] SI that's awesome that's so cool all right guys so we're going to cut off the video there the B2 is still in one piece I want to give a big thanks to my brother Allan for making this happen I mean everybody man we had a buch I mean we all all these guys here helped us work on it today I mean it was a group effort obviously we faced way more issues than we thought we would battery doors blowing off gear doors ripping off engine C's ripping off all in the first 10 seconds oh shout out to Jace too because he probably is what save this plan day just talking me through things we got a lot of issues I don't know when the next time we're fly this is cuz we need so much space but uh she's a unit 15t B2 anything you got Alan well just one of the ruds went out completely I think that's I don't know how it was recovered and landed safely yeah yeah we got lucky so what we're going to try and do is fix the rudder tonight we got a potential big project for this tomorrow but we have the backup foam B2 my usual one that we may have to use but that's it for now thanks for watching do it for de we'll freaking see you later ready yours let's see what you got I just cut my throttle on give a gas nice radio Bud oh that boy is cooking combat com where is he George don't fly behind the flight line now oh no oh no just kidding oh oh my gosh I'll tell you the truth I don't know which way it's headed right now sorry to yell in your ears sir I'm just stressed out by this flight it's getting further away from us I got altitude okay that was oh gosh oh here here okay you all right yeah sweaty stress you out a little bit controller got medition gangler here hey guys little bonus but you're about to see a night battle night battle you got the night wings out that guy got an illegal Wing right there way too big way too big Li how many we got the go oh Allen is also 30 to all has a nipple tassel who says go ohly [Music] crap oh my gosh dude holy crap that's a lot of planes there's no chance of me hitting you're not catching Allan I can tell you that right now [Music] stand it's like watching the freedom 500 right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh head on I don't [Music] know dude the big one is uncalled for there's aake over there one down lot of planes [Music] down ah oh got Allen's plane out here fresh battery heading to the ring of fire of fire a ring of fire what a genius thing to have at the RC flying field that R oh he just hit the ring of fire literally put the fire out no way yeah they're relighting it he hit it so hard he knocked the gas line off of it feel like that's what you're going to do hey not you I was talking to the other guy I'm going through that baby where you at far right there okay here he comes full Cho no really Allan's playing first time hold on let me take a look oh it's ripped in half not a lot of holding on to that you better hold on to the sides Allan told me I can crash it he said word for word crash it I don't care that's what he said well that's what you say to friends let's go find them yeah as Allan's over there working on your B2 want hold off just saying give him a minute dude wow Allan these batteries don't last very long whack Alan batteries Get Low half the lights go out yeah right when I was taking off your plane is blew right in half you know that's what happened to it last night look at that see that what the heck right when I took off I don't think Allen's gone Full Throttle before normally he flies with a 2s battery yeah well oh my wallet's in the my wallet not in here we just accidentally went the wrong way and a roundabout oh yeah he's coming and a Cop made a u-turn we're the only cars on the road right now borrowed car I shouldn't have done that I shouldn't have done that no oh here he comes yep yep yep well I think we all know what's happening here yep y you idiot [Music] oh
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 1,473,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, Texas speed, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, freedom factory, ruby, auction corvette
Id: rWYn_DIG43g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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