Benedict Cumberbatch reacts to Doctor Strange memes

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[Music] let's talk about warhorse okay what's your go-to Steven Spielberg story how competitive he became over atomic farts we you know we just set them off what's that sound what is that and then we showed him the app and then he was like really competitively doing a sort of Simon Says kind of repetitions so Thomas and I were doing what you were doing we were on the floor looking at one of the Great's of cinema that really kind of oh god try to win the game by making these ridiculous fart sounds on his iPad and it was just it's so counter to what I thought that experience was gonna be like weak I was hysterical over the next day is like okay we just do that charge again this is where you die you know like oh yes just put the fart other way shmow can we just make it very very clear that you did not just do the voice for this like how ridiculous I looked like doing the whole thing and then saying come to do the whole thing again to Pisa can I try them on all the way through P yeah if you want crazy for them it's another day at the office you know they've seen it all because of the extraordinary work that Andy Serkis is pioneered in that motion capture Rome [Music] under it's freeing because you don't have anything else to respond to you're just literally in that instances smoke just crawling around a carpet and crazy yeah there are certain words that I love hearing you say as smog revenge is a cracker but nothing is as fun as hearing Peter Jackson try to say Tilly perfect telepathic telepathic telepathic telepathic got tight the nusiness that's telepathic a fantastic Martin let's go again I was saying I am far I'm death at the end of the film is quite [Music] why [Music] he wanted it to be really big I just got meaning I think it'd be really terrifying if it's quite quiet yeah I guess he swooped silently towards an unsuspecting bank town serpent napalm machine that he is it's alright it's over you know that's almost business card serpent napalm machine yeah exactly I'm good job description Sherlock's business seems to be booming since you and he became pals what's he like to live with hellish I imagine I'm never bored I'm imagining you with Martin it's not a case of you know anything you can do being a hobbit I can appear as a giant dragon and then with the MCU going or anything you can do I can be the sorcerer supreme I'm dr. Stephen strange I could be the white guy in Black Panther you cannot talk one more word and I will feed you to my children yeah must have looked a bit like that I'm kidding we have vegetarians now obviously can't talk too much about dr. strange because if no no spoilers but I'd like to give you an internet update of what the world is tell me because I sure as hell don't know this is the most amazing cosplay I've ever seen I mean if you get a play or so you really want to be the front end a it's like there's no end of humiliation to being a cloak that's just me really do that with a cemetery and back again and it's this the way that they're not quite in sync back right he looks a little bit like me that's a very good job I'd agree that it's great did you also know without the cloaks try let's take over he's like memorize it enough enough I don't bring my light there's a little picture meme and it says that in just two years dr. strange done these amazing things in two years he's barking the Dormammu he's trapped Loki for 30 minutes had the best battle in the MCU impersonated a Hindu god save Tony Stark's life and watched Avengers 4 already by imagining it in his mind that's very good Plus eat has the best cloak in the whole gang I I don't disagree I'm the cat that got the credit I'm very lucky really you want me to okay I'll be to keep her secrets and I know what's gonna happen and fabulous you want me to do that in this for or we distill this scene and that say yeah I'm Peter by the way dr. strange oh you should have made up names um I'm spider-man then no I'm just being a bit greedy metal okay I'll have the what they call the sausage battle final in the ensemble films are you expecting to take a very minor key back foot knock character front and center kind of rollin it's about Tony Stark is about Iron Man he's definitely central to it as he should be but I was amazed at how much I could ask - let's jump the Grinch [Music] illumination entertainment yeah your American accent as ever is excellent normally but you've got to get the Grinch eNOS - eNOS eNOS yeah it was in Joe at the beginning it was very nasal very I was just tiny was just sound like he was really angry all the time and you've got to remember people who are angry often have fun being angry or but if they're this story's about the polarities of Christmas those who love it - this guy on his own in a cave who cannot stand it for pretty good reasons as the filmmakers clip I felt there was a bit of fan off there in terms of wafer in terms if I actually am kind of on your side yeah thank you the mayor wants Christmas to be three times bigger this year that means three times the lights three times the eggnog three times the information needed haha good one yeah and also just the fact that this I'd like to say he's in his 50s on a day job for my roses days I said that people think oh my goodness you're so much younger in the flesh then you are in the the pants you wear when you're doing that exercise scene yeah it's just that thing of he has lived a long life boom early on I think it goes about spotting he's an orphan so you know you think experience a lot of the joy christmas hence he envies it maybe that's why he's green and all the other whose aren't green quite what questions are but this is sir you know so it's some kind of exclusion here is this racism or is this actually just is he just great you just green benedict that's not politicizing [Music] he's green he's just green it's just green what the Mentos have made it back to benedict cumberbatch HQ all the ones that we've got here I definitely I held on to his jumper for far too long that is well I thought yeah I don't know why I just did this is obviously researched there's a natural occurrence on my top lip for a part I'm playing at the moment de nada here because we're in Victorian land but may have kept one of his coats Alan the Enigma machine no so the machine oh we've run out of time I hope you've had a lovely yeah I have I kept this I get that I actually own that that's yours that's mine yeah well nose to nose that one mmm bionic attention yes that learn Robert Downey jr. yeah that's my film stealing in a in a nutshell I don't really I got quite a crown life as it is I'd taking gold coins from smile gland and pipes from Sherlock fill it just gets a bit silly and also people go we get it you were Sherlock know there's the pipe yes exactly there was a stage when a batch of the stage where it did you know occurred to me very frequently when people came around to the bachelor den it was I Oh God there are at one too many things I've kind of kept I've all the you know photographs that moment said who look at this and I've sort of given fan art as well it became like a bit of a Museum of me it was scary so I entering another Partridge fan zone but in Reverse isn't yeah he'd built Benedict it's been an absolute pleasure likewise thank you so much to see you have a great rest today you to enjoy Christmas home you get there thanks for watching if you like that then do watch these videos or you can listen to my podcast called radio one the screen time oh and do not forget to hit that subscribe button you can now get more radio one in your life by downloading the BBC sound app or the BBC iPlayer app search for full-length versions of these interviews by typing in movies with Ally plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 3,195,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benedict Cumberbatch, Ali Plumb, Doctor Strange, Avengers, Marvel, Disney, The Grinch, Smaug, The Hobbit, Meme, React, BBC, Radio 1, Movies That Made Me, Movies With Ali Plumb, Movies, Radio 1 Movies, 1Xtra, 1Xtra Movies, Radio One, Screen Time, Ali Plumb Interview, Becoming
Id: 651wOWFNebg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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